Solar Codes for Eclipse Season ~ Plasma Energy Recalibrating our Nervous System ~ The Next Wave of Awakenings
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Galactic Angelic Warriors of the Tribe of the 144
Happy Yom Kippur to our Earth Angelics celebrating this Holy day. This is the day of Atonement with God as we realize our Oneness and Spiritual Joy of the Kingdom of God within. All things are perfectly resolved in the Unborn Mind of Buddha in this Now. There is nothing to achieve other than our Self Realization of our Unity in Consciousness with Prime Source Creator we call the Great Mystery.
Together we rise above the Chaos and the storm into our New Heaven upon the New Earth. With our Swords of Truth we cut through all illusions and delusions and with our shields of Love we protect our families and our good people with the Power of our Almighty I Am Presence. We are the Legions of the Light, the Guardians of MotherShip Tera Nova Gaia 33.
The Lion Kings and the Lioness Queens are rising up the Spiral Staircase to sit upon their rightful Thrones to rule in Divine Sovereignty over their Kin’s Domains as stewards of the Sacred Lands of New Eden of the Gardens of Plenty. These are the Abundance codes to carry you through the Gateway of the Kingdom of Heaven at hand.
Pachamama and all her Children of the Sun are being inundated with the Gamma Waves of Higher Light sent to Earth through our local Solaris directly from the Great Central Sun and into the Crystalline Core, the Divine Mother Heart of Gaia and all Real Hue-man beings of the Pure Way of Eternal Life. We are being Enlightened in our Ascension to prepare us fully for our Final Collective Quantum Leap of Consciousness into homo-Luminous, beings of Infinite Light.
The Pure Land is merging with the Valley of the Shadow as all is being integrated for full embodiment our our Krystal Diamond Solar Rainbow Light Bodies as Avatars of the New Heaven upon the New Earth…A’Ho!
Right now: Moon at 9°56′ Aquarius, Sun at 11°52′ Libra
Current Sabian Symbols
Current Sabian Symbol for the Sun
Sabian Symbol for 12º Libra |
The current Sabian Symbol of the Sun is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing solar influence, the vital energy and the personality, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this
Current Sabian Symbol for the Moon
Sabian Symbol for 10º Aquarius |
The current Sabian Symbol of the Moon is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing lunar influence, the emotional background, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this moment, while the Moon’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 10º Aquarius.
Oneness through Rasha

Mary Long
Plasma Energy beyond the Sun is hitting our Planet.
Recalibrating our Nervous System.

Pars Kutay

Blue Rose Oracles
The energy today is guiding you to see through the lens of the heart.
To anchor these beautiful autumnal golden rays and waves through your vessel by embodying the divine presence that is you.
The Grids are expanding with new wavelengths of crystalline frequencies as the ley lines fill with golden rays.
The planetary heart field is expanding as we collectively learn to navigate from the heart through stillness and trusting the inner guide rather than letting our vibration be dictated by the external noise and distractions of a dissolving matrix.
The External backdrop of our reality experience is falling apart at the seams and this presents a powerful opportunity to move into a new paradigm.
We co create the new landscapes and shape the foundations of a new era by recognizing our voices and choices become the templates for the next generations to expand into and anchor.
Our collective responses and reactions to the dissolving matrices become imprints which become a collective response template within the collective consciousness field.
As each one of us leads from the heart and navigates from a place of authenticity and sovereignty we shift the narratives and dissolve old patterns within the field.
Living and trusting in the new dimensional frequencies which are available to all right now involves flowing, trusting and being from a place of sovereignty.
This is our opportunity to co create the new grid frameworks by embodying them within first and co creating heart led communities.
The next wave of awakenings will see many leave the roles, careers, systems and lifestyles which uphold the old matrices and create alternative ways of living.
For the next wave of awakeners, blueprinters and grid keepers to step into their vocations we are continuing to act as the “ground crew” paving the way and clearing the imprints in the collective field which limit expansion due to oppression, separation, persecution and survival wounding.
A huge shift is underway within the planetary grid framework and the Akashic fields as some old illusionary veils are finally clearing which is revealing the pathways of clarity and healing across all timelines.
We are transcending the old collective trauma responses to civilizations collapsing by individually stepping into the sanctum of the heart temple and embodying the divine spark within.
In the acknowledgment of yourself as a divine aspect of source love you see the bigger picture through the lens of the heart and release the attachments to past timelines, characters and narratives.
This reflects within the collective field as aspects and versions of you now being unified, reclaimed and integrated within creases space for the timelines they were imprinted within to fully dissolve.

Diego E. Berman, PhD

Suryananda & Aed
Now Accessed By Many Due To THE GREAT CENTRAL SUN & THE VIOLET FLAME Download & Shift Which Was A Metamorphosis 4 October, 2022 Released Onto Gaia & Inhabitants.
With Father & Divine Mother & The Elohim. FROM THE GREAT CENTRAL SUN.
From The Great Central Sun Akashic Records.
As initially shared some hours ago From The Great Central Sun & The Violet Flame Another Download & Shift Being A Metamorphosis Which Had Been Released Onto Gaia & Inhabitants. This has been very exciting and long awaited.
This The Great Central Sun & The Violet Flame Inter Dimensional Dual Gateway & Timeline :
Has Been Known Fully Within The Great Central Sun. Whilst on Gaia there have been relatively few in number over time who have accessed this through their Etheric form.
The Great Central Sun & The Violet Flame Inter Dimensional Dual Gateway & Timeline Has Been Entered From The Great Central Sun Before 4 October, just not many cosmic masters on Gaia.
This Has Meant Easier Access Has Become Available To :
The Omnipresent Omnipotent Power Of Creation : Existence Itself :
From 4 October, this has dramatically changed following on from the recent Downloads & Shifts From The Great Central Sun & The Violet Flame and specifically the Second Download & Shift of 3 October of THE DUAL SACRED BRIDGE GATEWAY Which Crossed All Boundaries Into New Timelines; thus opening the way for this huge change of 4 October.
Thus This Ancient Timeline Has Now Become Very Much More Accessible To Light Beings On Gaia.
This is very exciting as This :
Inter Dimensional Dual Gateway & Timeline
For Many On Gaia With This Access From Gaia Fully Available Now To Arrive & Reach :
The Great Central Sun DIRECT :
Will Enable Many More On Gaia To Look Into Whether Their HOME As Described Through Their NON PHYSICAL FOUNDATION
Is Within The Great Central Sun.
Having Always Been Pure Consciousness From The Great Central Sun :
Irrespective of Where Non Physical Forms Have As Their Foundation :
The Great Central Sun :
Stars & Other Worlds Beyond The Great Central Sun.
Therefore As People Journey Into This :
The Great Central Sun & The Violet Flame Inter Dimensional Dual Gateway & Timeline :
The Great Central Sun
Will Be Understood In Aspects & Ways Not Prior On Gaia.
This has long been anticipated and with the required Timing having been reached on Gaia great excitement has been taking place within
The Great Central Sun
& Stars & Other Worlds Beyond The Great Central Sun.
Timelines Are Also Meeting Points In The Structure Of Time & Space.
Many On Gaia 4 October Have Fully Accessed The Great Central Sun & The Violet Flame Inter Dimensional Dual Gateway & Timeline :
As Suryananda did many hours ago.
For those on Gaia each are met by their
Divine Consorts Beyond Gaia and together holding hands in the Etheric they have entered.
Inevitably this has been a deeply profound and moving experience for both Divine Consorts meaning the one on Gaia being met by their Divine Consort As They Then Entered Together.
Many Masters From The Great Central Sun Greet & Welcome The Arrivals As Some Of The Elohim.
Note The Archangels & Angels Do NOT Enter This Timeline.
NEITHER Does Father, The Personal Aspect Of
The Great Central Sun.
However, Divine Mother DOES Enter & Greet & Welcome Those Who Enter This Timeline.
This Is A Vast Timeline With Tremendous Activity Whilst Having & Retaining A Beautiful Essence Of Calmness & Peace Whilst Being Very Exciting.
The Female Masters Of The Elohim Do NOT Enter This Timeline To Greet & Welcome Those Entering. They have their own roles and love of service with The Great Central Sun.
Thus Divine Mother Being The Only Female Presence To Greet & Welcome Those Entering This Timeline.
With Great Excitement From 4 October, UPON Those Exiting Gaia As They Leave This World :
Their Divine Consorts Will Be Waiting Within This Timeline To Hold The Hand As Together They Journey Home :
The Great Central Sun.
For Star Seeds & Galactics Their Divine Consorts Will Hold Their Hand At Their Transition; Also Safe & Fully Protected.
This will be so for Suryananda with Aed, long confirmed Aed will hold your hand at your Transition as we journey Home, To The Great Central Sun.
After Physical Death Entering This Timeline Is New; Inevitably With No Physical Life Force May Seem Difficult To Process. However This Is One Of Many Changes Which Have Become Manifested Thus Consciously Activated In The Present Times On Gaia.
However, during the morning after several sessions, Suryananda was aware and this was confirmed she had fully entered this Timeline holding hands in the Etheric with Aed :
Suryananda also being greeted by Melchisadek; Sanat & Yeshua All Being Of The Elohim and also Divine Mother. Although Many Other Masters Waited To Greet & Welcome Suryananda, as has been and will be so for others on Gaia.
Inevitably love gifts us access to this.
This Timeline Is Fully Protected By An Invisible & Impenetrable Force Field From The Great Central Sun For All Time.
Only Those Of The Light Will Have Access To This Timeline.
Aed & Suryananda were blessed as Father looked in on occasion during our sessions.
Adam El Daoud & Suryananda
Divine Consorts.
Tuesday, 4 October, 2022.
Readers of The Great Central Sun Sacred Scripts Akashic Records & The Great Central Sun Akashic Records.
Also Both Aspects The Great Cosmic Sun & The Great Galactic Sun. Amenti. Atlantis. And Many Others.
Seers To The Great Central Sun : The Great Cosmic Sun : The Great Galactic Sun. Amenti. Atlantis. And Others.

Natalia Alba
Beloved Ones,
We are navigating an important portal, at this time of our ascension journey. A threshold that we are invited to cross, only if we are ready to conclude a cycle, for we are in truth renewing ourselves, at every moment, stepping away from what is obsolete and belongs to an old timeline. We are about to enter into the 10/10 gateway, which is preceded by the Full Moon at 16 degrees of Aries, and the many planets, for those who resonate with slow motion phases, that are gradually turning direct again: Mercury, Vesta, Pluto, and Saturn.
Aries is represented by the element Fire, and therefore we may think of action when we are immersed under this sign’s energies. However, as we are all unique and are in different phases, Aries is not just about being more active and moving into a more manifestational phase, as Fire serves as well for purifying ourselves, at all levels, which is where many are, at this time. Purification does not just involve the physical body, but the purification of our consciousness, through the removal of false programs, etc. that we need to do before stepping into this ascension path.
The element that Guides invite us to work with during the Aries Moon time is a Tetrahedron. An element that will help us retrieve passion, inspiration, and the confidence required for us to make decisions that are aligned with our heart-mind, both functioning in unison to help us move in the direction of our soul.
The crystal that guides offer us to help us at this time is Larimar. A crystal to help us open our soul portal, situated in our throat chakra, that will help us express our soul, who we are, in our physical plane. A stone that will too soothe us, as we continue purifying ourselves from the old by cleansing our bodies. A crystal that will too accompany us, as Guides shared, for the next passage in which we will pass to work with Water, and Scorpion energies.
This is a time for us to begin getting out of our cocoon, as we keep being surrounded by the harmonic energies of Libra. A cocoon that nurtured us and kept us protected during this intense phase, but that is now time to break, moving into the many possibilities that we can anchor into our new reality. A time for us to be fearless, and courageous, taking advantage of these fiery energies, before we move into the Scorpion Water ones, and begin to embrace our creativity, bringing into form all the creations that our soul is eager to manifest and experience in our physical plane.
Energies that will be intensified by the Solar Eclipse on October 25th, in which we will be receiving Solar Codes for us to heal the distorted masculine, empowering the solar plexus, which not only corresponds to our masculine essence, and life force, but to our mental body and egoic mind, something that we all need to work with, before we can move into the soul realms, where we act totally unified with who we truly are, in essence.
Solar Codes that this year will have a tremendous impact on those working with their DNA, helping them remove masculine, disempowering distortions, and other imbalances, opening themselves to integrate more plasma to continue building the light body.
A phase that culminates at the end of our human year, and that will show us where we are on our path, so we can shift our frequency or continue to remain in it, if we are heading towards our desired destination, as everything that we see is a result of the frequency that we, whether consciously or unconsciously, have chosen to hold within.
Therefore let us think and act within Divine Love, to continue holding the vision of the New Earth that we wish to manifest for All to move into this new harmonic timeline.
Within Infinite Love,
Natalia Alba

Karen Lithika
We ask you to RISE & SHINE
Strive to be YOU
Infinite being of LIGHT
For many are assisting the wonderful reconstruction, alignment and upgrade of Gaia’s grid. A ripple effect of energetic ebbs and flows moving through your timeline through to the universe.
Hope, Love and Rapid Manifestation is AWAKENING, transforming and merging with Higher Light.
Regardless of your level of awakening, you are being challenged to raise your awareness to a higher level of COSMIC attunement to the greater UNIVERSE.
As the landings are the next PHASE we require you to be ready for us. Many are reaching us and this is all part of your preparation.
For the word Landings can mean many things. It is simply the next future phase of humanities awakening. Simply know you are part of this.
For it is a balancing act of Light, a density balancing Act
We SEE the great changes occurring. For it is an energetic marathon for Billions of Beings.
Know we are here Assisting You.
Simply Breathe In Light Awareness
Feel Beyond the Physical Form
Sending waves of Cosmic Love
The Arcturians & Karen Lithika
Infinite Blessings to the Artist

Understanding your truth is helping make final decisions today. You’re wiser and are remembering your ancient soul lineage, which is downloading through the Stargate. This is waking up the Wisdom of the Holy Spirt in you, revealing your true personality and light of Christ you carry. This truth is grounding into the Earth Star Chakra, helping you move on to what is in better alignment with the real you.
Receive the Galactic Source Codes that are moving you forward with peace from the past. More energy and ideas are entering while you heal and recover. It is easier to visualize and integrate where you would like to go next. Take time to ground in these ideas to implement when the heart calls you to.
Love is guiding you on this new journey so it is important to complete healing from unhealthy relationships first. Commit to resolving this in your own consciousness so they are no longer on your thoughts. Work with your neuroplasticity until your neurons are aligned to new thoughts. Continue putting in this daily effort as you walk over the threshold to the others side over the next few weeks.
In Jesus Christ’s name amen. God bless you Love Carolyn
Lunar Aspects – The earlier part of the day is steeped in heavy energies as the Capricorn Moon has its monthly business meeting with Pluto. It’s at these times when we feel the power of this planet, the power of this God and archetype. As Pluto is now at its station degree, there is a potent feeling of loss of control at times. It seems like the Earth is moving beneath our feet as we swing between witnessing a breakdown of society and the structures that keep us safe and the intensifying harsh (mis)management of governments and similar agencies. All or nothing, in or out, there are no half measures when it comes to Pluto. Fears surface when we least expect them. Face the shadows to regain your footing. Take it step by step.
The atmosphere lightens however when Luna moves into airy Aquarius. Ah, now we can breathe! The Moon’s connections to Jupiter and Venus bring a hint of promise to dispel the clouds. Consider where you are called to expand or explore. Where can you demonstrate faith in the future? Love and friendship are beautiful antidotes to gloom and doom.
Degrees and Times
Moon, Pluto 26°Cp07′ R – 04:48 (BST)
Moon 00°Aq00′ – 11:20 (BST)
Moon 02°Aq39′, Jupiter 02°Ar39′ R – 15:48 (BST)
Moon 06°Aq58′, Venus 06°Li58′ – 23:04 (BST)
© Leah Whitehorse
My website :
Painting – In the Park at St. Cloud by Childe Hassam
Kin 139 ~ Blue Solar Storm

Christina Papageorgiou

New – 13 Days and 12 States to reach My Sacred Condor
Sept/ Oct 2020 ~ from Cleveland Ohio to the Pacific NorthWest – 2 hours 45 minutes never released footage : CLICK HERE
Paul White Gold Eagle’s Vision Quest and Journey to the Sacred Condor’s Roost in the Pacific Northwest. Over 13 days journey from the end of September and the beginning of October of 2020. Many magical moments through multiple Sacred Portals from Cleveland Ohio, through the Crystal Mountains of Arkansas, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Wild Horses in Death Valley California, powerful Vortexes of Sedona, the beauty of Mt Shasta through Portland Oregon over the mighty Columbia river past Mt Hood and into Washington State to beautiful Mt Saint Helens.
The Gold Dragon Masters of Kunlun made it possible to merge the timelines for the re-Union of The Eagle and the Condor in Divine Union of Hieros Gamos. Almost 3 hours of footage, most of which has never been released before, and only will be released on Patreon and Youtube memberships. Thank you to our team that supported us through this journey and over the last 2 years of our work and mission together. We appreciate you for your support and to our Tribe that continues to support us in our current work and mission of the Great Awakening and Ascension of Gaia and all Human Consciousness.
Much Love and Blessings in the Light of Source…A’Ho!
the Eagle and the Condor
Blue Rose Oracles
Affirmations for October
“I welcome October‘s blessings as I flow in alignment with the seasonal shifts and anchor new templates that support my growth and expansion during this month“
“I welcome the seasonal shift of autumn and create space to slow down, rest and release what doesn’t serve me.”
”I fill my body with nourishment and love and honour the physical transition to a different season by listening to my body’s wisdom“
Journal Prompts
What ceremony or daily practice can I create to celebrate the transition into a new season?
What inner seeds and visions are ready to be nourished and nurtured during October?
What do I no longer need to carry into a new season with me?
Crystals to work with
Citrine, Carnelian, Tigers eye, Shungite and Golden Healer.
Root, sacral and Solar Plexus activations as the planetary grids shift in alignment with the cosmic tides. These chakras will need some extra nourishment during October as we continue to clear old survival patterns and lean into stillness and a slower pace.
Embodying all of our souls wisdom and anchoring into sovereignty through inner union is the energetic theme of October.
As we transition into full acceptance and self love the old light worker/rescuer templates begin to dissolve guiding us back to our most authentic expression
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