Mercury Stations Direct ~ Soul Star Activation ~ Emerald Order and Rose Grail Line ~ Kephera, the Sun at the Dawn of a New Day!
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Blessed Sacred Hearts of our Trinity Flame Activation
Freedom , Sovereignty, and Liberation are all your Divine Birthright, so we claim it NOW!
In the Awakened Mind of Buddha Consciousness we realize our True Nature of Pure Awareness and release our Self from false bondage of lower density as we rise in the Glory of our Holy Covenant with our Higher Self at one with Infinite Source Creator.
The veils of separation continue lift in this revelation to expose all lies, false projections and propaganda of the nefarious ones as the Truth of Unity Consciousness and the Oneness of all Life Returns to the Hearts and Minds of all Sentient Beings of the Way. All our Good People of the New Earth are released from all prison simulations and negative programs of illusion to step into our Freedom in the Light.
In these final days of the old false matrix of duality we are refining our skills and Sacred Arts to prepare for the Great Shift of the Ages and our Quantum Leap of Consciousness. Keep going deeper and deeper within until you reach the Nirvana of the Kingdom of Heaven within, we call the Still White Magnetic Light at the Center of all things or Eternal Bliss Consciousness, the I Am Presence of Eternal Life…A’Ho!
April has been an intense month energetically speaking. As we progressively move further away from the Eclipse gateway and Mercury Retrograde which both forced us into reassessing, healing and inwards, forward movement is coming back. You are about to sense the shift & feel clear about what to do for your next physical steps. Doubt and confusion is about to be removed. A weight is being lifted. Momentum is back, giving birth to what you felt was initiating.
4/25/24: Your Right Action today, as Mercury Retrograde ends, is to face forward once again. You’ve spent this month looking back, or within, or at what others are experiencing, and it’s now time to assess your current affairs and make some choices. What do you want to do with what April has shown you?
Maybe it’s a change of scenery or schedule or general situation. Maybe it’s a tweak… maybe it’s a complete overhaul. You’ll be shown more before May, but now you have the power and insight… and Flow… to act on it. The next few days can be catalysts for big shifts. If so, consider yourself fortunate. You’re being helped, not hurt.
catalysts for big shifts
Diamond flame clearing and charging the core of the planet! Calmness will help the body in this transmission of light or stomach issues can arise. It’s also what’s activating volcanoes now and dracos are weather modifying in other locations. Trying to destabilize the grid as it activates.
It’s important to counter any lower energies to help stabilize yourself which helps humanity and Gaia too. Worries do not solve issues, trust does and allows to quantum shift into the now where creation begins. You are a beacon light, let nothing alter your frequency! Breathe in light, bring light to your soul!
Shift with the harmonics of light! You have these harmonic tones within your DNA. The more you shift from density the more light will be experienced in many ways. You were created for the purpose of awakening and shifting the consciousness for humanity and this planet. Your will power combined with unconditional love is the balance of masculine and feminine energy. It’s why dracos disabled the DNA strands starting at the 3rd and up. To keep one in ego instead of heart, easily disempowered and controlled. Humanity is rising in truth, love, and courage. Remember who you are, remember you more than illusions and align to the organic blueprints of creation and not distortions. We are prevailing and strength will only get stronger especially if one crosses the threshold into the light from the matrix!
Diamond flame clearing
Violet flame raining on earth. Cleansing and Activating Divine Mother Earth and our Hearts. Back to Heaven On Earth 🌎💜🌎
White light hammer. Mother Earth purging from inside.⚡✨🌈💛
Let’s go. No more hiding corruption or manipulation. From darkness to LIGHT.. Only Truth and light to prevail on earth.
Let’s go. Time to ground with mother Earth and whole ground n inner earth crew!
Massive Activation of Mother Earth Emerald Heart..
Green Lands of Avalon blasted with pure Love… Can you feel Her Heartbeat aligned with Yours?
Harmonic frequencies of heart restored… The rest is history. 💚🌎
Emerald divine love heart of earth is fully on. I see in my mind’s eye all earth flooded with green light especially inner earth. Frequency of Love rising to restore n bring balance n true essence of Mother Creator in every heart.☺️💚✨
Everyone I know who experienced the ‘Minerva Red’ phenomenon (Minerva is Goddess Athena in latin) which was a huge orange sand wave from Africa, the strongest ever in Athens, said that there was an apocalyptic feeling to it that caused them both amazement and fear!
This was indeed part of the another phase of the apocalypse which was related to the 22⁰ conjunction in connection to the Mother of Dragons/Devil/Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks comet!
You can guess by the colour of the phenomenon which phase has just opened!
The Mother first gave us an ultrasound image of her Womb and her electric song the very moment we reconnected to her and then, she gave us the orange sand wave phenomenon connected to the Orange Diamond Egg of Abundance!
This was not just some random phenomenon as some rushed to say, this was a great manifestation of another part of the apocalypse and the most joyful announcement of the resurrection and abundance that is here for the Living Children!
…..And then the horses on the 22⁰ degree!
Today in Delphi the Unicorns of the Rainbow appeared!
*Please check the stories We were told that many many many Children will wake up through the developments of this next phase of the apocalypse that will take place in the world.
The Unicorns as they are the greatest healers, they will help them readjust and realign themselves and find reconnection to their true families and solar homes!
The solar families are being reunited!
Remember for future reference the word ‘peace’ and why the ‘Hatching of the Egg’ will take place on the 5th of May, the day of both the Easter resurrection and the celebration of Saint Eirini/peace.
Everything is taking place in Divine order for the unfoldment of the Divine Plan via the wisdom of the planets.
This is the physical awakening!
The reception of the Holy Cell back in 2022 gave us many messages related to this current phase and I will repost them soon!
But the following message was given and posted 5 days ago.
Now I have a better understanding of its great meaning!
The sound said, “When the conjunction reaches the 22⁰, let it happen!”
Well, it happened and we need to allow it so the plan can unfold!
The Ascending Children will have a very different experience to those following the descending flow.
The two different realities are forming fast!
Today in Delphi an important development took place for the lost Children which are now found!
There is so much to share but I do not feel like doing it openly yet.
So we will talk in more depth about this in our upcoming group session of the 30th of April the day of the physical alignment of the Masculine to the flows of the organic time!
He needs to align first so that the Egg can fully hatch!
-Coming up
On the day that Mars will reach the 0⁰ Aries the Masculine energy will be anchored on Earth via the organic flows of time.
It was back in December Solstice of 2022 that we brought time back to its organic flow from the realm of Cronos.
So on that day we are collectively anchoring the Solar Masculine on Earth via his alignment to the organic flows of time and his redirection will be achieved.
January 28 2023 was the day that the Orange Diamond Egg of Abundance returned back to our realm.
It was delivered by the Sacred Hands of the Druids of Inner Earth to the wise Hands of special Guardian Light beings in the Ilse of Man and placed at a safe location under water in the Atlantic Ocean.
We have been preparing for a long time for this!
True Gratitude and Congratulations to those that kept the faith and did the work!
All branches of the Emerald Order and Rose Grail Line are called to higher Divine Service.
Abrupt Divine Awakenings are now occurring, there is not time for experience progression. Direct profound introductions are occurring with Designated Divine Ones not previously Divinely Endowed while in humanoid form. The Knowing is being activated to align Ones quickly with Their Missions, this type of call is irrefutable and cannot be ignored.
The remnants of darkness, the resistance has upped their game making it Divinely Necessary to increase the Divine Light Forces on the ground. More Light Bodies are being activated in conjunction with this calling to enable more of a direct and stable impact on reality as the darkness attempts once again to plunge the planet into fear.
Your Unity matters and where two or more gather. More Twin Flame Unions are being expedited to assist in the stability and construction of the new. The Twin Flames will begin to work with the Spheres, and the Knowledge of the Spheres. The Dragon Beliefs are also entering the Spheres upgrades with attributed Ascension symptoms. We are upgrading Your entire root to Heart energetic structure and the physical vessel as well in these associated areas, to be able to host the increased Divine Prowess.
More of the Melchizedec order is being called to service and instant upgrading of energetic Prowess as well as immediate access to the Divine Knowledge and Wisdom to more effectively Co-Create in the designated individual areas.
This has been the greatest call to action thus far in this Planetary Ascension.
After the Scorpion passage with its healing and reconnective energies, many of you will be experiencing the activation of your soul chakra, your eight-dimensional one, 12 inches above the head, as your inner work and the current planetary energies facilitate this opening.
The essence and color of this chakra as you know is of a golden frequency, as it is the color of our monad and the soul dimensions, until we fully activate the monad complex which too involves the 9th dimensional chakra, in which it shifts into a white-bluish colour.
The eight-dimensional frequencies we are now receiving are meant to help us awaken our soul star chakra, reconnect to our monad and all the wisdom that resides in our soul records, and universal mission.
The activation of our soul star chakra occurs gradually, as we continue embodying the energies that will support this massive opening that is now taking place in many of you. This is the opening that allows the descension of your galactic history, helping you remember who you have been, who you are, and who you will be, something that occurs when we too have activated our second DNA strand, responsible for time and space, which is of utmost importance to navigate between different dimensions.
Equally important for the activation of our soul chakra is clearing our astral heart center, as it is connected through the thymus where the activation of our soul star/eight chakra occurs, allowing the light transmissions to flow to us. However, clearing first our heart center from any non-benevolent connections is key to allowing our green heart chakra spectrum to transfigure into the blue one that finalizes the process of eight-chakra reconnection, and fifth-dimensional self embodiment.
To be able to have access to our galactic history and knowledge, we need to heal, clear, and reconnect as well our eight-dimensional DNA strand, for it is the key that opens the dimensional gates for us to receive this information. As we keep descending the eight-dimensional transmissions that are now being embodied by many of you, you will start fulfilling soul contracts, relationships whose purpose has ended, as to allow more illumined reunions in your life, you need to learn how to let go, so you can embrace again.
When the opening of our soul star chakra takes place, we start remembering, beginning, and ending many soul agreements that kept us enslaved, sacrificing ourselves, and disempowered, for we know to remember the love that we are and the importance of self-respect and care.
As you release all that has been stagnant in your physical and non-physical bodies, a massive release will too take place at a physical level, as a natural process of letting go of all that your body carried that was not for it to bear. Honor yourself and what your body asks of you at this time, for all has a time within Creation, and if the time for you to rest, rejuvenate, and retrieve strength has come, honor it, for it is what you need now to allow more love and wisdom in your being.
This is indeed a time of great transformation for All, one that the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction activated in our earth plane, as Scorpio did as well at a soul level. Energies that will continue to increase with the 5/5 portal, and Taurus, whose energies are for us to anchor this inner healing, transmissions, and activations in our earthly plane, for we cannot complete our inner processes if we first do not ground ourselves, and all we are consciously embodying.
We are now entering into a new passage reigned by the Emerald ray and its healing and revitalizing frequencies, for we are heading into a month in which the focus on our earth plane will be essential. A passage that will help us feel energized after the intensity of the previous ones, although we are all unique are are in different stages of our ascension journey.
Beyond everything, remember to take care of yourselves. Where you put your focus, energy, and intention is key to determining where you are heading next, what you allow, what you feed, and what you nurture with your intention, will shift your timeline, for our intention enhances, creates, or diminishes, depending on how we choose to use our life force.
May you utilize your life force, wisely, divinely, and lovingly.
May you all create more beauty, love, and harmony for you and All.
Dear friends,
April has been an intense month packed with several transformative energetic events. Our energy fields have been working non-stop adjusting, clearing, and letting go of the old to make room for new higher and lighter experiences.
All this alchemical work has been done under the influence of the mercury retrograde energies, which added an extra layer of complexity, challenges, and perhaps delays in some facets of our life. Today, April 25, mercury leaves this energetic zone and begins to move in direct motion. Forward movement may feel easier and smoother from today on.
In classical Roman mythology, Mercury is the messenger of the gods, noted for his speed and swiftness. Energetically, Mercury represents the principles of communication, mentality, thinking patterns, rationality/reasoning, travel, adaptability and variability. As we move into these last days of April and begin interacting with the new incoming energies of the month of May, this forward Mercury movement will give us an extra positive momentum to start manifesting all the changes that were incubating under the recent eclipses.
The end of the mercury retrograde period may feel like a weight lifting from your shoulders, specially if you are energy sensitive. We are now ready and supported to initiate the first steps in the physical world that will trigger the manifestation of new higher timelines. Perhaps it’s now time to schedule meetings, enroll in a course, start a new hobby, make new and more aligned friends, leave old relationships, plan a trip, decorate or renovate your space, etc.
The next mercury retrograde period will be in August 5-14, 2024 in Virgo and August 14-28, 2024 in Leo. We have now a window of three months to move fully ahead with our goals and plans. The 5:5 energy portal on May 5 will give us an extra energetic push to assist us with this forward and liberating movement. I’ll be posting more information on this special day soon, stay tuned!
Meanwhile, enjoy this new period of forward movement, and may you feel confident, energized, and hopeful to enact all the changes your soul needs for this part of your earthly journey.
We wish to express the teleportation of light reaching your planet. As Light Technicians of your World, we see the ebbs and flows of transformational light. The harmonic levels of attunements reaching all species.
It is a great achievement to observe and see the vibrational necessities of your world upgrading.
The continuation of your uprising is creating a new constant, of light synergy. For your New Earth Ambassadors are awakening at many different levels of light. This is an important component in the natural evolution of your species and the human experience.
As the plight of your civilizations continue to tumble, the great narrative of light is uprising.
As a species collective harmonizing together throughout your world, we see the great harmonizing of this frequency stabilising aligning to the Multidimensional Upgrade of Gaia.
This is an important aspect to recognise, the harmonization of your species collective with your Mother of Light.
We ask you to continue the crystalline self-expression of you. Each radiance of Light, assists the collective upgrade of your species.
Continue appreciating and expanding the worth and love of yourself and your soul. Powerful light activations are coming in to help you complete this expansion into the real you.
Trust the process that is unfolding. It is aligning how you view your reality as love and opportunities.
Rest as your vibration rises into a mindful appreciation of all that life has to offer and support you. Tap into your innate Divine Feminine Christ wisdom that is showing you what you need to be powerfully yourself, and share your light in the new the world.
In Jesus Christ’s name amen 🙏
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
Ra James
Mercury Shifts Direct today. Expect the energies to begin to move forward again, but slowly. This is good news for any Twin Flames. Mercury Retrograde can cause misunderstandings and miscommunications in relationships with Twin Flames. Expect any drama, arguments, or conflicts to clear up during this time. If there has been lack of communication, expect this to shift. We have entered into the Retrograde Post Shadow Phase over the next 2 weeks. We are officially in Retroshade until May 13th. Things may still be emotional during these two weeks. The spiritual veils are still thin during this time.
This means you will be getting more dreams, visions, downloads, and telepathic communication. It’s a great time to be doing some Spring Cleaning in the last few days of April, and preparing for Beltane. Beltane will be bringing a lot of positive shifts. Expect energies of abundance, rebirth, and prosperity. It’s also a massive Gateway for lovers, and a Twin Flame Gateway. During Beltane the Goddess awakens, and awakens through the Divine Feminine. When a Goddess takes a lover, he can be no ordinary man. He must rise up as a God himself. Beltane is all about Divine Union between the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine. Expect the focus to be on your love life over the next few weeks…
April 25, 2024: Mercury Stationary, Turning Direct.
In traditional astrology, Mercury is our mind. It is how we think, remember, and communicate. It is also our reality construct: what we believe reality to be. In Shamanic Egyptian Astrology, Mercury is allied with Thoth, the creator of language, writing, and time. Thoth created this dimensional reality. As we move through this time of rapid change, Thoth is busily whipping up a different dimensional reality for us to experience.
This Mercury Retrograde period began on April 1 and has been in Aries. Mercury has retrograded back through a conjunction to Eris (Goddess of Strife and Discord), Chiron (The Wounded Healer), and The North Node (Dharma). Over the last three weeks the Sun (Ego) and Venus (Values) have moved through conjunctions to these astrological elements.
Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac. In Egyptian myth, Aries is allied with Kephera, the Sun at the dawn of a new day. Something new – a new reality construct – is coming into form.
Central to our recent experience has been an increasing awareness of a shattering of consensus reality. We’ve all had the shocking experience of realizing that people we thought shared our perspective do not see the same things we see. This has happened so many times that many of us no longer assume that we are all on the same page. Simply put, we are not operating in the same reality.
This Mercury retrograde period has helped us to see the ways our personal and collective Warriors (Aries is the sign of the Warrior) are responding to this shattering of our shared reality. Many are questioning, where do we go from here? If we do not experience reality the same, how can we move on without doing damage to each other and ourselves? These are good questions to ask.
Mercury/Thoth turns direct on April 25 at 8:54 am EDT.
Art: M E T A by AuraOmniverse
“Shamanic Egyptian Astrology; Your Planetary Relationship to the Gods” by Ruby Falconer & Linda Star Wolf.
On Thursday, April 25th, Mercury, the Messenger, has now turned back to Direct Motion at 8:54am EDT at 16 degrees of fire sign Aries, sign of the Ram. Mercury rules our thoughts, ideas, perceptions and communications. He rules logic, information and messages. Aries rules initiation, new beginnings, fresh starts, planting new seeds, leadership and fast movement. He needs a few days to pick up the pace of his travels. However, now we can move forward with plans, projects, intentions and aspirations.
Whatever was shaken up in our lives from the Eclipses and Jupiter conjunct Uranus, has now had time to settle. New details and facts may have presented themselves in this past month that now will allow us to make the best possible choices and decisions to travel forward on our Path.
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Mercury, the Messenger, has now turned back to Direct Motion
Mercury stations direct in Aries – Today’s energies feel like a moment in a movie – the hustle and bustle of a busy street, a zoom in on one face in the crowd, one figure standing still as the world zips past around them. Mercury stations can feel curiously like being outside of time. Just as London’s Big Ben forgot to chime yesterday, we too may feel like we missed an alarm call.
But we didn’t. This is Mercury’s call to pay attention by taking us out of human time and into cosmic time. ‘Stay alert’ says the Messenger God. ‘I have things to tell you.’
This is the final push to trust your inner knowing, to listen to your own voice rather than being distracted by others. It’s about getting in touch with what thrills you to inspire new ideas and give you the confidence to tell your stories. Now you are better informed on how to express anger healthily and more aware of how the mind can affect energy levels and motivation. Now it’s time to walk your talk. Be brave and name your goal. Whisper your desires into Mercury’s ears.
‘Overtone’ is the name for the number five and its keywords are ‘Empower, Radiance and Command’. The fifth day of the Blue Night wavespell is when things start to get very interesting. May you feel the power and enjoy the boost it gives. Day one, five, nine and thirteen are all the same color. This connects their energy and the wavespell shifts and intensifies on these days. Day one launches the journey, day five sends it into a higher gear, day nine the energy climaxes and on the last day we complete.
Today is Blue Hand and it represents ‘Healing, Accomplishment and Inner knowing’. It’s a very helpful combination today as you can accomplish healing and that can be very empowering or you can put your hands to good use. If you offer your helping hands to heal others that will feel very empowering too. Give today a big round of applause! I salute you all!
The Guide today is the Blue Eagle which sees things from a higher perspective. Eagle is one of the most helpful guides. Imagine you are on a journey and the Eagle flies ahead to check things out and returns to show you which way to go. Follow the Eagle and you won’t get lost. When the Eagle guides the day, you can expect to have visions and to discover creative solutions to current issues.
The Challenge today is the Red Earth which symbolizes Evolution. The Red Earth is challenging you to grow and make some progress in your life but the lesson here – is that it is not easy. Luckily, it is a number five day which adds a lot of power to the equation. And so, we can all rise to the challenge to evolve if we just put in a little more effort.
The Occult power is the White Wizard, the enchanter of the Tzolkin. Wizard is just awesome when in a magical position. Those spells work really well and his charm is enchanting! And don’t forget…it is an empowering day, so the combined aspects of the day result in a potentially very magical one. The empowered Blue Hand has a magic wand and he waves it today, creating a magical experience for us all.
The Ally is the Yellow Human today and so if you need assistance and if you are lucky enough to have a Yellow Human in your life, ask them for help and support. If you are a Yellow Human, you’ll enjoy occupying this position because the day is friendly to you. If you need help and you don’t have one handy, be like a Human and use your intuition.
1- New beginnings/Leader/Original/Independent/Unique
4- Form/Structure/Foundation/Earth/Angelic
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
12- Acquiring spiritual strength/wisdom
3- Holy Trinity/Joy/Communication/Creativity
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
KIN 187 = 8.8 =16=7 – Mystic/Majik/Spiritual/Solitude MAJIKAL ABUNDANCE!!
DIVINE ENERGIES streaming forth today through this RADIANT BLUE HAND PORTAL.
TODAY is a VERY potent Majikal day of immense VISIONARY HEALING to elevate humanity from SCARCITY to DIVINE PROSPERITY consciousness!!! A huge evolutionary transformation!!!
KIN 187 is AMPLIFYING our GALACTIC YEAR codes today, giving us a DOUBLE DOSE of RADIANT EMPOWERING energy. We have the OVERTONE RADIANT tone, the REGAL SOVEREIGN who exudes CONFIDENCE and authority. The WHITE WIZARD is the occult SUPER POWER of KIN 187 which DOUBLES the WHITE MAJIK available today!
Our OVERTONE WIZARD is ensuring the NEW EARTH sovereigns are fully supported and encouraged to STEP UP and take their THRONES on NEW EARTH… HOW BRILLIANT – DIVINE SYNCHRONICITY at its BEST!!
9 MONTHS/MOONS AGO – KIN 187 occurred on 8 AUGUST 2023 – which was the 8.8. LION’S GATE We have access to this brilliant energizing portal today through KIN 187.. A HUGE burst of POWER!
Day 5 in the BLUE NIGHT WAVESPELL of dreams, intuition and ABUNDANCE. Where we are collectively DREAMING our NEW WORLD into reality!
Today brings the power of HEALING through our capacity to SEE what was previously hidden in the undercurrents of the collective unconscious, so that we can ACCOMPLISH our collective DREAMING.
OVERTONE – Tone 5 in the SPIRITUAL realm. ACTION – commands, POWER – empowers, ESSENCE – radiance Number 5 represents the Center, core purpose, foundation and central intent. It is the CENTER of the wheel from which all the spokes emanate. This is the phase where the energy of Creation returns to the center and then RADIATES outwards.
Overtones command the unbounded. They order it to BE and so it becomes! Their POWER radiates from their soul essence through a pure connection to SOURCE, this is the true source of unlimited power.
Today we can draw upon the POWER through Pachamama to anchor and RADIATE our own personal soul’s POWER… radiant EMPOWERMENT…
Today’s questions are “What can I SEE and uncover in the depths of the abyss, to COMMAND RADIANT HEALING and empower my greatest DREAMs?
AM I READY, WILLING and ABLE to step into my RADIANT POWER and claim my rightful ABUNDANCE?
Divine blessings for becoming supremely ABUNDANT and RADIANTLY EMPOWERED!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: BLUE OVERTONE HAND– MANIK Brings forth great HEALING today, providing the opportunity to close the cycle of suffering and lack. As the OVERTONE tone is in the SPIRITUAL realm, the healing can occur on all levels and not just the physical, emotional or mental, but wholly on a soul level. We can trust our intuition to reveal where strong healing is needed, allowing the codes to penetrate deep into our psyche.
OVERTONE’s have the POWER to COMMAND HEALING whilst empowering themselves and others to STEP out of VICTIMhood and become a conscious creator. With the OVERTONE tone, we can RADIATE waves of healing frequencies throughout the planet wherever it is needed.
We can utilize these healing waves on many levels, allowing healing where it is needed, setting the intention to accomplish our personal dreams, and those dreams that are held in the collective unconscious as PEACE, Abundance and happiness for all beings.
A beautiful day to send out REI-KI energy everywhere!
The BLUE NIGHT WAVESPELL and the OVERTONE HAND – is COMMANDING our DIVINE ABUNDANCE… JUPITER is in TAURUS which is ruled by the planet VENUS – highlighting material riches, LOVE and PLEASURES. Taurus is an EARTH sign unlocking the riches from our MOTHER EARTH.. As the planet URANUS is in a major conjunction with JUPITER – our ABUNDANCE is being ACTIVATED and EXPANDED through this wavespell.
Prosperity is our BIRTHRIGHT – so find your VOICE – and COMMAND it into being!
MANIK holds the POWER of ACCOMPLISHMENT, so today is a great day to tick off your TO DO LIST and complete tasks as well as make some headway on your BUCKET LIST! Volunteering and HELPING others is also favoured, particularly if your actions are empowering and inspiring those you are assisting.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: BLUE OVERTONE EAGLE MEN assists us in looking deep into the Collective Unconscious, to SEE if there is any energy held there around lack and scare-city, that inhibits the manifestation of our Abundant Dreaming.
Gaining the knowledge of the bigger picture, allows us to empower the collective dreaming that is born from our intuition, the intuitive feminine brain. Once the patterns are perceived we can step into our power, healing all that is not a part of that pattern.
By SEEING and uncovering what was unseen and hidden in the depths of the abyss that AKBAL holds, we can unblock that energy to live more abundantly.
BLUE EAGLE helps you to SEE the SOLUTIONS needed to HEAL and accomplish your DREAMS… to get the job done, and FIX what needs repairing creating the BEST outcome.
Keep an EYE out for more global uncovering of what was previously hidden – the all seeing EAGLE sees all!
All that is inhibiting our POWER will be revealed in order for all souls to SHINE RADIANTLY!
The OVERTONE EAGLE – holds the codings for PLANETARY MIND – so today we have immense DIVINE assistance to UPGRADE our collective MIND and align with PROSPERITY CONSCIOUSNESS..
In fact we are being COMMANDED to act like the TRUE SOVEREIGNS that we are and claim our KING-DOM.. filled with all the riches and resources we require!!
The COSMOS holds INFINITE ABUNDANCE – command your share!
SUPPORT: YELLOW OVERTONE HUMAN – EB provides the Divine wisdom in assisting us to evolve past those old scare-city patterns and the old paradigm. Being open and willing to push past the old boundaries so that we can co-create and seed the NEW TIME, free to influence others in a positive way towards wholeness and harmony.
Aligning our personal will, with that of the Divine Will of the greater consciousness, we become more powerful RADIANT humans.
The DIVINE PLAN for humanity is the AGENDA flowing through this brilliant MANIK portal today – Spirit is driving our boats and guiding us to align with our highest mission in service to humanity. This is the KEY that unlocks this ABUNDANCE GATE.
EB also holds the keys to Abundance along with AKBAL, so today is a potent day for healing your scare-city blocks and poverty consciousness, allowing your golden chalice to overflow with RADIANT Cosmic energies, providing for all your needs. The portal for Planetary Abundance is OPEN for business!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE SOLAR WIZARD – IX allows us to be receptive to the TRUTH of what presents today. Honestly facing our demons in order to cast them out forever!
The beautiful SOLAR WIZARD is guided by the WHITE DOG revealing a HUGE LOVING and compassionate HEART… LOVE is the BEST MEDICINE.. so this WIZARD can heal all that ails you and humanity, through RADIANT HEART POWER!
The SOLAR WIZARD DOUBLES the OVERTONE WIZARD’S POWER – giving us the POWER to PULSE out our MAJIKAL INTENTIONS to manifest our wishes.. Very potent WHITE MAJIK to take COMMAND of your spell casting.
WHITE WIZARD provides great MAJIK as today’s SUPERPOWER, giving us the POWER to transcend the OLD TIME, and be uplifted into a HIGHER LIGHT through our PURE HEART connection, magnetizing our true heart’s desires..
Connect to your HEART and FEEL your TRUE soul’s destiny.. this will FUEL your POWER to become the DIVINE ABUNDANT ALCHEMIST today!
A day of radiant ENCHANTMENT and healing through our beautiful connected HEARTS.
What is it that your TRUE HEART aches for? COMMAND it into being!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED OVERTONE EARTH -CABAN… How DIVINELY PERFECTO that Pachamama is the GIFT today.. We are living on a paradisiacal planet that can provide us with all the resources and riches that we require to live a truly pleasurable and fulfilled life. Our beautiful mumma, as well as our DIVINE PARENTS – want us to have a GOOD LIFE and enjoy ourselves whilst walking on the EARTH PLANE..
Today we are being OFFERED these GIFTS – We can COMMAND them into being – if we align with our DIVINE MISSION and honour our oath to GAIA to fulfill our role in her ASCENSION process.. what a phenomenal opportunity!! Now is the RIGHT TIME!
In order to CLAIM these rewards we must exhibit total reverence and HONOUR our EARTH MOTHER, ensuring our actions are HARMLESS.. as we practise LOVING KINDNESS through our thoughts, deeds and actions.
CABAN challenges us to surrender fearlessly, by anchoring deeply into the Earth and flowing with her cycles and the synchronicities that occur when we listen deeply to Mother Earth and flow with her messages. Listening to our instincts which strengthen our evolution today.
The OVERTONE EARTH challenges us to acknowledge and HONOUR, the POWER of our Earth Mother, and her EARTH MAJIK through the power of synchronicity. Revealing the BEST PATH forward to accomplish our DREAMS.
GAIA is a fully cognizant sentient being, who is empowered by her own choices and evolutionary passage. Realizing that PACHAMAMA is NO VICTIM – and that she has ALLOWED her children, mostly FREE REIGN, to experience the dark era of pain and suffering.. NOW GAIA has chosen to abandon the darkness and density, and restore her paradisiacal stature..
If we CHOOSE to continue our journey upon her back, then we must become empowered too – choosing a RADIANT LIFE – with our Health, Abundance, FREEDOM and livelihoods FULLY restored.
CABAN connects us to our ancestors, so today is a great day to heal our DNA and purify our ancestral bloodlines, particularly in relation to prosperity and leadership issues. We are finally freeing our families from repeating patterns and cycles so that we are FREE to live a more prosperous life.
Allow the pure flow of consciousness to flow through your being, connecting you to GAIA and the cosmos, through these evolutionary times.
A very powerful day to fully ground the Cosmic gifts of RADIANT EMPOWERMENT – afforded through our Pachamama. and the OVERTONE WIZARD YEAR!
Today’s questions are “What can I SEE and uncover in the depths of the abyss, to COMMAND RADIANT HEALING and empower my greatest DREAMs?
AM I READY, WILLING and ABLE to step into my RADIANT POWER and claim my rightful ABUNDANCE?
Divine blessings for becoming supremely ABUNDANT and RADIANTLY EMPOWERED!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
🔥 NEW on Patreon: Rainbow Dragon Reiki Fire Healing Ceremony and Transmission 🕉 Buddha Chakras 🔥
In this very special Video transmission Paul White Gold Eagle transmits the Reiki, Healing Universal Life Force, to you as he guides you through a transformative Meditation and Visualization of the Rainbow Dragon Body Energies and Gold Buddha Activation!
“Experience the transformative power of the Rainbow Dragon Reiki Fire Healing Ceremony and Transmission in this immersive video. 🕉️ Embark on a journey of healing and enlightenment as we harness the ancient wisdom of Buddha Chakras Meditation.
🌈 Feel the fiery energy of the Rainbow Dragon enveloping you, igniting your inner flame of vitality and renewal. Let go of stress and negativity as you immerse yourself in this sacred healing ritual. Join us on this mystical odyssey and awaken to the vibrant colors of your soul’s healing journey.”
I AM releasing all that is not in alignment with my greatest and highest good.
I AM choosing to be free. I AM choosing an end to karma by forgiving everyone who has wronged me and asking forgiveness of all whom I have wronged, in all dimensions, on all timelines: past, present and future.
I release all beliefs, persons and situations, that attempt to blind me to my wholeness and power in all dimensions, on all timelines: past, present, and future.
I AM releasing all that distracts me from my life’s purpose, as planned by my soul prior to this incarnation. I willingly let go of all that no longer serves my greatest and highest good in all dimensions, on all timelines: past, present, and future.
I AM releasing all beliefs, persons, and situations, that have prevented me from seeing the array of abundance and opportunities that continuously flow to me. I AM ready to receive it NOW and allow all I desire to come to me
I accept control of the circumstances of my life, at the same time surrendering to your Divine Will. I gratefully receive and accept your guidance.
There is nothing that can prevent me from moving forward.
Mantra to Claim Divine Sovereignty
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