Lunar Eclipse in Pisces ~ OPENING THE SECOND ECLIPSE WINDOW : HIDDEN HARMONY REVEALED * Return of the Feminine Shaman ~ Plasmatic Light Activations
Paul White Gold Eagle
Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand
Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Cosmic Navigators of the Universal One
Happy Harvest Full Supermoon and Partial Lunar Eclipse in the Water sign of Pisces the Fish!
The Fisher of Humanity is here and offers a hand to enter the Kingdom of Heaven within through the Still White Magnetic Light as the entrance to your Zero Point Center. Be the Peace, the Love and the Light of your True Self atone with Infinite Source Creator. Remember separation only exists in the illusion of the simulation of reality. In Truth the Only thing that is real is Love and when we live from our Hearts as Lovers of Life we live as the Christed Ones of the New Earth Manifestation.
In Divine Synchronicity with today’s Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse we have a powerful Galactic Activation Portal Day on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar with Galactic signature Kin 72 Yellow Resonant Human as the New Golden Human species of Homo – Luminous emerges from the shadows and into the Light of the Dawning of New Earth Rising.
We laugh our Way to Freedom as we realize that it was all for the Love of the I am Presence to live out all the cycles of samara to know thyself through experiencing what we are not. It is in the mirror of the Pure Awareness of Buddha Mind, the Awakened One, that we come to know the Great Mystery of Eternal Life.
With this Piscean Lunar Eclipse we let go and leave behind the 3d Age of Pisces and fully enter into the 5D New Golden Age of Aquarius and consciously co-create together the Paradise Mother Earth has always evolved to be… A’Ho!
In a few hours, “THE LUNAR FULL MOON ECLIPSE – EQUINOX – SOLAR ECLIPSE CORRIDOR” opens with the LUNAR ECLIPSE. Invite the potent External Plasma with its High Cosmic Intel to enter your bodies and consciousness. Spend day or night in quietude and prayers with meditation. Very powerful Corridor, akin in potency to the LionsGate Corridor esp, with the Equinox at its center. Raise your vibration and strengthen your bodies in readiness for the planetary evacuation, in the coming years.
It is normal at this time to have eye irritations, more specifically, in the Right eye. The aqueous fluid is taking on more of a crystalline form as the lower dimensiona salt content is lessened. This is to assist with the multidimensional vision of seeing in the higher vibratory realities.
Super Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse – Return of the Feminine Shaman.
This Super Moon Partial Eclipse in Pisces (North Node of Destiny ) brings fated course corrections with respect to relationships/ health/ wealth the pillars of our security and worth on the 3D level and an invitation to integrate ancestral and soul legacy gifts attributes and talents from a higher soul perspective . And Abandonment & Betrayal wounds which manifest as patterns of self sabotage , unworthiness and codependency are central to both perspectives.
When I was tuning into this energy I was shown an Enormous tidal wave and a Pearl and the knowing that came with it was that this eclipse brings huge shifts of perception/ insights which when followed by courageous Action unlocks our innate Soul Gifts of Visionary and Oracular nature – The Return of The Feminine Shaman by reclamation of Womb Wisdom Power.
The Pearl is representative of the unveiling of the highest potential and authentic expression of our Souls gifts and Evolution at this point in time. The unveiling hinges upon our ability to transcend the ancient obstacles / wounds/ fears of abandonment And betrayal that foster repeated patterns of powerlessness, dimming of ones light , self sabotage, unworthiness , inability to trust one’s inner guidance , codependency, so that we can allow our gifts/ ourselves/ powers to be fully seen/ illuminated by the Light….both in relationship dynamics and on the spiritual path.
The Tidal Wave is representative of Womb Waters i.e Reclamation of Womb Power and Gifts, Feminine Leadership and Stewardship by moving beyond the Woundings so that we may Now heal and integrate their lessons to align us with our True North Node of Destiny . Womb Wisdom holds the mysteries of death ,rebirth and resurrection into higher levels of consciousness and relational harmony and ascension . This Eclipse takes place with Venus/ Inanna/ The Feminine at Sacral Chakra at Gateway of Creativity at South Node of Karma in opposition to Chiron the Wounded Healer.
This Eclipse gateway Sept 17- Oct 2 stirs up the cauldron of old and ancient woundings that the feminine (energy not gender) has carried over life times centered around the negation of the feminine role as Womb Power Holder and Inititritrix and the subsequent relinquishment of her Sovereignty, instinctual ingenuity, sexual assertiveness and sensual desire and pleasure…..for these are the very keys to align with Cosmic / Earth and Individual Womb Power of CoCreation and manifestation….The Path of The Feminine Shaman.
9/17/24: What bridges are burning? What towers are falling? They are the remnants of a life outgrown. They are the lessons finally learned, the feelings finally felt, the self finally accepted, and the remains of relationships that have given their all and live only in memories. They are the labels, roles, unrealistic expectations, and pain that belong behind you.
Today a Pisces supermoon shines upon an emerging you that needs no approval, judgment, validation, or even a structured identity in some cases. It reveals the parts of you that couldn’t surface because they couldn’t survive in Old Earth; and that you protected at the cost of authenticity. But Pisces is the omega, the end. And a supermoon beckons your truth.
You can claim your journey fully now and use it for the raw material it gave you… the fuel to rise again.
What bridges are burning
Divine Energy Works
“The 9-9 Energy Gateway is remaining open until September 18th, carrying a powerful energy of completion of energetic cycles and patterns. Under this gateway, deep clearing of the Atlantis timeline is taking place where duality and separation consciousness were seeded, splitting the inner divine feminine and divine masculine as we moved away from the heart space and into mind-based living. As we purge lifetimes of fears and insecurities, they are being cleared away collectively.
This is a special moment in the history of Gaia’s ascension process as we are undergoing such a deep clearing collectively. Due to increasing galactic solar waves and a large amount of plasma light entering the Earth plane, we are receiving soul frequency patterns, activating new higher sensory abilities and cellular knowing. We are receiving major upgrades to our nervous system, higher heart, and DNA, changing the whole frequency of the heart.
It is expanding our galactic heart and creating a new consciousness of the pure heart. As we move through the clearing of the Atlantis timeline, we are shifting away from the world of duality where the two energies – light and dark – exist apart from one another. As we shift our consciousness towards unity and oneness, we are harmonizing the light and the dark, and the light is becoming the enhanced essence of both energies, existing together as one.”
Energy Gateway
Master Lady Kira Raa
The Void Reveals Full Moon Eclipse
The Void is ILLUMINATED…Imagine the possibilities!
Where is your positive vision taking YOU?
Today, the power of the 17 amplifies the FULL SUPER MOON Eclipse. A divine moment of Ascended Revelation through the VISIBLE VOID.
Breathe that in. Relax. The visible void.
What does that mean?
How does that make you feel?
The new world is amplifying ALL that has been into the brilliant awareness that will call us into the Post-Equinox world.
As this moment unfolds before you, take time to gaze at the moon. Relax deeper into that moment and notice what it is saying. Let go of that which would seek to stop your Knowing. Smile!
Celebrate that the void is inviting you to dissolve…again…into the New Life that is already birthing in front of you.
This is the Mastery moment of radical authenticity with the SELF! To claim ALL…that YOU…ARE…through the transcendant smile of the wisdom of the journey. The blessing that is READY to manifest into Formed Awareness! The foundation of the next cycle.
The brilliance of this moon illuminates our truth and prepares us for the magic that begins with the rising moon of September 20 and carries us into the PERFECT BALANCE of the Equinox on the 22nd.
Breathe just a little deeper and exhale a little longer.
Your life is beginning…again…ONE BODY…MANY Lives. A dsicernment for this moment that invites deeper conversation.
Loving YOU in the Divine Mastery Prseence of the Unified Field,
Dear friends, eclipse season is officially opening tonight with the Supermoon partial eclipse, but the celestial divine timing has added a bonus event: a severe geomagnetic storm.
Severe geomagnetic storming G4 was observed last night and is still under way. This energetic/magnetic preamble to the lunar eclipse is creating a more sensitive state within our human energy fields. Those of you who are energy sensitives probably have felt these waves of solar protons arriving into our atmosphere. Dizziness, sleep disturbances, mild disorientation, and ear ringing may be experienced at this time.
As the supermoon dips into the Earth’s shadow, a partial lunar eclipse unfolds, painting tonight’s night sky with an ethereal canvas of transformation and awakening. This astral event weaves together complex energies, beckoning us to embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth.
This Super full moon eclipse signals a profound release, a letting go of outdated patterns and habits that no longer serve us. As the moon’s light begins to fade, we’re invited to surrender to the unknown, paving the way for rebirth and renewal. Emotional intensity builds, heightening our sensitivity and intuition. It’s as if the universe is whispering secrets in our ear, guiding us toward hidden truths that need to see the light.
Present and past relationships take center stage under this eclipse. The moonlight shines brightly on our connections, illuminating areas for growth, deeper healing, and balance. We’re encouraged to reevaluate our bonds, nurturing empathy and understanding. This is a moment to foster deeper connections, to listen with an open heart, and to communicate with compassion.
Spiritual awakening is also at play. The lunar eclipse activates our spiritual connections, guiding us toward higher awareness. Neptune’s presence amplifies our intuition, creativity, and psychic abilities. We may feel an inexplicable longing for something more, a sense of transcendence that beckons us to explore the mysteries of the universe.
As the eclipse reaches its peak, we may experience emotional releases and awakenings. Our intuition may sharpen, and psychic abilities may become more pronounced. We may feel an intense desire for spiritual growth, awakening to new dimensions and perspectives. And, as we let go of the past, karmic clearing and release may occur, freeing us from the weight of old patterns. Vivid dreams may also be present during this eclipse corridor.
To harness the transformative energy of tonight’s eclipse and the opening of the eclipse corridor, take a moment to meditate, connecting with your inner self. Practice self-care, releasing emotional burdens and nurturing your soul. Engage in creative expression, tapping into your spiritual inspiration. Trust the universe’s plan, embracing transformation and the unknown path that lies ahead.
The eclipse peak arrives tonight, but its energy resonates for days to come. As the moon reemerges from the Earth’s shadow, remember to breathe, release, and renew. This celestial event invites you to awaken to new possibilities, to release the old, and to embark on a journey of spiritual growth and self-discovery.
May you have an enlightening and peaceful Supermoon eclipse. Stay tuned for more updates as we navigate together the waves of this eclipse corridor.
The Piscean eclipse ends a cycle of profound integration and reconnection. During this year many have been the upgrades many of you have experienced, especially the integration of your female and masculine essences and the subsequent retrieval and activation of your shoulder portals, creating more synthesis within and hence in your life experience. Planetarily, the process of timelines reconnection also continues, as we step into a cycle of mental and physical emancipation, where we will finally disengage at all levels from the old ways of being and living.
We are heading into the last passage of this eighth universal year, with the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 25 degrees Pisces, and the last one in Libra in the next month. Forces that will contribute to the physical acceleration that many of you are undergoing and that will be enhanced during the next year, for we are heading into a profound phase of physical liberation, in which our bodies will literally release all that they have programmed with, for many years and generations.
During the eclipses, we are going to be immersed in the plasmatic light activations that we will be receiving from the eclipses, which are another great source of plasma to help us build our light bodies.
The eclipse in Pisces will trigger the expansion in our upper chakras that will allow us to descend more guidance about where we are heading and how best we can be of service during this new phase. This is why it is so important, especially with Pisces, to remove implants, imprints, and anything that is blocking the natural Divine flow into our bodies. Many of you are now expanding your sixth, seventh, and eighth channels, passing through a period of deep clearing, before your higher senses can also move into a new frequency.
The Piscean eclipse will assist us in supporting the process of soul mission descension or the upgrades that many of you are now already feeling. Some of you have already received a new initiation in which you are given the new divine assignments to fulfill your mission in a new way.
During this time many of you will be also working on the retrieval of your crystalline 12th-dimensional template, deeply distorted to impede us reclaim our divine essence and abilities. A template that has been manipulated, as it still continues to be, as the many reversals into a tenth-dimensional one, when we were made in the image of our Forefathers the Lyrans, as 12th-dimensional beings.
Be aware of the many false programs within the spiritual world to induce this 10th false dimensional template in your belief, for it is another way to distort what is organic in us.
It is now time to repattern our crystalline DNA and embrace the process of physical emancipation that now begins, and that will continue for many years. A process that too involves the retrieval of the 144 monadic time codes within each of our DNA strands that will awaken our soul memories, and that will reconnect us to all the dimensions that we are meant to be always connected with, for we were never meant to be literally unplugged from our Divine connection and the many God realms that exist.
During the Piscean eclipse, many of you will feel the activations that come with your inner work to shift years of anomalies and repression. Piscean energies are key to helping us in karmic release, genetic clearing, polarity integration, and anything we need to remove from our physical, and light bodies to restore the divine purity within ourselves.
With Pisces, we close a cycle and prepare ourselves for a period of stabilization with the Libra eclipse, followed by two final harmonic months, where we can set the foundations for what is yet to come, for we are heading into an important year of our ascension journey to continue with physical ascension in higher stages.
The eclipse in Pisces in particular will help us detach from an old cycle, to start seeding the Aquarian Age that we are now transiting, and that is a New Era of conscious co-creation, living within Divine Love and harmony.
In this New Higher Octave of Love, we no longer seek outside, what we know is only found within. In this New Harmonic Cycle, we have learned from this past Piscean Era, who we truly are in nature, and we are ready to move beyond 3D worlds, embracing a new journey free of limitations and fear.
May you always live from an empowered, authentic, and loving space, Beloveds.
The Crown Chakra is opening the doorway to leave stagnation and restrictions. No longer are you trapped. A new path is open for you to pursue. This is answered prayers of a New You and New World that you are becoming one with. The great Mother is here to welcome you to this New Life. She is providing stability, nourishment, activations, and home. On the other side of Eclipse Season is this new trajectory, dimension, and timeline.
September 17, 2024: Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse at Pisces 25°40’, 10:34 pm EDT.
Our current phase of experience began with the April 8 Total Solar Eclipse and ends with this Partial Lunar Eclipse. We enter the portal between two phases of experience and exit with an Annular Solar Eclipse on October 2.
This Full Moon Eclipse will be marked by both magic and mystification. Neptune, ruler of Pisces, will be aligned with the Moon and opposite the Sun. The Full Moon will square Jupiter in Gemini. The on-going Saturn/Jupiter square will form a T-square with Mercury in Virgo. Mutable energy – fluid and malleable – is strong.
All three of the outer planets are moving through the last degrees of signs they have been transiting since 2018: Uranus in Taurus [Earth]; Neptune in Pisces [Water]; Pluto in Capricorn [Earth]. By the next Eclipse Season – March 13 – 29, 2025 – Pluto will be firmly in Aquarius. By May 2026, all three will have moved into fire and air: Uranus in Gemini [Air]; Neptune in Aries [Fire]; Pluto in Aquarius [Air]. This is a big shift, and our world will be very different.
At this Eclipse Portal, the veils are thin and nothing is as it seems. The invitation is to open to the mystery; the challenge is to simultaneously ground firmly in Earth reality. The Shamanic Egyptian archetypes of this Full Moon Window are Sothis – the Boddhisattva allied with the Blue Star Sirius – and Nekhbet – the Crone Priestess. These feminine archetypes are loving but also detached. They support us in walking our Soul’s Path, both for our own healing and also in service to others.
The Eclipse Portal is like a tunnel, connecting two worlds of experience. Walking through it consciously provides an opportunity to strip away that which you do not want to take with you into the next phase of experience. What is that for you?
September 16, 2024, by Ruby Falconer.
Image: Ut, Planet of Magic Winds by Leoncio22
Planet of Magic Winds
Ra James
This week’s Lunar Eclipse marks the beginning of fated change that is likely to unfold over the next two years. This Eclipse is activating the Lunar Nodes. The Lunar Nodes are known as points of destiny. Endings could happen, forcing you to surrender to a higher power. This Lunar Eclipse is also is forming a conjunction with Neptune in Pisces. This Eclipse also coincides with a grand Earth trine, which includes the sun in Virgo, Uranus in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn, bringing the potential for grounded change. The North Node represents where we are going. Eclipses are a sign that the Universe wants you to move forward, not to return to the past.
The North Node is now traveling in the early degrees of Aries and is entering Pisces in January 2025. This Lunar Eclipse in Pisces conjunct with the North Node in Aries invites you to release what is preventing you from moving forward, to close cycles that keep you from growing, and leave the past behind. After an Eclipse it’s not possible to go back to the previous situation. However, if someone doesn’t like where they end up, they can make changes in the future. You may be mourning a seperation, or a loss right now. Eclipses are a time for cleansing. It’s a time to be releasing deep-seated wounds and negative patterns. Eclipses also tend to heighten your emotions and amplify what is going on in your life…
Expect accelerated density timelines – shadow programming to be cleared with this coming Eclipse.
There is a powerful momentous energetic force that is utilising this Gateway from an Ascended Key. This key is an aspect from Source. It is like an arm that is being stretched out to unlock our highest potential.
This key holds frequencies codes memories tools gifts. For it is – it will unlock all this.
All we need do is ASK.
Are we ready.
You will know.
We do this I am Guided through stillness. Surrendering. Softness in strength.
Allowing what we might have previous thought as opposite or opposing come together. To assist.
This KEY is a BEING it has an intention.
As in when we visit a Temple it has an energy and will have with it beings and energy lines. It has Guardian spirits.
This KEY has this and more.
I have never experienced anything like this.
It feels akin to the Chariot Card in Tarot. Two sphinx pulling the Cart one black one white.
We are coming home.
This KEY will assist in GRAND Soul retrieval of the Collective.
For the GROUP.
More collaborations will now be easier.
The energetic blocks being cleared.
Peoples opinions bias programming now easily shifting.
More curiosity and openness.
A desire to find new ways forward.
More adaptability.
Finding it easier not to be dragged in to the war energies as this KEY has – will clear those attachments – energetic chords to this density.
This is HUGE clearing.
I have been resting all day. Conked out all afternoon. Needing to drink a lot of water.
This is IMMENSE energies.
Ascension Eclipse Update
Blue Rose Oracles
Lunar Eclipse in Pisces: A Time for Transformation
September 17th.
There is a Super Full Moon and Partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces. As the lunar eclipse Energies build we are stepping forwards on a profound journey of transformation.
This Eclipse is supporting us to transmute, alchemise & release karmic loops cycles & karmic connections as we shed any old imprints and karma drama creating space for new templates to be uploaded & anchored within our fields
This eclipse also supports us in transmuting karmic cycles, allowing us to break free from patterns that have held us back. It’s a powerful moment to reflect on our past actions and their impacts, and to consciously choose a new path forward.
As we release these old energies, we create space for new templates to be uploaded onto our fields. These new templates are aligned with our highest potential, bringing in fresh opportunities and perspectives.
We have been collectively dissolving old timelines and anchoring new bandwidths of frequency that support the new paradigm we are building.
Occurring in Pisces, this lunar eclipse creates the opportunity to clear the emotional debris held within the cells of our body. The eclipse draws everything up through the cellular emotional body, illuminating old patterns and timelines that no longer serve us.
This potent transformational energy allows us to step forward and rebirth through the cosmic waters of being as we create space within the cosmic womb to rebirth, recalibrate, and step forward holding the templates and codes for a beautiful, powerful new timeline.
The energy of Pisces encourages us to connect with our intuition and inner wisdom. Listen to the whispers of your soul and allow them to guide you through this transformative period.
Let this lunar eclipse be a reminder that you have the power to create your reality. Release the old, embrace the new, and step into your power with grace and confidence.
These glowing lunar energies are moving us into a beautiful space of deep feeling and powerful emotions. Allow what needs to rise to the surface to do so without constriction, judgement or resistance. These cleansing waves will be pulling out to the etheric sea all that is no longer in alignment with our Highest Destiny Timeline
These periods of change can be painful upheavals but also highly rewarding with the gifts of wisdom and growth they bring to us. Ultimately happiness is always within reach and we have the power of choice when navigating the paths laid before us. Trusting in our intuition to guide us with courage, and not falling into repetitive patterns of the past that bring a false sense of security is the flex. The innermost thoughts, fears and illusions we have weaved into our lives are becoming very clear during this shift and can be viewed as a golden opportunity to course correct if needed and gain access to deeper layers of embodiment and healing ⛓️💥
Many have already been feeling this cleansing happening for quite some time in various areas of their lives, especially when it comes to karmic relationships, ancestral trauma and deep inner child healing
Eclipse seasons tend to bring forth all that is typically hidden from view that is asking to be healed, along with rapid closures and endings to the old stories and wounds in order to create the space that is needed for the new beginnings and soul connections that are ready to drop into our reality
Although intense energies can be at play, we are reminded that we are the cosmic creators and magic weavers of each moment with the ability to bend all constructs of reality within the folds of desire that lay within our hearts at all times
There is so much space here for tremendous healing, including freedom from the burdens of the past, renewed hope, forgiveness, divine miracles and powerful epiphanies and realizations. This energy touches the deepest and most intimate parts of our souls longing and sends out diamond cosmic ripples that mend the tears within the Collective auric field. It is devoted, compassionate and patient and asks you to have grace with yourself and others while moving through this potent portal of transformation
The veil is thin and you may find your astral travels increase with vivid dream recall. Third eye pulsations, crown tingling and ringing in the ears are all sure signs of these heightened energies as well as a noticeable increase in Clair abilities
Being mindful of good spiritual hygiene practices is super duper important as we travel through this corridor. Salt baths are great for cleansing the energetic field as well as abstaining from alcohol and any other substances that may leave you energetically open to negative interferences. Rest as needed, drink plenty of water, care for your sacred temple with nourishing foods and tend to the mind and body with mediation, gentle somatic movement, journaling and sacred rituals that bring grounding and peace
On Tuesday, September 17th, we have a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 25 degrees of water sign Pisces, connecting with mystical Neptune, ruler of Oneness and Transcendence. Full Moons are about releasing and letting go, Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac bringing completion and closure, and an Eclipse magnifies the energies.
With Neptune here it is bringing a huge leap in our spiritual evolution as Neptune rules the spiritual realms, the intangible and enlightenment. We are letting go of the illusion of this 3D world, and opening ourselves to the world of spirit, imagination and inspiration. Our psychic senses will become stronger, our creative expression greater, and our capacity to open our hearts to unconditional love, compassion and forgiveness stronger. We are letting go of karmic challenges, difficult patterns, and old stories that we no longer need to carry as we move forward into a new timeline. Neptune asks us to surrender to the changes, trust in the unfolding of the new, and have faith in the Divine Plan.
This Pisces Eclipse is also introducing us to the energies of the karmic North and South Nodes shifting into Pisces and Virgo on January 11th, 2025 until July 26th, 2026, so this event is also about new beginnings. Right now the Nodes, which rule karmic turning points and fated events, is finishing up their 18 month travel through Aries and Libra, which has put the focus on Self and partnerships. There has been a lot of growth, healing, shifting and redirection in our relationships with others these last couple of years.
So, during this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces, send out your intentions of what you need to release, purge, clear and let go of, and what you are ready to awaken, create, illuminate and envision for your future path forward.
Lunar Eclipse in Pisces (17th/18th September depending on time zone) – We’re building towards the eclipse, in a strange, magical and sometimes bewildering land. It’s all soft mists and half figures, disembodied voices, muffled sounds. It’s not knowing exactly where you are, waiting to see a recognisable landmark, wondering whether you should follow in another’s footsteps…
Or do I dare make my own way, a single track in the sand, carried by the Gods?
Pay attention to where your dreams take you, where meditations wander, where thoughts unbidden run fleet-footed through your mind. Listen for snippets on the wind, words, clues, songs, all with a story to tell. Surrender to divine intervention. If you feel unsettled, unsure or confused, call on ancient souls to guide you. Touch the trees, make offerings, pray, check in with your higher self. Make peace with what is.
Degrees and Times
Moon 25°Pi40′, Sun 25°Vi40′ – 03:34 (BST 18th September 2024)
On the night of September 17-18, 2024 (NS1.37.2.26-27 KIN 72-73), the Earth, the Sun and the Super Harvest Moon will line up in space, causing a lunar eclipse and opening a 2-week window that will close with the annular SOLAR eclipse of October 2, 2024 (NS1.37.3.13) KIN 87 Blue Solar Hand.
Eclipses have been revered for generations as special cosmic moments of connection with a larger order of reality and as opportunities to contemplate life from a new, higher perspective. This is therefore a natural window of time to recalibrate our consciousness and examine ourselves individually and collectively… These celestial events serve as windows to look within and bring hidden shadow aspects of our consciousness into the light.
There are several Harmonic Factors highlighting the potency of this window:
This partial lunar eclipse will take place precisely 260 days from the START of the Gregorian year 2024.
The LUNAR eclipse is occurring at the end of the LUNAR MOON of challenge and at the heart of the 13-day wavespell of the World-Bridger . The Worldbridger holds the Energy of Death, Equalized by Opportunity, highlighting the powerful re-birth opportunity within this window. This is also of special interest, as the combined signature of the first eclipse pair of 2024 that closed with the Great American eclipse of 2024 was precisely KIN 66 1Worldbridger
The window is starting in the middle of a MAJOR G4 Geomagnetic SOLAR STORM and will close with an Annular SOLAR Eclipse on on KIN 87 Blue SOLAR Hand (the 9th day of the wavespell of the Blue Storm ). The Hand holds the power of Accomplishment and Healing .
The combined signature of the current eclipse pair is KIN 160:
ALPHA: 18 September, 2024 (NS1.37.2.27 • KIN 73 8Skywalker)
OMEGA: 2 October, 2024 (NS1.37.3.13 • Kin 87 9Hand)
ALPHA 73+ OMEGA 87= KIN 160 4Sun marking the PHI point, or Golden Intersection of the Tzolkin Matrix/Harmonic Module!!!
This synchronicity serve as perfect pre-amble to enter the last solar orbit to the GOLDEN INTERSECTION OF TIMELINES of October 14-15, 2025.
The next 14 days are therefore a UNIQUE time to focus our attention in the hidden harmony behind the external world of appearances, in order to let go of those ways of being, memories and experiences that already served their purpose. This is therefore a MAJOR OPPORTUNITY to hold the intention of renewal and rebirth, and serve as anchors of the NEW ENERGIES arriving to Earth. Enjoy the Journey in Harmony!
‘Resonant’ is the name for the number 7 and its keywords are ‘Channel, Inspire and Attune’. Number 7 days are all about using your intuition, trusting your gut instincts. We all have this ability but sadly too often we ignore what we feel. If you look back in your life, I bet you can think of countless incidents where mistakes were made because you didn’t listen to your intuition. Listen carefully…spirit is always trying to send you messages, you just need to tune your receiver!
Today is Yellow Human which represents ‘Wisdom, Influence and Free Will’. The Human happens to be the most psychic sign and so we have a combination of number and day which are almost identical in meaning. Today is the most powerful psychic day in theTzolkin. Take advantage of this and tune into the Cosmos! You will know exactly what to do today and all the decisions and choices you make will be beneficial if you trust that inner voice. It is subtle so you must chill out and be calm…this fine tuning of your reception will facilitate incoming messages.
Today’s Guide is the Yellow Seed which represents ‘Sowing Awareness’. The desire to share knowledge will guide your actions today implying that what we channel we must share. There’s a lot of downloading wisdom and information gathering today.
The Challenge for today is White Wind which represents ‘Communication and Spirit’. This suggests it is difficult to communicate what you channel but as that is what we are striving for, we need to be patient. Not everyone wants to hear what you want to say. If you are a White Wind, remember to practice listening to your inner voice, it’s something you always need to brush up on anyway and on Yellow Human days it is a good reminder to do so.
The Occult power is the Red Moon, the most chilled out energy of the Tzolkin which is fitting because the Moon influences our minds, especially our feminine intuition. We really do need to ‘Go with the flow’ if we want to channel. You have permission to relax today!
The Ally is the Blue Hand, the helpful healer who is invaluable today and so if you know one, contact them if you need any advice or support.
It is a Portal day! This should be fun, your intuition can take you places you’ve never been before! But how does a Portal day affect the meaning of a day? It’s easy to understand. Just take all the aspects of the day and then multiply the energy tenfold. The Yellow Human occurs on a Portal day 4 times.
Day 7 in the WHITE WORLDBRIDGER WAVESPELL of surrender, letting go, forgiveness, networking and building bridges.
Today we are attuned to Spirit through this powerful GAP day, channeling messages in order to inspire others, sharing the new opportunities arising to bridge worlds.
RESONANT Tone 7 in the EMOTIONAL realm. ACTION – inspires, POWER – channels, ESSENCE – attunement. The RESONANT tone very powerfully ignites the new timelines and potentials today, as it provides the ability to fine tune and channel the majikal forces. Remember that it is our VIBRATION that will energize our creation, and that this is broadcast through our EMOTIONAL body, rather than our mental body. So it is uber important that we are stable, calm and receptive to our feelings and what frequencies we are actually emitting, as a transmitter to the aetheric realm.
At tone 7 our vibrating phenomenon learns to be still and to listen. Mystical 7 understands that EVERYWHERE is majikal but right here is better, once we attune and then channel the majik through this present moment that is available to us all. Number 7 is also the frequency of the Mystic and the Magician which strengthens our ability to affect real change and transformation in our lives.
What CHANNEL are you ATTUNED to today?
What is possible for you and which potentiality will you choose to energize?
NOTE: The GAP is a doorway to other dimensions – you have a CHOICE today – which door will you walk through?
Today’s question is “How can I attune to DIVINE GUIDANCE, channeling wisdom, to co-create my highest, most profound potential I can accomplish this lifetime?”
“Am I READY to walk through the PORTAL to the new WORLD?”
Divine blessings for your attunement to your BESTEST ever potential timeline.
Go with the PATH of least resistance!
Go with the NEW EARTH FLOW…….
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
Last Galactic spin – 9 moons ago, we were COMPLETING the year on 31 December 2023, and so TODAY we reach the 9 month gestation point of the GREGORIAN YEAR of 2024..
A very FERTILE and potent time for BIRTHING NEW CREATION – the incubation time has matured on a GA.P – ECLIPSE PORTAL – BOOM – BOOM
The TIME is RIPE for hatching your NEW LIFE – the NEW YOU – free from the baggage of the past..
What an EPIC opportunity presenting today through this WORLDBRIDGER CYCLE of new opportunities, contacts and resurrection!
CONSCIOUS SELF: YELLOW RESONANT HUMAN EB Finally we SURRENDER our small human and his FREE WILL to attune to and channel DIVINE WILL. The KIN 72=9 coding AMPLIFIES the DIVINE frequencies being broadcast through this potent GAP day, enabling us to UPGRADE our Missions and our lives through SERVICE to humanity.
We are being LIBERATED from the EGOIC structures and launching into DIVINE MISSIONS in 2024..
Through this transition we recognize ourselves as DIVINE HU-MAN BEINGS with the WILL to do GOOD... to perform GOD’S WORK in order to influence others to do the same.
As our LIGHT expands our egoic self diminishes and SURRENDERS to HIGHER MIND.
EB enables us to use our intelligence today to choose to focus, not on what is now, but on the potential of a new world,
Look through the PORTAL and focus on the HIGHEST potential timeline for humanity, drawing it to you in order to manifest a new better, more DIVINE reality. .
How DIVINELY PERFECTO as we FORGET the PAST hurts and launch ourselves born anew as divine HU-MANS.
We can now channel new ways of manifesting BETTER outcomes, based on ancient wisdom, but applying futuristic solutions.
We can use our WISDOM and intelligence to INFLUENCE those who bask in our glory.
Our Golden chalices are full to the brim and our DIVINE cup runneth over. It is time to share your Golden Nectar with your common-Unity.
NOTE: KIN 72 – is an UBER POWERFUL KIN as indicated by some of the powerful men who have this as their birth kin (Vladimir Putin, Heinrich Himmler) – this is a very YANG signature and thus can be used for GOOD or EVIL – depending on what force the human CHOOSES to align with..
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: YELLOW RESONANT SEED – KAN is the HIGHER GUIDE influencing your choices and actions today, ensuring they are attuned to the HIGHEST TIMELINES for yourself and our Planet. Yaaaay! Go TEAM GAIA let’s GROW!
KAN urges us to GROW! As we CLOSE the old cycle and dip our toes into the Ocean of the New Golden Era, We are focusing on our Divine Missions and HOW we can move forward once again. Through attuning to Spirit we can receive our best guidance in order to fully BLOOM.
YELLOW SEED together with WORLDBRIDGER, encourages us to focus on all the opportunities, and new potentialities that exist in our NEW timelines. Keep branching out and putting down deeper roots, gathering strength, confidence and joyful anticipation of the wondrous opportunities unfolding and blossoming.
Our HIGHEST POTENTIAL is fully realized and MANIFESTED through our focused intent and channeling DIVINE GUIDANCE.
The RESONANT SEED as the HIGHER GUIDE on this EVOLUTIONARY day – is thrusting us all forward to UNITE in DIVINE SERVICE through our collective MISSIONS.
This is a HUGE CALL for humanity to STEP UP to the plate today and hit a home run – bringing all the players HOME safely with you!
SUPPORT: BLUE RESONANT HAND MANIK inspires us to complete our Healing cycles. Accomplishing the final closure of what was incomplete or needed our attention, in order to FREE up our energy and LIBERATE us from the past. – A brilliant HEALING TOOL through this PISCES FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE.. – we are breaking free from the chains that bound us.
There is a very strong emphasis on HEALING and returning to wholeness through the WISDOM gained from channeling Spirit today. Attuning to the GOD FORCE/Spirit/SOURCE through our DIVINE HUMAN enables us to easily access the knowledge, wisdom, skills and clues needed to effect this change.
Sit still, put your HAND on your HEART and allow the answers to flow through you.. You have great assistance to accomplish HEALING MIRACLES today..
We will also be volunteering for new responsibilities and acquiring new skills, channeling more wisdom and guidance, to set us on our new path, so stay TUNED for more info. to flow through you.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED RESONANT MOON MULUC The GODDESS energies in the Occult position are of great influence, to that of the masculine EB energies, aligned to GOD/DIVINE WILL which is bringing a beautiful balance.
The RESONANT MOON is today’s SUPERPOWER on this FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE – doubling the MOON power.. UBER energy to HEAL your emotional body and attune to your intuition, psychic abilities and spiritual gifts.
This GODDESS SUPER BOOSTS our feminine powers.. so we are in for a huge CHARGE of our intuitive gifts today!
This Goddess is a RESONANT GODDESS, so she is highly attuned to her SOURCE GUIDANCE, bringing forth very strong guidance through her intuition and feminine qualities.
MULUC’S SUPERPOWER is her communication qualities and purification powers through the Universal Waters. This provides very valuable HEALING tools, to cleanse and purify your vessel and allow for a purer FLOW of information.
MULUC assists in purging and detoxing any remaining stagnation or restriction, working with MANIK to effect great transformation.
MULUC then allows us to FLOW with the current, allowing the power of Universal waters to support and guide our boats, steering us in the NEW direction over the Rainbow Bridge to the Promised Land. HALLELUJAH our GRAND REWARDS have arrived!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE RESONANT WIND– IK asks us today to totally SURRENDER to the Will of Spirit.
IK challenges us to open our CHANNELS and become more receptive to the whisperings of the White Wind. Attuning to the information forthcoming from many dimensions and realms. TRUSTING and allowing SPIRIT’s messages to help us deeply anchor our UPGRADED missions here on Earth.
Many dormant souls will be called into their NEW MISSIONS today – so OPEN your EARS and your HEART and stay tuned.
If YOU have been wondering – “What is next for me Spirit?” – ASK the question today – to reveal your new path and open those doors for you to advance in a NEW DIRECTION.
LOVE is the bridge to Spirit, so walk over that rainbow bridge to find your inspiration. Reaching across worlds to allow Spirit’s calling to be done, surrendering fully to listening and channeling messages from Spirit.
Our DIVINE purpose is to UNITE all in the ONE HEART of CREATION..
WHITE WIND’s blessing today strengthens our channel, and our connection to co-create with Spirit in new wondrous ways, so that we can reach new heights that we never imagined possible.
DIVINE WILL is flowing forth very strongly today and the DIVINE PLAN for EARTH will be solidified in our current REALITY, bringing the much needed SPRINGBOARD to the NEW WORLD.
Get ready to DIVE IN to a purely Divine partnership with Spirit.
We are all but conduits for the Divine Will to flow through us. Open to the MAJIK and be receptive to the VOICE of GOD/GODDESS.
Today’s question is “How can I attune to DIVINE GUIDANCE, channeling wisdom, to co-create my highest, most profound potential I can accomplish this lifetime?”
“Am I READY to walk through the PORTAL to the new WORLD?”
Divine blessings for your attunement to your BESTEST ever potential timeline.
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the week of September 15th – September 21st. She also reads three powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and Leads a powerful Guided Meditation for the Harvest Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse in Pisces.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
Sacred Prayer for the Harvest Full Supermoon and Lunar Eclipse in Pisces
Divine Source of All That Is,
We call upon your healing light and grace on this night of the Harvest Full Supermoon and Lunar Eclipse in Pisces. As the moon reaches its fullest, we open our hearts to receive the sacred energy of this celestial event. May this be a time of deep reflection, transformation, and spiritual renewal.
Under the glow of this Supermoon, we honor the cycles of life, release what no longer serves us, and embrace the new that is unfolding. We ask for the strength to flow with the currents of change, as the waters of Pisces cleanse and purify our souls. Guide us in releasing emotional wounds, past hurts, and limiting beliefs, allowing us to step fully into the light of our true selves.
We invoke the healing waters of Pisces to wash over us, aligning us with the divine wisdom of the Universe. May we open to the dreams and visions that are waiting to unfold, and trust in the journey ahead. As the Lunar Eclipse brings powerful shifts, we surrender to the unknown, knowing that every change is for our highest good.
Great Spirit, may this be a time of profound healing for all beings on Earth. We give thanks for the abundance we are harvesting, and for the guidance that flows through our intuition. With deep gratitude, we welcome the clarity and insight that this Full Moon in Pisces brings, setting our intentions for a future aligned with love, compassion, and unity.
Sacred Prayer for the Harvest Full Supermoon and Lunar Eclipse in Pisces
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