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Space-derived technology

Medbed: Space-derived technology hidden for 50 year

Medbed: Space-derived technology hidden for 50 year


Medbed: Space-derived technology hidden for 50 year



Space-derived technology
Space-derived technology



Medbeds are magnificent works of art and highly technical.


  Medbed simply resets a person’s DNA.



Miracle Healing Device: Quantum/Wave/Gene Therapy…


Tachyon energy and plasma energy medical bed.


Even incurable diseases can be cured. It is also possible to regenerate lost organs and limbs.


Look 50 years younger in just 3 minutes. (Limited to 3 times)


What exactly is Medbed, where all kinds of information circulates?


Healing with light and sound frequencies



Medbed uses technology that utilizes the original code found in the body’s DNA to restore the body to its ideal state.


It is free and safe for everyone to use.


Medbed Effectiveness: Cure All Diseases



☆Congenital problems can also be corrected.


☆ Allergy relief.


☆ Vision and hearing return to optimal conditions.


☆All dental problems can be repaired.


☆It is also possible to regenerate lost organs and limbs.


☆ Also suitable for bone adjustment and correction.


☆Scars are repaired and disappear.


☆Recovery from damage caused by chemotherapy.


☆Rejuvenates the entire cell and returns the body to the state it was in 30 to 50 years ago. (Limited to 3 times)


☆ Even if you are obese, you can reach your ideal weight…


☆Cure for autism.


☆Repair mental problems such as schizophrenia and depression.


☆Body repair after vaccination.


Types of medical beds


①Hologram bed


For diagnosis and treatment.


② Regenerated Medified Bed


It works with DNA and stem cells to regenerate old tissues and lost organs.


③ Medbed for regression and rejuvenation


It is used for rejuvenation and anti-aging and since it rejuvenates brain cells, it can also cure Alzheimer’s disease such as dementia.

The world after the introduction of Medbed



☆From illness to health: Everyone can freely recover health.


☆Life expectancy has increased significantly, allowing people to live healthy lives even into old age.


☆Disease, injury and aging will disappear from the world – and at the same time, the industries that profit from disease will also disappear.


Invitation to Medbed







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🍀 XRP 🍀
🌈 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈
There will be a pot of GOLD at the end of the RAINBOW.

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🍀 #XRP
🍀 #Ripple

If you own XRP, you potentially own a share in All the Worlds Money 💰
You’re Welcome 😇 🙏😇

Ripple’s XRP
Ripple’s XRP


BOOM XRP Japan: Japanese Banks Gear Up for a Financial Revolution with Ripple’s XRP!

The financial world is on the brink of a seismic shift, and at the epicenter of this transformation is Ripple’s XRP. Japan, known for its technological advancements and forward-thinking approach to finance, is leading the charge. A powerhouse list of Japanese banks has lined up to adopt Ripple’s XRP, signaling a massive leap towards a future where cross-border payments are not just faster, but smarter. Buckle up, because what we’re about to witness isn’t just evolution—it’s a revolution!
SBI Holdings: Tokyo’s Financial Titan Leads the Way
When it comes to innovation in finance, SBI Holdings is a name that commands respect. Based in Tokyo, this financial giant is spearheading the adoption of XRP in Japan. SBI Holdings isn’t just any financial institution; it’s a cornerstone of Japan’s financial system. Their involvement in Ripple’s technology isn’t just a nod to the future; it’s a full-throated endorsement of what’s to come.
SBI Holdings is no stranger to the world of cryptocurrency. Through its venture, SBI Ripple Asia, the company has been a staunch advocate for blockchain technology, seeing XRP as the solution to the inefficiencies that plague traditional banking. By embracing XRP, SBI Holdings is setting a precedent that other banks are sure to follow.
Mizuho Bank: Tokyo’s Financial Powerhouse Embraces Change
Mizuho Bank, another financial behemoth headquartered in Tokyo, is also stepping into the XRP arena. With a legacy that dates back over a century, Mizuho Bank has always been at the cutting edge of financial services. Now, with Ripple’s XRP, they’re ready to rewrite the rules of cross-border transactions.
India XRP
India XRP

ISO 20022…. LET’S DO IT


💥INDIA Made BOLD move by COMPLETING an Oil TRANSACTION with UAE using the XRP LEDGER 🚀🚀🚀🔥🔥🔥💥







Covert Operations of Light ~ Ashtar Galactic Command

Note From Chellea.

 Once again, I have made connection with the Ashtar Galactic Command, for and Update on Current Issues on Earth and any new steps being taken by the Forces of Light and the Grand Alliance. Commander Vrillon, once again, very graciously steps forward to commune with us.

Greetings, I am Commander Vrillon, of Ashtar Galactic Command.

It is a great pleasure to have this conversation with you, Ambassador, and with the numerous Light workers and starseeds who will receive this message. Many have been wondering about the whereabouts of Ashtar and why there has been no communication from him. It is important to understand that Ashtar represents our entire Fleet, known as the Ashtar Galactic Command, and the name Ashtar is used for communication purposes. I, Commander Vrillon, was the first contact with Earth from our Fleet, in your year of 1977, and I will continue to represent the Ashtar Galactic Command as I have always done. I will be the primary communicator through this channel, now that a strong connection has been established.

Thank you once again for your time and for establishing this connection.

As you are already aware, Earth is making significant progress in her Ascension process. She is adapting well to the energies and is currently in a period of stabilization following the intense energies of the Lionsgate Portal. Despite all the increased activity on Earth and with your Star, this is just the beginning of what is expected to unfold in the near future.

The ongoing waves of Light enveloping Earth are not diminishing in power; instead, they are growing stronger and more intense. Many humans are struggling with these energies due to their resistance to these vibrations, which only leads to further discomfort as they cling to outdated beliefs and notions of separation.

Nevertheless, amidst the challenges that many may experience with these energies, a significant awakening is taking place that is shifting the balance even more in favor of the Light. This awakening is not just a mere coincidence but a profound transformation that is sweeping across the collective consciousness of humanity. It is a time of great change and evolution, where individuals are being called to awaken to their true purpose and potential.

The current events unfolding on the world stage are mere distractions from what is truly happening behind the scenes. While the media may focus on sensational headlines and political dramas, there is a deeper and more profound shift occurring in the energetic realms. This shift is paving the way for the new era of Love and Unity.

Numerous covert operations are currently in progress, prompting key individuals to step up in their missions. These covert operations are not just about political processes or power struggles on your Planet, but they are also helping to dissolve the darkness, that has long held control on Earth.

The Light Forces are bravely working behind the scenes to implement the Divine Order of God. They are guided by a higher purpose and a deep sense of duty to bring about a new Earth based on love, compassion, and unity. Their efforts may not always be visible to the naked eye, but their impact goes beyond comprehension and is felt in the hearts and souls of those who see the positive changes.

As Humanity navigates through these turbulent times, it is important to remember that you are not alone in this journey. The forces of light are with you, helping to guide you and supporting you every step of the way. It is a time to trust in the divine plan and to have faith that the light has already won, bringing about a new era of peace and harmony for all beings on planet Earth.

It is crucial to remember that this process is ultimately for the highest good of all beings on Earth. The increasing intensity of the Light waves is a sign of the accelerated evolution that is taking place, pushing humanity towards a higher state of awareness and unity.

As Humanity moves forward on this journey of Ascension, it is essential to stay grounded and centered in your hearts. By connecting with your inner guidance and allowing yourselves to flow with the energies of transformation, You can navigate this period of change with grace and ease.

We are Here, and We Love You.


Message from Commander Vrillon, of The Ashtar Galactic Command.


Transmission received by Chellea Wilder, at Universal Lighthouse

Planet Earth is transforming.

The Earth is being transformed by the higher light energy and will restore the balance that was intended at the time of creation.


Some call it the fifth dimension, others the Age of Aquarius. Everyone must prepare for this event, both physically and spiritually. We must now be able to integrate the higher frequencies coming into our mind and body.

People stuck in their old fears are blocking the arrival of these higher frequencies. They are victims who, without knowing it, contribute to keeping alive this parasitic system that is now cracking and falling apart.

Behind the scenes, many awakened people are working tirelessly to liberate this planet by creating light.

Planet Earth is transforming.
Planet Earth is transforming.

The Cabal does not want us to understand these connections because they want to take as many people with them as possible when the inevitable end comes. They know very well that they can no longer exist in the higher frequencies of the fifth dimension, and they also know that their long reign is over.

This is why you can sense their incredible desperation. The intention of their minions is to lower our frequencies so much that our self-image, our ability to trust, and our intuitive thinking will be so impaired that many will find it extremely difficult to accept the entire incredible and insane truth when it is fully revealed to us.

We are in a psychological war, a battle for our consciousness. Humans have endured thousands of years of all kinds of deception, war, abuse and destruction on our planet. The goal of the upcoming events is to achieve complete transparency, prosperity, justice and peace for everyone on Earth after a long time.

For the record;

Our liberation can only be achieved if the masses wake up and rise up to protest, among other things, against false information and the unnecessary and dangerous injections of artificial life. Everything is designed to destroy 90% of the population.


Or that the cabal is paralyzed by:

    1. A mass awakening
    2. the collapse of the monetary system.
    3. An elimination by extraterrestrial intervention.


Remember this and don’t be tempted to follow other supposed solutions, because there aren’t any!

Share this with everyone you know!

The New Age is finally here! Gold is up and the Cabal is down! Governments are clearly obsolete. There is no point in continuing with the current enigmatically bankrupt system that oppresses and contributes nothing.

Many will ask: when will change come? Know that it is happening now, slowly but inexorably! There is no turning back; the speed of change depends on the awakening of the masses. Spread the word!

Continue, as time will give us more information.


BQQQM!!! PROJECT ODIN Taking Down Mossad Media Satellites – THE EVENT

PROJECT ODIN Taking Down Mossad Media Satellites – THE EVENT: A Global Blackout and the Transition to Tesla Energy – PROJECT ODIN Revealing the Global Shift to Quantum Systems!

PROJECT ODIN:  The explosive operation designed to annihilate global disinformation, trigger a worldwide blackout, and collapse the corrupt financial system. This is the breaking point—a relentless overthrow of the old order, paving the way for a revolutionary new era of power, truth, and unstoppable change.

PROJECT ODIN: Disrupting Mossad’s Media Satellites

The world is on the brink of a profound transformation — one that will redefine the very essence of information, energy, and finance.



THE ODIN PROJECT  is not merely a mission; it is a strategic offensive against the bastions of deception that have kept humanity in the dark for far too long. This article delves into the intricacies of THE ODIN PROJECT, exploring its various components and the revolutionary impact it will have on the global stage.

From the disruption of Mossad media satellites to the transition to Tesla energy, every facet of this operation is designed to dismantle the old world order and usher in a new era of transparency, sustainability, and truth.

At the heart of  PROJECT ODIN  is the audacious plan to take down  Mossad-controlled media satellites.  These satellites have long been the conduits through which disinformation and propaganda are fed to the global population.

By taking them out,  PROJECT ODIN  aims to initiate a worldwide media blackout, effectively cutting off the flow of false narratives that were designed to manipulate public perception.

This blackout is not a mere inconvenience; it is a calculated move to create a vacuum in the information landscape. In the absence of the constant bombardment of mainstream media, people will be forced to seek out alternative sources of information — sources that align with the truth.

The blackout also serves as a precursor to the shift to quantum systems, a revolutionary technology that promises to secure and decentralize the flow of information, making it immune to manipulation.

The impact of this media blackout cannot be overstated. In a world where information is power, the ability to control the narrative has been the linchpin of elites’ dominance over society. By dismantling their channels of communication, PROJECT  ODIN  effectively levels the playing field, paving the way for a new era of truth and transparency.

TURKSAT Rocket: The Backbone of Military Communications



A critical component of PROJECT ODIN has been launched from U.S. soil—the TURKSAT Rocket. This advanced piece of military technology is designed to ensure secure and efficient communications channels for military operations, a vital aspect of the broader mission. The deployment of the TURKSAT Rocket reflects the strategic foresight and technological prowess behind  PROJECT ODIN.

The importance of the TURKSAT Rocket cannot be overstated. In any large-scale operation, communication is essential. Without secure lines of communication, coordination breaks down and the mission fails. The TURKSAT Rocket not only ensures that military communications remain intact during the blackout, but also increases the operational effectiveness of the forces involved in PROJECT ODIN.

Furthermore, the launch of the U.S. TURKSAT Rocket underscores the international collaboration at the heart of this mission. This is not a unilateral operation, but a coordinated effort involving multiple nations and their respective military and technological capabilities. The TURKSAT Rocket serves as a testament to the advanced planning and execution that characterizes PROJECT ODIN.

THE EVENT: A Global Blackout and the Transition to Tesla Energy

As part of the broader strategy, PROJECT ODIN encompasses an event of unprecedented magnitude—a worldwide blackout. This blackout is not merely an isolated incident, but a deliberate operation designed to facilitate a transformative shift in the global energy infrastructure.

The transition to  Tesla energy  marks a significant shift away from today’s reliance on fossil fuels and centralized power grids, paving the way for a sustainable and resilient energy future  .

Tesla energy, a system based on Nikola Tesla’s visionary technologies, promises to revolutionize the way we produce and consume energy. Unlike current energy systems, which are controlled by a few powerful entities, Tesla energy is decentralized, renewable, and accessible to all. The global blackout will serve as a catalyst for this transition, disrupting the old energy paradigm and ushering in a new era of clean and abundant energy.



The implications of this transition are far-reaching. By moving away from fossil fuels, we not only reduce our carbon footprint, but we also free ourselves from the geopolitical conflicts that have long been tied to oil and gas. The shift to Tesla energy represents a significant step toward a more peaceful and sustainable world, where energy is no longer a tool of control, but a shared resource for the betterment of humanity.


34 Significant Buildings: The Symbols of Power and Influence

As part of the EVENT, thirty-four significant buildings around the world will be targeted. These buildings, which include iconic structures such as the White House, Buckingham Palace and the Vatican, are more than just architectural marvels — they are symbols of power and influence, representing the institutions that have shaped the world order for centuries.

The placement of these buildings is highly symbolic. By including these structures in  THE EVENT, PROJECT ODIN  sends a clear message: old power structures are being dismantled, and a new era is dawning. These buildings have long been the seats of power, where decisions affecting millions are made. By involving them in THE EVENT, PROJECT ODIN underscores the sweeping nature of the operations and the depth of the change that is to come.

This aspect of the operation is likely to evoke a strong emotional response from the public. For some, the involvement of these iconic buildings may be seen as an attack on the very institutions they trust. For others, it may be a sign that long-awaited change has finally arrived. Regardless of one’s perspective, there is no denying the profound impact that the attack on these buildings will have on the collective consciousness.

Stock Market Collapse: Dismantling the Old Financial System

One of the most dramatic aspects of PROJECT ODIN is the anticipated stock market crash. This event, compounded by precision cyber operations, is designed to dismantle the old financial system, paving the way for a new economic order. The stock market crash is not an accident, but a calculated move to destabilize the structures that have long perpetuated inequality and corruption.

Executive Orders 13818 and 13848 are at the heart of this operation.  These orders, which target corruption and foreign interference, provide the legal framework for the actions that will lead to the stock market crash. By triggering this crash, PROJECT ODIN aims to expose the inherent weaknesses of the current financial system, which is based on debt, speculation, and manipulation.


The implications of a stock market crash are immense. For decades, the stock market has been seen as a barometer of economic health, with rising indices interpreted as signs of prosperity. However, in reality, the stock market has become a tool for the elite to accumulate wealth at the expense of the masses. By dismantling this system, THE ODIN PROJECT paves the way for the establishment of a more fair and equitable financial system.

Cyber ​​Operations: The Silent Warriors of the Digital Age

The stock market crash will be accompanied by precision cyber operations, a key component of PROJECT ODIN.

In the digital age, cyber warfare has become a crucial tool in the arsenal of any large-scale operation. These operations, carried out by highly skilled teams, are designed to target the digital infrastructure that underpins the global financial system.

Cyber ​​operations play a dual role in PROJECT ODIN. On the one hand, they are used to disrupt the systems that maintain the current financial order. On the other, they are instrumental in the transition to the new system, ensuring that the shift to quantum systems and Tesla is smooth and safe.

The effectiveness of these cyber operations lies in their precision. Unlike traditional forms of warfare, which rely on brute force, cyber operations are targeted and stealthy, capable of inflicting significant damage with minimal physical destruction. This makes them the ideal tool for a mission like PROJECT ODIN, where the goal is to disrupt without causing unnecessary damage.

Transition to Rainbow Treasury Notes: A New Financial Paradigm

One of the most significant changes brought about by PROJECT ODIN is the transition from Rothschild central bank notes to Rainbow Treasury Notes. This shift marks a complete overhaul of the global financial system, moving away from the debt-based fiat currencies that have dominated for centuries to a new form of currency backed by precious metals.

Rainbow Treasury Notes represent a return to the principles of sound money, where currency derives its value from tangible assets rather than speculative markets. This transition is not just about changing the form of money; it is about creating a financial system that is stable, sustainable and ethical.

The shift away from oil-based economies further reflects a broader commitment to creating a world where wealth is no longer concentrated in the hands of a few, but is shared equitably among all.

The introduction of Rainbow Treasury Notes is a direct challenge to the Rothschild banking dynasty, which has long been synonymous with control of global finance. By replacing their central bank notes with a new form of currency, PROJECT ODIN aims to dismantle the power structures that have allowed a select few to wield disproportionate influence over the global economy.



Comfort and Fear: Navigating the Emotional Landscape

As THE ODIN PROJECT unfolds, it is natural for people to experience a mix of emotions—comfort in the promise of a better future and fear in the face of the unknown. These drastic changes are unsettling, and it is only human to feel apprehensive about what lies ahead. However, it is important to remember that every major transformation comes with its challenges.

The key to navigating this emotional landscape is to remain steadfast in the belief that these changes are necessary for the greater good. While disruptions can be significant, they are also temporary. The ultimate goal of THE ODIN PROJECT is to create a world that is more just, transparent, and sustainable. By keeping this vision in mind, it becomes easier to weather the storm and emerge stronger on the other side.

Supporters of THE ODIN PROJECT are encouraged to trust the plan and draw strength from the knowledge that they are on the right side of history. Change is never easy, but it is essential to progress. By embracing the discomfort that comes with transformation, we open ourselves to the possibilities of a brighter future.

Trump Keeps His Promises: Leadership in Times of Crisis

Central to the success of PROJECT ODIN is the leadership of President Donald Trump. Throughout his presidency, Trump has been a polarizing figure, but one thing is undeniable—he has a track record of delivering on his promises. His actions during this operation reflect his commitment to the principles he has long championed: transparency, accountability, and restoring power to the people.

Trump’s leadership is crucial to guiding the nation through the turbulent waters of PROJECT ODIN. His determination and willingness to take bold action are what set him apart from other leaders. In times of crisis, it is this type of leadership that inspires confidence and ensures the mission stays on course.

Supporters are urged to have faith in Trump’s vision and trust that he will lead them to a better future. His commitment to the operation adds credibility to the plan and serves as a beacon of hope for those who believe in the transformative power of PROJECT ODIN.


Faith in the Lord Our God: A Divine Plan Unfolds

Throughout THE ODIN PROJECT, faith in the Lord plays a central role. This operation is not just a human endeavor; it is seen as part of a divine plan, guided by higher principles and moral imperatives. For many supporters, this faith provides a source of comfort and guidance during these challenging times.

The invocation of divine support underscores the ethical foundation of THE ODIN PROJECT. This is not an operation driven by greed or power, but by a genuine desire to create a world that aligns with the values ​​of justice, truth, and righteousness. Supporters are encouraged to draw strength from their faith and trust that the hand of the Lord is guiding them through this time of transformation.

In a world where there is so much uncertainty, faith in a higher power offers a sense of stability and purpose. It reminds us that we are not alone on this journey and that there is a greater plan at work. As THE ODIN PROJECT unfolds, this faith will be an essential pillar, helping supporters stay the course and remain resilient in the face of adversity.

PROJECT ODIN represents a bold and audacious plan to reshape the world as we know it. From disrupting Mossad’s media satellites to transitioning to Tesla energy and overhauling the financial system, every aspect of this operation is designed to dismantle the old order and usher in a new era of truth, transparency and sustainability.

As we stand on the precipice of this monumental shift, it is natural to feel a mix of emotions. However, by embracing the vision of a better future and trusting in the divine leadership and guidance that is guiding this mission, we can navigate the challenges that lie ahead with confidence and determination. The world is changing, and THE ODIN PROJECT is leading the way.

RUMORS: 08/14/2024


QFS accounts are now in the top 5 most searched topics in the world TODAY! We are 10 steps ahead as I mentioned two weeks ago. Visit the official QFS website, hosted by the QFS core team and myself! – Quantum Financial System (QFS) Official Website.💰



I just found out that JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon (and the cabal) are now under “white hat” military jurisdiction for crimes against humanity.

JPMorgan bank financed Epstein’s island, paper trail will come out through military tribunals. The Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Jamie Dimon’s connection to the CABAL.CIA. MOSSAD. EPSTEIN. GLOBAL DEEP STATE SYSTEM.



This is why Jamie Dimon “flipped” on Trump. The cabal (via Jamie Dimon) is allowing Trump to return to the White House and Joe Biden to leave.

“Leftists” like Alex Soros are now pushing Biden into a border crisis civil war in which the federalist states are playing into the hands of the Biden regimes to collapse the fiat money system, because both political parties are implicated in child pedophilia via Epstein Island.

A currency reset (to gold) via the people of the border crisis civil war. The cabal is coordinating a “border crisis” civil war to overthrow the fiat system rather than face military tribunals. This is the CIA’s “Black Swan.” It’s about to get ugly.


Behind the scenes: 

QFS and StarLink QG’s revolutionary Q-Phones are set to transform communication and finance. Explore how these cutting-edge devices integrate with GESARA applications to expedite the distribution of Universal Basic Income (UBI). Watch now to understand the future of global connectivity and economic reform.


Remember I said that the “delay” we have been going through over the last 2 years or so is because it literally took THAT LONG for the US Dollar to collapse, and introduce a new gold/silver backed currency, and implement GESARA.

Remember, the Cabal controlled us because of the Central Banking system, including the Federal Reserve. What would we really be fixing if Trump came back into power, but the Cabal still owned us? NOTHING!

We would have fixed ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!

NOW… the TIME has FINALLY come for what we have been waiting for and working so hard for. There will still be bumps along the way, but remember that easy was never the promise. VICTORY was.

Hold on tight, patriots, and fasten your seatbelts, this movie is about to get REALLY GOOD!



Make no mistake. [They] lost and they know it!

In Chess, both sides know when the last moves are made before Checkmate. The loser has one option: to stop the game. This lasts only a few moments > before END_OF_GAME

+All the shootings and crap on border etc.ext are CRASHING



>TRUTH< The military DOES NOT need the RESULTS of the electoral audit. They have everything…<

It’s all OPTICS to RED PILLING the masses… WHITE HATS working hard behind the scenes to EXPOSE everything. From FAUCI to Gates, election results and Covid19 EXPOSURE… AND BRINGING IT TO[MSM]

_After _EVENTS, the military will drop the HAMMER (COURT against all leaders in the three branches of the system of government who helped foreign adversaries capture the U.S. system of government… And staged the coup against current PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP)


Promises made. Promises kept.



Julian Assange just released some incredible information on his official Telegram channel:

– “I published crucial news that the public deserved to know, and they arrested me for it! This is absolutely despicable. Did they really think they could do whatever they wanted and no one would notice?

The agreement I signed to destroy all undisclosed US documents DOES NOT MEAN THEY ARE DESTROYED. Remember my posts from 2010? I can assure you that I still have thousands of files related to that event. I will not remain silent about the pain they have caused me over the years. My mission is clear: the people must know whose hands were behind these heinous acts!



I invite the entire public. I am announcing a big START in less than 24 hours.


VR News-

On the verge of notifications

– They are watching the numbers move


– Level 4A not yet completed

– Best estimate is next week

-Could come sooner if the level was completed

Coming in the news-

– Something will happen in or with Iran to prevent war in the coming weeks.

-Something about Africa. Watch Africa.

-Two hurricanes coming. One after the other. Prepare for high waters in the east.

– Kamala’s embarrassment ruins her chances of presidency.


Here’s an update on the timing of EBS as described by Telegram podcaster Shari Raye in Texas. Her military contact explained that these three things need to happen in the correct sequence.

1 – Biden must go

2- Mass arrests in over 206 countries of corrupt politicians and corrupt CEOs of large corporations


Here’s the problem: of the 206+ countries that have made a pact to convert to a peaceful Republic with a gold-backed currency, two are behind on mass arrests: CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES!! Both are behind, hence the delay in the global shutdown!!


Monday Night News with MarkZ

MarkZ in full Disclaimer: Please consider everything on this call as my opinion. People who take notes don’t get everything and it’s best to watch the video so you have everything in context. Be sure to consult a professional for any financial decisions

Member: Good evening everyone! Hoping this will be our golden week MZ: On the bond side, it was a little quieter today than I expected. I have one that had a conference call today and is expecting funding tomorrow – around noon. Hopefully they will get it.


A Black Swan global stock market crash was imminent, while all Intel was saying that by next week a global currency reset of 209 countries to gold/asset backed sovereign currencies would happen to save the world economy.


Cryptocurrency projects that comply with ISO 20022 can seamlessly integrate with traditional financial systems and introduce blockchain immutability and data decentralization to the financial sector.


We’ve heard this before, but now there are some big differences. 

Which makes me hopeful that this will be the case, and that we will see real, hard money to spend on bondholders.


Understand that the Swift System may still be in use until all old coins are declared worthless, but these evil sources are still trying their best to keep it open or slow down the exchange.


Will September 11, 2024 be the anniversary when the true NESARA announcement will be made “public”, as it was in 2001, now 23 years later?


EBS: Emergency Broadcast System What event can trigger it?

1. Reinstatement of the Iraqi Dinar

2. Collapse of Evergrande

3. Gorges Dam Collapse

4. Death of the Pope

5. Stock Market Crash

6. China Takes Taiwan

7. Electoral Decertification

8. Nuclear War

9. QFS – Accounts

10. Q-Phones


And all these EVENTS must happen to wake up the world! 

The countries of the world must rise up and fight for their freedom within the COLLAPSE! At the end of the Storm, the world will understand THE GREAT AWAKENING<

Stay strong, Patriots of the world. You have been prepared for years for these momentous final moments._ EVENTS

Have faith.


One year celebration from 2025 to 2026… He has given you these important COMMUNICATIONS so that you will know the days when the WORLD COMES TOGETHER.

Q_ The plan to save the world



On the bond side. There are tons of expectations (even this morning) for bond payments today and tomorrow. We’ve heard this before, but there are some big differences now. Which makes me hopeful that this will be it…

And we will see real, hard cash to spend on bondholders. If that happens… the rumors on the banking side are that by mid-week we could see a schedule – if not actual FX commitments happening. Cross your fingers and wait to see if this is real. Today and tomorrow should be big to find out.

On the bond side, it was a little quieter today than I expected… So far I don’t have any confirmation from people sitting on dollars… I have one that had a conference call today and is expecting funding tomorrow – around noon. I hope they get it.







🔥 New on Patreon 🕉 Sirius Stargate Transmission and Activation 🕉

Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Blue Ray Beings 🔥



Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.


CLICK HERE to for the Sirius Stargate Transmission



08/14: GESARA will be announced on Saturday, August 17th or Monday, August 19th! Debt will be zero by the end of August

Wednesday morning, August 14, 2024

What will happen with the “financial collapse”? ?

We will continue to monitor the “financial market” related to the “world currency reset”!

Well then

From Judy Notes on August 13

I will extract the parts that interest you!

Today’s message

It is time to believe in the plan.
It is time for a US military occupation to ensure a proper transfer of government.

Is the worldwide call for fasting and prayer
Preview ends
…Q on Telegram Tuesday, August 13, 2024

It is advisable to have food, water, money, medicine and supplies for at least a month.
For yourself and your family, and to share with others in case of emergency.

Judy’s Note

World War III has broken out in the Middle East. Hezbollah rockets are attacking Israel.
Israeli Houthis were expected to attack NATO warships in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba. Israeli forces were expected to invade Lebanon soon and Iran was expected to attack Israel.

China enters the war. …but was it all a false flag to hide the global currency reset?
A global stock market crash, known as a black swan, was coming.
Next week, 209 countries will reset to gold/asset-backed sovereign currencies. To save the world economy.

“Timing is up to God. Leave it to God. Sit back and enjoy the show,”
Dr. Charlie Ward said on Monday, August 12, 2024.

In 2016, Dr. Ward’s team used 650 planes to remove American gold from underground tunnels beneath the
Vatican Bank and return it to its rightful owners in

a new U.S. Treasury on an Indian reservation near Reno, Nevada. They have completed a 160-year plan to take the people’s taxes away from deep state conspiracies and put them back in the hands of the people.

And now it’s time to put that plan into action. With the announcement of NESARA/GESARA on Monday, August 19, 2024, the national debt will be canceled by the end of this month. .

“For I know the plans I have for you,
plans to give you hope and a future”…Jeremiah 29:11.

The time has come for a US military occupation to ensure the correct policy of leaving Asia and entering Europe
… Gitmo TV on Telegram Monday, August 12, 2024

 Biden tolerates child sex trafficking at the US-Mexico border

 Biden/Obama/CIA revealed to have directed Mexican cartel terrorist attacks against the US

 Biden was found to have accepted bribes from foreign companies throughout his political career.
Especially from the Chinese Communist Party.

 Nine countries around the world will fall into debt overhang and international trade will become impossible without a global currency reset.

 Global Call to Fasting and Prayer

 Let us pray for the restoration of freedom to people around the world. Let us pray for our valiant troops.
Pray for courageous military personnel to arrest en masse the global and political elites who have enslaved the people.
And please say special prayers for the release of child and adult survivors of ritual abuse.

And please say special prayers for the release of child victims of ritual abuse and adult survivors held captive by Satan worshippers. In their quest for power, these survivors pay homage to Satan and are victims of ritual pedophilia, child sacrifice and cannibalism.

 Trump and Elon were blowing up everything on Telegram: …Steve Bannon  on Telegram Monday, August 12, 2024

Revealing that the Biden administration orchestrated the failed assassination of Trump in Pennsylvania.
Wait for the video released by Trump’s office!
Who is behind the assassination attempt on Trump? Why is the deep state so desperate to silence you?

Biden’s body double
World War III
The Epstein file
Why 100,000 children disappeared under the Democratic administration
Julian Assange
The Satanic pedophiles pulling the strings

 “If you haven’t noticed yet, we are at war (
nations, secret societies, leptos, pedophiles, traitors). Clear the underground, child sex traffickers and child abuser houses, tunnels, everything
. .John F. Kennedy Jr. on Telegram Monday, August 12, 2024

 In November 2020, Dominion Canada’s voting machines were certified to use US-developed Smartmatic software.
It was proven in November 2020 that CIA-developed Smartmatic software was used to switch votes from Trump to Biden in the 2020 election count.

It is proven that the votes went to Biden in the 2020 election.
At the same time that the CIA was certifying the election for Biden from its German headquarters, the official watermarked votes for 2020 were being counted by a military quantum computer in Arizona.

Trump won all but two states by over 80%. The official count of the watermarked votes proved that fraud rigged the election.

Neffenger Smartmatic, Chairman of the Board, is part of the Biden transition team.
He is a member of the Biden transition team and has ties to Biden and the Chinese Communist Party, as well as Dominion and Antifa.
With Biden’s ties to the Chinese Communist Party and Antifa’s ties to Dominion, it is easy to infer that foreign organizations are working with the CIA, Biden, and Perision.

It is easy to assume that a foreign organization worked with the CIA, Biden, Pelosi, and other Democrats to interfere in the US presidential election.
This is called treason. Software switched votes from Trump to Biden,
Soros, Antifa, and the Chinese Communist Party, tied with Pelosi |

 EBS: Emergency Broadcast System What event triggers an emergency broadcast system?
1. Restoration of the Iraqi Dinar2
. Collapse of Evergrande3 .
Collapse of the Gorge Dam4 .
Collapse of the Stock

 Monday, August 12, 2024 Situation Update (Video): Bombshell Judy Byington Report CIA,
FBI, Homeland Security Linked to Trump Assassination Attempt, Child Trafficking, and Millions of Missing Children Turns out it is.
American Media Group –

 Monday, August 12, 2024 Situation Update (Video): Judy Byington Not Replayed: CIA, FBI,
Homeland Security Linked to Trump Assassination Attempt, EBS Imminent. WWIII False Flag. Intel Special Report 8/12/24 (Video) |

Possible Timing

 Charlie Ward: “If Israel and Iran Go to War, It Will Be a Cover for RV.”

 Monday, August 12, 2024 Trump and Elon Musk Interview: Trump confirmed his willingness to reveal all in Monday’s interview with Elon Musk.

Who was sending you death threats?
Who is the killer?
Who gave the order?
Who was sending you death threats?

 Tonight! Green skies all over the world. Here it is. Michael Jackson’s telegram
Monday, August 12, 2024

 GESARA announced on Monday, August 17: President Trump instructs banks to eliminate mortgages, credit cards and other personal debts starting Monday, August 17.
With the move to the QFS, the national debt has already been eliminated and all other debts will be eliminated starting Monday, August 17.
It will be paid off by the end of August 2024. …Gezara Durpursse on Twitter

That’s all





RV Intelligence Alert: The Earth Alliance’s Last Stand – The Final Confrontation Begins!

RV Intelligence Alert :  The crucial message from RV Intelligence Alert: The Earth Alliance faces its final battle against the Deep State Cabal. Will humanity rise up to reclaim financial sovereignty, or will darkness prevail? The final showdown is here, and the Earth Alliance cannot win this fight alone.

VR Intelligence Alert: The Final Showdown

In the turbulent seas of global geopolitics, we stand on the brink of a battle unlike any other—a battle not just for power, but for the very soul of humanity. The Earth Alliance, representing the collective will of the people, has emerged from the shadows, ready to confront the entrenched forces of the  Deep State Cabal.

As the world teeters on the brink of financial collapse, hope emerges in the form of the RV Intelligence Alert. But the question remains: will this beacon of hope be enough to tip the scales in favor of a new era of prosperity, or will the forces of corruption succeed in maintaining their grip on power?

The Winds of Change: A Prelude to the Final Showdown

The winds of change are blowing with unprecedented force, sweeping across a world that has long been under the sway of the Deep State Cabal. These are no ordinary winds; they are the harbingers of a seismic shift in the global order, a shift that promises to reshape the very foundation of our existence.  Earth Alliance  , a coalition born of the shared vision of a liberated humanity, stands ready to challenge the entrenched powers that have dominated for too long.

But this is no ordinary confrontation. It is the culmination of decades of covert warfare, waged not with guns and bombs, but with economic weapons of mass destruction. The Cabal, with its vast resources and intricate networks of influence, has used the global financial system as a tool of oppression, enslaving nations and individuals in a web of debt and dependency. The stakes have never been higher as the battle for control of the world’s financial system reaches a critical point. The future of humanity hangs in the balance.

VR Intelligence Alert: Revealing the Battle Lines

The RV Intelligence Alert  has come as a clear wake-up call, bringing to the fore the growing conflict between two diametrically opposed forces: those who seek to free humanity from the shackles of financial tyranny, and those who will stop at nothing to maintain their grip on power. The Earth Alliance, representing the collective aspirations of the people, has made significant inroads into the Cabal’s stronghold. Reports of defections and surrenders from the Deep State are increasing, signaling cracks in the armor of this once invincible force.

Yet the battle is far from over. A stubborn few within the Deep State remain, determined to hold on to their ill-gotten gains until the bitter end. These remnants of the old order are fighting with a ferocity born of desperation, employing every trick in their arsenal to delay the inevitable. Among their most insidious tactics is the infiltration of the  U.S. Treasury,  a move designed to delay the long-awaited private exchange event—a critical step in the transition to a new financial paradigm.

The high risks of financial warfare

The battlefield for this final showdown is the global financial system, a complex and interconnected structure that has long been manipulated to serve the interests of the few at the expense of the many. RV Intelligence Alert warns of a sinister plot unfolding within the corridors of power, as agents of the Deep State Cabal work tirelessly to undermine the transition to a new era of financial freedom. Their goal is simple: to delay, disrupt, and ultimately derail the Earth Alliance’s efforts to implement a  Quantum Financial System (QFS)  that would wrest control of the global economy from their hands.

At the center of this conflict is Deutsche Bank, a financial giant on the brink of collapse. Its downfall, long predicted by analysts, is seen as the potential trigger for a domino effect that could bring down the entire fiat financial system—a system built on debt and deceit. The Earth Alliance, fully aware of what is at stake, faces a race against time to purge the U.S. Treasury of Cabal infiltrators and secure the foundations of the new financial system. Failure to do so could force the Alliance’s hand, leading to the unthinkable prospect of military intervention to ensure the survival of the new order.

The Quantum Financial System

The transition to Quantum Finance represents not just a shift in the mechanics of global finance, but a fundamental change in the way power is distributed and exercised. The QFS, with its promises of transparency, security, and fairness, stands in stark contrast to the opaque and exploitative systems of the past. But this transition is fraught with danger. The forces arrayed against the Earth Alliance are formidable, and they will not give up their power without a fight.

The RV Intelligence Alert highlights the urgency of the situation.  The window of opportunity for a smooth transition is closing fast, and the risks of failure are immense. If the Earth Alliance cannot protect the US Treasury and neutralize the remaining elements of the Deep State Cabal, the world could be plunged into chaos. The collapse of the fiat financial system, while necessary to pave the way for the QFS, could have devastating consequences if not managed properly. The stakes could not be higher: the future of humanity is at stake.

The Power of Pi: A Beacon of Hope

Amidst the chaos and uncertainty, one currency has emerged as a symbol of hope for a brighter future: Pi. With its value set at a staggering  $314,159, Pi  represents a seismic shift in the world of finance. But its true potential lies not only in its astronomical value, but in the revolutionary technology that underpins it. With an international transaction speed of 1.7 million per second, Pi outperforms its competitors by orders of magnitude. Its legal tender status ensures unparalleled security and stability, setting it apart from the countless pretenders vying for dominance in the digital currency space.

But Pi is more than just a currency; it is a beacon of hope for a world ravaged by corruption and greed. RV Intelligence Alert reveals that  Pi will play a crucial role in the distribution of Universal Basic Income (UBI)  and social security benefits, funded by the profits of human trafficking and corruption seized from the Deep State Cabal. This revolutionary approach promises to return humanity’s wealth to its rightful owners, breaking the cycle of poverty and exploitation that has plagued the world for centuries.

The Battle for Control: A Choice Between Light and Darkness

As the battle for control of the global financial system reaches its climax, humanity finds itself at a crossroads. The forces of the Deep State Cabal are fighting with all their might to maintain their grip on power, employing every tactic at their disposal to thwart the efforts of the Earth Alliance. But the tide is turning. The RV Intelligence Alert serves as a beacon of hope, shedding light on the secret machinations of those who seek to enslave us all.

The choice before us is stark:  will we succumb to the machinations of the Deep State Cabal, or will we rise up and seize our destiny? The RV Intelligence Alert is a call to action, a rallying cry for all who yearn for a better world. It is a call to join the ranks of the Earth Alliance and stand united in the face of darkness. Together, we can build a future where prosperity is not reserved for the few, but shared by all.

The Uncharted Territory of a Post-Cabala World

In the annals of history, moments of great upheaval often give rise to moments of great opportunity. RV Intelligence Alert represents one such opportunity—a chance to break free from the chains of financial oppression and forge a new path. But this path is unknown, and the journey will not be easy. The forces arrayed against us are formidable, and the road ahead is fraught with danger.

Yet in the face of adversity, we find strength. The RV Intelligence Alert is more than just a message; it is a symbol of hope for a world in need of salvation. It is a reminder that we have the power to shape our own destiny, overcome any obstacle, and emerge victorious. The fate of humanity hangs in the balance, but with courage and determination, we can chart a course toward a brighter tomorrow.

As the final showdown between the Earth Alliance and the Deep State Cabal draws near, the world holds its breath. The RV Intelligence Alert has illuminated the path forward, but the journey is fraught with danger. The stakes could not be higher: the future of humanity itself hangs in the balance.

Will we rise to the challenge and seize the opportunity to build a better world, or will we allow the forces of darkness to drag us back into the abyss? The choice is ours, but the time to act is now. The RV Intelligence Alert is our rallying cry, a call to arms in the fight for a better world. Let us heed its call and stand united in the face of darkness. The final showdown is upon us, and the outcome will determine the fate of humanity for generations to come.

In the end, it’s not just about winning a battle, it’s about securing a future where justice, equity, and prosperity are everyone’s birthright. RV Intelligence Alert has given us the roadmap, but it’s up to us to walk the path. Together, we can overcome the forces of oppression and build a new world, a world where the light of freedom shines brightly for all to see. The time is now, and the choice is ours. Let’s stand together and forge a future worthy of the name humanity.

RV/GCR and EBS Disclosure: Global Financial Armageddon and the Collapse of Nine Nations 

Latest:  Nine major nations, including the US, on the brink of total financial collapse. Dive into the urgent details of RV/GCR, EBS Disclosure and the catastrophic events set to destroy the global economy and power structures. Prepare for a crisis that will change the world.

The Looming Financial Armageddon: Why 9 Nations, Including the US, Are on the Brink of Insolvency

A global financial crisis unfolding.  The world as we know it is teetering on the brink of an unprecedented financial collapse.

Nine major nations — namely the  United States, Canada, Europe, Japan, Israel, the United Kingdom, Taiwan, Australia and New Zealand — are  reportedly insolvent, unable to continue without a major financial reset known as  the RV/GCR (Global Currency Revaluation/Reset).

This impending catastrophe is not just another economic crisis; it is a seismic shift that threatens to disrupt every facet of life around the world.

The inevitable economic collapse.  The insolvency of these nine nations is not merely a temporary setback; it is the result of years of irresponsible financial policies, unsustainable debt levels, and systemic corruption. These nations, once pillars of global economic stability, have become bloated with debt and are on the brink of financial ruin.

RV/GCR is seen as the only viable solution to avoid a total collapse, but its implementation carries significant risks and uncertainties.

For years, governments have been printing money, engaging in quantitative easing, and accumulating massive national debts without a clear plan for repayment.

This unsustainable approach has led to a situation where the global financial system is a house of cards, ready to collapse at any moment. The RV/GCR, if and when it occurs, could reset the financial playing field, but it could also trigger a cascade of economic disasters.

The imminent release of EBS and the market crash

As the world waits with bated breath, the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) Disclosure is expected to be activated at any moment. This disclosure will reportedly coincide with a complete crash of global stock markets, leading to a shutdown lasting between 2 and 10 days. During this time, the financial system will freeze, and the true extent of the economic collapse will become apparent.

The slump isn’t limited to traditional financial markets. Cryptocurrencies, once heralded as the future of finance, are also set to take a massive hit. Reports suggest that 12 major cryptocurrency wallets will file for bankruptcy, with Bitcoin already suffering significant losses. The digital gold era could be coming to an abrupt end as investors flee to more stable assets at a time of unprecedented uncertainty.

The implications of this event are staggering. A global market shutdown would not only wipe out trillions of dollars in wealth, but would also plunge the world into a period of chaos and confusion. The economic consequences would be felt in every corner of the globe, with the most vulnerable populations bearing the brunt.

The Supreme Court’s Role in the Financial Reset.  Amid the chaos, something big is reportedly happening at the U.S. Supreme Court. While details remain scarce, this event is expected to play a critical role in the ongoing financial crisis. Could it be a decision that paves the way for RV/GCR? Or perhaps a legal challenge that will further destabilize the already fragile system?

The Supreme Court, traditionally seen as a bastion of stability, may now find itself at the center of a global financial storm. Its decisions in the coming weeks could have far-reaching consequences, not just for the United States but for the entire world. The stakes have never been higher, and the world is watching closely.

Q’s Timeline and the Coming Storm.  The enigmatic figure known as “Q” has long been a source of speculation and intrigue, and according to his timeline, a series of events are set to unfold in the coming months that will shake the foundations of global power. Q’s timeline predicts 30 days, an event that could potentially signal the downfall of global elites.

Tier 4b—the group of individuals expected to be among the first to receive notifications of the RV/GCR—may finally be ready to take action. This will be followed by a series of high-profile events, including a live broadcast featuring none other than JFK Jr., Elvis Presley, Carolyn Bessette Kennedy, Michael Jackson, Lady Diana, and Steve Jobs. The very idea of ​​such a gathering defies belief, but it underscores the sense of anticipation and anxiety surrounding the coming weeks.

JFK Jr. is expected  to give an interview to One America News (OAN), further fueling speculation that the world is on the brink of monumental change. Whether these events are fact or fiction remains to be seen, but the sheer audacity of the claims has captured the public’s imagination.

The Month of Reckoning.  The financial and political landscape is expected to reach a boiling point. A complete stock market crash is anticipated, likely coinciding with the EBS Disclosure. Such a crash could trigger a domino effect, leading to the collapse of financial institutions, companies and entire economies.

GESARA (Global Economic Security and Reformation Act) is expected to be announced and implemented. This legislation, if enacted, would represent a complete overhaul of the global financial system. It would also mark the collapse of the IRS and all other tax organizations, effectively ending the current system of taxation as we know it.

The implementation of EBS Disclosure is expected to begin, possibly even sooner. This event could signal the beginning of a new era—one in which the truth about the world’s financial and political systems is finally revealed to the public. But it could also plunge the world into a period of chaos as the old system collapses and a new one takes its place.

EBS Disclosure
EBS Disclosure

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