PORTAL OPEN! “REJOICE, The VEIL is Lifted” You are a Master of Light, You Create Your Reality (Gene Key 6 – The Path to Peace)
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Luminous Avatars of the Holy Spirit Expansion
We had another big blast of Higher Dimensional Light emanating off our local Solaris today with an M Class Solar Flare maxing at M 3.43 at 5:38 UTC. Our Sun is a projector of New Keys, Codes and Information from the most High to upgrade and activate all Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 in our Grand Ascension Process.
You are being wrapped in a cocoon of Brilliant White Light of Divine Cosmic Mothers Unconditional Love and Blessings.
We have reached critical mass in our Great Awakening as all our Star Warriors of the New Jerusalem are rising in the Power and Glory of Infinite Mother/ Father God. We are consciously co-creating our New Heaven upon our New Earth with the Love, Joy and Bliss expanding from our Sacred Heart Centers.
Allow the feelings of Eternal Bliss Consciousness to resonate within every atom and cell of your Holy Avatar to assist Gaia and all Her Children of the Sun in the final Shift of the Ages into the New 5D Golden Age of Enlightenment for all Sentient Beings of the Way…A’Ho!
UPDATE. A fresh start is here. A new dawn, with less questions, a clearer mind, a renewed energy. Expect your heart to feel more “knowing” of the path ahead in hours & days to come. Past weeks may have felt heavy, cleansing, foggy. More light is around the corner now. As within so without — you are going to see the outer change, as a result of the inner shifts you recently implemented. Something so aligned awaits you.
Now, something that no longer synchronizes in your environment, is what you must abandon and walk away, you must level up and produce greater awakening.
Our past is coming at us full throttle. Compartmentalised feelings are resurfacing. There’s now strength within to transmute the pain body. Rest, breathe, feel, it will pass and become another thread in your grand story
9/16/23: Today sees you. It sees your truth and it sees your layers of protection to guard that truth. But those barriers have done their job too well. They no longer protect, they confine, and you don’t need them. Transcendence means to exist or experience beyond what has been normal.
New You doesn’t need to hide or repress who you really are, how you feel, and what you want. Today is a helper that offers you freedom. Your truth is intimately bound to Essence and it wants you to live from your authentic heart… not a wounded or guarded one. Let those old towers of protection (and perfection) fall.
“Every human being is emotionally vulnerable until we drop our protective defences. The defences form around our heart, and as long as our hearts remain defended and closed, they can’t heal.” – Richard Rudd, 64 Ways
You have the power to communicate with trees.
with animals, insects, air, and earth.
You can communicate with everything, as everything is connected to you.
You, too, have this power. You, too, can communicate with your ancestors and ask them for guidance, they are waiting for you.
Ask your Spirit to reveal to you what you wish to know.
Ask your spirit guide, and he will help you.
U r a wonderful Being..
You are very powerful, don’t be afraid to communicate..
All this energy is inside your solar plexus waiting for you to unleash!
Even if it’s not what you’ve been taught and you’re afraid to change your beliefs, your mental standards, even if dogma tries to block you,it’s time to get out of the box of thoughts that construct your illusion “reality”.
You have the power to heal and heal yourself, don’t let fear of what they might say deprive you of your power.
Enough is enough. Be free, break the chains that bind you once and for all, shine, shine.
You are a Master of Light, you create your reality, you are the new human, use your power, full of Gaia light.
Bring light to all those who need it, live as a teacher that is who you truly are.
Understand, you are the energy of “I AM.”
Break the chains Darling(o), Your cosmic name is known across the veil and you are immensely loved and protected by an army of light that rests in peace helping you transcend into the Higher Realms of Consciousness.
‘’The Earth will spit back out everything that has been buried and covered.
She has been clearing the elements from the demonic energies and she has already reached, since some time now, the cleansing of the earth element, her physical/material body.
Now she is at the phase of breaking the barriers/dams that were holding the labyrinths of distortion so the flow of the Divine Waters can be restored throughout the system according to the new harmonious oscillation that the Yin and Yang organic templates are bringing.
The Cosmic Flame has unlocked the Divine Waters that will fill the pathways of the new harmonic oscillation.
This is a blessing of restoration that is coming from up above.
The surface world is ending, the buried and forgotten world is emerging.
The different resets of the system are benevolent in nature.
The resets have been making sure that the program will unfold throughout its phases/eras, that people will find correction from corruption and alignment to their true nature and also for those who have been trying to control the people with wicked means, to be restrained when they are at the point of fully taking over.
-Energy update:
Whatever we are going through in our systems, the overall system of this creation is going through too.
The same goes for the plane/body of Earth as we know it.
The year of 2023 is the year of stepping into living mastery via the 777 gate.
Once we reached this gate things started changing rapidly and we are now in the midst of the greatest transformation, upgrade and awakening that we have ever experienced and we are guided to consciously take each step needed in order to embody this Mastery.
Part of this Mastery includes great revelations and truths on the system we live in.
Once we more understand, as a collective, the nature of the system we live in and we do not entertain illusions anymore, then our healing and restoration will become much much easier and we will together remember the way out of the simulation/game and back to True Creation.
This is huge!
As we are accepting the new harmonic oscillation and aligning to the Masculine and Feminine Principle, we are also undergoing a re-alignment of our Torus field
and we are restoring the divine flow/waters in the physical expression of the double DNA helix.
The Divine Waters are pouring inner peace and a sense of certainty in us in order, when the right time comes, to physically enter the Spiral of Life and make it to the other side of perception in a blissful way.
Remember that Truth heals and restores!
This re-alignment will allow us to retain our balance when the 3d reality starts crumbling down and society goes into a crazy spiral.
This has already started and will soon intensify even further!
We are all going into the Spiral, whether in a harmonious or a disharmonious way.
The Spiral can take One into Source/Self or spin One out of this reality or away from Source/Self back to oblivion or into repetition of the same lesson.
The choice is free and personal.
Whatever the choice might be, please respect and honour the power of the Spiral of Life!
Now through November 11th 2023 the veil is extremely thin. More clear guidance, omens, synchronicities and gnostic Wisdom is accessible. This is helping us understand the truth of who we really are, why we are here, and to take the sovereign lead as our true selves. There is much more available for us than we realized. It’s time for us New Earth Leaders of the Way to step into our Leadership positions for the 5th Dimension. The next wave of Lightworkers need us to answer this call, and align with our destined service.
I am hearing the song “Show Yourself” from Frozen. YOU are the one you have been waiting for all of your life Beloved. It’s time for this truth to be revealed.
On Saturday, September 16th, beautiful Venus, ruler of the feminine archetype, in flashy Leo is in aspect to Jupiter, ruler of expansiveness, in stable Taurus. This is the third, and last, square connection that these two planets make while in these particular signs. And, although a square is considered a connection that brings challenges, we should realize that both Venus and Jupiter are planets that bring blessings into our lives. It is possible that we overspend our resources, or that our ego becomes inflated. However, is is also likely that we experience some form of abundance and prosperity energies.
This could be in the form of money, but it could also be gifts, referrals, love, adoration or new knowledge. Venus first entered Leo on June 5th, and then went retrograde in the sign of the Lion on July 22nd. She turned back to Direct Motion on September 3rd and will remain in “take charge” Leo until October 8th. While moving through this process she discovered her own innate value and that she is worthy and deserving of love, attention, recognition and all good things.
With this final square to Jupiter, and as she is moving forward again, she can project forth the fruits of her labor and what she has learned……that she is a Goddess and should be treated as such. But, first she had to learn to treat herself as the sacred being that she is. And, now she can receive the blessings in life that she desires and deserves. Blessing of Love and Light to All!
source: https://www.sacredsoulempowerment.com
beautiful Venus, ruler of the feminine archetype, in flashy Leo is in aspect to Jupiter
Sun in Virgo trine Uranus retrograde in Taurus. Lunar aspects – A sliver of light begins to appear in the skies as the Moon emerges from her meeting with the Sun. New possibilities glint, a tiny sparkle in the eye, a hint of growth. Make a wish when you see the Moon. Turn a silver coin over in your pocket. Remind yourself, I’m as strong as I need to be for all that I desire.
The connection between the Sun and Uranus offers support, inviting us to try new and different paths and experiences. Novelty challenges us because it allows us to express parts of ourselves that have not been given expression before. With Earth signs involved, material matters benefit most. Maybe it’s time to change jobs, shake up your routine, upskill, embrace new technology or try a new workout. Experiment with small changes to begin with to build confidence. Play with unusual ideas and perspectives. Follow the light to find your freedom.
The number 5 is called ‘Overtone’ and its keywords are ‘Empower, Radiance and Command’. The 5th step of any wavespell is about summoning up your personal power, an important day because it really shifts the energy of the wavespell. Because the wavespell began on a White day, the fifth day and the ninth and last, are also the same color. This color theme connects these days and their energy shifts the wavespell along. Today is the first major shift into a higher gear. ( day nine is the top gear). Make use of this power today. Because it is the wavespell of communication, the agenda is still calling the shots and so today communication can empower us.
Today’s is White Worldbridger which represents ‘Death, Opportunity and Equality’. Think about what you need to let go of. Cut out dark thoughts, bad habits or delusions of importance. To cross over the bridge to a new level you first must be lighter, stronger. People are often nervous about Worldbridger days because the word ‘death’ is associated with it. In the Tzolkin however, it represents the shaman’s death and that’s the death of ego or your old self. In order to evolve one must let go whatever holds you back. When you combine the meaning of the number and day the result is ‘empower to equalize or command death.’ To summarize; Today is a powerful day, don’t waste it but make good use of opportunities. Face your weaknesses and let them die and give yourself major brownie points for doing so.
Today’s Guide is White Wizard which represents ‘enchantment’. The Wizard casts a spell and today will seem a little unreal. Follow the white rabbit as he guides you to enchanted places for unusual encounters. When this mysterious character leads the way, we may not realize what’s happening until it’s all over.
The Challenge today is the Yellow Warrior who loves to go on the warpath but today these methods of exerting one’s will do not succeed. The Worldbridge is the equalizer, a diplomat who always sees both sides of the story. Warriors need to put down their sword and relinquish their willpower. You too, are being tested.
The Occult power today is the Blue Eagle who has visions and is very creative. When in this position Eagle sees magic and can share insights for those who are curious. Perhaps through a magic vision, you can find a bridge to cross that will take you somewhere special.
The Ally is the Red Skywalker who has much courage and can lend support to those who need it today. Skywalker’s love to explore and share their enthusiasm for adventures. If you are one, expect to be called upon for assistance today.
16-Tower struck by lightning/Sudden unexpected events
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
2- Partner/Twin/Cooperation/Alliances/Duality
23- Royal Star of the Lion/Strength/Protection
KIN 226 = 10 = 1 – Leadership/New beginnings
A RADIANT MAJIKAL DIVINE day of SURRENDER, and EMPOWERMENT through the wisdom of Spirit..
Today is Day 5 in the wavespell of IK (pronounced eesh) – the Great WHITE WIND who holds the power of Spirit and is bringing forth the BENEVOLENT WINDS of CHANGE! We are learning to embody Spirit by becoming hollow vessels for Spirit to communicate and work Divine MAJIK through our being.
Today we are Commanding our Radiance, as we become more Empowered, through accessing greater wisdom and knowledge, from Spirit throughout the multiverse.
OVERTONE – Tone 5 in the SPIRITUAL realm. ACTION – commands, POWER – empowers, ESSENCE – radiance. The emphasis today is on Empowerment and Radiance, through the Action of Command.
Number 5 represents the Center, core purpose, foundation and central intent. It is the CENTER of the wheel from which all the spokes emanate. This is the phase where the energy of Creation returns to the center and then RADIATES outwards. Overtones command the unbounded. They order it to BE and so it becomes! Their POWER radiates from their soul essence through a pure connection to SOURCE, this is the true source of unlimited power.
The number 5 represents freedom and change. The day code totals 5 today, giving us a 5.5. DOUBLE LIBERATION CODE with a 16.16 TOWER CODE… This union is the JAILBREAK formula – so WATCH OUT – DIVINE MAJIK HAPPENS!!
The OVERTONE POWER is also DOUBLED today – as we are in the Year of the OVERTONE WIZARD… and this kin is also the HIGHER GUIDE TODAY!!! The FULL FORCE of DIVINE MAJIK is bursting forth onto the EARTH plane today – make sure you claim it!
The number 5 also represents the center and your core purpose. OVERTONE invites you to step into the center of your crystalline core and RADIATE your intent and your LIGHT. Overtone’s power is that of COMMAND. So take charge of your POWER and boldly go forth with renewed vigor and courage this is our QUEST during this OVERTONE WIZARD year.
Today we are EMPOWERING our AUTHORITY through new leadership opportunities. .becoming the Radiant wise, teachers and leaders of our new world.
Call on the WARRIOR today to raise your consciousness to a higher level, so that you can fly a white flag of peace, bringing in a new era. Surrender the battles and unite with your brothers and sisters.
The Fearless Rainbow Warriors are leading us home to the promised land.
Do not grieve the past anymore, as that is GONE, but turn and face your FUTURE with great anticipation!
Get out and build that RAINBOW BRIDGE that leads to your new tomorrow!
HEAVEN is here for the taking!
Today’s question is “How can I SURRENDER, and LET GO to the power of SPIRIT, using my DIVINE MAJIK to become Radiantly empowered as a LEADER of the new world?
Divine blessings for RADIANTLY opening the RAINBOW GATES to the New World.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: WHITE OVERTONE WORLDBRIDGER – CIMI -brings closure and endings. The WORLDBRIDGER seals the store of death, bringing forth the ENDING of the old cycle.. The collapse and demise of the matrix and old paradigm to make way for the new. With a 16.16 TOWER code today – we may witness SUDDEN EVENTS and ENDINGS on many levels – be it deaths and departures, accidents, misfortune or new opportunities that catapult you in a NEW DIRECTION.. Be OPEN TO CHANGE – so the change is not too dramatic! Otherwise Spirit WILL pull the carpet out from under your feet, in order for you to CHANGE!
The lesson of WORLDBRIDGER is to understand and accept that everything is a cycle. We must learn to LET GO and SURRENDER the old, in order to make space for the new ways, cycles and energies, that are wanting to anchor. In LETTING GO the WORLDBRIDGER becomes active in bridging the two cycles.
WORLDBRIDGER is the human conduit between the two energies, spaces, places and indeed dimensions. The WORLDBRIDGER is like the chivalrous Don Quixote, removing his jacket and laying it down over the pool of water, so that those who follow may pass without hindrance.
WORLDBRIDGER paves the way and creates the new path for all those who follow, they truly are bridge builders in all respects.
Today CIMI is opening new doorways and commanding new opportunities that have never existed before, as a RADIANT wayshower. As CIMI is an OVERTONE Worldbridger he is OPENING HEAVEN’S GATE for all the wayshowers to pass through and claim their RADIANT sovereignty as the NEW EARTH LEADERS.
WORLDBRIDGER seeks to EQUALIZE, knowing that we are all ONE. The greatest equalizer of course is DEATH, which is why the Worldbridger faces this lesson over and over in his/her lifetime. Accepting that after death, there is an afterlife, and then REBIRTH, and the cycle of LIFE continues once more ad infinitum!
The OVERTONE WORLDBRIDGER is a great RADIANT teacher, accessing much DIVINE wisdom through many realms, and sharing these messages with all who are listening.
The WORLDBRIDGER must SURRENDER to SPIRIT, becoming a PURE CONDUIT, so that the TRUTH can be easily assessed. Whatever CIMI channels from Spirit he passes on to his tribe for the benefit of ALL!
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE OVERTONE WIZARD IX – here he is AGAIN – our OVERTONE WIZARD is joined by his DOPPELGANGER as the Yearly kin! Woot woot – time to COMMAND your DIVINE MAJIK powers beloved STAR BLISS SUNS!
IX – brings forth the power of endlessness, knowing that all cycles good or bad, naturally run their course.
This story is now ENDING as a FRESH NEW beginning is commencing in our life’s journey, with this NEW ASCENSION SHIFT. . on this VIRGO NEW MOON as we head towards EQUINOX for our great RESET and BALANCE.
The WIZARD TRUSTS in the POWER of SPIRIT and the DIVINE PLAN. This implicit TRUST in divine timing, in turn EMPOWERS you, to live in the moment and FLOW with the cycles of creation; KNOWING that ALL IS WELL.
White Wizard is the Magician, whose powers are activated by wisdom that emanates from the heart. A magician dances the dance of love through offering gifts of freedom to others. This is real majik! Freed from the need to use power to manipulate or control, a magician uses WISDOM to manifest liberation and love. This is the true POWER unlocked today.
IX enables CIMI to be STILL and receptive, to have greater access to the spirit realms.. a formidable guide MAGNIFYING the gifts of CIMI.. great wisdom interwoven with White Majik!
IX, CIMI and IK – the great WHITE WIND, form a WHITE TRINITY breaking through all illusions to reveal the DIVINE TRUTH through the messages from Spirit.
Great DIVINE MAJIK is afoot today – especially with the 7.9.7. code.
SUPPORT: RED OVERTONE SKYWALKER– BEN is the Angelic Messenger and Galactic Shaman and CIMI’s best mate. Together they FLY HIGH, as they journey together through multi-dimensional realms, gathering data, codes, wisdom, frequencies and energies that are required back on Earth, as the wise teachers and gifted healers that they are.
Skywalker supports Cimi’s Mission in seeking to be the bridge between Heaven and Earth. BEN is the anchor upon which CIMI can build the new bridge. Together they exemplify the UNIFICATION and cooperation needed to create our New Reality of ONENESS bringing HEAVEN to EARTH.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE SOLAR EAGLE MEN represents CLEAR VISION, seeing the big picture and Divine Plan for your life and our Planetary family. WISDOM combined with FUTURE VISION is a very EMPOWERING recipe, instilling confidence in your Divine Mission. You can SEE the new opportunities that arise and are in a grand position to take advantage of this.
The SOLAR EAGLE SEES the FUTURE VISION and brings it forth through his being. PULSING it out in order to realize this VISION in the physical reality. SEE IT and BELIEVE IT, in order to CREATE IT.. Pulse forth your DREAMS and greatest VISION today, in order to soar, with the GREAT WHITE WIND beneath your WINGS.
BLUE EAGLE soars HIGH in the SKY, and asks you to join in lifting the collective mind. MEN holds the coding for Planetary MIND – and as today’s SUPERPOWER, can endow humanity with the POWER to ASCEND higher up the evolutionary ladder. if we STAY focused on the BIG PICTURE!
It is up to each one of us to hold a positive VISION, as the means by which this miracle will occur. This is through the changes in the ONE, affecting the greater whole.
Envision that this New world has indeed anchored and that the Rainbow Bridge is OPEN for intergalactic travellers.
Aho Planetary KIN – Spirit’s PLAN is unfolding in the most MAJIKAL way!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW OVERTONE WARRIOR – CIB holds the staff of enlightenment in his hands. He is the ferryman who will guide your boat back from the UNDERWORLD, to the new land of freedom and prosperity.
The OVERTONE WARRIOR defends the DIVINE PLAN for humanity and COMMANDS it into being! Total CONFIDENCE that
Call on the WARRIOR today to raise your consciousness to a higher level, so that you can fly a white flag of peace, bringing in a new era. Surrender the battles and unite with your brothers and sisters.
The Fearless Rainbow Warriors are leading us home to the promised land.
Do not grieve the past anymore, as that is GONE, but turn and face your FUTURE with great anticipation!
Get out and build that RAINBOW BRIDGE that leads to your new tomorrow!
HEAVEN is here for the taking!
Today’s question is “How can I SURRENDER, and LET GO to the power of SPIRIT, using my DIVINE MAJIK to become Radiantly empowered as a LEADER of the new world?
Divine blessings for RADIANTLY opening the RAINBOW GATES to the New World.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
🔥 Shamanic Negative Implant Removal Ceremony 🔥
Implant Removal Shaman Ceremony ~ Cutting all Cords, Attachments and all False Soul Contracts ~ Freedom from all Negative Programs and Entities
Beloved I Am Presence, Light of my Soul, Beloved El Morya, Beloved ArchAngel Michael, and your Legions of Blue Flame Angels,
Infuse within my Soul and all around me a river of Blue Flame Love. By the Power of “three times three” sustain and expand this love without limit.
Let your Protection take dominion over the Earth and over every man, woman and child on the Planet.
Protect the youth, the elderly and the innocents. Consume within me and within the Earth all that does not portrait the Divine Will of The Father.
Let Love, Freedom and True Knowledge of the Divine, be re-established on Earth, now and forever.
I Am that I Am! By all God’s Love, I know that I Am the Power and the authority on Earth to command life free and the return to wholeness of everything on it.
I call the Power of Blue-Flame Love to establish the Golden Age of Enlightenment and true Brotherhood on Earth.
Let the Victory of the Will of God prevail on Earth!
Let the Flame of Cosmic Love and Wisdom prevail on Earth!
And so be it! Beloved I Am!
( From “Prayers to the Seven Sacred Flames” By Aurelia.)
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