Violet Flame of Saint Germain Prayer Meditation for Irma Category 5 Hurricane

We pray for all sentient beings that may be along the path of Irma. We pray for the safety of all life that may be effected by this great hurricane. We call on and invoke the Violet Flame of St Germain and all the Ascended Masters and we call on the Angelic Realm to Protect and Comfort all beings that may be in the path of this energy. Fill the Earth Realm with the Violet Ray of Saint Germain. See The Violet Flame Blaze and Penetrate the Veil of Separation and ignorance. We can use our Unity Collective violettaConsciousness to calm the storm to calm all thoughts and energies that may cause harm. We bring balance and harmony to this Earth Realm.

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Currency Reset – NESARA

NESARA originated in 1500 AD. It is the Fear Reduction package associated with the upcoming 2012 Transition. Obama and Dunford are well aware of this, and are both of the Light Alliance- - contrary to the mis-information on the web and elsewhere. This video explains the origins of the Fear Reduction program, why it exists, and how it relate to the upcoming "2102" transition, which is very real and happening very soon.

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Many of us are having a lot of unique situations and the energy feels very different. Those of us who have been on the path for a long time know that this energy is a part of the path. We also know that it is the difficult part because it is where we are moving into brand new territory that we have never experienced before. This new territory feels like it is “the next step,” but we do not have a clue how to navigate through this frequency of reality. However, we do know that we need to call in our higher multidimensional self and connect with the component of our SELF who is able to assist us in the manner that we can best accept.


How To Channel Your Higher Self

What comes to mind when you think of the idea of channeling? It is much more than ‘an alien entity speaking through you’ or as skeptics would consider ‘a well practiced message that garners popularity.’ Channeling is being just that; a channel. A channel for energy to flow through you – an endless ebb and flow rippling throughout all levels of reality. We are all conduits of energy, so just by breathing and just by being – you are channeling. We all have the innate ability to bring a ‘higher’ source of consciousness through us. Anything that comes through you as a separate entity still exists as an aspect of you. Channeling ‘Archangel Micheal’ is information filtered through the angelic aspect of you. We are all different expressions of the same energy. So the idea of channeling can be seen as a constant, unconscious act of life. To consciously connect with and channel a higher source takes time and practice.

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