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Sep 2024 Med Beds

Sep 2024 Med Beds

Sep 2024 Med Beds

17 Sep 2024 Med Beds … 

the 17th  Letter  (JFK Jr.) on Telegram

  • EXCLUSIVE! Top Secret Military Program  and 50,000 Medical Bed Centers Hidden in Closed Walmarts — The Chosen Leading a Global Healthcare Revolution!
  • Med Beds are not just revolutionary; they are the beginning of a new world  —a world meticulously kept secret by those who understand its true power. Right now, people are being healed—cancers erased, degenerative diseases reversed, aging halted. But this miracle is not for everyone to see—only for a select few.
  • Med Beds are more than just advanced devices  —they’re designed with technology that’s been suppressed for decades. Those who have been cured are part of a controlled experiment, the first phase of something much larger. Why keep it a secret? Because those in control are carefully guarding this technology, ensuring that only their chosen ones benefit—for now.
  • Early treatments are already showing incredible results.  In Texas, a terminally ill cancer patient was cured overnight. Her cancer? Gone, as if it had never been there. In another case, an elderly man, waiting to die, was treated and regained decades of youth—his body, rejuvenated. These are not isolated events. All over the world, similar stories are emerging: people with incurable diseases suddenly cured, their minds restored, their bodies transformed.
  • But where are these Med Beds? Who controls them? The truth  : 50,000 Med Bed centers are hidden across the U.S., often inside closed Walmarts and other strategic locations. The closures aren’t about saving money—they’re about repurposing these vast spaces for something much more crucial. Med Beds, under the control of the Military and Secret Space Programs, are being used to heal select individuals. The Military holds the keys, deciding who gets treated and when.
  • A plan is underway to eventually hand over Med Beds to Humanitarians  , but don’t be fooled — the power remains with those currently in control. Zim holders will be among the first to access Med Beds. They will be healed first because they are considered essential to what comes next — leading the charge in healing the world and redefining society.
  • And it’s not just physical healing. Med Beds have been used on the most vulnerable—children rescued from terrorist attacks.  These children, saved by the military, have been taken off-planet and healed, not just physically, but emotionally, erasing the horrors they’ve endured. This advanced technology has been kept from the public eye to maintain control over its power.
  • We are on the brink of a revelation that will change everything.  Med Beds are not the future — they are the present, already transforming lives. But the full truth is being hidden from us, controlled by those in power.
  • When these Med Beds are finally revealed, everything will change.  Until then, stay alert. The truth is coming, and when it does, you must be ready. The future promised by the Med Beds is already here, and it will redefine what it means to be human. Prepare yourself.

Sep 2024 Med Beds
Sep 2024 Med Beds







The storm has arrived: hidden bunkers raided, children rescued and the deep state exposed   … 


Michael Jackson on Telegram

  • The Deep State’s grip on our nation is weakening as its secrets come to light.   The truth, long hidden, is now emerging, and the powerful are fighting to maintain control. Bold actions are peeling back the layers of deception, revealing the sinister operations that have kept the American people in the dark for too long.
  • February 18, 2024: The Georgetown Raid:   Tension filled the air in Georgetown, Washington, DC, as Unit X, an elite military team of trained Belgian Malinois, raided a hidden bunker beneath the city streets. Inside, they discovered horrors orchestrated by the Deep State—47 children were rescued, and high-profile arrests followed, including a sitting congressman. The mainstream media remained silent, complicit in covering up this monumental event.
  • Operation Eclipse Exposed: March 15, 2024  , marked another victory against the Deep State. Leaked documents from a private intelligence firm in Langley, Virginia, exposed “Operation Eclipse,” a plan to fracture the nation through media manipulation and planned social unrest. The Deep State aimed to bring America to its knees, paving the way for martial law. However, Trump’s 2020 executive orders thwarted this sinister plot just in time.

    children rescued and the deep state exposed
    children rescued and the deep state exposed
  • FEMA Camps Revealed: On June 22, 2024  , a Department of Homeland Security whistleblower risked everything to reveal that FEMA camps, supposedly for natural disasters, were being used as detention facilities for political dissidents and drugged children. Satellite imagery and intercepted communications confirmed the existence of these camps in remote areas of Nevada and Montana, exposing the depravity of the deep state.
  • Silicon Valley’s “S*****e”: August 8, 2024  , saw the mysterious death of a tech billionaire in his Silicon Valley mansion. The official story—s*****e—was a lie. This billionaire, a key financial architect of the deep state, was funding operations to undermine Trump’s efforts to drain the swamp. Unit X was monitoring him, and when they struck, they ensured he could no longer threaten the nation. This was no s*****e, but an execution in the war against those who seek to destroy America.
  • The Deep State’s Final Fight:   The Deep State is in full retreat, but the battle is far from over. Every day, new revelations expose the extent of its crimes and influence. The fight for America’s soul is entering its most critical phase. The Deep State’s reach extends into every facet of society—government, media, corporations, and institutions once trusted to protect us. They have manipulated and controlled us through fear and division for years, but 2024 marks the turning point.
  • The Role of the Mainstream Media:   The mainstream media continues to distract and deceive, burying stories that matter and pushing narratives designed to keep the public docile and divided. They want us to believe that everything is normal, but we know better. We see through their lies and understand their complicity in the crimes of the deep state.
  • The Tide Is Turning:   The Storm is here, and the Deep State is running scared. They are not invincible, and the tide is turning. The hunters have become the hunted. Every action they take is monitored, every plot is thwarted, and every secret is exposed. The Deep State’s time is running out, and the final, decisive blow is coming.
  • Conclusion: Dawn of a New America:   The American people are waking up, and the days of the deep state are numbered. The storm is here, bringing with it the dawn of a new America. Stay vigilant, stay informed, and together we will take back our country from those who would see it destroyed. The light of truth is dawning, and with it comes the end of the deep state’s reign. Their time is nearly up, and a new era is on the horizon.

RV Coins:

The bolivar is a currency that is currently in a state of hyperinflation in Venezuela.

The value of the bolivar is currently $3,383,172 per US dollar and notes amount to 100 trillion (1 million bolivars).

As in Zimbabwe, it could be 1 cent per million, which would be 1 million per billion bolivars, or it could be higher or lower. We are not sure.

But it will be exchanged like any other currency, such as dong, dinar, etc.

The pengo is a historical currency or security. It occurred in 1946, when Hungary reached the highest hyperinflation in recorded history.

If you consider the pengo ticket as a historical title (it is printed on sulfite paper), it can be redeemed at any time.

If you were considering a currency, you would probably go for the Hungarian currency or the EU currency.

The guilder is the currency in use in Hungary today, but the Magyar Nemzeti Bank still produces the guilder today, as it did the pengo in 1946.

If the guilder is changed, then the pengo must be changed, because the bank continues to produce Hungarian currency and is responsible for both the present and the past.

By the way, you can find 100 billion pengo notes for 25 dollars

That is

100,000,000,000,000 if you need to know the value

The 2019-2020 sovereign bolivars are worth between 10 billion and 1 million bolivars

Value between 1 billion and 100 billion

You can also get a set of three from 2020 valued at 170 billion bolivars for around $25 on eBay and elsewhere.

There are two affordable options, but one is questionable as to what rate you’ll get; the other is still unknown; we hope they’ll bail out, but we’re not sure at this point.

Personal comments and opinions from a chat…


*All rates will be higher than discussed. So don’t worry 😃👌👍

Nassim Taleb: People Aren’t Seeing the Real De-Dollarization


the power of the dollar is slowly fading away
the power of the dollar is slowly fading away





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