Twin Flame Co-Creators ~ Golden Continuum – Rebirth as Giants – Holographic Light Body
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Solar Rishi of the Supreme Truth and Knowledge of Source Creator
Bringing us more Higher Energetics of Creation Codes, for tomorrow’s 8:8 Lionsgate Portal, our local Solaris released another Massive X-Class Solar Flare today maxing at X 1.52 at 20:40 UTC. Our Sun also released 5 M Class Flares and multiple C Class flares today.
As our Sun is a projector of Source Light She is sending us all the Power and Flashes of Quantum Energy for our Leap of Consciousness into the new human of homo-Luminous, beings of Infinite Light and Eternal Life. The Gold Ray of Buddha Mind is flowing into the field from the most high. These carry our Codes of the Great AWakening to free humanity from all illusions and delusions of Maya forever more.
The Eagle flies with the Condor as Shiva dances with Shakti in the Divine Union of Samadhi of Unconditional Love and the Beauty of the Ages. We are shifting in this Now to the New Golden Age of the Pure Land of Enlightenment for all who enter the Holy Gate of Heaven on Earth.
As Rainbow Bridges of Antahkarana we allow the Heavenly Chi to flow through our Sacred Vessels and anchor deep into the Crystalline core of Pachamama to assist Gaia and all Her Children of the Sun in this Great Ascension Process, Together in Unity Consciousness…A’Ho!
Right now: Moon at 7°37′ Taurus, Sun at 15°04′ Leo
Current Sabian Symbols
Current Sabian Symbol for the Sun
Sabian Symbol for 16º Leo |
The current Sabian Symbol of the Sun is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing solar influence, the vital energy and the personality, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this day, while the Sun’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 16º Leo.
Current Sabian Symbol for the Moon
Sabian Symbol for 8º Taurus |
The current Sabian Symbol of the Moon is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing lunar influence, the emotional background, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this moment, while the Moon’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 8º Taurus.

Tomorrow we have the Portal of the Lions Gate 8/8, this will be the most powerful energy of the year to manifest what you desire. We’re clearing much of Ancestral Karma that leaves room for more abundant energy in your life.Meanwhile the darkness is so busy trying to create chaos, Don’t get distracted, align yourself with the Light within your heart!! ️
Affirmation: “ALL GOOD COMES TO ME”
Star gate of Syria…Planetary energy currently on Lionsgate Portal…We will continue to experience significant energy outage to Portal 8 8…The harmonies of the Sun, Sirius, Orion, and the Cosmic Center can be deepened…
Getting ready for the Lions Portal tomorrow!Our Source Light, the Great Central Sun, and the Galactic Family, is ready to send us an abundance of lovelight energy!Be ready to receive it and anchored in the earthVisualize the whole earth, Wrapped in GOLDEN LIGHT.
8/8 Lions Gate 2023 and the Holographic Light Body


image by: Rosa-Maria Marquez

Trust that Spirit is supporting the decisions you have made. The results and changes of your choices begins with healing. Emotional withdrawal may be felt as part of the clearings on your path to freedom. A detoxing of the mind is opening the heart to self love, acceptance, and self healing.
Life is coming into balance, with your Feminine power recovering. Your creative life force that is returning can be utilized towards creating the life you want. Receive this stage of divine healing happening on many levels, assisted through your partnership with the Most High, carrying you home.
In Jesus Christ’s name amen. God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
: Daniel Kordan
August 7-14, 2023 – GODDESS LIGHT CODES
Goddess energy gives you full permission to access the amazing creative power that lies within you. Programming and belief systems keep us from accessing this miracle energy. Follow this 8-Pillar system to build your own Goddess Temple in your energy field!
The Sun in Leo is in exact square to Jupiter in Taurus today. We are trying to expand into the light that we are, but we are coming up against barriers. We are finding that forces have gone to curious lengths to try to keep us from remembering our true selves. There is a massive AI agenda to try to get us to disconnect from our precious human soul. We’ve been messed with left and right, but we are not backing down. We are finally starting to see the power of the intense personal growth we have been going through, as we align with our divine human will.
Venus retrograde is making her way back through the sign of Leo. Venus is coming into her second of three conjunctions with Black Moon Lilith and squares with Uranus. We have been feeling this epic square between Black Moon Lilith and Uranus since early June. Venus is going deep into the inner chamber to reset her vibration and be reborn. Her third conjunction with Black Moon Lilith will happen at 0 degrees Virgo on 10/10. We are bringing our feminine back into wholeness.
The Sun in Leo will trine up with Chiron in Aries this week, just before catching up to Venus for an explosive activation of Goddess Light Codes on August 13th and 14th. The Sun and Venus together is like a penetration of God light into our world. This meeting happens in between each of their trines with Chiron, and leading up to the Leo New Moon on August 16th. We are taking all of the energy and power. Now we are evolving and it is only to be used for good. It’s a game-changer New Moon with the Sun and the Moon right in the middle between a conjunction to Black Moon Lilith and square to Uranus. We are shining the light on humanity’s core issue of programmed shame. We are uncovering the programming that has kept us in the dark, playing small and scared. It’s time for the spiritual giants to awaken, SuperNova, that’s you!
If we understood, just one iota, what incredible forces have been working against our evolution, we wouldn’t be so hard on ourselves. We would feel much more deserving of the expression of our gifts. Pluto in Capricorn is just coming out of square with the Nodes of the Moon. We are facing all that has held back our evolution. We are standing up to the false authority structures. Now is when we break free and give ourselves full permission to land home as who we really are.
We will continue to feel the reverberations of the Sun with Black Moon Lilith in square Uranus through the whole week after the New Moon making the next two weeks about this energy. With Venus transiting deeper back into Leo we are facing the most mysterious territory. There’s an energy of coming up against your worst fear that you have been avoiding for a long time. But when unveiled, you realize, with the light shining in, it’s not so scary after all. And our hearts break back open to the divine love we are. We are cleaning out our closets and and turning back on our light.

Kin 186 ~ White Self-Existing Worldbridger

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