An Intense CLEANSE Has BEGUN! The New Golden Age of the Satya Yuga * Opening the Rainbow Codes within our DNA
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Soul Star Blossoms of the Flowering of Hue~man Consciousness
Happy 321 Portal Activation of our final Countdown of our Great Awakening and Breakthrough in the Light.
As we begin Aries Season of Fire and Astrological New Year we have major energies flowing in directly from the Great Central Sun and most High Infinite Source Creator.
Our local Soualris released a Trinity of Soular Flares today with the most powerful maxing at M 1.22 at 15:58 UTC.
Pachamama also received 2 powerful activations today on her Pacific Ring of Fire with a magnitude 6.2 earthquake in Panama at 14:50 UTC and another 6.2 quake in her Crown Chakra in the Aleutian Islands, Alaska at 14:53 UTC. The New Lemuria Codes are fully integrated, online and manifesting!
After 7 hours of blackout on the Schumann Charts Gaia awakens from her deep slumber with massive blasts of white light in her “heartbeat” at amplitudes of 32 hz, 43 hz, 61 hz, 64 hz and a big blast of white light at 76 hz. Seventh Dimensional energetics fully anchored into the Crystalline Core of Mother Earth and rising!
As Gaia becomes her Crystal Diamond Rainbow Body Form of 5D New Earth all Her Children of the Sun Ascend with her into our New 5D Golden Age of the Satya Yuga forever more. Keep rising and shining Angels of our Heaven upon Earth…A’Ho!
Today, 21st March 2025, is the first day of the ascending Yuga Cycle and, therefore, a very auspicious day.
The exact date when the Kali Yuga will come to an end is March 21, 2025.
This is also the end of the 12,000 year descending cycle, which amplifies the significance of the transition.
The existing civilization will collapse and be replaced by a new one. We are living in times of enormous change.
The dark clouds of illusion, ignorance and separation will begin to lift, bit by bit, and the divine energies coming into our planet right now will, slowly but surely, raise our awareness, awaken our intuition, reveal hidden truths, show us the paths that are aligned with our highest good, and dissolve the fears and doubts that hold us back.
Perfect days for inner child healing, emotional trauma resolution, release of family patterns & programs & karmic liberation! Amazing recalibration & body flow can be achieved now that there is both clockwise & anti clockwise movement at the clock!
The kingdom of heaven is within, as we align with that frequency we manifest it, assisting in returning earth to the glorious paradise it was always intended to be
ALIGN and your dreams and a life beyond your wildest dreams will come right to you No need to chase ATTRACT
Here you are. At the edge of a next step, of a leap for some. At the edge of the unknown, at the edge of key changes. Yes, you have outgrown this phase. Yes, it now feels too limited, small, or even toxic for you. It’s been such a long time you contemplate doing this or that, changing these parts of your life. You are not there anymore — you are not in the new fully either. It’s a rebirth canal. But it’s about to be time soon.
Not because they are wrong, but because you must evolve out of this. The astrological year just started — the Equinox just happened. Here is your new dawn. You have prepping for weeks. Something still holds you back. Doubts, fears. It is sad too. One day, you will be ready for good. You will leap, one more time. Resistance will be ultra small. Keep integrating this new found wisdom, keep sitting into the new revelations you have had.
They are gold. Soon the fire of love & joy will propel you forwards again, in new energetic spaces. You deserve.
Crystalline rainbow frequencies pour down upon the earth opening the rainbow codes within our DNA, a great spiritual rebirth, reinforcing influx of more rainbow DNA codes, opening the pathways to a destiny filled with golden rainbow roads.
Ah you see the connection of our DNA frequency to our reality is becoming more apparent for us to see and to be.
For it is true the divine template of reality exists inside of you. It has been there all long hidden in a repressed DNA song, a song of love beginning to play, a song of love in latent DNA.
Oh the mysteries of creation are so simple, the puzzle is being pieced together and solved, as we awaken and allow our DNA to evolve.
Back in time we go collecting fragments of our fractured selves to be whole in order to live, be free and in all things be well, to return to the Father’s home in which we will forever dwell.
Oh it is true all things return to goodness and light we remember this once again as our soul’s frequency takes flight into the rainbow realms of the higher worlds, the destiny we arrive to as our DNA unfurls.
We have advanced so much, our germinating seeds of antiquity have blossomed and grown, flowers of DNA risen from below, phototrophic moving ever closer to the sun. We realize now with the Creator we are forever One.
For the sensitives out there who feel energy in the body, today is going to feel very intense. Approximately 12 hours ago, the phantom energetic particles began arriving. However, as of a few minutes ago, the main part of the wave hit Gaia.
Some will have woken up suddenly and been unable to get back to sleep. Others will not sleep at all. Some may experience tight chests and racing hearts, while others will feel euphoric elation. Those still in the equinox void, recalibrating, may suffer from bouts of depression and waves of sadness today. Some will experience fluctuations of both.
Science has not yet detected this energetic wave hitting Earth, but it’s a big one. Today (Friday), some people might feel as if they’ve been hit by an energetic train. It’s going to be one of those energetically wild but highly synchronostic weekends.
Your relationship with food and taste might also feel strange over the weekend, cravings may shift, certain foods might not appeal to you, or you may feel the need to eat differently than usual.
Have your ears started ringing yet as the tone dials up and up? Don’t be concerned if you woke up today with a headache and nausea, it will pass. Try to move your body today to help the energy flow through. I expect the next 24 hours to be very wild.
3/21/25: As evolution mutates one form into another, so are you changing and mentally and spiritually expanding. What cannot transfer, or is not part of your true essence, is going away. Who you are becoming will come into greater focus next year. Right now your work lies in being fully present with your transformation while being a compassionate witness for others experiencing their own shifts.
Today is a big growth spurt in creativity, imagination, and potentiality. Embrace the idea that the evolution of human consciousness is not a punishment. It is our next natural step.
Prime Creator
The Astrological New Year Begins
Today is a powerful day. Well, the whole month is powerful, but today we stand at the threshold of a powerful cosmic reset.
As the Sun moves into Aries, the Astrological New Year begins. This is a moment of renewal, courage, and initiation.
This shift is amplified by the Equinox, the time when light and darkness are in perfect equilibrium/balance, reminding us that we should pay attention to bring balance and harmony into our lives.
Yet, this year’s rebirth is special as the whole month can be basically be described as a portal of profound transformation, where the old dissolves to make way for the new and destined.
Are you ready for the shift? Are you ready to align and step into your highest path?
With Venus and Mercury retrograde, now is the time to realign with what sets your soul on fire, what brings out the passion and also peace. But before we move forward, we must look within.
This is not just a new cycle, it is a turning point, a moment to reclaim your power, to walk boldly into the unknown, to trust the process.
Right now you just need to slow down, take a breath, honor the endings and step into the new with intention. This is your rebirth. Step into alignment with your divine plan, let go of illusions, and embrace the shift.
The Universal Christos Eternal Union blueprint has fully awakened in the Earths grids, unlocking the inevitable Prophecy timeline of Aurora Earth.
Cities of Light are materializing through the Aurora plasma accelerating the healing of the Earths plasma and multi-dimensional bodies.
These blueprints and mandates of sovereign nations and cities encoded with the frequency, ethics and consciousness of the eternal Christos are breaking through the false law and control grid structures within Aurora Stargate locations.
Christos Dragon family and teams are coming together, catalyzing accelerated collective growth, activation, remembrance and mission.
Within these divine weavings, there’s a sense of revelation – the organic emergence of God’s awe-inspiring plan.
Many spirals of the past 9 years of individual missions are coming into a bigger picture of collective weaving.
Financial abundance, divine resource and the Emerald dragon vaults are opening to support the mission of the 144000.
We are encouraged to Dream and allow Gods Vision to expand us beyond any sense of human limitation.
When we can allow divine infinite creativity to re-arrange our Vision, to see the bigger picture, our body becomes calibrated as a Vessel for Gods Creation.
At this time in most places on Earth outside of the primary initial Aurora Hub sites, the 3D may not appear to be shifting in significant ways.
What some identify as a “bifurcation”, what appears to be a separation of worlds and realities, is only a temporary process of old contracts coming into completion.
The world isn’t permanently splitting into an ascended reality and a fallen reality.
Heaven on Earth, Aurora Earth, is the prophesied final reality of God’s Dream – so any perceived continued bifurcation is only a limited process playing out.
While it may appear on some level that some people are awakening and ascending in consciousness while others continue to spiral further into descent, behind the scenes out of sight by most, God’s Intent is weaving into a future that is harmonious, beautiful and prosperous for All beings on Earth.
Gods Angels of the 144000 need not fret.
We must keep our eyes and heart on God and the imminent realization of Prophecy.
When we relinquish our human minds incessant need to quantify and attach to a timeline or reality, we allow Gods Dream to be fully revealed.
Those fervent and devoted to God are being contacted through miracles and moments of revelation that the Prophecy Timeline is beginning.
Time capsules are finally opening in 3D since the 2/22 Cygnus Gateway.
The most important thing to be mindful of during this Eclipse-Equinox gateway is where You are in your personal timeline, and what you’re willing to do to align yourself fully to God and step into the game, and become an active participant.
If you’re confused, fearful or uncertain that Heaven on Earth and the final victory of Love is True, this is a signifier that your soul needs to do the inner work required to See the higher realities,
Hear God consistently, and Feel the crystalline Aurora fields enveloping the Earth.
Faith, devotion and miracle are themes of this years initiations, and between this Eclipse-Equinox gateway and the next one in September, there is massive opportunity for timeline shifts and re-alignment to your Souls most harmonious and victorious timelines.
Beyond any bifurcation, there is only one timeline at play – Gods Timeline.
And the prophecies speak of the return of the shining ones, of Christ consciousness, and of a Heaven on Earth that is a frequency that has fully touched down on Earth in key Aurora Stargate Hub locations.
From here these energies will continue to amplify through ceremony, land work, Starseeded gridwork ceremonies, creative expression from God through the bodies of humans who can Hear the signal and become a beacon of the new reality.
The beginning is nigh, and the coming years we will begin to see more and more Miracles of God that completely change the trajectory of human civilization.
Are you a by-stander? Or Are you a living Instrument of Gods Will on Earth?
There’s no better window than the Eclipses to make the leap and deeply listen, and step into your Lucid Dreamer and Creator self.
Dear friends, as we transition past the equinox and into the second half of the Eclipse Corridor, the energies are shifting and intensifying. We’re now moving into the upcoming Solar Eclipse Vortex Energy, a transformative portal that’s amplifying the pace of change in our lives.
Imagine yourself standing at the threshold of a powerful vortex, feeling the energies swirl around you. The Solar Eclipse Vortex Energy is like a cosmic whirlwind, sweeping away old patterns, habits, and energies that no longer serve your highest good. As we step into this vortex, we may feel a sense of excitement and trepidation, knowing that our life is about to change in profound ways.
One of the hallmark features of this energy is its ability to heighten your sensitivity. You may find yourself more attuned to the emotions and energies of those around you, and more empathetic to the world at large. This increased sensitivity can be a double-edged sword, bringing both deeper connections and greater challenges. To navigate this sensitivity, it’s essential to prioritize self-care, shielding your energy from external influences and taking time to rest and recharge.
As the Solar Eclipse Vortex Energy builds towards March 28, you may experience a surge in creativity and innovation. New neural pathways are being activated, facilitating breakthroughs in problem-solving and artistic expression. This is a time to tap into your inner genius, embracing novel ideas and perspectives that can propel you forward in your personal and professional endeavors.
However, this energy also has the potential to stir up intense emotions, bringing hidden fears and doubts to the surface. As the eclipse approaches, you may feel like you’re undergoing an emotional clearing, releasing old wounds and traumas that have held you back for too long. While this process can be challenging, it’s ultimately liberating, allowing you to emerge stronger, wiser, and more radiant.
The Solar Eclipse Vortex Energy is also facilitating energetic upgrades, enabling you to access higher states of consciousness and connect with your higher self. As you embody more of your spiritual essence, you’ll begin to see the world through fresh eyes, perceiving the intricate web of connections that binds us all.
To navigate these intense energies, it’s essential to trust in the universe’s plan and surrender to the transformative process. Remember that you’re not alone in this journey; you’re part of a global community that’s undergoing a collective evolution. By embracing these energies and taking proactive steps to care for yourself, you can harness the transformative power of the Solar Eclipse Vortex Energy and emerge reborn, renewed, and ready to shine.
Also, as of today March 21, asteroid Vesta goes retrograde in Scorpio, adding an extra layer of energetic complexity to the mix. This celestial event stirs up the depths of our emotional and psychological realms, pushing us to confront and heal old wounds, particularly those related to strict belief systems. With Vesta retrograde in Scorpio, the energies become even more intense, urging us to dive into the mysteries of our own hearts and psyches. You may have trouble honoring your commitments over the next few weeks as we struggle to take control of our fate. Sometimes, you have to let the chips fall where they may.
Have a wonderful weekend, and stay tuned for more daily updates as we navigate these exciting times.
On Friday, March 21st, Venus, ruler of the Divine Feminine, in bold, fire sign Aries is in a positive sextile connection to Pluto, ruler of death and rebirth, in independent, air sign Aquarius. There is an opportunity for the feminine archetype to shift and transform, to transmute outdated patterns, to heal old wounds, and to rise into her power. Transformation and regeneration in the areas of love, relationships, resources and finances is indicated. Are you ready to claim your confidence, passion, inner strength, and “take charge” energy?
Venus retrograde in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius. Vesta stations retrograde in Scorpio – And then there was nothing, pitch black, the slow drip of water somewhere, echoes of the past…or the future, bouncing up through rocky tunnels. It’s disorientating, to come into the story halfway, to not know what came before or after, whether they survived, thrived. Vesta kindles a tiny match in the dark, it’s all we need to see that we’re back at the beginning, a path to re-travel because back that way lies treasure. Focus on truth. Focus on this sacred transformation. Spiritual empowerment is the goal.
Venus and Pluto provide a helping hand. This is Inanna entering the Underworld, removing layer after layer of outer world trappings of status and wealth. In this place, her wealth is herself. When all else falls away, there is only love, the greatest treasure of all. Open your heart. Reveal yourself. Rediscover your true passion to catalyse change.
Tone 10, known as Planetary, strides in today with its keywords being Manifest, Perfect, and Produce. Day 10 of any wavespell is your manifesting moment—perfect chances to bring your needs into form. We’re nearing the end of this wavespell and, with it, the Tzolkin’s 260-day spiral. If you’ve danced consciously through this cycle, the air’s thick with intensity now. Twenty Planetary days across the Tzolkin—twenty shots to make things real—and today’s one of them. Tune in; it’s time to see results take root.
The day’s glyph is Red Earth, humming with Evolution, Synchronicity, and Navigation. Every 20 days, Red Earth rolls around, inviting you to evolve by rooting into the planet beneath your feet. It’s a grounding force, syncing you with Mother Earth’s pulse. Connect here—really feel her—and your inner compass resets. Synchronicity kicks in: right place, right time, more “coincidences” lighting your path. Evolution flows easier when you know where to step. Paired with Planetary’s manifesting power, this Red Earth day turns profound—perfect for producing real shifts in your journey.
Guided by Red Serpent: Red Serpent, alive with Life Force, Survival, and Instinct, slithers in as today’s guide. Its razor-sharp senses catch every rustle, every shift—nothing slips by. Let this guide you through your evolving day; trust its nudge. You might feel extra sensitive—raw, even—but that’s your navigation superpower humming. Serpent and Earth share a deep bond: belly to the ground, it knows her secrets. Ancients revered this wisdom—tap it now for direction.
Challenged by Blue Hand: Blue Hand, wielding Healing and Accomplishment, is the day’s challenge. If you’re a Blue Hand, evolution’s a steeper climb today—not impossible, just a tougher haul. Dig deeper; your hands can still shape something solid. For the rest of us, reaching for big wins might snag—focus on the Earth’s steady pace instead.
Occult Power: Yellow Seed: Yellow Seed sprouts in the occult spot, sowing Awareness with a magical twist. Evolution thrives when you crack open hidden truths—Seed’s here to teach you something cool about the unseen. Stay curious; its lessons bloom quietly but hit deep, feeding your growth with mystic insight.
Ally: White Wind: White Wind, whispering Communication and Spirit, blows in as today’s ally. Need a boost? Grab a Wind friend—they’re everyone’s pal today, dishing support and sage words. A good chat’s on the horizon; let it lift you as you manifest. No Wind nearby? Channel their breeze—speak your truth, listen well.
MANTRA I perfect in order to evolve Producing synchronicity I seal the matrix of navigation With the Planetary tone of manifestation I AM guided by the power of life force.
21/3/2025 = 3/3/9 = 3/12 =3/3 =6
3.3.3 Triple HOLY TRINITY portal!!
21- Crown of the Magi/ 3- Holy trinity/Joy/Communication/Creativity 6 – Heaven/Christ/Fertility/Harmony/Romance
3- Holy trinity/Joy/Communication/Creativity 9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Humanity/ Grace/Service/Mission/Divinity 12- Acquiring spiritual wisdom/strength 20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision 25- Spiritual wisdom/Learning from past mistakes
KIN 257 = 77 = 14=5 Freedom/Change/Transformation
Another HUGE PLANETARY LIBERATION day, in our ever evolving Ascension journey on PLANET EARTH!
KIN 257 is a potent PLANETARY ASCENSION kin – hot on the heels of the EQUINOX!
GAIA is going into overdrive propelling us forward!
The claim that the Kali Yuga cycle (known as the age of darkness and division) ends TODAY on March 21, 2025, and humanity is facing cataclysms, is a prediction made by some based on Hindu prophecies and the work of individuals like Bibhu Dev Misra, who have tracked the Hindu Yuga cycle.
NOTE: Kali Yuga is the current age or epoch in the cycle, characterized by a decline in dharma (virtue) and an increase in chaos and conflict. Kaliyuga is the 4th and last Yuga of the Yuga cycle. According to ancient Hindu texts it is supposed to last 432000 years or 1200 divine years. But it is written in “Bhavishya Malika” that the Kaliyuga will end within 2025 to 2030. Some Hindu scholars claim that March 2025 – will mark the END of the acceleration cycle (PEAK) period of the Kali Yuga and not completely the END.
In some Vaishnava texts, Kalki (Lord Vishnu incarnation) is forecasted to appear riding on a white horse and holding a blazing sword, on the day of pralaya to end Kali Yuga, to end the evil and wickedness, and to recreate the world anew along with A New Cycle Of Time (Yuga).
Misra, however, suggests that rather than an actual horse riding saviour, “the overall symbolism of Kalki is strongly suggestive of a Yuga-ending comet”.
Day 10 of the spectacular YELLOW STAR WAVESPELL – where we are AWAKENING our SPARKLE, and using our creativity to attract more Beauty, Grace and Harmony in our lives.. so that our lives become a living work of ART!
And so we reach day 10 in the final countdown to piercing the veil through to SOURCE!
Today we are perfecting the manifestation of PEACE and HARMONY in our beautiful new world that we are collectively co creating. Perfecting the creation of the reflection of TIME=ART – As ABOVE so BELOW! It is decreed!
PLANETARY – Tone 10 in the PHYSICAL realm. ACTION – produces, POWER – perfects, ESSENCE – manifestation. The 10th stage of the Yellow Star Wavespell is the perfection of all we imagined as possible. And more! It is the HARVEST stage where we happily reap our manifest splendour. The forms we have been imagining begin to manifest into our reality, and our lives begin to reflect the Beauty and harmonious flow that we desire.
Our lives are transforming, our minds and hearts are at peace! All is well in our beautiful world!
GAIA is strongly calling all the PLANETARY WIZARDS to unite in their collective VISIONS of UTOPIA today… Meditating and being in stillness in order to PERFECT our Manifestation of this GRANDE PLANETARY NEW DREAM of PEACE ON EARTH!
Today’s question is ” How can WE perfect the MANIFESTATION of the Divine Harmonic Matrix of Mother Gaia?
Divine blessings for PERFECTING extra-ordinary GLOBAL manifestations today!.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
9 moons ago – Last Galactic spin it was 4th July 2024 – which was USA Independence day – bringing forth revolutionary codes for planetary EVOLUTION and LIBERATION today.
36 moons ago – KIN 257 occured on the
THE PHOENIX RISES from the ASHES and transforms into the HOLY WHITE DOVE
Today the waning gibbous moon is in SAGITTARIUS the sign of the WISE SAGE, teacher and philosopher – potent ENLIGHTENMENT energy is super AMPLIFIED today.
Through the MAJIK of the DREAMSPELL – the portal is OPEN through the TZOLKIN SPIRALS – and this energy floods through amplifying the Ascension energies as we near completion of this Galactic spin of the TZOLKIN – layer upon layer of phenomenal evolutionary energies – pushing us forever forwards on our soul’s journey!
CONSCIOUS SELF: RED PLANETARY EARTH CABAN has a much softer, feminine, flowing energy compared to yesterday’s masculine Warrior challenges! The Warrior questioned and thus rejected the status quo, now CABAN is bringing forth the era of PEACE!
MOTHER GAIA is at the helm steering us through this Ascension journey as we evolve into HIGHER and HIGHER stages of Planetary BLISS.
It is TIME to build the foundation for these new peaceful societies. Changing the combative and competitive culture to one of peace and unity, in harmony with Mother Gaia and the natural synchronic flows.
The time is NOW, in this present moment! Stop pushing everything into some future time! Bring forth your ideas into the NOW in order for them to be made manifest. Stop stalling and start creating!
CABAN is the energy of GAIA and today it is DOUBLED as we have the RED EARTH tribe uniting with TONE 10 – the PLANETARY level MANIFESTATION code! This adds phenomenal PLANETARY POWER to this day – really expanding the BIG PICTURE to a GLOBAL LEVEL.…
CABAN reveals the SIGNS and synchronicities pointing the way for our best focus point in order to MANIFEST our highest Starry potential as a collective.… Many clues will be revealed today on a GLOBAL level as GAIA will be talking to the masses!
RED EARTH will be indicating which flags are RED and which are WHITE today… CABAN will answer your question of “What is next?” – by providing the signs and synchronicities showing you how to NAVIGATE the best path forward. RED EARTH will show you which path is treacherous and best avoided (beware the quicksand!), and which paths are CLEAR – leading you to the greener pastures.
The questions to ponder today are,
“How can I ground my ideas, through synchronisation and appreciation of nature, to manifest what I desire in this physical world?”
Do your ideas support Peace on Earth? Are they sustainable, renewable and sympathetic to all of nature’s kingdoms?
If you are in the natural flow, then your constructs will be supported by Spirit flowing naturally into form. Watch for synchronicities today guiding you into this natural flow.
NOTE: HUMANITY will need to be alert and LISTENING as GAIA will most definitely be communicating her current emotional state – so be mindful of Planetary movements and events – particularly in the Grids.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: RED PLANETARY SERPENT CHICCHAN We move from our minds to our gut instincts today. Tapping into our inner wisdom and knowingness, our intuition will guide us in the right direction. What FEELS right and what feels wrong? Tuning into and listening to Mother Gaia to guide us with the right timing to initiate our actions.
CHICCHAN will help you build a strong foundation for a sustainable and enriching life where all your needs are provided for. We do not need to COMPETE for resources or struggle to SURVIVE on an ABUNDANT planet. When we are in the FLOW, in sync. with Mother nature, life becomes effortless. Once we are in the FLOW then all our needs are met naturally.
Respecting Gaia’s needs, ensures the survival of our human species. We become a part of nature, woven into the web of life, as we organically merge into the landscape at ONE with all kingdoms.
The Earth is our Eden providing all the FRUIT we desire from our Utopian endeavours.
The SERPENT in the GARDEN of EDEN is not there to TEMPT us and lead us astray – but rather to remind us of our innate WISDOM as CREATORS who can MANIFEST all our heart’s desires!
We hold the KEYS to paradise within us.
CHICCHAN in the Higher Self position on a PLANETARY day – puts the SPOTLIGHT on our two Planetary Serpents – the Rainbow Serpent and Quetzacoatl the Feathered Serpent… so watch out for Grid activations and activity in the form of Volcanic eruptions, Earthquakes etc.
EARTH changes can get quite PHYSICAL today … A MAJOR RESET, CLEAR and ACTIVATION of GAIA’S GRIDS is upgrading our Planetary consciousness today!
SUPPORT: WHITE PLANETARY WIND IK Communicates and emphasizes the messages from Spirit. IK works in unison with CABAN to bring us much stronger messages today. We have the messages from Mother Earth amplified through the whispering wind.
Feel the connection to Spirit, to Mother Gaia and to the natural kingdoms allowing the synchronicities to FLOW through you today. Take note of which direction the WIND is blowing in order to navigate your correct path. Open your sails and produce a steady flow of energy through your body, using your breath. Allow pure consciousness to FLOW through your physical vessel. Dance, channel, play instruments, write, draw and allow the Divine to animate your being.
Feel yourself in synchronic FLOW with the cycles and timing of the Natural world and each other at this revolutionary time.. Allow the breath of Spirit to course through your body becoming a Divine conduit, the living bamboo reed. Surrender as a conduit of flow for spiritual evolution helping to realize the DIVINE PLAN here on Planet Earth.
LISTEN to the WIND and follow the SIGNS allowing Spirit to help you find your Divine FLOW.
How BRILLIANT that we have the Divine Will supporting humanity’s evolutionary passage today on this PLANETARY MANIFESTATION day. Spirit is ACTIVATING the DIVINE PLAN for our planet.
THY WILL BE DONE! The DIVINE GOLDEN TIMELINE is fully ACTIVATED and operational today.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW SELF-EXISTING SEED KAN is blossoming today and bringing in the keys to constructing our New Earth – allowing us as Planetary Star Bliss Supernova Suns to fully blossom and flower into our fullest potential.. In so doing, as each and every StarSeed OPENS and blossoms, then so too does Gaia, and our beautiful planet becomes a sacred Divine garden of ROSES once more.
KAN brings forth the energy for all the new wondrous solutions to take root! The ideas in the minds of men must be perfected, and then acted upon in order to be made manifest. A brilliant example of this is how Nikola Tesla visualized the blueprint of every invention he designed in his mind’s eye. He continually refined and honed it in the aethers until he was satisfied that it was perfect. Only then did he create a working model made manifest in physical reality. Tesla was in total sync. with natural laws, using his uncanny psychic abilities to bring forth inventions that were harmonious with the planet, in order to make life better and more joyful for us all.
Use your MIND today to PERFECT the blueprint of your holographic creation in order to produce it in physical form.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE PLANETARY HAND MANIK brings forth the blessings of Healing, Knowledge, Wisdom and accomplishment today… absolutely PERFECTO for humanity to accomplish HEALING and make the QUANTUM JUMP to the NEW HARMONIC MATRIX..
We have brilliant GIFTS at our disposal today – but we must remember to ACT on our input in order to PRODUCE something!
The shadow of BLUE HAND is that of lacking the resources, skills, time, energy or knowledge to bring forth your ideas into the full COMPLETION stage.
MANIK is encouraging you to become AWARE of your resistance and distractions. What is getting in your way of manifesting and completing your desires?
Learn to FINISH what you start, by taking small steps each day, toward your long term goals. Use your commitment, focused intention and openness, to assist you in achieving your purpose. Experience yourself as a TOOL of the LIGHT! Take satisfaction in each step you take along the way, and if the job gets too difficult then ask for help and do not get overwhelmed with the enormity of the task.
“Many HANDS make LIGHT work”, so call in volunteers and willing participants to cocreate your wonderful imaginings. As united LIGHTWORKERS we will need to reach out to others for help and also become accustomed to stepping up into our greater Divine Missions and being the Starry Wayshowers that we came here to be… shining BRIGHT in the sky for all HU-MAN-ity to SEE our luminous glory.
GAIA is strongly calling all the PLANETARY WIZARDS to unite in their collective VISIONS of UTOPIA today… Meditating and being in stillness in order to PERFECT our Manifestation of this GRANDE PLANETARY NEW DREAM of PEACE ON EARTH!
Today’s question is ” How can WE perfect the MANIFESTATION of the Divine Harmonic Matrix of Mother Gaia?
Divine blessings for PERFECTING extra-ordinary GLOBAL manifestations today!.
Namaste’ In Lak’ech a la kin Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
🌙 Lucid Dreaming Guided Meditation | Unlock the Dream Realm & Awaken Within with the Sacred Condor 🌙
Embark on a profound Lucid Dreaming Guided Meditation designed to help you awaken within your dreams and explore the limitless realms of your subconscious. This powerful journey will:
✨ Guide you into deep relaxation to prepare your mind for conscious dreaming.
✨ Enhance dream awareness through visualization and intention-setting.
✨ Activate the power of lucidity so you can navigate your dreams with clarity and purpose.
✨ Open portals to higher wisdom for spiritual insights, healing, and creativity.
Whether you’re new to lucid dreaming or looking to deepen your practice, this meditation will help you access the dream world with ease and control. Surrender, relax, and step into your infinite potential.
🌟 Sacred Prayer for the New Golden Age of Satya Yuga 🌟
O Supreme Source of Light, Divine Creator of All That Is, We bow before Your eternal radiance as we awaken to the dawn of the New Golden Age. With hearts pure and spirits strong, we call forth the sacred energies of Satya Yuga— The Age of Truth, Unity, and Divine Illumination.
🔥 By the power of Cosmic Truth, we invoke: 🌞 The restoration of Dharma, righteousness, and harmony upon Earth. 🌿 The awakening of humanity to divine wisdom and infinite love. 💎 The dissolution of illusion, fear, and separation. 🌍 The anchoring of peace, sovereignty, and higher consciousness.
Let the Golden Light of Satya Yuga fill every soul, every heart, and every land. May we walk as living embodiments of truth, love, and compassion. May the sacred waters cleanse, the sacred fires purify, and the sacred winds carry the song of awakening.
🕉 I AM Light. I AM Love. I AM Truth. The Golden Age is here. The time is now. The awakening is complete.
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