We Now Shift from 3D to Quantum ~ ONLY LOVE is REAL * A Renewed Vision of your Life ~ L33-62 THE SECOND CITY OF LIGHT
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Crystal Gate Keepers of our Golden Palace of our Dragon Nation
The Blue, White and Red Fire of the threefold flame within the Secret Queens Chamber of the Sacred Heart Centers of our Starseed Ground Crew Earth Angelics of the 144 is being lit up, activated and blazed with the Holy Spirit of Infinite Source Creator.
The 888 Lions Gate Portal is our first Gateway into the New Golden Age of Eternal Life. This has been Divine Decreed with the Almighty Power of the I Am Presence. Every Portal from here on out will bring us through and closer to our full manifestation of our New Heaven upon the New Earth.
The Crystal Cities are forming as the veil lifts all will be revealed and we already see with the Eyes of our Spirit and all is revealed through this Great Revelation as we become the Galactic Citizens we always trained to be,
In the Mind of Buddha, the Pure Awakened State of Pure Awareness, all things are perfectly resolved and in this original consciousness we step into the Freedom of our Divine Birthright as Sovereign Conscious Co-Creators of our Paradise on Earth.
Be in the Peace, the Love and the Light of the Unity Consciousness of the Christos Sophia of Infinite Light and Infinite LifeโฆAโHo!
When you are truly soul empowered, you will know exactly where your calling is, you will indeed know which path you are choosing, and will walk that path relentlessly. Nothing and no one will draw you off that path. This is where your attention is and this is what you choose to manifest into form and being, step by step, day by day.
You are disciplined and focused and you are loving every single step of each moment, and enjoying the adventure of getting there, for every single day bring both challenges and support! For life is always both support and challenge. It is the challenging part which truly hones your inner soul muscles and get you fitter and fitter for the journey ahead.
BE OPEN TO YOUR DIVINE HEART NOW, let everything else crumble..
ONLY LOVE is REAL, and it leads us home together as ONE LOVE and LIGHT. FOLLOW YOUR DIVINE HEART dear ones, do not hesitate, everything is on the right
PATH! Keep on keeping on … saturate yourself in nature, it leads the way and has a lot to reveal to us right now…
Keep SHINING, the world needs your LIGHT, NOW!
Cosmic vision has been opened as many have reached the still point w/in their souls &many more soon to join. Oh how the still point defines our sovereignty for from this place in consciousness we are free to choose our destiny, to explore the unlimited possibilities of creation.
let the cosmic energy flow into you
If you are reading these words, you are ascending to the new reality of the Fifth Dimensional Earth. You are blessed and a blessing to the world, for you have chosen to awaken during the most important time in humanity’s history. A shift in consciousness that is taking place, where the world is going from thousands of years of darkness, to a reality of divine light and crystalline in nature.
Soul Family we have travelled vast distances to be here together at this unique time on Earth. With the lightest of perspective we know we are not far from each other.
Soon more of us will feel the Divine connections that are instantaneous. As we shift from 3D to Quantum there is no distance. For this to be we are evolving to be the Light frequency to hold this energetically.
This means to release layer upon layer of the 3D programming – which said we are not just separate but isolated. Light Language is one form of Sacred communication which is assisting us to shift into telepathy.
Soon the word ‘channelling’ will even be redundant. As we fully realise and embody all being open hearted channels. In Divine Communication. Hearts Open. In Loving frequency. Expanded and grounded. Expressive and at Peace in Harmony. In wonder awe of the magic and beauty which is God Source Creation through Gaia. Gifting us so much creation for us to explore and learn with.
8/10/24: Youโve had your divine tune-up now, so back into the world you go. Some of us will enter the day renewed. Others will simply feel a bit lighter. But everyone got something good yesterday. Think of August itself as a time-out for refueling. As life can get heavy this year, you must remember that you cannot fully fund your own energy. You can keep the body going, but your human spirit needs Spirit. What you got yesterday was an increase in spiritual capacity. As 2024 increases your personal power, The Dragon will also infuse your soul with Soul, your energy with Essence, and your heart with Heart. Your Right Action today is to dance with the Divine. Itโs what youโve been practicing to do.
The White Rose being a symbol of Purity, Loyalty, and Innocence, is also an energetic intent and Divine Alignment for Those it resonates with. The White Rose is a very important expression of the Divine Feminine.
It is suggested at this most auspicious time of the Divine Feminine Empowerment, for Those Divine Feminine ready, to more solemnly declare and solidify Their connection with the Prime Creator Godhead of Mother and Father Prime Creators and bring unto this Reality the Heavenly Mother Energy, to do this simple procedure/Activation below. This procedure anchors in more of the progressive Ascension Energetics that ripples also outward effecting ALL Human Souls on Earth, especially the Feminine, to move this Planetary Ascension another knotch forward. The Divine Feminine able to do this procedure/Activation is being the Divine Conduit to deliver these higher Divine Energies into the present realities.
Envision in Your Third Eye the White Rose, apply the Divine Intent and Instructions for this White Rose of Purity, Loyalty, Innocence recognized on Earth, to travel WITH You to the Sun, connect directly with Mother and Father PRIME CREATOR, and keeping the energetic connections intact, bring the enhanced energy and enhanced White Rose version back to Earth to be planted in the soil of Earth/Gaia and to be an active receiver of the Divine Mother Energy for Earth, and for this White Rose receiver to transmit continuously the Divine Mother and Father attributes into this world.
Love and Light
Rick Jewers
Prime Creators
Blue Rose Oracles
A deep cellular purging & releasing process is occurring as the old layers of sediment held deep within the cellular memory are rising to the surface of our awareness.
The era of outsourcing love and seeking external reflections & connections as validation or bypassing our wounds through creating disconnection within as a means to avoid the emotional intensity of being in this physical body with all its multi dimensional layers of stored incarnational & ancestral trauma is no longer an option available within this current transitional planetary wave of expansion.
We are the physical bridges and conduits who are gifted the ability to anchor the new dimensional heart resonance wavelengths (Christ consciousness) golden white flame into our bodies and embody the codes and frequencies that enable us to expand into deeper octaves of awareness, consciousness and inter dimensional connection.
Being present in the moment and honouring the unfolding through surrender and allowing the evolution & expansion can create space for new templates to anchor as you may be guided today to release even deeper patterns and stagnant energies at a core cellular level.
Expanding through the higher heart gateway is a beautiful process of surrender and trust and I am personally finding this a very intense day of releasing old patterns and narratives as I surrender to the process and allow deeper releases to occur.
Affirmations for Today
โI release all layers of vibrational resonance with old patterns that limit my growth and expansionโ
โI transcend all lack patterns as I chose abundance, ease and joy โ
โI am ready to expand into new templates and fully embody my divine presence in this now momentโ
Dear friends, as our energy fields slowly begin to adjust and settle after these intense days of solar flares and 888 lightcodes, a celestial helper is arriving to soothe our emotional fields. Asteroid Juno, named after the Roman goddess of harmony and relationships (and wife of Jupiter), moves into the balanced sign of Libra until November 3, 2024.
Juno’s majestic entrance into the realm of Libra unfolds like a red carpet, inviting us to partake in the grand ballet of relationships, where harmony, peace, and balance are the ultimate choreographers.
With the grace of a maestro, Juno conducts the symphony of partnerships, commitments, and the sublime beauty that arises when two souls, or two aspects within your own self, become one in perfect harmony. Juno in Libra sends soothing frequencies that resonate with our heart field and chakra, creating a deep communion and empathy between different emotional vibrations, therefore achieving a new higher spiritual point of balance. This celestial alignment also supports the pursuit of social justice, where equilibrium reigns supreme. But most importantly, this energetic synergy brings serenity to our hearts, when inner balance is attained and the world is reflected in perfect poise.
As we bask in the radiance of this celestial convergence, we are asked to reflect on the tapestry of our relationships, weaving threads of compassion and understanding. We are asked to cultivate the beauty and refinement that dwells within, allowing it to illuminate our path ahead. We are being guided to stand as beacons of hope, standing strong in our newfound inner divine essence. As we continue healing and transmuting our old wounds with the continued assistance of Chiron and Mercury in retrograde, the Juno in Libra synergy is bringing more peace and contentment to our healing journey.
The Lionโs Gate codes keep working deeply in our emotional and ancient memory fields within our soul, stirring and releasing low frequencies for transmutation. This process has felt a bit emotionally overwhelming to some of you, but fortunately now Juno is here bringing some inner balance to this alchemical inner process.
In these precious moments as we continue integrating a vast amount of high frequency information, may the harmony and balance of Asteroid Juno in Libra guide us toward the realization of our deepest desires and the manifestation of inner and outer harmony in all directions of our timelines.
Stay tuned for more energy updates as a few probable geomagnetic storms may arrive in the next hours. Much love
Diego E. Berman 2024โธ
source: www.diegoberman.com
Asara Adams
Update by Adama of Telos
“Greetings, Beloved Ones.
We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we are sending you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos.
Beloved One, the Divine Love of God is constant and everlasting.
God’s Divine Love for you is eternal.
You might think that you’re down here on Earth and that you have to figure out how to survive, how to find and keep love, how to heal, how to fulfill your purpose and so on.
This common thought is a thought of the Ego Mind, that wants you to belief that you are on your own and that nobody is going to do it for you.
We are here to tell you that everything has been done for you and that the moment you think, that you have to figure out how to make it happen, actually hinders all good things to enter your experience.
The drive of the Ego Mind to control the situation and to be in charge of how things will come to you, is the opposite of the Truth.
The Truth is that you are fully supported by God’s Divine Love – if you let it.
That however would require trust in God…
The Ego Mind doesn’t like that and will use anything available, or made up, to make you doubt God’s unending love and support for you.
So, next time you want better health, better relationships, more abundance or the fulfillment of your Divine purpose, simply become still… and remember that God is providing you with everything.
In the stillness and trust in God lies your true power to create a better experience for yourself and others.
~ “Peace, be still and know I AM God.” ~
Be still. Ask. Listen. Follow.
Then, allow for all good things to unfold for you, orchestrated by the Divine.
We champion your victory in the Light!
Welcome Home!
We send you all so much love…
You are carried on the wings of Angels, to bring forth The New Earth.
Know in your heart, that you are always surrounded by your Angels, Ascended Masters, Guides, Galactic Families of Light and yes, also by your family and friends in Telos – and always will be.
Dear Ones, we are walking with you on this journey and you are loved beyond measure – always.
I am your brother Adama of Telos.”
Thank You, Adama!
Channelled through Asara Adams https://www.teloschannel.com
The Council of the Ancient Ones with Source GOD have made the final decision to eradicate all energetic parasitic forces that have plagued this collective Consciousness to avoid the proliferation contamination to other Realms and to avoid the destruction of the LIFE LIGHT of Creator Source.
This is causing heavy emotional energy in the collective field. Those that are still operating with old programming are malfunctioning more often. Deeply buried fractals, distorted codes and debris of old traumas are arising into physical reality.
The overlapping between timelines and realities are widening as dimensional octaves are expanding more. The 3D realm is crumbling faster as that reality is reaching its boiling point. The lower emotions and energy are spewing out by 3D shallow-Soulless Hues-man as unseen entities continue to feast desperately upon their loosh and Life force energy.
While this is unfolding, the higher energetic and conscious realms are still overlapping โ so stay clear away from this โdanger zoneโ. Do not engage or worst, argue, bicker, fight with anyone that are still controlled by parasitic entities in the 3D realm.
Expect more of the unexpected. It is the massive crumbling of old systems, many events will force the dark forces who desperately are scrambling to uphold their control. The flood of truth disclosure of new information revelation will be pouring with an unprecedented level of Higher Light onto the planet.
This New Plasma Kristic Light now is dissolving the veils that once made possible the machinations of the old power systems. That Light is making it increasingly harder for non-Hues-man- Soulless to lie, to hide who they really are – what their motives are – to sustain sinister behaviors.
Everything is revealing itself as its true nature. Observe these uncomfortable truths even if they arise within your Soul Self. It will tell you what you need to do โ to dissolve these old energies, fractals, habits, programs or patterns.
Only in a calm neutral state of being does one sense the dark! Be present, aware and observe what is unfolding as the 3D collective realize how deep the dark cabal is. The purging of the 3D realm will get more and more intense and turbulent.
Remember your choices and realizations, resonate and replicate throughout the quantum entangled universe. Use your power wisely. It is through the active total in irrevocable commitment to pure, divine love, an absolute truth, that all things become possible..
Indeed you have been under a lot of pressure and pain and some of you have being “flat out”. Remember โ diamonds are also formed by compression. This intensity is not going to disappear. Have courage, this rage of the heart from its passion, and Take heart in the knowledge that time is your ally in this necessary SouL-evolution to the Gaia Terra.
Stay in Zero Point Energy, observe in neutrality that operates from your Heart Space. Be clear and stay firm with your intentions, attention and actions. Keep your frequency as high as possible. Stay in your Sacred Heart. Fill your Auric Field with LOVE. Align your Higher Soul SELF with Source GOD LIGHT as a Shield of Protection.
On Saturday, August 10th, the Moon, ruler of emotional responsiveness, starts the day in Libra, sign of the Scales. She will oppose Chiron, the Wounded Healer, and create difficult inconjunct connections to Uranus, the Great Awakener, and Neptune, the Great Transcender. We are presented with situations in our relationships where transmutation and healing of old patterns can take place……where insights, revelations and liberation energies are experienced……
and where the potential for dissolution of anything that is not centered around unconditional love and compassion can unfold. At 6:34pm EDT the Moon will shift into the powerful depths of Scorpio. From here she will create a challenging square connection to Pluto, ruler of death, rebirth. This can be a forceful energy, bringing in potent, transformational changes and the need to own or take back our power, but to also use that power wisely.
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
source: sacredsoulempowerment.com
the Moon, ruler of emotional responsiveness, starts the day in Libra, sign of the Scales
The number 8 is called โGalacticโ and its keywords are โHarmony, Model and Integrityโ. Galactic days are great for enjoying music, striving for harmony in your life and making more of an effort to get along with others. โIntegrityโ is a key word because harmony can only exist where there is integrity. Did you ever do something you are not proud of? When in that moment you lacked integrity, how quickly was that followed by disharmony? The 8th day of a wavespell is always gentle and whatever day it is combined with, it has a tendency to dial it down and make it less intense.
Today is White Wizard and keywords associated with it are โEnchantment, Receptivity and Timelessnessโ. The Wizard is a very Shamanic energy and enchantment happens when you experience nonordinary realms. These profound moments can change you on a very deep level. There is more to this world than meets the eye! It is an interesting combination of day and number suggesting that by finding harmony – this can be a precursor to enchantment. Alternatively, it is by being enchanted that you restore harmony in your life. Today, may you be enchanted in a harmonious way… you may also be the one who enchants others, just be careful and use your integrity. The Galactic Wizard is a good guy and doesnโt put spells on others for personal gain.
Todayโs Guide is the White Mirror which suggests the search for the truth is guiding our actions today. The path to finding harmony is by accepting the truth. The Mirror can be a harsh guide and the truth can be brutal. If you have had a bad habit of avoiding the truth lately, then only by facing it can you restore harmony in your life. Perpetuating a fantasy is just inviting disharmony into your life. Donโt resist a healthy reality check today.
The Challenge for the day is Yellow Seed which represents โsowing awarenessโ and so if you were born on a Yellow Seed day, you will find that today does not enchant you but perhaps annoy you. People might not listen when you try to sow awareness and this can cause frustration. You can still find enchantment and harmony today but you may have to try harder than everyone else. If you are a White Wizard, the Yellow Seed is always a thorn in your side. You desire to share your knowledge and make others aware but it is never easy.
The Occult power is the Blue Hand which is interesting as we are in the Blue Hand wavespell and so, there is great potential for โHealing and Accomplishmentโ. Any charms or spells this fluffy Galactic Wizard casts today, could potentially be very healing and profound.
The Ally is the Red Serpent and like a Cobra that hypnotizes all who fall into its gaze, people born on Red Serpent days are great at mesmerizing too! This is why the Wizard and the Serpent get along so well.
Another UBER powerful day with much MAJIK flowing from SOURCE.
Day 8 in the BLUE HAND WAVESPELL of accomplishing HEALING on all levels through accessing greater knowledge and skills. The 6th day is where we learn to be STILL and receptive in order to integrate the Majik flowing through us, which is needed to accomplish our desires and return us to wholeness.
SOLSTICE – is when the “SUN STANDS STILL” – and the GALACTIC WIZARD enabled us to be STILL, to access the natural MAJIK of this precious portal. Today the GALACTIC WIZARD beckons us to be STILL once again to access this MAJIK.
Galactic is tone number 8 which represents infinity, abundance and FLOW – the inflow and outflow from SOURCE.. We have an 8.8.8 day code on an 8 tone day – giving us an code!!
The ABUNDANCE energy is flowing today! We can connect to this SOURCE FLOW through our pure HEARTS and minds, and then we begin to witness more Majik in our lives.
Connection to SOURCE, the SUN and the STARS, reveals DIVINE TRUTH, and this wisdom can set us FREE!
GALACTIC – Tone 8 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – modeling, POWER – harmonize, ESSENCE – integrity. The GALACTIC tone will influence much MENTAL analysis today! The most important factor is that we model integrity in our thoughts, words and actions.
Are our intentions based on HARMONY through INTEGRITY of being?
Our plans need to be transparent and for the highest good of our community and planet, for them to hold up in these new energies. Our projects and business models will then serve as a model for others following in our footsteps who hold the ideals of unity, peace and harmony as a priority.
At tone 8 we have entered a new scale, and we are so proud, we just have to model ourselves for others. We have also mastered Harmony at this stage. We are GALACTIC and don’t we know it!
It is timely today that we open our MINDS and HEARTS to receive love and wisdom from our Galactic Star families. In turn we should also take some time to send them our deep appreciation and love, opening the doorway to stronger communication channels, more majik and closer connections.
Powerful GALACTIC PORTAL is OPEN today.
Get ready to become GALACTIC CITIZENS!
Today’s question is “What false constructs need to be discarded, that have impeded you from stepping UP into your full integrity, becoming receptive to the TRUTH of your Divine existence.”
Divine blessings for the return of TRUTH, HONOUR and INTEGRITY in our enchanting NEW world!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
27 months ago – KIN 34 aligned with SOLSTICE 21 JUNE 2022 which had a 3.3 Holy Trinity portal Today we get a BOOST from that SOLSTICE portal as KIN 34 creates a LINK and taps into the ASCENSION MAJIK of that day.. more SOLAR FIRE – adding to our LION’S GATE FIRE portal!!
CONSCIOUS SELF: WHITE GALACTIC WIZARD – IX Today we integrate the healing wisdom we have gathered over the last 7 days, through having a RECEPTIVE mind, that is guided by the reflections of TRUTH.
WHITE WIZARD has the capacity to access wisdom from all realms and dimensions and uses his SWORD of truth, to cut all restrictive ties and cords of attachment from beliefs, programs, patterns or people that may be draining or limiting you from your greatness.
Who or what is limiting you from expressing your TRUTH, in alignment with integrity?
When you express your true essence and live from your pure heart, life becomes majikal.
Just as SNOW WHITE melted the hearts of all beings who felt the purity of her own heart, YOU can also wield the power of enchantment over others and your world.
This power comes from the HEART and is used in an honest and uplifting, life enhancing manner, giving strength and power to all those who connect with you. The hypnotic, mind controlling and enslavement methods of the enchantress of old are outmoded and dissolved now. This is what distinguishes the “WHITE” Wizards from the “BLACK” MagiciansI!
The most powerful MAJIK is the spell that LIBERATES others from enslavement and limitation. Use your Majikal powers for the greater GOOD. Focus on HEALING all that is not in HARMONY with our natural state of Divine happiness and joy.
Today we have potent empowerment energy with the WHITE WIZARD coming through the LION’S portal – enabling us to BREAK the DARK MAGIC DREAMSPELL… Bring forth your majik wands and dissolve the darkness with your LIGHT!
The GALACTIC WIZARDS of the New Earth, are the wise sages and saints from yesteryear, who have RETURNED with new powers and EXPANDED GALACTIC perspectives! The era of the Dark Magi is closing and all majik has returned to the realm of LIGHT!
NOTE: Jul-i-an…..A-ssange…..has the GALACTIC tone combined with MAJIK too. He is a BLUE GALACTIC MONKEY – and his MISSION is to EXPOSE the TRUTH.. Using his Magician’s powers to uncover the TRUTH and demand INTEGRITY and HONOUR from those he is exposing, as the charlatans who create the SMOKESCREEN, keeping humanity lost in the MATRIX of ILLUSION.
The GALACTIC TONE today is strongly EXPOSING the TRUTH and giving the Whistleblowers a platform to broadcast this TRUTH today. Watch out for MORE huge REVELATIONS! BAM BAM BAM
This DIVINE PORTAL activating through the SOLSTICE SUN – will provide the perfect LENS to spotlight the TRUTH… ALL WILL BE SEEN in the LIGHT of the SUN.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE GALACTIC MIRROR ETZNAB The two white Spirit brothers – ETZNAB and IX, are both revealing the UNIVERSAL TRUTH of ALL THAT IS, beyond any false illusions or projections. The mind passes no judgement on what it SEES, yet it has the ability to cut to the core and see the ESSENCE of all truth.
A CLEAR MIRROR of what IS, is REVEALED today through the power of REFLECTION. The GALACTIC MIRROR enables the mind’s crystalline ability to cut through what is NOT real, and anchor a deep portal of timeless presence – KNOWING the TRUTH.
What is being REFLECTED today, through the honest MIRROR of our reality, to reveal the bare bones of TRUTH in our everyday life?
Do not get trapped in the ILLUSION of the Hall of MIRRORS, but tune into your HEART to find the TRUE path out of the Maze.
Follow your HEART and you will find your way!
NOTE: The continent of ANTARCTICA holds the WHITE WIZARD as the Planetary Holon for GAIA. This icy continent which was once a tropical PARADISE long ago, has housed many SECRETS and mysteries, as well as Pyramids, ancient cities and advanced technologies hidden beneath the ICE.
The story of ANTARCTICA is revealed in the movie “The Wizard of Oz”, through the scene where the main characters finally make it to the Emerald city to meet with the Mighty Wizard. They draw back the curtain to REVEAL a small nondescript man operating a MOVIE PROJECTOR!!
WIZARD OF OZ: Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.
They are dismayed to discover that they had succumbed to an ILLUSION and what they thought was REAL was just a TRICK. They had all been DECEIVED.
ANTARCTICA also houses a STARGATE to other realms, where many beings come and go… INDEED the ICY continent of ANTARCTICA is NOT what we have been told!!
The MIND is easily fooled through PROJECTIONS, holograms, ILLUSIONS and F.E.A.R. – False Evidence Appearing Real.
NOTE: A PYRAMID is used to reflect the 4 images into ONE holographic image. The WHITE MIRROR solar seal is a PYRAMID – so the pyramid holds the key to creating these ILLUSIONS!
ANTARCTICAhouses great technology and is the site from which the Matrix Simulation was projected into our Reality.. This projector has NOW been reclaimed from the alien operators and is switched to respond to our collective VISIONS.
It is UBER important for a CRITICAL MASS of conscious creators to keep HOLDING the VISION of HARMONY and PROJECTING this VISION into the present, and our FUTURE.
It is time to strip away all that is FALSE and reflected in the Mirror world… We have no need for Mirror games where we are headed, as all beings are totally transparent through the collective powers of Telepathy and Clairvision.
There is nowhere to hide from those who have the power to SEE in the DARK.. So drop the veils of separation, and come and dance in the sea of Bliss, as we celebrate this new era of PEACE and HARMONY.
SUPPORT: RED GALACTIC SERPENT CHICCHAN increases the INTENSITY of the day, as primal FEARS are highlighted and often arise to be cleared and transformed, through the power of the Serpent to shed it’s skin, and be born anew.
CHICCHAN can arise today bringing up our instinctive connection to SURVIVAL, and whatever that means to you, be it physical, financial, emotional or wherever you perceive lack, FEAR or DANGER. Dissolve this FEAR to accomplish HEALING, through transforming it into the drive through your creative expression.
CHICCHAN is the symbol of the healing caduceus, so utilize this panacea for any wounding today, releasing blockages, implants and impediments to the full FLOW of your life force and vitality. Our MINDS hold the POWER to HEAL our bodies – as demonstrated through the PLACEBO EFFECT, and they also hold the POWER to manifest DIS-EASE.
So CLEAR THE FEAR and ALLOW the HEALING to take effect. You are WHOLE and PERFECT and made in the image of GOD/CREATOR. DIVINELY PERFECT!
The GALACTIC SERPENT also exposes the Hypnotic POWERS of enchantment today, how we can be deceived and betrayed through the mind control of others.. Mass mind control and implanting FEAR programs, is a toxin that can POISON our body, mind and soul if we do not have AWARENESS of the threat or danger. By refining our minds through receptivity, and aligning with Spirit, we can easily detect falsehoods and contaminants.. It is up to each soul to find the DIVINE TRUTH that leads them back home.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE RHYTHMIC HAND MANIK.. is today’s SUPERPOWER – doubling the HEALING energies of the current BLUE HAND wavespell..
The RHYTHMIC HAND is very organized and BRILLIANT at BALANCING and clearing whatever needs to be dealt with, in order to restore HARMONY and wholeness. It is absolutely PERFECT that the WIZARD holds this superpower, which is well utilized through a wave of his Majik Wand or staff! Kapow!
What a BRILLIANT gift for this DIVINE MAJIK to take effect.
The GALACTIC WIZARD has very healing hands to make his Majik potions and healing balms through divine alchemy. This is a DIVINE GIFT enabling you to accomplish great Majik and HEALING today.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW GALACTIC SEED – KAN challenges us to EVOLVE through HONESTY, INTEGRITY and authenticity. In order to accomplish our dreams and goals everything we sow, must be sown through divine truth and integrity of our being.
By only planting seeds based on LOVE, UNITY and DIVINITY, we model the traits needed in the New Time. This influences others to follow our lead.
The GALACTIC SEED implores us to TAKE ACTION where we witness wrongdoing, evil and malevolent actions. Burying our heads in the sand only perpetuates the growth of harmful patterns. Many souls have stood back and been SILENCED through bribes and threats of losing their jobs, livelihoods, families and even their lives.
Winston Churchill
And HISTORY REPEATS – just as this happened in WW2 – we find people remained SILENT during the PLAN-DEMIC – allowing the LIES to take HOLD giving the tyrants – FALSE POWER. The POWER to control and manipulate citizens – stripping away their FREEDOM.
And MILLIONS of people – Doctors, Nurses, Scientists, Politicians, Paramedics, Mortician’s were notably SILENT and complacent through the whole ordeal. If the TRUTH had been revealed by mass WHISTLEBLOWERS the PLAN-DEMIC would never have been able to take hold! The level of endemic CORRUPTION has run very DEEP.
None-the-less it was all part of the GRAND PLAN for Planet Earth. Ultimately the DARKNESS serves the LIGHT – and as a consequence of the global lockdowns – GAIA was able to HEAL and elevate her consciousness.
The TRUTH movement is continuing to LIBERATE humanity on a global level. As the PEOPLE reclaim their POWER – they set new yardsticks of accepted behaviour and governance. New models, new rules and new compassionate leaders ARE MANDATORY in our New world.
As we remain focused on the HIGHEST POSSIBLE OUTCOME for humanity,. we are able to ACCOMPLISH HARMONY and great HEALING for our cell-ves and our beloved Planet. .
Today’s question is “What false constructs need to be discarded, that have impeded you from stepping UP into your full integrity, becoming receptive to the TRUTH of your Divine existence.”
Divine blessings for the return of TRUTH, HONOUR and INTEGRITY in our enchanting NEW world!
Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.
ยซIn the Name of Christ and the Holy Presence of the I Am in my Being: I invoke you Beloved Archangel Zadkiel of the Transmutator Violet Lightning to help me transmuting my karmas and be transformed with Love, Compassion and Forgiveness with maximum harmony and serenity and I decree and affirm in your Name that my Being is wrapped in this Violet Lightning to feel at peace, in harmony and activate my soul’s mission in the service of God.
In the name of the Divine Presence in me, I invoke from my Higher Self, and according to the Law of Cause and Effect, the members of the Karmic Court who take charge of my personal Karma, to be manifested and integrated into me, all those tests for my greater evolution spiritual that is behind Karma, to be overcome with Love, Understanding and Acceptance, speeding up the Karmic Liberation Process and helping me to understand that my Karma is an Opportunity for Growth.
In the name of the I AM, I AM, I am, I call upon the Powerful Violet flame that descends towards me melting into all of My Being, flowing through every cell, transmuting and transforming all pain, suffering, fear and negative emotion that has generated said Karma.”
*Source: Abundance, Love and Fullness.
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