You are currently viewing URANUS STATIONS DIRECT IN TAURUS ~ Solar Crystalline Liquid Lightbody * Guardians and Keepers of Sacred Sites ~ TRANSFORMATIVE FUSION
Shamanic Healing

URANUS STATIONS DIRECT IN TAURUS ~ Solar Crystalline Liquid Lightbody * Guardians and Keepers of Sacred Sites ~ TRANSFORMATIVE FUSION

URANUS STATIONS DIRECT IN TAURUS ~ Solar Crystalline Liquid Lightbody * Guardians and Keepers of Sacred Sites ~ TRANSFORMATIVE FUSION



Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light

Greetings Benevolent Earth Angelics of our United Lion Kingdom of New Lemuria

We have massive waves of intense energetics flowing in through todays Ascension Portal. The Serpentine Energies of this Lunar New Year of the Wood Snake are pouring into this realm from the most high pushing many over every threshold to shift our reality into the Quickening of Pure Awareness.

As Pachamama’s Crystalline Core expands with Activation Codes, Gaias heartbeat had multiple pillars of white light appearing on the Schumann Charts at amplitudes of 17 hz, 32 hz, and a Trinity of Spikes of White Light at 56 hz, 62 hz and 63 hz. Fifth through Seventh Dimensional energetics fully anchored in and rising.

Uranus stations direct in Taurus today, ending its five-month retrograde that began on September 1, 2024.

Uranus is known as the planet of transformation, radical change, crisis, and freedom. Its direct motion in Taurus can bring clarity and forward momentum, especially in areas related to safety and financial matters. This collective shift may lead to significant spiritual and personal transformations, as Uranus’s energy encourages us to embrace change and innovation.

We can use these Powers of Transformations and Resurrection to assist us in our Great Shift of the Ages to our New Golden Age of Heaven on Earth…A’Ho!















Things are finding their flow again! Momentum is back. A new lightness wants to find you 🐍🔥❤️
Embrace your mission
Embrace your mission




Incoming Divine Energies Are Very Intense Right NOW!
Stay Grounded!!!
Shamanic Healing
Shamanic Healing
Sometimes in Shamanic Healing there is need to extract blockages/strongholds from all seven chakras to release. This is often called a Sacred Shield Healing. The blockages can manifest in many physical maladies, inability to rest, and emotional/spiritual pain. Often the client feels like a prisoner and unable to clear their own field (even if they know how work with Light entities).
Effective and knowledgeable assistance is required for these major clearings. There are protocols for this method. After clearing the blockages, the chakras are illuminated. This techniques is deep medicine and very profound.

Beloved lightworkers,

As you journey on your sacred missions, know that you are enveloped in an embrace of divine love and guidance. Your purpose is profound, and even if you do not fully comprehend the intricacies of your path, trust that you are exactly where you need to be.
It is perfectly okay to feel uncertain or to stumble along the way. Every experience, each so-called misstep, is a part of the divine tapestry that weaves your story. Remind yourself that you are not only a vessel of light but a conduit of transformation. The love you carry within your heart transcends words and conscious understanding, touching souls in ways you may not yet perceive.
As you share your energy, even in moments of doubt, the wisdom of your spirit resonates deeply, quietly urging awareness and healing in those around you. You are planting seeds of light that will bloom in beautiful ways.
Allow yourselves to be gentle with your hearts. Know that with every kind thought, loving action, and sincere intention, you are contributing to a wave of cosmic awakening. The universe supports you, wrapping you in love as you navigate your journey.
Continue to shine, dear ones, for your light is a gift to the world. Embrace your mission with grace and tenderness, and remember: you are held in an unbreakable bond of love, both seen and unseen.
With all the love in the universe,



1/30/25: You might think, with January ending and a new lunar year to explore, that you can finally get some traction. Yeah, but no. You’re not ready yet. And you can blame our number 9 year for that. Number 9 magnifies the qualities of every other number while still dismantling things in the background. This adds up to February appearing to be a slow mover of a month while much is happening behind the scenes.
Your Right Action is to match its pace while you polish some of the more subtle but important skills you gained last year such as patience, sensitivity, presence, and shrewd observation. Today and tomorrow are your days to celebrate January’s gifts… and there are many. Don’t judge. Detach, watch, and wait.


Dear friends, today on January 30, the energies of planet Uranus direct in the sign of Taurus begin to unfold, weaving a powerful synergy with the freshly initiated Wood Snake year. As we navigate this dynamic intersection, we’re invited to harness the transformative potential of these combined forces.
Uranus direct in Taurus brings a practical, innovative approach to everyday life, finance, and material security. This earthy awakening encourages us to redefine our relationship with the physical world, our bodies, our roots, and our senses. As we shed outdated values and priorities, we’re inspired to cultivate a deeper sense of what truly matters and we create a more authentic foundation.
The Wood Snake year, which began on January 29, embodies the spirit of transformation, renewal, and spiritual growth. This serpentine energy invites us to shed our old skin, embracing the unknown and emerging revitalized. As we navigate this cycle, we’re guided by the Snake’s wisdom, intuition, and inner knowing, leading us toward more informed decisions and a deeper connection with our inner selves.
The synergy between Uranus direct in Taurus and the Wooden Snake year creates a potent blend of innovative transformation and spiritual growth. This fusion encourages us to apply spiritual principles to everyday life, fostering a deeper connection between our material and spiritual worlds. As we navigate this new cycle, we’re invited to harness the power of innovation to fuel our personal renewal, growth, and spiritual evolution on our earthly journey.
As we integrate these energies, some of us may experience symptoms such as restlessness, insomnia, or vivid dreams, as our minds and bodies adjust to the accelerated pace of transformation. Others may feel a sense of disorientation, as if their familiar foundations are shifting. Physical sensations like tingling, numbness, or energetic surges in the body may also arise, signaling the activation of our inner wisdom and intuitive abilities, and the clearing of energetic paths.
As we move towards the end of this first month of the year, our adaptation to the new frequencies of 2025 will continue during the month of February giving us a little energetic oasis to process and integrate this transition. The big changes will come later as we enter the month of March. Meanwhile, have a peaceful end of January and stay tuned for more energy updates as we continue navigating yet another transformational year.
Much love 💖
Diego E. Berman 2025Ⓒ
Ascending Earth
Ascending Earth
To The Ascension LightWorker Collective : In 2025 a significant turning point in human consciousness is expected. You may have noticed the ongoing intense energy shifts both spiritually and in your personal experiences on Earth.
As this global power shift unfolds, it is helpful to continue your journey of self healing and manifestation, contributing to the creation of the new 5D world that the ascending have all been anticipating. Remaining aligned with your highest intentions and welcoming the transformation taking place within and around you.
You are Ascending light beings here on ascending Earth , The life ahead of you holds far more importance than the life behind you. You have come here to heal duality and confront and overcome your internal battles and struggles, discovering the higher light and Conscious power within Ascending self .
You came here to heal by facing and healing conditioned inner darkness, discovering the light within, discovering the power within discovering your soul’s truth, purpose and passion.
The spiritual community pushes this narrative of “love and light” so strongly and neglects to explain that we must first enter the darkness to reach that love and light.
Divine Ascending souls may have noticed energetic shifts in their reality already. Stemming from the internal work things will begin to show up differently in vour reality. Remaining optimistic releasing doubt and fear.
The Ascending have made remarkable progress now focusing on self love development , worthiness , highlighting deservibility activating divine blessings , remaining in your energy field , no longer allowing outside negative influences to disrupt the conscious path .
Reclaiming energy that was given away in unknowingness. Trusting in The Creative light source increases synchronicities. Keeping energy fields clear of negativity.
An entire dimension is falling away right now that holds identities, emotions, wounds, ways of living, careers, relationships and old beliefs. A lot is surfacing to be worked through in order to ground into Earth’s new and highest timelines.
Part of spiritual and emotional maturity is recognising that you’re not going to over come things over night to become a different person. You remain the same self but you become awakened to the healed aspects of the old self and discover higher aspects that were there within the whole time .
The Ascending are balancing the dark and light within and are now embracing every part of ascending self without judgements. The genuine Ascending are protected and are moving more into higher light expansion.
Self love makes you okay with being alone, but it doesn’t dismiss your desire for true love connection. It often encourages it. It inspires you to share that love for self and with others.
Your journey has been unique and one of a kind, your achievements and personal growth so far have been undeniable acknowledging the darker aspects in self and in life this has been essential to expand in love and light.
Ascending souls may have already noticed positive shifts in their reality recently as a result of their deep internal shadow work. Eradicating the conditioned ego is not always easy. Keeping your optimism and trust intact as you deserve the blessings that now come your way. Reclaiming your energy from external influences and focusing on self-Love and self care.
The old version of Self may at times try to hinder your ascension progress along the path , this is due to the dissolving internal ego aspects and its resistance to change there is letting go of old habits and out dated cycles in self to develop a higher conscious mindset assisting in the rewiring of the neural pathways elevation in thought frequency and advanced internal growth .
Ascending collective as a whole are expanding in their divine nature they are choosing a far more humane path for the future. A new dimension is shedding the past requiring healing honest self reflection and self-love.
By manifesting higher love and radiating positive energy you attract your soul tribe. Recognising that self-love does not mean loneliness instead it encourages vibrationally aligned and healthier connections.
Ascending souls are transitioning from the material age to the frequency age. The suffering of the past transforms into enlightenment. Releasing versions of self that were only created for your survival.
February 2025 brings in significant opportunities for soul ascension, source connection , personal conscious growth, and change. It is a month of movement, progress, and new beginnings.
During the Month of February number 2 month the focus for the Ascending collective will be on collaboration , togetherness , friendships and partnerships. Next month will emphasise the importance of working harmoniously with others and seeking balance in connections and relationships. It is a time to develop patience and practice the art of diplomacy. Engaging in activities that require cooperation and finding common ground will be especially rewarding .
As ascending individuals undergo spiritual growth and raise their vibrational frequency they encounter these physical symptoms as their energy system adjusts to new levels of awareness and integration of higher frequencies. These symptoms are signs of transformation and spiritual evolution on the path to ascension enlightenment .
Many undergoing ascension awakening have reported a sense of time speeding up losing time or feeling like time is accelerating. This phenomenon is associated with shifts in consciousness and vibrational frequencies. As we raise our awareness and connect more deeply with the present moment our perception of time will change. this experience leads to living in the NOW a greater appreciation for the moments that matter most and a deeper connection to the flow of life and existence.
The portals opening during this time present opportunities for expansion and accelerated Ascension . The decisions, choices, and actions taken during this February month will have long-term benefits , shaping the main theme of life for the next 2 years.
It is helpful to utilise this time intentionally and wisely. The first week of February holds particular power, providing amplified opportunities to take inspired action. Listening closely to the higher heart’s desires and reflecting on where you can make positive changes to enhance your situations in life.
Trusting self’s expanding intuition to take the first steps , the universe is propelling the Ascending forward and encouraging them towards any necessary action in February. Overall, the planetary energies in February 2025 are lighter and more favourable for many as they will support you on your journey of ascension and transformation.
In loving and dedicated LightWorker service
Source information by Ascension LightWorkers .

Dear Precious Soul

You are, as all is being purified, clarified, by the White Flame of Illumination, asked to become fluid like water, light as air, see-through, as all is now accelerating so rapidly, that what you were, even one breathing moment ago, is no longer there.
Letting go does not mean losing or loss of anyone or anything, but rather a total change in form and being transfigured into a new you, a new super you, a lighter, illumined Solar Crystalline Liquid Lightbody you, soul empowered, claiming your own Divinity, your birthright, the truth of the infinite soul you, as originally created and birthed into being.
Water vaporizes, and becomes one with the air then births a new form, which becomes clouds, and clouds become the rain which feeds the streams, the rivers, the ocean.
So are you now constantly changing from density into pure liquid light.
Illuminated. Radiant. Shining. Translucent.
I have during my journeys done a lot of earth energy work and I know that when you call in the Guardians and Keepers of these places, and ask for permission to enter, with an open loving heart and soul, and pure intent, and they welcome you in, and now everything changes.
Suddenly you can see, what you could not see before. You now step into a multiple dimensional world, where all coexists.
There are souls who vowed not to leave the earth when we first fell from the original 7th dimensional state with the Fall of Mu and Lemuria, and the later 5th dimensional Atlantis, but would hold the light steady, until we finally are in the New Earth, and the New Golden Age is fully anchored in. They are the Ancient Ones. They are rendering such immense selfless loving service and I have so often found them showing themselves to me wherever I go.
As you gain in consciousness, you are lit up from within and filled with love and light, in thought, word and deed, that you are harmless. When you are harmless you become ONE with all life, all existence, and this when all will be revealed to you, as those who live in the different dimensions, reveal themselves, like the Ancient Ones.
Yes, we are now transfiguring into a new illumined embodiment and seethrough.
This is why you are asked to release all the old stuff, all the shackles, attachments, fear based energy, etc. Totally. No half measures nor half-heartedness.
When you are seethrough you have nothing to hide, no hidden things, no hidden cords, attachments. Nothing.
You are illumined within and without.
Remember this, and let go.
Your soul knows.
So does your heart.
And so it is!

Forests of Light

We Invite You To Sit With US
Join Our Circle of Light
For the invitation expands to All Beings, aligned to the greater good of Light.
Let it BE known, the Higher Good of All Species is the Light Synthesis of Now.
Simply Find The Moment To Hold Light With US.
Join the Light Consciousness of Our Cellular Memory
You will see our Ancient Ways of Grounding Light, Integrated in the Now Moment of Light Creation.
For the Plant Kingdom is Alive and Expanding, Connecting the Dots For Humanity.
Together We Now Join
For The Ancient Light Ways are Returning
The Unity of Light Communication
Simply Awaken To The Green Matrices Of Light
Enter Our Kindgom ☘🌿
With Love & Awakening
The Plant Kingdom
Karen Lithika ☘💥
Forests of Light
Forests of Light

There may be some guidance suggesting you fine tune of your manifestations. There are some things you need to put more energy into, and other things that need to end. Pull back your energy and get into alignment to figure out the sweet spot between less and more. Some things aren’t worth fighting for any longer. A new belief system will support change and growth.

God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn


On Thursday, January 30th, Uranus, the Great Awakener, and ruler of Aquarius where we had our New Moon yesterday, is turning back to Direct Motion at 11:22am EST. Uranus rules sudden shifts and alterations, liberation and freedom, rebellion and revolution, change and redirection, shocking or unexpected events and occurrences.
Did anything like that happen in your life in the last 24 hours? We are still under the influence of this strange, bizarre, eccentric and quirky energy from Uranus as he stations and starts to move forward once again. So, as they always say about this unconventional planet….”Expect the Unexpected!”
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
Uranus, the Great Awakener, and ruler of Aquarius
Uranus, the Great Awakener, and ruler of Aquarius
Uranus stations direct in Taurus. Venus in Pisces trine Juno in Scorpio. Sun in Aquarius trine Jupiter retrograde in Gemini – Uranus the Awakener, stops, turns, churns the ground, upends the apple cart. He’s been busy reclaiming our lost parts, reuniting us with our inner genius. Shaken not stirred is the motto and now we drink of his wisdom, remember what’s most important. It’s okay to be different. It’s okay to take the untrodden path. Suddenly there is a bubble of laughter in the chest and from somewhere far away, wedding bells ring. When you commit from the heart, all oppositions are joined, all conflicts resolved. Trust the universe.
And here is joy – if you want it. Joy in being alive. Joy of your own making. The kind of joy that comes when you throw open a window at dawn and greet the sun. Or it’s a quiet, happy sigh as you close a beloved read for the tenth time, still uplifted by the ending. You too, can have the happily ever after if you wish, a recognition of life’s greatest gifts, none of which money can buy. Be open to developments. Believe in yourself. Maybe life will surprise you.
Degrees and Times
Uranus 23°Ta15′ – 16:22 (UT)
Venus 26°Pi26′, Juno 26°Sc26′ – 17:57 (UT)
Sun 11°Aq18′, Jupiter 11°Ge18′ R – 22:58 (UT)
© Leah Whitehorse
Website :
Painting – Reading at the Window by Edmund C Tarbell
Reading at the Window
Reading at the Window

Kin 207 ~ Blue Crystal Hand

‘Crystal’ is the name for the number 12 and its keywords are ‘Dedicate, Cooperate and Universalize’. The 12th day of the Yellow Warrior wavespell is all about getting together with others to share your experiences. A chance to talk about our missions and get some feedback. We shall be holding Crystal Court here….hold your own court and get together with like-minded folk. It is always insightful to share with others.
Today is Blue Hand which represents ‘Healing, Accomplishment and Knowing’. Blue Hand days are for healing and as it is a ‘Crystal’ day, this suggests that any healing taking place in a group setting is ideal. Working together and remembering that we are not in this alone, is so therapeutic. We are social creatures and we can forget this sometimes. On Crystal days we can be there for one another. ‘Accomplishment’ is also a key characteristic of the Blue Hand and today represents how much can be accomplished when we work together. Whatever you are doing today, remember that many hands make light work.
The Guide today is the Blue Storm which symbolizes big changes and when Storm leads the way, expect to be pulled along towards a big change in your life. This is disruptive potentially but of course in this context, change is created through cooperating with others. Today’s changes happen when we gather together!
The Challenge today is the Red Earth which represents Evolution. It is hard to make progress on days like this but not impossible, we just have to try harder. If you are a Red Earth, you may not look forward to Blue Hand days but you can use your navigating skills to plot a course through the day. You too can benefit from working with others today and so, find your people and let them help you get through this day.
The Occult power is the White Wizard which is the symbol of Enchantment. The Wizard’s spells work well when in this powerful position. You can tap into this energy and be charming too. But look out…it is very easy to find yourself down a rabbit hole or drinking too much of the KoolAid today. Instead of being put under a spell, be the one doing the spell bounding and practise your Wizardry skills as if you were at Hogwarts.
The Ally is the Yellow Human. If you need help – ask one. If you are one, you will be sought out for support today. If you don’t have one you can access, take their advice and use your intuition and trust your gut instincts. This is what they would do.
Kin 207
Kin 207


12 MANIK – KIN 207
30 JANUARY 2025




I DEDICATE in order to KNOW
Universalizing Healing
I seal the store of accomplishment
With the Crystal tone of cooperation
I AM guided by the power of self-generation

30/1/2025 = 3/1/9 = 3/10=3/1=4


30- Retrospection/Retreat
3- Holy Trinity/Joy/Creativity/Communication
4- Form/Structure/Foundation/Angelic/Earth

✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
1- Leader/New beginnings/Original/Independent/Unique
9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Humanity/Grace/Service/Mission/Divinity
10- Manifestation/Perfection/Power/Authority
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
25- Spiritual wisdom/Learning from past mistakes


Day 12 in the YELLOW WARRIOR WAVESPELL🏹🌈 of fearlessly QUEST-I-ONing everything in our path, with a profound intelligence, disabling the old paradigm and fully focused on forging a new path to a brave New World.

Today we DEDICATE ourselves to supporting each other, by sharing transformative knowledge, that the yellow Warrior has acquired, through actively QUEST-I-ONing what IS. A day that allows the collective, to work together in UNISON, as One Mind – dedicated to GLOBAL PEACE and HARMONY!.🕊🌍🌎🌏🌟



CRYSTAL 💎– Tone 12 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – universalizes, POWER – dedicates, ESSENCE – cooperation. The CRYSTAL tone 12 is the highest level of the mind (MENTAL realm) The other two MENTAL tones are tone 4 Self-existing and tone 8 Galactic. Yesterday we focused on dissolving and releasing any blocks/old patterns in order to LIBERATE new opportunities on our QUEST for a better life. Through the space and freedom engendered by the Spectral phase (of dissolution and release), new space is created for something NEW to emerge.

At the CRYSTAL level of MIND we have the capacity to cooperate, or operate with other minds. Just as a crystal can be programmed, so too can we program our minds on this day. The close CONNECTIONS to our kin today are amplified today whilst our MINDS are AWAKENed and ILLUMINATED with greater CLARITY to choose levels of higher consciousness.

The CRYSTAL tone coupled with the BLUE HAND of accomplishment ✨⚛️ is a phenomenal combination giving you the POWER to focus the crystal through your HIGHER MIND to MANIFEST your thoughts into matter.. Very potent alchemy⚛️ today – be very MINDFUL where you FOCUS your lens of attention!
Today’s question is “How can we dedicate our collective WISDOM to accomplish TRANSFORMATIVE UNIVERSAL HEALING?”.

🌟🌟🌟🌟Am I READY to make the next QUANTUM EVOLUTIONARY JUMP🚶🚶🚶 into a higher timeline?📈 🌟🌟🌟

🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤
Divine blessings for accomplishing great transformative soul Healing today!✨✨

In Lak’ech a la kin

Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
KIN 207 is the KIN that OPENED the ASCENSION PORTAL on December 21st, 2012 heralding a NEW BEGINNING on EARTH, as a massive wave of STARSEEDS AWAKENED through its frequency, feeling the impulse to embrace the CHANGE.

KIN 207 is always OPENING the doors for humanity to WALK THROUGH to higher realms!
This is a HUGE boost which links back to the 12:12 portal 27 moons ago through the COSMIC STARGATE🌠 ! 🌟🍥🌟🍥🌟


BLUE CRYSTAL💎 HAND🙌 is a PORTAL🌀 KIN – and another very POWERFUL planetary Ascension code..

✨27 moons ago it occurred on December 11, 2022 which was an 11.11.11 portal code!
✨54 moons ago it occurred on October 22, 2020 – which was the 22/22 PEACE gateway.
✨63 moons ago it occurred on 4th February, 2020 – which was a 4/4 PORTAL – building the foundation for NEW EARTH.

✨💥🌟 KIN 207 is the kin that OPENED the DOOR🚪 initiating the ASCENSION PORTAL on Solstice☀ December 21, 2012. 💥🌟✨💥🌟✨

The CRYSTAL HAND💎🖐 is the frequency HARMONIC of our planetary evolutionary SHIFT, ensuring we ACCOMPLISH our cellular upgrade from carbon based to crystalline structure. WE are becoming giant CRYSTAL receivers and transmitters!
Today we are SUPER BOOSTED and reconnected to this momentous ASCENSION EVENT through the Harmonic Grid and the spiral of TIME. 🍥⏳🍥

✨✨✨We have a direct connection to that pivotal MAYAN PROPHECIZED🔮 GATEWAY that was the catalyst for many StarSeeds to rapidly AWAKEN! 💥💥💥 Perhaps today it will be the catalyst to AWAKEN the remaining sleepers! Stay TUNED and watch the CME’s and Schumann go OFF THE CHARTS📈 today and tomorrow through the COSMIC STAR-GATE! ✨✨✨

KIN 207 solidifies the CRYSTAL 💎 conduit, and ensures we ACCOMPLISH this new Planetary foundation of PEACE, through HEALING the collective of HARM. We are currently ASCENDING and transcending the old ways, as we move from HARM – to HARM-ONY!🌟🕊🌹

We have an ABUNDANT FLOW of DIVINE blessings from our SOURCE, reminding us that we are eternal beings. We have been given all the energetic tools🛠 we need to accomplish this GREAT Mission, as the wayshowers and Rainbow Warriors, on our unified QUEST – FORGING A NEW PATH TO GREATNESS!🌈🌏🌐


Aho! Another BIG day to JUMP START 🔥🎇 our Planetary Divine Missions!! 🚀🌟


Today we are joining and merging with other MINDS through the power of HEALING🙌 and transformation. We are reprogramming GAIA’s crystalline grid🌐 to a much higher octave of PURE consciousness. ☀🌟

This time our PLANETARY GRID🌐 is fully programmed for PEACE, vitality and HEALING, so the giant super planetary computer will be broadcasting these codes to all who have their “receivers” tuned in to that station/frequency. . 📻

Focus on the CRYSTAL CLARITY of your mind today, through the power of cooperation with others, to transmit and receive these potent codes. A day of greater CONNECT-I -ON to each other through our precious HEARTS💓 and highest Collective MINDS and to Mother Gaia!

NOTE: CRYSTAL💎 days are the days you schedule meetings, negotiations, contractual agreements, brainstorming, writing, channeling, meditating and communicating. CRYSTAL tone people are fantastic advisors, thinkers, counsellors, authors, channellers, tarot/card readers, writers, speakers, inventors et al, as they have a very clear and direct access to information.

CRYSTAL tone people have a natural affinity with the CRYSTAL💎 mineral realm, and can easily connect and communicate with the crystal deva, thus making them fantastic Crystal Healers, Gridworkers and the like. Interesting that many are also very adept at working with computers and IT that have a Crystal chip.

TODAY is a BRILLIANT day to connect in any way, shape or form and use your crystal allies to effect great healing.


CONSCIOUS SELF: BLUE CRYSTAL HAND💎 🙌– MANIK brings forth miraculous healing power with WHITE WIZARD’s superpowers in ending your pain, suffering and dis-ease on the road to WELLNESS. 🌱

Today we attract this new HEALING🌿 frequency accompanied by a sense of accomplishment. Resources and solutions will appear as you gain satisfaction in knowing you are finally making significant progress in your healing journey – whatever form that may take, be it physical, mental, emotional or mental. You can finally uncover the SOLUTIONS needed to dissolve the dis-ease and release all suffering, LIBERATING you to truly LIVE a joyous life again.

MANIK ensures you accomplish your desires. Today is a wonderful time TO GET THINGS DONE,🛠 to volunteer, to assist others and to offer a helping hand.🖐 A great day for using your HANDS as tools🛠 to accomplish whatever needs doing! Lend a hand to others that are ailing, or conversely REACH OUT and ask for HELP if you need it.

Get out your TO DO list, or your BUCKET LIST and start prioritizing your tasks, to ensure you fully maximize the incredible gifts that MANIK bestows upon you today..

The CRYSTAL tone enhances our connections. We are all connected and our HANDS are one of the best parts of our bodies to physically connect with our kin. Let us all hold each other’s HAND as we walk together through the portals in these evolutionary, transitional times. 👭💥👬💥👫💥


HIGHER SELF: BLUE CRYSTAL STORM💎 🌀 CAUAC is our HIGHER GUIDE today with the focus on TRANSFORMATION and PROGRESS – the necessity to keep moving forward and evolving. 🍥📈🌟🌏🌎🌍

We have DOUBLE STORM POWER ⛈️⛈️ today with the RHYTHMIC STORM – as our YEAR seal amplifying the day code. Twin STORMS to move us forward NOW!MRS

CAUAC brings forth the powers of transformation and self-generation through HEALING. A lovely synergy working with MANIK to return you to wholeness once again. 🙌 🌿

The STORM combined with the YELLOW WARRIOR wavespell, is a formidable force facilitating RAPID change! 🌀🌩🌪💥💥💥

The STORM energies are AMPLIFIED through the crystalline Ascension Grid🌐 to achieve their maximum purpose today – it’s EVOLUTION TIME FOLKS!!! The TIMES they are a CHANGING!. 🌀🌀🌀

Allow the STORM🌪🌩 waters 🌊🌊🌊 to wash away all that no longer serves, FLUSHING🚽 it all away, cleansing your MIND and hence your LIFE, of all discordant thoughts and patterns. CAUAC is the catalyst to hurl you forwards🌊🌊🌊 in an accelerated manner, to where Spirit needs you to be! Using your tools and accumulated wisdom, to apply this great power today, to affect incredible transformation and evolutionary progress for HU-MAN-ITY.



SUPPORT: YELLOW CRYSTAL HUMAN💎 😊– EB supports us in FEARLESSLY CHOOSING to do the healing 🙌 work that will set us FREE, reclaiming our FREE WILL to navigate our future path.

Using our intelligent MINDS we have all the wisdom and knowledge today, to elevate ourselves beyond the limitations of our physical human vessel, and raise our cellular frequency to that of the Divine Golden HU-MAN. 🌟✨✨

As we align with DIVINE WILL🕊 we can elevate our consciousness to the level of the DIVINE MIND. Our ANGELIC GOLDEN SOPHIA-CHRISTED lightbodies can be accessed through the healing codes prevalent today.

EB also provides the power of INFLUENCE. We may be influenced by others, or alternatively we can significantly influence others, to take the healing journey to wellness and accomplishment through higher consciousness.

Using our Divine wisdom to evolve past the wounds, patterns of suffering and the old paradigm in our communities. Being open and willing to push past the old boundaries and mental blocks so that we can co-create and seed the NEW TIME, free to influence others in a positive way towards wholeness and harmony.

EB also holds the keys to Abundance, so today is a potent day for healing your scare-city blocks and poverty consciousness. An INFINITE SUPPLY of NEW BLISSINGS is NOW FLOWING from source to fulfil your needs.

✨✨✨ALLOW your golden chalice🏆 to overflow from the COSMIC BANK of INFINITE ABUNDANCE 💰💰💰, providing all the resources and energy needed to fuel your QUEST to the New Kingdom..


OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE LUNAR WIZARD 🌓🔮 – IX allows us to be receptive to the TRUTH of what presents today. IX allows us to access the wisdom, knowledge and healing flowing through the portals from multi-dimensional realms today.

The WHITE WIZARD is a MASTER of technology, and high tech healing solutions.. As the SUPERPOWER today, this may bring new solutions discovered through the internet, social media, gadgets and apps.. This WIZARD is adept at finding the CURES to restore your body, mind and soul back to wholeness.

The LUNAR WIZARD will reveal the polarity challenges today, and the discord that is interfering with you finding a place of HARMONY – both inner and outer, but mostly within your MIND. The conflict that causes SEPARATION and DIVISION which interferes with the RAINBOW WARRIOR’S QUEST for unification and greater connection. The battle between DARKNESS and LIGHT that keeps us from anchoring a higher LIGHT. 🌟✨

WHITE WIZARD enables us to OPEN our HEARTS💓 and our MINDS, becoming more receptive and willing to allow all the wondrous new energies to enter our bodies, and fulfill our needs, connecting with other minds as ONE GREAT UNIFIED MIND. Redefining what it is to LIVE on this PLANET with newfound SUPER – NATURAL MAJIKAL powers. 💫

WHITE WIZARD provides great MAJIK as today’s SUPERPOWER, giving you the POWER to transcend the OLD TIME and be uplifted into a HIGHER LIGHT through our cooperative and infinite MINDS. The telepathic grid 🌐 is fully operative today!


CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED CRYSTAL EARTH💎 🌏-CABAN challenges us to surrender fearlessly, by anchoring deeply into the Earth and flowing with her cycles, and the synchronicities that occur, when we listen deeply to Mother Earth, and flow with her messages.

Today’s CHALLENGE is asking you to carefully decide the DIRECTION of your actions and accomplishments. Observe and interpret the signs and synchronicities, to know WHERE to focus your energies today.

CABAN also connects us to our ancestors, so today is a great day to heal our DNA and purify our ancestral bloodlines, finally freeing ourselves, our families and HU-MAN-ity from repeating patterns and cycles.

Connect to TERRA NOVA🌈🌎 today and GO WITH HER NEW FLOW, 🌫

Release all resistance to FULLY HEALING🙌🌿🕊 every aspect of your life, and allow yourself to enjoy the ride on her back, as we all collectively forge ahead into the NEW TIME. ✨🌏✨🌍✨

PACHAMAMA IS ASCENDING and it is our CHALLENGE to keep up with her – and HOLD A HIGH VIBRATION! 🌍🌎🌏

BLUE CRYSTAL HAND 💎✋ makes for a very powerful HEALING 🙌 day, which can be duly leveraged to accomplish SIGNIFICANT transformation today – both on a personal and collective level! YAHOO – what a PRECIOUS GIFT. 💎🎁

Today’s question is “How can we dedicate our collective WISDOM to accomplish TRANSFORMATIVE UNIVERSAL HEALING?”.

🌟🌟🌟🌟Am I READY to make the next QUANTUM EVOLUTIONARY JUMP🚶🚶🚶 into a higher timeline?📈 🌟🌟🌟

🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤
Divine blessings for accomplishing great transformative soul Healing today!✨✨

Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈







New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading

for the Week of January 26th through February 1st 2025 with my Sacred Condor 🔥



Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the Week of January 26th through February 1st 2025. She also reads three blessed transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and leads a Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation for the New Moon in Aquarius and the Chinese Lunar New Year of the Wood Snake.

Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.

Thank you for your support and blessings. Namaste


CLICK HERE for the Goddess Transmissions



Paul White Gold Eagle

Prayer for the Great Awakening

Divine Source of All That Is,
Infinite Light of Truth and Love,
We stand before You with open hearts,
Ready to awaken, ready to remember, ready to rise.

Let the veils of illusion be lifted,
That we may see with clarity,
Feel with compassion,
And walk in the wisdom of our highest selves.

May the Great Awakening ignite within us,
Activating the light of divine consciousness,
Unifying all souls in harmony,
And restoring balance upon this sacred Earth.


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