Message from the Sirian Collective: Unity Flame of Oneness * ACCELERATED JOURNEY ~ A Woman’s Soul
Paul White Gold Eagle
Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand
Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Sacred Rainbow Star Tribe of the Universal One
Gaia and all her Children of the Sun continue to be inundated with Gamma Plasma Waves of Adamantine Light directly from the Great Central Sun and sent through the Heavenly Messenger our local Soularis.
With these massive waves of Source Light flowing in our Ground Crew Teams are being upgraded and activated with the 12 Tone Crystal Strands of DNA to transform our 3D vessels into Fifth Dimensional Avatars of Light.
This is the time of the Great Remembrance as our Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 wake up from the dream of the illusion and realize their True Nature as Infinite Multidimensional Spiritual Beings of Eternal Life.
Nothing can stop this Great Awakening. We have reached critical mass of Love Light Workers and Keepers of the Gold Flame of Buddha Consciousness of Pure Awareness to elevate and uplift the collective of Humanity into the Higher Realm of 5D New Earth and beyond.
It is time for the Galactic Reunions to commence… A’Ho!
Trusting your intuition, choosing that which feels natural and true and following only the wisdom of your own heart will allow for much expansion peace and joy
“We offer you the Unity Flame. Bathe your consciousness in it and sense each person as a living particle within this flame of oneness.
We are all points of energy, dancing with each other through time and space, creating movement and flow and pattern together – manifesting life currents of our own direction and intention. One flame, many dancers, creating the one dynamic cosmic movement within the heart of the Divine.
How beautiful you all are, how perfect – weaving your hearts, minds, bodies and souls throughout the streams of space and time, imprinting reality with your will-to-matter, your will-to-meaning and your will-to-evolve. Holy is the ground you walk upon. Holy the chamber of your heart. Your power is immense. Remember.
Restless leg syndrome to the max just before this very powerful X class solar flare reached our atmosphere.
If we consider that our nervous system represents Consciousness this is MEGA.
Our bodies are relearning to decipher the Language of Light.
A major player in the mind-body link is the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS), which oversees and controls most of our subconscious to conscious awareness functioning.
In this Light we can ascertain that a huge drop of ‘The Veils of Amnesia’ is well underway, and that Awakening codes are flooding into our Fields and Forms now through cosmic expansion and solar synthesis.
Our precognition sensory skills are well and truly getting a cosmic workout!
Our solar plasmic consciousness streams are now operating beyond the Speed of Thought and possibly Light (as we have known it.)
Our biogenesis is influencing our biosphere. It’s s o incredibly powerful to witness and to actually feel our noosphere in direct communique with our higher hearts and minds again.
Regular supplementation, magnesium, bi carb soda, bentonite clay, salt baths, Celtic sea salt, shungite infused water, earthing.
The Divinity held in Nature continues to support our naturally evolving encodements.
9/15/24: After yesterday’s post, you may be wondering what or how you’re supposed to “launch” right now. The answer lies in what you were doing last year. 2023 was our year of self-discovery and self-analysis. You were finding your authentic self.
This year you’re putting what you found into action and introducing your upgraded version… but not for anyone else’s benefit; just your own self-empowerment. Today is important as we prepare for Tuesday’s partial eclipse of a supermoon in Pisces.
Your Right Action then is to prepare for emotional expansion. This means being strong enough to face what lies within you, because it’s likely to surface. You did the work for this last year… and it’s your truth you’re launching now.
Chellea (Channel & Mystic)
* Ascension Event Update * 9/15* X 4.5 Solar Flare ~ BRACE YOURSELF ~ The Galactic Federation
This is the Ascension Event Update for September 15th, 2024.
Blessings, We are The Galactic Federation.
We are very pleased to be speaking with you today. Since our Last Update, so much is unfolding.
Your month of September is proving to be a truly remarkable period, characterized by an extraordinary surge in the frequencies, reaching into the 7th-dimensional vibrations. This heightened state of energy has set the stage for a captivating celestial alignment, that is set to unfold in the coming days.
Over the past week in Earth’s timespace, the activity of your Star has been nothing short of spectacular. Your sun has been incredibly active, unleashing a succession of powerful solar flares. Notably, on Thursday, September 12, an X 1.3 class flare was released.
But the celestial show did not stop there. Your Star’s activity has escalated to unprecedented levels, culminating in another awe-inspiring Solar Flare today, September 15th. A colossal X 4.5 flare erupted from your sun, accompanied by a massive and rapid coronal mass ejection, that is now hurtling towards the Earth.
With your Stars activity, there is also an interesting cosmic occurrence: a partial lunar eclipse coinciding with a full moon in Pisces.
This eclipse and full Moon are to take place on September 17th.
Lunar eclipses hold great astrological significance, representing transformation, closure, and shifts in your personal and emotional realms.
These transitions evolve gradually, with the eclipse marking the start or continuation of a growth phase.
The Lunar Eclipse, will prompt reflection on your past events, while preparing you, for upcoming experiences and changes.
Lunar eclipses, especially in water signs, heighten emotional awareness. They can trigger revelations that aid in letting go of patterns, relationships, or behaviors that hinder your spiritual progress. Unlike solar eclipses, which signify new beginnings, lunar eclipses focus on closure and resolution, making it a potent period for profound inner transformation.
This specific eclipse serves as a link between past occurrences and future developments, bridging the energies of previous eclipses from last year, and laying the groundwork for what will transpire in 2025.
The events during this phase may feel unexpected, but the insights gained will steer personal growth.
As the full Moon rises in Pisces, it enhances intuition, emotional depth, and spirituality.
Your Pisces sign of your zodiac, embodies dreams, mysticism, and emotional sensitivity, encouraging you to dive into your inner selves and spiritual aspects.
The lunar eclipse brings this essence to the forefront, promoting meditation, introspection, and spiritual exploration.
However, the focus is not solely on Pisces.
The Sun will be in your zodiac Virgo during the eclipse, harmonizing Pisces’ fluidity with Virgo’s pragmatism and structure.
This Virgo influence will help you anchor yourselves and set boundaries, guiding you to strike a balance between intuition and organization. This blend of energies facilitates emotional release and practical realignment in your lives.
During this period, it is essential to embrace both the introspective nature of the lunar eclipse, along with the intense energies from the Solar Flares, that are emanating from your Solar Logos.
This will allow for deep reflection on your personal Ascension experience and the vibrational level of your emotions. Clearing all, that no longer serve you within this ascension process.
The influence of these celestial Energies, encourages a connection with the subconscious mind, fostering creativity, empathy, and compassion. This emotional depth can lead to significant breakthroughs in understanding oneself and others on a profound level.
By embracing this harmonious interplay between your Star’s Intense Solar activity and the Eclipse energies, individuals can navigate the complexities of their emotional landscape with a sense of clarity and purpose. This period of cosmic alignment offers a transformative journey towards inner harmony.
As these cosmic energies continue to reverberate around Earth, they are poised to exert a profound influence on you and the Earth, in the days ahead. Brace yourself for a period of intense energy and cosmic alignment, as the Divine Plan unfolds its mysteries.
We love you, and celebrate your Light within.
We are The Galactic Federation.
This has been the Ascension Event Update for September 15th, 2024.
Transmission Received By Chellea Wilder at
The feminine within all is embodying new spiritual information that can help her correct her place on all levels of the quantum field.
The more the Earth’s Corona/Crown/Cranio/Cronos/Sanctus Nous is opening and receiving the radiation from the inner Sun Holy Trinity, the more the human Corona is opening too and the human system is able to integrate the new information that is already here.
The cycle that is ending was one that the Masculine was ruling.
There were previous cycles that the Feminine was ruling.
All cycles had their rise and fall.
The Masculine within all got to explore his powers in this cycle but also got deeply absorbed by its program and masks of false personalities and their stories that he forgot who he is and what he is.
He forgot his true nature and identity.
That’s part of the game.
Now this is changing as he is rising out of the depths of the unconscious mind into the Light of the Conscious Self.
MESSAGE towards the feminine within all:
“The Masculine is not what you thought up until now.
Your quantum perception and understanding of him will change now as you are moving into the Baptism of the new Light of Truth.
You are moving into the Baptism first and he will also follow very soon after.
Your position and place in connection to him will change greatly after this Equinox which brings the reset of the flows within the Kundalini paths of both the earth and the human system.
The neurological sympathetic and parasympathetic system is resetting and the liquids of the body are being redirected accordingly.
This means that all remaining fallen structures, beliefs, elements and deviations will be removed or corrected allowing the flow to be organically restored.
The human mechanics are being more and more revealed to those who are in attunement to their body/mind/soul Trinity and are observing themselves in dedication and love for all their processes.
The more attuned, the more the revelation and upliftment.
Rise high out of the fallen mind!
All previous false and immature projections onto Spirit will be returned to their owner in order to be addressed within the Self.
This is Self realization.
No one is coming to your rescue, you are the One to pull yourself out of the fallen mind!
This is the Sanctus Nous returning!”
Blessings for a clear Mind!
Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
I’m on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Follow me there
We Are Feeling An Acc-ellerated Light Phase, Brought Forth By The Great Quantum Speed Of Light Evolution.
A Physical Cellular Recognition, To Align With The Quantum Role Of Light Now Assimilating In Our Present World.
Pay Close Attention To The Hu-man Form.
New Levels Of Quantum Communication Are Now Presenting
We Are Now Immersed In A New View Point Of Reality, As The Physical Body Aligns To The Great Synthesis Of Light.
Be Gentle, With Self Talk
See The Great Warrior Of You Uprising
The Quantum DNA Of Light Is Birthing, Awakening, Highlighting The Great Awakening.
I Flow In The Light Of NOW
I Align With The Quantum Evolution Of Gaia
I Feel And Sense The Great Cellular Advancement
I Uprise In The Hu-man Expanded Self
Together In Light
Sending Much Love To The Global Tribe
The Arcturians
Karen Lithika
Carolyn 144 GODCODE
Eclipse Season
As you stand on the edge of your rebirth, a flux of energies will give you the power to jump fully and land in the 5D New Earth. Mother Earth is there to catch you. There is nothing to fear.
You’re being asked to release the emotions that have been blocking this new beginning. What has been stuck deep within is being broken wide open so you can get to the bottom of the pain that needs to go. Those cycles are complete. God is freeing you from all the people, places, and experiences that have been holding you back from success. It’s go time!
This is a Season of great change resulting in being lighthearted, carefree, and happy. Guardians are with you helping you let go of the past memories, protect you from the pain, end those patterns, and receive the new.
You are crossing the threshold into this new reality this Eclipse Season.
Walking Away
From this week’s Pisces Full SuperMoon Eclipse to the Libra New Moon Eclipse on October 2nd, we are landing in a new reality. It may be felt this week through mental and emotional breakthroughs bringing you freedom to walk away from the past. More than ever this is going to be super simple and easy to understand where you need to focus your time and energy.
This means knowing where you need to have stronger boundaries, especially with letting yourself ruminate on the past. The past betrayal is over. We are being pushed to release any remaining fragmentation in ourselves, and give ourselves permission to be free of that. It’s not your role to continue giving life to those people any longer.
Instead put all your focus, emotions, time, resources, and energy on yourself, your future, and the life you want to create. More than ever we are being squeezed to change because we are now fully grounded in the 5D New Earth.
The old world, old experiences, and old you is gone. No more suffering! Relax and embrace this new reality that’s coming in.
This week’s potent lunar eclipse joins both Neptune and Saturn in Pisces while forming a sextile to both Uranus in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn and squaring Jupiter in Gemini.
In addition, Mercury in Virgo opposes Saturn in Pisces as Venus in Libra opposes Chiron in Aries while forming a trine to Jupiter in Gemini and as Mars in Cancer squares the Moon’s nodes in Aries/Libra.
It’s a very ‘karmic’ time as necessary endings coincide with blessed new beginnings where situations that even recently wouldn’t have made sense to us actually DO make sense to us now and that come in to support us in potentially surprising ways.
Due to the potential for multiple potential pathways, decisions can be tough to make and yet making clear and practical decisions IS what we are being called to do right now as we TRUST that we are making choices that are in alignment with our highest intentions…
The temptation to ‘people please’ may contribute to the difficulty in making the proper decisions as well but it is VERY important that we do what is best for ourselves even if it is challenging and if it ‘triggers’ self doubt!
If we can quiet our minds and our emotions, we can trust that our intuition will lead us on our highest path going forward despite any doubts that our minds may still harbor.
On Sunday, September 15th, the Moon, ruler of our subconscious, is in objective Aquarius and is making positive connections to Jupiter, planet of expansion, Venus, ruler of partnerships, and Chiron, ruler of integration, but also challenging connections to the Sun, ruler of our ego, and Uranus, planet of the unexpected. Early in the day, situations and circumstances are flowing well, with higher wisdom and knowledge pouring forth regarding our relationships and inner healing.
As we move into the evening hours, Eastern Time, we may be faced with emotions and perspectives where self-judgment and self-criticism take the forefront. We are able to be detached and logical about exploring these feelings and ideas, but the “Trickster” is active, and we may be shocked by some of the revelations that we discover.
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
the Moon, ruler of our subconscious, is in objective Aquarius
Venus in Libra trine Jupiter in Gemini – Of course, there are always heavier long-term aspects going on in the skies, but today’s connection offers an opportunity to stop and smile and appreciate all that we have been given. Feel good vibes permeate the day. Throw your arms open and say YES to life. Plan a holiday or take a day trip. Spruce up your home. Buy yourself flowers. Savor music, art, culture. Hug. Ask for what you need. Make plans that you can look forward to.
Spend time on projects or with people close to your heart. Call your friends just to say, ‘I love you!’ Relinquish the idea that you need ‘more’ to be happy. Be content now, in this moment with all that you have. Be grateful for all you have been given and all that you have to share. Be generous of heart with those who cross your path. Believe in love.
The number 5 is called ‘Overtone’ and its keywords are ‘Empower, Radiate and Command’. The 5th day of a wavespell shifts the energy into a more intense pace. It is a ‘get it done’ kind of day. If you use this energy rather than be overpowered by it, you can achieve an amazing amount. Think big and tap into this energy resource. Remember, that we are in the White Worldbridger wavespell and the agenda is all about ‘opportunities’. The intense energy that the number 5 supplies can really give our mission a boost.
Today is White Dog which represents ‘Love, Loyalty and Heart’. This is a special day because of the combination of number and day. This is because Dogs put 100 percent into everything they do and the number five provides powerful energy. Whatever you do today, put all you’ve got into it. It is also a powerful day to be loving as well, not just to your significant other but to all people you encounter. It’s a great day for ‘random acts of kindness’. Any love you do give out, will empower you and so everybody wins! If you are a Dog you’ll enjoy having this much power today as it adds to your tenacity.
Today’s Guide is White Mirror which represents reflecting truth. If you allow honesty to guide your actions today, then the truth will empower you. So, with a big heart and with truthful intentions may your day lead you to a good place. Always when the Mirror guides us we are being led towards self-reflection. So, being honest with yourself and reviewing your strengths and weaknesses, is the only way to proceed in the right direction.
The Challenge of the day is Yellow Sun which represents ‘Enlightenment’. People born on Yellow Sun days like to shine brightly but on their challenge days the clouds get in the way. Sunny people can overshadow others with their brightness sometimes and this can create issues. However, you can’t help having a sunny disposition, you are only ever trying to brighten things up…on days like today, you may find your efforts go unappreciated.
The Occult power is the Blue Monkey and Monkey is the symbol of magic …and so he is in his most powerful position today. The Monkey and how he behaves, really depends on where he is situated. He is not so much fun when in the challenge aspect or when he is combined with the number 2 or 13. When he guides, he can lead us into mayhem depending on what day he is guiding. But when in this Occult position he is way less naughty. Expect a lot of monkey magic today as he loves to play with the puppy dog.
The Ally is the Red Moon, the chilled-out energy of the Tzolkin. Find one if you need a friend today. If you are a Red Moon, be aware that people may need your support. When this chilled out energy is in this friendly position, we all are being gently reminded to take it easy. The Moon kindly requests that we don’t worry.
What a DIVINE GIFT – that this RADIANT LOVE code – KIN 70 is setting the tone as we head into a WONDERFUL NEW ERA.
KIN 70 is such a special code I had to alert you to this day of DOUBLE the LOVE
Today is the day to SURRENDER TO LOVE –
Unconditional love,
Divine Love,
Source LOVE,
Today is a day of great majik and ENDLESS , ETERNAL, UNLIMITED LOVE!
A BRILLIANT day for a wedding, engagement, betrothal, date or meeting with your beloved!
Day 5 in the WHITE WORLDBRIDGER WAVESPELL of surrender, letting go, forgiveness, networking and building bridges.
Today we SURRENDER to the power of LOVE and RADIATE that endless love out to the Cosmos!
OVERTONE – Tone 5 in the SPIRITUAL realm. ACTION – commands, POWER – empowers, ESSENCE – radiance Number 5 represents the Center, core purpose, foundation and central intent. It is the CENTER of the wheel from which all the spokes emanate. This is the phase where the energy of Creation returns to the center and then RADIATES outwards. Overtones command the unbounded. They order it to BE and so it becomes! Their power radiates from their soul essence through a pure connection to SOURCE, this is the true SOURCE of unlimited power.
The 5th day of the WHITE WORLDBRIDGER Wavespell is the one that empowers. When we SURRENDER to the power of DIVINE unconditional love, we become RADIANT and can build bridges and connections with others to totally transform our lives.
We have a very beautiful and PURE majikal code activated today, connecting us all through the power of DIVINE LOVE!
Today’s question is “HOW can I surrender and OPEN my pure HEART to endless love, RADIATE-ing this out unconditionally to all EXISTENCE!”
Divine blessings for the infinite flow of unconditional LOVE through the Solar Beacons of LIGHT!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: WHITE OVERTONE DOG OC lovingly snuggles into your body RADIATING the pure unconditional love and loyalty that our animal companions naturally exhibit. Their connection to SOURCE through their heart portal is so strong and so pure, that they have an endless supply to bestow upon others. No limits! Their pure presence provides comfort and healing to all those humans lucky enough to be in their presence.
DOG spelt backwards equals GOD! The WHITE DOG embodies the unconditional LOVE of SOURCE our CREATOR. When we operate from a place of LOVE we activate our GOD CELLS and can do MIRACLES.
The WHITE KIN are the REFINERS, they urge us to PURIFY our HEARTS, returning to our INNOCENCE, so we can embody DIVINE TRUTH and the messages from Spirit. When we are in our HEART SPACE we are closest to GOD and our truth.
OC reminds us today of the pure unconditional love we need to connect to, and then reflect to others without judgement. This is our natural state of be-ing and one to which we need to return. A field of total ONENESS and connection through our HEARTS, each heart connected though our planetary heart, the cosmic heart and the heart of GOD/GODDESS!
Look out for SIGNS through the appearance of WHITE DOGS today – indicating you are on the path of LOVE
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE OVERTONE MIRROR – ETZNAB reveals the energies REFLECTED back to us through our environment and the people in our presence. How are they behaving and responding towards you?
Is your world reflecting the TRUE DIVINE LOVE of SOURCE?.
Anything that is not founded on LOVE will be revealed through the TRUTH that ETZNAB exposes.
The WHITE kin are the TRUTH BEARERS and through their pure HEARTS, reveal what is not in alignment with Spirit.. Today we have TRIPLE the TRUTH coming forth through OC, ETZNAB and CIMI, building the link for the TRUTH to flow.
ETZNAB will shatter all ILLUSIONS and reveal the deceptions, betrayal and conditional love that you have tolerated in your life – all of which is TOXIC to a pure loving STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUN. NO MORE TOLERANCE or accepting “less than” absolutely PURE unconditional LOVE.
Our HEART knows what is REAL and what is PRETENCE, so tune and follow the TRUE pathways that lead to DIVINE LOVE.
Today our heart is empowered by the REFLECTIONS we meet with LOVE, creating the Hall of Mirrors REFLECTING love ENDLESSLY, creating such radiance and brilliance.
ETZNAB reveals that LOVE is endless, and that we should not depend upon another being to give us love. Our infinite SOURCE of LOVE flows endlessly from our divine connection to SOURCE.
SUPPORT: RED OVERTONE MOON MULUC the Goddess, is steering the boat for KIN 70, ensuring we are in the most loving STREAM of FLOW.
Today we have a VERY beautiful HEAVENLY flow – through the DIVINE codes of 6 and 9… Allow MULUC to empower your rediscovery of your true RADIANCE through your loving HEART.
This supporting energy today, is bringing forth the beautiful Divine Feminine qualities of nurturance and compassion through our Holy DIVINE MOTHER. Unconditional LOVE flows endlessly from our connection to SOURCE, particularly from the GODDESS, our Mother aspect of SOURCE.
GODDESS provides all the love, nurturance and comfort that any child craves. We just need to OPEN our hearts and allow the FLOW!
Allow MULUC to wash away any impurities and heart walls you have constructed, in order for LOVE to flow endlessly once more! Enjoy the beautiful LOVING flow of pure consciousness through your VESSEL, radiating it out exponentially for all to bathe in this endless sea of BLISS.
LADY NADA, the Ascended Master of the ROSE (twin flame of Lord Sananda) today presents you with the most exquisitely perfumed pink rose bud. She places it in your precious HEART and through the power of DIVINE WHITE MAJIK, energizes it.
As it begins to spin, a beautiful golden mean spiral begins to outwardly RADIATE your pure heart essence. The petals OPEN progressively until the bud has EXPANDED to become a ROSE in full bloom commanding RADIANCE!
This RADIANCE is pulsed through your HEART, filling your entire aura with rose gold LIGHT and sending out golden mean spirals to connect and build bridges to the precious hearts of all souls in your presence.
RADIATE this ROSE GOLD DIVINE LIGHT and LOVE frequency to enfold our entire PLANET and the family of HU-MAN-KIND.
Blessed be, precious hearts we are ONE!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE SOLAR MONKEY – CHUEN brings forth powerful MAJIK today, for the most powerful force on this planet is the POWER of LOVE.
The totem for CHUEN is the DOLPHIN which holds the codes for 5D states of JOY, HAPPINESS and BLISS. This MONKEY is a SOLAR Monkey – He has the POWER to PULSE forth his intention to fill the world with LOVE, realizing the absolute euphoria from PLAYING in this BLISS stream with his friends.
CHUEN represents the Divine Child, and as a SOLAR MONKEY, he reminds us that we are all CHILDREN of the SUN, – the prodigy of GODS, and CREATORS in our own right. Our Inner Divine Child thrives on his connection to SOURCE and the FLOW of LOVE and nurturance from our Creator.
BLUE MONKEY encourages you to return to your purity and innocence, to reclaim your forgotten majik and reclaim your power. Allow CHUEN to energize your true Heart’s desires, allowing all your dreams to come true!
ESPAVO BELOVEDS – Thankyou for taking your POWER!
OVERTONE AHAU holds the POWER of infinite SUNS and the nameless LIGHT reflected through the Higher Guide of ETZNAB -endless LIGHT.
AHAU challenges us to reclaim our DIVINITY through ENLIGHTENMENT.
Reclaiming our power and RADIANCE by
connecting our CROWN and HEART chakras to the HEAVEN’S within.
Feeling the nurturance of our SOURCE life force, flowing through our Soul-ar Umbilical Cords powering up our HU-MAN vessel.
ILLUMINATING our solar intelligence, and receiving LIGHT from the Harmonic grid of consciousness, through all the suns into SOURCE itself, which ultimately resides in our own precious Hearts!
Connecting deeply into the Heart of Our Earth Mother, and expanding far out through the Suns into the Stars, in order to return home to the RADIANCE of the ONE HEART!
Dear precious hearts, it is time to REALIZE yourself as a RADIANT SOURCE fractal of PULSATING DIVINE SOUL-AR LOVE
Watch out for more potent CME’S today – HUGE Solar Ascension bursts to ACTIVATE our pure HEARTS!
Today’s question is “HOW can I surrender and OPEN my pure HEART to endless love, RADIATE-ing this out unconditionally to all EXISTENCE!”
Divine blessings for the infinite flow of unconditional LOVE through the Solar Beacons of LIGHT!
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the week of September 15th – September 21st. She also reads three powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and Leads a powerful Guided Meditation for the Harvest Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Pisces.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
Great Cosmic Light, come forth and blaze here! Angelic hosts, come forth and blaze thy mighty Light rays through these, thy people!
Angels of Saint Germain and El Morya, come forth and blaze the will of God and the power of transmutation, in the holy name of Freedom, through this place and out into the world of form, until everyone upon earth feels a great release of the pressure of that substance known as sin and human discord from their worlds!
Erase, and erase and erase the memory—cause, effect, and power—of these conditions from their beings, and let them enter the new world with a clean slate, wiped clean this night by the power of the Violet Flame!
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