You are currently viewing Ancient Stone Medicine ~ Walking Through the Door of Creation * Upper ARC creating NEW Octaves ~ THE TIME HAS COME!
St Germain Ascension

Ancient Stone Medicine ~ Walking Through the Door of Creation * Upper ARC creating NEW Octaves ~ THE TIME HAS COME!

Ancient Stone Medicine ~ Walking Through the Door of Creation * Upper ARC creating NEW Octaves ~ THE TIME HAS COME!



Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light

Greetings Sacred Soul Star Ascending Masters of New Earth

The Holy Grail Union both within and without is coming to fruition. Keep holding the Visions, codes and cause of Unity Consciousness as we consciously co-create and Manifest our Pristine New Earth.

On the Earth as it is in Heaven is living from the Heart being connected to all things in the Oneness of our True Nature.

Remember, in Truth all beings are born, in Pure Awareness, Perfectly Awakened Buddhas. This awakened consciousness of Perfection was converted into the three hells of the angry demon, the frightened animal and the hungry ghost through the programs of ignorance.

When you realize your Original Mind of Buddhic Consciousness you come to understand the Gnosis that evil exists only in the mind of man.

For it is in the separation of duality concepts that things appear to be in conflict but ultimately no-thing is as it seems nor is it otherwise. This is when we end picking and choosing and live in the Peace and the Harmony of the Heart mind coherence and balance of the five elements.

As the kundalini serpentine energies of Gaia rose through this year of the wood snake we rise with her.

Ye as I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I fear no evil, for there is no-thing to fear, not even fear itself. For all lower density is an illusion and only Love and Truth are real.

It is in this knowledge that is Power for united we stand and divided we fell and continue to fall until we rise in the Ascension in the Grace and Glory of Infinite Source Creator…Aho!












✨New MONAD Templates Dropped in Overnight.
These new Elements Expand + Integrate into your LIGHT body✨
Upper ARC creating NEW Octaves 🌺
Spiral at 7.254 🌀
❤ Valerie

Blue Rose Oracles

Energy Update Sacred Pause & Rest

We are in a profound phase of integration as the influx of light-coded activations has surged, shifting our energetic fields and dismantling old patterns and cellular programs.
The Schumann Resonance has reflected this immense vibrational shift, shaking loose outdated frequencies and creating vast space within our bodies for deep recalibration.
As the old plasma clears from the cellular matrix, we are now standing in the sacred threshold of embodiment, where our systems are absorbing, anchoring, and integrating these new frequencies.
This is the contraction phase a time of receivership, a sacred pause where our bodies, nervous systems, and energy fields require stillness to fully recognise, process, and attune to the incoming waves of cosmic light.
The wisdom of today’s energy asks us to honor the rest, the deep pause, the sacred slowness that allows our systems to settle, recalibrate, and feel safe within the transformation.
Rest is not resistance, it is the most profound act of alignment as it allows our cells to assimilate, our nervous system to regulate, so we can fully embody the expansion we have received.
Today, give yourself permission to soften, to breathe deeply, to be in the stillness where healing truly occurs.
Trust that in this space of graceful surrender, you are not stagnant you are becoming.
Sacred Pause & Rest
Sacred Pause & Rest
And so it’s initiated.
She remembers her Star Mother ways more and more…
That she’s always connected & plugged in through her cosmic vastness of all.
It’s a huge undertaking she’s chosen to go through here on this plane… She forgot so deeply here her own magic…
Yet she’s supported.
Always merged.
Always a stardust plasma travelling through time and space.
She Travels.
She Eternally Expands and Collapses…
Like Cosmic Breath she eternally molds and merges back into Oneness to recreate herself again and again.
It’s her choice.
We Start to tune into the Golden Globe Travel…



TODAY’S ORACLE. You are coming back, rising up. You can feel now that you have the choice, you have the power to exit and long-overdue loop. You are focusing more and more time and energy on what the “new” looks to you–allowing fresh connections, opportunities for growth and for prosperity in your life. You are allowing IN new ways–unlocking your true potential, as rising from the ashes. The right direction is being shown day by day.
It will be more and more obvious. Your solar plexus is guiding you–your heart is speaking what it needs. You know all you have to know now to make empowered choices. You have stopped accepting less than you deserve, reclaiming the power over your life. Keep it up. Luck is on your side. It’s beautiful to see you grow.
huge transition
huge transition

The Energetic Alchemist

Earth is going through a massive transition.
This is a paradigm shift in how we will move forward as a society. I’ve been inspired to remind the collective today that after this chaotic moment in history is complete, we are going to experience a glorious and delicious timeline.
You will be free.
Your intelligence will rise, your body will activate. All by your doing, researching and exploring both consciousness and new technologies as they unfold.
It may seem dark, confusing, distorted. Because the collective cloud is shedding the old programming. Remember there are better days ahead.
New Earth has been seen and felt coming for decades, and all of the signs are here.
For those who have been on the embodiment journey, you feel it. Remind the hearts around you of what is to come.
It is unfolding.
✨The Energetic Alchemist
Energetic Alchemist
Energetic Alchemist


2/16/25: In those moments when you know but you don’t know how you know; when you feel what you can’t define; when nothing is as it seems; and when you seek what seems to be seeking you… you understand today’s energy. When you feel out of time and space… and some would say out of your mind… you understand today’s energy.
This is the natural state of those who are jumping frequencies. Those who live just on the edge of eternity, who know they’re only visitors, and who have work to do while they’re here. If today isn’t just another day, you get it. And that means that you know that 2025 is by far more than just another year.
St Germain Ascension
St Germain Ascension
We are BE-ing Prepared as We Reach a Climax within the NEW FREQUENCIES!
The Energies We are Receiving NOW are Amplified CODES from the Photon Belt. . . offering us a Remarkable Opportunity to Initiate a MASSIVE Forward SHIFT in our lives. . . Provided that We are Truly Prepared to Embrace it.
This Preparation involves us to have an Openness to Change. . . a Willingness to Step Outside of our Comfort Zone. . . and a Readiness to Confront Whatever Challenges may Arise along the way.
As the Frequencies Intensify. . . so. . . too. . . will our Life Experiences BEcome More Challenging.
These are the FINAL TESTS of our Ascension Process.
This Shift may Not Manifest in the form We initially Expect or Desire.
By Actively Participating in this Process. . . We can Transform Potential Chaos into Clarity. . . using the Energy as a Catalyst for our Evolution.
These Moments of Clarity can Serve as Guiding Lights. . . illuminating paths that were previously Hidden from our view.
Once again. . . the Answers and Insights We receive during this Climactic Period will Largely Depend on how We Choose to Respond to our Experiences.
Will We Embrace the NEW us and Allow it to Guide us toward NEW Possibilities. . . or will We Resist and Cling to the Familiar?
By Learning to Adapt to Change and Trusting the Process. . . We can Unlock Doors to Experiences and Opportunities that Align with our HIGHEST SELF. . .
Paving the Way for the NEW Us and the DIVINE NEW Earth to Emerge!
Within Infinite SOURCE-LOVE Intelligence 🤍
Photo: Walking Through the Door of Creation – captured on 14.02.2025 by Gretchen R Gusky
Walking Through the Door of Creation
Walking Through the Door of Creation

“All fear becomes like a tar-like substance in your energy fields, which then becomes the strangleholds which hold you inert.
Those who have been holding us in the old paradigm for so long that they were and still try to be masters of manipulation, spreading division and fear. The old military strategy of: Divide and conquer.
It is very important to remember this as things start happening on all fronts now, the last attempt of the old guard. Do not allow yourself to be sucked in and there will be many who still will.
I was given a profound message this morning, preparing for my “Cosmic Transmissions” , that we now need to focus our attention on holding Mother Earth within our hearts, as she is holding us in her heart. It works both ways. Yet, now expanding, into the sacred, holy temple of our own heart, even as the shifts intensify.
The only way to navigate this now, is by going deeper within, and truly being anchored in cosmically, the Divine within, as well as being firmly grounded into Mother Earth’s heart. You become the bridge between heaven and earth with one difference: You become the eagle now, flying above the Old Earth, and concentrate in every single moment, to watch your thoughts, your words, and your actions. Are those in alignment with the new, higher you, the new Higher Soul Self you, which knows no judgement, no fear, only infinite Divine Love, Divine Light, Divine Wisdom, and Divine Joy?
It is your choice which paradigm you are now going to operate in and feed.
I have switched off the TV and Radio an exceptionally long time ago, and I do not miss it at all. I am very selective, especially now as we are getting bombarded by social media as well, what I choose to watch and what and to whom, I give my attention and energy too.
When I do get pulled in, which is inevitable sometimes, I immediately call in the Diamond Violet Flame, St. Germain, Archangels Zadkiel, Amethyst, Gabriel and Hope, to clear and transmute all negative and imbalanced energies in my energy fields, thoughts and thought systems, my chakras, as well as my spine (lightning rod) and all twelve bodies. There are other methods of doing this, which I will not go into here.
Again, this is your responsibility, and your own choice.
There is a huge expansion coming which will lift us way beyond anything we can even imagine right now, and therefore the above is very important.
Always stay in the heart of love, and when inner peace is present, you attract outer peace, which is ever present even in the midst of seeming storms. Within the hurricane, there is the eye, which is the still point, filled with peace.
More important, stay in the present, fully present. For every thought you think, every word you speak or write, every action you take or do not take, manifests instantly now.
Herein lies our greatest lessons in soul mastery and initiation at this time.
It is not what others are doing or not doing: It is what you are doing or not doing, and how you choose to live, which determines the outcome.
A master takes full responsibility for their own life and wellbeing, especially the INNER.
The Old Earth, as Mama Earth told me this morning, has already split from the New, and she is now only present in holographic form! So, do you choose to play out the old roles in the hologram, or choose to fully step into New Earth?
The choice is yours.
When Mama Earth was telling me this, I could see the immense stirring of the vibrant life force itself, the birth of a new way of life and living, as the New Human rises, with love, and joy and all life, and life forms as well!
What a magical time to be alive on the New Earth!
Love Loving!
Judith Kusel
Cosmic Transmissions
Cosmic Transmissions


Expanding Exponentially In The Light Of Now
As We Weave And Play In Light
Ancient Earth Mission, Future Mission Now Joining
Wonderful Light Synchronisations
Thank You For Being You, For Your Role Is Pivotal To The Light Of Now
Sending Much Love 🙏
Global Blessings
Together In Light
With Love 💥💫
 Venus rebirth
Venus rebirth

Carolyn 144 GODCODE

Ancient Stone Medicine

The Earth is helping us crystallize the New Earth timeline. Rocks, stones, and pottery elements are providing us with soul medicine that we can lean into and receive this week. These Earth Elements are offering safe place to connect, ground into, rest, and call in what you need.

Stones can also bring messages and omens in nature, imparting wisdom of your ancestral lineage. You are completing breaking the cycles of our ancestors. This Pisces Season, beginning February 18th, is about letting that chapter go with closure and peace through intuitive understanding and lessons learned.

Now that these cycles are broken, you have a fresh slate to begin anew. The alignments, epiphanies, guidance, and Source mentorship is getting you to that place of new beginnings with new relationships. It’s your turn to receive help, support, and ease. This is a new timeline and you are in it. Lean into the stones, surrender, and be nourished.


On Sunday, February 16th, the Moon, ruler of our emotions, is in indecisive Libra. Today she will be in a challenging square to Mars, the Warrior, in sensitive, water sign Cancer, a difficult inconjunct to Saturn, the Task Master, in confused, water sign Pisces and a hard opposition to Chiron, the Wounded Healer, in restless, fire sign Aries. The Libra Moon just wants to stay balanced, but we may find it tough to keep our head above water today. Mars likes action and movement, but is in a retrograde standstill in the overwhelming waters of Cancer, and getting ready to turn back to Direct Motion in another week. This can bring in a feeling of emotional stagnation.
Saturn is about karmic lessons and taking responsibility for our choices, so the normally balanced scales of Libra may feel a bit “top heavy” on one side or the other. The connection to Chiron, the Shaman and Healer, is attempting to bring us assistance in healing our inner wounds of self-confidence, courage, initiative and independence. Call in your angels and spiritual helpers to support you, guide you and show you the way forward. We are in a releasing cycle since the Full Moon on Wednesday, February 12th. Allow the “waters” to cleanse you of what you no longer need to hold onto.
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
Libra Moon
Libra Moon
Sun in Aquarius semi-sextile North Node and Neptune in Pisces. Pallas enters Aquarius – Sparkles on the water lay in a path to the sun, a direct arrow to our local star, the source of life on our planet. Likewise, it is the little joys that lift you, the tiniest glittering gifts, life’s offerings that come in the form of a smile or a door held open or an extra personal touch from a small business sender. When we put our heart and soul into life, we become the arrow pointing to true north. Follow what lights you up.
Meanwhile, our Aquarius house comes under scrutiny from clever Pallas. Here for the rest of the year, we’re advised that the way to problem solve is to try a new angle, test a new product, walk a new path, make a new friend. Innovate. Experiment. Free your mind from conventional solutions. You don’t have to conform. Change your conflict resolution style.
Degrees and Times
Sun 27°Aq34′, North Node 27°Pi34′ – 00:22 (UT)
Pallas 00°Aq00′ – 19:24 (UT)
Sun 28°Aq27′, Neptune 28°Pi27′ – 21:37 (UT)
© Leah Whitehorse

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Painting – Dreams by Jozef Israëls

Kin 224 ~ Yellow Electric Seed

The number 3 is called ‘Electric’ and it’s keywords are ‘Activate, Service and Bond’. The 3rd step of any wavespell is about activating the process. Press the button and let’s go! We are in the Wavespell of communication on the third day. Today is about activating conversation. Expect debates to get electrifying and make sure that this energy is channeled productively otherwise arguments can occur.
Today is Yellow Seed, keywords associated with it are ‘Awareness, Targeting and Flowering’. Yellow Seed days are about sharing wisdom and planting ideas. People born on these days are very good at that but we can all strive to ‘sow awareness’. If you have learnt a valuable lesson, share it with someone who could benefit from your experience. When you combine the meaning of number and day the result is ‘activate target’ or ‘service to awareness’. To summarize; Today is about being on active duty on behalf of light and love. Make it your mission to find a target, either a person or a group, and make them aware of something that will help them grow. If you have knowledge this is a great day to share it.
Today’s Guide is Yellow Star which represents ‘beauty and elegance’. Do you remember as a child the world seemed more beautiful? Fairy lights and all that sparkled created wonderment and magic. We don’t always have to act like grown ups – we can take time out to remember how beautiful the world is. Be a beautiful person today and may that guide your actions and words.
The Challenge today is the White Wizard, the enchanter of the Tzolkin. If you are a Wizard you will find your charm doesn’t get you far today and that can lead to frustration. It will be difficult to sow awareness with others.
The Occult power today is the Red Earth. When in this magical position Red Earth can create opportunities to evolve on a magical level. Sow awareness with the magical knowledge you have and you can help others evolve too. ‘Synchronicity’ is another keyword for the Red Earth, and magic happens more frequently when we experience synchronicity and vice versa.
The Ally is the Blue Eagle and so if you need help today, an Eagle can see things from a higher perspective and so consult one if you can, they love to share wisdom and share what they see. If you are a Blue Eagle, you’ll be sought out today from people who need your advice. If you don’t know an Eagle, take their advice and try to step back and see the bigger picture yourself.
Kin 224
Kin 224


3 KAN – KIN 224
16 FEBRUARY 2025




I activate in order to Target
Bonding Awareness
I seal the input of Flowering
With the Electric tone of Service
I am guided by the power of Elegance

16/2/2025 = 7/2/9 = 7/11 = 7/2=9

🌟9.9 destiny portal🌟

16- The TOWER struck by ⚡ /Sudden unexpected change
7- Majik/Mystic/Spiritual/Test/Initiation
9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Humanity/Grace/Service/Mission/Divinity
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨

2- Twins/Partners/Cooperation/Alliances/Duality
9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Humanity/Grace/Service/Mission/Divinity
11- Portal/Gate/Illumination/Polarity
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
25- Spiritual wisdom/Learning from past mistakes

KIN 224 = 4/4=8 Infinity/Abundance/Flow

Very DIVINE codes supporting us in breaking FREE and planning for a FRESH START ✨🎇




We have FINALLY ARRIVED in that marvellous land, somewhere OVER THE RAINBOW🌈 – where SKIES are BLUE☁🌤☀ and we have fertile new soil to plant our ABUNDANT DREAM SEEDS🌱🌱🌱 for rapid GROWTH and harvesting🌻🌻🌻🌻.

These FERTILE NEW BEGINNINGS will be boosting our soul connections and accelerating our unified MISSIONS.. Wonderful news for the traumatized masses to AWAKEN to this beautiful energy on this new dawn. 🌄🌞



✨KIN 224 brings forth a turbo boost from Spirit today – a highly charged day to rocket fuel🚀🎇 your Divine Service – especially with a 9.9 HOLY, DIVINE DESTINY code! ✨🕊


Today is Day 3 in the wavespell of IK (pronounced eesh) – the WHITE WIND 🌬🌫 which appropriately is taking charge of our mainsails ⛵ and directing our new FLOW through these benevolent WINDS of CHANGE. 🍃🍃🍃

WHITE WIND🍃 holds the INTENT of Spirit 🌬 – the WILL of the DIVINE✨ – communicated through the BREATH and the whisperings of the WHITE WIND. As such Spirit had the last word in the BLUE STORM year and has redirected the energies from turbulence and chaos – to full steam ahead as the driving force in this new energy.

The WHITE GALACTIC WIND is the occult SUPERPOWER this Dreamspell Year – so Spirit a DIVINE AGENDA at play as GOD takes the reins.
THANK GOD 🙏– Spirit is IN CHARGE! 🌬🌫🌫🌫

IK holds the power of Spirit and this wavespell encourages us to become hollow vessels for Spirit to communicate and work, through our being. We are learning to EMBODY SPIRIT.

Today we are connecting with SPIRIT to gain absolute CLARITY on how and WHERE, we need to FOCUS our energies in order to GROW and be of Service to others during this new Golden Era. 🌱🌲🕊🌟🌞✨



Today’s tone is ELECTRIC!!! 💡 This is another incredible DIVINE GIFT from our Creator, as we have an incredible surge of POWER to kickstart 🎇 and drive our DIVINE MISSIONS.🔥🔥🔥 Get ready to POWER up and fulfill your DESTINY!!

The key word here is ACTIVATE! The ELECTRIC tone brings great power to energize and ACTIVATE whatever we FOCUS on, and wherever we DIRECT this energy. KIN 224 ACTIVATES AWARENESS through awakening souls, to the TRUTH of our reality and their greater MISSION – so get ready for more spontaneous AWAKENING in the still sleeping masses. 💥🌞💥

ELECTRIC is tone number 3 in the tone of creation. It is the first of the three EMOTIONAL realm tones. Thus there is a very strong emotional charge today which may create outbursts in those who need to find their balance. ELECTRIC energy creates a short fuse, particularly in those souls that are confused or not focused on their Divine Missions… through FOCUS these strong energies can be creatively utilized rather than being destructive or chaotic.

This energy can be better harvested through the higher aspects of this tone, which encompasses being of SERVICE to others, through the action of BONDING, that is coming together with others to cocreate and be of SERVICE. 🕊✨ How positively EXCITING!!! 🎉🎊🎈

ELECTRIC energy provides the ignition or SPARK 🎇 for your manifestation. It is a current that needs to keep moving and flowing, transmitting energy.. It also adds POWER to anything you are creating today. An extra electrical boost to draw upon. The power of 3 is derived from 2 units merging and creating the third, more powerful entity. This action duplicates the essence of bonding in service that the Electric tone provides.

Today beckons you to become emotionally mature. EXPAND your focus from bonding with ONE💏 to the joy of bonding with all.👫👬👭 Do not become OBSESSED with romantically coupling! Instead use the energies from your partnership to serve a greater purpose, which is crucially needed at this juncture in Earth’s history.

Together with your divine counterpart, offer your united energies to be of DIVINE SERVICE to HU-MAN-ITY.. 👬👫👭 and ACCELERATE our PLANETARY ASCENSION! 🚀🌍🌎🌏✨

Today you should contemplate HOW you can activate your electrical power 🎇 to send waves of pure charged energy 🎆 to uplift and AWAKEN others💥 through your acts of DIVINE PLANETARY SERVICE!. Aho!

Today’s question is “How can I SEED my divinely inspired ideas, through bonding with others, in greater service to HU-manity?

Am I ready to RIPEN and fully BLOSSOM into my highest potential destiny?

🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤

Divine blessings for your accelerated GROWTH in the direction of your Highest potential FLOWERING!!🌸🌺🌹

Let’s get ready to POP! 🍿🎉🍾

In Lak’ech a la kin

Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈

KIN 224 was the KIN of the DREAMSPELL YEAR completed on JULY 24TH 2022.. the YEAR of the ELECTRIC SEED🌱🌿🌾
And what a HIGHLY EMOTIONALLY⚡😭 charged year THAT was! We bonded together to navigate out of the fog and confusion of the PLANDEMIC – finding our footing and putting down new roots – to find our place in this new paradigm.

Since then we have journeyed with the SELF-EXISTING MOON/Goddess📦💃 and the OVERTONE WIZARD👑🧙🪄..and we are in the second half of the BLUE RHYTHMIC STORM🌀⛈️ year, as balance is being restored through radical TRANSFORMATION..

On 26 JULY 2025 – we will commence a new DREAMSPELL GALACTIC YEAR – the YELLOW RESONANT SEED🔮🌱 – attuning to a FRESH START, new chapter and NEW GROWTH…. counting down to the next ACTION🧨 packed full throttle🎇 –
Lunar Year of the YANG FIRE🔥🔥 HORSE🐎 –
in 2026 – a number #1 YEAR!!🚦🐎🐎🏇🏃🏍️🏎️

Lots of EXCITEMENT and MOVEMENT ahead beloveds!!!🤩🤩🤩

2025 – is a 9 year of COMPLETION, ENDINGS and tying up loose ends.. CLEAR, CLEAR, CLEAR and MAKE the SPACE for the NEW to enter in 2026!!


Today we get to REVISIT and REVIEW how far we have SEEDED the NEW TIME. 🤔🤔🤔

This is a significant MILESTONE where we have reached MATURITY 🌿🌲🌳and are ready to SERVE humanity. We are RISING from the deep dark soil, where the seeds were incubating, and into the stark SUN – LIGHT🌞 of a new dawn, 🌅 marking the start of our new Golden Era where the empowered STAR🌟-SEEDS are taking COMMAND. ✨🌞✨


TODAY is another potent day in our Planetary Evolution process.🎊🎉🎈🎊🎉🎈..

36 moons ago PISCES – was the STAR🌟 of the SHOW!!!
We had a ✨SUPER STELLIUM✨ lineup of celestial bodies in the spiritually devoted sign of PISCES. 🐟🐟 .
Pisces is represented by the FISH symbol, which denotes the expression of the CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS qualities of unconditional love, empathy, compassion and devoted service to humanity..
Pisceans are very psychic and intune with the subtle energies of people, their environment and the EARTH.
PISCEANS are the most beautiful gentle souls who are totally committed to their Mission.


9 moons ago – Last Galactic Spin we awaited a very special celestial event. ✨✨The “PLANET PARADE,”✨✨ a planetary alignment of six planets, Jupiter, Mercury, Uranus, Mars, Neptune and Saturn, all aligned in the predawn hours of June 3, 2025

(How FREAKY is that? And here we are experiencing that exact same event – peaking on 28 FEB 2025! Keep your 👀 on the skies!)

Though the planets orbit the sun at different rates, they slowly catch up to one another over time as they travel along the ecliptic path. When they pass Earth, this makes the planets appear aligned; But the formation is short lived, due to their varying movement speeds.…/planet…/73877101007/


9 moons ago – this dazzling display followed a slew of celestial events, including the rare total solar eclipse in April 2024 and the solar storm that triggered the unprecedented viewing of AURORAS – through the Northern (Borealis) and Southern (Australis) Lights covering the globe on May 10/11th, 2024. The SUNSPOT region that unleashed these mammoth flares returned and responded with another SPECTACULAR rainbow display in our skies.
Our psychic senses and SPIRITUAL gifts are super boosted by the stream of Solar Flares 🌞🔥 raining down on us, ready to imbue these germinating SEEDS🌱🌿 with a MAJIK SUN KISS🌞💋 from Spirit.

Our SEED packets are BURSTING OPEN today with NEW LIGHT. New SEEDS of awareness, understanding, higher consciousness, and compassion will AWAKEN within us. Whatever has been planted has landed, and comes to the fore of our inner-standing. .

This STELLAR infusion of spiritual LIGHT codes is BLISSING 💞 us with DIVINE ABUNDANCE, GOOD LUCK, HIGHER LOVE and ecstatic JOY.. A beautiful combination to set the tone for this wondrous, next stage of our journey.

CONSCIOUS SELF: YELLOW ELECTRIC SEED🌱 🌾 KAN – targets AWAKENING, new beginnings, ripening, flowering and GROWTH, all positive LIFE ENHANCING qualities.🌞🌞🌞 The YELLOW SEED is encouraging you to fully FOCUS on what you can CREATE from your ripening ideas, that have been incubating within the depths of your mind and your soul.

❓❓🤔What is inside you that is bursting to be birthed into creation? What resources – nutrients, water, sunshine – do you require for your idea to flourish?

These are the questions to ask of Spirit today, which is guiding your elegant blossoming 🌸🌼 throughout this WHITE WIND wavespell.

❓❓🤔How can you apply this Divine inspiration to fuel your passion🔥 in order to inspire and AWAKEN others?✨

❓❓🤔What gifts and latent talents lie dormant in your being, which you need to AWAKEN and apply in your higher purpose?

It is time to devote more time to your daily communication with Spirit, building your trust and confidence that you are READY, WILLING and ABLE to step up and be a divine conduit through your daily Service.

All the planetary STAR-SEEDS are now UNITING in collaborative common-unity projects for the betterment of all, to SEED these wondrous new 5D communities living in HARMONY with Mother Gaia.

HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: YELLOW ELECTRIC STAR 🌟 LAMAT brings forth beauty, elegance and grace today as well as fuelling your creativity. An absolutely GORGEOUS guiding LIGHT for the ELECTRIC SEED codes – so we can STEP and SHINE brightly. ✨🌟🌠

LAMAT embodies the codes for the new HARMONIC MATRIX , that we are actively choosing, as fully AWAKENED STAR BLOSSOMS, to replace the outmoded ARTIFICIAL TIME MATRIX.
LAMAT brings forth HARMONY, PEACE and a beautiful symphony, heralding a new way of living our lives – expressing our heart’s desires and creating our beautiful lives as true ARTists! 🎨

LAMAT enables us to tap into our innate creative power and find new INSPIRATION to express that in our life’s Mission.

The YELLOW STAR🌟 is supporting the YELLOW SEED 🌱🌾 in asking you

❓❓🤔 How does your new idea/project/creation add more BEAUTY to our world?

❓❓🤔 Does it ease or eliminate PAIN and suffering, and enhance healing?

❓❓🤔 How can I contribute to the beautification and upliftment of humanity and our planet?

Maybe you wish to add more Harmony and PEACE to our planet. Or perhaps be involved in community projects, such as building and designing beautiful harmonious and sustainable living spaces for our new world.

Connect with your TRIBE to share your ideas, resources and power. When two or more gather in service to humanity their powers are compounded infinitely!

Now is the time to step up and SHINE your LIGHT🌠 brightly so that others can SEE in the DARK and find their own LIGHT within.


SUPPORT: BLUE ELECTRIC EAGLE⚡🦅 MEN brings forth the gift of FUTURE🔮 VISION 👁️ and CLARITY. BLUE EAGLE completes the trinity of wondrous energies today, giving you the panoramic view of the landscape.

BLUE EAGLE allows you to SEE far into the future, so that you know exactly where you need to aim for, and breaks it down step by step.
Envision the completed outcome of your project,
hold that in your mind’s eye and engrave that holograph into your crystal manifesting orb. 🔮
Energize that with the ELECTRIC blue Tesla energy🔌 and
VOILA your VISION is now alchemizing into matter! 💫

The ELECTRIC EAGLE holds the POWER of an ATOMIC BOMB 💣 so harness this energy constructively – applying it for long term gain!


OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED SPECTRAL EARTH🌏 CABAN brings forth signs, synchronicity and much needed FLOW, giving you a strong connection to the WHITE WIND today. Once you tune into your heart’s desires, the signposts will clearly validate your true path. SPECTRAL EARTH will reveal the RIGHT PLACE and the RIGHT TIMING – when you need to take INSPIRED ACTION in order to realize your VISION.

The SPECTRAL EARTH will indicate the way forward to claim your FREEDOM, dissolving all impediments to following your DESTINY.

RED EARTH is also asking you to GROUND your ideas into the physical! Do not just daydream! Start to take actual physical steps to make it manifest.

RED EARTH’s magnetic power adds strength to your manifestations today. Call forth the energy of GAIA through your feet chakras, pull up the red cord into your body and up your spine, giving you strength to stand tall and go forth with renewed confidence and vigor.

The ELECTRIC SEED works in harmony with CABAN to fertilize your DREAM SEEDS within the fertile EARTH. Partner with SPIRIT and PACHAMAMA to achieve bountiful harvests and rewards from your endeavours.

NOTE: Spectral Earth💥 – is literally QUAKING EARTH⚡🌎 – so watch out for EARTHQUAKES and movements/liberation of our EARTH today.

CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE ELECTRIC WIZARD 🔮⚡🧙🪄 IX cautions you to use humility and grace in your relations and connections. Avoid big noting yourself with your grandiose ideas, or falling prey to your egoic falsities. Instead hold the knowingness, that you are just ONE part in our interconnected machine, and that each and every cog is valuable for the operation.

To work effectively, we must CO-OPERATE, and work in unison with our whole team in order to realize our collective dreams. Each dream and each idea is precious, but we need to CONNECT with others and work together to make things happen in our NEW WORLD.

No man is an island! Unity consciousness and egalitarianism are the keys to unlocking the gift of the WHITE WIZARD’S majik powers, during this 13 year Wizard cycle! THIS approach will boost your manifestation in realizing the DREAMS incubating in your PURE HEART.

The WHITE WIZARD🧙 will also bless you with his gift of enchantment! 🪄 The ability to CHARM others with your words, dreams and big ideas. You also have the Majikal power to access all the information and wisdom you need throughout the multitude of realms and dimensions that IX can access.

Be STILL, tune in and think BIG. Allow Spirit to communicate New ideas, technologies, inventions and solutions – never before accessed on this Earth plane..a wondrous New world awaits!


Today’s question is “How can I SEED my divinely inspired ideas, through bonding with others, in greater service to HU-manity?

Am I ready to RIPEN and fully BLOSSOM into my highest potential destiny?

🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤

Divine blessings for your accelerated GROWTH in the direction of your Highest potential FLOWERING!!🌸🌺🌹

Let’s get ready to POP! 🍿🎉🍾

Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈





🔥 New! on Patreon 🔥 Past Life Regression Guided Meditation 🕉

Unlock Your Soul’s Hidden Memories with my Sacred Condor 🔥



With my Sacred Condor as your Guide, Journey beyond time and explore the depths of your soul with this Past Life Regression Guided Meditation. Designed to help you access the depths of your subconscious mind, hidden memories, karmic lessons, and soul connections. This powerful meditation gently guides you into a deep, relaxed state where past life experiences may unfold before you. this meditation gently guides you to explore past lives, uncover hidden memories, and gain profound insights into your soul’s journey. Whether you’re seeking clarity, healing, or a deeper connection to your higher self, this meditation offers a safe and supportive space to discover the wisdom of your past.

🌌 What to Expect:
A calming, guided relaxation to quiet the mind and body
A step-by-step journey into past life memories
Gentle prompts to explore significant moments, relationships, and lessons from your past lives
A focus on healing, self-discovery, and spiritual growth
A return to the present with newfound clarity and understanding

✨ Perfect For:
Anyone curious about past lives and reincarnation
Those seeking to heal unresolved emotions or patterns in their current life
Spiritual explorers looking to deepen their connection to their soul’s purpose
Beginners and experienced meditators alike

🕉️ How to Prepare:
Find a quiet, comfortable space where you won’t be disturbed
Use headphones for an immersive experience
Set an intention for your journey (e.g., healing, clarity, or self-discovery)
Keep a journal nearby to record insights after the meditation

💫 Why Past Life Regression?
Past life regression can help you understand recurring themes in your life, release energetic blocks, and gain a deeper sense of purpose. By connecting with your soul’s history, you may uncover answers to questions about relationships, fears, talents, and more.


CLICK HERE for the Past Lives Meditation



Paul White Gold Eagle

Sacred Mantra of Ancient Stone Medicine:

“I call upon the wisdom of the Earth,
held within the sacred stones,
ancient and powerful.
May their healing energies flow through me,
balancing my chakras,
and restoring my harmony.
I am grounded and centered,
connected to the Earth’s ancient wisdom.
I am one with the Sacred Medicine of the Ancient Stones of Mother Gaia.”

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