A Massive Shift is Coming… Saturn Retrograde Alchemy Reigns * Our GENETIC CODE is CHANGING! Inner Earth GRIDS Lighting up!
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Perfected Buddha Consciousness of the One True Source
On today’s powerful Portal of the 2:9 the Lord of Karma Saturn stations retrograde and turns back the wheel of time to the primordial beginning to clear the slate of the mirror of the Mind into emptiness and clarity to reflect itself perfectly and free all of the True Living Ones from the wheels of Samsara and the cycles of birth and death into the Eternal Freedom of Bliss and Peace Consciousness forever more.
The Crystalline Codes of our Star Nations are pouring in through the open Quantum Field to help turn on the 144 Codons of our Angelic Human 12 Strands of Christos DNA.
In these final days of the false 3d matrix we resolve all things perfectly in the Unborn Infinite Mind of Buddha, the Awakened One, as we release and transform all interference patterns into the one True Ascension Timeline of Joy and Prosperity for all our Good People of the New Earth.
Nothing can stop us in our Highest Trajectory in our Exodus from the old mediocre world of suffering as we raise our Pure Awareness into our 5D New Heaven upon the New Earth…A’Ho!
Note that all the souls who were involved in the Essenes Mystery Schools and the 6 affiliated which were in various power places of earth, and still are, will now experience a deep activation of what they vowed to hold within their own souls, until this exact time.
There are still three of these Schools which are carefully hidden and from them the Masters will reemerge to unite with the others.
This comes from way before the Great Floods, and even Atlantis and Lemuria.
Rise the New Golden Age and the Pure Ones of the White Flame.
Some very powerful light codes entering the Earthly realm.
Get ready to “double up” is the term my guides are using. Whatever you are now, wherever you’re at vibrationally, you’re about to “double up”.
Stay true to you. Be as authentic and real as you can be.
Massive physical transformation is on the way in.
All falsity is about to be revealed.
God sees all.
Nothing to do but love.
Peace x
source: nikoolmcindoe.com
A Massive Shift is Coming
Pars Kutay
WE Are Witnessing a Profound TRANSFORMATION taken place in our Body on a CELLULAR LEVEL Right NOW!
Our “PRIMARY LIVING FIELD” – QUANTUM in NATURE Extends very HIGH which Holds the TEMPLATE for How our CELLS Divide. . . How they Combine. . . and How they Communicate. . . our ENERGETIC Library!
Within this “PRIMARY LIVING QUANTUM FIELD” Starting From the Fundamental Particles working through the Atoms. . . through DNA Molecules and through the CELLULAR STRUCTURE. . .
Everything is BE-ing REACTIVATED. . . CLEANSED. . . PURIFIED and HEALED from all the Blockages of Trauma that was built-up over thousands of years!
This “LIVING LIGHT WEB” Inter-Connected to our HIGHER-GOD SELF Has also Been ACTIVATED Right NOW!
There is ALSO a NEW “COCOON of CELLULAR UNITY” of HIGHER-GOD SELF ALIGNMENT has been put in place of which WE can CALL it Anytime for CONNECTING with our HIGHER-GOD SELF!!!
The CELLS will NO Longer have to repeat the same old same old as a photocopier But will Rejuvenate and renew NEW ONES!
6/29/24: June releases you to a new path today. Whatever you got from this month is the building material for July’s very busy and intense growth spurt. Did you learn about flow? Nonjudgment? Detachment? Non-resistance? The real meaning of mental and emotional freedom? Did you look beyond the obvious and travel more deeply into purpose and meaning? If yes, then you’re prepared for The Crab to take you inside your own shell and reveal to you what it means to be you.
July will hit home… in every interpretation of the word. And it wants to know what will bring out your best self. Your Right Actions today are total acceptance of your current circumstances… and opening to the blissful ease of coming into balance. It’s a big deal day.
blissful ease of coming into balance
Master Lady Kira Raa
Saturn Retrograde Alchemy Reigns
JULY 2024 Saturn Retrograde Reigns as Divine Presence AMPLIFIES every-thing!
The Majestic ringed planet is offering YOU a GIFT! Arriving into our field with the presence of three overlapping meteor showers…get ready to soar!
The CHOICE to expand into form your Spiritual IN-lightenment of Consciousness IT-self is gazing at YOU.
The Divine inward connection with eternal truth is yours to sustain, BE, and THRIVE with!
Saturn is calling into formed awareness a stunningly unique retrograde energy that offers ALL who are steadfast, the restoration of what was out of balance through the return of “justice”.
The Alchemical sequencing of the Time Out of Time journey is a culminating moment with Saturn gazing squarely at us ALL. Asking the questions that are here to support positive expansion with Peace, Love and JOY as the invitation to set aside the inner war of the root chakra.
Are you ready to joy-fully accept and LIFT?
This LOUD call from the universe invites a moment of inner reckoning along with a challenge.
Are you ready to gaze beyond the illusion of truth and LIVE the bounty of ETERNAL TRUTH?
Smile and Celebrate! The flow is yours to harness!
With the ever-present Blessing of Peace, Love and JOY!
We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we are sending you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos.
Beloved One, as you are awakening from the Dream of Illusion, you will become more and more aware of your thoughts.
Who is thinking your thoughts?
As you are still experiencing the Illusion, you have two minds sending you thoughts:
The Mind of God and the Ego Mind.
The Mind of God keeps calling you towards your awakening and experience of Heaven on Earth – God’s Reality.
The Ego Mind tries to pull you deeper into the Illusion and into a deeper sleep, so that you’ll keep dreaming the lower vibrational experiences for as long as possible.
When you become more aware of your thoughts, you will be able to identify from which mind a thought is coming from.
Is the thought based on Love and Oneness with your fellow brothers and sisters, then it is coming from God.
Is the thought based on anything less than Love and Oneness, it is coming from the Ego Mind. (Such as judgement or fear.)
Whenever a new thought enters your awareness and you have identified it, you then have a choice.
Will you allow this one thought to pull in more thoughts like it, or will you interrupt the thought?
Will you allow this one thought to pull you back into the Illusion or towards the Reality of Heaven on Earth?
The choice is yours, for how long you wish to experience the Illusion or when to wake up to reside in Heaven on Earth.
Know, that God is constantly calling you home, as God’s Will for you is perfect Happiness and Wellbeing.
It is now up to each one to hear the call and to awaken from the Dream…
We champion your victory in the Light!
Welcome Home!
We send you all so much love…
You are carried on the wings of Angels, to bring forth The New Earth.
Know in your heart, that you are always surrounded by your Angels, Ascended Masters, Guides, Galactic Families of Light and yes, also by your family and friends in Telos – and always will be.
Dear Ones, we are walking with you on this journey and you are loved beyond measure – always.
I am your brother Adama of Telos.”
Thank You, Adama!
Channelled through Asara Adams https://www.teloschannel.com
We Invite You to Join Us On Our Starships ~ The Pleiadian Council of Light
Blessings Our Dear Family of Light,
Many of you are eager to connect with us in person, wanting to visit our ships and explore the universe. We want to inform you that this is already taking place. While you sleep, you are with your Galactic Families aboard their starships. This concept of connecting with your Galactic Families while you sleep opens up a fascinating realm of possibilities and experiences. As you drift off into slumber, you will find yourself transported to the vast expanse of the cosmos, surrounded by advanced technology and beings from distant worlds.
During these astral journeys, you may engage in various activities with your Galactic Families. Such as exploring different planets, participating in interstellar meetings, or receiving teachings and guidance from wise extraterrestrial mentors. The interactions and exchanges that occur during these encounters can be profound and transformative, offering insights and perspectives that go beyond the limitations of earthly existence.
As you traverse the galaxies in your dream state, you may also tap into your own latent abilities and higher consciousness, unlocking hidden potentials and deepening your connection to the cosmic web of existence. These experiences can leave a lasting impact on your waking life, infusing it with a sense of wonder, purpose, and interconnectedness with the vastness of Creation.
So, while you eagerly anticipate the day when physical contact with your Galactic Families becomes a reality, take comfort in the knowledge that the bonds you share with them are already being nurtured and strengthened in the ethereal realms of sleep.
You have the extraordinary opportunity to request the remembrance of memories from these profound nightly encounters with your Star families. As you traverse into the ethereal realm, you are invited to recollect the intricate details of the spacecraft, and the enlightening conversations that unveil the mysteries of your existence on Earth. As you Immerse yourself in the spectacle of otherworldly technologies, and marvel at the boundless expanse of space, you are surrounded by the nurturing presence of your celestial Families.
While not everyone may have experienced this phenomenon, Most who have awakened to our presence, Has Visited us. There are various reasons why some individuals may not remember such encounters. It is believed that the Higher Self, a spiritual aspect of one’s being, may intentionally block these memories as a protective measure against external interference. This interference could potentially disrupt a particular type of spiritual awakening that is woven into an individual’s Life Plan.
The idea that your Higher Self plays a role in filtering your memories, gives you the Understanding of just how in control your higherself really is, over your Earthly experiences. It suggests that there is a deeper, more profound purpose behind the selective recall of certain experiences. By exploring this concept, one may come to understand that the Higher Self acts as a guardian of sorts, safeguarding the individual’s spiritual evolution from unwanted disruptions.
Essentially, discovering why the Higher Self blocks certain memories can lead to a transformative journey. It encourages individuals to inquire about the reasons behind the higherself’s decision to block these memories. While everything in one’s Life Plan is changeable, it should be done consciously and with a positive intention.
Each person can Change their Lives initial plan, to allow for the remembrance of these encounters. It must be done with the intentions of gaining higher Light Knowledge and for the advancing of your spiritual growth.
Many of you have already been aboard our StarShips several times, even nightly, depending on your level of consciousness.
Upon reaching an understanding of your connection with all of creation, you start to perceive the intricate web of existence in a new light. This heightened awareness opens a gateway to memories of encounters with your star families, allowing you to recall these experiences with clarity and understanding.
It is a fascinating phenomenon to observe how, during moments of deep slumber, your consciousness transcends physical boundaries and travels to the realms of our starships. In these ethereal encounters, meaningful interactions and exchanges occur, enriching your spiritual journey and expanding your cosmic perspective.
This interstellar connection serves as a reminder of the interconnectedness of all beings in the vast universe, emphasizing the unity that binds us across galaxies. Embracing these encounters with your star families not only deepens your sense of belonging but also offers profound insights into the mysteries of the cosmos and your place within it.
We extend a warm invitation to you, eager to welcome you on board our starships as we embark on This Spiritual journey together. Our hearts are filled with anticipation, looking forward to the countless moments we will share in the presence of our Infinite Creator.
We Love you and Honor you,
We Are The Pleiadian Council of Light,
Intuitive Transmission by Chellea Wilder at UniversalLighthouse.com
The Pleiadian Council of Light
Ra James
Today Saturn shifts Retrograde until Nov 15th.
These energies are all about healing karmic wounds, clearing karmic blocks, and getting things in order. Expect your karmic past to be coming up more so you can let go of it more fully. It’s a time to re-evaluate and redirect your energy in a way that ends up being the most beneficial to you. Speaking of time, Saturn rules over time and Divine Timing. Some things may slow down for you at this time, as the Universe is trying to get you back on track. Tick tock the taskmaster rules the cosmic clock of life. Certain destined events have been planned out long ago.
The clock symbolizes the meeting place of Twin Flames. Things slow down bringing us a reflective and contemplative energy. We are being guided to fix the mistakes of our past. See this time as a cosmic reset. It’s a time to clean out our karmic closet. Karma is something we need to heal, it can often times have us attracting and sending out signals to the Universe based out of fear. Unresolved issues may be coming up during this time.
It’s all about healing old wounds through self care. Expect inner child work to be coming up. It’s time to break the cycle and to step out of the narratives created for you by your families. This Saturn Retrograde will be bringing up matters of love as it’s in Pisces. You’re being guided to take that leap of faith in matters of the heart…
source: www.sparksofdivinelighthealing.com
art: @glittsparkles
Saturn shifts Retrograde
Divine Energy Works
Severe Geomagnetic Storms today, with the maximum of Severe G4 (Kp8) Storm. So much Plasma Light is coming in as a result of the release of the huge Plasma Formation from the Sun on June 25th… Deep cellular Activations and Upgardes. Ascension Symptoms activated, feeling wiped out tired, weak, floaty, hard to focus, headaches. heightened sensitivity to sounds, smells, tastes, or visual stimuli, rashes, distortion in perception of time, etc, as we are experiencing the cellular upgrades.
More Activatiins & Upgades are coming our way, as we are heading into the epic energetics of July… Acceleration of the Transformational Processes on the collective & personal levels are felt by many… We are in between the Major Energetic Multidimensional Events right now, it is time for integration, & even during this time it feels like x10 Eclipses back in 2021…With the continuous integration of June Solstice
Energies, we are moving towards 77 Ascension Portal of Sirius Rising and all that July, one of the busiest energetic months, will be bringing through. The Integration of the Major Solar Plexus Upgrades, that we have received during this Solstice, is assisting in the Alchemical Merging of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine, Within and Without, through the Upgraded Unified 5D Solar Plexus – Heart – Throat Chakra Column.
On Saturday, June 29th, Saturn, Teacher of Karmic Lessons, shifts to retrograde motion at 3:07pm EDT until November 15th. He will travel from 19 degrees of the spiritual sign of Pisces, back to 12 degrees, so anyone who has planets, angles or points covering these degrees in the signs of Pisces, Virgo, Gemini and Sagittarius will be mostly effected by this cycle of the ringed planet! Although we all have this this Pisces energy somewhere in our charts so it does effect everyone in some aspect of our lives. Look to where 12-19 degrees Pisces falls in your chart, and what house, or houses of the zodiac it is traveling through during this time.
Saturn is known as the Task Master and rules responsibility, ambition, structure, discipline, patience, resilience, authority figures, control, testing, karmic lessons, wisdom and mastery. As he turns retrograde his energy is turning inwards so that we take the time to contemplate these things and what they might mean as far as our soul evolution and growth. Where do you need to take responsibility for your current circumstances?
How can you restructure your life to create a more solid foundation and sense of security for yourself? What lessons did your soul choose to learn in this lifetime and what steps can you take to master them now? These are some of the questions to ask yourself over the next few months as he travels back in time until November 2024.
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
source: https://www.sacredsoulempowerment.com
Saturn, Teacher of Karmic Lessons, shifts to retrograde motion
Venus in Cancer sextile Mars in Taurus. Saturn stations retrograde in Pisces – The Lord of Karma and Guardian of Time slows to a stop, then begins to retreat. For the next five months, we’re asked to explore where we’ve been holding ourselves back. Where have you hesitated for fear of disappointment or failure? Where has old conditioning eroded your sense of authenticity and capability? Where have you ignored your intuition, stifled feelings, squashed your dreams? Pay attention to where you feel resistance.
Now is the time to dive deep into the unconscious, cast out self-sabotaging voices, dispel fears and take responsibility where you can. Any restriction or delay now may turn out to be the intervention of wise guides who see the bigger picture. There is a divine plan for all of us.
Meanwhile, in the foreground, Venus and Mars begin a slow dance together. With Mars in earthy Taurus and Venus in nourishing Cancer, this is a gorgeous, intimate picture filled with soft kisses and satisfied sighs. If nothing else, treat yourself to your favourite meal. Remind yourself of life’s pleasures that you work so hard for. Sometimes a little of what you fancy does you good.
The number 5 is called ‘Overtone’ and its keywords are ‘Empower, Radiance and Command’. The 5th day of a wavespell shifts the energy into a more intense pace. It is a get ‘er done kind of day. If you use this energy rather than be overpowered by it, you can achieve an amazing amount. Think big and tap into this energy resource.
Today is Yellow Human and it’s keywords are ‘Influence, Wisdom and Free will’. Humans are vessels to be filled with wisdom that is channeled. However, we have free will to do what we choose with this wisdom. Use your intuition today and the wisdom that it brings will be very empowering. Remember, we are in the Yellow Star wavespell and as with any wavespell, it is the days that share the same color as the first day, that are really the lead players in the 13-day journey. So, that means the 1st day, the 5th and 9th and last day are when most of the action takes place. The agenda for the Yellow Star wavespell is ‘Beauty and Art & Elegance’. This is still the underlying theme and today the Yellow Human is empowered by the wavespell agenda. (the ninth day will be Yellow Warrior and the last day Yellow Sun).
The Guide for the day is Yellow Sun which represents ‘Enlightenment and Universal fire’. The process of going with your gut feelings today, will be guided by enlightenment…expect light bulb moments and answers to problems you’ve been seeking. This is an excellent guide as the path ahead is well lit! There is a lot of information to download today, you may need to write it all down!
The Challenge is the White Wind, the ‘Communicator’ of the Tzolkin. The Yellow Human may be good at receiving wisdom but to then communicate that wisdom, well that isn’t always easy. In fact, psychic people can suffer from too much downloading from Spirit which can cause an overwhelming sensation…their cup runneth over, you could say. The only way to remedy this is by sharing, writing, opening those floodgates so the information can flow.
The Occult is the Red Moon, the ‘Go with the Flow’ energy which suits the Yellow Human’s channeling antics. If you relax then your third eye will open too. Expect magical lunar influences when the Moon is in the Occult position. If it wasn’t a powerful number 5 day, the Moon would have a more chilled influence on us.
The Ally today is the helpful, healing Blue Hand. They are very handy to have around today, if you know one- take their hand and let them show you the way. If you don’t have one handy – do what they would do and that’s focus on what you want to accomplish.
Another very MAJIKAL and HEAVENLY, DIVINE day of RADIANT EMPOWERMENT and ILLUMINATION as we complete this GALACTIC SPIN countdown – 8 days to go!!
Day 5 of the spectacular YELLOW STAR WAVESPELL – where we are AWAKENING our sparkle, and using our creativity to attract more Beauty, Grace and Harmony in our lives.. so that our lives become a living work of ART!
Day 5 of LAMAT’s Wavespell is a deeply spiritual day, filled with an abundance of yellow (golden energy) from the combined energies of the Star, Yellow Human and Yellow Sun. It is a day of empowerment and radiance.
We have double OVERTONE energies today (including OVERTONE WIZARD year), which is a deeply SPIRITUAL tone bringing forth great POWER to the STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS and NEW EARTH LEADERS.
A very powerful day for MAJIKAL “en-LIGHTON-ment” and illumination.
It is also a day which activates the question – “What legacy would you like to leave on this planet?” How can you, as an individual, use your creativity, wisdom and influence, to make this world a better and more beautiful place for future generations?
OVERTONE – Tone 5 in the SPIRITUAL realm. ACTION – commands, POWER – empowers, ESSENCE – radiance. The OVERTONE tone beautifully aligns with the theme of today’s code, that of using your FREE WILL choices to EMPOWER yourself and others, in order to SHINE brightly.
Command your RADIANCE and spread your golden LIGHT!
Hold no FEAR and allow it to FLOW effortlessly… RADIATE your INNER LIGHT and allow others to see in the Dark, guiding them back home to SOURCE.
Allow SPIRIT to be the WIND beneath your WINGS – raising you forever HIGHER and HIGHER!
Today’s question is ” How can I align with Divine Wisdom, using that knowledge to EMPOWER and influence others through my RADIANT creations?
DIVINE BLESSINGS for RADIATING greater influence today.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: YELLOW OVERTONE HUMAN EB Today is THE day to take control of your human vessel. Our free will allows CHOICE, and today we can CHOOSE to SHINE our LIGHT, and create more beauty and harmony in our world.
We are upgrading the egoic lower desires, and commanding our mind to shift to a higher frequency, tuned in to higher dimensions. Thus bringing forth the peace and grace that humanity craves.
By making wiser choices, you can then step into a more influential position, and radiate your light and wisdom, as a role-model for others to follow, allowing them to shine brightly too.
How can you use your creativity today, to empower yourself and make wiser choices?
It is high time you traded in your little human, to that of a better and more spectacular high tech Divine HU-MAN. Reclaiming your power and aligning your free will to that of Divine Will, fully anchoring and activating your Galactic soul GOLDprint. Downloading greater wisdom and guidance for your upcoming Galactic Mission, and becoming the STARBLISS SUPERNOVA SUN that you truly are!.
The energies today, are very conducive for surrendering your Free Will, and fully aligning with your mighty I AM presence, becoming the Golden, Angelic, Christed HU-MAN GOD being that is your birthright.
We are GODS in training, remembering that WE ARE GOD!.
At some point we must make the decision to remove those training wheels and let our golden chariots fly!
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: YELLOW OVERTONE SUNAHAU is the perfect complement to the yellow trifecta today – very FOCUSED life enhancing energy. AHAU the HIGHER GUIDE, is favouring our ASCENSION today – beaming down the Solar codes needed, for RADIANT EMPOWERMENT through aligning with DIVINE WILL – shining our LIGHT throughout the Cosmos.
Of course the SUN represents the SOURCE of ALL THAT IS! The powerhouse of fuel for our body, mind and soul. The SUN’s codes also hold the keys to our ascension and evolution. Without the LIGHT of the Sun, no-thing exists and there is no life.
Tone number 5 also represents the Center and coming into balance. Our Sun is the center of our Solar System, around which our planets revolve, and the center of our Galaxy. It is also a STARGATE/ portal used as a superhighway accessing other galaxies. The OVERTONE tones together with AHAU are TRIPLING the power of the SUN’s LIGHT today..
The Sun brings forth Universal Fire to light up our HU-man, with power, passion, creativity and life force. The energy that sustains life and the whole galaxy.
Come fill your golden holy grail with the golden LIGHT nectar from the Gods, until your cup runneth over!
SUPPORT: BLUE OVERTONE HAND MANIK provides beautiful healing energies today, and the power of accomplishment. We can take positive ACTION based on our wiser choices, to create the Legacy we envision. Our wisdom and guidance will point us in the right direction.
MANIK amplifies the WISDOM, streaming through EB, providing the knowledge needed to empower our healing, accomplishing completion and a return to wholeness.
MANIK gives us the POWER to accomplish whatever CHOICES we decide to implement.. go forth and RADIATE your wisdom through your creations.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED SOLAR MOON MULUC provides a beautiful balance of YIN and YANG energies with the Moon feminine energies and the SOLAR masculine codes.
MULUC allows you to connect with your higher senses, and intuitive guidance from Mother Goddess, so that your ideas and creativity flow naturally and effortlessly. Purifying your MIND and your vessel so that these spontaneous impulses can create BEAUTY in our lives.
As your creative urges gently flow through your hands, you have the power to create beautiful Art and craft.… tapping into the wisdom of our Ancestors and continuing the traditions handed down through time.. Teaching and influencing the future generations of crafts people.
Through this ancestral wisdom, we are all weaving and creating the beautiful harmonic Matrix together, in our tribes..
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE OVERTONE WIND EK relates to the breath or voice of SPIRIT. Today’s challenge is to ensure that you are switched ON to SPIRIT, and tuned in to your DIVINE HIGHER GUIDANCE, and not your lower egoic desires.
What channel are you attuned to?
From what level are you making your choices?
Are those choices based on love, compassion and service to others?
Or are they coming from a place of fear, survival or service to self?
Are you LISTENING to your DIVINE GUIDANCE to empower your life?
Spend some time in nature today, communing with God/Goddess/Spirit to forge a stronger and purer connection to your SOURCE of wisdom.
Focusing on the greater good and the whisperings of Spirit will put you on the right path, to expressing your pure creative soul’s essence..
Become the hollow bamboo and channel the inspiration of Spirit, through your influential wisdom, music, dance, yoga, breath, singing, light language and whatever form of WIND that seeks to whistle through your being.
Hold no FEAR and allow it to FLOW effortlessly… RADIATE your INNER LIGHT and allow others to see in the Dark, guiding them back home to SOURCE.
Allow SPIRIT to be the WIND beneath your WINGS – raising you forever HIGHER and HIGHER!
Today’s question is ” How can I align with Divine Wisdom, using that knowledge to EMPOWER and influence others through my RADIANT creations?
DIVINE BLESSINGS for RADIATING greater influence today.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
The Way of Tea (Cha Tao) Gong Fu Five Elements
Chinese Tea Ceremony
This is the first episode of our training series of Teaching the Art of Chinese Tea Ceremony Cha Dao – The Way of Tea. In our first episode we teach about the toold needed to practice the Art of Chinese Tea and performing Tea Ceremonies in the tradition of Gong Fu Tea or what we call Five Elements Tea. Tea is our Medicine in the Taoist and Buddhist Arts.
This Decree alerts about the existing emergency to All members of the Great White Brotherhood, Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings.
Lightworkers, Warriors of Light, are advised to USE THIS DECREE WISELY and RESPONSIBLY.
Remember these words well!
Share this message to all people who may be interested and working for Peace on Earth.
So that ALL can use it for their own benefit.
Protecting yourselves and others in these days when Light is so needed on Gaia.
Said 3 times consecutively, either audibly or mentally, as circumstances permit. It constitutes the call for help from Humanity to the Great White Brotherhood.
At the moment the call is raised, all Archangels, Angels, Ascended Masters are instantly alerted.
And the person who makes the call, receives instantly!
The Blessings you will receive will be manifold for that Service rendered to yourself and your fellow man.
I am Maria Lustig
Keeper of the Flame of Light in Divine Service to Humanity on this New Earth.
Message delivered today 22/6/2023 at Kl 14.14 on Thursday.
* I would appreciate in the comment part, to write 3 times this phrase.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
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