Higher 5D Timeline ~ Gene Key 7: Virtue is its own Reward * Light Of The Living Water ~ Choice Point Culmination
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Celestial Star Guides of our New Earth Nation
We begin this week of the 8:8:8 Lions Gate Portal with our local Soularis sending Gaia and all her Children of the Sun two massive flashes of Gamma Plasma Liquid Light with a Dual X Class Flare the first maxing at X 1.73 at 6:40 AM PST (13:40 UTC) encoded with our 37 into the 73 Code of our New Heaven upon the New Earth and the second X Class Flare maxing at x 1.17 at 15:20 UTC.
This is calling in the Twin Fire, the Holy Flame of Unity of the Yin and Yang merging and rising together as our Dual Nature becomes one. The Eagle flies with the Condor as Shakti dances with Shiva into Cosmic Consciousness.
We also have had two days in a row of Higher Spikes of White Light on the Schumann Charts as Gaia’s Heart beat is holding steady at the 30 plus hz of the Fifth Dimensional Reality.
Our Lion Kingdom in the Heart of Leo of the New Lemuria Rise together. Keep anchoring in the Higher Dimensional Light into the Crystalline Core of Mother Earth as we raise the resonance and frequency into 5D and beyond.
Stay well hydrated, meditate and get out to nature to balance the 5 elements and stay centered in the Pure Presence of the Eternal Now…A’Ho!
We are in a time on Mother Earth we’re we’ve never been before. These Ascension energies are transforming us at massive speed. Be gentle with yourselves
“The 7th Gene Key definitely has potent leadership potential, but they’re not always leaders per se. They’re people with influence. In any group, the 7th Gene Key carries this power that when it speaks, others will listen.” – Richard Rudd, 64 Ways
8/5/24: The natural channels among us are in direct communication with Presence this month and will get stronger going forward. All who aren’t yet aware of this inner Flow will be better connected by September. One vital message is the need to release the past. We’ve heard this before but it’s crucial right now as we’re moving into an intense building phase.
We cannot continue to build with, and perpetuate, old material, concepts, beliefs, and embedded nurtured trauma. Bringing Presence into your present will reveal whatever is stuck, and what is created next will help you release it. Today is hugely liberating in that you will sense a separation from past experiences. They will no longer attach to what has been feeding them because you yourself are disengaging.
Let them go! You will not fall. You will rise up stronger than before because your power lies in the present and in the new choices you will make.
Lionsgate – The information highway to unlock our highest Potential via RE-membrance of our Ancient Spiritual Legacy so that we may align with our Mastery / CoCreation / Enlightenment / Ascension and Align Personal Will with God’s Will via the very Leonine attributes of a Generous and Courageous Heart via Creative and Sovereign Self Expression and Self Empowerment.
Even though the current day planetary alignments that define The Lionsgate Portal may not fulfill the exact specifications as mentioned in ancient times, the Heliacal Rising of Sirius which continues throughout the month of August (depends on the latitude) is a highly significant event.
The Star of Sirius is associated with The Holy Trinity- The Goddess/ Goddess Isis, The God/ Lord Shiva-Monad of The Blue ray and Holy Child/ Anubis.
There are many facets of the Holy Trinity. God/Goddess/Holy Child, Maiden/Mother/Crone/ , Birth /Death/Rebirth, Creation / Preservation / Destruction, Heaven/Earth/Underworld, Intention/Action/Manifestation/, Mind/Heart/Spirit, Past/ Present / Future……..etc
The basis of The Holy Trinity however across cultures forms the cornerstone of Spiritual evolution- ie BALANCE/ UNION between Polar Opposites births Creation/ manifestation- ie Conscious CoCreation as opposed to Fate/ Destiny (unconscious awareness ) . In other words we become Conscious CoCreators when personal will (calling card of Earth frequency) is Aligned with God’s Will (calling card of Sirius)…. What is known otherwise as Mastery/ Enlightenment/ Ascension.- The very codes that Heliacal Rising of Sirius delivers to us .
In Ancient Egypt the Heliacal Rising of Sirius led to the flooding of the Holy Nile which washed away the old and deposited new fertile soil for New creations and Beginnings. Similarly the Heliacal Rising of Sirius sends energetic waves through us which realign our Energy circuits – A purging / purification followed by a recalibration of the energy circuits to integrate the New Downloads of Ancient Wisdom. It is a Spiritual Initiation that we go through- old karmic patterns /trauma come to the fore to be released (sudden physical ailments/purging) and new downloads take place – Third eye/ throat/ High Heart may suddenly begin to spin at alarming rates ,sudden insights,synchronicities , high pitch frequency in Right ear, Solar Plexus activations, and what I enjoy the most and find most illuminating- Timeline jumps.
As opposed to the Linear 3D reality which Earth frequency limits our perception to, at times like this when the information highways are in free flow, we are able to perceive the ‘matrix’ outside the linear reality. Earth , as viewed as an energetic matrix thus provides us with multiple Realities, multiple aspects of self which have made multiple choices at significant node/intersection points of the multiple reality blueprint. This may show up as lucid dreaming or in meditative space and can be highly illuminating….not just from a personal point of view but also brings new perspective to the whole “polarization” Earth reality that we function within .
Thus we are in an intense period of Spiritual initiation right through August. In fact the Sun Regulus Conjunction on August 23 is also very much part of Lionsgate Energy Highway of Downloads.
As the Spirit recalibrates to the huge down-pouring of Light at the moment , the physical body needs extra self care to be able to ‘ hold ‘ Spirit as it goes through its intense initiations.(BEing as opposed to DOing )
The New Moon in Leo (august 4th) is bringing greater momentum to these timeline jumps and the effects of these will be illuminated on the Full Moon of 19th August which promises some “surprises”….something to pay attention to and watch out for!!
August 5, Venus / Inanna reaches her First Gate of Manifestation at Root chakra as The Evening Star as Leo Metagoddess on her Upward journey of Ascent/ Empowerment. She Now retrieves her Royal Red Robe symbolizing reclamation of her LifeForce , her Uniqueness and curating her Life Choices from a place of sovereignty , security and empowerment.
So we circle right back to ‘Manifestation ‘ again with the New Moon , Venus / Inanna and of course Sirius Rising!!! Triple aspect in Bold and Italics!!! Every vision that has come through has underlined the aspect of Manifestation for this Triple 888 Gateway. However with Mercury retrograde till the end of the month and Uranus playing a significant role on the Full Moon…..Karma and Sudden Surprises are definitely on the Menu…..…aren’t they always!?!
Dear friends, we start this special new week after an intense geomagnetic storm that has sensitized our energy fields to the already flowing 8:8:8 lightcodes of the Lion’s Gate.
As the cosmic canvas unfolds, the Lion’s Gate portal beckons, ushering in a cascade of cosmic codes from the star Sirius. These ancient, sacred transmissions whisper secrets of the universe, awakening the human spirit to its true potential. Like a master key, the Lion’s Gate codes unlock the doors of perception, allowing consciousness to soar on eagle’s wings.
Within the labyrinth of DNA, these codes ignite a fiery spark, awakening dormant strands and elevating the human experience. The codes’ presence catalyzes a quantum leap in human evolution, as the species awakens to its multidimensional nature. During this energetically intense week, some of you may feel that the boundaries of time and space dissolve, revealing the interconnected tapestry of existence.
As the codes integrate in our energy fields, humanity’s collective consciousness expands, birthing a new era of enlightened awareness. The heart center activates, pulsing with compassion, empathy, and unity. The mind, once shrouded in limitation, now shines with clarity, illuminating the path to higher understanding.
The codes’ healing balm soothes the soul, clearing the fog of forgetfulness and restoring balance to the cosmos within. Ancient wisdom, hidden within the codes, reveals the secrets of the universe, guiding humanity and planet Earth into a higher 5D timeline. The number 888 frequencies, a sacred harmonic, resonate within the Lion’s Gate codes amplifying their potency.
On the 8th day of the 8th month of this 8 year (2024), the Lion’s Gate portal reaches its zenith, bathing the planet in an intense, crystalline light. This auspicious alignment activates the 8th chakra, a gateway to higher dimensions, allowing humanity to access ancient wisdom and cosmic knowledge.
As the codes integrate, humanity’s collective consciousness expands, birthing a new era of enlightened awareness. The 888 frequencies harmonize the planet’s energetic grid, anchoring a new paradigm of abundance, prosperity, and infinite possibility.
Those who resonate and embody these codes have the possibility to become conscious vessels for the divine, channeling the cosmic blueprint for a world reborn. In this new era, humanity rises, transformed, with hearts aglow, minds expanded, and souls awakened. The Lion’s Gate codes, infused with the 8 frequencies, have ignited the spark of evolution, forever changing the trajectory of human history. This process of transformation takes time and patience, but be assured that change is already happening, and you are a pivotal part of it.
The energies are intense this week. Please take care of yourself, try to take time daily to ground your energy. Stay tuned for more updates as the energies unfold. May you have a wonderful and illuminating 8:8:8 week friends. Much love
*Ascension Event Update 8/5* 2 X CLASS FLARES ~ The GRAND CELESTIAL AWAKENING ~ The Galactic Federation
The Ascension Update for August 5th 2024.
Blessings to all.
Today there has been a massive surge in your solar activity, characterized by the occurrence of two significant X-class flares in just 2 hours, one at X 1.7 and the other at X 1.1. This has sparked considerable interest and anticipation within the Galactic community. And among those attuned to these cosmic energies, You are All feeling it.
This sudden influx of energy is expected to have a transformative impact that extends far beyond any expectations. The Earth as well is showing significant activity responding with 34 hertz yesterday and another boost of 38 hertz today August 5th.
The heightened vibrations, and recent uprisings, currently being emitted by the Collective of Humanity, is a direct result of the powerful influence of the Earth Vibrations and these celestial events.
The New X Flares, and The recent series of rapid M-class flare eruptions throughout this last week within your Timespace, has set in motion a chain reaction of energetic shifts that are reverberating throughout the Earth.
As Humanity stands on the threshold of the Grand event, the effects of these new flares are expected to be nothing short of remarkable, heralding a new chapter of evolution and growth for both Earth and humanity as a whole. The anticipation and excitement surrounding these cosmic phenomena fill the Galactic Community. This influx of energy is not merely a fleeting moment in time but, rather, a transformative wave that is set to ripple across the Earth. This will initiate another profound shift in the Collective consciousness of Humanity.
The implications of these energy bursts extend far beyond the physical realm, reaching into the Higher realms of the higher 5th and 6th dimensions. It is the Infinite Creator reaching out to humanity, offering a guiding hand towards a higher state of being. With each flare that graces the Earth, a new layer of potential is unlocked, inviting humanity to embrace Their Infinite Light Within.
These celestial events serve as reminders of the interconnectedness of all things, urging Humanity to look beyond the confines of your individual lives and embrace the greater design of existence.
In this time of transition and transformation,You are being called to align with the rhythms of the cosmos, allowing the waves of energy to wash over you and awaken dormant aspects of your being.
Indeed, this is just the beginning of the journey, to reunite with the Infinite Creator. As you enter the Higher 4th dimension and are jumped into the 5th dimension, each energy burst serves as a beacon of power from the Infinite, raising you in Love and Light.
As you navigate this cosmic dance, remember that you are not mere spectators but active participants in the unfolding of your evolution.
Embrace the energies that surround you, for they carry the seeds of transformation and growth, ushering in a new Earth Based on Love, Compassion, and Unity.
This surge of energy, is not just a random occurrence, but was a precisely orchestrated event that unfolded at the exact Divine moment.
It is a convergence of celestial energies, where the Lionsgate Portal and the alignment with the Sirius Constellation coincide in perfect harmony.
The effects of this celestial dance are profound, as they catalyze a transformational shift in your Current reality. The Earth and Humanity are being propelled towards a heightened state of consciousness, a state of being that is bathed in the light of enlightenment.
This Mass Awakening is not just a fleeting moment of realization but a collective awakening of the soul. The Beginning of a collective recognition of your interconnectedness with all that exists. You are stepping into vibrations of Oneness.
It is a shift in consciousness that transcends individual boundaries and ushers in the Vibrations of unity and harmony. This collective shift in consciousness is steering the planet towards a more positively aligned timeline, a timeline that paves the way for the Collective Ascension process, to occur at a faster pace.
As you embrace these cosmic energies and allow them to permeate your being, you open yourselves up to the activation of your Dormant abilities and deep inner gnosis.
You become co-creators of your reality, actively participating in the evolution of your planet and yourselves. The journey towards enlightenment is not only one of your own personal Ascension, but of unity, a journey that you embark upon together, hand in hand, guided by the light of the Infinite Creator, The Light of God.
We love you, and celebrate your Light within.
We are The Galactic Federation.
This has been the Ascension Update for August 5th, 2024.
Transmission Received and Researched By Chellea Wilder at UniversalLighthouse.com
The higher keys and codes of higher, all cosmic Divine Love and Purity are now pouring in from the Cosmic Heart, as held in Andromeda.
It is purple and pink, and is activating the higher Love consciousness in our higher heart, to expand unconditional love to all forms of life and expressions thereof, visible and invisible. Thus, a unified cosmic heart field of all-embracing love.
Love loving.
Boundless love.
Self and others.
It breaking through the last remnants of heart closure, unforgiveness, separation, duality, and fears and dissolving it in deepest levels. The unconscious emotional and mental charges, past patterns of relationships will surface now, and like volcanoes burst open, so that all can be released and dissolved now and heart-soul lovingly healed.
It is the greater healing into wholeness and oneness.
A sublime Divine gift of love!
For it brings healing in all our relationship with the earth, the animal, plant, tree, mineral and all other kingdoms, the elementals, and the elements as well. Indeed all of life, visible and invisible.
Ancestors are surrounding you, assisting you to find the way out struggle. Stuck energy that has been stored in the respiratory system, emotions, and heart chakra is releasing. As it clears, many truths are being revealed. This clearing is all for you to get your Divine Feminine Christ power back. It is also assisting the continuation of inner union as those energies have been creating separation and abandonment wounding. Claim back your sovereign independence as we leave the New Moon to the LIONSGATE. Take the information and understanding that is now clear so you can heal. Leave those energies behind and continue forward with your power, knowledge, and wisdom.
In Jesus Christ’s name amen 🙏
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
source: 144godcode.com
Heart of the Divine Feminine
Ra James
Venus has shifted into Virgo until the 29th. This means the Planet of love will take a more modest and practical approach to matters of love and finances. This is a hard placement for Venus. Venus is like the pleasure zone. Venus in Virgo isn’t the best placement for love.
Venus in Virgo is in a very strange position because this is the sign of its fall, so it may cause some problems in creating a happy relationship and building financial security. A Planet in fall is in a very difficult placement because it cannot use its full power. Venus rules Taurus and Libra so it is at home when placed in these signs. In Pisces Venus is exalted. When Venus is in these signs of the zodiac, it is very strong. Venus in Virgo the rest of this month more teaches us that no one is perfect. The dark side of Virgo are OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder), criticism, and obsessive perfectionism.
Venus in Virgo will however heighten our sensual and romantic fantasies. If you have had drama coming up in your love life, this will calm things down. We are in Mercury Retrograde now too. Expect a lot of thinking and reflecting. You may be needing to back track to heal and fix any mistakes from your past during this time. It’s a time to learn what you could have done differently. Mercury is now in Virgo, however will shift into Leo in the 14th.
This Mercury Retrograde is all about healing your heart and going after your dreams. This astrological event often stirs up unnecessary fears. It’s a time where you should be working on your energy. During any retrograde we are encouraged to slow down and go inward to reflect. It’s a time to tie up loose ends and to get back on track…
August 4/5, 2024: Mercury Stationary, turning Retrograde.
In Roman myth, Mercury (Hermes to the Greeks), is the messenger of the gods. In astrology, Mercury is the messenger between body, mind and emotions. This is the mental backdrop of our daily lives, the crystalline precision of logical thought, and the anguished wail of emotional turmoil.
In Shamanic Egyptian Astrology, Mercury is allied with Thoth, the Sacred Scribe. Thoth is among the most ancient of the gods. With neither father nor mother, Thoth has always been here. Our mind is the creator of our individual reality construct; Thoth is the architect of our collective reality construct.
Thoth is the creator of language, writing and time, all contribute to our understanding of third dimensional reality. Our collective reality construct is undergoing tremendous change. The Sacred Scribe is re-writing our perception of reality.
Humanity has evolved to the place where we have a role in this creation. We all have a Thoth Within. The nature of our internal Thoth is described by the position of Mercury in our natal chart. As we step out of our conditioning and question what is “real” and what is not, we are opening to our ability to create that which we wish to experience.
This Mercury Station is at Virgo 4°. Over the next three weeks, Mercury will retrograde back into Leo, allied with Anubis – abandoned child of Nephthys, son of Osiris, nephew of Isis. Questions of abandonment and betrayal will rise, including betrayal of self. This Mercury retrograde period is an opportunity to adopt a fresh perspective on all that we have experienced and make choices about how we respond. We really do create our own reality – just not in the way we may think.
Mercury/Thoth will turn retrograde on August 5 (12:56 am EDT) at Virgo 4°06’ and direct on August 28 at Leo 21°24’.
August 4, 2024, by Ruby Falconer.
source: shamanicstarology.com
“Shamanic Egyptian Astrology; Your Planetary Relationship to the Gods” by Ruby Falconer & Linda Star Wolf.
August 5-12, 2024 – PRECIPICE – SuperNova Astrology Update
Can you feel the energy building? We are at a major turning point. Realities converge as we step through the incredibly intense Lion’s Gate Portal, into a New World. Mars is catching up to Jupiter Gemini for an incredibly powerful high vibration conjunction. Together they square up to Saturn in Pisces. Across the way will be Venus in Virgo, making a potent Mutable T-square. It’s the turning of the tide.
Venus in Leo is just coming off a square with Uranus in Taurus. She is facing all of her fears and doubt. She is remembering her intense retrograde journey in Leo, into the darkest dark, at this time last year. This is bringing up all of the issues reflected in the Mercury retrograde cycle.
Mercury turns retrograde today, at 4 degrees Virgo. Mercury is turning back to meet the feminine, coming up to a conjunction with Venus at 3 degrees Virgo on 8/8, Activating the Lion’s Gate Portal. This speaks of a purification and renewal of the feminine within. We must drop all shame. It’s time to Activate the Power of our Creative Energy.
This Mercury retrograde is about cleaning up our energy and our world. This can help us feel more confident in moving forward in expressing our Intuitive Gifts. Mercury will transit back into Leo on August 16th, and come into his second of three squares with Uranus on August 18th. We are on a steep learning curve, coming back into knowing who we really are in our Higher Power. We are receiving massive activations of increasing frequencies. Everything has a message, and every experience an initiation. Our Love is opening up Portals to New Realities.
Mars and Jupiter in Gemini is in square to Saturn in Pisces. This is saying that it’s time to break out of the delusions of the lower matrix. We must face, heal, and re-write the traumas and lies of the Piscean Age. Mars and Jupiter coming together in Gemini is a powerful energy. The fact that they are squaring Saturn, is telling us something really important. It’s time to move forward in dramatically new ways. There is no going back.
Mars and Jupiter in Gemini are telling us that it’s the expression of Truth that pushes us over the edge. So much has been suppressed through the past Piscean Age. Now we are bursting at the seams with truth, realizations, and spiritual understandings which wants to be expressed. It’s the feminine voice which has been most repressed, and so it is Her that we must listen to. Mother Goddess is waking up and taking back Her Realm. All most come into alignment with Her Goodness and Truth. In alignment with Her, our Expressions are Her expressions, and everything is Beautiful.
Mars comes up to Jupiter at 16 degrees Gemini on August 14th, and will square up with Saturn in Pisces on August 16th. Jupiter and Saturn will be in exact square from August 17th-23rd, at 17 degrees. Venus will square up with Jupiter and oppose Saturn on August 19th, also at 17 degrees. Venus and Mars will be within 1 degree of square to each other from August 21-25th. It’s a power packed August 2024. This epic Mutable T-square says it is indeed time to completely heal the wound of Separation so that we can come back home to Her. The spiritual energies are building. There is no holding back this evolution. Hold on to your Hats!
Black Moon Lilith will be in exact conjunction to the South Node of the Moon in Libra for the last week of August, bringing a mirror for relationship healing. We are taking back our Power from where we gave it away. This is bringing forward the expression of dark, suppressed truth, ugly to look at, but that can help us find the strength to break free. Mars and Jupiter in Gemini in T-square to Saturn and Venus is telling us that this time is about purification of the Earth and the feminine, rewriting the timeline, claiming back our history and ideal timeline.
On Monday, August 5th, Venus, ruler of values and self-worth, in analyzing Virgo is in a difficult inconjunct aspect to Pluto, ruler of psychoanalysis and the unconscious mind, in objective Aquarius. This challenges us to dig down deep into our psyche to understand the “why’s” of our choices, decisions and long term patterns in regards to relationships, our finances, and our feelings of self-worth, or lack thereof.
We are better able to discern, and put together the pieces of the puzzle with Venus in Virgo. We want to be “whole” and Pluto can help us to transmute and transform certain energies that will lead us towards healing. Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, has also just turned retrograde in the sign of logical Virgo. This will also assist us in getting to the bottom of any lower perceptions and perspectives, in these areas of our lives, that are thwarting our efforts to be healthy, happy and whole.
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
source: sacredsoulempowerment.com
Venus, ruler of values and self-worth, in analyzing Virgo
Venus enters Virgo and quincunx Pluto retrograde in Aquarius. Mercury stations retrograde in Virgo – ‘This piece of art is perfection!’ She marvels for a moment, and I notice a tiny stray hair on her face, golden eyelashes, a captivating freckle. She continues, extoling the virtues of the portrait with its exquisite pairing of colours and delicate leading lines.
Our inner Venus delights in sublime details, encourages us to put heart and soul into our work to emulate the hand of the Gods. But whatever we do, we cannot match the flawless design of the divine. ‘Good’ and ‘bad’ stand in stark contrast and deep down there is perhaps an uncomfortable feeling of being unworthy, unloved, unhelpful, useless.
Mercury looks up. Sees the blue thoughts tumbling like tears. Time to back up, he says softly. Time to review your processing powers. Time to stop with the catastrophising and instead analyse systems, routines and skills. Here we have a three-week opportunity to review what’s working and what isn’t, repaint errors, attend to snagging and return to a lighter, freer state of mind. Pinpoint problems with precision. Fix or replace. Dial down your inner critic. Appreciate the little things. Redesign your life with loving attention.
The number 3 is called ‘Electric’ and its keywords are ‘Activate, Bond and Service’. It’s the third day of the Blue Hand wavespell which represents ‘Healing, Accomplishment and Knowing’ and so bearing that in mind ….if day one of a wavespell identifies the journey and day two considers the obstacles ahead, then day three is when the energy is electrified ! This is when things really start to get going as if a switch has been turned on. On this Electric day may your healing journey be activated!
Today is Red Moon which represents ‘Purify, Flow and Universal Water.’ Usually, these days are all about relinquishing control and just ‘going with it’. However, today has an odd combination of day and number. We have all of this electric energy buzzing around so how do we chill out and go with the flow? Water and electricity do not go well together. The tides of the oceans are influenced by the moon’s cycles and tuning yourself to the moon’s natural flow is instinctive and perhaps today by ‘going with the flow’, the end result is that you feel better and maybe even have a little energy! Don’t be surprised if today that energy comes and goes like the tides.
Today’s Guide is the Red Skywalker, the adventurer. Yesterday, the Skywalker was the Occult power and today the Guide, and the energy of the days often overlap or connect in some way. Red Skywalker leads with an adventurous spirit and so we can all follow that example today and be more daring. The Red Moon really is being pulled in many directions.
The Challenge of the day is Blue Storm, which represents change. If you are a Blue Storm, the moon is too powerful of an influence and so you can’t have things your way. Surrender and the day will go by much easier for you. Anyway, it’s good practice for you as your stormy energy can sometimes lead to burn out. Although you probably enjoy Electric days as you enjoy the lightning! For the rest of us, it is difficult to make changes when the Moon is pulling us this way and that, and we cannot control the flow. The only option is to surrender.
The Occult power is Yellow Human, the channel or vessel of the Tzolkin. In this position, the human has a magical intuitive ability and so if you are struggling today, just rely on your intuition and don’t underestimate its power. All people born on Red Moon days have this amazing natural intuition . This facilitates ‘going with the flow’ but also by being that laid back, you are more likely to hear that whisper which is the inner voice.
The Ally is the White Dog which represents ‘Love, Loyalty and Heart’. If you are lucky enough to know one, they can be a great help with their big heart and playful manner. If you are a White Dog, offer your support wherever you can today. If you don’t have one handy, no worries. Do what a dog would do and just have fun. They are very good at enjoying themselves and they love to hang out with the laid back Moon.
KIN 29 = 11 = 2 Partnership/Cooperation 11 – Portal/Polarity
We have the ELECTRIC tone – SUPERACTIVATING these codes today.
A very emotionally charged day, highlighting issues of purification and being of service to humanity.
We are now in Day 3 of the BLUE HAND Wavespell where we are focused on accomplishing HEALING on all levels of being.
Today we are focused on healing our EMOTIONAL body, and using our knowledge and skills to be of SERVICE to others.
ELECTRIC is tone number 3 of the tones of creation. It is the first of the three EMOTIONAL realm tones. Its focus is being of SERVICE to others through the action of BONDING, that is coming together with others to co-create and be of SERVICE through your Divine Mission.
ELECTRIC energy provides the ignition or spark for your manifestation. It also adds POWER to anything you are creating today. An extra electrical boost to draw upon. The power of 3 is derived from 2 units merging and creating the third, more powerful entity. This action duplicates the essence of bonding in service that the Electric tone provides.
Electricity and WATER do not mix well.. BEWARE of the CHARGE today as you could get ZAPPED!!
Today’s energy is VOLATILE and may trigger conflict/uprisings, revolution and rebellion in order to be PURIFIED and transformed through the UNIVERSAL WATERS – washing away the debris to create a clean pure slate.
Today beckons you to become emotionally mature and rise above any relationship dramas! Instead access the higher aspects of the ELECTRIC tone, together with your divine counterpart, offer your united energies to be of Service to all. EXPAND your focus from bonding with one, to the joy of bonding in SERVICE to all.
The 3 and ELECTRIC tone is super activating your DIVINE MISSION today – it is time to ask for GUIDANCE and align with your purpose.
Today’s question is “How can I PURIFY my HEART and bond with others, activating a greater ELECTRICAL current to flow, fuelling my Divine Service?
Divine blessings for the expression of the true Divine ELECTRICAL power of our precious UNIFIED HEARTS! KABOOM!!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: RED ELECTRIC MOON MULUC themes are Universal waters, feminine flow, communication, emotions, softness, intuition, psychic abilities and receptivity. RED MOON activates the Divine Feminine energies today and those of the GODDESS.
2022 was the YEAR of the SELF-EXISTING MOON – the GODDESS who sought to reshape the FORM of our planet built upon a new more compassionate foundation. Today’s ELECTRIC MOON superactivates the intention of that GODDESS YEAR.. the GODDESS energies have been embedded in the foundation for NEW EARTH.
The GODDESS is providing the beautiful Mother God qualities of nurturing, care and compassion needed to provide the ultimate HEALING for our weary body, mind and soul. The GODDESS combined with BLUE HAND is the caring Nurse, Counsellor, Aid worker.. the Naturopath, Healer or Energy worker that can access the Healing wisdom needed to make us WHOLE and complete again.
The GODDESS is in full alignment with the natural world and Pachamama and thus can access the apothecary of the herbs, potions and medicines needed to cure dis-ease. As most physical symptoms of dis-ease stem from an emotional imbalance or trauma, this is the best place to effect the remedy.
The GODDESS is PURIFYING our emotional bodies today, by going with the FLOW of our most acute sensitivities to the movement of energy. Exploring what it takes to move from a most pure place of sensing all that is around and in us, and allowing that to be the key to moving forward from a place of activating the greatest healing.
Accomplishing from a place of purity and healing. A wonderful day to be in or near WATER.
What does it FEEL like to FLOW from the most pure SPACE inside your HEART?
What needs to be cleansed through allowing expression today? As I FLOW in the moment, exploring the movement of energy as it does me.
The emphasis on Universal Waters and PURIFICATION makes today a brilliant day to swim, bathe, play or drink blessed water of any form, using fluid as a medium for healing therapies. Prayer, Gratitude and respect for Gaia’s life-giving waters are the order of the day.
A brilliant day to program your WATER with healing frequencies.
CALL on HYGIEIA today – the Ancient Greek Goddess of HEALING and PURIFICATION to assist in purifying your vessel – in preparation to hold more LIGHT and LOVE.
Hygieia was the goddess/personification of health (Greek: ὑγίεια – hygieia), cleanliness and hygiene. … While her father Asclepius , the god of medicine was more directly associated with healing, she was associated with the prevention of sickness and the continuation of good health through sanitation and cleanliness.
Her name is the source of the word “hygiene”. The rod of Asclepius, a snake-entwined staff, remains a symbol of medicine today – known as the caduceus.
You may also call on her 4 sisters to request specific HEALING according to your needs during this whole 13 day healing cycle (or at any time!).
* IASO (the goddess of recuperation from illness),
* ACESO (the goddess of the healing process),
* AEGLE (the goddess of radiant good health),
* PANACEA (the goddess of universal remedy – the CURE),
MULUC’S purification power assists in dissolving boundaries between HEARTS today, so that there is a beautiful FLOW for communication and creativity. RED MOON enhances the intuitive and telepathic bonds between kindred souls. As we purify and raise the frequency of our hearts, we increase our capacity to feel and sense, thus connecting to a Higher Divine form of Love.
Today will be a powerful day for TRUTH filled communications to FLOW on receptive EARS and MINDS. The GODDESS is softening the masses in preparation for the information TSUNAMI which is headed our way!
As it is an ELECTRIC tone day, we are asked to dedicate our SERVICE work to the GODDESS. By aligning with the feminine aspects of caring, nurturing and expressing compassion through our HEARTS and our emotional body, we can HEAL ourselves and others, as we RISE to a HIGHER LEVEL of Divine Service, all bonding together for our Planetary cause.
HIGHER GUIDE: RED ELECTRIC SKYWALKER BEN brings forth the power of SPACE and EXPLORATION. Opening portals in your HEART that you never knew existed. Your HEART, like your mind, is multi-dimensional. As you purify and become LIGHTER you can access higher realms, frequencies and dimensions connecting to, and bringing forth a higher and purer form of absolute Divine Love.
The BLISS frequencies are the most potent healing frequencies a human can experience.. floating endlessly on the waves of LOVE – gently caressing and soothing your soul with the DIVINE LOVE we all seek to remember. BEN is assisting you in creating more SPACE in your HEART for DIVINE LOVE and BLISS to FLOW.
BEN enables you to connect the pillars of HEAVEN with that of EARTH, together in your Heart space. This beautiful energy as the Higher Guide today, is PERFECT for all the Planetary KIN who are focused on bringing HEAVEN to EARTH…
Every day our collective DREAM is drawing CLOSER through our UNITED actions and INTENT.
BEN is assisting all the 5D ideas, inventions and projects to “get off the ground” in their cooperative Missions – the ELECTRIC – rocket fuelled TESLA energy will really provide much needed momentum to GET GOING – and EXPAND your REACH…
Seek new Horizons for your SERVICE work.
SUPPORT: WHITE ELECTRIC DOG OC symbolizes LOVE, loyalty, trust, unconditional love, faith, honesty, integrity, compassion and all matters pertaining to the pure HEART. .There is a very STRONG ELECTRICAL CHARGE activating these themes today – so be prepared for any betrayal, deceit and backstabbing to be REVEALED and CLEANSED in order to create a PURER SPACE, allowing for closer and more authentic bonding of kindred souls.
If you are carrying a core wound of BETRAYAL – the JUDAS wound – take some time to FEEL any instances of BETRAYAL and then FLIP the SWITCH. Bring to mind a memory of LOYALTY – where someone was deeply LOYAL to you.. or you may choose an instance when YOU were deeply LOYAL to another being.. hold these emotions strongly in your HEART and now drawn in more instances of LOYAL kin from this point forth.
Go WITHIN and focus on your loving HEART
What SPARKS the connections to your Heart?
We use our HEARTS today as a vessel to PURIFY the energies, before sending out to others as unconditional love. That is our greatest SERVICE to humanity, sending out flowing waves of LOVE from our heart to our PLANET and everyone around us.
KIN 29 with the GODDESS, OC and MANIK combining their beautiful HEALING gifts, can make for a beautifully romantic day, for those pure HEARTED souls who seek to BOND today.
When you bond with another soul of equal resonance this ignites a SPARK in your HEART.
Two hearts firing together can create absolute Majik.
The toroidal field emanating from your heart, expands exponentially as both fields conjoin. This is the potent power of the magnetic Heart.
As it is an ELECTRIC tone day, activating Divine Service, you will also need to reflect upon the question
“Are you loyal to your own needs, as you are to the service of others?”
Self sacrifice is not sustainable. Self Love is most important for building a solid foundation for loving and respecting others, without feeling drained and exploited.
The BLUE HAND wavespell focuses on healing your HEART, so that you can be of greater SERVICE to humanity.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW SPECTRAL HUMAN EB – The Occult power of KIN 29 is the SPECTRAL HUMAN – who is a cleaning SPECIALIST.. He carries the SUPERPOWERS of dissolving, liberating and releasing.. EB can dissolve any HEART WALLS, emotional blocks or density preventing you from FULLY OPENING and HEALING your pure HEART and aligning with your intuitive senses. EB can dissolve the BLOCKS and barriers between CONNECTING your HEART and your MIND, so that they work as a TEAM!
EB asks you to strengthen and clear your physical vessel in order to prepare for the expanded energies of higher mind. Your chalice of self is being purified through vibrational adjustments in your physical vessel and opening your higher heart.
Often this process is accompanied by the sensation of being altered or “rewired”. YELLOW HUMAN is preparing your circuits for transformation. Become empty, that your thirst may be quenched by the bounteous gifts poured from the chalice of the spiralling galaxies. Open and receive all that Yellow Human offers in the chalice of your own body.
YELLOW HUMAN represents free will and wisdom. The wisdom that evolves from aligning with Divine Will. Surrender to the Universal Mind and your cup will runneth over with Universal Wisdom.
It is TIME to dissolve and RELEASE, all that does not align with DIVINE WILL and the DIVINE PLAN for humanity!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE ELECTRIC STORM CAUAC challenges you to let go of the toxic EMOTIONAL baggage in order to LIBERATE your soul.. The BLUE STORM energy is DOUBLED today with the Yearly RHYTHMIC STORM energies amplifying today’s ELECTRIC STORM.. Together with the ELECTRIC MOON we have TRIPLE the cleansing and PURIFICATION power – stay alert for the debris that arises today.
The ELECTRIC STORM has TREMENDOUS transformative POWER as it is an ELECTRICAL STORM If you do not GO WITH THE FLOW, and willingly allow the purifying Universal Waters to wash over and through you – then WATCH OUT!! By hook or by crook, your Higher Self will ensure you relent and unload, in order to create more SPACE for something new to take its place.
BLUE STORM’S TURBO, WASH, RINSE and SPIN cycles will ensure our bodies, minds, lives and PLANET are cleared of ANYTHING TOXIC..draining or discordant. What a SUPERPOWER on this BRILLIANT transformative day!!! HALLELUJAH!!!!
BLUE STORM emphasizes the necessity to cleanse and purify our Universal waters, those in our physical bodies and those of our planet. Many cooperative alliances are being formed now with Planetary kin bonding and being of Service to Gaia, focused on environmental projects, cleaning her waters, air, land and environment. Preparing her Planetary Body for the upgrade she is making to a pristine 5D Planet of BEAUTY, PEACE and HARMONY for all her beloved children.
The PURER the water that FLOWS through our vessel and our Planetary Body, the greater the LIGHT we can embody. CAUAC provides tremendous catalytic energies with the ELECTRIC STORM to rapidly transform, giving you the power to regenerate and rebirth your new eternal shiny self.
Overall a POWERFULLY CLEANSING day, filled with questioning how you can ACTIVATE your electrical power, to send waves of pure charged energy, to uplift and energize others through the power of your HEART.
“A saint serves others, knowing that the more one serves, the greater the opportunity for the Spirit to sanctify and purify.” ~ Russell M. Nelson
Today’s question is “How can I PURIFY my HEART and bond with others, activating a greater ELECTRICAL current to flow, fuelling my Divine Service?
Divine blessings for the expression of the true Divine ELECTRICAL power of our precious UNIFIED HEARTS! KABOOM!!
Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.
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