We're in for a Wild Ride

The Sun is cooperating with the Earths desire to ascend. It is as if the whole multiverse is behind this event. We are living in exciting times, just remember you bought this E ticket and Gods/Goddesses don't do boring things. You will be called upon to do your part. .- James Gilliland Looks like we are in for a wild ride. According to Heart Math and its monitors the magnetic fields of the Earth have quadrupled. The Shuman Resonance has jumped from its normal around 7 hertz to 200 Easter then 530 the past few days. Obviously there has been some divine intervention on Earth not just in shielding but in the vibrational lifting.

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Incoming 6th Dimensional Ascension Waves to Peak Around Jan 14th

I have observed some beyond realistic behavior on a grand scale unfolding on every level and if we are going to survive the days to come we are going to have to get back to basics. We are also going to have to do our own research and develop our own inner sensitivity or what some bluntly refer to as BS meter. Our last administration did bring transparency. What was transparent is the corruption and double talk; which has been epidemic. The BS meter was and still is in the red. Humanity is waking up and what the controllers did not count on is the soul awakening and the Internet both of which are instrumental in their demise. The Fake news or lame stream media owned by the corporations; just several men gave rise to alternative media because of its failure to tell the truth. The double speak is to accuse the alternative media of being the fake news. Almost everything coming out of the past administration was double talk. All the accusations of others defined exactly what they have been and are now doing.

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James Gilliland Update – We Are In The Last Days of The Tyrants – Sep 22, 2016

Here we go again more false flags in a last ditch effort to maintain the corrupt status quo. The powers that were are imploding. The Boston bombing, a complete botched false flag now has part two. Sandy Hook was also a complete failure unless you are a neutered zombie robot consumer believing the lame stream press; which unfortunately is the case for a lot of people. There is a saying, “You get the government you deserve.” If you are going to behave like ignorant sheep you create job security for the tyrants. There is an oath within most military and government enforcement agencies to protect and serve the people. Most take an oath to protect the constitution as well against enemies foreign and domestic. We need to walk our talk when it comes to foreign countries as well. I was given a refrigerator magnet showing a GI kicking a door in saying lets talk about freedom. We cannot operate in foreign countries in complete contradiction to the ideals America was founded on. Not to mention honoring international law.

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