You are currently viewing THE BRIDGE ~ QUANTUM JUMP ~ HOLOGRAPHIC ERASE * The Path Forward ~ Sacred Geometry Key Codes

THE BRIDGE ~ QUANTUM JUMP ~ HOLOGRAPHIC ERASE * The Path Forward ~ Sacred Geometry Key Codes

THE BRIDGE ~ QUANTUM JUMP ~ HOLOGRAPHIC ERASE * The Path Forward ~ Sacred Geometry Key Codes



Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light

Greetings Angelic Star Legion of our Cosmic Emissaries of Peace

As we prepare for tomorrow’s powerful 1:11 Ascension Gateway on SaturnDay January 11th we continue to clear and cleanse all false projections and programming of limitation to make our Quantum Leap of Consciousness into the New Hue-man of Homo-Luminous, Rainbow Lightbodies of New Earth.

We are also beginning to feel the intense water energies of the First Full Lunation of 2025 for this Moonday the 13th as La Luna is Full in the Water Sign of Cancer the Crab and will also cause an occultation of Mars as she eclipses the fire planet of Mars the Warrior briefly as the Holy Water of the Divine Feminine calms and heals the Holy Fire of the Divine Masculine to bring all into Harmony and Peace of the Music of the Spheres.

As the Eagle flies with the Condor in Divine Union of Hieros Gamos, Shakti Dances with Shiva through the Cosmos to usher in our New 5D Golden Age of Eternal Life.

All our Starseed Earth Angelic of the 144 continue to anchor in the Gold Rays of Buddha Christic Consciousness into the Dragon Lines and Song Lines of Gaia and deep into her Crystalline Core as she emerges from her Chrysalis as the Galactic Butterfly of Terra Nova Gaia, Mothership 33 of our Sacred Alliance of Light.

Keep going through and through and through until complete and total compression breakthrough as Supernova Stars of our Expanding Ascension timeline of Infinite Life…A’Ho!







Dear Ones. . .
I AM Grateful to confirm that WE Are currently SHIFTING into the Higher Vibrational Frequency of ABUNDANCE and PROSPERITY. . .
as WE Are Getting Closer to our Great Ascension (Shift) to 5D New Earth – Sheen!
The BEST is Yet to Come!!!
Within Infinite SOURCE-LOVE Intelligence
Infinite SOURCE-LOVE Intelligence
Infinite SOURCE-LOVE Intelligence
TODAY’S ORACLE. It’s time to get ready for your best life. Your path is expanding to a whole new level. Rebuild your routine around the things that have become your priorities. Focus on your most important goals and the beauties that make you feel the most alive, the most on track. You can plan now for your highest future & act accordingly. Your younger self is so proud of where you manage to get to. Your future self is guiding you.


Sirian Collective
Sirian Collective


Gene Keys: Unlocking the Higher Purpose Hidden in Your DNA – by Richard Rudd –


Gene Key 61 – The Holy of Holies

January 10th – 16th 2025

Psychosis – Inspiration – Sanctity

“If we have this Gene Key, our life is a contemplation of death. We must not turn away from this work. It will fill us with life. The answers will come. The memory of the beyond will return in time. We must listen inwardly for the music of life, and let it move us in creative work.” – Richard Rudd, 64 Ways



Gene Keys: Unlocking the Higher Purpose Hidden in Your DNA – by Richard Rudd –


Gene Key 61 – The Holy of Holies
Gene Key 61 – The Holy of Holies



Maryann Rada

As you become more aware of your awareness and more comfortable with the idea of being powerful in yourself, you can accelerate change on the larger scale of planetary consciousness. This is why we recommend taking a little time to take a look at the thoughts that take your awareness away from your own power. A quick cleanup on one level of reality, with the right intention, guarantees a concomitant cleanup on other levels. So be honest with yourself… last year’s fashion of doom really does nothing for your outlook. In light of what’s coming, why not make some room in your life for a few creative flourishes? Neither want nor need matter so much when your power to create is plugged in, and in lovely shades of light you really can’t go wrong.

excerpt from “Remembrance: Pleiadian Messages in Preparation for Contact”

Nine’s Path: celestial navigation towards home




Pleiadian Messages in Preparation for Contact
Pleiadian Messages in Preparation for Contact



1/10/25: We are programmed, through ancestral trauma and our own wounds and disappointments, to expect the worst even as we want to assume the best. This is a carryover from 1900’s political and financial unrest. But we are evolving out of this era and it is vital that we not bring its effects forward. What we can do, and what today asks of us, is to transmute our growing pains into power and purpose. Our greatest works of art, music, poetry, and prose were channeled through suffering… emotional, mental, and spiritual. But we do not have to suffer for our empowerment or our enlightenment. You can use the raw material of life to create something special… and 2025 can be the proof of that. It will be in the freedom of letting go that you will find yourself and your light.



JANUARY 10 2025




“Those who are stepping on the bridge, are experiencing a holographic erasure.”
January brings some very important days, the 13th is one of them.
I have been receiving the message that this will be another key day, meaning that around this day we will receive another important information/inner development or sign
that will open the next phase for us and offer us even more understanding and illumination of the Self!
There is an erasure that is taking place in the fields of those who are in preparation for the Quantum Jump because the unification of the inner Trinity is now in full acceleration, alignment and vibration to the 5D field!
Remember that the split and the great correction of time were only possible because the system we live in is a hologram.
Reaching the position for the Quantum Jump is a clear decision that One needs to take in order to have the strength to face, overcome and release anything that belongs to the old hologram, including parts of the self and personal beliefs, desires and dreams etc.
This is about a leap of faith back into unity!
Also January 28th/29th are another two major days that will be so powerful that again around that time the world will experience another major development.
Every step we now take in the ASCENSION process is a leap and it has its opposite expression in the descending old world which can be clearly witnessed.
This is why we are witnessing such transformational upgrades in the inner worlds and such impactful external events taking place in the external world.
In the phase that we are in now, the portals of the Kundalini are ‘changing hands’, they return to the Light.
It is the planets that have been guiding and taking everyone through the Ascension processes and the purifications needed and it will be the planets that will be soon forming the great bridge!
We have entered a totally new field and it is this field that is guiding us and pulling us towards the Quantum Jump into the New Life!
The great clock is ticking!
Blessings of Ascension!
Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
I’m on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Follow me there
Join the Telegram channel:
There is a new Flood, but this time it is a Flood of Energy. It is called Fifth Dimension and it is already Here and Now.
Our Sun and Earth exhibit signs of emotion and the latest outburst from our celestial star fueled by multiple Solar Flares is streaming Plasma Bursts swiftly towards us. It arrives bringing the latest batch of light encoded changes which quickly begin to overwhelm and amplify our existing energetic states. Our orientation to our physical environment is changing rapidly.
The Earth displays the same response in the form of geomagnetic movement of her outer shell which we experience as earthquakes. The same occurs in us as re-orientation of the body due to energetic amplification.
Each frequency encoded particle of light arrive as Sacred Geometry Key Codes seeking a frequency match within you. Like attracts like – the Law of Attraction. Your expanded awareness since the time of your Awakening has increased your exposure to greater parts of YOU and the Universe around you. So you will attract and amplify energetic particles that harmonise and match your frequencies – which you then project outwards into your world and draw to you the experience that manifests for you. The Seed of Life, that is you, has grown and become the flower – ready to face the sun and reflect its brilliance.
As awareness increases, so do the range of emotions experienced. For those who have already done the clearance work, a brighter dawn awaits you each day. The rest may choose to continue to persevere and meet each new challenge head on and allow the experience of the mental constructs, emotional issues and physical heartaches to pass through and become part of your revised path to mastery.
There are those in power who would seek to prevent what is inevitable for there is no greater power than the Source that emanates from your Heart Centre.
Look to the skies and learn to distinguish what is natural and beneficial compared to what has been created with the intent of malevolence.
Resistance and avoidance give way to allowance and acceptance.
Master all you learn, to remember who YOU truly are.
Blessings in this new year Brothers and Sisters of Light.
Paul Dobree-Carey / Polaris AB
Sacred Geometry Key Codes
Sacred Geometry Key Codes



To The Ascension LightWorker Collective :

NEW EARTH , THE GOLDEN AGE a higher frequency and higher state of consciousness on physical earth . All of existence is accessed through light and sound waves. As an Ascending Collective We are now vibrating and shining at a much higher light level , to align with the collective frequency of this “ New Earth” reality.
In 2025, the world will experience an unprecedented unveiling of truth through universal and planetary energies. This unfiltered truth will compel those on the path of ascension to bravely confront discomforting aspects of the inner self .The familiar saying “the truth shall set us free” holds profound significance in the dawn of the New Earth and the Astrological Age of Aquarius.
Evading truth in new earth energy will prove futile as only truth is strong enough to liberate from the illusions of separation ingrained in the planet’s history of enslavement. The perpetuation of lies and struggles by humanity only perpetuates their suffering, emphasising the urgent need for collective awakening. Dishonest and toxic foundations are destined to crumble under the weight of 2025 truth’s revelations.
In Earth’s future 5D reality and timelines , extraterrestrial beings from advanced star systems are announcing their arrival to play integral roles across various sectors of society, including politics, global leadership, sociology, spirituality, economics, technology, and much more. This collaboration with higher-dimensional beings signifies a transformative phase for Earth’s people promising a future where advancements in engineering and societal structures will be notably sophisticated and extremely groundbreaking.
The guidance and support provided by these extraterrestrial entities will create a profound shift towards a more enlightened and progressive world for humanity. This partnership with humans will bring about positive and life-changing developments that will enhance the overall quality of life on Earth.
As ascending individuals with higher levels of consciousness engage with these cosmic light beings a platform for meaningful telepathy dialogue and exchange of knowledge will be established. Through these interactions, a deeper understanding of our place in the cosmos and the significance of these collaborations will be recognised and strengthened .
As extraterrestrial beings arrive just in time their precise arrival and presence serves as a decisive safeguard against political figures who may have deceitful / underhanded intentions that could lead to dire consequences for the world. With impeccable timing, ETs bring in a newfound awareness and heightened vigilance, ensuring that the actions and decisions of those in power are held accountable and guided by integrity and appropriateness .Their intervention acts as a transformational force, preventing the abuse of authority and manipulation of truth, ultimately paving the way for a more transparent, just, and harmonious global society.
This advancement and integration of extraterrestrial wisdom and assistance will ease the transition into a new era on Earth, creating unity, growth, and collective evolution among humanity . This will normalise cosmic cooperation, humanity it is embarking on a journey towards a future brimming with endless potential, possibilities and interconnectedness with beings beyond our planet.
The Ascending individuals are currently receiving powerful downloads that enable them to tap into their higher light body, Divine Consciousness, soul awareness, and healing frequency. These downloads are imperative for upgrading their belief systems and accessing new programs that catalyse healing abilities, enhanced psychic senses, and heightened levels of conscious awareness and knowledge.
The process of evolution unfolding before us is ushering in a profound transformation: any lingering sorrow self may have felt signifies the departure of old energy from the physical being. The self is shedding significant aspects of the past version , leaving them now behind , acknowledging, embracing, and processing any emotions or memories that resurface, as this is an important part of the healing / ascending journey.
The Ascending are encouraged to persist and utilise any challenges in life as stepping stones towards higher conscious progress. It is entirely normal to revisit aspects of past self during this transformative phase, as each layer you delve into contributes to deeper levels of healing within . Remembering the essence of your journey on the path of ascension resides in the actions taken in the present moment—this is where self’s true power resides. Embracing the NOW moment is key to unlocking self’s fullest potential as we continue to ascend.
Amidst your ascension process, you come to realise that unlearning old patterns and beliefs is the highest form of learning. During times when life seems stagnant or uneventful, it signifies that ascending self is granted the necessary time and space to heal and release burdens that no longer serve on the awakening journey moving forward. This inner phase of release is essential for preparing for the incredible transformations that await in 2025 advancing towards greater purpose.
The Ascending are extremely aware that this year holds unparalleled significance, with major transformations unfolding across the dualistic spectrum. Be it dark or light energy, each has its own intentions for our planet.
Those on the Ascension path are deeply aware that this year will bring unparalleled changes unlike any other. Significant transformations are unfolding on both sides of the dualistic spectrum, with each energy embodiment, whether dark or light, holding its own agenda for our planet.
Ascending will witness a dramatic metamorphoses/ shape-shifting occurrences on a global scale, not only in individuals but also the very essence of the physical world, the shift from 3D reality is far more than just a mere disintegration, it marks the dawn of a new Earth order.
It will become increasingly important for Ascending individuals on the Ascension journey to strengthen and reinforce their inner beliefs , grounded in the wisdom of their higher self and the guidance of their ascension team, together navigating these shifts with a stronger resilience and clarity.
This internal shift will serve as a sovereign anchor amongst the dynamic interplay of energies and the profound changes occurring within and without the external world.
In the new Earth energy of 2025, time will be accelerating rapidly. For example, January 1-10 has felt like 10 minutes rather than 10 days, this is an indication of the energetic speed at which time is perceived in this new earth paradigm.
Many Ascending will soon experience more of the present moment with increased intensity , with a heightened focus on the here and now, the focus or distraction on the past or future will eventually and completely fade out .
In loving and devoted Ascension service
by Ascension Light Workers ©️


Dear friends, today Friday January 10 2025 (a 9 universal vibration), carries the energetic signature of 1:10:9, a powerful combination that keeps amplifying manifestation, spiritual awakening, and humanitarian consciousness within these first 11 days of the year. This blend of energies sets the tone for innovative ideas and pioneering spirit, as represented by the number 1, which symbolizes new beginnings, leadership, and individuality.
The number 10 is a master number that symbolizes perfection, completion, and spiritual awakening. It’s a call to elevate our consciousness, transcend limitations, and embody our higher selves. As we align with this energy, we’re inspired to let go of old patterns and limitations, making space for new, uplifting experiences to enter our lives in the new year.
The number 9, as we’ve discussed earlier, is a humanitarian number associated with global awareness, compassion, and selflessness. It’s an invitation to expand our circle of love and care, embracing the interconnectedness of all beings. Together, the energies of 1:10:9 create a potent synergy that amplifies our manifestation powers, inspires spiritual awakening, and expands our humanitarian consciousness.
As we journey through this 1:10:9 energy, we’re building momentum for the closing of the first 11 days of the year, which is marked by the 1:11:9 energy on Saturday January 11. This gateway is a powerful threshold that seals our intentions and aligns us with our highest potential. The 1:11:9 energy is a master activation code that awakens our DNA, expands our consciousness, and connects us with the universe. As we transition from the 1:10:9 to the 1:11:9 energy, we’re invited to integrate the insights, wisdom, and awareness we have gained, and to embody our highest selves as we move forward into the new year.
As we navigate these powerful energies, it’s common to experience a range of emotional effects. Many of us may feel a sense of lack of grounding, as if we’re floating between dimensions or struggling to find our footing. This can be accompanied by feelings of tension, anxiety, or uncertainty, as our minds and hearts adjust to the shifting frequencies. We may feel like we’re being stretched to our limits, or that our emotional bodies are being recalibrated to accommodate the influx of new energies. Our planet Earth is also undergoing deep changes in frequency, clearing old deeply rooted energies in the form of floods, fires, and earthquakes. Remember that this phase and feelings is temporary and is a natural part of the ascension process. By acknowledging and working with these emotions, we can find greater balance, clarity, and inner peace.
The first 11 days of 2025 set the stage for a profound and transformative year, one that will be marked by the energies of the Snake in the Chinese calendar. The Snake is a symbol of renewal, transformation, and spiritual growth, and its energies will guide us in shedding old skin and embracing new perspectives. As we close the first 11 days of the year and transition into the Snake’s energies, we’re invited to let go of any remaining limitations and embody the flexibility, adaptability, and spiritual awareness that this new cycle offers. By aligning with the new year’s transformative energies, we can navigate the challenges and opportunities of 2025 with greater ease, wisdom, and heart. Have a wonderful weekend, and stay tuned for more updates as we approach the first full moon of the year.
Much love 💖
Diego E. Berman 2025Ⓒ

The Path Forward 🙏

Arcturian Light Message
For The Incremental Light Reaching Your World Is The Opportunity You Are Seeking.
We Ask You To Feel Into This, Seek The Awareness Of Your Heart Synthesis To Expand And Activate The Light Codes Of Now 🙏
For The Light Within The Earth Light Plane Is A Multidimensional Cascade Providing Many Opportunities You Are Seeking.
For The Activated Souls Are Now Immersed In Much Galactic Insight And Cellular Splendour, As The Path Before You Is The Path Of Now.
It Is The Due Diligence To Reach This Great Understanding Within Your Own Light Field To Awaken This Light 🙏
As The Transformational World Of Light Is Before You, The Far Reaching Corners Of Your Personal And Planetary Self-Realisation Continues To Be Highlighted In Your World.
A Path Of Rapid Awakening, As You Peel Away The Density Of Your Physical Paradigm. As The Unification Of Your World Identifies Right From Wrong.
The Humble Beginnings Of Change Is In A Rapid Escalation Phase As The New Earth Frequencies Bring Forth The Dimensional Upgrades In A Planetary Alignment To The Grand Universe.
We Are The Observers Of Your World, As We Adjust The Paradigms Of Light, As We Assist The Ground Crews Of Great Historic Cosmic Lineages Assist The Great Transmutation Of Now.
The Great Healers Of Your World Are Uprising
The Awakened Scientists With A Cosmic Agenda Are Providing The New Earth Upgrades Of Light.
The Crystalline Grid Of Gaia Is Uprising To Accommodate The Great Domain Of Light, Now Reaching Her Metabolic Physical Reality.
As Your Heart Pulsates To An Ancient Human Physical Code, The Rhythmic Pulsation Of Gaia Is All Around YOU 🙏
As The Planetary Alignment Of Your World Facilitates The Grand Escalation Of Light.
I Align With The Pulsation Of Gaia
The Cosmic Pressnce Of Light Is All Around Me
I Feel The Great Splendour Of Light Initiating Cellular Expression Of New Earth Light Frequencies.
Together We Are The Light Of Now
We Thank You For Your Light Service
The New Light Paradigm Is Now
The Arcturians
Karen Lithika
Together In Light 💥
The Path Forward
The Path Forward
You are surrounded by Angelic forces that are ensuring you are receiving happiness. We are in a powerful opportunity of being risen up out of the false light timeline that has been taking our light for their gains. Instead, Masculine and Feminine energies and souls are merging. This is creating the perfect balance for us to expand into more Light. Be honest with your feelings and the messages that they are delivering. Free yourself from emotional manipulation tactics. Trust your intuition that is guiding you wholeness.

On Friday, January 10th, the Moon, ruler of the emotional climate, is in Gemini the Twins, and today will create challenging square connections to Venus, ruler of love and social connections, and Saturn, ruler of restriction and karmic lessons, as they both travel through uncertain Pisces. However, the saving grace is that Luna will also make a positive aspect to Jupiter, planet of abundance and blessings, in multi-faceted Gemini.
There may be times throughout the day where we feel ungrounded, anxious, unsure, depressed, insecure or lacking in self-worth. But, if we shift our perspective, and expand our focus towards the many things that we have to be grateful for, we will realize just how lucky we are……and, it may just attract more good fortune into our life!
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
the Moon, ruler of the emotional climate, is in Gemini the Twins
the Moon, ruler of the emotional climate, is in Gemini the Twins
Lunar Aspects. Mercury in Capricorn sextile Vesta in Scorpio. Hygeia conjunct Eris in Aries – The energies of the day are focused on mind and communication as Luna leaps into Gemini. Mostly helpful connections mean a plethora of useful conversations or information. For some, this is a time of realisation, an inkling of bigger and better choices to come, a sense that change is coming, and change can be good. The hot and fiery connection between Eris and Hygeia reminds us though, that we must address internal discord for our own health and wellbeing going forwards.
Make time for discussions about financial contracts and sharing or plans involving investments. Consider career trajectory, other responsibilities and whether your heart is really in it. Or go deeper – share your fears, study what makes you scared, transform those anxieties into power boosts. Evolutionary energies are at work. Focus your mind on what you want, not what you don’t want. Cleanse disharmony from your system.
Degrees and Times
Moon 00°Ge00′ – 01:06 (UT)
Eris, Hygeia 24°Ar23′ R – 02:20 (UT)
Moon 01°Ge21′, Pluto 01°Aq21′ – 03:24 (UT)
Mercury 02°Cp52′, Vesta 02°Sc52′ – 10:41 (UT)
Moon 07°Ge45′, Venus 07°Pi45′ – 14:18 (UT)
Moon, Jupiter 12°Ge17′ R – 22:00 (UT)
Painting – Meditation by William-Adolphe Bouguereau
Meditation by William
Meditation by William

Kin 187 ~ Blue Overtone Hand

‘Overtone’ is the name for the number five and its keywords are ‘Empower, Radiance and Command’. The fifth day of the Blue Night wavespell is when things start to get very interesting. May you feel the power and enjoy the boost it gives. Day one, five, nine and thirteen are all the same color. This connects their energy and the wavespell shifts and intensifies on these days. Day one launches the journey, day five sends it into a higher gear, day nine the energy climaxes and on the last day we complete.
Today is Blue Hand and it represents ‘Healing, Accomplishment and Inner knowing’. It’s a very helpful combination today as you can accomplish healing and that can be very empowering or you can put your hands to good use. If you offer your helping hands to heal others that will feel very empowering too. Give today a big round of applause! I salute you all!
The Guide today is the Blue Eagle which sees things from a higher perspective. Eagle is one of the most helpful guides. Imagine you are on a journey and the Eagle flies ahead to check things out and returns to show you which way to go. Follow the Eagle and you won’t get lost. When the Eagle guides the day, you can expect to have visions and to discover creative solutions to current issues.
The Challenge today is the Red Earth which symbolizes Evolution. The Red Earth is challenging you to grow and make some progress in your life but the lesson here – is that it is not easy. Luckily, it is a number five day which adds a lot of power to the equation. And so, we can all rise to the challenge to evolve if we just put in a little more effort.
The Occult power is the White Wizard, the enchanter of the Tzolkin. Wizard is just awesome when in a magical position. Those spells work really well and his charm is enchanting! And don’t forget…it is an empowering day, so the combined aspects of the day result in a potentially very magical one. The empowered Blue Hand has a magic wand and he waves it today, creating a magical experience for us all.
The Ally is the Yellow Human today and so if you need assistance and if you are lucky enough to have a Yellow Human in your life, ask them for help and support. If you are a Yellow Human, you’ll enjoy occupying this position because the day is friendly to you. If you need help and you don’t have one handy, be like a Human and use your intuition.
Kin 187
Kin 187


5 MANIK – KIN 187
10 JANUARY 2025



I EMPOWER in order to KNOW
Commanding HEALING
I seal the store of ACCOMPLISHMENT
With the Overtone tone of RADIANCE
I AM guided by the power of VISION

10/1/2025 = 10/1/9 = 10/10 = 1/1=2



10- Manifestation/Perfection/Authority/Power
1- New beginnings/Leader/Original/Independent/Unique
2- Twins/Partners/Cooperation/Alliances/Duality
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨

1- Leader/New beginnings/Original/Independent/Unique
9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Humanity/Grace/Service/Mission/Divinity
10- Manifestation/Perfection/Power/Authority
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
25- Spiritual wisdom/Learning from past mistakes

KIN 187 = 8.8 =16=7 – Mystic/Majik/Spiritual/Solitude MAJIKAL ABUNDANCE!!


TODAY is a VERY potent Majikal day of immense VISIONARY HEALING 👁🙌 to elevate humanity from SCARCITY to DIVINE PROSPERITY consciousness!!! A huge evolutionary transformation!!!



KIN 187 is ACTIVATING our RADIANT EMPOWERING energies today. We have the OVERTONE RADIANT☀ tone, the REGAL SOVEREIGN👑 who exudes CONFIDENCE and authority and the WHITE SOLAR WIZARD (the occult SUPER POWER of KIN 187) bringing through brilliant ENCHANTING powers today!

NOTE: The SOLAR WIZARD☀️🧙 is also the HIGHER GUIDE of KIN 178 – WHITE SOLAR MIRROR – that kicked off the GREGORIAN NEW YEAR on 1st Jan 2025!! This means this SOLAR WIZARD is truly reigning this year – so that all the planetary EARTH WIZARDS 🌏🧙🪄 can FINALLY REALIZE our super MAJIKAL POWERS generated through our HEART center!

The SOLAR WIZARD☀✨ is ensuring the NEW EARTH sovereigns👑 are fully supported and encouraged to STEP UP and take their THRONES on NEW EARTH… HOW BRILLIANT – DIVINE SYNCHRONICITY at its BEST!!

18 MOONS AGO – KIN 187 occurred on 8 AUGUST 2023 – which was the 🦁✨ 8.8. LION’S GATE✨🦁 We have access to this brilliant energizing portal today through KIN 187.. A HUGE burst of REGAL POWER!


Day 5 in the BLUE NIGHT 🌃WAVESPELL of dreams, intuition and ABUNDANCE. Where we are collectively DREAMING our NEW WORLD into reality!

Today brings the power of HEALING 🙌 through our capacity to SEE👁 what was previously hidden in the undercurrents of the collective unconscious, so that we can ACCOMPLISH our collective DREAMING.


OVERTONE☀ – Tone 5 in the SPIRITUAL realm. ACTION – commands, POWER – empowers, ESSENCE – radiance Number 5 represents the Center, core purpose, foundation and central intent. It is the CENTER ☀of the wheel from which all the spokes emanate. This is the phase where the energy of Creation returns to the center and then RADIATES outwards.🎆

Overtones command the unbounded. They order it to BE and so it becomes! Their POWER radiates from their soul essence through a pure connection to SOURCE, this is the true source of unlimited power.

Today we can draw upon the POWER through Pachamama to anchor and RADIATE our own personal soul’s POWER… radiant EMPOWERMENT… 🌞🎆🎆🎆


CONSCIOUS SELF: BLUE OVERTONE HAND👑 🙌– MANIK Brings forth great HEALING today, providing the opportunity to close the cycle of suffering and lack. As the OVERTONE tone is in the SPIRITUAL realm, the healing can occur on all levels and not just the physical, emotional or mental, but wholly on a soul level. We can trust our intuition to reveal where strong healing is needed, allowing the codes to penetrate deep into our psyche.

OVERTONE’s have the POWER to COMMAND HEALING💫⚛ whilst empowering themselves and others to STEP out of VICTIMhood and become a conscious creator. With the OVERTONE tone, we can RADIATE waves of healing frequencies throughout the planet wherever it is needed.

We can utilize these healing waves on many levels, allowing healing where it is needed, setting the intention to accomplish our personal dreams, and those dreams that are held in the collective unconscious as PEACE, Abundance and happiness for all beings.

A beautiful day to send out REI-KI energy everywhere!🙌🍥🎆



Prosperity is our BIRTHRIGHT – so find your VOICE – and COMMAND it into being!

MANIK holds the POWER of ACCOMPLISHMENT, so today is a great day to tick off✅ your TO DO LIST✅ and complete tasks as well as make some headway on your BUCKET LIST! Volunteering and HELPING others is also favoured, particularly if your actions are empowering and inspiring those you are assisting.


HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: BLUE OVERTONE EAGLE 👑👁 🦅 MEN assists us in looking deep into the Collective Unconscious, to SEE if there is any energy held there around lack and scare-city, that inhibits the manifestation of our Abundant Dreaming. ☀💰🌃🎆

Gaining the knowledge of the bigger picture, allows us to empower the collective dreaming that is born from our intuition, the intuitive feminine brain. Once the patterns are perceived we can step into our power, healing all that is not a part of that pattern.

By SEEING and uncovering what was unseen and hidden in the depths of the abyss that AKBAL holds, we can unblock that energy to live more abundantly.

BLUE EAGLE🦅 helps you to SEE👁 the SOLUTIONS needed to HEAL and accomplish your DREAMS… to get the job done, and FIX what needs repairing creating the BEST outcome.

Keep an EYE out for more global uncovering of what was previously hidden – the all seeing EAGLE sees all! 👁👁

All that is inhibiting our POWER will be revealed in order for all souls to SHINE RADIANTLY! ☀✨

The OVERTONE EAGLE🦅 – holds the codings for PLANETARY MIND – so today we have immense DIVINE assistance to UPGRADE our collective MIND and align with PROSPERITY CONSCIOUSNESS..

In fact we are being COMMANDED to act like the TRUE SOVEREIGNS that we are and claim our KING-DOM.. filled with all the riches and resources we require!!

The COSMOS holds INFINITE ABUNDANCE – command your share!


SUPPORT: YELLOW OVERTONE HUMAN 👑👴– EB provides the Divine wisdom in assisting us to evolve past those old scare-city patterns and the old paradigm. Being open and willing to push past the old boundaries so that we can co-create and seed the NEW TIME, free to influence others in a positive way towards wholeness and harmony.

Aligning our personal will, with that of the Divine Will of the greater consciousness, we become more powerful RADIANT humans. 😅🎆


The DIVINE PLAN for humanity is the AGENDA flowing through this brilliant MANIK portal today – Spirit is driving our boats and guiding us to align with our highest mission in service to humanity. This is the KEY that unlocks this ABUNDANCE GATE.

EB also holds the keys🗝 to Abundance 💰☀along with AKBAL, so today is a potent day for healing your scare-city blocks and poverty consciousness, allowing your golden chalice to overflow with RADIANT Cosmic energies, providing for all your needs. The portal for Planetary Abundance is OPEN for business!💰 ☀✨🎆


OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE SOLAR WIZARD 🌞🔮 – IX allows us to be receptive to the TRUTH of what presents today. Honestly facing our demons in order to cast them out forever!

The beautiful SOLAR WIZARD is guided by the WHITE DOG revealing a HUGE LOVING and compassionate HEART❤… LOVE is the BEST MEDICINE❤❤❤.. so this WIZARD can heal all that ails you and humanity, through RADIANT HEART POWER! 💗💞💗

The SOLAR WIZARD is giving us the POWER to PULSE out our MAJIKAL INTENTIONS to manifest our wishes.. Very potent WHITE MAJIK to take COMMAND of your spell casting.

WHITE WIZARD provides great MAJIK as today’s SUPERPOWER, giving us the POWER to transcend the OLD TIME, and be uplifted into a ✨HIGHER LIGHT✨ through our PURE HEART💗 connection, magnetizing our true heart’s desires..

Connect to your HEART and FEEL your TRUE soul’s destiny.. this will FUEL your POWER to become the DIVINE ABUNDANT ALCHEMIST today!

A day of radiant ENCHANTMENT and healing through our beautiful connected HEARTS. ❤❤❤

✨✨ What is it that your TRUE 💗 HEART aches for?

COMMAND👑💫 it into being!🍥🍥


CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED OVERTONE EARTH 👑🌏-CABAN… How DIVINELY PERFECTO that Pachamama is the GIFT today.. We are living on a paradisiacal planet 🌈🌴🏝🌎 that can provide us with all the resources and riches that we require to live a truly pleasurable and fulfilled life. Our beautiful mumma, as well as our DIVINE PARENTS – want us to have a GOOD LIFE and enjoy ourselves whilst walking on the EARTH PLANE..

Today we are being OFFERED these GIFTS🎁 – We can COMMAND them into being – if we align with our DIVINE MISSION and honour our oath to GAIA to fulfill our role in her ASCENSION process.. what a phenomenal opportunity!! Now is the RIGHT TIME!

In order to CLAIM these rewards we must exhibit total reverence and HONOUR our EARTH MOTHER, ensuring our actions are HARMLESS.. as we practise LOVING KINDNESS through our thoughts, deeds and actions.

CABAN challenges us to surrender fearlessly, by anchoring deeply into the Earth and flowing with her cycles and the synchronicities that occur when we listen deeply to Mother Earth and flow with her messages. Listening to our instincts which strengthen our evolution today.

The OVERTONE EARTH challenges us to acknowledge and HONOUR, the POWER of our Earth Mother, and her EARTH MAJIK💫💫 through the power of synchronicity. Revealing the BEST PATH forward to accomplish our DREAMS.

GAIA is a fully cognizant sentient being, who is empowered by her own choices and evolutionary passage. Realizing that PACHAMAMA 🌍 is NO VICTIM – and that she has ALLOWED her children, mostly FREE REIN, to experience the dark era of pain and suffering.. NOW GAIA has chosen to abandon the darkness and density, and restore her paradisiacal stature.🌴🐬🌈.

If we CHOOSE to continue our journey upon her back, then we must become empowered👑 too – choosing a ✨RADIANT LIFE✨ – with our Health, Abundance, FREEDOM and livelihoods FULLY restored.☀😅🌈

CABAN connects us to our ancestors, so today is a great day to heal our DNA and purify our ancestral bloodlines, particularly in relation to prosperity and leadership issues. We are finally freeing our families from repeating patterns and cycles so that we are FREE to live a more prosperous life.

Allow the pure flow of consciousness to flow through your being, connecting you to GAIA and the cosmos, through these evolutionary times.

A very powerful day to fully ground the Cosmic gifts of RADIANT EMPOWERMENT☀🎆 – afforded through our Pachamama.🌍🙌 and the SOLAR WIZARD superpower today!



Today’s questions are “What can I SEE and uncover in the depths of the abyss, to COMMAND RADIANT 🌞HEALING 🙌 and empower my greatest DREAMs?

AM I READY, WILLING and ABLE to step into my RADIANT POWER and claim my rightful ABUNDANCE? 🌴🐬❤☀🎆

🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤

Divine blessings for becoming supremely ABUNDANT and RADIANTLY EMPOWERED! ✴✴✴

Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈






🔥 New! on Patreon 🔥 WEEKLY GODDESS TRANSMISSIONS 🕉 New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading for the Week of January 5th through 11th 2025 with my Sacred Condor 🔥




Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the Week of January 5th through 11th 2025. She also reads three blessed transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and leads a beautiful Guided Meditation for the January 11th Ascension Gateway

Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.

Thank you for your support and blessings. Namaste


CLICK HERE for the Goddess Transmissions



Paul White Gold Eagle

Divine Decree: Invocation of Light and Divine Alignment

In the name of the Divine Creator, the Source of All That Is, I call forth the power of infinite light and divine truth.

By the authority of my Higher Self and the divine spark within me, I decree:

  1. I AM a vessel of divine light, aligned with the highest will of the Creator.
  2. I AM a radiant being of love, compassion, and truth, uplifting all those I encounter.
  3. I release all lower vibrations, limitations, and fears. They hold no power over me, for I AM anchored in divine strength and wisdom.
  4. I claim my sovereignty and walk the path of my highest purpose with clarity and grace.
  5. I open my heart to the infinite abundance, joy, and harmony that flow from the Divine Source.
  6. I call forth divine guidance, protection, and blessings to surround me, my loved ones, and the Earth.
  7. I decree peace, unity, and awakening for all beings on this planet, as we ascend together into higher consciousness.

So it is, so it shall be. I AM that I AM.

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