Earth Star Chakra at the Equinox ~ Sahara Desert Changing to an Oasis * Keepers of the Flame ~ Returning us back to Source
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings New Earth Leaders of Terra Nova Gaia
As we head into tomorrow’s Equinox Portal all is coming into alignment through the Zero Point Field to activate the Still Center of every living heart into the Christos Sophia Consciousness and shift this realm into the Paradise she has always evolved to be.
To prepare for the Crystalline transformation, Gaia had two spikes in her heartbeat today on the Schumann charts reaching amplitudes of 10 hz and 29 hz. Fifth dimensional energetics fully anchored in and rising.
Pachamama also received a powerful activation today in the foothills of the Andes Mountains, home of our Sacred Condors, with a magnitude 6.0 earthquake in San Luis, Argentina at 21:24 UTC resonating very deep at a depth of 130 km.
Our Dragon Kingdom is prepared and waiting in the Caves of the Great Mother to join us in our final missions of full Planetary Liberation.
Keep holding the Faith and the Light of Infinite Source Creator as Buddhas’ of the Pure Land as we resolve all things perfectly and bring all into the Harmony of the Music of the Spheres…A’Ho!
The energies of this Equinox are sealing the final separation from all kinds of karmic relationships that were created in the matrix and the chance for a better understanding of the self, the past and the truth
We have the Sahara desert changing to an oasis because of perhaps unprecedented Divine rain with dormant for many years seeds sprouting. The New World is getting closer and the Earth is being prepared.
A huge opportunity is given to you. You are able to have a brand new perspective, healthily detached and at peace — with a pattern which took so long to truly acknowledge and “see”. Karmic chains can be released. You can let go of a way of living, of loving — and allow yourself the magical possibility to experience something completely different. The Universe is with you. Even if not tangible in the physical yet sometimes, you “know” that energetically the cord is gone & your inner shift has already happened.
A sense of freedom abounds when this is decided & felt within. This is like finding ourselves after a tunnel & being able to breathe deeply, again. Trust that at each mini step of the way, you will find yourself in new energetics & you will receive the intuitive guidance about which action to take. As you walk, the path appears. At every step, you will be energetically “elsewhere” and in this new zone you will know what to do. You are guided every step of the way.
beautiful Venus, ruler of love and personal resources, in conservative Capricorn
If you feel wobbly this week, you are right on track. It will take the next couple of weeks into Libra, the great equalizer for the gel to set in the mold. The good news is you are still malleable, and nothing is yet set as solid, continue to move with what is given on the daily. The New Atlantis is here, meeting you exactly where you are at, and allowing you to time to work the shape of the foundations of you new life.
Its ok not to know… just allow the new horizons to birth day by day. Hold the visions, stay deep in intuition and hold onto your dreams, but with open palms. God might have bigger plans than you can yet imagine. Remember: no claw marks in the new reality.
Diamonds pressed into gold means we surrender to the daily practice of grace.
Oceans of Aloha, Ameera Atlantis Mer Healer ~ Star of the Sea ~ Poseidons Beloved ~ Keeper of the Atlantean Flame ~
9/21/24: In the aftermath of Tuesday’s supermoon, while you’re still in the process of transitioning and releasing, it is Right Action to simply be present today… to truly be in the world but not of it. Let your tired spirit drift, even (especially) as you complete your daily tasks. And be mindful of Presence as it unveils in perfect order (and without your supervision) what you need to see and what you need to know.
Today you are the leaf released from its season, trusting that it will return to Source to be transformed and used again for new growth… your own. You are the life that will rise anew.
The Earth Star Chakra is the central point at the very centre of the Earth and is a place where every single living being is connected to the planet and connected to one another. It is the point of ultimate rootedness and of oneness and is your most grounded reference for home during your allocated time as a presence within this lifetime form.
In all that we are learning and doing within our spiritual awakening, if we were to look with greater grounded focus on the path beneath our feet and where it leads, then we might find a new outlook on our reason for existence and our expectations of what life can bring.
The spiritual and well being movements have achieved a tremendous amount in raising awareness across the masses of how the lifestyle that we have come to live is detrimental to our health. This is a shift in consciousness.
We are now aware of how we have normalised being in `head area` and we even have knowledge as to how to transform this.
The trouble is that we are still breaking through the conditioned thinking that is the reality in our own head… and this is tough.
Many are finding a way to break through and to recondition themselves through a dark night of the soul type of journey, through a particularly difficult experience. In these cases we are often pushed into facing our inner discomforts and having to learn a way to heal them.
This is commendable work, as we realise that in healing ourselves we can expand our experiences.
The lead up to the Equinox is a very grounding force, as natural laws work to create balance. Energies pull downwards, magnetically, affecting our ocean tides.
This then is the most wonderful time to focus on your connection to the Earth; and not just at the soles of your feet. Your energy resonates deeply below the surface of the Earth. Your Earth Star Chakra feeds your root chakra to give you a sense of belonging or safety in where you stand.
The message of the Earth at this time is strongly about balance. Step outside and focus on the energy of your Earth Star Chakra.
Listen to its vibration and focus on the message that the Earth has for you today.
Dear friends, as the balancing and resetting Equinox energies begin to arrive, we are still under the influence of the recent lunar eclipse and are now fully immersed in the energetic vortex of the eclipse corridor. These days prior to the Equinox arrival have been challenging for many of you who are energy sensitives. Our nervous system is recalibrating and integrating the merged eclipse and Equinox energies so we can find a renewed balance within.
The September Equinox is a natural phenomenon in which the day and night are the same duration around the planet. The word Equinox means “equal night” in Latin, which perfectly explains the meaning of this event. The Equinox is an ancient energetic and temporal passage that has been commemorated around the world by many civilizations.
The Equinox event holds profound energetic significance, marking a pivotal moment in the Earth’s cycle. As the seasons shift, the Equinox restores balance between light and darkness, masculine and feminine energies, and recalibrates the planet’s vibrational frequency. This adjustment influences human consciousness, opening portals to higher dimensions and facilitating spiritual growth and ascension.
During this potent window, intentions are amplified, manifesting thoughts and desires into reality. The Equinox energies serve as a catalyst for transformation, inviting individuals to release old patterns, emotions, and limitations. This renewal process allows for personal rebirth and awakening, aligning individuals with their higher purpose.
The Spring Equinox in the southern hemisphere embodies the theme of renewal and rebirth, while the Autumnal Equinox in the northern regions focuses on release and transformation. By connecting our awareness with this natural phenomenon, we can begin resonating deeper with nature’s rhythms and the planetary dance.
To fully tap into the Equinox energies, consider the following practices:
Meditate during the equinox day to anchor balance and harmony.
Set clear intentions, visualizing goals and desires.
Release old patterns and emotions, embracing transformation.
Connect with nature, honoring its cycles and wisdom.
Prioritize self-care and mindfulness, nurturing body, mind, and spirit.
Through this Equinox point in the sign of Libra, the universe is reminding us that it’s time for a renewed balance and new beginnings. This year, the Autumn/Northern and Spring/Southern Equinox takes place on Sunday September 22. The Libra Equinox brings with it lightcodes related to inner and outer shifts, a new equilibrium, and a sense of revival. The Sun’s entrance in the sign of Libra, represented by the symbol of the scale, teaches us the values and importance of inner and outer balance, being patient, fair, kind, and diplomatic.
Just as the leaves change their colors, we can move into a different state of mind during the Equinox, and come into alignment with a better way of being more aligned with our true heart and divine soul’s desires.
If there are some aspects of your life that are in need of balance, the Equinox energies of this weekend will give you plenty of signs, guiding you to face these imbalances with a cool and patient approach. Do not be upset if some plans go awry, be flexible and look beyond the obvious. It’s a wonderful time for reflection, meditation, and perhaps for a recalculation of your life path.
Expect some mild physical adjustments to continue as the equinox energies roll in. Finding a new inner balance requires energetic as well as physical adjustments, so please be kind to yourself and rest as needed. Listen to your body. And as I mentioned, be flexible to change your plans/routine to accommodate these new adjustments.
Possible physical manifestations/issues that may arise by the synergistic eclipses/equinox energies:
Headaches and dizziness
Lack of focus and concentration
Visual and hearing issues
Increased or reduced body heat
Allergies and skin issues
Digestive issues
Joints and random body pains
Jaw and neck tension
Altered sleeping patterns
Changes in energy levels and sugar levels/diet
As the Equinox unfolds, embrace its transformative power. Allow the balanced energies to align your inner world with the outer cosmos, cultivating growth, renewal, and harmony in all aspects of life. Stay well hydrated, and I wish you a smooth Equinox weekend, and a wonderful new life chapter.
Stay tuned for more updates as the eclipse corridor energies keep rolling in.
Much love
Diego E. Berman 2024Ⓒ
Asara Adams
Message from Archangel Michael
“Greetings, Beloved Ones.
We are sending you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we are inviting you to open your heart to our message for you…
Beloved One, as you are moving through your ascension journey, each moment presents a new opportunity to reflect on your state of mind.
Your mind is constantly re-affirming, re-assessing, re-shaping, re-evaluating, believing and learning.
It can either use what you are experiencing in your Illusion or it can use what comes from Source/God.
When your mind uses Illusion experiences from your past, present and anticipated future, it is engaging the Ego Mind, which is the architect of the Illusion.
When your mind goes inward and upward towards Source/God and most importantly, Divine Love and Oneness, it is engaging the Mind of God within you.
Now, you have a choice – every moment of your experience.
Which mind do you choose to engage and solidify?
One way of making this process of choosing easier is to ask yourself:
Are my choices and options based on Fear or on Love?
When receiving the answer, it might still be a bit unclear, if it really is based on fear or on love.
It might appear as a neutral and justified option.
Then, it is important to take a closer look at the option.
When there is a “logical” justification for the option, there is most likely an underlying fear. The justification might prevent something from happening. It might seem to “protect” you in some way.
This is a good indicator that there is an underlying fear.
Then you can ask yourself “What would Love do?”
If the answer scares you, it might be a good idea to ask yourself: “What am I afraid of?”
When answering this question, follow down the layers of your fear (the Ego Mind) all the way to the bottom where the original fear resides.
You will know when you have reached the original fear.
Usually, the fear has something to do with your relationship with God and/or oneness with others…
Simply look at your fear and give it to beloved Master Yeshua/Sananda to release it.
This process of re-evaluating your choices will allow you to speed up your ascension process, one choice at a time.
Welcome Home.
We are walking beside you, every step of the way.
Dear Ones, you are loved beyond measure. Always.
I am Archangel Michael and I bring you this truth.
Keepers of the Flame, this is another week of energy removal and a deep cleansing for rebirth. God consciousness is within us now, returning us back to Source. This is the truth of who we really are, Christ in the Flesh.
God says, “Beloved One, you are a Child of Mine, and we are returning back to the Oneness Field together, as one whole.” This is the return of Christ in the Flesh.
Conclusions are in sight as we turn down all old memories of the past for the return of the original Bride and Bridegroom of Christ. The new chakra system is complete to have this resurrect through us now. This is our return home, and this prophecy is complete.
Crystal Seed Source Monad Atom Merging 5D
Ra James
Today Virgo is trine Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn.
Expect a huge transformation that shakes you up, wakes you up, and makes you question your beliefs.
Everyone has patterns that they need to work on, and that need to go. It’s all about opening up to new perspectives, and ways of seeing things. Pluto is in its final stretch of Capricorn. These energies are meant to empower you.
It’s all about revisiting and reflecting on deeper areas of our lives. Expect deep conversations in your important relationships today. Pluto Retrograde is a time for looking deep inside yourself.
It’s all about what you need to heal and let go of. Pluto is touching the final degree of Capricorn for the last time in our lifetime. Expect these energies to be bringing a reality check. Expect major breakthroughs. From now until November 19th you’re tying up any loose threads you may have.
You’re closing out the chapter you’re in now during this time. As we approach the Equinox, which is tomorrow, it’s all about staying balanced. You may want to really start to take care of yourself in these higher energies. We are receiving a huge influx of energies.
It’s time to really self care. You may need extra healing, rest, or better foods. Expect a lot to be coming up for you to deal with during this time, in general in your lessons.
Tomorrow marks the first day of Libra Season. This means relationships will be coming up for all during Libra Season, and specifically healing them…
On Saturday, September 21st, the shifting energies from the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse continues. First, we have Venus, ruler of partnerships, in the relationship sign Libra, in a strenuous inconjunct aspect to Neptune, ruler of illusions, in dreamy Pisces. It may be difficult but we need to shift our perspective and take off the rose-colored glasses regarding our interactions with others. This includes the part that we have played within the situation.
Second, Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, in analyzing Virgo, is also in a tough inconjunct aspect to Chiron, ruler of past wounds, in Aries. It is a day to logically reflect on past traumas and burdensome patterns, like putting together the pieces of a puzzle to understand our process and healing journey. And finally, we have the Sun, ruler of our self-expression, in the last degree of productive Virgo, in a positive trine to Pluto, ruler of transformation, in determined Capricorn. With all of work we are doing on ourselves regarding our soul growth and evolution, we can now integrate the shadow and rise into our inner power!
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Venus, ruler of partnerships, in the relationship sign Libra
Sun in Virgo opposite Neptune retrograde in Pisces. Mercury in Virgo square Jupiter in Gemini – A magical spell is cast upon the day, and we believe what we want to believe. The challenge is to hold onto a sense of self when other people or the outer world is intangible, overwhelming, confusing or evasive. Whilst there is potential for miracles, great kindness, charitability and selfless action, there is also potential for escapism and idealism. Don’t get lost down the rabbit hole. You don’t need to say yes to everything.
The soul has unlimited potential but in the physical world, there are some limitations that we must accept. Failure does not mean all is lost. You are perfectly imperfect. Drop the role of martyr. Yield to the tides of life. Even though your soul purpose and real-world experience may feel at odds, each moment is a divine gift seeded with possibility. Raise your energy by seeing the sacred in the mundane. Practice compassion. Read poetry. Let yourself be inspired by what is possible rather than disillusioned by what isn’t.
‘Spectral’ is the name for the number 11 and its keywords are ‘Liberation, Dissolve and Release’. The 11th day always offers respite from the agenda that began on day one of the wavespell. It’s like a day off for everybody and we are free of whatever we’ve been dealing with. This is especially good for folk who have been struggling with this White Worldbridger wavespell. Such as poor Yellow Warriors. It is also a good day to release.
Today is Yellow Warrior which represents ‘Questioning, Fearlessness and Intelligence’. This is a great day to take on a mission, to wield your willpower and take no bull! As it falls on a ‘Spectral day’ this suggests that any mission or quest you take on, will be liberating. Another way to look at this is; if your quest is to liberate yourself, by being a Warrior you shall succeed. Warrior also teaches us to use the intelligence that we have, to ask questions and gather information before proceeding. These quests are always to do with your spiritual development and not about going to war! The sword you possess represents willpower; it’s not about wielding weapons and violence.
Today’s Guide is also Yellow Warrior and so a double helping of that energy. There is no outside influence and the energy of the day is more concentrated.
The Challenge is the White Worldbridger, the diplomat and peacemaker of the Tzolkin. The Worldbridger is so busy trying to get everyone to see eye to eye and playing ‘piggy in the middle’, that when it comes to going on missions for themselves, they find this exerting of willpower challenging. You can liberate yourself from your presumptions, Worldbridger. And succeed at your mission today too. For the rest of us, when Worldbridger is in this weakened position we may have issues with diplomacy and crossing bridges.
The Occult power is the Red Serpent and when in this position of magic, very cool things can happen. One of Serpent’s characteristics is its ability to shed its skin and emerge totally renewed. If you want to shed your old life, today provides a magical opportunity to do just this. This is a very shamanic process and it can leave us feeling a little overwhelmed. When a snake sheds its skin, it goes into a trance and is quite unable to move. This makes the snake very vulnerable. This symbolizes that rebirth is difficult.
The Ally today is the Blue Night, the dreamer of the Tzolkin. Find one today if you need help on your mission. They have the imagination to inspire you and come up with a good plan. When this energy is in this friendly aspect, you can expect someone to help you make your dreams come true. There is a lot of abundance too and so dream big today.
A day of endings and closure from the BATTLES of the PAST in order to create NEW BEGINNINGS – The foundation of the NEW TIME of Cosmic Consciousness. The SPECTRAL WARRIOR is LIBERATING us from the PAST!
Day 11 in the WHITE WORLDBRIDGER WAVESPELL of surrender, letting go, forgiveness, networking and building bridges.
Today we seek LIBERATION through SURRENDERING all our FEARS, in order to become multi-dimensional Sovereign beings.
We also have an 11/2 day code with the 11 SPECTRAL tone giving us an 11.11 ILLUMINATION gateway today.
SPECTRAL is the 11th tone of creation. It operates in the EMOTIONAL realm and its actions are that of dissolving, releasing and liberating! This is a very powerful opportunity to RELEASE the PAST and move forward FEARLESSLY FREE from obstructions.
The SPECTRAL action is highlighting our true LIBERATION. SURRENDER the pain and suffering NOW!
The Worldbridger cycle is bringing final CLOSURE, dissolving all impediments to you finally claiming your true POWER. Tone 11 SYMBOLIZES a gateway and polarity, inviting you to step through into a NEW WORLD as the FEARLESS and REGAL RAINBOW WARRIOR.
Today’s question is “What FEARS will you SURRENDER, LET GO and totally DISSOLVE in order to FEARLESSLY reclaim your POWER?.
We are finally crossing the rainbow bridge to sit on our GOLDEN THRONE in the NEW KING-DOM, LIBERATED and FREE!
Divine blessings for the releasing of all FEAR and refusing to play small anymore!
ESPAVO beloveds – thankyou for taking back your POWER!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF & HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: DOUBLE YELLOW WARRIOR DAY – CIB is the mighty warrior that QUESTIONS everything, analyzing the status quo in order to focus more on where he wants to GO GO GO!
YELLOW WARRIOR is on a QUEST-I-ON focusing on the LIGHT up ahead. He faces every FEAR that IS ILLUMINATED, and comes to LIGHT as he bravely soldiers on his path. CIB encourages you today to ask the tough quest-i-ons and then face the revelations. The FEARS of deeply and intimately connecting with others, and the fears of stepping up fully into your POWER and SOVEREIGNTY.
9 moons ago – Last Galactic spin – KIN 76 occured on 4 January 2024 – which was my Gregorian birthday – so I have lived this energy this ENTIRE year! With incredible challenges the spectral WARRIOR has given this Worldbridger the strength and fortitude needed to overcome the adversity and make it out the other side!! Hoo-ray…
Draw on this COURAGE and STRENGTH today to become absolutely FEARLESSLY UNSTOPPABLE on your QUEST.
18 moons ago – 2 Galactic Spins – KIN 76 preceded the SOLAR ECLIPSE at 29 degrees of ARIES – the last potent degree! ARIES represents the WARRIOR and is aligned with the RAINBOW WARRIORS. This ECLIPSE POWER is giving the NEW EARTH wayshowers the COURAGE and confidence to truly STEP UP as the true SOVEREIGNS and LEAD the way through these intense times in this current ECLIPSE cauldron we are traversing .
We can draw upon this potent DOUBLE eclipse POWER today – to LET GO and MOVE forward.
The RAINBOW WARRIORS are FEARLESSLY leading the QUEST for the Holy Grail today, in order to arrive at the promised land. The Holy grail they have been tirelessly seeking, is the Golden Grail within their own being, finding your true GODSELF – realizing your FEARLESSNESS, in that NO-THING can harm you if you are GOD INCARNATE.
As the RAINBOW WARRIORS reconnect with their DIVINITY, and remember they are immortal beings, they find the POWER to journey on, despite the hardship. They are focused on the glorious outcome – the PRIZE of soul growth and self realization.
Today affords a great opportunity to
RELEASE the struggle,
RELEASE the pain,
In order to LIBERATE your soul.
As the wayshowers conquer their FEARS they become the fearless LEADERS of the NEW WORLD, building a SAFE FOUNDATION for the others following their lead.
Today is the ROYAL CORONATION day – when the RAINBOW WARRIORS are acknowledged for their selfless service to GAIA.
“Our deepest FEAR is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest FEAR is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our LIGHT, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to SHINE, as children do. We were born to make manifest, the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own LIGHT shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are LIBERATED from our own FEAR, our presence automatically LIBERATES others.”
Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of “A Course in Miracles”
SUPPORT: BLUE SPECTRAL NIGHT AKBAL enables us to dive DEEP into the depths of our unconscious to LIBERATE any emotions and feelings that limit the expansion of our limitless cell-ves. Through releasing our deepest FEARS, we unlock the Majik within us to allow the true divine ABUNDANCE to flow through us, expanding and awakening us to our multidimensional nature.
Our connection to SOURCE, enables this INFINITE ABUNDANCE to flow TO US NOW. This is truly a treasure trove of prosperity for the deserving RAINBOW WARRIORS.
The SPECTRAL NIGHT is LIBERATING our DREAMS and our PLANETARY DREAMING codes. LIBERATING us from the FEAR paradigm and releasing our great DREAMS to be made manifest in our glorious new world.
Release your FEARS to match this inflow, and liberate your DREAMS.
Claiming our POWER and our SOVEREIGNTY enables us to access all the treasures of the Cosmos that unlock, as we release the FEAR of SCARE-CITY, raising our vibration to become the Creators of our own ABUNDANCE.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED ELECTRIC SERPENT – CHICCHAN releases great POWER today.. The ELECTRIC SERPENT – KIN 185 was the Solar seal on January 13th, 2020 which was fully ACTIVATED during the Solar Umbilical Cord reconnection at ULURU, during the Grand Planetary Alignment!
NOTE: In 5 days time – 26 SEPTEMBER 2024 – KIN 81 – the RED ELECTRICDRAGON will continue the ACTIVATION that the ELECTRIC SERPENT is IGNITING today through GAIA’S power centres and ley/dragon lines! Incredible ELECTRICAL ACTIVATIONS to draw forth the SOLAR power needed to fuel our meteoric RISE!
Today this PLANETARY KUNDALINI POWER is the occult SUPER POWER… the hidden AGENDA and purpose, driving KIN 76 the SPECTRAL WARRIOR.
The Solar Umbilical Cord was RECONNECTED in the early dawning of Jan 13th, 2020 whilst the Anunga people danced and performed sacred ceremony at ULURU.
As the Sun rose from the shadows to bring the LIGHT,
the ELECTRIC SERPENT was born and took FLIGHT...
bringing forth the SUPERCHARGED Electrical POWER from our SUN and the GREAT CENTRAL SUN – Alcyone from our Pleiadian ancestors… reconnecting us to our origins and the great cosmic wisdom stored in our DNA..
This OCCULT power is extremely STRONG, RAW and potent, as the ELECTRICALSERPENT is the most “charged” Serpent of them all!
This ELECTRICAL POWER reopens the previous ECLIPSE PORTAL – 18 moons months ago, and super charges our acceleration into the LIGHT! This ROCKET FUEL will propel our Planetary forward momentum and success!
The fuse for our EMOTIONAL release has been lit and our SOLAR PLEXUS chakra is fully ENERGIZED, as the NEW EARTH SOVEREIGNS – fearlessly claim their DIVINE GOD GIVEN POWER once more.
CHICCHAN allows the unlimited kundalini energy within us to RISE UP and purify our emotional bodies. Our base chakra houses our deepest primal FEARS! If they have not been cleared and dealt with, then the ELECTRIC SERPENT will make them RISE to the surface! Get your waterworks ready to douse the flames!
The ELECTRIC tone is very volatile and highly combustible so OWN IT TODAY!!!!
The WISE WARRIORS need to accept responsibility for their emotional body, and their emotional re-actions. Drawing your SWORD and challenging each trigger, is a foolish approach. In the past this led to many courageous Warriors forfeiting their valuable lives.
The WISE WARRIOR needs to know
WHEN to engage in battle,
and when to SURRENDER and retreat,
as necessary to preserve the PEACE.
Through elevating and dissolving our stagnant emotional energies, we can clear our channels, allowing for more space and clarity. We can then enter into the DREAM realm, alive, pure and in total Divine service to Mother Gaia’s elevation, into pure 5th dimensional Christ consciousness.
The NEW KINGS and QUEENS of NEW EARTH are ASCENDED MASTERS, whose emotions have been mastered, and trained to be channeled benevolently with HARM TO NONE. These sovereigns are the model of PEACEFUL behaviour.
The ELECTRIC SERPENT ACTIVATES our Planetary Serpents and GRID today, so draw on this powerful life force to fuel your passion, dreams and Mission – elevating your consciousness beyond the FEAR pit of the collective.
Talk to GAIA and ask her to support your QUEST with the energy, strength and vitality needed!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE SPECTRAL WORLDBRIDGER CIMI challenges us to RELEASE our attachment to our old stories, and old ways of playing small. DOUBLE WORLDBRIDGER energy today – so potent opportunities are available to SURRENDER and LET IT ALL GO.i
Cancel, clear, dissolve and delete!
CIMI energy is DOUBLED today with the Worldbridger Wavespell. CIMI seals the store of DEATH – so you may have to face the DEATH of something in your life, or rather a symbolic death and letting go of the old you, old habits and old life. Very appropriate linking back to the PAST SOLAR ECLIPSE and the current FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE energies- bringing DARK to LIGHT.
LET GO of the archetype of being a WARRIOR – and having to battle the DARKNESS, and battle to SURVIVE!
The most courageous Warriors are those who have made PEACE with the Angel of Death.
They no longer FEAR their mortality, or what the future may bring. These FEARLESS WARRIORS accept their FATE, and are then LIBERATED, to complete their Mission with supernatural resilience and STRENGTH, knowing that they wear the Armour of God, as they serve in GOD’S ARMY to fulfill their Divine Mission.
The RAINBOW WARRIORS must be totally LIBERATED from any limitations, in order to pledge allegiance, as pure SOVEREIGN SOLDIERS of CHRIST – ready for SERVICE on our new QUESTS!
It is TIME to live with HONOUR as a true QUEEN/KING.
Today’s question is “What FEARS will you SURRENDER, LET GO and totally DISSOLVE in order to FEARLESSLY reclaim your POWER?.
We are finally crossing the rainbow bridge to sit on our GOLDEN THRONE in the NEW KING-DOM, LIBERATED and FREE!
Divine blessings for the releasing of all FEAR and refusing to play small anymore!
ESPAVO beloveds – thankyou for taking back your POWER!
Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.
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