Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings New Earth Angelics of Heavenly Passion and Inspiration
We have another whiteout on the Schumann Charts again today with two Pillars of White Light creating a Gateway for Gaia to the 5D NEw Earth and Paradise Portal of the 144. The resonance of Mother Earths Heartbeat reached amplitudes of 44 hz, 60 hz, 75 hz and a big blast of white light at 80 hz, Seventh Heaven fully anchored in and rising.
All Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 are calling in our Highest Timeline and Divine Trajectory into the Pure Land of Heaven on Earth and transform into Sovereign Conscious Co-Creators of our Visions of our Pristine New Earth.
All these energetics flowing in and rising up are preparing all of our Ground Crew Team of our Earth Alliance for the coming super Blue Full Moon in Aquarius this monday August 19th and the full embodiment and entrance into our New Golden Age of Aquarius.
You; your body, mind and spirit, is a Sacred Portal that Life manifests through. You are a doorway, a Stargate to the Unknown and ultimately to Source, the Great Mystery of all. The I Am Presence, is Pure Awareness that experiences all phenomena that flows through your Portal as a Clear Mirror to Truth itself.
Release and let go of all that continues to interfere with your Enlightenment and Self Realization as the mirror then reflects itself perfectly and all things are then resolved without limit in the Unborn Eternal Mind of Buddha….A’Ho!
Brace for energetic impact! Huge waves of light frequencies are hitting the planet now! Lucid dreaming, massive pineal d m t release, wavy energy all around! Truly epic and remarkable plasma wave right now! Eternal loving dream unfolding into the timeless new beginning of new earth.
I don’t know about you, but I am feeling that all has shifted tremendously in the last 24 hours, and it is as if we have stepped into a ultra high frequency band.
It is as if everything is now in a totally new form, as yet not visible, but deeply felt.
I am just sharing from my heart and soul, for I intensely am feeling this.
“This Gene Key has a certain genius, and it’s a funny kind of genius. It’s about making luck. It’s true. When we aren’t drawn into emotional or desire decisions, then we create the conditions for good fortune.” – Richard Rudd, 64 Ways
8/16/24: Towers always fall on a 16/7 day, and this is something to be very grateful for. If we had to forever maintain our outgrown, outdated, and habitual expectations and embedded beliefs and conditioning, we would suffer. We would be trapped within ourselves, never seeing a better way of being.
Today is rooting for those towers to fall and celebrating when they do. The triggering episodes you’ve experienced lately have been eroding the foundations that were built in Old Earth. They no longer support you. Be free of them. Today is a bridge between old and new, repression and freedom.
Everything will turn out better than you can imagine. The entire Universe manifests miracles when you choose to be grateful without expecting it. You are in perfect alignment and ready to receive. Stay tuned for universal offers and opportunities that seem to come out of nowhere. These were sent to you.
Blue Rose Oracles
It’s feeling rough out here with all the intense energy that’s been shifted through the collective field, particularly around thought form energy and ancestral generational patterns and trauma imprints.
Not to mention solar flare activity blasting through the old dimensional layers of density, held within the grids and activating our DNA, reawakening us to our infinite potential as reflections of source frequency whilst navigating and trying to have a beautiful human experience here within this current physical reality of duality and polarity.
Add to that spicy mix Schumann resonance influxes reflecting the frequency of vibration of Mother Earth, who is also ascending into a new bandwidth of frequency and energy, which is directly affecting the electromagnetic field and shifting the poles of the planets slightly.
So if you’re feeling frustration, resistance, dizzy, nauseous, anxious, confused, hypersensitive, and deeply emotional today, that’s perfectly okay.
Just come back to your heart center, remind yourself that this shall pass, and give yourself permission to be very kind to yourself today and step away from placing any undue pressure upon yourself.
Come back to being in the present moment, put one foot in front of the other, and breathe into your heart temple, reminding yourself that it is safe to be in this body and it is safe to be having these experiences and that this is a temporary fleeting emotion.
Nourish yourself with kind thoughts, kind words, rest, hydration, and self-love today.
Remember you are not alone and that your guides and your own higher wisdom are holding and supporting you right now.
DIVE INTO THE TIMELESS STATE OF YOUR ETERNAL DIVINE PRESENCE I AM already completely RISEN where everything is READY, available and happening NOW.
NOW that’s all there is.
TIME and space are part of the illusion we must transcend to completely demolish the false simulation of the Holographic Matrix, all based on inverted thought forms and belief systems!
And we don’t wait, we care to experience ALL NEW ORGANIC REALITIES NOW!
Let’s keep aligning, merging and igniting them deep!!
All content within our multidimensional DNA is now fully ACTIVATED!
How we all co-create the future in the present.
Every new moment is now a new opportunity to align yourself with your HIGHER REALITY!
NOW THAT’S ALL THAT EVER IS, everything else is just memories and Imagination.
I hope some of you can already FEEL the emotion, butterflies and MAGIC in the MULTIDIMENSIONAL air!
Ready for the SUPER NEWS OF THE HEARTS exploding our hearts completely open, completely igniting the DIAMOND grid!!
We reborn our entire body of CHRIST LIGHT from RAINBOW DIAMOND PLASMA, ASCENSION biological realities and the entire CHRIST AVATAR in every sense, NOW!
Making the possible and the invisible visible as our Crystal Third Eye, Mind and Heart get ready to OPEN BIG!
The tsunami of bliss of DIVINE LOVE is on the WAY!
Mercury smiles & CALLS YOU BACK ON TRACK
I AM…as YOU ARE the
Positive Visionary of NOW!
August complexity CALLS YOU OUT with a smile!
The five medicines are churning to assist you to SEE IT ALL! As the Perseids PEAK the Capriconrnids are culminating.
THIS IS… A moment of the PEAK unification for ALL that
YOU ARE! A moment to celebrate that every-thing is in movement and momentum is KEY.
The shimmers are radiating as Mercury invites YOU TO REMEMBER:
Bringing a hand to your heart with a deep Avesa breath, TRUST AND KNOW:
I AM an Illuminary…(Luminary/Illuminated)… as are YOU
The Power of Positive Visioning begins with KNOWING how to access the memories that support the truth of:
I AM a Visionary ready to unlock ALL THAT I AM!
Smile and remember:
YOU ARE as I AM…the B.E.S.T.
SMILE as this is THE PEAK MOMENT of the August complexity. YOU are ready to navigate …right Now… with the certainty of your Ability to call forward the Vision of the POSITIVE OUTCOMES! The space we are diving into sets the stage through November 4/5 when the Taurid meteors will peak.
CELEBRATE & harvest the jewels with extraordinary value and benefit.
The catch?
YOU are BEing invited to actively REMEMBER HOW to BE aware of the Five medicines as the commander. The Alchemical KNOWING that the GIFT OF YOUR B.E.S.T. LIFE is NOW. YOU CAN DO IT!
Having passed through the Lions Gate and truly an epic experience of United Loving energy to ready us at a new Quantum Level to enter Now The Age of the Gods…an age in which each walks and expresses the path of Christ within. Christ is the Higher Self of each.
Our New Soul Mission is to BECOME a Conscious Living Christ. To Unite in and with the Consciousness of the Living Light. The second coming of Christ was always YOU. And, it is your Soul that shall lead you forward into the Age of Gods from within your Consciousness and Heart.
The most important part of our Life in relation to the reason our Soul chose to enter Earth at this time is upon US Now…for the I AM of Our Soul to embody giving each the opportunity to know The Souls Magical Destiny without the human ego and mind attempting to drive life in a direction unrelated to the Souls plan.
Beloveds the energy is Intense, often, though it is moving and activating us in ways we can see, feel and discover our blessings and our Real in regardless of the ‘symptoms’. Coherence is on the rise for the awakened.
From Yeshua & Mary Magdalene ( excerpt taken from I Remember Union.)
In the letting go is the finding
In the dying the Birthing
In the destruction….Creation
All time is Now
Every aspect of every Soul in body shall remember the Unity of all things and their true nature of Christ.
When that comes to BE in this New Age of your Embodiment
You shall feel US merging into Being and the through the eyes of the Creator the future of Humanity shall look something like this:
And the people joined hands across the seas
Their minds linked In One Consciousness.
And there was no separation.
All children belonged to all people of the Christ Mind.
The greed was replaced with giving and
The fear replaced with the memory of all Kingdoms
Dancing together in Harmony.
And I watch the feet of the people light upon the Earth.
Greetings to all, a great cosmic visit is approaching
Galactic Report:
Many different types of intelligent cosmic energies are already present invisibly on this mother ship planet: only their frequencies are higher than Earth’s.
Hidden in other dens, they observed earthly souls in an observation experiment.
rb Earth’s highest orbit is currently filled with very strange and powerful motherships and space dwellers.
They filled it so tightly that the newcomers were forced to enter a second orbit, which was also almost completely occupied.
The universe has never known a more strange situation than what happens on this planet; even beings from the farthest galaxies have come here to observe.
For most of these beings, the subtle bodies are more than just beams of light: their nature is such that they have become one with their spaceship, moving through free energy, I hope to have helped you.
Dear friends, 2024 is a very special energetic year, and so far it has not disappointed. Our sun is moving through an intense solar cycle reaching new levels of activity, and sending waves of solar winds that keep triggering inner shifts in our human fields.
From a more energetic resonance perspective, this year harbors the signature vibrations of number 8 (2+0+2+4=8). This year we are moving an octave higher in frequency, compared to the last few years, so it will take time for the planet and our bodies to adjust to this new vibrational level.
And within this year, August the eighth month, is the time period that holds the most concentrated amount of these empowering and transformative lightcodes. It is for this reason that this year’s 888 Lion’s Gate portal has been extremely deep for many of you, specially for those who are energy sensitives. The climax of this energetic resonance was August 8, however, there are two more key dates that will be vibrating with these empowering lightcodes. One is Saturday August 17 and the other is Monday August 26. These are called fractal portals of the main 888 gateway.
Therefore, this month we truly have three 888 portals.
This trinity of 888 portals creates a square geometrical shape/matrix that supports the solid energetic foundations for this year’s higher octave. This very same energetic configuration will be happening again in the year 2033. Now, if you add each column and row, 3×8, you get 24×6=144, a master Fibonacci number that represents spiritual awakening, unity, perfection, and the connection to the Divine realms.
During this upcoming final phase of this month-long 888 portal, and assisted by the ongoing solar geomagnetic storms, our bodies may feel tired and weary. Headaches, fatigue, itchy eyes, blurry vision, constant ear ringing, muscle tension, and heart and digestive issues may be present as our nervous system keeps integrating and recalibrating to these lightcodes. Please rest as much as needed, and stay well hydrated. An overall sense of uncertainty may also be present as we shift into the new higher frequencies. A new inner and outer world is unfolding below our feet.
We are moving into a different energetic second half of the year, post 888 portals, in which our energetic sensitivity will be higher compared to the initial months. Our planet is also changing, increasing its frequency day by day at much faster rates now after crossing this August landmark. This may create a bit more instability in our fields, therefore it is important to ground our energy more frequently as we move towards the end of the year.
Eclipse season, with its powerful two-week energetic corridor, will be arriving by mid September, and will be bringing with it more opportunities for healing, growth, and evolution. These energies will keep pushing us to reflect on our past so we can rebirth a new future. You can envision this whole month of August 2024 as a cosmic master key unlocking doors to new opportunities, manifestations, and spiritual awareness. Like a master locksmith, the universe has fine-tuned the alignment of our inner and outer worlds, granting us access to hidden chambers of potential.
As we integrate the energies of this powerful portal, may we continue to unlock our deepest soul desires, manifest our dreams, and step into the limitless expanse of our true divine potential. The cosmic key may be withdrawn as we move into the next month, but its legacy lives on, illuminating our path and guiding us toward a future filled with promise and possibility.
Greetings, my Dear Earth Family, I am Saint Germain.
It is a privilege to have the opportunity to communicate with you regularly now. It is truly special to engage in sharing insights that may support you on your journey of ascension. During our previous conversation, we explored the idea of a potential split in reality for Earth and Humanity, resulting in two distinct timelines. A negative alternate timeline, and the positive New Earth Timeline. While this is a plausible scenario, there is another possibility to consider.
This alternative outcome presents a captivating and thought-provoking scenario that delves into the very essence of reality itself. Imagine a reality where the boundaries between all different timelines blur and merge, creating a tapestry of existence unlike anything you have ever experienced.
This convergence of timelines represents a monumental shift in the cosmic fabric, where all past, all present, and all possible futures intertwine seamlessly. Giving rise to one, singular, harmonious reality.
Within all timelines, all Past events, current realities, and potential futures coalesce into a singular, seamless continuum, creating a reality that is at once familiar and yet entirely new. This harmonized reality offers an understanding beyond the belief of the linear progression of time.
As you contemplate this fascinating scenario, you are prompted to question the nature of reality itself. What new possibilities would emerge in a reality where all timelines merge? What about the perceptions of who you are, and would your purpose, be transformed?
The exploration of these questions opens up a world of inquiry and imaginative speculation, inviting you to expand your minds and consider the boundless potential of a reality where all temporal boundaries are transcended. Even though this understanding at this point is just a scenario, it is the Most plausible reality to emerge.
At the heart of this transformative process lies a deeply personal and introspective journey for each individual. As the timelines coalesce, people are presented with the opportunity to navigate towards the timeline that best aligns with their innermost desires, aspirations, and potential. This journey of inner-discovery and spiritual growth is not only profound but also empowering, as it allows individuals to tap into their highest selves and manifest a reality that is in perfect resonance with their well-being and fulfillment. There will be no aspect of you that will remain within the lower dimensions.
As this convergence unfolds, it symbolizes a profound metamorphosis for each person, signifying the integration of all fragmented aspects of oneself into a harmonious and elevated state of being. Simultaneously, the planet Earth herself would experience a parallel evolution, transcending to the 5th Dimension, leaving behind the constraints of lower dimensions. In this transcendence, those who choose to remain in lower vibrational frequencies would naturally be phased out from the Earth’s reality, a process that may involve both organic transitions and physical relocations.
The removal of beings aligned with lower vibrational realities would occur in accordance with the natural order of the universe, as individuals are guided to face the consequences of their choices and actions. Some may already find themselves being guided away from the Earth to confront the lessons and challenges that await them in other realms. There are also those who have already left the Earth and are now just waiting for her to ascend, so they can return as 5th dimensional beings.
This blending of temporal dimensions will open up exploration of the interconnectedness of all reality. It will allow you to witness the echoes of many timelines of history reverberating through the present moment, shaping your understanding of who you are and where you come from. The past is no longer confined to dusty books and fading memories, but is alive and pulsating within you, shaping your current existence.
As you navigate this fluid landscape of Transformation, you are also confronted with the realization that the future is not a distant realm separate from your present reality, but rather, an integral part of your Current existence. Your actions today ripple outwards, influencing the course of events yet to unfold. This awareness imbues each moment with a sense of significance and responsibility, urging you to act mindfully and with purpose in all situations. As you move higher in Light, you will not be leaving any aspects of yourselves within the lower dimensions. All versions of You are ascending. As your Timelines Merge, you will begin to experience, greater clarity, and Wisdom, within the present moment, As Each Timeline gives you the knowledge and wisdom obtained within. All of you, throughout all existence, Will merge to become Your One Higher-self.
I surround you Now with the Violet Flame, cleansing you and dissolving all that is no longer needed through this Transformation, as you merge into your Highest Self.
May Peace and Love be with you.
I am Saint Germain.
Transmission Received by Chellea Wilder at Universal Lighthouse
Are you feeling the Quantum Presence entering your world?
For the deeper merging and amplification of your light field is bringing forth many points of light awareness
I am shown the Rainbow Light Evolution of Now and the great evolutionary steps we are taking, as we co-calibrate the light of our individual self, whilst assisting others and the consciousness of Humanity
Know many are juggling multiple light roles, as we are care givers, earth guardians, light holders, calibrators and amplifiers of light
The art of balancing the light synthesis of Now is the task before US
We are stepping Up and Up as the new light world reaches US
The Great Lightbody Assimilation Is Underway As We Callibrate the Light of Now.
Everything is working out in your favor. Relax and enjoy the blessings that surround you this weekend. More movement is happening including an acceleration of physical Rainbow Body upgrades. Angel assistance is here to assist raising the 144000 up into our new Godly bodies. For now however rest before this whirlwind of energies rise. More clearings are happening for this to occur. The only thing needed from you is to alchemize obstacles and burdens, as these aren’t yours to carry any longer. Continue taking your power back and integrating it. Heal, release, and process the emotions now, and you will feel stronger than ever before.
In Jesus Christ’s name amen 🙏
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
source: 144godcode.com
Rainbow Body
Ra James
Today Mars is square Saturn Retrograde. Mars deals with your energy, and Saturn is like get things in order energy. This square shines a light on your inner desires. These energies are all about clearing blocks from your past. Your love life is in the spotlight right now. This square may be creating tension between your desire for spontaneity and passion and the need for boundaries and emotional stability. This aspect can create conflicts between short-term pleasures and long-term commitments. There is a lot of tension in the air. Mars energy is ready to move forward now. and Saturn is like slow down and proceed with caution energy.
The Universe may have placed some obstacles in the way of your path. Try to be patient as you may be facing setbacks and delays. Retrogrades can create delays and pauses. Saturn is Retrograde until November 15th. This Retrograde is all about reflecting on if you’re really honoring your dreams, desires, and heart-led ambitions. These energies are trying to help you build stronger foundations for future success. This Retrograde is a time for reflection, and revisiting old issues. Saturn is the ruler of time and reminds us of the importance of patience and long-term planning.
It’s bringing major adulting energies. It’s important that you’re really doing a lot of self care right now as we are navigating Mercury Retrograde. It’s the end of the Summer and things may feel a little sleepy or hazy even. Expect more and more clarity on your path moving forward as we continue to move through this heavy Retrograde Season…
On Friday, August 16th, the Moon, ruler of intuitive reflections, spends the day in practical Capricorn, sign of the Goat. She will make positive connections to Venus, planet of social interactions, in work oriented Virgo and to Saturn, ruler of the restructuring process, in creative Pisces. However, Luna will also form difficult connections to Jupiter, ruler of our belief systems, and to Mars, planet of forward movement, both in vacillating Gemini.
This day is better spent by focusing on the simple tasks at hand. Putting your energies towards work, job, career, and collaborative projects should go well. If we try to make important decisions, come up with final conclusions, expand ourselves too quickly, or take motivated actions, we may find that we are scattered, confused and unsure. Remember, Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, is retrograde until August 28th. It is better to review, rethink and recalibrate when it comes to the big stuff.
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
source: sacredsoulempowerment.com
the Moon, ruler of intuitive reflections, spends the day in practical Capricorn, sign of the Goat
Mars in Gemini square Saturn retrograde in Pisces. Sun in Leo square Pallas in Scorpio – What you resist persists. Look to where you may be putting up barriers that block progress. If you are procrastinating, examine why. Check in with your long-term goals and consider whether your actions are taking you closer to your destination or further away from it.
Sometimes we get caught up in the fight to survive, material wants and desires, the need for a challenge, the need for a win. But we also need to make room for love, creativity and spiritual sustenance. Practice compassion. Combine self-discipline with consistent effort. Work off frustration with physical exercise or tasks. If life feels hard right now, maybe the universe is helping you build muscle. Problems are not insurmountable. Be persistent. Stay strong. Radiate light.
The number one is called Magnetic and its keywords are ‘Unify, Attract and Purpose.’ The first day of a wavespell really sets the tone for the whole 13-day journey and this journey is one of revelations. Every day of this wavespell has the potential to be a ‘lightbulb’ day, where the light shines on things that were previously in the shadows. Expect answers to come to you! As it is the first day, remember to set your intentions. What is it that you really need to know?? If you don’t ask the question, how will you receive the answer? The number one represents Unity and the first day sets an agenda that reigns over the whole wavespell. The days in between have their own meaning of course, but we must always remember the context in which they are occurring.
Today is Yellow Sun which represents ‘Enlightenment, Life and Universal Fire’. Yellow Sun days are so helpful.
I enjoy them personally because whatever I am doing, it’s always beneficial to have the sun illuminating the path ahead making it much easier to see. Don’t be surprised today if you suddenly find a way forward after stumbling in the dark for sometime. I always get my best ideas on Yellow Sun days…they seem to just pop into my head. May the information you receive during this whole 13-day process, enable you to ‘see the light’. It’s like a vacation in the sun, except you don’t have to leave home.
Today’s Guide is Yellow Sun and so it’s a double dose of Enlightenment.
The Challenge for the day is White Dog which represents ‘love, heart and loyalty’ and so if you are a White Dog, these things may cause issues today. You get burnt in the sun and so must take care. Tap into your natural tenacity today and you can find the answers you seek as well, you may just have to try harder than everyone else. For everybody else, how does the Dog being in the doghouse affect us? Issues of the heart may surface, so be wary of arguments with loved ones.
The Occult power is the Red Dragon, the nurturer of the Tzolkin. ‘Birth’ is also a key characteristic and this suggests that a magical birth can take place. This is a lovely aspect of the day and folk born on Yellow Sun days are very nurturing people because they have this Occult power. This also suggests that any revelations you have today can be used to start something new or give birth to a new project… as it has a magical boost from Dragon to help it along.
The Ally is the Blue Storm which symbolizes ‘change’. People born on Blue Storm are of great help to others today providing support and friendship. Blue Storm people can be game changers and so if you are lucky enough to have one in your life, they can help you take any revelations you may have today and make real progress with them. Any changes taking place are smooth and easy because the Storm energy is friendly to us today.
KIN 40 = 4 Angelic/ Form/Structure/Foundation 0 – God SOURCE
Whoa!!! We commence a brand NEW WAVESPELL today, on an quadruple ABUNDANCE code with a 16.16 DOUBLE TOWER code!! What a KICKOFF to accelerate our journey to EN-LIGHT-ON-MENT!
ANOTHER HUGE PLANETARY DAY – A BRILLIANT day of empowerment and stepping into THE LIGHT!
An extremely fortuitous day which is potently SPIRITUAL, as we have a TRIPLE YELLOW SUN code happening today heralding a NEW ERA of LIGHT and FULL SOVEREIGNTY!
Today we commence our next 13 day Wavespell journey. This time it is the YELLOW SUN WAVESPELL – which is guiding us on our journey to ENLIGHTENMENT filled with BLISS and JOY! This is the 4th Wavespell in the Sacred Tzolkin Calendar in this HUGELY TRANSFORMATIONAL transition period.
This 13 day wavespell takes us from 16-28 AUGUST 2024 – we commence on an ABUNDANCE CODE and conclude on a 17/8 doorway – HUGE openings for the wayshowers to MARCH through as we access never before SEEN levels of SUPPORT and ABUNDANCE through SOURCE flow!
This 13 day cycle commences in the fiery LEO energy in AUGUST and concludes in the GROUNDING EARTH energy of VIRGO – the devoted Priest/Priestess of the DIVINE. A plethora of FIRE energy available to us to draw upon to fuel our PASSION, adventure and soul expression.. BIG BIG BIG energies beloveds!
This wavespell culminates on 28 AUGUST 2024 when we become COSMIC HU-MANS. How DIVINE!!
In this cycle of the YELLOW SUN – AHAU we commence counting the days of radiant LIGHT.
We are now changing our FOCUS from DARKNESS to LIGHT, as our days and MINDS are flooded with these SOLAR ASCENSION codes – continuing to ACTIVATE our accelerated ASCENSION.
AHAU is EMPOWERING us to be SOVEREIGN beings, connected to SOURCE and ALL THAT IS, as in-deep-endent Self! We shall complete our total metamorphosis and rise on the 13th day as YELLOW COSMIC ANGELIC HU-MANS!
Day ONE in the YELLOW SUN WAVESPELL is the ONE that kicks off the journey, reminding us to focus on UNITY, EQUALITY and LOVE. Today we set forth our dreams, desires, purpose and wishes for the next 13 days.
What level of EVOLUTION are you seeking to attain during the course of this Wavespell?
How can you attract a better, more joyous and spiritually fulfilling life?
This YELLOW SUN wavespell will provide an exponential opportunity to evolve and RISE as HOMO LUMINOUS.. what a TRIP!!!
MAGNETIC is tone number 1 in the SPIRITUAL realm as we initiate a new wavespell cycle. Power: ATTRACTS Action: UNIFIES Essence: PURPOSE. Day one of a new wavespell always starts with the Magnetic tone of purpose. In the beginning was the ONE!. From out of nothing, here ONE comes. Spinning happily – magnetising all that it requires for more excellent adventuring. Once strong in purpose, all will effortlessly come together.
The Magnetic tone is all about ATTRACTION. Attracting everything that you require to fulfill your purpose and your goals. People, resources, relationships, money, support and all that you can imagine. The attraction seeks to unify all as one! Thus Magnetic kin have a very strong connection to SOURCE, and a gravitational pull to return there and bring all their buddies with them. The power of ONE is very strong today as it unites us all as ONE HU-MAN-ITY!
Today’s question is “What can I MAGNETIZE in order to ATTRACT a better life, filled with BLISS and JOY, becoming FULLY en-LIGHTON-ed to express my Divine SOUL essence? “
Divine blessings for your MAJIKAL MAGNETIC attraction of absolute BLISS!
Go forth and SHINE your LIGHT brightly dear illumined STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS
Bring forth your luminosity, in order to radiate and ENLIGHTEN those around you and our beloved PLANET GAIA! Aho!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF & HIGHER SELF/GUIDE:: YELLOW MAGNETIC SUN– AHAU is SHINING extra BRIGHT today in both positions as well as the 3rd layer of the Wavespell energy. Yellow Sun qualities include: Illumination, Universal Fire, Cosmic Christ Consciousness, Buddha wisdom, Bliss, Union, Wholeness, Unconditional Love, Ecstasy, Enlightenment and Ascension, so we are in for quite an elevated journey during this HER-STORIC 13 day passage!
This 13 day cycle will LIFT humanity to a much better state of being, through elevated awareness and higher consciousness… hip hip hooray!!
AHAU reminds us that we are all a spark of our Creator, SOURCE energy in a HU-MAN vessel. We are the embodiment of LIGHT and unconditional LOVE. Come home to the true remembrance of who you are, then RADIATE that knowingness in all your thoughts and actions.
Join the dance of LIGHT, the fundamental nurturance of all nature, and SHINE forth the clarity of your TRUE SOUL ESSENCE.
Let us welcome the SUN to shine in all its glory for the newly EN-LIGHTEN-ED STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS of the New Earth.
That we be guided to hold the presence of the potential of Nova Gaia today. Holding the presence of the Seed of our own illumination, harmonized by the beauty of our capacity to transcend life and know ourselves as pure flowering STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS of Universal Fire… pure LIGHT… Enlightened life…
Magnetic Suns shining brightly… as we all merge into ONENESS, one central SUN returning to our SOURCE through Unity Consciousness.
Shining its LIGHT as the pure presence of the potential of ALL THAT IS before it, enduring all that holds the illusion of lack, to keep shining on the potential held within every seed…
Enjoy the journey into ONENESS – merging into ALL THAT IS!
SUPPORT: BLUE MAGNETIC STORM-CAUAC continues his cleansing and purification action today, and brilliantly synergizes with AHAU in bringing forth incredible transformative energies for self-regeneration in the Universal Fires.
This is akin to the fires from which the PHOENIX RISES and is reborn again! The journey is starting with a BANG! on an 16.16 DOUBLE TOWER portal! Like a rocket being propelled up towards the SUN, Cauac is providing the jet propulsion for an express ride to the Heavens above!
Allow the STORM to LIGHTEN your load, so that you may RISE higher and higher through the SOLAR RAYS, elevating your state of being. It is time to start SINGING and DANCING in the RAIN, for after the STORM has PASSED, out comes the SUN and the RAINBOWS!
NOTE: We have DOUBLE STORM energies throughout this entire 13 day wavespell with the overlay of the Yearly RHYTHMIC STORM energies. This brings forth equality and BALANCE working with the MAGNETIC STORM to attract all that is needed to transmute and transfigure the old defunct energies.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED COSMIC DRAGON – IMIX brings forth the power of Mother Goddess and the INFINITE CREATION to begin anew, REBORN through pure COSMIC PRESENCE, shining brightly, even better than before!,
The New Birth, the primal birthing of being, that comes from the union of our great FATHER the SUN, the LIGHT, and our great mother DRAGON, the Love from ALL the forces of the COSMOS combined into ONE… Initiating the new, primal response to ushering in the New Earth, with the nurturing caring ability of feminine creation matrix….
It is time to BIRTH the new HU!
Draw forth this INFINITE CREATION palate to PAINT your new RAINBOW REALITY– what a SUPERPOWER!!
NOTE – this vortex of PURE CREATION energy is alchemizing through the source flow code to bring forth COSMIC ABUNDANCE and support for all your CREATIONS!! Happy MANIFESTING beloveds!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE MAGNETIC DOG – OC brings forth the LOVE that exudes from every multidimensional corner of the universe, all coming home to the great darkness of our Divine Mother’s womb… The pure presence of ONENESS, transcending all right and wrong, the pure presence of LOVE, TRUTH and UNITY.
Are you ready to ACCEPT this LOVE?
Open your heart dear ones and receive. Fill your chalice with everlasting and infinite unconditional love. As you ATTRACT and EXPRESS your unconditional love, your soul grows and expands.
You become ILLUMINATED, and step into the full manifestation of your Divinity. In the embrace of your humanity, accept yourself and others UNCONDITIONALLY as sparks of the ONE SOURCE.
It is TIME to MAGNIFY your full DIVINE BUDDHIC presence.
The challenge of this 13 day wavespell is to open your GOLDEN CHALICE and RECEIVE all the Creator’s LOVE, that you can hold within your vessel. Then RADIATE your LOVE and LIGHT by sharing this DIVINE nectar in your golden chalice with all your relations.
Aho Planetary kin – what a DIVINE CHALLENGE!
Here is a GIFT of a beautiful morning meditation to help you absorb, re-energize and then RADIATE the SUN’S LIGHT – our great LIGHT GIVER!
NOTE: All these MAGNIFICENT codes will be accessible during this entire 13 day cycle – so GET READY for more SUNNY transformation through the MAGNETIC POWER of LOVE and LIGHT!
Today’s question is “What can I MAGNETIZE in order to ATTRACT a better life, filled with BLISS and JOY, becoming FULLY en-LIGHTON-ed to express my Divine SOUL essence? “
Divine blessings for your MAJIKAL MAGNETIC attraction of absolute BLISS!
Go forth and SHINE your LIGHT brightly dear illumined STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS
Bring forth your luminosity, in order to radiate and ENLIGHTEN those around you and our beloved PLANET GAIA! Aho!
Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.
I DEMAND the Cosmic Authority of our “ Beloved Mighty I AM Presence “ of Cosmic Christ Love in its Victorious Accomplishment; and the Universal, Invincible Power of the Blue Flame, which comes under the Direction of Beloved Archangel Michael and the Angelic Host, who direct the Sacred Fire! I demand they compel Purity, Peace, and Divine Order to arise within this Nation everywhere chaos seems to have been! I Demand It Manifest, Right Now! Here And Now!
source: www.templeofthepresence.org
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