Violet Flame of Saint Germain Prayer Meditation for Irma Category 5 Hurricane

We pray for all sentient beings that may be along the path of Irma. We pray for the safety of all life that may be effected by this great hurricane. We call on and invoke the Violet Flame of St Germain and all the Ascended Masters and we call on the Angelic Realm to Protect and Comfort all beings that may be in the path of this energy. Fill the Earth Realm with the Violet Ray of Saint Germain. See The Violet Flame Blaze and Penetrate the Veil of Separation and ignorance. We can use our Unity Collective violettaConsciousness to calm the storm to calm all thoughts and energies that may cause harm. We bring balance and harmony to this Earth Realm.

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Saint Germain ~ The Catalyst to Bring Amazing Changes and Ignite the Event

I AM St. Germain. I come with the Violet Flame, Violet Light to continue this process that was begun long ago, the process that you all came here with as the light workers, the light sharers, the light warriors that you were and have once again become. This process is for all to experience. It is an ascension process. It is not an overnight awakening. For some it can be but for most it will be a process. And you are right in the midst of that process now because of the energies that are coming into the planet and are being accentuated by the galactic events, the celestial events that are happening in order to bring this all about. You must all understand that this was not just a happenstance eclipse. This was a moment, a moment that has been heralded for a very long time. For ages now. A moment that is a catalyst to bring about these wonderful and amazing changes that are upon you now. And as some sources are beginning to say, there is yet one event, one smaller event that will lead into many more events, many more happenings, many more changes before the full “changeover” can occur.

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