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Message from the Source of All That Is

Message from the Source of All That Is



Message from the Source of All That Is


The divine plan in the final stretch

Beloved children. Today I would like to speak to you about the new times that are coming for all of you. There is no country or corner of this planet that will be left behind. As the saying goes: Where one goes, all will follow. You must believe what I tell you, because to believe is to create.

There are many circumstances that are happening behind the scenes as we speak. And it is not yet appropriate for the rest of the darkness to become public. These include the dissolution of the American society, the Federal Reserve (FED), and the incorporation of the remnants of the IRS into the US Treasury.

The implementation of Nesara/Gesara is progressing at different speeds in the  209  sovereign states that have joined the agreement.

Source of All That Is
Source of All That Is

And different paths are taken in implementing the same law, even if the outcome is the same for all.

Each sovereign nation uses its own paths to achieve the same goal.

It is like making a cake or a sponge cake, with the same ingredients but different recipes. For this reason, it has not yet been officially announced. We are waiting for the latecomers.

The financial market has changed completely.
The role of banks has changed completely. Now that they no longer have access to customers’ money due to the QFS, they are no longer needed and it will be expensive for anyone who wants to keep their money in the bank. Banks will charge a lot for their services. They will be like a “boutique” of financial services. Within a few years there will be no banks left.

The dark ones can no longer spend money on a whim and without a solid foundation. Money is backed by gold or real wealth. This will level the playing field between all nations. And all this is moving towards a single currency that has the same value in all countries.

Money no longer needs to be exchanged and international trade is organized in such a way that imports and exports are greatly reduced because countries themselves produce everything they need.

This will make money no longer necessary as a means of exchanging goods and services. Money will become less important until it disappears completely in the not too distant future. Likewise, the stock market and large corporations will cease to exist. As the vibrational frequency of the planet increases, money can no longer be obtained out of thin air. The higher energies do not support “businesses” or activities that enrich some and deprive others of their livelihood.

The divine plan for Gaia is complete. Very soon all the dominoes will fall. Change is inevitable and is just around the corner. Don’t think it’s taking too long or that we are repeating ourselves.

You have no idea what the forces of light are doing to keep everything in place and to keep us moving forward. I am the Father, the Creator of all that exists. Your Father, who loves you so much, speaks through our beloved Ngari.

Thank you Maria Cecilia Ngari




The Redemption Centers: Your Path to Wealth

As this currency revaluation unfolds, those in the know (yes, that could be you) will be summoned to the Redemption Centers. 

These are not mystical places; they can be as mundane as your local bank branch or a modest office building. Here, you will exchange the foreign currency you have hoarded for so long for the currency of your homeland.

The general public: left in the dust? While we vigilantly monitor the winds of change, the general population remains blissfully unaware. 

But once the revaluation hits mainstream news, watch for a mad dash to these Redemption Centers. For many, a forgotten and stashed note will turn into a treasure.

Into the QFS vortex. So the million-dollar question arises: where does all this money go? While many of us have already declared our preferred bank accounts for this purpose, the instability of the traditional banking system has led to a massive shift towards the QFS. 

This system, which is said to be hacker-proof and the pinnacle of financial security, could be our salvation.



Understanding Level 4B and the Internet Group Conundrum

You may have stumbled across mentions of Tier 4B, often dubbed “The Internet Group,” in cryptic videos and online discussions.

If you’re thinking,  “I’m part of the Internet Group since I’m online, right?”  – hold that thought. While it’s a convenient assumption, it’s not quite that simple.

Hear this clearly:  Level 4B is about   intent  . It’s about   the actions you’ve taken in the realm of international currency  . Have you gotten involved in the world of foreign currency?

I’m talking about buying currencies like the Iraqi Dinar, Vietnamese Dong or Zimbabwean Dollar in anticipation of a revaluation. If so, you can join this exclusive club.

Here’s a primer:

  • Level 1-3:   Not publicly disclosed, but speculated to be large government funds and humanitarian projects.

  • Level 4A:   Individuals with access to private exchanges.

  • Level 4B (The Internet Group):   You, me and everyone else following international revaluation events, armed with foreign currencies in anticipation.

  • Level 5 (General Public):   The unsuspecting masses, who cling to foreign currencies without the keen perception of the expected revaluation.

level 4b
level 4b



Today, October 21, 2024 marks the last day of a synchronization window between the 3 calendrical systems we have been exploring for the past 3 weeks:
φ • The Gregorian calendar
φ • The Mayan Long Count of 13 Baktun and 20 Baktun cycles
φ • The 13 Moon, 28-Day Calendar and the Tzolkin/13:20 Natural Time Matrix.
For the past years the have been highlighting the multiple numeric and HARMONIC FACTORS converging during this entire 2020–2025 transition, indicating us a clear and coherent integration node between these 3 calendars.
The month of OCTOBER 2024 holds (once again) a window of KEY significance, when critical historical events are synchronizing with KEY markers through the fabric of TIME. How is this?
OCTOBER 4: Marks 442 YEARS from the END date of the Julian Count in 1582
OCTOBER 5-14: Holds the 10-DAY window “lost in time” since the Gregorian calendar reform of 1582. People in Europe went to sleep on October 4 (Julian) and woke up on October 15 (Gregorian)
OCTOBER 13 : Marks 2748 YEARS to the END/START of a NEW Piktun cycle (20 Baktuns) since the start of the Maya Long Count (-3113~4772). This is a synchronic threshold only comparable to the December 21, 2012 event horizon…
OCTOBER 14-15 : Marks the start of the ONE-YEAR countdown to the Golden Intersection of Timelines of OCTOBER 14-15, 2025.
OCTOBER 15: Marks 442 YEARS from the START date of the Gregorian Calendar in 1582
OCTOBER 21 : Marks 2748 YEARS to the ancient-future return of the ancient Maya king and sage known as Pakal Votan in 4772 on Vigesimal Long Count Marker 5 Lamat.
As mentioned above, October 13, 4772 holds a KEY HARMONIC marker on the ancient Maya Long Count. This date (noted as 10 Ajaw) is only 2 days apart from the completion of 3190 years from the Gregorian calendar reform.
The mysterious date that has baffled archeologists, researchers and elders for years, is referenced at the top of the Pyramid of Inscriptions in Palenque, Chiapas along with the Long Count date 5Lamat, (October 21, 4772 Gregorian), marking the completion of 80 Calendar Rounds of 52 YEARS from the accession of ancient Maya king and sage know as Pacal Votan to the throne of Palenque (Lakamha’) on July 26, 615 AD. (MVLC 5Lamat)
The Maya recorded higher cycles above the baktun, leaving us clues into the fractal measure and the harmonic nature present in their advanced time science and its elegant vigesimal mathematical system. Of special relevance for this investigation is the 20-BAKTUN cycle:
“The text from the Western Tablet of the Temple of the Inscriptions mentions the date of Pakal’s birthday and then counts far into the future in order to arrive at 1 piktun. The drawing to the right shows the segment of the text discussed here (drawing by Linda Schele). The mathematics only works if 20 bak’tuns equal one piktun.
[…] As to why these texts discussing Pakal go so far into the future, the facts are few and the theories many. Perhaps it was a statement about the eternal nature of his soul? Or a future reincarnation?” Source:

Thanks to these records, Jose Arguelles was able to re-construct the entire fractal hologram of 20 BAKTUNS.

104 Arcturus
104 Arcturus
This excerpt from one of his last articles entitled “1000 Days to 2012 – 7 Baktuns of Timeship Earth 2013” also gives us more insights on this mysterious date in the far future, as we enter into the 13th solar orbit from the closing of the 13-Baktun cycle of history :
“The conclusion of the 13-baktun great cycle of history, 21 December 2012, actually marks a zero point, which is both an ending and a beginning. As of this date a new 7-baktun cycle begins that will run its course in the year 4772 (old count), that is 2760 years later, during the 54th New Sirius cycle. These 2760 years encompass the 7 baktuns of the second creation of the Law of Time, the span of the Sixth Sun of Consciousness. This fact is derived from the following:
“It is interesting that recent decodings of the hieroglyphs at Palenque, which are understood to have been made during the reign of Pacal the Great, refer to dates beyond the end of the Long Count calendar. On the Tablet of the Inscriptions at Palenque a date of 5 Lamat 1 Mol can be inferred – otherwise known as 21 October 4772, almost 3000 years in the future. Perhaps we can deduce from this that Pacal himself believed that the end of the fifth age did not represent the end of time or of the Earth, and that his name would be still mentioned in the sixth age.
David Douglas, p. 133, The Mayan Prophecy 2012 (2009)
This is a most significant piece of information. It indicates that 8 days after the end of the 20th baktun ( that Pacal Votan will return. If October 21 (Self-existing Moon 4), 4772 is, then October 13, Electric Moon 24, would be the precise completion of the 20 baktun cycle begun on 13 August 3113.
Even more profoundly is the fact that this 20 baktun inscription demonstrates the complete power of the numbers 13 and 20 with the occulted interval of 7: 13 baktuns, encompass the great cycle of history, but 7 baktuns more define the great cycle of the sixth sun of the noosphere. 20 is the Mayan number of totality – meaning that the conclusion of 20 baktuns will mark a complete cycle of totality of the planet Earth – from the unconscious 13-baktun cycle of history, to the cosmic conscious 7-baktun cycle of the noosphere.
If 5125 years of operating by inharmonious and mechanistic standards of time produced the disaster of global civilization, what will 2760 years of operating by harmonic cycles of synchronization produce? Will this not be the true golden age of an enlightened humanity at one with the cosmos, at home and forever free on Timeship Earth 2013?”
In 2024, this portal that connects us to the ancient-future and the return date of the most renowned prophetic figure of Mayan Prophecy, was highlighted by the synchronization of the 2 most important events of his life-time: His arrival and his departure from planet Earth. How is this?
OCTOBER 17: On the ancient Maya count this day corresponded to 6Etznab and marked 1884 TZOLKINS from the departure of time architect Pacal Votan
OCTOBER 19: On the ancient Maya count this day corresponded to 8Ajaw and marked 1997 TZOLKINS from his birth/arrival.
Contemplation of these KEY milestones, allowed us to realize that:
1. TODAY we are closing a 6-DAY portal that started with the date of his DEATH, continued with the date of his BIRTH, and is closing today on the date of his ancient-future RETURN on OCTOBER 21, 4772.
2. The life-span of the most important figure within the Maya prophetic stream, was enclosed within an almost perfect 113-TZOLKIN period: He arrived on DAY 8Ajaw and left on 6Etznab, only 2 days short from 8 Ajaw and the completion of 113 Tzolkin cycles from his arrival. This is a remarkable NEW discovery, considering that his tomb below the Temple of Inscriptions was dedicated on Long Count Marker 8 Ajaw and that, as analog frequency of number 113, KIN 113, coded by Tone 9 and Seal 13. TIME IS ART!
In a truly remarkable fashion, precisely one year ago, on October 21, 2023, this KEY date marking the future completion of 80 cycles of 52 YEARS from his arrival to the throne of Palenque, synchronized with KIN 1 1Dragon on the Galactic Maya count, and marked the entrance to the 52nd Galactic Spin since the New Dispensation of Time. 52:52!
This synchronization from October 21, 2023 on KIN 1 is part of an ongoing synchronization between calendrical systems that we have been exploring for the past 3 years and served as preamble to other MAJOR synchronizations in 2024 that are highlighting the prophetic nature of this window. How is this?
Let’s examine 7 KEY Synchronizations taking place:
Adding layers of harmonic resonance to this triple synchronization, last OCTOBER 19, 2024 the completion of 1997 Tzolkins of Pacal´s arrival, synchronized with the Vigesimal Long Count Marker 8 Ajaw. This date holds the entrance to the last TUN cycle of 360 DAYS to the Golden intersection of Timelines of October 14-15, 2025 – Vigesimal Long Count Marker 4 Ajaw, marking also the completion of 18 Tzolkin Cycles from December 21, 2012 – Vigesimal Maya Long Count marker 4 Ajaw
This date also marks the entrance to the last 3 Tzolkin cycles to the completion of the 2000-TZOLKIN / 520.000-DAY marker from Pacal´s arrival to Earth
On the Galactic Maya count October 21, 2024 corresponds to KIN 106 2WorldBridger, analog frequency of 2Kimi: the birth sign of Kan Balam II, Pacal´s first son and heir to the throne of Palenque after Pacal´s passing. It was Kan Balam II who built the Temple of Inscriptions that still serves today as the resting place of his father. He dedicated it on Long Count Marker 8Ajaw (EXACTLY 126 Tzolkin cycles from his father’s birth and 13 Tzolkin cycles after his passing) 2 Kimi or 2Worldbridger is also the 9th out of 13 Clear signs of prophecy carved out of his sarcophagus lid.
In another truly remarkable synchronization, KIN 106 is also the Unified Frequency of Pakal´s birth on the Ancient Maya count on 8Ajaw (equivalent of KIN 60) and his ancient-future return on the Galactic Maya count as KIN 46 7 WorldBridger on October 21, 4772, KIN 60 + KIN 46= KIN 106
Every four years, the February 29 “LEAP DAY” anomaly holds a key synchronization point between the Gregorian, the Ancient Maya and the Galactic Maya counts. While the ancient Maya count keeps running uninterrupted, the Galactic Maya count stops to keep the integrity of the entire system. In this way, every 4 years both counts are 1 day closer to each other. Since 2024 is a Leap Year, the difference between both calendrical systems is now 44 KIN.
This is of special significance as for the next 4 years and until February 29, 2028, the day 8 Ajaw (KIN 60) on the Ancient Maya count is synchronizing every 260 days with KIN 104 (13Seed) on the Galactic Maya count. 104 is precisely the frequency of Pacal Votan´s Samadhi. In the words of José Arguelles / Valum Votan:
“Pacal Votan represents a very, very high level of enlightened being – and the word being is almost too concrete. We are dealing much more with a form of continuing consciousness which is able to maintain itself through a very special type of samadhi. Because of the knowledge of the fractal orders of time, this samadhi can last as long as 104,000 years. This is the definition of this mind which we refer to as Pacal Votan, The mind of 104,000 years. As we mentioned, 104 is the cosmic number of Arcturus.
We have here the Arcturian agent who came to this Earth, but only taking form at this one time . Through his samadhi and through his consciousness he had been watching the Earth from within the Earth. This, especially, since the beginning of the 13-Baktun count. His knowledge encompassed the history of the star system Kinich Ahau. He was the Arcturian Bodhisattva who took it for his special mission to see to it that the star system Kinich Ahau would make it to its next stage – even though it was the repository of all the universal bad karma. This is why the special mission of Pacal Votan is called the Victory of the War of the Heavens on Earth. The War of the Heavens refers to various previous stages of the experiment, which is referred to as the experiment of Free Will.”
JA/VV “28 Meditations of the Law of Time”
This means that the ALL the 260-DAY instances until the completion of the 2000-TZOLKIN /520.000-KIN cycle from Pacal Votan´s arrival to Earth to take place on December 8, 2026 – will ALWAYS correspond to 8Ajaw (KIN 60) and KIN 104.
KIN 60 + KIN 104= KIN 164 Yellow Galactic Seed, the galactic signature of Galactic Synchronization on July 26, 2013, the day that marked the completion of the 104.000-TUN pulsation beam and the start of a NEW 104.000-TUN interval. (See Galactic-Spiral-Density-Wave time map)
“We understand that there are cycles of 26,000 years. According to the self-existing power of 4, we are experiencing the very end of the fourth 26,000 year cycle of a set of four. We have 26,000 years, then 26,000, and 26,000, and here we are in the last 26,000 years. This is a whole final cycle of 26,000 years, so that when we get to the winter solstice of 2012 we are saying goodnight and goodbye to 104,000 years. If you felt that you were incarnated to be born into an interesting time, you are absolutely correct. Again, we are here to see if we can make this successful, so that we can go to the Fifth Age – which is also called the Age or the World of the Center. If we successfully conclude that on the winter solstice of 2012, then we will have an interesting time of a little over seven moons to make the Earth absolutely ready for the date of Galactic Seed, in the year 2013 – when we plunge into the center.“
7. GOLDEN INTERSECTION SYNCHRONIZATION To close this un-paralleled set of synchronizations with PERFECT elegance KIN 104 holds precisely the Unified Cosmic Time (UCT) value of the Golden Intersection of Timelines of October 14, 2025. This value calculated by adding the Ancient Maya daykeeper (160) and the Galactic Maya KIN (204), and subtracting 260.
This factor of 104 (52 + 52) corresponds to one Venus Round—the number of years it takes for Venus to return to the same position relative to the Sun.
The synchronic order is based on the prophecy of Pacal Votan, revealing the golden thread that links past, present and future. These multiple synchronizations serve as confirmations highlighting the prophetic nature of the Golden Intersection of Timelines of October 14-15, 2025. We are inviting everyone who resonates with Nature and the Natural cycles of Time, to start envisioning this day as a GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY to meet with your loved ones to meditate and celebrate life in ceremony and co-create any ART FORM that reflects the intricate Harmony that connects US ALL within the fabric of TIME. What would yo do on this most harmonious day?








🔥 New! on Patreon 🔥 WEEKLY GODDESS TRANSMISSIONS 🕉 New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading for the Week of October 20th through 26th 2024 with my Sacred Condor 🔥




Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the week of October 20th through 26th 2024. She also reads three blessed transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and leads a powerful Healing Guided Meditation for the Sun in Scorpio.

Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.

Thank you for your support and blessings. Namaste


CLICK HERE to for the Special Transmissions , Astrology Report and Guided Meditation



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