The Renewal of Adi Shakti and The Chain Breakers (Navratri -9 Nights of the Goddess ) The STRONGEST SHIFT is Upon us Right NOW!
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Golden Winged Nation of our Heavenly Legion of Light
With these immense energies flooding Pachamama today she received a massive activation and release with a magnitude 6.5 earthquake in the root chakra of Mother Earth just East of South Sandwich Islands at 3:03 UTC, Code of 33 of Divine Mastery. Gaia, along with all her Children of the Sun are stepping into Mastery of the Ascension Process as we Alchemize the 5 Elements into the Threefold Flame of Transformation in the Sacred Heart Chamber activating the Holy Grail Lines of our Royal Lineage of the New Lemuria.
All Priests and Priestesses of the Gold Flame of Christ Consciousness are coming into form to bring with us the Hieros Gamos of Unity consciousness. We are all united as one through the Holographic Quantum Field of Electromagnetism which is the Diamond Net of Indra, the Web of Life. As we Walk our Path with Heart being connected to all things we harmonize the frequencies of the Music of the Spheres and Bridge the Worlds of Heaven and Earth for the Great Shift of the Ages to the New Golden Age of Eternal Life. We do not give up nor do we back down from our missions of being the Guides and Wayshowers of the New Heaven upon the New Earth. With our Divine will and Pure Intent for the highest Good of all Involved we Co-Create the Paradise the Divine Mother has always evolved to be.
We are done with the fake programs, false narratives and projections of delusion. We rise through the waters of Eternal Life and Bloom in the Heavenly Delight of our New Edenic Timeline. Our Breakthrough and Freedom is inevitable, it is our inalienable birth right. For all beings are born perfectly awakened Buddha, but through time this Pure Awareness was converted to the three hells of suffering. The frightened animal, the angry demon and the hungry ghost. We have all played each role well and now through our pain and suffering realize these lessons have been learned and we no longer need them and we let them all go. This is the final release and surrender to our True Nature of Cosmic Consciousness as we make our full Quantum Leap of Consciousness into the New Human of homo-Luminous; beings of Infinite Light.
Embody and integrate into our Avatars the Highest Codes of our 12 Strand Crystalline DNA BluePrints of the 144…A’Ho!
Right now: Moon at 0°02′ Sagittarius, Sun at 7°00′ Libra
Current Sabian Symbols
Current Sabian Symbol for the Sun
Sabian Symbol for 8º Libra |
The current Sabian Symbol of the Sun is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing solar influence, the vital energy and the personality, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this day, while the Sun’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 8º Libra.
Current Sabian Symbol for the Moon
Sabian Symbol for 1º Sagittarius |
The current Sabian Symbol of the Moon is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing lunar influence, the emotional background, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this moment, while the Moon’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 1º Sagittarius.
Valerie A. Elster
We’ve entered into the NEXT Baktun of The Mayan Calendar as the Wheel Turns into NEW States of Awareness. #deathrebirth #12D

Jennifer Catron
Arcturian energy assisting in this shift.. Root chakra clearing for many.

Ally Raye

Roberto Nunez


Celia Fenn
Linda Li

Pars Kutay
The STRONGEST SHIFT is Upon us Right NOW in this Moment!
GET READY for the GREAT CHANGEOVER that is STRONGLY Developing NOW. . .
within the Background but COMING FORWARD More and More NOW into the DIVINE LIGHT!
WE Choose to LET GO and TRUST the Waves that Come into our Lives. . . and WE EMBRACE The CHANGE!
The DIVINE SOURCE LIGHT will Increase “ITSELF” to place Focus on what is BE-ing Removed. . .
and the DIVINE LIGHT is Quickening in “ITS” Movement!
TIME is Quickening BEcause of the DIVINE LIGHT!
WE Have SHIFTED So Much Already!
~ ~

Devyani Singh ~ Isis Channelings
The Renewal of Adi Shakti and The Chain Breakers
This New Moon (Sept 26th) initiates the convergence of 2 Powerful Goddess cycles.
One is known as the Navratri -9 Nights of the Goddess (Sept 26-Oct5 )which is essentially the reawakening of the Adi Shakti / Kundalini/ Femininine Energy as she renews and awakens in the Root Chakra and travels upwards along the chakras ,covering all the Chakras during the 9 days to ultimately converge/ Union with The Shiva/ Divine Mascuine. These 9 days and Nights carry the energy of purification along some central theme for the re-emergence of the Divine Feminine/ Shakti/ Kundalini/ Serpent/ Dragon like the Mother Wound or The Witch Wound. Before I dive into what has been shown to me as the central theme this year of 2022, let’s briefly visit the Second Goddess cycle running concurrently at this time- Inanna/ Venus Cycle.
Venus/ Inanna was Conjunct with the Moon on Sept 25 (not visible) at the last gate of her Shamanic descent into the underworld – in other words- the foundation of this New Moon was the Gate of Actual Entry into The Court of Ereshkigal – Dark Goddess of the Underworld – the Final Destination of Inanna ‘s Descent Journey of Death and Rebirth. According to the ancient Sumerian Myth, Ereshkigal kills Innana when she enters her Court. From the Spiritual Point of View , Ereshkigal represents Inanna ‘s shadow aspect , and it is only when Ereshkigal’s own pain , grief and suffering is witnessed and acknowledged does she agree to revive / gift a new lease of life to Inanna.
This is exactly where we are right Now. Inanna’s (Queen of Heaven ) decision to travel to the underworld was an act of Supreme Courage as she knew fully well the fate that awaited her- meeting our Shadow/ Wounded / abandoned/ cast off aspects is an Act of Courage. It’s a deep dive into the depths of fear, anger, grief, unworthiness, guilt-the full spectrum…..the very aspects that needed to be witnessed , acknowledged and honoured for Ereshkigal!! This is the Union of Inanna and Ereshkigal into Wholeness for post this union Inanna is reborn ( Venus _Sun Conjunction (Oct ) and begins her ascent to acquire the title of Queen of Heaven AND EARTH!!
Since Venus/ Inanna is in the Underworld in the Capricorn Metagoddess cycle, the Shadow Aspects that are coming up for Purification in this Adi Shakti renewal energies of the Navratri Period are the wounds/ traumas/karmic debts of our ancestral/ bloodline, specifically the Wise Woman Council .
As I sat down to meditate on the First Night of the Navratri, I was made aware of 7 generations of my ancestral blood lines had also joint in the Akashic realms…The Elder Women of my lineage…..BUT they had been DENIED their Role as The Wise Women. And then it hit me!! A tidal wave of Grief, anger, disappointment, resentment, rage, bitterness and countless other emotions these Elders had suffered as their existence, role , offerings and essence was wilfully negated ( unseen/ unheard/ disrespected ) by Patriarchal Trauma which continues to run through the bloodlines in Womb and Breast distortions/ disease . How in order to survive Women had to become Flagbearers of the very Patriachy that threatened to crush them and thus women turned against women, abandoned their daughters/ maidens (Mother wound) and degraded the Divine Yoni Portal ( Wounds of the Sacred Prostitute )…..Till these patterns and distortions are released …via the Chain Breakers …US!! Just Like Ereshkigal , the pain and trauma of the ancestors needed to be witnessed and acknowledged….and then they showed me how to heal the traumas of the bloodlines past ( and Future) so that the legacy of distortions is released for past, present and future timeline. (Notice also what is taking place in Iran currently!!)
♥️If you know yourself to be a Chain Breaker, the convergence of these Two Powerful Goddess Cycles provides much support to once again reinstate the Wise Woman Council to their rightful place. The Back Bone/ Foundation of all Ancient Societies was laid by the Wise Woman Wisdom, for they were the Portals of bringing through Ancient Wisdom and also had the foresight as to how this wisdom should be tweaked to support future generations. The Blueprint of the New Golden Age Lies within the Wise Woman Council we hold in our DNA/ Blood, and till that is not healed and brought forth…the Cycles will continue to be repeated.
Chain Breakers: If the past weeks have tested your Courage to the limit, Now is the Time The reawakening of the Adi Shakti/ Kundalini Serpent Energies are bringing new insights and guidance for you. The Power is Within YOU!!!
EnLight ,InGrace, InJoy
Be The Change You Want To See
Sa Kei Na

Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
Both for men and women:
We are collectively processing the masculine energy within us.
Wherever the masculine presence has been out of balance, hurt,
attacked, conditioned, distorted, lost, afraid,
in sorrow, guilt, anger or pain within,
it will become increasingly felt by the body during the coming weeks and months.
It already has been kicking in
but from now on,
we will be experiencing the last phase of the physical revelation,
recalibration, healing, awakening, alignment and repositioning for him.
As the masculine presence is returning in his healthy state on Earth,
(he was called by Mother Earth to do so, she gave the green light)
we are called to attend to our own inner masculine presence and history
and embody his self revelation, purification, healing,
acceptance and loving rebirth and empowerment.
He has been in turmoil, illusion, misguidance and suffering for so long,
experiencing trauma and distorted power on so many levels.
And for some time,
he has been moving slowly back to himself
but now the pace has been accelerated and it will reach full completion.
Key information.
The ears of the masculine have been blocked
and this has affected his throat, his expression
and his connection to his inner truth, charisma, identity and spirit.
The ears are directly connected to the ability of speaking
and in extend, to our ability of understanding and communicating
our authentic thoughts and emotions to ourselves and others.
If you closely observe the energy field in many men
you will notice that at some point,
they unconsciously decided to block, deny,
lower or place filters in their hearing ability.
They did not want to hear everything that was going on
because it was making things more difficult for them.
This was towards both the inner voice and the outer voices.
This blocking affected all the rest of his connected abilities
and also his heart chakra and quality of being in love and acceptance of himself and others.
In this way he learned and got used to living away from his true core
while mostly functioning via the limited programmed mind.
All the above took place gradually throughout history
via programming of training how to take
orders without questioning them,
via his defence and survival mechanism,
in the absence of healing tools, self knowing, spiritual awareness
and self responsibility
and in the presence great collective cultivated guilt and shame,
distorted goals and demands and ‘life or death’ circumstances.
In many cases he had to absolutely continue with his valued duties (family, military, social, religious etc.)
and blocking his hearing was the one of the ways for him to achieve it.
I will not go into details but the reasons why he decided to block,
deny, lower or place filters his hearing ability,
were many and of great importance for him.
As the healthy masculine is now returning in us all,
the ears will be unblocking,
bringing energy and information again
to all those parts that were negatively affected.
We will gain knowledge and communication
with many inner parts of the self that we could not access before.
Coming in contact to those previously blocked parts of the self
could create inner crisis because many of these parts,
are carrying quite heavy memories.
In the face of this awakening,
we might also witness the male energy in parts of the population
acting out with anger, craziness and violence but this is definitely not necessary.
No matter how heavy, pressuring, scary or challenging a part of the self might feel like,
there are always tools one can use to bring the healing through in the most harmonious way
and these tools are always found within the frame of the self responsibility and self healing process.
Asking for guidance and support is a step
that the masculine presence,
in both men and women,
is called to start embracing as something natural, accepted, healthy and honouring.
We are here to share and support each other in all good ways,
no one holds all answers
and we all have our blind spots that many times need
external information in order to be unlocked and recognised by us.
All people have been called to start caring, focusing and really
understanding what is taking place in the world because it is very different than
what is being presented by the media.
This is a revelation and a knowing that comes from honest and loving inner work,
from truly awakening all aspects of one’s self.
Please give loving attention to all the inner messages,
signs, reactions and symptoms that the body might be bringing up,
without rushing to offer an external explanation but by feeling the inner state.
Remember that conscious breathing and grounding is the foundation of all healing.
Τhe masculine’s ability of hearing,
thus, also ability of talking, expressing and living from the core of his heart,
will eventually be healthy restored in all.
Blessings of self revelation, acceptance and balance.
Τόσο για άνδρες όσο και για γυναίκες:
Επεξεργαζόμαστε συλλογικά την αρσενική ενέργεια μέσα μας.
Όπου η αρσενική παρουσία ήταν εκτός ισορροπίας,
ή υπό επίθεση, εκμεταύλλευση, παραμόρφωση και φόβο,
σε θλίψη, ενοχές, θυμό, χάσιμο και πόνο μέσα μας,
θα γίνει όλο και πιο αισθητή στο σώμα κατά τις επόμενες εβδομάδες και μήνες.
Έχει ήδη ξεκινήσει αυτή η διαδικασία
αλλά από εδώ και πέρα,
θα βιώνουμε την τελευταία φάση της φυσικής αποκάλυψης,
επαναβαθμονόμησης, θεραπείας, αφύπνισης,
ευθυγράμμισης και επανατοποθέτησης του.
Καθώς η αρσενική παρουσία επιστρέφει στην υγιή της κατάσταση στη Γη,
(κλήθηκε από τη Μητέρα Γη να το κάνει, αυτή έδωσε το πράσινο φως)
καλούμαστε να παρακολουθήσουμε τη δική μας εσωτερική αρσενική παρουσία και ιστορία
και να ενσωματώσουμε
την αποκάλυψη του εαυτού, την κάθαρση, τη θεραπεία,
την αποδοχή, την αναγέννηση και ενδυνάμωση του με αγάπη.
Ο ίδιος έχει υπάρξει σε αναταραχή, ψευδαίσθηση, παραπλάνηση
και υπέφερε για τόσο καιρό,
βιώνοντας τραύμα και στρεβλή δύναμη σε τόσα πολλά επίπεδα.
Έχει ήδη αρχίσει να επιστρέφει πολύ αργά μέσα στον εαυτό του
αλλά τώρα ο ρυθμός έχει επιταχυνθεί και θα φτάσει σε πλήρη ολοκλήρωση.
Πληροφορία κλειδί.
Τα αυτιά του αρσενικού είχαν μπλοκάρει
και αυτό έχει επηρεάσει το λαιμό του, την έκφραση του
και τη σύνδεση του με την εσωτερική του αλήθεια,
με το χάρισμα, με την ταυτότητα και με το πνεύμα του.
Τα αυτιά συνδέονται άμεσα με την ικανότητα ομιλίας
και κατ’ επέκταση με την ικανότητα που έχουμε να κατανοούμε και να επικοινωνούμε
τις αυθεντικές σκέψεις και τα συναισθήματα μας,
προς τον εαυτό μας και τους άλλους.
Αν παρατηρήσετε προσεκτικά το ενεργειακό πεδίο
σε πολλούς άνδρες,
θα δείτε ότι κάποια στιγμή,
αποφάσισαν ασυναίσθητα να μπλοκάρουν, να αρνηθούν,
να χαμηλώσουν ή να τοποθετήσουν φίλτρα στην ικανότητα ακοής τους.
Δεν ήθελαν να ακούνε όλα όσα συνέβαιναν γύρω τους γιατί τους δυσκόλευαν.
Αυτό ισχύει τόσο και προς την εσωτερική φωνή όσο και για τις εξωτερικές φωνές.
Αυτό το μπλοκάρισμα επηρέασε όλες τις υπόλοιπες συνδεδεμένες ικανότητες του
και επίσης το τσάκρα της καρδιάς του και την ποιότητα του να είναι στην αγάπη
και να αποδέχεται τον εαυτό του και τους άλλους.
Με αυτόν τον τρόπο έμαθε και συνήθισε να ζει μακριά από τον πραγματικό του πυρήνα
και να λειτουργεί κυρίως μέσω του περιορισμένου προγραμματισμένου νου.
Όλα τα παραπάνω έγιναν σταδιακά μέσα στην ιστορία
μέσω εκπαίδευσης για το πως να λαμβάνει εντολές χωρίς να τις αμφισβητεί,
μέσω του μηχανισμού άμυνας και επιβίωσης του,
ελλείψει θεραπευτικών εργαλείων, γνώσης εαυτού, πνευματικής επίγνωσης και αυτοευθύνης
και στην παρουσία μεγάλης συλλογικής καλλιεργημένης ενοχής και ντροπής,
παραμορφωμένων στόχων και απαιτήσεων και εν μέσω συνθηκών «ζωής ή θανάτου».
Σε πολλές περιπτώσεις έπρεπε απολύτως να συνεχίσει
τα πολύτιμα καθήκοντα του (οικογενειακά, στρατιωτικά, κοινωνικά, θρησκευτικά κ.λπ.)
και το να μπλοκάρει την ακοή του,
ήταν ένας τρόπος για να το πετύχει.
Δεν θα μπω σε λεπτομέρειες αλλά οι λόγοι για τους οποίους αποφάσισε να μπλοκάρει,
αρνηθεί, χαμηλώσει ή τοποθετήσει φίλτρα την ακουστική του ικανότητα
ήταν πολλοί και είχαν μεγάλη σημασία για αυτόν.
Καθώς το υγιές αρσενικό επιστρέφει τώρα μέσα σε όλους μας,
τα αυτιά θα ξεμπλοκάρουν,
φέρνοντας ξανά ενέργεια και πληροφορίες
σε όλα εκείνα τα μέρη που επηρεάστηκαν αρνητικά.
Θα αποκτήσουμε γνώση και επικοινωνία
με πολλά εσωτερικά μέρη του εαυτού με τα οποία δεν μπορούσαμε να έχουμε πρόσβαση πριν.
Το να έρθουμε σε επαφή με εκείνα τα προηγουμένως μπλοκαρισμένα κομμάτια του εαυτού,
μπορεί να μας δημιουργήσει εσωτερική κρίση γιατί πολλά από αυτά
κουβαλώντας αρκετά βαριές μνήμες.
Μπροστά σε αυτήν την αφύπνιση,
θα μπορούσαμε επίσης να δούμε την αρσενική ενέργεια σε μέρος του πληθυσμού,
να ενεργεί με θυμό, τρέλα και βία αλλά αυτό σίγουρα δεν είναι κάτι απαραίτητο.
Ανεξάρτητα από το πόσο βαρύ, πιεστικό, τρομακτικό ή προκλητικό μπορεί να αισθάνεται ένα μέρος του εαυτού,
υπάρχουν πάντα εργαλεία που μπορεί κανείς να χρησιμοποιήσει για να φέρει τη θεραπεία με τον πιο αρμονικό τρόπο
και αυτά τα εργαλεία βρίσκονται πάντα μέσα στο πλαίσιο της διαδικασίας υπευθυνότητας και θεραπείας του εαυτού.
Η αρσενική παρουσία
τόσο στους άνδρες όσο και στις γυναίκες,
καλείται να κάνει το βήμα να αρχίσει να ζητάει βοήθεια
και να αγκαλιάσει αυτή τη διαδικασία ως φυσική, αποδεκτή, υγιή και τιμητική.
Είμαστε εδώ για να μοιραζόμαστε και να υποστηρίζουμε ο ένας τον άλλον με όλους τους καλούς τρόπους,
κανείς δεν έχει όλες τις απαντήσεις
και όλοι έχουμε τυφλά σημεία που πολλές φορές χρειάζονται
εξωτερικές πληροφορίες προκειμένου να ξεκλειδωθούν και να φανούν.
Όλοι οι άνθρωποι έχουν κληθεί να αρχίσουν να νοιάζονται, να εστιάζουν και πραγματικά
να κατανοούν τι συμβαίνει στον κόσμο γιατί είναι πολύ διαφορετικό από αυτό που
παρουσιάζουν τα ΜΜΕ.
Αυτή είναι μια αποκάλυψη και μια γνώση που προέρχεται από την ειλικρινή
και στοργική εσωτερική εργασία μέσω της αληθινής αφύπνισης όλων των πτυχών του εαυτού του.
Παρακαλώ δώστε προσοχή σε όλα τα εσωτερικά μηνύματα,
σημεία, αντιδράσεις και συμπτώματα που μπορεί να εμφανίζει το σώμα,
χωρίς να βιάζεστε να προσφέρετε μια εξωτερική εξήγηση αλλά νιώθοντας την εσωτερική κατάσταση.
Να θυμάστε ότι η συνειδητή αναπνοή και η γείωση είναι το θεμέλιο κάθε θεραπείας.
H ικανότητα ακοής του αρσενικού,
άρα και η ικανότητα του για ομιλία, έκφραση
και ζωή μέσα από τον πυρήνα της καρδιάς,
τελικά θα αποκατασταθούν με υγεία μέσα σε όλους μας.
Ευλογίες αυτο-αποκάλυψης, αποδοχής και ισορροπίας.

Aurora Ray
The Alchemy Of Ascension
Ascension can be a difficult thing to describe because it’s not a destination or goal. It’s not about getting somewhere else; it’s about being here now, at this moment, with all of your senses engaged and open to new possibilities.
Ascension is being in the moment and doing what you love. It’s being present; it’s being present in your life. It’s focusing on the now, not the future or past.
It’s about letting go of the past and future so you can be free to follow your heart wherever it leads you. It’s about living in the now and fully experiencing everything around you because when we do this, we find that the boundaries between us and everything else dissolve away like fog on a sunny day.
Life is the pursuit of ascension, and the secret to success lies in knowing what you want and why you want it. This will ensure that you stay on track and consistently work towards your goals each and every day.
Ascension is learning how to listen to our intuition, take responsibility for our actions, and accept responsibility for our actions. It’s being brave enough to do what feels right, even if it feels scary-because courage is not the absence of fear; courage is taking action anyway.
The more you can do what you love, the better your life will be.
When we are doing what we love, our lives are filled with joy and happiness. When we are not doing what we love, our lives are filled with anxiety and stress. It’s so simple: If we want to change our lives for the better, then we must first change our focus from what we don’t like to what we do like.
Ascension is about being in the right place at the right time, with the right energy, where everything aligns to help you grow and succeed.
It’s forgiving yourself and others for mistakes. It’s forgiving your past self for having made a mistake that you now know better than to make. It’s taking the actions necessary to correct a blunder. And it’s allowing the past to go so that you can learn from it without letting it keep you from moving on to bigger and better things.
Your past is a memory, your future is an imagination, only your present is here now.
Don’t let the past or future distract you from the present. The past is gone, and the future hasn’t happened yet. The only thing that’s real is this moment, so live in it and be in it. Don’t try to control your thoughts because they will never be completely still and quiet, but rather be open to whatever arises.
Live your life as if you are already living in the fifth dimension. Be grateful for every breath you take, for every thought that enters your mind, for every word you speak.
Every moment of your life is a gift. Take advantage of it!
Be grateful for every moment you have been given to be alive on this planet at this time. So thank God/Goddess for all that he/she has done for you so far in your life (including now).
Be grateful for all the people who have made such a positive impact on your life-whether they are still living or not-those who have touched your heart, those who have taught you something new about yourself, or others who have changed your perspective forever!
The best way to be aware of what’s happening in your life is through meditation. Sit quietly with your eyes closed and focus on your breathing for a few minutes each day. This exercise can help you relax and become more aware of your thoughts and feelings, which you can use as an opportunity to reflect on how you want to live your life and how you want others to see you.
When you let go of the past and future self completely, this is when things start getting interesting. You stop being a slave to your mind’s thoughts and beliefs. Instead, you become more like an observer. You become aware of how your thoughts create your reality—and how you can change it at any moment by simply choosing not to believe what your mind tells you.
You become more powerful than ever before because now there is no realm in which to hide from yourself. You are free to choose what happens next in life—rather than being controlled by your mind’s thoughts about what will happen next in life!
The fifth dimension is the place where you can be fully conscious of your true nature. It’s a place where you don’t need to worry about what’s going to happen tomorrow or how you’re going to pay the rent next month. This is the ultimate freedom and the ultimate peace.
It sounds utopian, but it’s already here. You just have to know how to get there.
You are here on this planet, at this time, for a purpose. You are here to increase your frequency and vibration. I hope that you will use this opportunity to increase your joy, to embrace this precious time that we have together on Planet Earth.
You have come up with so many unique ways to express your soul’s intentions of creating joy and passion in the world. You are truly one-of-a-kind, and there will never be another you anywhere in the universe. Your life is an inspiration to the rest of us. Continue to stand strong in love and faith, even through difficult times. Your light is needed now more than ever!
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
We are the Galactic Federation.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Copyright 2022 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.

Karen Lithika
Star Gazing
Amongst the Light Codes provided by the Sun, our Role now is to embrace the Night Sky. The Light Codes of the Stars and Planets.
To realise much knowledge will unfold; for your eyes and conscuousness will be entertained with planetary knowledge, ancient history, new contacts, as you embrace the light language of the stars.
See the opportunity to embrace the higher wisdom of the universe.
For the night sky will enable you to consciously connect to our ships – so please try. For our knowledge is expanded in the night sky.
Simply open your heart and awareness to connecting to us.
A Wonderful Experience
I was told to go outside & embrace the Universe
Go out to the Night Sky
I was guided to connect to my higher self & my pineal and felt a rush of energy out through my crown, and in that instant I was connected to the universe.
I opened my heart chakra, expanding my awareness and in that moment I saw a light – a ship moving across the night sky.
A moment of deep connection & wisdom was granted to me.
I offer you this insight and the invitation from our galactic friends to embrace the night sky.
For you will receive much information & guidance.
With Love Light Family
Cosmic Family, The Arcturians
Karen Lithika
Thank You Artist

Positivity, balance, and peace can be fulfilled as the hard work is done. All of your efforts to release control to God are paying off. Unworthiness had to be eliminated so you can get grounded in your truth, and let only the people that love and value you in your life. This brings positive healthy communication and soul expansion.
God has been preparing you for what is ahead- union. Now the Divine Masculine can make an offer to the Feminine. It’s taken a lot of strength, healing, triggers, and detoxing to unravel what’s separated them. Keep focusing on your light, healing, and self respect. Rest knowing that this manifestation is birthing exactly what you have been attaining.
In Jesus Christ’s name amen. God bless you Love Carolyn

Venus enters Libra. Ceres enters Virgo – The movement of these two Goddesses into new signs signals a shift in the way we express our love and affection. If you have a partner, these transits are perfect for spending quality time together. A cultural afternoon at an art gallery, a romantic meal, a movie; these Venusian pleasures bring harmony. If there has been conflict, tact, diplomacy and negotiation go a long way towards smoothing relations. Take yourself on a date if you are single. Buy yourself flowers. Open your heart. Send out love and the universe will respond in kind.
The movement of Ceres into Virgo also reminds us to nourish the body too. Savor organic fruits and vegetables. Plant herbs on your windowsill. Bake bread in honor of this grain Goddess. Eating healthily, with occasional indulgence, is an expression of loving care for the temple of your soul. Nurture yourself by getting organized. Prioritize your wellbeing.
Degrees and Times
Venus 00°Li00′ – 08:49 (BST)
Ceres 00°Vi00′ – 09:55 (BST)
© Leah Whitehorse
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Painting – Sweet flowers by Jean-François Portaels

The Tzolkin Times
Kin 134 ~ White Self-Existing Wizard

Christina Papageorgiou

New – 13 Days and 12 States to reach My Sacred Condor
Sept/ Oct 2020 ~ from Cleveland Ohio to the Pacific NorthWest – 2 hours 45 minutes never released footage : CLICK HERE
Paul White Gold Eagle’s Vision Quest and Journey to the Sacred Condor’s Roost in the Pacific Northwest. Over 13 days journey from the end of September and the beginning of October of 2020. Many magical moments through multiple Sacred Portals from Cleveland Ohio, through the Crystal Mountains of Arkansas, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Wild Horses in Death Valley California, powerful Vortexes of Sedona, the beauty of Mt Shasta through Portland Oregon over the mighty Columbia river past Mt Hood and into Washington State to beautiful Mt Saint Helens.
The Gold Dragon Masters of Kunlun made it possible to merge the timelines for the re-Union of The Eagle and the Condor in Divine Union of Hieros Gamos. Almost 3 hours of footage, most of which has never been released before, and only will be released on Patreon and Youtube memberships. Thank you to our team that supported us through this journey and over the last 2 years of our work and mission together. We appreciate you for your support and to our Tribe that continues to support us in our current work and mission of the Great Awakening and Ascension of Gaia and all Human Consciousness. Much Love and Blessings in the Light of Source…A’Ho!
the Eagle and the Condor
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