Lemurian Unicorns ~ Harmonic Light Awareness * Come Home ~ The Path Reveals the Way
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Divine Holders of the Threefold Flame of Illumination
Happy 123 Awakening Gateway and 33 Portal of Divine Mastery!
We have massive heart opening and chakra activation energies flowing in through today’s powerful Gateway.
Remember, that your Soul that rests in the still white magnetic light at the center of your Pure Awareness is a massive Stargate to the Infinite Multi-verse and you have access to the Akasha of Eternity.
Today is also day 3 of 10 Galactic Activation Portal Days in a Row on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar with Kin 149 RED RHYTHMIC MOON as we go with the Divine Feminine flow as the Yang merges with the Yin the Holy Fire with the Holy Water in Divine Union as the Eagle flies with the Condor over our Sacred Lands of Peace and Prosperity for all.
We also had some higher spikes of resonance in the heartbeat of Mother Earth today appearing on the Schumann Charts at amplitudes of 12 hz, 22 hz and a big blast of white light at 31hz, Fifth Dimensional Energetics fully anchored in and rising.
Pachamama also had a powerful activation today on her Pacific Ring of Fire with a magnitude 5.7 earthquake in the Philippines at 18:54 UTC.
Continue to stay rooted deep into the Crystalline Core of Gaia as we rise together through the Ascension Portal in our Exodus from the false 3d matrix of Samsara and into our New Heaven upon the New Earth…A’Ho!
Remember, you are committed to love. You are committed to the promise you made when you embarked upon the pathway of becoming fully human, in full accord with that source from which you came, in honor and glory for the family of light that ever accompanies you on your journeys. The time is coming for a return to self. Are you prepared to enter into the moment that grows larger as you watch? Soon, the shadows will be no more.
Soon, the light of your own remembrance will cast every thread of untruth into the blazing furnace of overt mortality. What can no longer sustain itself is no longer to be your concern. You have an appointment to keep and a promise to honor. It is not destiny that calls you, but a return to the plan. Your original signal has begun to sound. Your truth can no longer wait to emerge. Courage. The path reveals the way.
As we surround you in Diamond White Light we come to you today to assure you all is well.
For when you speak your truth and act with integrity you emanate a vibration of pure truth and love
We see the people who are acting out of a low vibration and so we offer our protection as we will not allow your light to be dimmed
Lean on us, hold the faith in us, and ask for our support to clear away all which is not light, as we will not allow your timeline to be brought down by others.
You have an incredible mission dear angel and it all starts with loving every aspect of your life no matter what…
For when fear came knocking love answered the door, and there was no one there…
DECEMBER ORACLE This is the wrap-up month of a year filled with lessons and learnings, sometimes in the most unexpected ways. You made it. You won’t have much to move or chase this December. Integrate. Feel. Slow down. You made it — through one of the most intense years. You’ve done enough, hoped enough, created enough. Your clarity & new beginnings are now coming on their own. Faith.
“Patience is the way in which the Shadow transforms into the Gift, so it’s fundamental to every aspect of the Gene Keys. It’s the field – the spaciousness – the cauldron – in which dynamic change, the alchemy of life occurs.” – Richard Rudd, 64 Ways
12/3/24: When you’re on a train, you’re going where that train takes you. December is that train. You’re not in control and it won’t always be a smooth ride… but it can be an enjoyable and interesting one. Choose your companions well, relax, check out the scenery, have some snacks.
External events will pass by but you’ll be otherwise engaged in your own personal journey… with so many options at hand to explore. We’ll all be at stop 2025 when the ride is over. You can be fitful and frazzled or rested and ready. The choice is yours. Today offers something different, and creative energies abound. A great day for new ideas.
The old programming is dying quickly within us. Can you feel it fade away like a passing dream? We are being set free.
The small afraid part of us that believed it is not enough is falling away.
We are stepping into the fresh new air of Sovereign-Self.
We can feel the truth that our true self requires no masks, is not weak, lost or helpless.
We need not tell falsehoods to uphold a perceived weak foundation of self. We do not require validation or false praise.
The true self knows it is perfectly beautiful and fully worthy, and that self-love carries us into our truth as a divine essence.
It is only from this truth that we are able to express our deepest gifts and service and rise into these newly arriving potentials of reality creation.
This is the great revelation times. The end of the old paradigms of hiding our true divine soul light is about showing up as who we truly are right now with no comparison to any other.
We are uncoiling the layers of illusion that we are holding within ourselves and upon others that reflect false narratives of not enoughness.
Now it is time to do the final clearing and shedding work to prepare for this upliftment. Everything is changing….
The Solstice is the next upliftment turning point….we are ready to fly soul tribe loves!!!!
Elaine Marie Rose
source: https://elainemarierose.com
Sovereign Self
Divine Energy Works
The Bridge to the upcoming 12-12 Cosmic Gateway of Ascension. Antares Stargate Portal is open and activated now, from Dec 2nd-5th, when our Sun aligns with the Royal Star Antares – the brightest star – in the constellation of Scorpio, opening a Gateway to other Galaxies and Universes.
Antares is the Multidimensional Star Portal Bridge between the Milky Way and the Andromeda Galaxy, and during the Antares Gateway, our Soul Memory gets reactivated. We are receiving past life memories, immense Higher Heart Activations, Heart Chakra Upgrades, and Activations to assist the Heart-Brain Integration, uniting the Polarities between
Just like November, the entire month of December 2024 is the month of Energetic Encoding, carrying the Energetic Vibration of Balance and New Beginnings, and it is filled with Powerful Energetic Portals days. The Synchronicity Energetic Encodings – 1212, 212, 112, 122, 1221, 1222, & 12223 – are streaming in powerfully. These codes are merging timelines, dissolving old 3D anchors, and grounding the energetic shifts we’ve been sensing into the physical 3D
December 1st, 2024 New Moon is opening the energetics of the month of December, leading to the 12-12 Cosmic Gateway of Ascension, – this is Activating Big Energy of Forward Movement and New Beginnings…
The New Moon in Sagittarius was a Celestial Catalyst, activating the energies of Expansion and Destiny. Anchored by the Grand Fire Trine and the North Node of Fate, it aligns us with Higher Timelines, assisting in releasing of the old paradigms and stepping boldly into the uncharted.
Saturn’s Signature brings the energy of Divine Truth, exposing what no longer serves and guiding us to rebuild the structures of our lives on a foundation of Authenticity and Integrity.
These Powerful Energies of New Moon are activating the 12-12 Portal of Self-Mastery and bringing in strong Galactic Activations and Integration of the Galactic Human DNA.
These Powerful Energies and Planetary Alignments are bringing Fated Changes, Accelerated Timelines Clearing, Energy of Change, and reigniting the Passion within our Soul to live from the Higher Heart and to take the Quantum Leap towards our Highest Destiny.
3 planets will end their Retrograde motion in December 2024 – Neptune, Mercury, & Chiron, and Mars will start its ones-in-two-years Retrograde Motion on Dec 6th.
We will journey through the 12-12 Cosmic Gateway of Ascension – a Doorway to Higher Dimensions, which will align us with the Galactic Center, the Great Central Sun, into 12-21 December Solstice, as we will be moving into the Alignment with the Galactic Center at 27° Sagittarius.
Dear friends, as we continue to navigate the Antares gateway (December 2-4), we are gradually being immersed in the Trinity codes emanating from the main 12:12 energy gateway. This powerful portal reaches its climax on Thursday, December 12, and this particular year it will be potentiated by the 2024 resonance: 12/12/24 – 12:12:12:12.
Although the 12:12 portal is still a few days away, those of you who are energy sensitives can already feel the incoming waves of light codes. Additionally, Wednesday, December 11, marks the 12:11 fractal portal, which will further amplify the energies leading up to the main event.
The number 12 has held significant importance across cultures and centuries, appearing in various aspects of our lives, from the 12 months of the year to the 12 hours on the clock, and the 12 zodiacal signs in both Western and Chinese astrology.
In numerology, the number 12 is comprised of the numbers one and two. The number one represents independence, individuality, and new beginnings, while the number two embodies sensitivity, cooperation, and patience. However, the true significance of the number 12 lies in its reduction to the number three (1+2=3), which is the realm of the Trinity codes.
The concept of the Trinity extends far beyond its religious connotations, representing the perfect number that unifies dualities and integrates our shadow and light. As three-fold beings, comprising body, mind, and spirit, we are inherently connected to the Trinity codes. These codes also represent the union of the Divine masculine and feminine, as well as the cycles of birth, life, and death.
As we approach the 12:12 energy gateway, we can expect the incoming light codes to work deeply within our mind, body, and soul energy fields, generating a greater sense of coherence between them. This is a powerful reminder of our true Divine nature.
As we prepare for our new timelines in 2025, the December 12:12:12:12 codes are guiding us toward choices that align with our intended soul journey. As we release energetic patterns that have held us back, we may experience physical symptoms such as fatigue, aches, and disorientation towards the end of this year. Be sure to listen to your intuition and take care of yourself during this time. Protect your energy and surround yourself with kind and peaceful individuals as much as possible.
May you navigate these powerful energies with ease and emerge transformed, renewed, and more deeply connected to your true Divine nature.
Stay tuned for more energy updates as we move through this special month, much love.
Magna Mater’s Key was retrieved on the 18th & 19th of November and the passage of Iaso/Isis Ιασώ/Ίσις has been shown.
On the 25th of November the Masculine gave his conscious consent for the Magna Mater’s Matrix to return.
Please remember that the Ruby Diamond of Quantum Continuum that brought back the lost frequencies and activated the main motherboard above this realm, came back from the 12th Dimension on March 23 2023 via the portal of Ancient Olympia in Greece and in connection to the Great Pyramid in Egypt.
On the 19th of November 2024 the orgasmic mode of Earth switched on so the flows can now move through all spheres.
Because of this development many will begin being pulled torwards the Great Pyramid whether physically or energetically.
Because the 144000 Creator Gods and Goddesses will be activating their positions in it.
This is the continuation of our ‘144000 Diamonds’ work with the Tree of Life via the Crystalline Portal of the Acropolis in Athens under the guidance of MOTHER SOPHIA ATHENA NIKE!
In our group session on the 19th upon our transportation via the Crystalline Portal/Pyramid/Tree of Life of the Acropolis in Athena inside the Great Pyramid in Egypt, I witnessed certain developments which I will share in the future upon the right timing but I was told that this was part of a future unfolding that is meant to take place and the group was asked to send out a call to all the brothers and sisters who are consciously holding the 144000 Creational Rays/Codes in order for them to also receive this message and connect to the Great Pyramid.
Some holders of the Creational Rays/Codes have already connected to the Great Pyramid but most have not as I was able to witness the empty positions.
This process has only begun now on a greater scale and it is meant to create a full on activation of a sacred formation that will fully activate the Great Pyramid, its hidden or unseen structures and true mechanics and restore the thrones of the Divine Goddesses who are now returning!
I wish to mention that this process is only possible via One’s true Frequency, Identity, Role and Godly Genealogy and cannot be made up or pushed to take place for the simple reason that these positions are numbered and correspond to the Creational Rays/Codes of the overall structure of this universal creation, so this is about precise mathematics.
Meaning that many might be connecting or visiting the Great Pyramid but only those with the specific Rays/Codes will actually have access to it and its hidden chambers, mechanisms and meanings.
After those who consciously carry the Creational Rays/Codes will fully activate their positions in the Great Pyramid and the sacred formation is completed, then all Living Ones who are also aligned to the Living Codes, will be able to fully connect to this sacred formation too!
All together we will be forming the great ship of Exodus!
Another major fact is that the Masculine Presence has a totally different role and position then the one of the Feminine Presence in the pyramid and the process of the sacred formation and they will both have to play their parts for the whole mission to be successfully completed.
For those who have this mission will be like the most amazing unveiling and exciting adventure of all life times!
All the teams of Light that will be supporting this mission will be absolutely blessed and elevated like never before!
Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
I’m on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Follow me there https://www.instagram.com/crystal_indigo144000
The pineal gland is illuminating the truth of your authentic self expression. Clues are guiding you to your New Earth Leadership that will make you very happy and fulfilled. You are being rewarded with a healthy strong secure foundation that will bring long term financial success. This is a fresh start with soul family that are coming together to plant these seeds that will benefit you all. Consciously follow the light of what this purpose is, and cocreate this new reality.
On Tuesday, December 3rd, we have Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, in restless Sagittarius approaching an opposition to Jupiter, ruler of the higher mind, in busy Gemini. Both of these planets are currently retrograde which internalizes the energies that they rule. Mercury is about thoughts, ideas, perceptions, logic, analysis and communications. Jupiter is about expansion, growth, higher knowledge, hope, wisdom and abundance, Our creative visualization, new perspectives and spirit filled inspiration are magnified now!
Interactions with others, messages and networking are also active during this time. Pay more attention to your inner mind and any revelations, aha moments, new insights, and positive aspirations that pop in! Sagittarius is about seeking your truth, and Jupiter is about believing in all the possibilities!
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
source: https://www.sacredsoulempowerment.com
Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, in restless Sagittarius approaching an opposition to Jupiter
Lunar aspects. Vesta in Libra sextile Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius and trine Jupiter retrograde in Gemini – The Moon in Capricorn urges us to keep climbing, keep going, keep at it. Finish the job. Hit the deadline. Fulfil the responsibility. Be accountable. And it’s fortifying, all this adulting. Sometimes it feels good just to use your time well, build the dream, one brick at a time. Push past doubt. Give yourself permission to live the life you promised yourself.
And better still, we have people on our side, good working relationships, good neighbours, friends, partners. It’s all about acknowledging the value of connection. Vesta in Libra asks us to pay homage to our loved ones. Dedicate some time and energy to those valuable connections. Make someone feel special. When we believe in one another, all manner of things are possible.
‘Rhythmic’ is the name for the number six and its keywords are ‘Balance, Organize and Equality’. Get into a rhythm today and organize yourself. Sometimes you have to take care of business! We need to address balance in our lives to make sure we are grounded and not always in our crazy minds so much. If you want to think straight, sort out your personal space and your workspace and you’ll find energy will flow better in those environments. It’s easier to balance our minds when our lives are organized.
Today is the Red Moon which represents ‘Purify, Universal Water and Flow’. Red Moon days are all about giving up control and going along with whatever happens. This doesn’t mean you can forget all about the organizing though. Take your time and relax, enjoy sorting yourself out and the end result will feel very pleasing. To summarize; ‘Organize and Purify, Balance and Flow’. Did you ever notice how good you feel after you accomplish a task? This is what a dopamine hit feels like. If you want to get yours, get into a groove and address the things in your life that need attention. This is such a purifying process that you’re bound to feel better by the end of the day. It’s also a Portal day! This gives extra power to the Moon.
The Guide today is also Red Moon and so we have a double dose of Moon’s medicine. When the Moon is guided by itself, we really don’t have any choice but to just go with it. There really is no use in trying to control anything today.
The Challenge is the Blue Storm which normally brings about changes. On Red Moon days however, nothing can stand in the way of the Moon and the tides that it influences. Going with the Flow is something Stormy people find difficult. This doesn’t mean Blue Storms will have a bad day but they may be reminded to chill out which is a good thing for anybody. If you wish to make a big change in your life, today isn’t the best day for that. Your best bet is to wait until the Moon has less influence.
The Occult power is the Yellow Human which represents ‘Wisdom, Free Will and Influence’. The Yellow Human is a vessel and when in this position, it fills with magical knowledge. What you do with this knowledge is up to you – hence the Free Will aspect. Red Moon days are ideal for channeling as we are going with the flow. If you surrender to the Universe, you’ll be amazed at what handy information you can download.
The Ally is the White Dog. And dogs are man’s best friend they say and today the White Dog is everyone’s friend. If you need help and support, find a White Dog. If you are one, you’ll be top dog today. If you don’t have one you can take for a walk, remember you too can be like a dog. Wag your tail, have some fun and enjoy this laid back energy today.
A day to FLOW right through those 3.3.and 5.5. LIBERATION portal gates!!!
Our 3rd GAP day in a row on Day 6 in the YELLOW SEED WAVESPELL of awakening, flowering, new beginnings, ripening, opening to more LIGHT and blossoming into our Highest potential.
Today we are purifying and cleansing any toxins in our bodies and physical realm in order to FLOW into our highest timeline.
RHYTHMIC – Tone 6 in the PHYSICAL realm. ACTION – balances, POWER – organizes, ESSENCE – equality. The Rhythmic phase is the one where this all adventuring and radiating miracle that is you, learns to WALK! But consciously! Precisely! With fine organizational instincts. And what superb balance we see! Very soon you have mastered walking, and are up and running! Go forth and explore your territory!
Today is a great day to find BALANCE in your physical reality/body through PURIFICATION in order to find your FLOW.
Today’s themes are organizing and clearing our physical reality for balance and equality. A FANTASTIC DAY – for space clearing, decluttering, feng shui and organization.
Today’s questions are “How can WE PURIFY our physical vessels and planet in order to organize for greater FLOW?'”
Am I going with the NEW purified FLOW of 5D higher consciousness? “
Divine blessings for INITIATING torrents of PURE DIVINE FLOW in your life!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: & HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: RED RHYTHMIC MOON – MULUC Represents the GODDESS energies and today we have DOUBLE the GODDESS POWER as KIN 149 is self-guided !! .
MULUC focuses on purification and the gentle release of toxins anywhere in our bodies and physical reality. As today’s focus is on WATER, WATER and WATER , our focus will be on CLEAN PURE WATER, whether that be actual water we are drinking, or foods and beverages we are consuming. A fantastic day for JUICING and consuming a LIGHT-er and purer diet.
MULUC also brings attention to our Cell-u-lar waters. As water carries information programmed within this medium, it is very important to CLEAR and BLESS all Water so that it can be restructured to hold HIGHER LIGHT codes. We need to be more mindful of what frequencies we are allowing to enter our physical bodies.
Open to the FLOW of Universal Waters to access pure consciousness. When we become pure vessels, our consciousness soars and we begin to experience greater connection to our kin, all soaring on these currents of pure Universal Consciousness.
BE LIKE WATER – fluid and adaptable.
The energies are pushing us to “GO WITH THE UNIVERSAL FLOW” becoming softer and more fluid, allowing these powerful DIVINE PORTAL energies to flow through our vessels. Purify and release, allowing the GODDESS to enter your being, and connect you to your feminine gifts. MULUC heightens our intuition, PSYCHIC abilities and sensitivity today.
By becoming more open and fluid you will be able to better find your flow, leading you to better health and happiness.
These powerful Ascenison energies in the SEED Wavespell are assisting us to find our NEW 5D FLOW!
We are ALL FLOWING together in the river of LOVE and compassion.
It is also an important day to focus on our Universal Waters – the oceans, rivers, lakes, streams and even municipal catchments. Holding the HIGHEST intent that all waters on our watery planet are BLESSED, purified, restructured and carrying the codes for eternal wellness. Just as the sparkling spring and mineral rich waters have invigorated the Hunza people extending their lifespan, it is time for all EARTHLINGS to claim this birthright.
Today we are also honouring the BALINESE people for their Divine Planetary roles as custodians and gatekeepers of the WORLD PURIFICATION portal located in Bali, INDONESIA.
This is the juncture of the Quetzalcoatl and Rainbow Serpent lines, which are purified, BALANCED, equalized and harmonized at this powerful planetary vortex. The daily offerings, clearings and prayers, as well as the rituals and water ceremonies, have been pivotal in keeping our PLANET ALIVE and functioning.
Balinese people have altars for this purpose in EVERY HOME, business, temple and also the island’s Mother Temple -Besakih Great Temple. Bali has the highest concentration of altars in the world.. This is their collective nation’s planetary Mission.
One of the holiest water temples in Bali, is that of Tirta Empul which literally means “holy water spring”. Legend tells of a war there between GOOD and EVIL in which the holy spring sprang forth. The main pond contains 13 water spouts – the mystical number of the Goddess and the cosmos. Immersing yourself in their flow results in the total purification of your physical vessel – BODY and soul!
Highly recommended on a FULL MOON night, as the clock strikes MIDNIGHT to feel the squeakiest CLEAN you could ever feel! A MUST on your travel destination bucket list! (PS Speaking from personal experience in 2008 – what a TRIP that was!!)
SUPPORT: WHITE RHYTHMIC DOG – OC LET’S GET PHYSICAL! Today we will feel the need for physical closeness to our loved ones – lots of HUGS and gentle touch, PERFECT as we lead into the WHITE DOG WAVESPELL on Christ-Mass eve! .
Doggies love to swim and paddle in bodies of water! Powerfully connected through the Goddess, and the power of water, going for swims with family, or soul connected people. Purifying and cleansing together and gathering with kin, to do sacred water rituals and blessings, and organizing for greater balance.
Water holds memory and intention, forming the most beautiful crystalline geometries when the Water is blessed, prayed over, or imbued with LOVE.… Anyone drinking this blessed or holy water is then able to raise their frequency… A beautiful practice is to say a prayer or blessing over your water bottle/glass/water cooler, or place loving words/images on/under the water to infuse the water with a higher vibration before drinking.
As we PURIFY our cells of hatred and negativity, there is more room for LOVE in our HOLY VESSEL. Holding more LOVE and LIGHT enables us to raise our LIGHT QUOTIENT and become closer to DIVINE spirit, becoming a conduit for the Divine Plan on Earth.
The RHYTHMIC DOG enables us to utilize the divine POWER of LOVE to flow into the new consciousness as a devoted vessel of the DIVINE..
The PURE hearted and gentle, legendary Japanese scientist proved through his experiments that human consciousness has an effect on the molecular structure of water. As the human body is mainly composed of Water – his work revealed to humanity the effect of toxic emotions and words, on our bodies.
Masaru was born on 22 July 1943 making him an Architect of Peace (22 coding) and also a WHITE CRYSTAL DOG – His CRYSTAL tone was highlighted in his work studying the formation of the crystalline structure of water, and how water has memory, and is a conduit for storing information.
As a WHITE DOG – his beautiful loving and PURE intent was to AWAKEN humanity to the POWER OF LOVE… His higher self the WHITE WIND, brought forth Divine messages encouraging people to PRAY over Water in many organized ceremonies, revealing the POWER of PRAYER in purification, raising frequency and creating Miracles
Of course Masaru carried the coding of RED MOON – as his supporting energy, which was integral in his work with WATER. His superpower – the Blue Monkey enabled him to use great MAJIK in revealing hard core evidence to the doubting scientific community, proving the TRUTH of the MAJIK of Water in elevating Human Consciousness.….
EMOTO was a true PIONEER, who through his GIFT of Yellow Sun enabled humanity, through his revelations, to make a HUGE EVOLUTIONARY SHIFT in our journey to ENLIGHTENMENT....
What a beautiful Divine soul he is and how blessed we have been that he walked upon this Earth with such Grace, Wisdom and Humility.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW GALACTIC HUMAN – EB represents learning through past experience, and making WISER choices, using our intelligence to choose a better world.
Today we have the SUPERPOWER to cleanse our vessels through our ancient wisdom. Our indigenous peoples have always honoured Pachamama and her waters, knowing that this is our lifeblood.
The state of our planet’s waters determines the lifespan of humanity, and it is high time we respected and purified our planetary waters. In particular our oceans, and also our municipal drinking waters, that have been laced with poisonous chemicals such as fluoride and chlorine, that calcify our pineal glands to thwart humanity’s AWAKENING.
Water plays a very integral role in our AWAKENING process – and that starts with blessing and holding gratitude for the GIFT of Water that our Planet provides – without which LIFE would cease to exist.
EB assists us today in knowing how to feel and find our flow. Knowing when our lives are not flowing, and energetically unbalanced. We need to find equilibrium, in order to keep flowing in the right direction and find our greatest abundance.
Aligning with the wisdom and practices of our ancestors, will open the path for our planetary waters to become SACRED once again.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE RHYTHMIC STORM – CAUAC is today’s GIFT, working synergistically with MULUC to cleanse, PURIFY and transform our physical bodies and our physical world. KIN 19 is the kin of this DREAMSPELL GALACTIC YEAR – and so TODAY its power is DOUBLED!! And it is also TODAY’S CHALLENGE!! So take heed me hearties and hoist your mainsails to navigate these powerful WINDS!!
BLUE STORM sweeps us up and pushes us forward, into this ever flowing stream of life, bringing us together with our kin. Organizing ourselves to allow the tributary to lead us to the greater OCEAN of possibilities and greater potentialities.
CAUAC is moving us further and further up the evolutionary ladder.
LET GO of the shore and get ready to FLOW down the River of Life to the Great Ocean of our united PURE consciousness.
It is time to swim in a new STREAM…. merrily, merrily, merrily – down the river we go!
Today’s questions are “How can WE PURIFY our physical vessels and planet in order to organize for greater FLOW?'”
Am I going with the NEW purified FLOW of 5D higher consciousness? “
Divine blessings for INITIATING torrents of PURE DIVINE FLOW in your life!
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the Week of December 1st through 7th 2024. She also reads three blessed transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and leads a Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation for the New Moon in Sagittarius
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
May the serenity of the night envelop your being in peace and harmony. May you receive all the healing you need on every level!
Serenity of the Night Divine Decree:
I dissolve all stagnant, negative or dissonant energy present in my energetic, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual field. I release everything that does not serve my greater good and transcend into the light.
I welcome the divine energy that flows from the Universe, purifying and filling each cell with love, balance and strength. May my awareness expand, my vibration rise and my essence glow in perfect connection with Source.
May this night’s rest be deep, restorative and full of blessings. That’s how it is and that’s how it shall be. “
Grateful for today
serenity of the night
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