Archangel Michael! Large Celestial Bodies Passing Over Will Turn Off Power Grid For 4 Months! Grand Cosmic Announcement Forthcoming, 3D Earth Grid Coming Down, 5D Crystal Earth Matrix In Place, March 20-June 20 Last Ascension Window!
Great beings of the Earth, as the 2017 spring sun gate prepares to open on Monday, March 20, to the kingdom of heaven, the last of the final mass ascension wave of this planet will walk across the great rainbow bridge, even beyond death and experience a brand new paradigm for the first time. A grand cosmic announcement of freedom for the earth is about to be proclaimed and I am privileged to be a part of this magnificent event! There are incredible Earth changes under way as Gaia purges and cleanses all remaining old energy and great bodies in the heavens are showing themselves as they move ‘to and fro’ allowing huge amounts of magnetic white ionized light to flow into the earth for the grand climax of ‘The Event Horizon.’