A Gift From On High As We Prepare For A Glorious 2017

This is such an important opportunity for all of us. In 2016 the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth revealed that the Earth has completed her transition into the full embrace of the Age of Aquarius. This is a process that we have been going through for approximately 300 years. Now for the next 2,000 plus years, the predominant Light that will be bathing the planet from the Heart of our Father-Mother God will be the 7th Solar Aspect of Deity which is the Violet Flame of God’s Infinite Perfection.

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Our Time Is NOW

We have completed the final stages of preparation and now it is time for us to BE the Instruments of God we have been preparing to BE for literally lifetimes. KNOW that we each have within us everything we need to be God Victorious for this essential facet of the unfolding Divine Plan which will occur during the 30th Annual World Congress on Illumination, August 13-20, 2016.

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Alignment to the Diamond Light Codes

Welcome sweet ones, it gives us great pleasure to be with you in this month of June as you deepen into the knowing of your magnificence and Light, as these sacred transfiguring flames of Divine Love and Master Beings of Light. Sweet ones, we let you know in this beautiful month of June as you head into the Solstice on June 20th there is the deepest level of alignment and activation to the Diamond Ray of Melchizedek Consciousness and the Diamond Light Codes that are to be experienced for every man woman and child on this sacred Earth through the group I AM Avatar Consciousness of Light.

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Violet Flame

Keep steady in holding your vision of wholeness and perfection for the Earth and all of her inhabitants, calling upon the Violet Flame is having a beneficial effect. We would ask that you extend this practice beyond December 11th for at least another week.

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Lightworkers and the Ascended Masters

We celebrate your tenacity and steadfastness in holding your Light and contributing to the healing and stability of your planet. The violet Light focus that St. Germain has initiated in concert with the Earth’s Lightworkers and the Ascended Masters is producing the desired effect. (See below) Please continue in your efforts, for as each person adds to this focus, this energy is multiplied and magnified to achieve the greatest beneficial results. Maintaining a calm, peaceful and harmonious intent creates the needed stabilization within your planet. We thank you for working with us in this way.

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Forgiveness & The Violet Flame

Just as material Alchemy can turn Lead into Gold, the violet flame turns the lower vibrations of our human existence into expressions of our highest divine potential. The life of an Ascended Human Angel. The violet flame has a strong effect on emotional, mental and physical level, as well as through all layers of our individual spiral dance of creation. What we usually know as “past – present and future”. This means working with the violet flame can be used to shift the present moment, to raise above lower vibrational pattern and to release us from any karmic depths and energetic entanglements we still carry inside. It is an important tool of the divine blueprint for the Golden Age of Aquarius, uniting our divine trinity through the power of colors. Gold for the Christ Consciousness “I AM”, Pink for unconditional love and divine mercy and Blue for divine guidance and individual faith in our soul-plan.

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