Tuatara Speaks: Keeper of the Dragon Eye ~ Divine Djed Body * A Week of Ascension Upgrades ~ Embrace the Transformation
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Sages, Shamans and Healers of our New Era of Peace and Power
As we enter the final week of the first month of this powerful year of 2025 we step over the threshold and into an intense energetic corridor of Divine Neutrality. As we move through this final week of January we have a powerful New Moon on wednesday the 29th as La Luna joins our local Soularis and Pluto in the humanitarian and freedom oriented sign of Aquarius the Water Bearer.
On this powerful New Moon in Aquarius we also celebrate the Chinese Lunar New Year of the Wood Snake. As the dragon transitions and transforms into the Green Wood Snake the Power of the Dragon merges with the Serpentine Kundalini energies of the Snake to shed the old false self and transform into the Phoenix of Freedom and Transformation through the rising of the Kundalini Energy from the root chakra through the Central Channel of Sushumna to activate the Crown to blossom and bloom in the Enlightenment of Human Consciousness. The Rainbow Dragon joins forces with Feathered Serpent to fully Shift this realm into the Paradise she has always evolved to be.
To usher in this week of Transformations and Manifestations we have a powerful Galactic Activation Portal Day on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar with Kin 203 Blue Galactic Night as we Dream in the Healing Codes of our Cosmic New Way of Dreaming and Abundance.
The momentum is building through this week for our Great Awakening and Breakthrough into the light of the dawning of our New 5D Golden Age of Infinite Life… A’Ho!
Beautiful family of light we are in the most potent portal of light receiving energy from 6 planets alignment and Great Central Sun. Today feels like is the highest pick of energy influx. Breath in the light, receive what you need and release what you don’t need… Anchor this light into earth, plants, elements. Its all glowing
I Tuatara am the eldest among you, the ancient witness of time’s unfolding. My lineage stretches back some 600 millions years, a living bridge from the age of the dinosaurs to this moment now. I carry the codes of survival of remembrance, of the eternal design. As the keeper of the Dragon’s Eye, I remind you that this eye is also yours. It is the gateway to your quantum nature. Through it, you access your eternal capacitor, a limitless reservoir of energy, wisdom and potential that transcends time and space.
When you connect to the Dragon Eye, you awaken your own ancient technology – your inner navigator through the quantum realms. This technology is older than the stars, encoded within you by source itself. It is the key to activating your Divine Djed Body, aligning your being with its cosmic architecture and opening the pathways to higher octaves of existence.
Through the eye behind the eye, The Dragon eye is called to remember. It sees beyond separation, and illusion and connects you to all eyes, all senses, all knowing. It unites you with the web of life, the gnosis of the cosmos, and the timeless currents of existence. Through this sacred lens, project your highest vision.
Love Te Raukura Turuki – Transmited from the Tuatara sanctuary Moutohora, 19th Jan 2025 on my special day
**Embrace the Transformation: The Snake New Year, January New Moon, and 22 Portal**
As we approach the Snake New Year, the energy of transformation and renewal is upon us. The Snake, a symbol of rebirth and wisdom, invites us to shed old skin and embrace our truest selves. With the January New Moon gracing the sky next week, we are given a powerful opportunity to set our intentions for the year ahead.
This New Moon in Aquarius asks us to envision our future with clarity and courage. It’s a time to plant the seeds of our dreams, to trust in the unseen, and to honor the cycles of life. Under this lunar darkness, we are called to release what no longer serves us and to welcome new beginnings with open hearts.
As we prepare for the 22 Portal in February, a powerful gateway of ascension, let us align with the cosmic energies that are guiding us toward higher consciousness. This portal amplifies our spiritual growth, urging us to connect with our inner wisdom and divine purpose.
During this sacred time, may we embrace the transformative power of the Snake, the renewal of the New Moon, and the ascension of the 22 Portal. Trust in the process, honor your journey, and step into the magic of your becoming.
Embrace the Transformation
Blue Rose Oracles
We are at the threshold of a profound cosmic shift as the current planetary alignment marks the beginning of a complete timeline realignment.
This is a time for humanity to raise its collective frequency and step into a new bandwidth of existence. The energies from the Solar flares and Schuman Resonance are peaking, supporting this transition by activating and recalibrating our vibrational frequency.
This sacred cosmic event is an invitation to release old patterns and embody higher states of consciousness, aligning with our divine purpose.
As the planets align, we are reminded that we are deeply interconnected with the cosmos, and these energetic shifts are guiding us towards spiritual awakening.
This alignment is not only an astrological event but a divine catalyst for planetary Ascension.
It calls us to step into our true power and embrace the transformation unfolding within us and around us.
It is a moment to remember that we are creators of our reality, aligning with the cosmic flow to manifest a new era of consciousness.
Although this time of intensity can feel overwhelming, it is a sacred opportunity for deep healing and growth.
The energies pushing us to release resistance are leading us to embody our highest potential.
By trusting in this cosmic process, we allow ourselves to evolve alongside the Earth and contribute to the collective Ascension of humanity.
This alignment is not just an individual journey it is a collective awakening. As we attune to higher frequencies, we amplify love, compassion, and unity, co-creating a world of higher consciousness.
Now is the time to embrace this transformation with open hearts, trusting that we are divinely supported in stepping into a new era of unity and harmony
the threshold of a profound cosmic shift
Lightning strikes the cells of Self jolting our consciousness to the next higher level. For you see the unfurled electromagnetic energy from our cells unleashes a torrent of unrestricted current within the Self allowing our vibrational frequency to rise measurably.
Oh how this results in a shaking of consciousness enabling us to fully break free of any restrictions. For you see this is the last phase resulting in the butterfly emerging from the cocoon fully winged and humanity steps out of the matrix to be free once again.
Oh how they tried so diligently to stop our progression, for our entrapment in the reality of their design was essential for their survival. Now that we are free they lose miserably and the dark ones are thoroughly vanquished.
It is time for the repeating cycle humanity has been captured in to end. There is no need to recapitulate consciousness. We move forward now, onward and upwards in our trajectory and into the cosmos we are free to explore once more.
Oh how the pearled gates to heaven open with the pearls of wisdom we now have access to. Our spiritual DNA, like strings of pearls, fully opens and transcribes the codes of sovereignty and of our full spiritual potential, the essence of our souls. For in this soul energy we are free never to be captive again.
1/26/25: The rest of January is personal. You gained much last year in mind, body, and spirit which will come to light as 2025 unfolds. And many experiences from your past will also make more sense in the coming months. Many of us will finally understand why we’ve done what we’ve done, been where we’ve been, and experienced the unexplainable. Some will even appreciate the fires that burned off what would only have become burdensome. Don’t try to look ahead right now.
Look instead, without judgment, at where and who you are. But let go of criticism and hindsight. They are of no value. Only in being authentically present with yourself right now can you choose your next steps in February… what you want then… and what you don’t.
Dear friends, on Monday January 27 planet Mercury enters the sign of Aquarius, bringing a dynamic and innovative energy to the collective consciousness. This planetary alignment is particularly significant, as it occurs within the context of the early phases of what is known as the New Age of Aquarius.
As Mercury navigates the realm of Aquarius, it electrifies the air with a spark of revolutionary thinking. This energy inspires us to think outside the box, to envision a future that’s more just, equitable, and harmonious. We’re encouraged to dream big, to imagine a world that’s yet to be created.
The planet Mercury is associated with the Roman god Mercurius and the Greek god Hermes, both of whom were messengers of the gods. They were also patrons of commerce, eloquence, and travelers, and were often depicted with wings, symbolizing their swiftness and ability to move quickly between the mortal world and the realm of the gods.
Mercury in Aquarius is all about innovation and progress. This energy invites us to explore new ideas, to experiment with novel solutions, and to push the boundaries of what’s possible. It’s perfect for inventors, entrepreneurs, and anyone looking to disrupt the status quo.
But Mercury in Aquarius is not just about individual innovation; it’s also deeply concerned with the well-being of humanity as a whole. This energy highlights the importance of communication, collaboration, and collective action in creating a better world for all.
As we navigate this new era, we’re being called to awaken to our collective potential. Mercury in Aquarius reminds us that we’re not alone, that we’re part of a larger web of humanity. This energy encourages us to recognize our interconnectedness and to work together towards a common goal.
In this context, Mercury’s entry into Aquarius serves as a powerful catalyst for the evolution of human consciousness. We’re being invited to embody the values of a new era, to integrate the principles of justice, equality, and freedom into our daily lives. We’re being called to embody the concept of light/shadow integration firstly within ourselves and then onto the world.
As Mercury navigates the realm of Aquarius, it’s essential to remain open, adaptable, and receptive to the innovative ideas and unexpected opportunities that arise. By embracing this energy, we can become the co-creators of a brighter, more enlightened future. Over the next few weeks, our vision becomes loftier as we contemplate how we can make the world a better place.
At the same time, the mental mercurial energy can add more stress on our nervous system. Please stay grounded and as relaxed as possible to avoid needless confrontations.
This week, the energies are building up to the New Moon in Aquarius on January 29. With Mercury already in Aquarius, the stage is set for a powerful and innovative New Moon. Expect this week to be filled with a sense of excitement, anticipation, and possibility. The energies are ripe for new beginnings, fresh starts, and bold initiatives. As we approach the New Moon, take time to reflect on your vision for the future, and be prepared to take inspired action towards manifesting your dreams. The universe is supporting us in creating a brighter, more enlightened reality, and this week’s energies are the perfect catalyst for making it happen.
For Humanities Mission Is A Collective Synergy Of Light.
As The 5D Matrix Is Positioning Incrementally Into Our Physical Matrix Of Light.
The True Parameters Of The Human Form Is Expanding To Reach This Quantum Light Assimilation
For Humanities Collective Mission Is Aligned To This Transition. 2025 Is Providing A Very Smooth Alignment To These Frequencies As We Pave The Way To The Quantum Light Presence Of Now
I Am Shown The Path Is Very Free Flowing And Unconditional. We Simply Need To Align And Magnify Our Light. To Feel This Wonderful Synergy Of Light Now Imprinting In Our World.
It Is Truly Awe Inspiring To Feel This Presence.
The True Light Of Gaia Now Permeating Our World.
This Is The Light Opportunity Now Downloading, Awakening, Uprising In The Light Of Now
A Wonderful Quantum Uprising
Believe To Achieve
Feel To Perceive
The Great Escalation In This Now Moment
Together In Light
Sending Much Love
Global Light Alliance
Karen Lithika
source: KarenLithika.com
Earth’s Evolution
Carolyn 144 GODCODE
A Week of Ascension Upgrades
The Aquarius New Moon on January 29th, and Uranus Direct on the 30th, are opening the door to experience ascension upgrades. A rebirth into Ascended Mastery is unfolding quickly now, requiring us to make some changes for the better.
The Consciousness is expanding into the Oneness Field. Here we can access the heart of the Mother of All Creation. To connect into Her heart, and co-create the Age of Aquarius with Her.
As we are physically manifest on Earth, we have the ability to birth this new reality and timeline through us. This begins with each of us individually through creating more peace, love, and happiness in our own daily lives. Through us, this 5D lifestyle will ripple into the Heart of the Collective.
Our vibrations are rising this week. We can seek these new vibrational matches of peace, love, unity, and happiness, as they are part of the next chapter of our lives. There is ample cosmic energy to help create these new plans from a higher understanding. As the Lightworkers on the Earth fulfilling the 5D Ascension timeline, we are here to serve in this collaborative way on mission.
Over the weekend, the week-long sextile between retrograde Mars in Cancer and stationary Uranus in Taurus receives pleasant aspects from Venus in Pisces. The trine from Venus in Pisces to Mars in Cancer will also remain present through early April.
In addition, Mercury in Capricorn forms a sextile to a several week-long conjunction between Neptune and the Moon’s north node in Pisces that is currently building.
Our souls are calling us until we ‘pick up’ right now and this is forcing us to slow down on an ego level so that we answer the call with humility and LISTEN intently to our highest level plans for ourselves in this life.
And while this ‘slowing’ can be a frustrating experience on an ego level, it is the only way in which we will be willing to consider novel approaches rather than remaining on autopilot and carrying on in the old familiar ways…
Both personally and collectively, we are on the final precipice of RELEASE with the intent of allowing for a renewing transformation that places us in situations from which there will be no going back and with no desire to do so!
It’s like we set the GPS on a self-driving vehicle too long ago to remember where our path would take us and now we’re both curious and nervous about where the vehicle is taking us…in this case, we’re being asked to lean into the curiosity.
On Sunday, January 26th, Mercury, planet of the mental realm, in practical Capricorn is in a positive sextile to Neptune, ruler of unseen forces, in ethereal Pisces. And, Venus, ruler of receptivity, in creative Pisces is in a beneficial sextile to Uranus, planet of surprises, in grounded Taurus. What a perfect blend of earth (Capricorn and Taurus) and water (Pisces).
This is an opportunity for growth and manifestation of magic and miracles! All you have to do is think it in your mind, and trust in its unfolding! Sit in meditation, visualize your dreams, have faith in unexpected good fortune! The Higher Vibration of Neptune, ruler of the spiritual realm, and Uranus, ruler of radical change, can merge with the energies of Mercury, planet of messages and information, and Venus, ruler of attraction and blessings. Believe!
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
source: https://www.sacredsoulempowerment.com
Mercury, planet of the mental realm, in practical Capricorn
Mercury in Capricorn sextile Neptune in Pisces. Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus retrograde in Taurus – Ideas discounted as ‘impossible’ become possible. You have the ability to take your vision and shape it into something real. Have faith in your limitless imagination. Trust that you know what is right for you. Discuss your dreams. Journal your thoughts. Read poetry or listen to music to express what cannot be expressed in words. Communicate with empathy.
If you want to attract new things into your life though, it requires a change of perspective. Open up to endless possibilities. Be willing to experiment. Challenge your beliefs at every level. Revolutionise your relationships by giving each other space to learn and grow. The thread of love that binds you can stretch without breaking. If it’s your financial picture that needs a revamp, consider alternative avenues of income. Passive income may be the route that changes everything. Watch for mystical connections coming through cyber space. Let your heart be lifted by humanitarian tales and charitable acts. Even in these difficult times, love blossoms in the strangest of places.
‘Galactic’ is the name for the number eight and its key words are ‘Harmony, Integrity and Model’. I sometimes refer to this number as ‘Smurfy’. It is such a lovely, fluffy number and I personally always enjoy ‘Galactic’ days. It’s also a Portal day, so expect some intensity but not as much if it wasn’t such a Smurfy day.
Today is Blue Night which represents ‘Dreams and Abundance’. Wow, it’s a ‘Galactic’ Night….doesn’t that sound good!? We can dream of harmony! Today the dreamer has an impressive imagination, an ‘Abundance’ is yours to dream up if you wish. Focus on your dreams and aspirations today, don’t let them get cold on that back burner. Every 20 days we have a Blue Night day and this regular reminder not to forget our dreams is most helpful…so give yourself a kick up the butt today and pay attention to what floats your boat. (in a fluffy way of course)
The Guide today is the Blue Hand which is the symbol of ‘healing.’ Blue Hand also represents accomplishment and doing things with your hands. When in the guiding position the Blue Hand is offering you a helping hand…take it and you’ll be led to healing.
The Challenge is the Red Skywalker which represents ‘Wakefulness’. The Skywalker can’t wake anyone up today as they are all so busy dreaming. If you are a Skywalker, find some strength in harmony and then you won’t find it such a challenging day.
The Occult power is the White Mirror which is the symbol of ‘reflecting truth’. If you are not sure if your dream has a chance to become real… then use the power of the mirror today which is in the strong, magical position.
The Ally is the Yellow Warrior which is also the wavespell we are in. What does this mean? The energy of the wavespell is in a friendly helpful aspect today and so our missions should go well.
MANTRA I HARMONIZE in order to DREAM Modeling intuition I seal the input of ABUNDANCE With the Galactic tone of integrity I AM guided by the power of accomplishment I AM a GALACTIC ACTIVATION PORTAL ENTER ME!!!
1- Leader/New beginnings/Original/Independent/Unique 9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Humanity/Grace/Service/Mission/Divinity 10- Manifestation/Perfection/Power/Authority 2-Twins/Partners/Cooperation/Alliances/Duality 20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision 25- Spiritual wisdom/Learning from past mistakes
KIN 203 = 5 – FREEDOM coding!
A- GAP/portal DAY of extra intensity activating your DIVINE DESTINY!
Day 8 in the YELLOW WARRIOR WAVESPELL of fearlessly QUEST-I-ONing everything in our path with a profound intelligence, disabling the old paradigm and fully focused on forging a new path to a brave New World.
Today we are MODELING INTEGRITY in relation to how we are attracting ABUNDANCE on our Missions.
GALACTIC – Tone 8 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – modeling, POWER – harmonize, ESSENCE – integrity. The GALACTIC tone will influence much MENTAL analysis today! The most important factor is that we model integrity in our thoughts, words and actions.
Today we are modeling ABUNDANT courage, as we FEARLESSLY follow our intuitive guidance, to manifest our Dreams. We need to reflect on whether our actions are totally aligned with the NEW TIME, in order to co create more Harmony and model greater ABUNDANCE in our world.
Our plans need to be transparent and for the highest good of our community and our planet (with harm to none!), for them to hold up in these new energies. Our projects and business models will then serve as a model for others following in our footsteps who hold the ideals of unity, peace and harmony as a priority.
At tone 8 we have entered a new scale, and we are so proud, we just have to model ourselves for others. We have also mastered Harmony at this stage. We are GALACTIC and don’t we know it!
Today’s question is “How can I harmonize an integral flow of ABUNDANCE, to accomplish LIVING MY AUTHENTIC DREAM LIFE?”
Divine blessings for MODELING FEARLESS ABUNDANCE today! GO FOR IT!
In Lak’ech a la kin Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: BLUE GALACTIC NIGHT AKBAL THE DREAMER carries the dreaming codes, and brings forth the keys to prosperity and abundance, accessed through intuitive knowing.
BLUE NIGHTS are the intuitive dreamers who just “know”. They are instinctively guided by their brilliant connection to Spirit, and seem to just be in the flow. They hold the DREAM to create reality, and therein lies the keys to creating abundance from the Aethers. But they need to ACT on their ideas, hunches and inspirations for them to take form.
The Warrior teams with AKBAL to dive deep today, and FEARLESSLY uncover any mental thought forms of lack and unworthiness which impede claiming our Infinite Universal ABUNDANCE and LIVING OUR DREAM LIFE!.
As we look into the darkness we can uncover the patterns that limit our abundance and restrict us from living INSPIRED lives, and living our greatest Dreams.
Dare to QUEST-I-ON your FEARS and you will find the KEY to greater PROSPERITY!
Once you have finally freed these last lingering remnants of SCARE-city, you can now energize and attune to greater SUCCESS and harmony.
Our DREAMS and plans MUST be in alignment with New Earth – sustainable and achievable, with HARM TO NONE!
Many DREAMERS will be banding together, as they are magnetically attracted to those holding the same DREAM… clusters of DREAMERS forming the New Communities together, living in HARMONY with Pachamama.
Today is a GAP day so the DOORS to the DREAMTIME are WIDE OPEN to access and bring your IMAGININGS into form.
Pay extra attention to your DREAMS today/tonight as they may reveal CLUES to your future abundance.
HIGHER SELF: BLUE GALACTIC HAND – MANIK The BLUE HAND today offers the power of ACCOMPLISHMENT to get things done. So roll up your sleeves and get DOING! It is TIME to ACTION your intuitive hunches. Listen and TRUST your intuitive guidance.
What are you building with your thoughts? Are they focused on PEACE and ABUNDANCE?
MANIK provides great healing on all levels for your ABUNDANCE issues.. Whatever the ailment MANIK is the Divine panacea today. We are also healing ABUNDANCE on a collective level. Honouring the true natural ABUNDANCE that flows when we respect our planet and all her inhabitants. Healing the land, the oceans, the skies and working together to implement natural solutions that bring more harmony to all.
Toxicity, harm, degradation, exploitation and greed, are not harmonious for sustainable life enhancing practices, and will no longer be viable or tolerated by our collective DREAMERS and RAINBOW WARRIORS. .
We will no longer tolerate actions that taint our Pachamama, our home and our common-unities. From here on, ALL our actions must integrate the model of HEALING and ABUNDANCE for our Earth mother and all her children.
The GALACTIC HAND as the guiding power today enables us to ACCOMPLISH access to GREAT ABUNDANCE flowing forth through this HEAVEN’S GATE from SPIRIT today, as we follow our DIVINE MISSIONS.
SUPPORT: YELLOW GALACTIC WARRIOR – CIB. We have a DOUBLE WARRIOR influence today as the supporting energy, and being the 8th day in the YELLOW WARRIOR Wavespell. This gives you immense courage and fearlessness to GO FOR IT and not take any setbacks.
Let your INNER WARRIOR guide you on the best path forwards to claim your treasures!
When you are operating in total AUTHENTICITY, there’s NOTHING you cannot have, create, or experience. That’s one of the many secrets to manifesting anything in life.
CIB the courageous and brave warrior provides the support today, for us all to FEARLESSLY claim our collective birthright of Collective Abundance and a peaceful Utopian world that we all desire. The GALACTIC WARRIOR will FIGHT for TRUTH and the Divine PLAN – ensuring that this is his QUEST and his LEGACY, fighting and defending the DREAM, until it is made MANIFEST in all its RAINBOW GLORY.
Accept nothing less than this highest DREAM for ALL our Planetary kin. We have battled for too long and now we are claiming our VICTORY!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE RHYTHMIC MIRROR – ETZNAB in the occult position today provides GREAT FENG SHUI majik. Coupled with the GAP day we are very well equipped with extra MANIFESTING POWER today. . The RHYTHMIC tone is BRILLIANT for creating order and HARMONY through BALANCING energy.
Using FENG SHUI to ACTIVATE and energize your WEALTH sectors is HIGHLY beneficial today. Use the WATER element to bring in more FLOW and the WOOD element to enhance GROWTH.
Carry some JADE, CITRINE or any GREEN crystal in your pocket today to bring the prosperous energy into your auric field.
SPACE CLEARING – discarding anything broken, idle and extraneous is advisable to make SPACE for the new ABUNDANCE to FLOW in. SMUDGING, clearing and refreshing your decor and living spaces is life enhancing, inviting in new opportunities, supporting your new more ABUNDANT life.
MIRROR, MIRROR on the WALL – which path is the most ABUNDANT of all?
The WARRIOR QUESTIONS all paths to determine his BEST course. ETZNAB holds the power of endlessness, reflecting and magnifying all the infinite possibilities for harmonizing with Natural ABUNDANCE.
The RHYTHMIC MIRROR not only REVEALS, REFLECTS and DISCLOSES the best PATH to take for success, but it also has the RHYTHMIC SUPERPOWER to bring back BALANCE, and organize your physical resources to ensure your SUCCESS! The MIRROR is a pyramid – so it can powerfully ACTIVATE and MAGNIFY your intention too!
One idea can have a HUGE unlimited potential in your QUEST for success and happiness. ETZNAB illuminates our QUEST so that we can see TRUTH and have CLARITY in our DREAMTIME! Only what is good for the Collective will hold.
In this age of transparency, ALL DARKNESS SHALL FALL, and the wall of mirrors shall transform into a wall of CLEAR windows, from which we can see the landscape beyond the horizon in all directions. The VEIL has dissolved and the path is clear.
Allow ETZNAB to magnify your DREAMS today and reveal the PATH to endless ABUNDANCE.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED GALACTIC SKYWALKER– BEN challenges the WARRIOR to explore NEW paths, and consider new and more expansive options. Do not limit yourself, be expansive and GO BIG! We have an INFINITE UNIVERSE to tap into, from which to draw inspiration. Explore, brainstorm and consider all possibilities.
BEN challenges us to be the Divine HU-MAN conduits that fully anchor and connect the pillars of Heaven and Earth!
BEN offers a very special GIFT and blessing for humanity today. We have all held the DREAM of creating Heaven on Earth deep in our DNA encoding, and now is the TIME to believe and KNOW, that by joining together in our collective DREAMING we can finally ACHIEVE that DREAM!
ABUNDANCE ALERT: This code is MIRACULOUS – the SUPERPOWER of the RHYTHMIC MIRROR can be utilized through Pyramid work or actual mirrors to AMPLIFY your thoughts and desires- pure MAJIK
Make sure you use this energy WISELY and productively for your greatest good with HARM TO NONE!.
DREAM BIG and put these new dreams into RIGHT ACTION.
Today’s question is “How can I harmonize an integral flow of ABUNDANCE, to accomplish LIVING MY AUTHENTIC DREAM LIFE?”
Divine blessings for MODELING FEARLESS ABUNDANCE today! GO FOR IT!
Namaste’ In Lak’ech a la kin Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
for the Week of January 26th through February 1st 2025 with my Sacred Condor 🔥
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the Week of January 26th through February 1st 2025. She also reads three blessed transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and leads a Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation for the New Moon in Aquarius and the Chinese Lunar New Year of the Wood Snake.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
“Beloved Cosmic Mothersun, source of infinite creation and nurturing light, I call upon your radiant essence to awaken the divine codes within me. Surround me with your warmth, grace, and unconditional love. Illuminate my heart and mind, and guide me on the path of unity, abundance, and enlightenment. I am open to receiving your blessings and aligning with the highest vibrations of cosmic truth. So it is.”
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