Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Great Bright Nation of our Awakened Starseeds of the New Lemuria
Mother Earth Continues to get flooded with Higher Dimensional Gamma Plasma waves from the Great Central Sun and Source Creator.
Through the streams of incoming Cosmic Consciousness we are being inundated with Creation Codes of the New Genesis of our Solar Lightbodies of 5D New Earth manifestation. We are integrating the new keys and codes of our Celestial Avatars through the DNA upgrades of 12 Strand Crystalline Codices.
With these massive energetics flowing in we had another Trinity of Activations beginning with our local Solaris releasing several C Class and another M Class flares maxing at M 2.4 at 17:11 UTC. We had 2 spikes on the Schumann charts today with an amplitude of 16 hz and a big blast at 48hz. Pachamama also received a powerful activation at Macquarie Island in the southwestern Pacific Ocean at 21:21 UTC, creating a 33 Sacred Portal of Divine Mastery.
All Starseed Ground crew Earth Angelics of the 144 are receiving Higher Heart Awakenings of the Christos Sophia Consciousness bridging in the Love Waves through the Central Channel of the Kundalini Path. All Spiritual Warriors walk the Middle path of Buddha. This is the Heart Way of the Divine Feminine Healing Holy Waters of Gaia.
Feel your Way through the Still Center of Zero, Point through the Void and into the Prime Creator we call the Great Mystery. Let go of all that no longer serves your self or the collective. Release all negative thoughts, feelings and emotions as we relax away all tensions in the body, mind and spirit through the Stillness of the Kingdom of Heaven within.
Be the Love, The Truth and the Way of the Pure Awareness of our Almighty I Am Presence, in this Now…A’Ho!
Right now: Moon at 10°10′ Pisces, Sun at 19°02′ Gemini
Current Sabian Symbols
Current Sabian Symbol for the Sun
A cafeteria with an abundance of choices.
Sabian Symbol for 20º Gemini
The current Sabian Symbol of the Sun is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing solar influence, the vital energy and the personality, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this day, while the Sun’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 20º Gemini.
Current Sabian Symbol for the Moon
Men travelling a narrow path, seeking illumination.
Sabian Symbol for 11º Pisces
The current Sabian Symbol of the Moon is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing lunar influence, the emotional background, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this moment, while the Moon’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 11º Pisces.
UPDATE. We have received powerful upgrade energies. Shifts for the best are happening. Watch the synchronicities around you opening doors & taking you to your next level. It’s possible to experience at this time real “harvest” energies from all the little things that were done in the past. Life is guiding you. Your heart is finding more of its own truth. Things are aligning, sometimes out of the blue, just because it was time. Just because now, you are ready for it. Just because all you went through before made you ready for this now.
Starchild re-member who you are. You came here to shine your magnificent light into the world. You are deeply treasured and loved just by being who you are. Shine beloved Starblossom and unfurl your wings of love. You are a miracle of love. Trust your wings beloved child. It’s time
The ENERGETIC Transformations that are Happening on Earth Right NOW are taking place in another Alternate REALITY.
Both are Happening and WE get to decide what Experiences WE Choose to ALIGN with and which Reality that WE Choose to ENGAGE with.
The ENERGETIC Reorientation has SHIFTED our ability to function on a very different level as We NOW have a HIGHER Access to the Multi-Dimensional REALITY in our Day-to-Day Life.
The Pure PLATFORM PLASMA FREQUENCY of the LIGHT has NOW been Anchored and will continue to BUILD to the end of this year.
WE Are NOW Returning to our original DIVINE BLUEPRINTS!
WE have UNLOCKED within us the TRUTH that WE are DIVINE BEings pretending to BE Human BEings for the purposes of Experience and Growth and Evolution.
WE have UNLOCKED within us this KNOWLEDGE in a Variety of Ways. . . and once WE KNOW this WE CanNot un-know it.
WE will Continue to Access the CODES and INFORMATION that are Deeply Embedded in our DNA to Assist us in then BEcoming once again the DIVINE SELVES that WE Truly Are.
NOW. . . as WE SHIFT our own Consciousness. . . of course. . . WE Jump to a TIMELINE where Others are ready to SHIFT as well. . .
and WE Get to Play the ROLE of the One who is Helping them to SHIFT.
All WE have to Do is Take Care of our own ALIGNMENT. . . our own INNER PEACE. . .
and All WE have to Reach for is our own HIGHER SELF. . . and as WE do. . .
WE BEcome that Fifth-Dimensional version of our SELVES that Already has the Fully-Activated DIVINE BLUEPRINT. . .
that Already is operating as a DIVINE BEing of LIGHT and LOVE!
Dear family of love and light, currently, mother earth is going through changes. She is due to release deeply buried wounds and hurts. It is a painful process for mother earth. She has made her pain known to us.
The Divine and Gaia ask light workers to send mother earth unconditional love and support. And that may make her releasing process just a little easier. She needs our help and loving support.
So please let mother earth know that you love her and you are here for her. Love and support makes difference for mother earth in the releasing process.
Also, the Divine says that there are interference forces that are interrupting mother earth’s rebirthing process. Per Gaia’s request, the Divine and the company of heaven are carrying out Divine intervention and special operation to clear the interference energies so that the planet will have a smoother releasing process, and our light workers will feel safe to conduct light work.
The Divine encourages light workers to keep up the good work and stay in the higher heart and know that the Divine is in control. All is well.
Divine blessings to you.
Linda Li, Gaia, the Divine and the company of heaven. So it is.
Lightbody – “is a gridwork of light and sacred geometry that brings together your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual being. This body radiates light energy and electromagnetically links your multidimensional self with the infinite universe. It connects you to your encoded data through high electrical currents that assist you in translating and manifesting your hidden talents and soul purpose. As you activate, build and integrate your Lightbody, you reorganize your molecular structure, allowing your body to be less dense and more free to express itself with the source of the universe.” – Crystallinks
THIS CURRENT MERKABA UPGRADE includes and involves…
Note the resurface of the old – body “stuff”, injuries, thoughts, issues, emotions, misunderstandings, but especially right now in the BODY – it is full of sensation – in your body – to a level that could induce fear.
If you have this going on, know it is for a soul purpose
Breathe through it
It can help to repeat out loud, “you are ok, you are ok” and really relax into whatever is presenting in your body
sifting and sorting through the “sands of time”
keep the crystalline new
return the old to the earth for alchemical restructuring
all is resource
light and dark, pleasure and pain, we honor it all
this section will have a “I have been stripped for parts and laid out on the garage floor” feeling to your body vehicle. All a part of the upgrade!
YOU are the designer, the builder, the creator and destroyer of your light body vehicle.
Chose parts wisely
Hold a clear vision for the vehicle of your dreams
Dear friends, as we end this week post 6:6 portal our energy fields are still a bit wobbly and trying to find a new point of balance. Some of you may still be feeling a sense of “not being grounded in this reality”. This is a normal feeling and it will last a few more days.
That said, the geomagnetic activity around the planet is also increasing today and during the weekend, adding to this sense of “not being here” and feeling a bit dizzy. This is a combination of the Schumann resonance, solar activity, and general unmeasurable ascension light codes. Each of us will process all this information in different ways.
As we approach the June 21 Solstice, things will accelerate so the last energetic purge and further timeline alignments can take place before this pivotal time of the year. Try not to resist the flow of changes, remember sometime these are blessings in disguise.
Be kind to yourself, try to rest if your body needs it, and stay hydrated to facilitate the energy flow within your systems.
The secrets and mysteries of deep and ancient times, knowledge and wisdom are not lost.
All around us hidden in plain sight lie clues and codes of lost truths and wise understandings.
Beings of high perception live in a world where the reveal of answers, which have been so carefully buried in the past, to preserve their message and to pass on mystical truths; live abundantly amongst the mastery of the old ways.
For those who know how to look there is no mystery and no need to search. The evidence stands out itself as a part of the make up of life. It is the most natural existence, requiring no force , but only trust.
Elements of nature speak the truths of time, through the winds, the waters, the trees, mountains, rocks and land sites; whispering, calling and sometimes shouting to those with enlightened sight to align with the awareness of what has gone before. The echoes are limitless for those who observe.
Those who need to search for the answers to great mysteries will not be quenched in their desire for answers, unless they drink from the cup of self awareness. This is the holy grail, invisible to those who look to see without belief, who seek answers without embracing the magic of great mysteries; and who yearn to master riddles of time and space to satisfy a merely mental or selfish desire.
Ancient knowledge is open to any new born babe , in-line with their innocent intention to connect to all that feels loving and safe.
All see these truths, until told that they cannot. Only those aligned with the mysteries of living learn to overcome doubters to listen to their own proofs.
Those born with a natural inclination to this magic of sight will walk all their life surrounded by the beauty and comfort of the imprints left by ancient elders. Such spiritual connections are natural and cannot be forced or easily learned.
The talents of a perceiver are great in depth. Their vision of the world is held in fascination, inquisitive expectation and even fear by those who do not possess such gifts.
Through the ages those with the ability to see have communicated their visions through creative structures, legendary stories, exquisite images and music, which have captured the imagination of generations below them.
This art form is not lost and continues to be the most natural form of communication of individual perception.
Highly creative, romantic, idealistic, honourable and deep, the perceivers are a species in their own right who live comfortably in a world that supports their mission, which simply is
Many are being downloaded with the advanced technology of that actualized accelerated and instant healing through quantum healing including med bed technology. As we rise it’s important to shift our perspectives to fully align with the New Earth frequencies. Clearing the outdated conditioning and programming of the subconscious, conscious mind and cellular structure creates space to embody more light.
This process activates your cells and DNA.Bringing awareness to the ancient knowledge and wisdom of your multidimensional aspect of self. Fully aligned with the purest point of your sacred heart. Fully illuminated within the love and light of oneness. You can access your Akashic records and have full awareness of your soul journeys and lessons that pertain to this incarnation. To learn, grow and evolve and reach pure enlightenment on your path, an ascended master on Earth. Everyone can choose this path, of love and inner knowing.
Are you willing to fully accept this inner knowing within you? Are you willing to experience the profound healing within, to liberate yourself from internal suffering? Are you open to receive?
It’s important to become mindful of the limiting beliefs and perspectives you may have. And open up to the infinite potentiality of an expanded consciousness that accepts all beings throughout all of creation. Many Star nations have gone through their ascension process. And the old stories that still run in the human psyche regarding the galactic wars are now outdated timelines. Your point of view is based on your current state of consciousness.
The duality and polarity has served as a catalyst to assist in the evolution of all beings through the human experience, being embodied in the life you have chosen. It’s important to ebb and flow with the awareness and acceptance that all who have chosen this earth walk are vibrating at different vibrational frequencies, states of consciousness and some are choosing to fully acknowledge their multidimensional aspect of who they truly are. The old ways of making others wrong for their beliefs must dissolve as we elevate as a collective. Elevated, expanding thinking and processing aligned in the sacred present of the elevated frequencies of pure love and light.
Not all souls have chosen to walk the same path, and it is all okay. Instead of creating separation or making someone wrong, because their beliefs do not fully align with yours is creating limitation and preventing soul growth. The invitation is to fully align with the purest part of your souls essence, the truth of who you are. Choose to flow in full love, acceptance of your journey as well as the chosen journey of those around you with full compassion, love and appreciation of the gifts that come from experiencing a different perspective, the planting of seeds of new possibilities of infinite potentiality. Of what can be actualized as heaven on Earth as Universal Beings of Love and Light, they way it was intended to be.
Maintain perspective towards the future instead of focusing on the past. As a survivor you are unparalleled. You’ve always adapted, especially during times of hard work and effort. Now you are being asked to embrace your transformation.
Regeneration into your new life free of burdens. It may be more known to adapt to struggle so dig deep and figure out how to shine bright. You are born a leader and are here to inspire others. This is your hero’s journey that you’re at the end of. Cross the threshold and celebrate your wins!
In Jesus Christ’s name amen. God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
Today we have Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, in calm Taurus in a positive sextile to Neptune, ruler of the spiritual realm, in ethereal Pisces. The Moon, ruler of intuition, is also in Pisces today and making connection to Venus, ruler of attraction, Jupiter, planet of blessings, Saturn, ruler of manifestation, and Mars, planet of energy. This is a day to go within and be in the present moment.
And, in the present moment, focus on what you desire……perhaps happiness, peace, abundance or love. Then, let the the Universe, Creation, God, Goddess take care of the details of how it will manifest. Trust and have faith that whatever you wish for will come to fruition……but, see, feel, sense and know it’s truth in this present moment! Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Mercury in Taurus trine Ceres in Virgo and sextile Neptune in Pisces. Uranus conjunct Astraea in Taurus – The world is unsettled with difficult news – floods, fires, choking air, bad behaviour, corruption. Pluto, now sitting on 0 Aquarius shows us the shadows we must face to change our future. It’s intense but Mercury’s connections today are a call for calm, compassion, empathy, with others and with ourselves. It’s about knowing when to lend an ear, a shoulder, a quiet pat of the hand, and knowing when you need to step away, relax, meditate, seek out spiritual support. Sometimes we just have to create a bubble whilst we nurture the soul to soothe it from the pain of life’s batterings.
Astraea the Star Maiden was the last of the immortals to leave the Earth. A Goddess of purity, innocence and justice, she promises to return one day, bringing with her a Golden Age. In conversation with Uranus there is holy instruction to step back, gain some distance on problems, create space to realign with your unique nature and all its gifts. Visualise a better world to give you food for thought and ideas to action when you are ready. Shift feelings of helplessness to a quiet but resolute knowing that you will be part of the wave of change. Inner peace creates outer peace.
‘Planetary’ is the name for the number ten and its keywords are ‘Manifest, Perfect and Produce’. For millennia mankind has counted on his fingers and so the number ten has long been associated with the top mark, 10 out of 10. These days are great for manifesting what you need. This number really does produce results! Every day in the Tzolkin, is greatly enhanced when it occurs with the number 10. There are 20 wavespells and so of course, 20 times we get to experience the number ten’s perfect energy.
Today is Blue Hand which represents ‘Knowing, Accomplishment and Healing’. We have ten fingers to count on, on our HANDs. Give me a show of hands! The Blue Hand is very handy for putting your hands to good use; offering a massage or taking on some handy work. Today is great for producing something with your hands. From kneading dough, to pottery, sewing, knitting or anything you can make. Manifest! It is the perfect day for healing too. Don’t waste this opportunity today and see if you can make things happen. The Blue Hand can make us feel ambitious because accomplishment is one of its key characteristics. This can lead us to reaching out and grabbing what we want. As it is a number ten day, it’s a perfect day to go grab what you want. By the end of the day, you should feel like you’ve accomplished something perfectly.
The Guide today is Blue Eagle which represents ‘Vision and Creativity’. Soaring high, the Eagle offers a bird’s eye view of the situation. May this perspective guide your actions today. Yesterday the Eagle was the Occult power and then he offered us magical visions. Today, we follow the Eagle and he leads us to see the bigger picture. This guide is perfect for today, as the Blue Hand is manifesting and the Blue Eagle can see what is up for grabs.
The Challenge today is the Red Earth which symbolizes Evolution. The challenge aspect can provoke you into responding. We all avoid things if they are too difficult, and this can lead to complacency. That’s fine but if you want to make headway on your spiritual path, you must face challenges. If you are a Red Earth, you can still evolve today, it’s a perfect opportunity for you to receive some healing too.
The Occult power today is the White Wizard, the enchanting charmer of the Tzolkin. The Wizard suits this magical position, as his spells work very well. Be a Wizard yourself and add some magic to this perfect healing day. When the Wizard has this much power, we may be easily put under a spell by someone using their charms. It is always better to be the Wizard and cast spells, rather than be charmed and put under a spell.
The Ally today is the Yellow Human and so if you know one, they can use their intuitive power to help you heal. If you are a Yellow Human, your attention may be required. If you can’t get hold of a Yellow Human to assist you today, try to be like one and that involves trusting your intuition and allowing it to make decisions for you.
13- Goddess/Cosmic Consciousness/Natural Lore/Synchronic Time
6- Heaven/Christ/Family/Harmony/Fertility
13- Goddess/Cosmic Consciousness/Natural Lore
4- Form/Structure/Foundation/Angelic/Earth
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
23- Royal Star of the Lion/Strength/Protection
KIN 127 = 10 – Manifestation/Leadership/Authority./New Beginnings
Today we have KIN 127= 10 PLANETARY TONE = 10
A powerful DIVINE day for MANIFESTATION, Healing and accomplishment on a PLANETARY level! .
This was a day of RESET and bringing life into BALANCE.. ACCOMPLISHING HEALING and building a NEW PEACE filled world. This potent EQUINOX energy is flowing through KIN 127 today.. bringing more BALANCE to our healing intentions.
Day 10 in the WHITE MIRROR WAVESPELL of reflection, truth, illusion, endlessness, and magnification. Today is the day of physical plane MANIFESTATION – yaaaay!!!.
The accumulation of energies over the last 10 days of this Wavespell allows us to HARVEST this energy today, through manifestation.
The WHITE MIRROR magnifies and reflects the endless order of alignment in our centre, illuminating all that needs to be discarded in order to accomplish great HEALING.
The closer we get to the CORE of the TZOLKIN and our CENTER of balance, the more POTENT our Manifestation POWER!
PLANETARY – Tone 10 in the PHYSICAL realm. ACTION – produces, POWER – perfects, ESSENCE – manifestation. The 10th stage of the Wavespell is the perfection of all we imagined as possible. And more! It is the harvest stage where we happily reap our manifest splendor. The forms we have been imagining begin to manifest into our reality, and our lives begin to reflect the deep soul longings that we desire.
PLANETARY energies enable us to build and manifest strong connections with Spirit and Pachamama today. We have the power to PERFECT and accomplish great HEALING through our MANIFESTATION process today. Perfecting Healing in all aspects of our being, on a personal and PLANETARY level.
Take the opportunity today to sit in nature and send HEALING energy to accomplish HEALING for all Planetary Kin and our EARTH MOTHER to re-establish her perfected Utopian VISION. –
Visualizing Nova Tara Gaia’s perfected BRILLIANCE emanating from the RAINBOW BUTTERFLY WINGS surrounding and enfolding her with pure SOURCE DIVINE LOVE, ready to take her MAJIK FLIGHT!
We reach HUNAB KU the GALACTIC CENTRE in 4 days time – 12/13 JUNE 2023.
So planetary kin, today we have a great opportunity to re-align our PLANETARY perspective of WHAT type of REALITY we want to MANIFEST.
Through DIVINE DECREE – The PLANETARY HAND has now anchored a QUANTUM HEALING FREQUENCY FIELD within GAIA’s butterfly rainbow wings..
A continuous toroidal HEALING frequency is FLOWING through GAIA’s poles now, and our chakras are in sync. with GAIA.
A QUANTUM MED BED technology is now being made available to ALL HUMANS on EARTH
MUMMA GAIA wants her children HEALED – yesterday!!
To ACCESS this QUANTUM PLANETARY MED BED – when you go to sleep each night say –
2. SCAN MY BODY (wait until you feel it is done)
3. Clear and negate all toxins, parasites and pathogens
4. HEAL all imbalances and DIS-EASE
5. You can also make specific requests to focus on a particular issue – be it physical/mental/emotional/spiritual..
6. You can also ASK for a rejuvenating night’s sleep – or youth restoration
Today’s question is “How can I use my panoramic and prophetic VISION, to find PERFECT solutions, and MANIFEST great HEALING for myself and our PLANET?”
Divine blessings for accomplishing great HEALING, and MANIFESTING our collective VISION..
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: BLUE PLANETARY HAND – MANIK Brings forth great HEALING today, providing the opportunity to close the cycle of dis-ease and discordant states of being. It is TIME to CLEAR ALL FEAR from our Planetary body – every person, every country and continent, and our entire PLANET. .
Through DIVINE DECREE – The PLANETARY HAND has now anchored a QUANTUM HEALING FREQUENCY FIELD within GAIA’s butterfly rainbow wings..
A continuous toroidal HEALING frequency is FLOWING through GAIA’s poles now, and our chakras are in sync. with GAIA.
A QUANTUM MED BED technology is now being made available to ALL HUMANS on EARTH
MUMMA GAIA wants her children HEALED – yesterday!!
To ACCESS this QUANTUM PLANETARY MED BED – when you go to sleep each night say –
2. SCAN MY BODY (wait until you feel it is done)
3. Clear and negate all toxins, parasites and pathogens
4. HEAL all imbalances and DIS-EASE
5. You can also make specific requests to focus on a particular issue – be it physical/mental/emotional/spiritual..
6. You can also ASK for a rejuvenating night’s sleep – or youth restoration
As the PLANETARY tone is in the PHYSICAL realm, we can accomplish tremendous healing of our physical body today. MANIK working synergistically with WHITE MIRROR creates a beautiful pairing to REFLECT and reveal the distortions in our field.
BLUE EAGLE provides the eyes to see clearly (like a MEDICAL INTUITIVE) – both for the causes of dis-ease and dis-harmony, and revealing the solutions too. MANIK is the portal allowing both knowledge and healing energies to flow from the cosmos, particularly with the 13.13 double COSMIC CODE, to bring the much needed healing panacea.
We can also use MANIK’s power of accomplishment, to volunteer and attend to tasks today. A great day for using your HANDS as tools to accomplish whatever needs doing! Lend a hand to others that are ailing, or conversely REACH OUT and ask for HELP if you need it.
We are all connected and our HANDS are one of the best parts of our bodies to physically connect with our kin.
Let us all hold each other’s hand as we walk through these evolutionary portals together.
So planetary kin, today we have a great opportunity to re-align our PLANETARY perspective of WHAT type of REALITY we want to MANIFEST.
Today’s question is “How can I use my panoramic and prophetic VISION, to find PERFECT solutions, and MANIFEST great HEALING for myself and our PLANET?”
Divine blessings for accomplishing great HEALING, and MANIFESTING our collective VISION..
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: BLUE PLANETARY EAGLE – MEN enables us to accomplish our actions guided by creative vision. The EAGLE enables us to find the answers to healing ourselves and our planet. What a BRILLIANT Higher Guide we have today!
BLUE EAGLE tribe is said to hold the PLANETARY MIND in the DREAMSPELL. When we combine MEN with the PLANETARY tone of creation – we have a super STRONG PLANETARY MIND operating on this day. We can access PLANETARY level wounds and affect great HEALING solutions at a collective and PLANETARY LEVEL today.
Having the PLANETARY EAGLE as the supporting energy today, ensures our PLANETARY MIND is RESET bringing back BALANCE.
A BRILLIANT DAY for clearing Planetary karma, outmoded timelines and scenarios.
It is TIME to change the SCRIPT for our PLANET.. A HUGE reset and REBOOT of our Planetary Operating Systems… GET READY for RECALIBRATION!!
Today we can SEE the BIG PICTURE on a GIANT PANORAMIC SCREEN, with great clarity, enabling us to find the solutions to all that ails us and our beloved Gaia.
BLUE EAGLE is the clear lens to the magnifying WHITE MIRROR that gives us FOCUS and amazing access to healing tools, knowledge and energies needed to accomplish our goals.
SUPPORT: YELLOW PLANETARY HUMAN – CIB beckons us to ALIGN with DIVINE WILL and the DIVINE PLAN for all of HUMANITY. The central column of the Tzolkin is the ZERO POINT in the Mirror World which contains potent CREATION POWER!
CIB the wise HU-MAN reveals how to manifest PLANETARY ABUNDANCE through making better choices than in the past. Choose differently and choose wisely. Align with Divine Will and UNIVERSAL LAW to guide your choices.
Diverge from the masses, using your FREE WILL to make better decisions, based on our collective planetary dreaming of ‘Abundance for all Beings’,
What is good for ONE, is good for ALL! Aho!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE SELF-EXISTING WIZARD – IX invites us to PERFECT our creative manifestation, through our receptivity in our MINDS and our hearts. Receiving the wisdom needed to find the solutions from Spirit and BLUE EAGLE, in order to accomplish great healing.
Use your MIND to imagine PERFECT WELLNESS – FREE from dis-ease! IMAGINE IT and so mote it be! AMEN!
We have a 10.10 MANIFESTATION CODE today – so our MANIFESTATION POWERS are DOUBLED!!! Get out your majik wands and cast your new healing DREAM-SPELL…
The SELF-EXISTING WIZARD enables us to use our MIND connected to our pure HEART’S desires to MANIFEST our imaginings into form. Very potent manifestation POWER! This is the power of CHRIST – spontaneous HEALING of all ailments through the MAJIK of DIVINE power.
WHITE WIZARD gives us great power to accomplish GREAT THINGS for our-CELL-ves and our planet. Set the bar HIGHER and S-T-R-E-T-C-H your manifesting muscles in preparation for the BLUE MONKEY MAJIK MANIFESTATION Wavespell, quickly approaching in 4 days time!
CABAN challenges us today to MANIFEST the most Divine HARMONY on Earth, through LISTENING to the EARTH and manifesting our UTOPIAN world in PERFECT DIVINE TIMING.
Being guided by our instincts to follow the signs and synchronicity, that leads us deeper into more elegant creations with the natural world. Integrating the healing capacity of the EARTH and natural world in our human environment so that there is a seamless flow, blurring the lines between our living spaces.
No more division and separateness, we NEED GAIA ,and she needs us to be totally in SYNC.. and on the same page, working in unison for the betterment of us all.
So planetary kin, today we have a great opportunity to re-align our PLANETARY perspective of WHAT type of REALITY we want to MANIFEST.
Today’s question is “How can I use my panoramic and prophetic VISION, to find PERFECT solutions, and MANIFEST great HEALING for myself and our PLANET?”
Divine blessings for accomplishing great HEALING, and MANIFESTING our collective VISION..
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
🔥 Breathwork for Releasing and Healing Anxiety, Stress and Depression 🔥
In the name of my “Beloved I AM Presence” I now call forth my Galactic Family of Light, Telos, the Beloved Ascended Masters, the Great Angelic Hosts, the Seven Mighty Elohim and the Holy Spirit.
I Ask for these Blessed Beings of the Light to Amplify, Intensify, and Multiply the power of this Decree with the Light of a Thousand Suns from the Great Central Sun:
“Beloved ‘Mighty I AM Presence’ and Beloved Holy Spirit, let me see feel and perceive my physical body, my mental body and my emotional body the way God made me and sees me.
Let me see, feel and perceive any shift in my emotional state as a sign of manifestations coming in.
Let me become aware when little indicators are happening, as they are a sign for a new reality approaching my experience.
Let me rest in the inner knowing that God/Source is blessing me and my world with a wonderful life, starting now.
Let me be a blessing for others and my world with ease and joy.
Beloved I AM Presence and Beloved Holy Spirit, go before me this day and this night and take command! I give all power to you.
I AM now living in a wonderful reality to create a higher dimensional life of Love, Peace, Harmony, Health, Creativity, Abundance, Joy and the fulfillment of the Divine Plan for all.
I decree this for the Highest Good of All That Is in Divine Service to God.
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