Sirius Portal via Giza to the 7th Central Sun of Illumination
The Sun gates opening via Sirius to the 7th Central Sun of Illumination.
In ancient times when the outer crust of the earth was formed, there were certain energy portals implanted upon earth, which connect directly to the original 12 Master galaxies (as reported in my book “Why I was born in Africa: the previously unrecorded history of Elysium and the Lion Kingdom.” )
The energy portals, acted as gateways, or if you like satellite stations, which were tuned into Sirius as Sirius holds the Head Quarters of the Intergalactic Counsel and via this Counsel, the Universal ones.
The portals were carefully hidden and were monitored day and night, and these acted as direct instruments, which were intricately linked to our solar system, and the Milky Way Galaxies. One could describe them as a many tiered and multi-functional and operating in the 12th dimensional state. After the Fall of Elysium during the Wars of Heavens, when so many of the original Master Galaxies were blown into oblivion and never could be repaired, the earthly portals were toned done to encapsulate the 7th dimensional state.
During the Lion Kingdom, which rose on the ruins of the Elysium, the first, these portals were retuned and reactivated, and specifically through 7 major centers around the world.
In November 2018, the most powerful of the portals was reopened, via the African continent, and specifically the Giza pyramids, and realigned to the 7th Central Sun, and the Fires of Illumination thus systematically being returned to the planet, as the planets vibrational frequencies rise into the 5th dimensional state, and thus being retuned to the 7th. This will take around 144 years, plus minus, when the Age of Aquarius gains momentum and the New Golden Age rises in its profundity.
The next three years, leading up to and into 2021, are going to intensify the upward curve, as the planet retuning into the 5th dimensional state, will be revved up – indeed will rise to 7 times the frequency band it is now operating on. As the energy portals open one by one, more of the Ancient Energy will be released, and this will literally create intense shifts on all fronts, planetary and well as human shifts in consciousness and dimensional frequency bands.
Whereas the upgrading has been intense in the last few years, it was but the Kindergarten act, preparing us for the immense shifts we will now have to ride through in the next three years. Everything will be amplified seven-fold. If we thought the upgrading was intense before, we will feel ourselves literally disintegrating at times, as the old life on planet earth falls away and the new life rises.
Our crystalline bodies will be retuned to be able to absorb the higher frequency bands of the Fires of Illumination streaming in, as the Giza portal opens up substantially (it is only opened to a fraction of its capacity now), it will trigger the opening of the rest. The process is carefully monitored. If these portals would open too quickly, all life on planet earth would disintegrate and we would not be able to hold form anymore.
Note that planet is already going through intense shifts as the poles are melting at a rapid pace and some life forms are already on the verge of becoming extinct. Humanity at large is going through intense upgrading, and thus a lot of souls will simply exit the planet, as their soul contracts move into completion, to make way for a wave of new human race to be born.
The landmasses will start to reform and reinvent themselves. Remember that this is not the first time this has happened. Since the Elysium, we have had the Lion Kingdom and after the Lion Kingdom (as my book on France states) the next three, before Atlantis rose.
Atlantis was the last to go through intense destruction and through total chaos, recreated the world, as huge landmasses sunk beneath the sea and continents were ripped apart.
The opening of the massive Stargate Portals which link to Sirius, will tune us into the higher Mind, the Higher Heart, and the deepest reconnection to our own souls. As the Veils of Amnesia are lifted, and our clear seeing will return as the veils are stripped off our third eyes. This is already happening.
During my tours to Greece and Egypt, I, and those who are called to join me, will be working intense with these stargate portals. The ancientness of these, I cannot even try to describe here and what will be uncovered and reactivated is profound. This is not the space to go into this, as it is a journey which works with each individual soul. The journey is not an outward one – it is an inner one.
The Fires of Illumination, now returned, work with the full illumination of those souls who are ready to receive this gift. When the soul is ready, the gifting will occur.
We are in for intense shifts and immense changes in the next three years. It is but the beginning of enormous shifts from 2021 onwards.
By the end of this century planet earth will have changed beyond description.
Such is the impetus of change, and rebirth, that is unstoppable yet profound, as we finally have the opportunity now, to step back into our original state, the 7th dimensional state, and profound soul illumination.
Such is the gift – Illumination from the 7th Central Sun, illuminating our heart, mind, soul and Being! It is indeed the illumination of the soul – in harmony with the illumination of the Planet Soul, and thus the SOUL of the Galactic core and the Universal Core. The Divine Illumination via the 7th Central Sun of Illumination!
My seminars and tours to Greece and Egypt, will be life changing. Not sight-seeing tours, but indeed soul-expanding, as the soul memory banks open, as the work is being done and the Fires of Illumination, illuminate the heart, soul, mind and Being!
Judith Kusel
for Soul Readings:
Facebook: Judith Kusel
Facebook: Greece and Egypt Tours with Judith Kusel
Shamanic Astrology Mystery School
I have been experiencing this as an opportunity to connect with our past selves, with the intent to create a different/better/more magical story impacting our present self to take wise action that will take us to the future we are dreaming into being.
It starts with recreating our relationship to the past, learning from it, forgiving and moving forward with kindness and caring for ourselves, each other and the Earth – as the Earth is between the Sun and Saturn now similar to what happens during a Full Moon.
A stream of solar wind is expected to reach Earth today (July 9) likely to activate geomagnetic storms creating auroras near the polar extremes further activating the Saturn Sun Fun Light Effect.
1st Photo by Harlan Thomas at the end of May 2019
2nd Image is from Earth Sky showing how Earth is position between Saturn and the Sun during today’s opposition meaning Saturn is rising as the Sun is setting
3rd Photo was taken April 6, 2019 by Frank Olson when Andøya Space Center launched a rocket into space at the same time Northern Lights were active creating unusual interaction with the light and chemical released by the rocket launch. The launch had been planned for more than a year and the Northern Lights was an added bonus.
More on remarkable Saturn alignment this year and next…/

Dreamspell Journey by Valum Votan & Bolon Ik

Two days to close the 44th Galactic Spin (44th Tzolkin Cycle) of the Dreamspell Matrix.
10 July 2019 ~ NS
Wavespell Blog:
KIN 258: White Spectral Mirror
Releasing order
I seal the matrix of endlessness
With the spectral tone of liberation
I am guided by my own power doubled
Harmonic 65: Cosmic Matrix
Self-regulate Universal Fire of Presence
* Journey:
– Tzolkin: Day 258. Column 13 of the Resonant Dragon.
– Wavespell of the Yellow Star: Day 11.
– Espectral Chamber (Tone 11): Liberate Service.
– Green Central Castle of Enchantment: Court of Synchronization
– Galactic Season of the Dog. White Truth Element of Love.
* Kin Synthesis: 11 Mirror
Solar Seal 18 = Mirror
– Action: Reflect
– Essence: Order
– Power: Endlessness
Galactic Tone 11 = Spectral
– Function: Liberation
– Creative Power: Dissolve
– Action: Release
* Oracle:
– Guide: 11 Mirror (Kin 258)
– Analog: 11 Dragon (Kin 141)
– Antipode: 11 Star (Kin 128)
– Occult: 3 Night (Kin 3)
* Root Race:
– White Family of the White Root Race.
– The Refiners. Keynote: Spirit.
– White Members: Wind, WorldBridger, Dog, Wizard, Mirror
* Earth Family:
– Signal Family: Unravel the Mystery.
– Members: Red Skywalker, White Mirror, Blue Night, Yellow Star.
* Chromatic Clan:
– Blue Sky Clan.
– Position: Solar Plexus. Action: Receive.
Galactic Maya “Dreamspell Tzolkin Count”
Powered by Tortuga 13:20 – Planet Art
Based on the visionary publication:
“Dreamspell: The Journey of Timeship Earth 2013” (1990-1991).
By José and Lloydine Argüelles (Valum Votan & Bolon Ik).
* Ancient Maya Tzolkin Count
Original Sacred Count of the Maya.
The Blueprint of the inter-dimensional 13:20 Tzolkin Matrix.
– 4 Eb’ = 4 Human, Kin 212
– Eb’ = Road, the Sacred Path, the Dew.
– Trecena of Muluk (Water) = Moon Wavespell
* Discover more:
– Calendric Calculator:
Dreamspell Journey by Valum Votan & Bolon Ik
– In Loving Memory of José and Lloydine (Valum Votan & Bolon Ik), Ascended Masters of the New Time, Archetypal Mother and Father of the Planetary Kin.
– The Authors in Eternity of Dreamspell, the Telektonon Prophecy, the 13 Moon Calendar, The Discovery of the Law of Time is Art, The Galactic Culture Master Plan, The 20 Tablets, The 28 Meditations, amongst others.
– The Founders of the Planet Art Network (PAN), Harmonic Convergence, Day Out of Time, Rainbow Bridge Project, The World Thirteen Moon Calendar Change Peace Movement, the FLT, the Rinri Project, and the Earth Wizards seminaries.
In Lak’ech

#Dreamspell #DreamspellJourney #DreamspellGenesis #DreamspellTzolkin #DreamspellOracle #Maya #Tzolkin #Oracle #MayanTzolkin #MayanDreamspell #MayanOracle #GalacticMaya #Synchronicity #DreamTime #RealTime #Matrix1320 #Frequency1320 #NaturalTime #TimeIsArt #Telektonon #13Moon #PlanetArtNetwork #ValumVotan #BolonIk #BookOfKin #Kin258 #SpectralMirror #11Mirror #4Eb
SIX PLANETARY RETROGRADES…There are ten ‘known and significant’ planetary bodies in our solar system and currently SIX of them are moving in reverse, relative to Earth – Chiron, Mercury, Neptune, Pluto, Saturn and Jupiter, all happening in The ECLIPSE DOORWAY of opportunity…
There’s always an energy reason for everything. I’ve detailed how this is affecting us all, in this week’s NEW Tip-Off Global Energy Forecast. Subscribers receive the 10-page Eclipse Guide, the first time offered in over 2 years ✨
Dreamspell Journey by Valum Votan & Bolon Ik
13.13 on Kin 257

Today is coded 13.13 (Month 13, Day 13) in the Dreamspell / 13 Moons Calendar. The same 13.13 code relates to the current Cosmic Moon Year because the number of its bearer Kin 169 = 13×13. On the other hand, the upcoming Day Out of Time (25 July 2019, Kin 13 – Cosmic Skywalker) is also coded 13.13 (Seal 13, Tone 13).
Learn more about the Power of 13.
9 July 2019 ~ NS
Wavespell Blog:
KIN 257: Red Planetary Earth
I perfect in order to evolve
Producing synchronicity
I seal the matrix of navigation
With the planetary tone of manifestation
I am guided by the power of life force
Harmonic 65: Cosmic Matrix
Self-regulate Universal Fire of Presence
* Journey:
– Tzolkin: Day 257. Column 13 of the Resonant Dragon.
– Wavespell of the Yellow Star: Day 10.
– Planetary Chamber (Tone 10): Manifest Challenge.
– Green Central Castle of Enchantment: Court of Synchronization
– Galactic Season of the Dog. White Truth Element of Love.
* Kin Synthesis: 10 Earth
Solar Seal 17 = Earth
– Action: Evolve
– Essence: Synchronicity
– Power: Navigation
Galactic Tone 10 = Planetary
– Function: Manifestation
– Creative Power: Perfect
– Action: Produce
* Oracle:
– Guide: 10 Serpent (Kin 205)
– Analog: 10 Wind (Kin 62)
– Antipode: 10 Hand (Kin 127)
– Occult: 4 Seed (Kin 4)
* Root Race:
– Red Family of the Red Root Race.
– The Initiators. Keynote: Birth.
– Red Members: Dragon, Serpent, Moon, Skywalker, Earth
* Earth Family:
– Core Family: Mine the Tunnels.
– Members: Red Earth, White Wind, Blue Hand, Yellow Human.
* Chromatic Clan:
– Blue Sky Clan.
– Position: Heart. Action: Transduce.
Galactic Maya “Dreamspell Tzolkin Count”
Powered by Tortuga 13:20 – Planet Art
Based on the visionary publication:
“Dreamspell: The Journey of Timeship Earth 2013” (1990-1991).
By José and Lloydine Argüelles (Valum Votan & Bolon Ik).
* Ancient Maya Tzolkin Count
Original Sacred Count of the Maya.
The Blueprint of the inter-dimensional 13:20 Tzolkin Matrix.
– 3 Chuwen = 3 Monkey, Kin 211
– Chuwen = Monkey, Popol Vuh’s Step-Brothers, the Thread and Continuity of Life.
– Trecena of Muluk (Water) = Moon Wavespell
* Discover more:
– Calendric Calculator:
Dreamspell Journey by Valum Votan & Bolon Ik
– In Loving Memory of José and Lloydine (Valum Votan & Bolon Ik), Ascended Masters of the New Time, Archetypal Mother and Father of the Planetary Kin.
– The Authors in Eternity of Dreamspell, the Telektonon Prophecy, the 13 Moon Calendar, The Discovery of the Law of Time is Art, The Galactic Culture Master Plan, The 20 Tablets, The 28 Meditations, amongst others.
– The Founders of the Planet Art Network (PAN), Harmonic Convergence, Day Out of Time, Rainbow Bridge Project, The World Thirteen Moon Calendar Change Peace Movement, the FLT, the Rinri Project, and the Earth Wizards seminaries.
In Lak’ech

#Dreamspell #DreamspellJourney #DreamspellGenesis #DreamspellTzolkin #DreamspellOracle #Maya #Tzolkin #Oracle #MayanTzolkin #MayanDreamspell #MayanOracle #GalacticMaya #Synchronicity #DreamTime #RealTime #Matrix1320 #Frequency1320 #NaturalTime #TimeIsArt #Telektonon #13Moon #PlanetArtNetwork #ValumVotan #BolonIk #BookOfKin #Kin257 #PlanetaryEarth #10Earth #3Chuwen
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❤ Wow ❤ How exciting ❤ I love this update ❤ Put a big smile on my face and I was feeling upset about something too ❤ Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou ❤
❤ Wow ❤ Judith Kusel does Spiritual tours to Greece and Egypt. I’ve had a lot of Ancient Greek and Ancient Egyptian Mythology Experiences the last couple of weeks. Been almost non stop except for a couple days here and there. I was actually thinking the last couple days that I would love to study Mythology properly one day. It’s the only thing I’ve been able to think of that I would like to do for myself apart from keeping on ascending ❤
Pingback: Sirius Portal via Giza to the 7th Central Sun of Illumination – White Spectral Mirror – New Earth – Afro-Conscious Media
Beautiful Sandy. Namaste my friend. Blessings and Peace in the Light…Aho!!….P{aul