Shraddh ~ Homage to our Ancestors ~ The Molting: Debts Paid ~A 5D Vibrational Experience – NEW EARTH PORTALS
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Brave Dream Crystal Keepers of the New Earth Paradigm
There are gifts within the shadow which is not being realized and revealed. As we journey into the Kingdoms of Heaven within we become Aware of our Oneness with the Great Spirit and we then resolve all things in the Unborn Mind of Buddha. In our Pure Awareness there are no conflicts, problems or suffering only the I Am Presence that is the transmitter and receiver of all physical reality. Source Creator uses our local Solaris as a projector that shines it light of motion onto the “screen” of Mother Earth, which is an electromagnetic field of constant vibration.
As all is being raised in frequency we are in a seemingly chaotic node in between two base resonances of a higher reality. The Power of Silence of the Still White Magnetic Light at the center of all things both within you and externally, is the root of everything we receive through our sensory organs. our internal dialogue is what creates our day to day experiences through our perceptions. Our beliefs became our filters that are what we experience this life through. our internal map of reality therefore became what we believed to be our actual reality. As the veils lift and our core beliefs shift so too does our lives.
As we let go of all that does not serve and we integrate what we call the shadow we realize that our subtle emotions and feelings have been our guide this whole time. The energy in motion has been our signs, symbols and synchronicities to lead us to the Promised Land within to manifest our Eternal Bliss Consciousness into the field. We are collectively Co-Create a world that we interact with , many time feeling like a leaf blowing in the wind. All fears have the underlying theme of losing control and then we become afraid of fear itself adding a new layer to work through. The Healing process is like peeling back the layers of pain and suffering to reach our core wounds and face our deepest fear as a brave warrior of the New Earth. This is like the myth of slaying the dragon. The dragon was our deepest fears, false evidence appearing real, as we make peace with our emotions and feelings we can heal the core wounds and integrate the shadow and become whole again. We release the demons within to free the inner child and laugh our Way to Freedom.
Your life is a powerful Myth that is a symphony among the stars. We applaud your bravery and and for coming into this simulation to transform this reality from the inside out. We do this by living from our hearts and with our Divine Will and Pure Intent for the highest good of all. We are all Brother sand Sisters on this Great Path to full Awakening. Be in the Light and the Love of Infinite Source…Goddess Speed Rainbow Warriors of the New Lemuria…A’Ho!
Right now: Moon at 12°11′ Aries, Sun at 19°23′ Virgo
Current Sabian Symbols
Current Sabian Symbol for the Sun
Sabian Symbol for 20º Virgo |
The current Sabian Symbol of the Sun is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing solar influence, the vital energy and the personality, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this day, while the Sun’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 20º Virgo.
Current Sabian Symbol for the Moon
Sabian Symbol for 13º Aries |
The current Sabian Symbol of the Moon is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing lunar influence, the emotional background, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this moment, while the Moon’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 13º Aries.

Roberto Nunez
SCHUMANN is under light codes from the Galactic Center and the Pleiades weaving waves of subatomic light particle by changing its carbon-based DNA structure to an original model of crystal silica. Allow yourself to receive this light of love and compassion

Many of you will notice that you need to eat a lot more food as usual because your body needs fuel to deal with the high frequency energy, you are tired and sleepy, have pressure in the body, more mucus, your muscles ache, you might feel heat within your body, similar to fever, or experience ascension symptoms.
Take care of your physical body and rest, breathe, spend time in nature, sleep more, drink more water.
Pars Kutay
Our SOUL Is Calling us to Listen to the Presence That Will Guide us to CHANGE!
Our Hearts Must Remain Open as WE Also Set Boundaries of LIGHT Shields Around us.
WE Continue to Cleanse our Field and Aura with White LIGHT!

Isis Channelings
The Molting: Toll Tax of Ancestral Debts have to be Paid
The Full Moon of September 10th , according to Vedic tradition ,opens a 15 day window called Shraddh ( full Moon/ Sept 10th – to Dark Moon /Sept 25) where homage is paid to one’s forefathers and ancestors so that Karmic Debts of the Ancestral lineage may be released and the Path of Liberation/ ascension for the lineage is cleared .Its a time of Service,Devotion, Austerity, Prayer, Ritual and Charity. It’s the Cross Roads of the Path of Fate / Destiny and the Path of Free Will Manifestation. Karmic/ Ancestral Debts are the boom barrier at these crossroads. Toll Tax has to be Paid with special emphasis on Womb Trauma.
This is Not the time to begin new projects / purchases etc. With Mercury joining the outer planets in retrograde and Venus in the underworld womb-tomb of death and transformation, we are in the process of shedding our old skin just like the molting process of the serpent. This is a mega cycle of release prefixed by the 9;9 gateway of Endings- whether its your Self care-diet /exercise /routines /wardrobe, Relationships and interactions, Perceptions etc. Pay attention to what is no longer working for you and is screaming for release-the Old Skin No Longer Fits!!
At a Spiritual level , the Ancient Ways and Wisdom of our Ancestors and the Natural World are singing their songs of Remembrance . Allow the pull of stillness and silence of your Heart to ease you into a State of Receptivity for much is being revealed in the Dreamspace Labyrinths of consciousness, in the sounds and sights of nature, in the deep caves of self introspection and self realisations.
Patriarchal culture of hustle always guilt trips you to be on the go, striving towards a Goal /destination but the Matriarchal Crone will gently guide you into her wise and healing embrace to release the mask of pretense, rest your weary bones, nourish your body and soul, open your Heart,widen your perception and draw upon your inner courage to redirect your Life where change/ action/ rerouting is called for. We are in the domain of the underworld, the dark goddess Kali, Inanna , Ereshkigal , Persephone, Hecate , Cerridwen , Sekhmet – Transformation is upon you and there is no escaping the Womb/Cave of Transformation till the Molting Process is completed.
For we can not fully partake the gifts of the Equinox Portal /Sept 22- balance of Light and Dark , if we refuse to “acknowledge” the Darkness of our inner Cave/ sanctum right now. And soon the time to move forward and into the Light will come – New moon 26th sept begins with the Navratris-9 days of the Goddess ie The Shakti/ LifeForce Energy is reActivated, you will be ready to birth your New Skin / New Perception/ New Vision / New Projects / New Actions / New Goals !!!
EnLight ,InGrace, InJoy
Be The Change You Want To See
Sa Kei Na

Aurora Ray
A 5D Vibrational Experience
Dear ones,
Have you ever wondered what it might be like to exist in the 5D vibration?
Before we begin, I want to point out that humanity has been ascending for a long time, but now it is accelerating exponentially. What does this feel like? As each soul takes its own path, it is important to know that some things will remain the same while others will radically change. Below, I have outlined some of the key changes souls might experience or are already experiencing in their present life incarnation.
When you are in this 5D vibration, your life will be filled with a very ecstatic and blissful feeling. And no matter what challenges or obstacles you face, this ecstasy and blissful feeling will accompany you throughout the day!
To align with this elevated consciousness or higher dimensional vibration, you can use many techniques to raise your vibration, like meditation or mindful breathing. But even if all the techniques fail, there’s one thing that always works: LOVE!
The Love Energy Is The Most Potent Energy On The Planet.
You need to understand that our universe is based on love. Our planet is based on love. All living beings are based on love. Every loving action changes the energy vibrations for all living beings and each individual life on Earth. People who are in harmony with themselves are people who change the energy vibrations of others around them.
When you dwell in the heart of love, you will experience a cosmic joy that is beyond human comprehension. In the 5D world, it is not only possible to experience an ecstatic and blissful state of being, but it is also possible to maintain such a state.
The world of the third dimension is one of darkness, cold, and limitation. Here you will find all kinds of horror stories.
The world of the fifth dimension is one of light, love, and freedom. Here you will find all kinds of happiness and unlimited possibilities.
The 3D world is a world where everyone has to fight for his or her own survival on their own and where everyone has to endlessly look for their own happiness. In the 5D world, everyone works together to survive, and everyone can easily enjoy their lives. You can easily get everything you want there, including your health and wealth.
If you want to ascend your vibrational beingness so that you can enter into the 5th-dimensional vibration, then you must continuously raise your vibration by thinking only positive thoughts! Because if you think negative thoughts, your vibration will fall again!
The majority of humanity are currently 3rd-dimensional beings who must ascend to the 5th dimension through the 4th dimension. And because their current vibrational frequency is too low, they will be unable to directly reach this 5D higher dimensional vibration.
It is difficult, but not impossible, for them to ascend into the 5th higher dimensional vibration at their current level of consciousness. Many people have attempted but failed to transcend to a higher frequency. They failed because they only understood a portion of the process.
To enter into the 5D higher dimensional vibration, you need to open up all four doorways or dimensions of consciousness. These four dimensions are the physical world, the mental world, the spiritual world, and the emotional world.
You need to align yourself with all of these four worlds so that you can reach a state of coherence or harmony within yourself.
The majority of people are out of sync with these four worlds. When this happens, it is a sign that they are not in balance. This can be caused by the fact that they do not live from their heart but from their head. In other words, they are in their heads, and therefore the feeling of being overwhelmed is there.
Higher-dimensional beings live through their hearts because this is where the purest love resides. By looking at life with love, they can create miracles in their lives.
The heart knows before our brain thinks it. That’s why we have these butterflies in our stomachs when we meet someone we like. We feel love for each other, but our brains do not think so yet.
When we use our heart as a guide to life, we will notice that there are many more dimensions than just 1, 2, and 3 dimensions. There are indeed an infinite number of dimensions, and they all vibrate at different frequencies.
The physical body of the third-dimensional world uses the chakra system of seven major energy centers. The physical body of the fifth-dimensional world also uses the 12 chakra system in its original form as an energy system, but it also uses this energy system to connect with the multidimensional consciousness and to translate that consciousness into the physical body.
The fourth dimension is a world of invisible energies. These energies, however, are not separate from you: they are you! You are made of these energies. You are made of energy, and you are made of light.
The fifth dimension is a new energetic reality free of any negativity, allowing all conscious beings that live there to have a greatly higher quality of life.
People who choose to stay on Earth will continue to experience pain and suffering as part of their human experience, but those who choose to move into this new reality will never again experience negativity in any form. This does not mean that they will be immune to feeling emotions like sadness or anger; instead, it means that they will no longer be subject to the negative influences that others have traditionally had over them. They will be able to live in the space of love and light, free from strife and worry, where they can return to their true Divine nature and live the life they were always meant to live.
The choice is yours. If you wish to remain on Earth, you can do so. If you do not feel ready, you are welcome to stay until you feel that you are ready. The choice is yours.
People who choose to stay on Earth will continue to experience pain and suffering as part of their human experience, but those who choose to move into this new 5D consciousness will discover a renewed sense of connection to family, friends, and all living things. As a result, they will feel loved and cherished.
In addition, their creativity will flourish, and they will feel driven to accomplish great things. They will also find themselves developing an interest in spiritual matters as they realize that they are more than just their physical bodies. Ascended beings are able to live in harmony with nature and are able to communicate telepathically with other ascended beings.
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Copyright 2022 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.

Judith Kusel

Karen Lithika
We reach out today to share the continued Light Initiation of your world. The multidimensional development of creation is simply occuring in every moment in every reality.
To understand access to the New Earth is available to the Awakened Souls. It is simply reaching your internal Light Compass to find your personal navigational tool.
For the Advanced Light Leaders are beyond the parameters of your reality. We see many groups leaving your physical reality to visit the New Earth.
This is the path before you…the future opportunity presenting now…
For New Earth is the Future Timeline of your world. It is presented to Karen as a new planet to visit and converse with the multidimensional light beings.
For your entry to the Universe is unlimited and available. It is simply understanding the light dynamics of the Universe.
For like Karen, many are encoded with this Light Access, for it provides many opportunities. As the role of many is now appearing in new ways.
We simply ask you to listen to this message, look beyond the physical reality of your world.
The New Earth Frontier is Here
With love for your Journey
The Arcturians & Karen Lithika

Asara Adams
Energy Update by Archangel Michael
“Greetings, Beloved Ones.
We are sending you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we are inviting you to open your heart to our message for you…
Dear One, as you are moving through the ever changing realities of your experience, there is always one constant:
The Unconditional Love of God.
God loves you, no matter the conditions.
God loves you when you are loving and when you are not.
God’s Love is free of any conditions.
God’s Love is the ever available constant energy flowing to you.
God’s Love is ever available to be shared with the world around you.
It is an infinite well of Love that has no end.
That means, that if you find yourself not able to love in a specific moment, you can call on the infinite and unconditional Love of God to flow to that person or situation.
You don’t have to agree with people and what they do, but you can still send them God’s Love.
Of course, humans have free will to lessen the flow of this unconditional and Divine Love.
When you are not in harmony, you’ll be less able to feel God’s Love.
But, it’s still there – flowing to you.
You just won’t be able to feel it, because you are feeling any other unpleasant emotion instead.
The moment you direct your attention back to God’s Love which is flowing straight to your heart, you will be able to feel it again.
Every moment of your life offers this choice of redirecting your focus and attention to your heart, which is constantly receiving God’s unconditional Love.
Then, simply begin to feel a lessening of the tension in your emotional body and before you know it, the floodgates will open to vast amounts of God’s Love.
Then, you can direct this love to anything and anyone, including yourself.
We recommend to practice this just for one hour.
Then, for another hour and so forth.
Then, for one day.
Then, for several days and so forth.
Before you know it, your life will shift in a way that is so loving and harmonious in all areas of your life that it will become even easier to connect to God’s unconditional Love and the sharing of this Love.
Know That All Is Well, Beloved Ones.
Welcome Home.
We are walking beside you, every step of the way.
Dear Ones, you are loved beyond measure. Always.
I am Archangel Michael and I bring you this truth.
Thank you, Archangel Michael!
Channelled through Asara Adams

Leah Whitehorse
Moon enters Aries. Sun in Virgo trine Uranus retrograde in Taurus – After surfing the monster wave of the Pisces Full Moon, we’re finally deposited on the ground. Now we are in new territory and despite being soaked to the skin, we’re breathless with exhilaration. Soon the heat dries our clothes and we’re ready to explore. Although there is a clear well-trodden path to the left, it’s to the right we go, planting our first footprints in the sand, curious to see where we might end up.
This is the nature of Sun-Uranus aspects. They invite us to try new and different paths and experiences. Novelty challenges us because it allows us to express parts of ourselves that have not been given expression before. With Earth signs involved, material matters benefit most. Maybe it’s time to change jobs, shake up your routine, upskill, embrace new technology or try a new workout. Experiment with small changes to begin with to build confidence. Sometimes the most unusual blooms grow in the strangest of places. Freedom comes when you follow your heart.
Degrees and Times
Moon 00°Ar00′ – 07:47 (BST)
Sun 18°Vi47′, Uranus 18°Ta47′ R – 14:09 (BST)
© Leah Whitehorse
source :
Painting – Orchids Nesting Hummingbirds And A Butterfly by Martin Johnson Heade

The Tzolkin Times
Kin 116 ~ Yellow Crystal Warrior

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