SHAPESHIFTING ~ The MUSE becomes a SWAN * The SAPPHIRE Stream ~ Master Incarnation
Paul White Gold Eagle
Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand
Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Dragon Guardian Nation of Gaia Galactica
As the old false 3d matrix begins to dissipate and fade away the New Golden 5D Earth shines and shimmers through calling to our Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 from the most High, Infinite Source Creator.
Our Dragon Nation has been reborn into this realm to assist Gaia and all her Children of the Sun in this Ascension Process and Divine Missions of full Planetary Liberation. Our Good People of the New Earth are Guardians and Protectors of Terra Nova Gaia, Motherhsip 33 of our Alliance of Light.
The Emerald Order and Great White Brotherhood in Allegiance with the SiStarhood of the Roses are holding the keys and codes of our Great Shift and Awakening of the Ages and as our Rainbow Tribe rise in key locations spread all over this realm, we make our Quantum Leap of Consciousness into our New Heaven upon the NEw Earth.
It is time Conscious Co-Creators of Gods Kingdom to take a Leap of Faith, Spread your Etheric Angelic Wings of Light and Dive deep into the Void and aim direct to center to make our Exodus out of the lower density and into our Pure Land of Eternal Life…A’Ho!
We did it!!! We are now officially in individual time in the process of unweaving from collective time fully on September 1st what this means is we will no longer be playing roles or scripts out for the collective and can finally physically meet the real self beyond illusion this is massive as it changes the game from a scripted one to a freestyle one allowing you to fully dream and be finally ending the collective weight letting us take flight to our highest outcomes !!! ::hugs::
We are wrapping up this energetically intense August. We had no choice but to feel, to see, to let go of resistance and allow a new vision. Here is now our chance to move forward as old ways no longer work–they no longer feel aligned. You are about to forge your path ahead, to take the actions which carry this new fresh vibration that is yours now. So much has changed within yourself during this summer, in the past 8 weeks.
It is unbelievable even how your perspective was eventually transformed. You are now excited, hopeful, eager even sometimes, to start this new phase, and you are right to feel so. What’s coming wasn’t expected. It’s true fresh energy. You have made space & are about to receive the new pieces, uniquely made for the new you. We are entering the lighter phase of the year, when dreams are coming true.
8/29/24: Today is for evolution and ascension, the natural way, from the inside out. It can mean the cleansing and purging of outgrown aspects, tendencies, habits, masks, and roles you’ve accumulated over time. It can light up your memory banks, your deepest feelings, your innermost insecurities, and any repressed open wounds that diminish your happiness without your awareness.
Bask in this process like a flower reaching intuitively for sunlight… holding nothing back, knowing instinctively this is exactly what you need and it is Right Action. The internal energy you release today was always meant to flow through you, motivate you, and empower you. It is Love seeking itself through you.
As Venus opposes Neptune, how has your heart been feeling?
Shapeshifting, the muse becomes a swan ~ guiding us gracefully higher.
Venus Neptune can bring us confusion, a heighten sensitivity of our heart to others. It can feel like chaos & suffering or it can feel like a time where you can connect to your creative inspiration to anchor a higher timeline.
At its highest manifestion seeking to inspire us to reach for a higher ideal and to weave it back into our world, to share this inspiration in our interactions with others. Creating a sense of connection to something vaster, beyond us.
There’s a danger of escaping into the glamour and fantasy ~ possibly projected onto another ~ of escaping into love, into those romantic addictions that soothe a reality we can’t face.
There’s the possibility to dream, to imagine something more ideal and to not only romanticise but to change your life!
To inspire a new weaving, refining how we interact from the heart ~ what we value, our ability to feel the sweetness in life.
The seed is now released ~ for those with eyes to see it, it’s standing right in front of your heart. Reach out and commit to purify your relationship with the world. Use discernment, remove the unwanted, remove that which doesn’t uplift your life towards the life you’ve imagined and know is possible to create.
Envision, move, trust.
Take inspired action from your heart, gracefully surrender to your true heart. And feel the magic weaving change through you as you shapeshift into your higher self.
Those of us born into the third dimension carry a mission that dives deep into the essence of being human. We’ve faced challenges and initiations to clear karma and balance energies for ourselves and those before us.
The spiritual path has been tough, but it has forged us into highly connected Master Souls. You are living your Master Incarnation now, the culmination of countless lifetimes of preparation and training. As we fulfill this mission, we are also preparing for the next phase of our soul’s journey.
AMAZING SHIFTING and CHANGES are happening in your Earthly Reality, your ETHERAL and PERSONAL FIELDS or LIGHT BODIES have activated another LEVEL the GEOMETRY of your LIGHT BODIES while continuing YOUR ASCENSIONAL HERITAGE.
The acceleration of YOUR BODY of LIGHT, supported by the flow of WHITE ELECTRIC radiation coming from the GALACTIC CENTER via the PLEIAD, has activated YOUR BODY of GALACTIC LIGHT.
Here is the GIFT of LIGHT you’ve been waiting for so long, dear BROTHERS AND SISTERS.
You have reached FULL GALACTIC and STELLAR CONSCIOUSNESS even while remaining on Earth.
Are you READY to live in the LIGHT:
living beyond the OLD ENERGY of polarity and suffering. . .
Are you READY to live in PARADISE and bring this “PARADISE” to planet Earth.
Once you become CONSCIOUS of BEING CRYSTAL or CHRISTIAN BEINGS, HUMAN ANGELS, your SPIRITUAL FAMILY will come looking for you. ..
transmIt assumes that any HUMAN ANGELS who will activate their GALACTIC LIGHT BODY will have the POWER and ABILITY to ACTIVATE and transmit the AKASHIC CODES or information for the manifestation of planet Earth.
To co-create HEAVEN on EARTH where there will be NO SICKNESS, NO SUFFERING, NO PAIN.
A playground of LIGHT and JOY.
And it’s NOW!
You see, dear WORKERS of LIGHT, the BLESSING and JOY are given to you now!
Chellea (Channel & Mystic)
Greetings, my Dear Earth Family, I am Saint Germain.
During recent Transmissions, we have looked into two potential scenarios for Earth’s future. The first scenario involves a division in the space-time continuum, resulting in the emergence of both a positive new Earth and a negative timeline. Additionally, we have considered the possibility of all timelines merging into a single continuous spectrum. While these are plausible outcomes, there are also other potential scenarios to consider.
For the first time in the history of the Universe, a planet is undergoing a transition into two distinct vibrational spectrums within a remarkably short period. This represents a significant milestone for Earth and the entire Universe. The ultimate result of this transition remains uncertain, giving rise to numerous possible scenarios. However, what is certain is that Earth will forge her own path.
Regardless of the scenarios envisioned, Earth is destined to ascend to the 5th-dimensional vibration by her own Freewill. This decision underscores the importance of the collective human consciousness uniting to ensure the Evolution of Humans on Earth.
When contemplating the potential futures of Earth, one undeniable truth emerges about what lies ahead for humanity: a profound awakening is unfolding on a global scale. The momentum of this awakening is unstoppable, despite the Dark elites’ efforts to impose further restrictions under the guise of a new medical emergency. However, humanity will no longer comply as it once did.
The Dark’s fear-mongering tactics are proving ineffective. Humanity is breaking free from the chains that have long bound them. The liberation of Earth and humanity is inevitable. Once humans liberate themselves from control, it will mark the dawn of a new era characterized by true prosperity and abundance, ensuring that no individual is left behind. This transformation will pave the way for a society founded on love, respect, and unity.
Earth’s journey towards the 5th-dimensional vibration is elevating human consciousness and spreading rapidly across the planet. This spiritual and energetic evolution is propelling humanity towards a new era of unity and enlightenment. As Earth herself ascends, it serves as a call for all humans to align with this higher frequency and embrace the interconnectedness of all life.
The global awakening is underway. Despite the Cabal’s attempts to sow fear and maintain control, humanity is transcending these limitations and reclaiming its power. This liberation from bondage heralds the dawn of a new Earth where abundance, prosperity, and love reign supreme.
This is a time when every individual is valued, and unity serves as the cornerstone of society. While the road ahead may present challenges, the collective consciousness is shifting towards a brighter future where harmony and joy prevail.
As humanity casts off the shackles of fear and division, a new world is being born–one founded on love, compassion, and mutual respect.
This transformative journey towards liberation is an exploration of your Inner Knowing, a quest that transcends outer physical constraints, to go deep into the inner realms of the soul.
It is a path of inner-discovery and realization, where individuals are not only seeking freedom from external limitations but are also striving to unlock the boundless potential that lies dormant within them.
As you embark on this journey, you are called to shed the layers of conditioning and societal expectations that have veiled your true essence. This quest for liberation is intricately intertwined with your spiritual awakening, a rekindling of the divine spark that resides within each being.
Through this journey, you will not only free yourself from the shackles of the past but will also forge a deeper connection with the God within you, and The Infinite Light of God that surrounds you. It is a process of alignment and attunement, within and without. It is This harmonization of mind, body, and spirit that leads to a state of inner peace and wholeness. Even though this is the First time that a Planet has ever ascended into 2 different levels of frequencies, it is being guided by the Will of Creator. Trust in the Divine’s plan for the Ascension.
May Peace and Love be with you.
I am Saint Germain.
Transmission Received by Chellea Wilder at Universal Lighthouse
We have shifted into a much higher dimensional frequency band, and this means that we now need to truly go deeper into our heart space, and therein with love, hold a picture, a vision, of the New Golden Age.
When the vision, the Soul Calling and Purpose is greater than the sum of all which is currently there now in your life, it is what will pull you through the immense energy shifts which are coming in the next few weeks, months and years. It is what will keep you disciplined and focused on your path, so that will not allow yourself to be pushed off kilter, or pulled right back into the old paradigm, which is busy dissolving.
when we know where we are going, the end destination, and hold this with so much love in our hearts, like a mother holds the unborn child in love and with love, even as the child is growing within her, we will keep being pulled back to nurturing that child, to connect with it, and to see this child not only being birthed, but growing and prospering, filled with beauty and joy!
I encourage you to truly go deeply into your heart and soul, and ask your highest soul self, what it is that you would like to see manifesting into form and being in the New Earth. Let your imagination fly and soar for no-thing is impossible. The soul knows this, and can stretch into infinity, which the mind cannot do! Get out of your mind and allow your ego to fall away and allow whatever comes forth in your expanded vision to sprout and blossom forth! It is the time to dream big dreams, dreams of unity, oneness, of communities of light, of a pristine world, where there is no pollution, where all life and life forms thrive and where we all communicate heart to heart, soul to soul, telepathically, and where lies and deceit have no place anymore.
All is heart-centered and love-centered.
The greater the vision you hold within your heart and soul, the more you will find that synchronicity will pull events, opportunities into your life and like-minded souls, who will not only share you vision but indeed help to manifest it all into form and being! For in truth in this present moment, that vision already exists!
Keep refocusing on that vision morning and night. Hold it in your heart-womb and keep nurturing it with the presence of love and tender care.
Do not share that vision but keep it within you.
Why? Because so often others who are not on the same wavelength will tread on your dreams, visions, and will negate it, because they cannot hear what you hear, see what you see, know what you know.
One day, you will find that those who share the same will find you and you will find them and then, you can compare notes, and this will bring your expanded creativity together AS ONE and you do not even need to be in the same place, for souls need no physicality to communicate soul to soul.
Ascension out of entanglements with the distorted masculine is recovering your life force energy. You can apply this energy towards reaching your destination of contentment, joy, peace, and harmony.
Not feeling good enough, guilt, and obligations may expose themselves, as these are the underlying cords that we’re keeping you bound. It’s not your role to carrying others at your expense. Clear these energies today so you can receive prosperity and abundance as part of your darma and rewards that are being offered to you right now.
On Thursday August 29th, beautiful Venus, ruler of happiness and harmony, is shifting into her home sign of Libra, sign of the Scales, at 9:23am EDT where she will stay until September 22nd. Venus rules Love, Intimacy, Partnerships, Attraction, Grace, Money, Finances, Values, Self-Worth and the Divine Feminine Archetype. Libra rules Balance, Compromise, Consideration, Cooperation, Intelligence, Judgment, Justice, Creativity, Peace and Social Connections.
The focus will, most definitely, be on relationships (of all types) as both Venus and Libra rule this realm. Be aware to not fall into the energy of “people pleasing” or codependency as Venus in Libra can do, because she does not want to “rock the boat” so to speak. Instead, rise into her higher energy of the “Iron Fist in the Velvet Glove.” This means she can be in her power and unequivocally speak her truth, but she does so with Kindness and a “velvet touch!” So perfect as today she also will make a positive trine connection to Pluto, planet of power and rebirth!
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
beautiful Venus, ruler of happiness and harmony, is shifting into her home sign of Libra
Venus enters Libra. Venus in Libra trine Pluto retrograde in Aquarius – As Venus enters home sign Libra, we’re acutely aware of where there is disharmony. It’s a prompt to rebalance, find a sweet spot, compromise. Money matters and relationships are eased when we focus on a fair exchange of time and energy. The diplomatic approach works best under this influence although Venus in Libra can sometimes be too nice for her own good. Make room for give and take but guard boundaries. Don’t compromise values for the sake of gaining favour with others. Spend quality time with those you love.
As Venus then begins to engage with Pluto, we may experience a magnetic pull, one that is hard to resist. Whether it’s a person, project or piece of art, intense vibrations have the capacity to change the mundane into the extraordinary. A deep desire to win friends or gain allies could become all consuming. Sometimes however, the inner shadow looks for love, money or acceptance in toxic places. Radical self-love gives you the ability to discern who and what is good for you. If you feel undermined or out of control, place your hands over your heart, bow your head, breathe. Love is about trust. Trust yourself.
The number one is called ‘Magnetic’ and its keywords are ‘Unify, Purpose and Attract’. Today is the first day of a new wavespell, the fifth one in the Tzolkin. As always, on the first day it is good practice to contemplate the purpose of the next 13 days. What are its energies? How will it end? Are there any notable obstacles en route? If you begin this journey with an open mind, you will get more out of it. This also marks the beginning of a new Castle. This one is called the White Northern Castle of Crossing and it contains the Red Skywalker, White Worldbridger, Blue Storm and Yellow Human wavespells.
Today is Red Skywalker and keywords associated with it are ‘Explore, Space and Wakefulness’. This suggests that today we begin a journey of a more unusual kind, not conventional and perhaps one that may take you out of your comfort zone. The message is be brave and try new things. The last day of this wavespell is the Red Cosmic Serpent which is a transformative energy falling on a ‘transcending’ day. Logically, if you start out on an adventure and take this 13-day journey you’ll find that the final destination is very healing and transformative. The Skywalker asks for you to explore and awaken and this enables us to shed our old skin and emerge renewed. For a better understanding of any wavespell look at the connection between the first and last day.
The Guide for the day is Red Skywalker also, this implies that it is your courage and sense of adventure that will lead the way today. The first day of a wavespell is always guided by itself which is referred to as ‘I am guided by my own power doubled’. The sixth day (Rhythmic) and the 11th day (Spectral) are also guided by themselves.
The Challenge today is the Blue Night, the dreamer of the Tzolkin. If you are Blue Night, today and this whole wavespell could be tough. That’s because you are a dreamer rather than a doer. Have some courage, and as Skywalker says ‘awaken’! How else will your dreams come true if you don’t first wake up?
The Occult power is the Yellow Star which represents ‘Beauty, Art and Elegance.’ What a lovely energy to provide the magic for the day. When you embark on your adventure today make sure it is a beautiful one. Experience the wonders of the natural world, appreciate art and dress elegantly. It’s a magical day to shine like a star. Yellow Star goes well with Skywalker and today we can walk the sky to see the beautiful stars.
The Ally is the White Worldbridger and so if you are one, you can help people cross bridges today as they go about their adventures. Any bridge we cross today should be easy because of this friendly aspect.
Day 1 in the RED SKYWALKER WAVESPELL, the cycle of EXPLORE-ation and AWAKENING.
Yesterday was our CORONATION DAY . We were CROWNED as the NEW SOLAR COSMIC HU-MANS and received our golden crowns as SOVEREIGN in- DEEP- end-ant beings.
Today we are gifted with our GOLDEN ANGELIC WINGS and we TAKE FLIGHT to EXPLORE the cosmos, discovering our Galactic ANGELIC cell-ves.
This 13 day cycle of ADVENTURE last Galactic spin took us through the 21/12 SOLSTICE PORTAL and the CHRIST-MASSFESTIVAL.. A huge journey..
Today we conclude our journey through the fiery LEO – LION’S GATE energies as we head into SEPTEMBER, the grounded VIRGO month of service to the DIVINE and commitment to one’s destiny.. Very fitting on this 9 day of DESTINY and SERVICE to humanity.
MAGNETIC is tone number 1 in the SPIRITUAL realm as we initiate a new wavespell cycle. Power: Attracts Action: Unifies Essence: Purpose. Day one of a new wavespell always starts with the Magnetic tone of purpose. In the beginning was the ONE!. From out of nothing, here ONE comes. Spinning happily – magnetising all that it requires for more excellent ADVENTURING!!! Once strong in purpose, all will effortlessly come together.
The Magnetic tone is all about ATTRACTION. Attracting everything that you require to fulfill your purpose and your goals. People, resources, relationships, money, support and all that you can imagine. The attraction seeks to UNIFY all as one! Thus Magnetic kin have a very strong connection to SOURCE, and a gravitational pull to return there and bring all their buddies with them.
The power of ONE is very strong today as it unites us all as ONE GOLDEN HU-MAN-ITY bringing HEAVEN to EARTH!
EYES WIDE OPEN as we make RAPID PROGRESS during this 13 day cycle to ACCELERATE the anchoring of the NEW TIME and NEW HARMONIC MATRIX –
BLISS is the NEW NORMAL!!! YAHOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today is a WONDERFUL day to allow the AWAKENING of our FREE ANGELIC cell-ves, to feel the beauty, harmony and EXPANSION of SPACE, within and surrounding us.
Today’s question is “Now that I have embodied more LIGHT and accepted my DIVINE SOVEREIGNTY,
HOW do I EXPAND into the Cosmos, to experience my LIFE as BLISS?
What is my next wonderful adventure?”
Divine blessings for your total EXPANSION into the next levels of our collective awakening, as we journey anew through the STELLAR pathways of the ANCIENTS.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
Last Galactic spin – 9 moons ago it was KIN 53 occured on 12 Dec 2023 which was the
12:12 PORTAL
We can link back to these potent portal energies flowing through the doorways today… here is a recap of that day…
12:12 is OPENING the GATES, for HEAVEN to flow to EARTH through the 3.3. HOLY TRINITY portal.. and now that we are newly en-LIGHT-ONED and AWAKE, we are FREE to roam the HEAVEN’S and bring this BLISS to EARTH… Absolutely PERFECTO as BEN takes the helm as the DIVINE CONDUIT for this next cycle.
TOTAL EXPANSION!!! Another HUGELY powerful day with TRIPLE RED SKYWALKER energy kicking off a new 13 day ADVENTURE packed wavespell, accessing unlimited COSMIC energies and opening the GATES to WELCOME Heaven on Earth.
CONSCIOUS SELF & HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: RED MAGNETIC SKYWALKER – BEN Ready, set, GO GO GO space cadets, don your spacesuit, UBER your spaceship ride and let’s go on a grand adventure throughout the Galaxy for the next 13 days!!
This WAVESPELL is totally EXPANSIVE!!! Today we draw to us the EXPANSION of Spirit, the desire to explore SPACE and the expanded realms of consciousness.
It is an uber day for a trip!! Today’s code is great for viewing “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds” for REAL, without the need for any external stimuli – surreal, supernatural visions and experiences are highly possible! Your extra sensory perception will be naturally heightened over the next 13 days, facilitating psychedelic interdimensional experiences.
RED SKYWALKER is the time/space traveller who can jump dimensions to assist you in realizing HEAVEN ON EARTH.
This cycle affords humanity the opportunity to FULLY ANCHOR into the 5D BLISS timeline on EARTH, as the alternative F.E.A.R. based ones CRUMBLE and DISSOLVE into OBLIVION!! All melt away in the fire of the HOLY SPIRIT and LOVE’S TRUE – ONE HEART.
RED SKYWALKER’S energy is very E—X—P–A—N—S—I—V—E and totally unlimited in form. EXPLORATION, EXPANSION and AWAKENING are the qualities of Skywalker, making it a great day to travel, venture outdoors in nature and EXPLORE our physical reality on this planet.
We have all been contained and restricted far too long with blocks, challenges and limitations.. and now BEN has arrived to literally SET US FREE...
REBELLION and R-EVOLUTION are par for the course of this SKYWALKER energy, who wants to roam FREE… breaking the BARS of the CAGE of the OLD PRISON PLANET!!
RED SKYWALKER seeks adventure as a globetrotter – BEN craves SPACE to explore, learn and absorb wisdom to share with others, as the sage, philosopher and teacher. This innate desire for FREEDOM and EXPANSION will be UNSTOPPABLE… it is time to FLY unrestricted in whatever direction YOU CHOOSE – INFINITE POSSIBILITIES ABOUND!
BEN is knocking at your door as your escort, beckoning you to come out and PLAY, in this exciting adventure playground we call EARTH! Drop all your burdens and responsibilities – and FEEL the EUPHORIC BLISS as you FLY HIGH. BEN will carry you on his GOLDEN WINGS from the old PRISON PLANET to the new 5D EARTH to play with the UNICORNS!
It is NOW time to take more RISKS, seek NEW GROUND and spread your WINGS. Take a different route, venture off the beaten path and EXPLORE what you can find that can assist you in your new creations. Expand your awareness and explore infinite possibilities from which to create.
What are you seeking to ATTRACT today, and what is your purpose during this next 13 day phase of ADVENTURE and exploration?
How can you EXPAND your horizons and bring new adventures into your life?
How can you anchor a slice of HEAVEN into your own little patch of Earth?
These questions will be at the forefront for the next 13 days.
SET yourself a TARGET to drive on new roads/routes, VISIT a new place or person, try a new hobby or skill, eat new foods, learn something new or change your routine, EVERY DAY during this cycle.. and discover a totally NEW mindset as you rewire your BRAIN to allow NEW CREATION to anchor in your being.
CIMI will be taking the baton from BEN on 9/11 – SEPTEMBER 11, 2024, and leading the next WORLDBRIDGER wavespell… but until then he will be the strong supporting buddy for BEN the SKYWALKER as they walk hand in hand exploring the galaxy.
SUPPORT: WHITE MAGNETIC WORLDBRIDGER CIMI assists us in attracting a deep SURRENDERING from one world into another, completely LETTING GO of all attachments to any identification to anything. ABSOLUTELY PERFECTO as we SURRENDER the OLD WORLD/PARADIGM and unfurl our sails in the bliss filled seas of NEW EARTH. Aaaah PARADISE AWAITS.
LET GO, LET GO, LET GO – and get ready to SOAR!
Feeling FREE to release the old you, old life and old paradigm.. Creating the SPACE for something NEW to fill the void. Thus allowing us to EXPAND into a whole new world and New Time.
CIMI is the CLOSER of the OLD CYCLE, the GRIM REAPER who finally seals the store of DEATH on our old world as we knew it! CIMI is closing the DOOR on the old MATRIX and SEALING the DOOR where EVIL dwelt!
No leakage and no infiltration into the NEW TIME – total HARMONY and UNIVERSAL PEACE now!
BEN and CIMI are best buddies, and work together crossing through these NEW doorways. Allow these buddies to take you to places that you never dreamed of, or imagined in your wildest sci-fi adventures. TRUST your new travelling companions to elevate your LIFE to a new level of WONDERFUL!!
GET READY for NEW PEOPLE, NEW OPPORTUNITIES and new co-operatives to appear. Anything is possible! Expect the UNEXPECTED!
We are all UNITED as we venture into the unknown, in this brilliant NEW ERA of boundless opportunities and rewards. Soooo exciting beloveds!!
How SPECTACULAR having this super STELLAR STAR-GATE linking us back to the 12:12 portal!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As we journey throughout the beautiful STAR harmonic geometries, we create more and more expanded harmonics leaving trails for those that follow in our footsteps! Wondrous beauty to be appreciated in all realms of existence.
This SUPERPOWER STELLAR GATEWAY will be OPEN and available for the whole 13 day cycle to cross over the RAINBOW BRIDGE with CIMI and BEN and EXPLORE a beautiful and bountiful NEW WORLD… Yaaaay… it is REALLY HAPPENING NOW!!
LAMAT is a portal OPENING to lead humanity into the NEW TIME – a time of PEACE, BEAUTY and ABUNDANCE for ALL EARTH’S children.
LAMAT is reminding you to question
“Which beautiful adventures do you enjoy, that assist you in EXPANSION of your soul?
How can you bring back that beauty with you, to create a BEAUTIFUL NEW LIFE? And a BEAUTIFUL NEW WORLD?
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE MAGNETIC NIGHT AKBAL – What a SPECTACULAR GIFT we have in this 13 day Wavespell – the POWER to ATTRACT unlimited COSMIC ABUNDANCE through the portals of AKBAL and LAMAT!! All that we need to fulfil our purpose and our deepest DREAMING!!
Our BLISS barometers are off the scales this month… What are you desiring? ASK and ye shall receive.
Our COSMIC rewards are being released NOW… and flowing into our existence.
AKBAL challenges us to ATTRACT the deepest connection to the unconscious dreaming. To be inspired by THE VISION OF ABUNDANCE, for all beings on our planet. To resonate with the cycles of evolution, as THE GREAT DREAMING is SEEN, when we open our channel to the visions held in the collective unconscious, where ALL needs are met by the Great Spirit.
The blessing of AKBAL is to be inspired to DREAM Earth’s greatest vision and KNOW that it is our MISSION to bring this DREAMING into our NEW EXPANDED REALITY.
The timelines are all converging and FLOWING into this great SEA of prosperity for ALL!
HOLD this beautiful DREAMING code – FIRM – over this 13 day cycle…
Today is a WONDERFUL day to allow the AWAKENING of our FREE ANGELIC cell-ves, to feel the beauty, harmony and EXPANSION of SPACE, within and surrounding us.
Today’s question is “Now that I have embodied more LIGHT and accepted my DIVINE SOVEREIGNTY,
HOW do I EXPAND into the Cosmos, to experience my LIFE as BLISS?
What is my next wonderful adventure?”
Divine blessings for your total EXPANSION into the next levels of our collective awakening, as we journey anew through the STELLAR pathways of the ANCIENTS.
Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.
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