The Seraphim: 12th Dimensional Angels – The Great Solar Flash Event is Coming
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Great White Dragon Nation of Celestial Mountain
Happy Hunab Ku Day as we enter the Heart Chakra of this Galactic Spin on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar. We enter the Galactic Signature today of Kin 130 our beloved WHITE COSMIC DOG. Hunab Ku is our Galactic Butterfly that is the Galactic Central Sun of the Milky Way Galaxy. We enter Zero Point today through the Still Heart Center of the Tzolkin. This is when we break through to the other side of the veil. It is through the Sacred Heart Center that we merge our Consciousness with God Source Creator, the Great Mystery.
In Truth there is no separation. The belief in our separation from Source was the collective mistake humanity made that was the cause of suffering for many ages. Separation only exists in this belief in it. That is the projection of the false matrix to make consciousness believe she is separate from her creator. Through Enlightenment and Self Realization we heal this core wound and make whole that which has always been and always will be, our Eternal Sacred Self. With Forgiveness we realize the mistake was merely an experiment to experience what it felt like for Creator to be separate from its Creation.
This is why the Ascended Masters taught that all things are perfectly resolved in the Unborn Mind of Buddha. For this Eternal True Awakened Nature is atone with Source Creator we call God and can never in truth be separate from the Creator.
Through this Gnosis of our I Am Presence of Creator we Rise and Shine in the Glory of Love in Eternity. This is it blessed Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144,000 Shine Bright your Holy Virtue as a Real Human Being of Divine Light living from the Heart being connected to all things in Unity Consciousness. For the Kingdom of God is at hand, in this NOW…A’Ho!
Restoring our inner peace and bringing benefit to others, the flames of anger and hatred will disappear when love and compassion arise, as if pouring water onto fire.
Our re:connection with our Galactic/Cosmic Family + Magical / Inner Earth Family is Imminent! #fae#dragons
Galactic Cosmic Family
6 13 tomorrow. Grand portal of light. Preparing. Feminine power ready to charge.
Don’t be afraid to wake up your Dragon feminine side
We have many forms depending on needs. From Angel to Dragon we can transform.
Soft and deep waves that change the heart and expand consciousness are in GAIA Earth. The air feels like plasma, full of crystal light.
Affirmation: “I invoke within, through and around me the brilliant purity of the Diamond of Divine Love from the heart of Creation, The Portal of the Great Central Sun, through our beloved Sun, and toward the Crystal Core of Gaia. I open as a pure conduit of this Divine flow of Ascension.
the Collectives Christ Consciousness Christos Sophia- Inner Sophia/Bee Goddess Krystalline Diamond Liquid Plasma Photonic Light Solar Energy Matrices Activation – Hieros Gamos – Solar Fire & Lunar Pearl Opal Water Union Divine Counterparts Intitation – Intergalactic Stellar ALIGNMENT – Beehive Cluster Galaxy M44 – Planet Venus – Mars – within the Collectives Cancer Emotional Bodies Star Portals..
Massive Shift for Inner Vision/ Inner Divine Sacred Union Within – Our Divine Union
The Christos Sophia Diamond Consciousness of Pure Love Christos Sophia Avatar Consciousness – Sacred Bee Goddess Keys
It’s a BIG week for Crystalline Grid & Star Gatekeeping, and preparing for the Solstice.
If you are called to service, get out there – Cosmic flows and core magnetics are being transformed in this Now to support revelation of the New.
We know how to hold space for transformation, Beloveds.
Use this Solstice passage to create shifts, upgrades, and align with your highest choices in thought, word, action and creation.
Crystalline Grid & Gatekeepers in service have been busy with the plates, magnetics, plasma, and star family. This always indicates that another upleveling is in our trajectory.
Keep your focus on the New Light birthing through these strong Cosmic forces within. It is literally shifting how our Hearts interpret frequency and refract light into these realms.
Open the Crystalline Stargate of the Heart!
You will FEEL the flow emanating from your heart center. This is one of the most profound experiences in our Ascension process.
Cosmic energies of the Divine Mother open us wide as conduits of the Solar Cosmic Christ./Kryst/Pure Unity Consciousness.
A new phase of Ascension is birthing in this Now, unifying activated Hearts across the realms as a powerful force of Source LoveLight Intelligence.
The next ten days are all about the Solstice. We are receiving a huge influx of high frequency energies right now. June 15th and June 16th we have a conjunction between the Pleiades and our Moon. Expect major Pleiadian vibes on this day and some major activations! Lots of Galactic Energies we should be tapping into. The Summer is the 21st. It’s also the longest day of the year. The Summer Solstice is where the Sun reaches the highest and northernmost points in the sky. It is the start of Summer and a time to honor and celebrate the masculine, or the sky god.
Expect major lightbody activations from these energies. You may even be experiencing ascension symptoms, which can look like flu like symptoms, or even purging from these energies. Because we have also shifted into a Retrograde Season we are cleansing and healing a lot of past, and past life traumas. There is a deep healing continuing to take place. The Solstice brings us a rare Venus, Mars, and Moon Grouping. They won’t appear this close again until 2028. Expect major activations then for the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine.
The Solstice is a time for the Ascension Upgrades. The Pleiades will also be rising with the Solstice Sun. The Solstice is a powerful time for Soulmate and Twin Flame Union. We also shift into Cancer Season the 21st. Amazing for shifting back into your roots. Cancer is an intuitive sign and can help us better connect with our emotions. This is the only sign that is ruled by the Moon…
We are now in the center of the 20 day ascension portal that is a heart chakra of this 260 day cycle in the modern day divination calendar.
This is the time where we enter the holy of holies within us and within time. This time is helping us to listen to our hearts of hearts. It is helping us find and elevate our voice, our work, our service in the world. All creation, and are divine purpose, including our creations must come from the heart of hearts.
This time is also helping us clean and clear any contamination or wrong thinking that may still reside in our hearts. We are coming out of a past age that we have now outgrown. It is not that what we have done in the past was wrong, it just means where we go from here will not come from the same place as before, but birthed from new clear frequencies.
It is a time where we separate the wheat from the chaff, or we could say the butterfly emerges from the cocoon, or when the snake sheds its skin. It is a time where history is put clearly in the rearview mirror. And the beauty of this is the windshield in front of us is a complete blank canvas in which to create anew.
Dear family of love and light, there are areas and regions that are going through extreme releasing. The Divine and the company of heaven noticed the releasing and impact.
Because of Gaia’s releasing has gotten intense, Gaia asks the Divine and the company of heaven to carry out Divine intervention so that the releasing can be manageable. The Divine and the company of heaven respects Gaia’s call and are now carrying out Divine intervention to help with the releasing effort and clear the planet in general.
The Divine encourages light workers to stay peaceful and know that the planet is releasing the past wounds and hurts. And in the process of releasing, the planet and humanity will revisit the painful past and have an experience of the wounds and hurts that happened in the first place. And then the releasing will be done.
That is the nature and process of releasing. The Divine asks light workers to allow the releasing to happen so that Gaia’s deeply buried wounds and hurts will be able to come up for releasing and the result is that mother earth will feel lighter.
Because human history is full of ups and downs. And some countries have more of the dramatic past than others. In Gaia’s ascension process, countries that have a dramatic past, will need to release the painful past and at some point, the releasing will be dramatic and painful. The Divine wants to remind the planet that the releasing is just a part of the ascension process. And once the past is being released, it will be completely healed. Therefore, there is no need to engage with the releasing process. No emotional reactions needed. Just allow and let the past go, at individual level and collective level. Then Gaia’s ascension will be easier and releasing will be much more quicker and efficient.
Humans have interacted with each other as long as humans existed. In the process, a huge amount of wars and miscreation have been created. That means huge amount of the releasing is needed. Gaia has designed the releasing in a way that is manageable. The Divine asks the planet and humanity to keep the releasing going and stay peaceful. Know that all of these activities were designed by Gaia and are for the greater good of all concerned.
Meanwhile, the Divine asks light workers to be the peace keeper and stay in the heart, and allow the releasing to happen. Know that Gaia’s ascension is getting more and more intense. Humanity needs light worker’s help. Being peaceful and staying in the heart will help the process greatly. Gaia is very grateful for light worker’s help and so is Divine. Gaia and the Divine and company of heaven and light workers, together, will make this ascension process as smooth as possible.
Thank you for your powerful presence and light work. Divine blessings to you always.
Linda Li, Gaia, the Divine and the company of heaven. So it is.
Archangel Gabriel
Aurora Ray
The Countdown to the Solar Flash: Are You Prepared for the Event That Will Change the World Forever?
I can feel it deep in my bones. The Great Solar Flash Event is coming, and it’s going to be the most incredible thing we’ve ever experienced!
Some people might be scared or skeptical, but I know it’s real. I’ve done my research, I’ve talked to the Galactic Federation, and I’ve seen the signs. This isn’t some conspiracy theory or wild speculation. This is the truth!
Whether you believe it or not, very shortly, a powerful energy surge will be released into our solar system!
On an average day, the sun produces balls of gas called solar flares and sends tons of ionized particles into space at speeds approaching the speed of light. On the day of this event, the sun will emit a coronal mass ejection (or CME), which is a giant cloud of highly magnetized plasma that travels through space at about 900 miles per second!
The world we live in today is plagued with wars, conflicts, and division. But after the event, all of that will be a thing of the past. The new world will be a paradise where everyone will live in harmony without any fear of war or violence.
The Great Solar Flash Event—in all its splendor—will be a wondrous moment in history! It will be the impetus for an unprecedented shift in the way that people think and feel about the universe. No longer will we see the world as separate from ourselves but rather as a part of us.
We will finally see ourselves for who we really are: powerful beings who can alter our fate and leave a lasting impact on the world around us.
Our inner selves will also undergo a significant transformation after this event. We will be more connected to the universe and understand the true meaning of our existence. We will be filled with joy, love, and peace! We will experience a oneness with the universe that we have never felt before!
We must embrace this change with open arms and welcome the new world with hope and optimism.
It is a chance for us to transcend the limitations of our physical world and experience something truly magical. The Great Solar Flash Event will be a moment of awakening, a time when we will be able to tap into our innermost potential and achieve a level of consciousness that we have never reached before.
It is up to us to prepare ourselves for this event and to take the necessary steps to ensure that we are ready for the transformation that is about to take place.
As the Great Solar Flash Event approaches, it is time for us to prepare for the inevitable. This event will not only bring an end to the old world as we know it but will also mark the beginning of a new era of peace and harmony.
So what are you waiting for? Are you going to sit back and watch as the world changes around you, or are you going to take action? This is your chance to be part of something amazing and to witness history in the making.
Don’t let fear or doubt hold you back. Embrace the possibility and prepare yourself for what’s to come.
Many people are anxiously awaiting the great solar flash and the transformation it will bring. I would like to communicate with everyone that this event will change your life, but it’s not what you think. There is no need to be alarmed or fearful. All we have to do is wait for the right moment, collect ourselves, and be prepared for what’s to come.
We must let go of our fears, our doubts, and our anxieties and embrace the change with open hearts and minds. Only then can we truly be a part of the new world and experience the true beauty and wonder that it has to offer.
Perceiving reality is always a matter of the observer and the observed, but never has the division between them been as small as it is at this moment. The Great Solar Flash Event can bring humanity together on a level that we have never experienced before. It is up to us to work together during this event and pull off a giant leap of consciousness into the future, knowing full well that, in our reality, what we believe to be true does become true.
We are living in incredible times. The changes that are happening on our planet are well underway, and we will certainly see much more in the coming days. Indeed, what I have stated here is simply a glimpse of the new age of enlightenment that awaits us all. You can be a part of something truly amazing, and I hope that you will join me for the ride!
This is a time of great opportunity; there’s so much in store for you, as well as for many others. Take this opportunity to look within yourself and find out who you really are!
So, let us all come together and prepare for the great solar flash event with hope and optimism. Let us look forward to a new world, a new era of peace and harmony, and a new understanding of our place in the universe.
The event is coming, and it is up to us to be ready for it!
We love you dearly,
We are here with you,
We are your family of light,
We are the Galactic Federation.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
The Seraphim, the 12th dimensional angels who surround the Divine Throne are now doing immense work at the highest levels now, and working through the heart and souls of those whom they choose to work with and through.
They are singing in the new creation of the New Golden Age. They manifest the Divine Vision of the new creation through the power of sound containing the keys and codes of creation, for they work as cocreators.
I have felt their presence intensely for months now, and they are amplifying the power of sound to create anew and sing directly into our souls, as every soul has its own sound or tonal chords. They amplify this so that those who are ascending are literally being tuned in and recreated through the power of sound.
This is being amplified now.
I am asked by them to bring the awareness to you this morning.
They are in truth pure love and work with and through the Divine Power of Sound. Harmony and Love.
June 12-19, 2023 – MAGIC CARPET – SuperNova Astrology Update
June 12th is a big day which starts a new chapter. Mercury has moved over into Gemini, completing his retrograde story in Taurus. Pluto has transited back into Capricorn. It’s getting serious, as we prepare for the epic Pluto square the Nodes that is peaking out in July and August.Mercury made a sextile with Neptune in Pisces, just before leaving Taurus. Asteroid Goddess Ceres, representing our energetic connection to Mother Earth, is exactly opposite of Neptune. We are taking back our divine timeline, and dream of Earth. But that requires us to come back into expression of our Truth.
Jupiter has been hanging out with the North Node of the Moon in Taurus, showing us a new way forward. In fixed, stubborn Taurus, it’s about anchoring in a new timeline. Divergent pieces of our lives that seemed to be scattered with the winds are coming back together. We are still feeling the square between Venus in Leo and Jupiter in Taurus. We are coming face to face with the low self worth and programmed shame that has kept us from establishing our energy on a more appropriate timeline. It’s time for a breakthrough in finding our inner permission and strength to Shine our Light.
Venus in Leo wants to shine through the vulnerabilities. Venus will have three conjunctions with Black Moon Lilith during her retrograde, making the upcoming season about any of the deepest dark that may still be eclipsing our light. Mars in Leo will come up to Black Moon Lilith next week for the Solstice, a major activation of our inner spiritual warrior. It’s a kundalini awakening of epic proportions, as we are invited to tap into the power of creative life force that lies within.
Mars, Venus and Black Moon Lilith will be in a harmonizing trine with Chiron in Aries, representing our deepest wounds from where we gave our power away. When we gave our power away, we also gave away the dream. Chiron in Aries represents the deepest struggle to maintain our perfected image and possibilities of the God Man or I AM presence. We are being called to radically reconnect with our inner energy and power as a way to reawaken the Dream of Earth.
The energies of Solstice are magical and amazing, as Mercury will be in sextile to Mars and Black Moon Lilith, activating the expression of the deepest spiritual truth within us. We will also be experiencing the long-awaited sextile between Saturn and Jupiter. Saturn and Jupiter came together for a conjunction at the end of 2020, and now they are meeting up again in sextile, 60 degrees apart. Sextiles bring an energy of creative solutions. We are jimmy-ing the lock on this reality.
This sextile connection between Saturn and Jupiter is about an establishing of the original, Christ-Consciousness timeline. We are being asked to firmly establish ourselves on a new path in a higher frequency vibration. The miracles and magic of the Piscean Age must be returned. Jupiter in Taurus is about expanding into embodiment. It’s about physical embodiment of our spiritual truth, the ideal timeline, and natural Joy. We are manifesting the spiritual possibilities into form. SuperNova, it’s time to pick yourself up and rise to the occasion.
We are in a countdown to Pluto square the Nodes and a major reset. It’s up to us to claim our joy and access to creation energy. We must take our places for the incredibly dynamic and radical chapter that lies ahead. Let’s meet on that cloud, in the frequency of dreams and miracles, as we are called to be the Great Witness in what is about to occur. Thank you for all you have gone through and your service. May you be showered with Blessings, SuperNova, that can help you feel worthy of feeling good. It’s time rise to the occasion of these potent times and take your place on the Magic Carpet. We’ll meet you there!
Divine Souls! See your strength, your beauty, your value! Know that you ARE deserving of happiness, joy, prosperity, abundance, peace, good health, appreciation and love. You are worthy. Know this!
On Monday and Tuesday lovely Venus, ruler of love and self-value, in Leo the Lion is in an inconjunct aspect to Saturn, ruler of restriction and limitation, in confused Pisces the Fish. The Fire of Leo and the Water of Pisces are two elements that do not have a lot in common. We may feel a bit challenged regarding the perceived reality of our relationships, finances or sense of self-worth. Perhaps we feel as though we are “drowning” in negative perceptions such as lack of recognition and appreciation, or feeling controlled or held back from expression.
The Moon, ruler of our emotions, in initiating Aries is connecting to Chiron, ruler of soul wounds, to give us the courage to find our confidence, independence and bring healing to our circumstances, and to ourselves. Pay attention to what Saturn, the Great Teacher, is showing you. Find your strength! You’ve got this! Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Sun in Gemini semi-sextile Uranus in Taurus – There’s a tentative knock at the door. Outside, a cosmic messenger offers a neighbourly grin and says, have you tried this? He thrusts wild fruit in your hands, sweet smelling, a strange but appealing hue. You turn it over in your hands, fingers sticky, scent enticing. Curious, you take a bite, unsure…maybe…oh, that’s delicious! Seeds saved and dried, you plant them in your garden. The messenger offers some other seeds too and you take them eagerly, no idea how they will manifest. A few months later, the garden is a riot of colour and fruits. What fun to discover hidden treasures under huge leaves, new flavors to tantalize, new meals to savor.
Sometimes we need a little wild to bring the sparkle back, especially if life has become dull. If you grow the same vegetables in the same field year after year, eventually the soil will spoil, and the crop will fail. Without change, life grows stale and no longer sustains us. Free up some time, space or energy to introduce excitement. Liberate yourself. Do something different. Plant new seeds. Break the pattern. Give form to your original ideas. If other’s don’t agree or it’s not to their taste, don’t take it personally. Follow up on ideas and interests to manifest a life that reflects your unique spirit.
“Cosmic’ is the name for the number 13 and its keywords are ‘Endure, Transcend and Presence’. This is the last day of the White Mirror wavespell. Time to contemplate the lessons learnt on this 13-day journey. The number 13 is sacred and powerful but teaches a harsh lesson – that one must endure to transcend and this symbolizes that wisdom must be earned. Number 13 days are not unlucky but they are intense because they are so powerful. If you are a number 13, you’ll handle today really well but for the rest of us it can be difficult.
Today is White Dog which represents ‘Love, Loyalty and Heart’. The last day of a wavespell is the destination or purpose that the first day set the agenda for. We set out to seek truth and we arrive at the conclusion that LOVE is the answer. However, because we are on a ‘Cosmic’ day, the lesson here is that understanding this lesson comes through endurance. It is not an easy answer to find, we must strive for it. This day also marks the end of the first half of the Tzolkin and tonight, we reach the mid-way point. We have journeyed through ten wavespells and have ten left to go. The first half is referred to as the Dragon Genesis and the last half is the Monkey Genesis.
The Guide today is the White Wizard. The charming enchanter leads today, spellbinding us and guiding us down the rabbit hole. Expect strange things to happen today but in a good way! Whenever the Wizard guides us we can be so immersed in the spell that by the end of the day we are not sure if we are coming or going. Also, the Wizard can lead us to some very magical, mythical places. All in all, there’s potential for surreality.
The Challenge is the Yellow Sun which represents ‘Enlightenment’. When in this position, the Yellow Sun provokes you into seeing the light. You have to work for it though, Yellow Sun won’t cooperate and just show it to you, it is a challenge after all. If you are a Yellow Sun, Dog days are always challenging and this one is also on an enduring number 13 day. There’s no beating around the bush, the sun is obscured by clouds today.
The Occult power is the Blue Monkey who naturally suits this position as Monkey is all about magic. Tomorrow we begin the Monkey wavespell and so we can get in the mood today for all the monkeying around.
When Monkey is in this Occult position, he is better behaved than usual, even with all this energy. That’s because Monkey really is a magical character and he wants nothing more than to show you magic. However, we are so caught up in illusions that the Monkey has to play tricks on us in order to teach us. Just remember that it is all for our own good.
The Ally is the Red Moon is lovely, chilled, laid back energy. If you need a friend today, locate a Red Moon, it’s their job today to be a support for others. If you are a Red Moon, today will be friendly to you. If you don’t happen to know a Red Moon, do what they would do and just surrender. Relax and chill out and have fun with the White Dog today. This helps a great deal with the number 13’s enduring aspect today.
Cosmic = tone 13 = 4 Building a foundation upon endless LOVE
3 – Holy trinity/Joy/Creativity/Union
4 – Form/Structure/Foundation/Earth/Angelic
13 Cosmic/Goddess/Natural Lore/13 moons
Today we have KIN 130 = 13 as well as COSMIC TONE = 13 and the Universal month total = 13…
13.13.13 –
TRIPLE the COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS CODE duplicating the 13/4 coding of the RED SELF-EXISTING MOON/GODDESS YEAR ensuring our FOCUS is on building a NEW COMPASSIONATE WORLD through our COSMIC HEART. .
Today the DIVINE FEMININE principle is at her most receptive, and most transcendent. A very special Cosmically EXPANSIVE DAY – expanding LOVE throughout the endless corridors of the COSMOS!
WHITE COSMIC DOG – is the MOST EXPANSIVE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE frequency of all 260 kin in the Dreamspell!!!!
Today as we arrive at the COSMIC HEART – GALACTIC CENTRE -the FULL FORCE of HEAVEN’S LOVE – is SHOWERING upon our PLANET, endlessly through the infinite doorways in the Hall of Mirrors.
Please take some time today to meditate and tap into this INFINITE FLOW of PURE COSMIC LOVE – direct it towards our beautiful PLANET and particularly anywhere else where density and darkness is prevalent.
We need your PRAYERS and LOVE BLESSING for all the legions of STAR BLISS SUNS who have been valiantly anchoring this HEART EXPANSION on EARTH. We need to find the courage and strength to STEP UP and LEAD humanity to our FINAL VICTORY- showering our world with INFINITE LOVE – thankyou, thankyou, thankyou
And so today we conclude another Wavespell – the 10th Wavespell in a total of 20 wavespells, that make up the Sacred Tzolkin Calendar. Today is the 13th day of the WHITE MIRROR WAVESPELL, the 130th day of the 260-day Tzolkin galactic spin. What a MAJIKAL and MYSTICAL day!
We are exactly at the HALFWAY mark, the last day of the internal process of spinning from the outside rim of the torus doughnut of evolving consciousness to the inner centre.
We are about to emerge as a dolphin tomorrow, jumping from the deep waters of the womb into the LIGHT of day.
I PRAY for all humanity to experience a MIRACULOUS BREAKTHROUGH of BLISS CODES – elevating our cell-ves to Cosmic BLISS CONSCIOUSNESS
Here we ARRIVE at the EXACT CENTRE of the Tzolkin Calendar, known as Galactic Centre – SOURCE – the Galactic Butterfly – Hunab Ku is about to take FLIGHT!
CONGRATULATIONS – today we graduate from our initiation in the Hall of Mirrors! We MADE IT OUT ALIVE and FOUND our TRUE DIVINE AUTHENTIC DIAMOND SELF!
Day 13 in the WHITE MIRROR WAVESPELL of reflection, truth, illusion, endlessness, and magnification. As we complete this journey with WHITE MIRROR’S reflection of TRUTH and revelations, we come to realize the endlessness of LOVE throughout Creation – the driving force behind all CREATION.
We come from LOVE and we always return to LOVE! INFINITELY recycled through the endless stream of LOVE pouring forth from SOURCE , pulsing forth through the INBREATH and OUTBREATH of SOURCE.
Today we merge with ALL THAT IS! Returning home to SOURCE and our PURE polished DIAMOND soul essence.
COSMIC is the last and final tone of creation. The highest octave. Tone 13 operates in the SPIRITUAL realm. 13 is the mystical number of the Cosmic order, the Goddess and synchronic Natural time. COSMIC ACTION – transcends POWER – endures ESSENCE – presence
Today we have incredible SPIRITUAL POWER at our disposal to transcend all that is not of LOVE and LIGHT, transforming all through our pure PRESENCE.
We have arrived – ADSUM I AM HERE!. This is the stage of having transcended the physical, emotional and mental realms and arriving at COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS.
The LESSON to be learned from this DREAMSPELL wisdom is that
You can transcend all your life lessons and obstacles, through the power of LOVE – shining the LIGHT and viewing all darkness through the lens of SPIRIT.
This is a VERY profound synchronic order encoded in the DREAMSPELL!
Today’s question is “HOW can I fully OPEN my HEART to the flow of endless love, TRANSCENDING being, through pure COSMIC PRESENCE?”.
And so we bid adieu to ETZNAB – the WHITE MIRROR who challenged us to embrace our shadow, and all that was reflected back to us, through the lens of TRUTH, in order to be healed and integrated. This completes our journey of deep REFLECTION and inner work.
Now we commence the next cycle, spinning forth outwardly, expanding our toroidal field through majikal alchemy, joy and creative expression. It’s TIME for some ACTION!
We are now READY to set forth on the next chapter of our journey. Tomorrow we commence a brand new PLAYFUL Wavespell, with CHUEN the cheeky BLUE MONKEY, as our journey through the DREAMSPELL continues…….
Divine blessings for the transcendence of your being, through Cosmic expansiveness in the endless field of DIVINE LOVE!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: WHITE COSMIC DOG– OC lovingly snuggles into your body radiating the pure unconditional love and loyalty that our animal companions naturally exhibit. Their connection to SOURCE through their heart portal is so strong, and so pure, that they have an infinite supply to bestow upon others. No limits!
Their pure presence provides comfort and healing to all those humans lucky enough to be in their presence. This is the pure love reflected in our animal companions, or the purity of a baby’s loving smile. That potent cupid’s arrow that pierces your HEART and soul so deeply you weep tears of joy. At that moment you have total alignment with Divine Source and the fuel that creates the COSMOS.
OC reminds us today of the PURE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE we need to connect to and then REFLECT back to others without judgment. This is what we have been searching for in the Hall of Mirrors. The confusion created from separation is CLEARED, once we remember that ALL IS LOVE.
This is our natural state of be-ing and one to which we need to return. A field of total ONENESS and connection TO ALL THAT IS, through our precious and pure, loving HEARTS, each heart connected to each other through our planetary heart, the cosmic heart and the heart of our MOTHER/FATHER GOD/GODDESS!
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE COSMIC WIZARD– IX We have journeyed far into the Hall of Mirrors, and have faced the endless TRUTH of our own reflection throughout our soul’s incarnations .
WHITE MIRROR has stripped us down to the bone, our bare skeleton, in order to find our PURE DIVINE ESSENCE. Standing in full integrity, ETZNAB and the enchanting WHITE COSMIC WIZARD, reveal the endlessness of our soul throughout the echoes of time.
The COSMIC WIZARD as the higher guide today gives us infinite access to the COSMIC realms through the portal of our HEART.
The POWER of LOVE accessed through a PURE HEART is the greatest MAJIKAL POWER in the UNIVERSE.
The WIZARD helps us in OPENING our true HEARTS to ourselves, becoming more receptive through transcendance. Embracing all EGO, all shadows, all fragments of ourselves that we resisted loving. All can be brought home today, and embraced in COSMIC union with the Divine, as we merge with all dimensions in the pure presence of LOVE and connectivity – the ultimate web of the Divine order of unconditional and endless LOVE!
SUPPORT: RED COSMIC MOON – MULUC Unconditional LOVE flows endlessly from our connection to SOURCE, particularly from the COSMIC GODDESS, our Mother aspect of SOURCE. GODDESS provides all the love, nurturance and comfort that any child craves. We just need to OPEN our precious hearts and allow the FLOW!
Allow MULUC to wash away any impurities and heart walls that you have constructed, in order for COSMIC LOVE to flow endlessly once more!
SAY YES – to being an endless vessel for LOVE.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE MAGNETIC MONKEY – CHUEN.. The MAGNETIC MONKEY is today’s SUPERPOWER and is also the incoming energy for tomorrow – 13 JUNE 2023. KIN 131 is also the EXACT centre of the TZOLKIN CALENDAR as we arrive at HUNAB KU -the GALACTIC CENTRE.
The MAGNETIC UNITING forces of endless LOVE and WHITE MAJIK are very potent today!
CHUEN brings forth powerful MAJIK today, DOUBLED with his trusty ally the WHITE WIZARD. These two Magicians can access the most powerful force in the COSMOS, which of course is the POWER of LOVE.
LOVE has the power to transmute all darkness, pain and suffering.
LOVE is the source of MIRACLES, HEALING and ecstatic JOY.
LOVE is our reason for BE-ING.
BLUE MONKEY represents the Dolphin jumping out of the deep blue sea of LOVE, the attraction of JOY into the void of LOVE. The Dolphin energies carry the codes for 5D Bliss and joy. Delivering unlimited DIVINE BLISS is the AGENDA driving this COSMIC DOG!
Return to your purity and innocence, to reclaim your forgotten Majik and reclaim the power of your precious heart.
Take a deep breath and TRUST, then dive deeply into the HEART of LOVE, merging with ALL THAT IS. In pure joy, as the PURE Divine child, merging with Divine Mother’s compassion and pure nurturing love.
Pure LOVE MAJIK exists today – so DIVE deep beloveds.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW COSMIC SUN – AHAU challenges us to reclaim our DIVINITY through ENLIGHTENMENT. Expanding our heart toroidal field and SHINING our heart LIGHT.
Expanding our LOVE and LIGHT throughout the Cosmos and connecting to the Divine LIGHT of pure COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS. The expansive opening of the LIGHT that independently SHINES, co-creating with SOURCE itself. Returning home, full circle to the RADIANCE of the ONE HEART!
The COSMIC SUN represents the ultimate Ascension codes in KIN 260, the final kin of the Tzolkin Calendar – embodying the FULL SPECTRUM of LIGHT from all previous 259 kin.
HAPPY HOME-COMING beautiful souls.
The SOLAR CHRISTOS codes are very potent today, and AHAU’S gift of being “sun kissed” completes the DIVINE TRIFECTA!
What a wondrous and precious GIFT available for HUMANITY today – the opportunity for COSMIC EN-LIGHT ON-MENT through the FLOW of pure COSMIC LOVE.
This is the penultimate code of the DREAMSPELL.. enjoy the BLISS
NOTE: Today’s KIN 130 is very SPECIAL. When you add your personal Galactic Signature together with White Cosmic Dog, the resulting TRIBE will always be your opposite polarity, that is the tribe that is in the CHALLENGE/GIFT position in your chart.
White Dog is tribe number 10 so add this to your tribe. e.g. Worldbridger is tribe 6. 10+6 = 16 = Yellow Warrior – which is the challenge/life lesson of the Worldbridger All battles will cease through the power of COSMIC LOVE.
This “quirk” of the DREAMSPELL is VERY significant as it symbolizes embracing our shadow/challenge/ opposite polarity in order to become WHOLE again, with no-thing to resist. It all just melts away as we become ONE once again, transcending all into the great COMIC BLISS! The eternal flow of endless LOVE!
The LESSON to be learned from this DREAMSPELL wisdom is that
You can transcend all your life lessons and obstacles, through the power of LOVE – shining the LIGHT and viewing all darkness through the lens of SPIRIT.
This is a VERY profound synchronic order encoded in the DREAMSPELL!
Today’s question is “HOW can I fully OPEN my HEART to the flow of endless love, TRANSCENDING being, through pure COSMIC PRESENCE?”.
And so we bid adieu to ETZNAB – the WHITE MIRROR who challenged us to embrace our shadow, and all that was reflected back to us, through the lens of TRUTH, in order to be healed and integrated. This completes our journey of deep REFLECTION and inner work.
Now we commence the next cycle, spinning forth outwardly, expanding our toroidal field through majikal alchemy, joy and creative expression. It’s TIME for some ACTION!
We are now READY to set forth on the next chapter of our journey. Tomorrow we commence a brand new PLAYFUL Wavespell, with CHUEN the cheeky BLUE MONKEY, as our journey through the DREAMSPELL continues…….
Divine blessings for the transcendence of your being, through Cosmic expansiveness in the endless field of DIVINE LOVE!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
🔥 Shamanic Negative Implant Removal Ceremony 🔥
Implant Removal Shaman Ceremony ~ Cutting all Cords, Attachments and all False Soul Contracts ~ Freedom from all Negative Programs and Entities
In the Name of God “I AM,” I invoke the presence of Beloved Master El Morya, Archangel Michael and all Ascended Masters and angels of the Blue Flame Love of God’s Will to guide and protect me daily and hourly.
Archangel Michael, come into my life. Help me overcome all density with your sword of blue flame. Cut me loose and set me free from all negativity and errors of the past.
I ask for a shaft of blue lightning of divine Love to be established over my being, over my home, my family, my work and all my affairs. I call the guidance I need to manifest God’s Will in all aspects of my life to fulfill my divine purpose here on Earth and make my Ascension in the Light. I claim for God’s Will to manifest everywhere on Earth as it is in the Realms of Light and Freedom.
I give thanks that my request is answered according to God’s Holy Will.
And so be it! Beloved I Am.
(Repeat 3 times)
From Prayers to The Seven Sacred Flames by Aurelia)
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