Sacred Unions ~ Venus Reaches Gate of Perception * Core Matrix Change ~ Spiritual Awakening ~ The Seat of Power
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Soul Star BroThors and SiStars of our Divine Order of the Emerald Ray
On this third day of our Galactic New Year our local Soularis has sent Gaia and all Her Children of the Sun multiple massive Soular Flashes of Higher Light today releasing 5 C Class Soular Flares, 5 M Class Flares and 2 more major X Class Soular Flares with the most powerful maxing at X 1.21 at 11:39 UTC. This is the fifth X Class Flare in the past 4 days.
We also had another day of sustained beams of white light in the heartbeat of Mother Earth appearing on the Schumann Charts at amplitudes of 32 hz, 36 hz, 37 hz and a big blast of white light at 40hz, Fifth Dimensional Energetics fully anchored into the Crystalline Core and rising!
Pachmama also had a Trinity of powerful activations in her Sacred Portal in the Ahmar Mountains in Ethiopia, Africa with three earthquakes at magnitudes of 4.4, 5.5 and the most powerful at magnitude 5.8 at 00:52 UTC.
A Ripple of abundance, freedom and prosperity is building across the Universe into a massive wave of Transformation and Resurrection in our Redemption in the Light!
Keep feeling your Way through and through and through until complete and total compression breakthrough as Rainbow Body 5D Avatars of Terra Nova Gaia Galactica, Mothership 33 of the Fleet of the New Jerusalem of our Universal Alliance of Light…A’Ho!
A spiritual awakening can be uncomfortable and challenging because it’s an intense time of personal growth. The beauty of its message is the evolvement and peace that comes from the experience!
spiritual awakening
MaryAnn Rada
This is the thought we ask you to entertain: If the spin of reality becomes destabilized because I am consciously making the decision to move into a realm of undetermined chaos, am I making an impact, or am I contributing to more chaos? Stillness is in the center, and the center of movement itself. From within the still point from which revolutions circle around, all movement is possible, all change is conceived.
From the still point within, all arises. This is the seat of power, and the generator of revolution. Go there, if you are seeking to create change. You have greater power there, and with that comes greater responsibility for the actions you undertake, the words you speak, and the thoughts you emanate into being.
excerpt from “Core Matrix Change: Insight for a New Conscious Unified Visioning”
1/3/25: Any confusion, discomfort, doubt, or lack of direction you may be feeling right now is the result of your own power-flexing. You’ve outgrown the old, but haven’t stepped all the way into the new. (“Phenomenal cosmic power! Itty bitty living space.”) But 2025 will help with that. Over the next three weeks you’ll continue to test your new confidence and empowerment while also referring back to where you started… maybe a couple months ago, maybe a lifetime. Regardless, let changes happen gradually and naturally. If it’s heavy, drop it. If it feels right, follow where it takes you. Transitions don’t have to hurt. We do that to ourselves.
Devyani Singh ~ Isis Channelings
Inanna/ Venus reaches Gate of Perception – Jan 3
Venus/ Inanna reaches the Gate of Perception at third eye Chakra on her journey of rebirth , empowerment and ascension as the Evening Star as The LeoMetagoddess.
According to the ancient Sumerian myth it is here that she reclaims her Lapiz Royal Staff of Power- the Powers of Clear divine vision, clairvoyance, clear knowing and discernment and the ability to translate the visions into manifestation.
At this cross over from Throat to Third eye chakra you might receive information that could be unsettling, uncomfortable, violating boundaries or triggering. It is Now that you need to turn on your inner gps/ inner guidance / clear knowing and discernment with regards to how to Re Act to the information. Is it within your resonance bandwidth, does it align with your truth especially if your Truth tends to be unconventional for the priestess path needs to be unconventional to break the patterns that no longer serve. And if it doesn’t, are you able to state your Truth firmly but with compassion , are you able to establish your boundaries in alignment with your inner guidance and with the courage that it takes to stand up for yourself.
The Callander New Year thus begins with Venus/ Inanna stepping into her Spiritual Vision shortly before the Nodes of Fate change to align with North Node Pisces/ Neptune – The Spiritual axis with Neptune – The Visionary. With Neptune ruled Pisces in North Node , our Destiny calls us to release control and timelines (virgo) and surrender to the Flow and allow for our Dreams, imagination and Creative pursuits to lift us above the limits and boundaries we have allowed to cage our souls’ evolution.
January is a month of many blessings!
Those who are in alignment to the ascension flow and have been doing the inner work in this month they will begin experiencing the most amazing and positive transformations and upgrades and receiving their first massive healing and manifestations via the Holy Trinity liberation and reunification and Living Abundance!
We are currently in the process of addressing the last important resistant inner aspects and aligning our essences to the highest direction in life,
this is why I consider January as the month of the greatest and happiest gifts!
Please do not hesitate for a moment to take the opportunity to break away from the old and allow and trust the inner change!
“2025 can be experienced anywhere between joy/sanity/heaven and despair/insanity/hell depending One’s inner state”
It is important to remember that as we move forward, anything bypassed, avoided or distorted is now within the flow of revelation so that it can be fully felt, understood and corrected.
It is pure energy that is bringing all this to the surface and this can cause necessary disillusionment but also possible temporary discomfort until it is processed.
In 2025 nothing will stay as it was except the aspects that are already aligned to the truth.
These ones will be empowered!
The strength and the love of the current flows carry a more demanding development in the sense that each step now consists by many important steps, as groups of unaddressed inner energies will be appearing in a more demanding and condensed way because they simply wish to be seen, healed and reunified with the whole!
In our last ‘144000 Diamonds’ open gathering this message was strongly shared as it was said that most people still have many unaddressed aspects which in many cases are in need of serious purification, guidance and even exorcism!
In the same session we dived deep into the personal liberation, purification, preparation and repositioning for the Quantum Jump which will take place very soon and it will be felt differently by each individual, according to the inner level of integration, honesty, growth and realisation.
In this ‘144000 Diamonds’ group which was our 8th one, we were told that there is a sky behind the 3D sky and that we see everything via a filter which does not allow us to see the true nature of the sky and then we were guided to begin creating the first matter and antimatter map of the whole Galactic Celestial Sphere which is the map that each Living Being will use in order to find true orientation and healing because we had all been lost and disconnected from our True Self, Family, Origin and Home!
We then witnessed all the great Pyramids of the world entering the Acropolis Crystalline Portal receiving this map and creating a new DNA code.
This is the real map of the Soul and its origin and it was said that it can heal all!
All families worked together in this and now all Living Beings can receive the map and also add to it!
Via our service work the 144000 we also supported the liberation of many Heros and Heroines that were stuck in different places of the world and it was said that no one will be left behind!
At the end of our session I witnessed the re-emerging of the Holy Mountain in the very centre of the Acropolis Portal.
This development brought me deep joy and gratitude in my heart because I know that its significance will be great for all of us!
The New Calendar has already been announced during our previous sessions which means that we have been in long preparation for it.
The New Calendar will be directly connected to the physical changes that will take place on earth and the new planetary positions and it will be established during the upcoming years in connection to the new biosphere of aether that will be returning.
This calendar will be aligned to Venus
This means that all previous calendars which were following the moon/sun cycles will not be very useful under the new biosphere.
We will analyse more on this in time as the developments will continue.
Magna Mater is here and she is already revealing Her blessings!
Dear friends, as we transition into the new 9 frequencies of 2025, many individuals who are energy sensitive may experience a range of physical, emotional, and spiritual manifestations. These “symptoms” are a natural response to the energetic adjustments taking place within our bodies and the planet.
Physically, you may feel unusually tired or sluggish as your body adapts to the new frequencies. Headaches, mild dizziness, ear ringing, and migraines can occur due to the increased energy causing tension in the head and neck/jaw area. Sleep disturbances, such as vivid dreams, insomnia, or restlessness, can also be experienced as your body adjusts to the new frequencies. Additionally, digestive issues, muscle and hip joint pain, or stiffness may arise as your body releases old patterns and energies.
Emotionally, the energetic adjustments can cause emotional instability, leading to mood swings, irritability, or anxiety. You may experience intense emotional releases, such as crying, anger, or frustration, and a need to forgive past conflicts, as you clear out old emotional patterns. Many of these old emotional patterns are related to family issues at this time. Feeling overwhelmed, disconnected from others, or isolated can also occur as you adjust to the new frequencies. Furthermore, you may become more sensitive to the emotions and energies of those around you, making it essential to maintain healthy boundaries specially during these initial 11 days.
Spiritually, the new frequencies can trigger a deeper spiritual awakening, leading to a greater understanding of your purpose, passion, and life’s meaning. You may experience a heightened sense of intuition, psychic abilities, or a stronger connection to your inner guidance and other aspects of your multidimensional experiences as a soul. A stronger connection to higher realms, spirit guides, or angelic beings can offer guidance and support. As you adapt to the new frequencies, you may also experience a deeper sense of unity and connection with all beings, fostering empathy, compassion, and understanding. Rapid manifestation can also occur, allowing you to bring your desires into reality more quickly, but requiring greater responsibility and awareness of your thoughts, emotions, and actions.
The symptoms experienced during this time are closely connected to the energetic significance of the first 11 days of the year. The initial 11 days, from January 1 to January 11, serve as a critical planting period for the energetic seeds that will sprout and flourish throughout the year. As we navigate this potent energetic window, we are essentially encoding our personal energy signature with the frequencies of manifestation, creation, and transformation.
The symptoms we’re experiencing now are a natural response to the activation of these encoded energies, as our bodies, minds, and spirits integrate the new frequencies and align with our highest potential/timeline. By acknowledging and working through these symptoms, we can harness the transformative power of the new 9 frequencies and embark on a journey of profound growth, manifestation, and spiritual evolution.
As we navigate the symptoms of the new 9 frequencies, it’s essential to consider the upcoming energies of the new Chinese Year of the Snake, which promises to bring transformation, renewal, and spiritual growth. The Snake’s energies will likely amplify the symptoms we’re experiencing, pushing us to shed old skin and rebirth into our truest selves. As we surrender to the Snake’s transformative power, we’ll be invited to confront our deepest fears, let go of attachments, and embody our highest potential. By embracing the challenges and opportunities presented by the new 9 frequencies and the Year of the Snake energies, we’ll be able to tap into the profound potential for growth, transformation, and spiritual evolution that these combined energies offer.
Our Sun is also providing some extra energetic momentum for transformation during these 11 days, generating frequent X class solar flares, with a recent X1.2 today Friday. Stay well hydrated, rest as much as needed, and be kind and patient with yourself at this time. Engage in soothing and relaxing activities this weekend, all will come in divine timing.
As we navigate this nine-transitional year, welcoming the beginning of this harmonic Cycle, many of you will start feeling the profound impact of the new cosmic initiation that has just begun for all of us. An initiation that is reinforced by the 1/1 portal, reaching its peak on the 11th of the month.
A shift also introduced by the North Node entering into Pisces and the South Node into Virgo, a transit that will help us heal emotionally, ground ourselves, and our emotions, surrender and accept what we cannot change, so we can use our vulnerability, and hence strength, to direct our empathy and compassion towards building more unity and neutral witnessing, being of service to All, as Virgo reminds us. It is about letting go, releasing, and allowing ourselves to live within divine love and grace.
These new transmissions are meant to shift the physical and light body as never before in our human history, for we are just beginning the complete transfiguration of our bodies. A process that is a lifetime one and that requires devotion, and lots of care for our bodies to experience the quantum leap necessary for us to finally leave this matrix’s consciousness trap.
We just crossed the bridge into a totally new interdimensional space, and in just a few days, we have had many changes in our planetary system and personal trajectory. We had a Solar storm on New Year’s Eve, anchoring the new light codes that will accompany us during this year to reinforce the universal ascension that our planet is also undergoing, as the elementals and All Forms of Consciousness are also on a long journey to ascend into their illumined Forms.
Our planet also had a new opening in the Earth’s Fabrics of time and space, as many of you carrying this mission know. An opening that allows the interdimensional frequencies required to help us reactivate our multidimensionality, essential to move our Consciousness through the many God dimensions that exist, retrieving personal memories, healing, or the wisdom and healing transmissions to assist in our planetary mission.
At first, these descensions can overwhelm us, at an emotional and physical level, especially in our bone structure, and nervous system. It started a few months ago, as this is not occurring on one day, or in our human events, as it goes further than our human sense of time and human interpretations.
Many of you have been feeling pain in your joints, knees, and feet, without a medical condition. Others have noticed extreme fatigue, which can be an underlying cause of nervous system anomalies. Others have felt the profound emotional release that triggers the essential healing to start embodying these new diamond crystalline frequencies, starting the reconstruction of our light body or 12th-dimensional template.
Our care, higher understanding of what our bodies are undergoing and compassion is key to making this organic process a more peaceful one, as many tools can help us achieve a more illumined state of being.
All of you, divine harmonic channels, in your unique way, have reached the pinnacle of what we initiated just a year ago when we started the monadic reconnection needed for many of you to start the process of self-synthesis, and monadic twin integration, for those of you who brought this mission.
It is now time to rejoice, relax, and delight in the fruits of all you have planted, for this is just the beginning of all you have seeded during many years of conscious choice, effort, and dedication to your personal healing journey, and that of All.
Let us make of joy and gratitude our primordial state of being to honor God and All Creation, remaining in perfect alignment and communion with our Divine Self, and Truth.
To All of you precious souls, thank you for the love, healing, and dedication to shift an old paradigm.
For Our Physical Domain Is A Complex Formation Encoded With Building Blocks Of Light.
Perceive This Concept Through Your Multidimensional Eye, The Third Eye Interface Of Your Light Form.
For There Are Many Platforms Of Light Interconnected To Your Physical Domain, That Provides The Gateway For Many To Co-reside In Your World.
We Ask You To See Your Species As The Earth Surface Dwellers In Your Physical Domain. Assigned To A Particular Part Of Gaia. In Harmony With All Beings In Your Matrix.
For Many Other ET Groups Reside In Co-existence In Accordance With The Universal Laws Of Earth. Ancient Contracts, Ancient Existences, Ancient Observations Of The Surface Dwellers.
For Disclosure Is A Complex Space Of Ancient Ways, New Ways To Be Brought Forth.
As Souls Initiated With The Cosmic Awakenings Of The Universe, Our Role Is To Assist This Great Transition.
For Earth Is An Ancient Planet Of Many Agendas, Many Active Collaborations. A Wealth Of Resources, Be It Mineral, Biologic, Energetic. An Ancient Matrix Birthed And Seeded In This Now Moment Of Active Light Evolution.
The Human Template Perceives Only A Small Percentage Of The Complex Light Information That We Are Immersed In.
To Reach A New Inference Of Light Advancement, Is The Evolutionary Pathway We Are Collectively Achieving.
For Disclosure Is Our Story, Our Connection To Our Cosmic Brothers And Sisters. As We Undertake The Humanitarian Light Advancement To Reach The Light Bridge For Physical Presence With Our ET Family In The Physical Domain.
This Is The Leap Now Accelerating In The Hu-man Template.
Your Natural World Is Attuned To This Light Advancement. The Direct Energetic Interface With Gaia. Rest In Nature To Receive The Latest Transmissions Of Earth Upgrades. This Is The Information You Are Seeking.
The Great Transition Is A Great Birthing.
See Your Role, As One Being Amongst Billions Initiated In This Great Programme.
The Great Attunement Of 2025 Will Provide Much New Insights For Humanity.
Welcome Home Beloveds. You are returning home to the original Divine Essence you were created from. Find sanctuary in the safe space of the truth of God Source. Healings, activations, and guidance are strengthening your Spirit. A spark of life is igniting from within. You are experiencing and massive spiritual awakening that is shifting you onto a new timeline where you are the Leader of your life. You are loved, comforted and safe to cross the threshold into this new reality this weekend.
On Friday, January 3rd, the Moon, ruler of our emotions, shifts into mystical Pisces at 10:21am EST and connects with the Lovers, Venus and Mars. The connection to Venus, ruler of love and relationships, in Pisces is harmonious, exuding a sense of unconditional love and compassion. However, the connection to Mars, planet of confidence and assertiveness, in Leo is difficult, meaning we must make some adjustments in our actions and expression.
In fact, Venus and Mars themselves are in a challenging connection where Mars is more bold, and Venus is more timid. So, again, we must make adjustments with how we interact in our relationships. We also have Mercury, the Messenger, in fiery Sagittarius in an awkward inconjunct connection to Uranus, the Awakener, in grounded Taurus. More care is needed in paying attention to thoughts, perceptions and communications, both within yourself and with others.
Remember, with all the discordant energies today, try and stay in the space of Universal Love and Forgiveness. Trust and have faith that all is unfolding as it should.
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
the Moon, ruler of our emotions, shifts into mystical Pisces
Sun conjunct Pallas in Capricorn. Venus enters Pisces. Mars retrograde in Leo opposite Pluto in Aquarius – An ongoing conflict, internal or external, comes to a head for the second time today. We’re fighting for control, fighting against powers greater than us, fighting against fear, acting up or up against bad actors. Guard against wasting energy. Choose your battles carefully. Channel your efforts into changing what you can change. With the Sun’s conjunction to Pallas, it helps that patterns of responsibility and accountability are illuminated now. Pay attention. Slow down. At a reduced pace, it’s easier to hear your soul song.
There are challenges under this dynamic sky but working positively, there is endless creativity, a perchance for taking a risk at just the right time, a deep sense of compassion and connection, an urge to transcend and lose one’s heart to divinity. Take action born from a place of light instead of fear. Silence fear with love.
‘Spectral’ is the name for the number eleven and its key words are ‘Liberate, Dissolve and Release.’ The 11th day of a wavespell is always a challenge to the wavespell itself. We are in the White Dog wavespell and today we are liberated from that agenda.
Today is Yellow Sun which represents ‘Enlightenment, Universal Fire and Life.’ The Yellow Sun has been the challenge for this Dog wavespell and so folk born on Yellow Sun have been having a tough time. Today shall bring some relief. For the rest of us, the light will shine on something unforeseen and this enlightenment liberates us. Knowledge is power.
The Guide today is also Yellow Sun and so a double helping of sunny energy.
The Challenge today is the White Dog which is also the wavespell we are in. If you are a Dog, today won’t be as much fun as the rest of the wavespell.
The Occult power is the Red Dragon which represents ‘Nurturing, Birth and Being’. A little bit of nurturing can have magical consequences. Or use magic to nurture yourself and restore your energy.
The Ally is the Blue Storm which represents ‘changes’. If you need a friend today, especially one that can help make changes, then a Blue Storm is your best bet.
Did you know that Yellow Sun days can facilitate ‘Spontaneous Awakenings?’ It is so interesting that Yellow Sun is the last of the 20 glyphs…it’s as if the tumble down the column of the Tzolkin leads us to ‘enlightenment’ but first we must visit every stop along that journey as each lesson delivers a crucial part. Some folk take psychedelics to achieve enlightenment and others use meditation. I believe both are valid ways but also, getting in synch with time can get you there too! The Tzolkin’s sacred combination of 13×20 raises your vibration. Thanks for reading!
MANTRA I DISSOLVE in order to ENLIGHTEN Releasing LIFE I seal the matrix of Universal Fire With the Spectral tone of LIBERATION I AM guided by the power of MY OWN POWER DOUBLED!
1- Leader/New beginnings/Original/Independent/Unique 9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Humanity/Grace/Service/Mission/Divinity 10- Manifestation/Perfection/Power/Authority 2-Twins/Partners/Cooperation/Alliances/Duality 20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision 25- Spiritual wisdom/Learning from past mistakes
KIN 180 = 9 – Destiny/Service/Compassion/Humanity/Grace
Day 11 – in the WHITE DOG WAVESPELL of unconditional love, loyalty, devotion, Service, friendship and Faith.. We are uncovering and healing all that separates us from SOURCE LOVE in order to BE LOVE!
Today we are LIBERATING our LIGHT.
We are LIBERATING the LOVE within us, through SHINING our LIGHT independently, and dissolving all that is not LIGHT through the power of LOVE.
SPECTRAL is the 11th tone of creation. It operates in the EMOTIONAL realm and its actions are that of dissolving, releasing and liberating! So today is all about emotional release – allow that energy in motion – to be expressed and dissolved , allow the tears, the laughter, the joy to be expressed, no holding back, connect with your higher wisdom giving you the intelligence to carve a new path of LIBERATION.
This is a very powerful opportunity to RELEASE CORE WOUNDING of old ancient ancestral patterns and cycles. Choosing to RELEASE and LIBERATE all that no longer serves our wellbeing. These are very powerful energies at work to create final CLOSURE, dissolving all impediments to you finally claiming your true Sovereignty.
Tone 11 SYMBOLIZES a gateway and polarity, inviting you to step through into a NEW more DIVINE, REALITY in your perfected GOLDEN CHRISTED body. The LIBERATION GATE is fully OPENed tODAY!!
Today’s question is “What do I need to dissolve and release in order to LIBERATE more LOVE and LIGHT, and rise as an en-LIGHTON-ed SOVEREIGN being?”
Divine blessings for releasing all shackles to LIBERATE all your LOVE & pure LIGHT!
Namaste’ In Lak’ech a la kin Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF & HIGHER SELF/GUIDE:: YELLOW SPECTRAL SUN – AHAU is SHINING extra BRIGHT today as we have DOUBLE SUN power! Yellow Sun qualities include: Illumination, Universal Fire, Cosmic Christ Consciousness, Buddha wisdom, Bliss, Union, Wholeness, Unconditional Love, Ecstasy, Enlightenment and Ascension. So we get a DOUBLE DOSE of AHAU’s brilliance today!
AHAU reminds us that we are all a Divine spark of our Creator, SOURCE energy in a HU-MAN vessel. We are the embodiment of LIGHT and unconditional LOVE. We LIBERATE that LOVE today, by releasing and dissolving all that is not in alignment with pure Divine LOVE.
The LIGHT of AHAU shines in the darkness, illuminating all SHADOWS and transforming them through the pure LIGHT of day.
All it takes to LIGHT up a DARK room, is to SWITCH ON THE LIGHT!
Make that your FOCUS.. the more you SHINE the BRIGHTER our world becomes. All darkness shall fall!
Keep ILLUMINATING the highest TRUTH.
Ride on LOVE’s expansion to return to the special LIGHT that each of us has inside, sharing that LIGHT freely with others, whilst not losing oneself or one’s LIGHT in another.
Come home to the TRUE remembrance of WHO you are, then RADIATE that knowingness in all your thoughts and actions. Join the dance of LIGHT, the fundamental nurturance of all nature, and SHINE forth the clarity of your TRUE SOUL ESSENCE.
Call on the UNIVERSAL FIRE’s of AHAU today, to cleanse all that is not LOVE, to reignite the CHRISTOS LIGHT within you.
NOTE: The double spectral SUN is very likely to RELEASE potent CME’S/Solar Flarestoday to ignite our Ascension through the solar codes.. make sure you sunbathe in the golden rays.
SUPPORT: BLUE SPECTRAL STORM -CAUAC brilliantly synergizes with AHAU today in bringing forth incredible transformative energies for self-regeneration through the Universal Fires.
Yesterday’s Planetary Storm unleashed a deluge of transformation. Today the purification and cleansing continues seeking to LIBERATE all the energy that has been catalyzed.
What a potent force this is, having the STORM supporting AHAU in purging all darkness and density. This is a TURBO charged cleansing today! This is akin to the fires from which the PHOENIX RISES and is reborn again! Liberating the pure flow of consciousness by releasing any chaos in our lives. Returning to our true nature in order to FEEL FREE!
Fully allowing change to be catalysed, by returning to our true feelings and allowing ourselves to feel all that does not serve flow in our lives.
Our PLANETARY LIBERATION is imminent NOW the momentum is gathering.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED ELECTRIC DRAGON– IMIX brings forth the power of Mother Goddess and the infinite creation to begin anew, reborn and shining brightly, even better than before!,
The New Birth, the primal birthing of being, that comes from the union of our great father the SUN, the LIGHT, and our great mother the RED DRAGON, coupled with the unconditional LOVE– through the energies of our loyal WHITE DOG.
We are bonding together to LIBERATE the LOVE that powers our inner LIGHT.
The ELECTRICAL power today, will provide a powerful SURGE to ignite our LIGHT and our Divine Missions. The desire to LIGHT up others and our world through our Service to ONE and all.
We are ACTIVATING change in our lives, by accepting the responsibility of igniting our life force. Initiating the new, primal response to ushering in the New Earth, with the nurturing caring ability of feminine creation matrix….
It is time to BIRTH the new HU!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE SPECTRAL DOG– OC holds the majikal KEY today that unlocks the door for infinite LOVE to pour through. The SPECTRAL DOG accelerates LOVE’S release and LIBERATION.
OC brings forth the LOVE that emanates from every multidimensional corner of the universe, all coming home to the great darkness of our Divine Mother’s womb… the pure presence of oneness transcending all right and wrong, the pure presence of love and truth of oneness.
Are you ready to accept this pure DIVINE, unconditional LOVE?
OPEN your HEART beloveds and RECEIVE. Fill your chalice with everlasting and infinite unconditional love.
As you EXPRESS your unconditional love your soul grows and expands. You become ILLUMINATED, and step into the full manifestation of your Divinity. In the embrace of your humanity, accept yourself and others UNCONDITIONALLY as sparks of the ONE SOURCE.
MAGNIFY your full presence and LIBERATE your sovereignty, by uniting with your kin in our collective towards FREEDOM.
The challenge of this DOUBLE WHITE DOG energy today is to open your chalice and receive all the Creator’s LOVE, that you can hold within your vessel. Then RADIATE your LOVE and LIGHT by sharing the nectar in your golden chalice with all your relations. Blessed be, dear ones!
Today’s question is “What do I need to dissolve and release in order to LIBERATE more LOVE and LIGHT, and rise as an en-LIGHTON-ed SOVEREIGN being?”
Divine blessings for releasing all shackles to LIBERATE all your LOVE & pure LIGHT!
Namaste’ In Lak’ech a la kin Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the Week of December 29th 2024 through January 4th 2025. She also reads three blessed transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and leads a beautiful Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation for the Black New Moon in Capricorn.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
Invocation to St. Germain and the Ascended Masters
**”Beloved St. Germain, Keeper of the Violet Flame,
And Ascended Masters of the Great White Brotherhood,
I call upon your divine presence and guidance.
Wrap me in the transformative light of the Violet Flame,
Transmuting all that no longer serves my highest good.
Cleanse my mind, heart, and spirit,
And align me with the frequencies of love, wisdom, and freedom.
St. Germain, Master of alchemy and liberation,
Teach me to step boldly into my soul’s purpose,
To create with intention, and to manifest with grace.
Help me release fear and embrace my divine potential.
Ascended Masters, guardians of higher truth,
Illuminate my path with your wisdom and compassion.
Guide me to embody peace, balance, and unity,
So I may serve as a beacon of light to the world.
I humbly open my heart to your teachings,
And offer my devotion to the divine plan.
May your blessings flow through me and uplift all beings,
Anchoring the light of heaven upon the Earth.
With gratitude and reverence, I welcome your support,
And vow to walk the path of ascension with integrity and love.
So it is, and so it shall be.”**
This invocation can be recited in meditation, prayer, or ceremony to connect with St. Germain and the Ascended Masters for guidance, healing, and spiritual transformation. 🌟💜
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The narwhals have been prominent in my field. These divine Unicorns of the Sea wish to convey a special message
Hold fast to your True North Axis
Narwhal’s unicorn like horns are considered to have magic powers, acting as a powerful elixir for neutralising poisoning of oceanic and telluric currents
Narwhals are exceptionally sensitive animals. They convey that they are grounding rods for 7D Andromedean Highways of Light to 2D elemental and tellluric currents.
Narwhals are greatly stabilising to both the True Earth and the Mythical Realms. They anchor and alchemise through the Divine Feminine Vertical Principle – creating a soothing balm to the heavy and deliberate damage infiltrating the harmonics of the planetary body
In this way, the Dragon nodes and currents of Earth’s molten terrestrial and oceanic kundalini DNA reconfigures within the progressive structures of the vertical axis and spiralic nature of dimensional consciousness. All alchemising in fluidity of the perpetual Now
The faux rod and staff technologies and false feminine magnetic field of the black dragon mothers can no longer withstand the fluidity of this hydroplasmic exchange, brought about by our collective Water Memory Field.
As the liquid light of our golden blood plasma spins the Inner Universal Currents into Krystic Beingness
By our very own true nature, we influence the potency of the collective state of Be~ing
Do without doing and everything gets done
We Eternalites, truly are the Masters of No Time
Can you feel it in your bones?! The stars in your bones hold your Goldprints in Divine Excitation ~ Suspended Animation
Therefore the notions of space time and dimensions with every anchored and alchemising Eterna-lite thought, will and deed propounded by Us, recalibrates the Universal Currents, spinning us out of duality reality and polarity pull by that which is woven into the patterns of life currents guiding us to unify our presence in this world beyond opposition
In this awareness, we are the galactic core, we are the galactic centre
And in this way, any and all false time line perceptions are dismantled, dissolved
We are now holding hydroplasmic streams in our fields and forms, relaying back and forth Stellar and Solar frequencies throughout our Cosmos
May the life sustaining pre sound and light currents of God’s primordial Creatrix patterns, provide Source corrections to the 3 as 1 harmonic properties of sound, light, geometry here on the Earth
Narwhals offer their support in us reaching for the stars, whilst anchoring our very own Source Coded essence into the Planetary Grids and star gate systems of Gaia Galactica
Narwhal Speaks:
We, sea farers, navigate by the stars and are guided by the great expanse of our oceanic consciousness, spiralling through lesser and greater cycles of our eternal BEing~ness
The twist in our ivory horns, reminds one that star maps are never steered through straight lines.
Acting as both relay satellites, not only to each other, but as antennae to the outer solar system
We pull these forces down as grounding rods for hydroplasmic alchemy, assisting in your own solar synthesis
Narwhal message
Holding Verticle Horizontal of the sacred masculine feminine, we retain our own True North
Within the icy depths of our Oceanic domain we remain
From the sublime to the mundane, we weave sound codas that sing of Godhood and Grace that sustains
Sound Light Geometry encoded through Source
You as we, are the Alpha Omega Currents in Force
Regulating the Earth’s axial spin from careering off course
We are the grounding rods of Solar Plasma exchange
Get ready for 2025 – it is unprecedented A profound and mysterious power is surging beneath the ever-shifting surface of our world—and your life—marking the close of 2024. A future so radically different that it demands your full presence is stirring to life.
If 2020 redefined the boundaries of possibility, 2024 has brought you to its very edge. But 2025 holds a purpose entirely its own. She invites you beyond the limits of what we’ve called “possible” and into the raw, untamed creativity of the creation fields, where the Great Mystery continually births herself anew.
When in history has there been a moment like this? Astrologers across the globe are marveling at the unprecedented synchronicity of events. In a span of just three months, all four slow-moving, reality-shaping planets shift their domains—a phenomenon almost beyond comprehension.
When have these celestial architects aligned so precisely in the fertile creation degrees of 0°, 1°, 2°, and 3°? When has Pluto, our cosmic transformer, waited so long for their arrival to co-create a vision powerful enough to reshape not only your life but the world itself? Month after month, these reality-shapers weave intricate and interconnected geometric patterns, their synchronicity hinting at the extraordinary transformation ahead.
Look closely, and the signs are undeniable: 2025 heralds the birth of something wholly unprecedented. It isn’t predesigned, prepackaged, or preordained. Instead, it’s an open field of possibility—a cascade of potential where creativity and flow give rise to the miracles and paradigm shifts we’ve only dreamed of.
The months ahead hold the keys to a future that is calling us to co-create, to step into the Great Mystery, and to embrace the aliveness of what has never been seen before.