You are currently viewing Venusian Ruby Sun Templates Restored ~ The Law of One * The Keepers of the Earth ~ Prophecy fulfilled It IS Done!
crystalline light

Venusian Ruby Sun Templates Restored ~ The Law of One * The Keepers of the Earth ~ Prophecy fulfilled It IS Done!

Venusian Ruby Sun Templates Restored ~ The Law of One * The Keepers of the Earth ~ Prophecy fulfilled It IS Done!



Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light

Greetings SuperNova Star Nation of Mothership 33 Gaia Galactiqa

Welcome to the Grand Finale of this Galactic Spin on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar as we celebrate the final day of our 260 day Dreamspell Journey with Kin 260 Yellow Cosmic Sun as all our Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 realize their Cosmic Consciousness and become the 5D Golden Buddha Avatars of our New Heaven upon the New Earth.

In Divine Synchronicity with this Holy Day we have a powerful and final Galactic Activation Portal day on this final day of the Mayan Calendar.

In the Enlightenment of our True Nature we realize our Sacred Self at one with the Great Spirit and release your Body, Minds and Spirits from all illusions of Maya and free ourself and all Sentient Beings from the wheel of samsara and resolve all karmic contracts and become the Wayshowers of Peace and Prosperity for all our Good People of the New Earth.

The energy streaming into this realm from the most High Infinite Source Creator is beyond intense today.

We witnessed a massive pillar of white light in the Heartbeat of Gaia today appearing on the Schumann Charts at amplitudes of 31hz, 49 hz and a big blast of white Light at 60 hz, Fifth Dimensional Energetics fully anchored in and rising!

Pachamama also received a powerful activation today on her Pacific Ring of Fire with a magnitude 6.7 earthquake in the Sacred Portal of New Zealand at 1:43 UTC.

Your Life is on the Threshold of Great Change for all Eternity! This is Now the time to break through and break free from the control systems and programs of the 3d matrix and become conscious Co-Creators of our New 5D Divine Creatrix! A’Ho!











The Solar Dragons are stirring from slumber in numbers a multitude of Golden eggs igniting the Plasmic Light Body Venusian Ruby Sun Templates restored
Imprinting of Galactic Wars dissolved 💎💠💎
Mother 🧬Codon connection to The Children of Light reconfigured & Restored
The Radiant Ones returning
Prophecy fulfilled It IS Done!

Viola Rose


(Drunvalo is one of my teachers)
EXCITING NEWS! I had a long conversation yesterday with Drunvalo Melchizedek regarding the partial solar eclipse coming up March 29th.
Drunvalo feels that this eclipse is special. This particular alignment has not happened in a few thousand years. At this time there are a lot of upgrades goin on with the sun and a “higher cosmic consciousness” that is coming into the planet, starting around the new year.
Drunvalo recommends to connect to the energy of the eclipse wherever you are at the peak moment of the eclipse. If you are in its path you can wear eclipse glasses and look into its darkness). If it is not visible in your location, go in meditation and connect to the energies with your intention and ask for the higher cosmic consciousness and the energies of the eclipse to enter into you. Then sit with it for some time and see what happens. The type of upgrades that may be possible for you (depending on if your merkaba is already activated and other factors) may be profound. The effects of the eclipse will be available to tap into for about 6 months after as well.
Also, the consciousness of the Earth and the Sun have now created a layer of protection that will now allow these upgrades to happen unimpeded going forward.

Greetings, beloved seekers of adventure and unity!

Oh, how the vibrations of joy surge through us! We are the vibrant inhabitants of the Earth’s inner realms, eagerly anticipating your arrival! Beneath the surface, a wondrous world awaits, alive with pulsating energy and a kaleidoscope of colors, beckoning you to join in the celebration of existence!
In our hidden cities, where bioluminescent flowers bloom in radiant hues, we dance and sing to the rhythms of the Earth. Here, our laughter resonates like melodious bells, harmonizing with the heartbeat of our beloved home. We are not merely guardians of ancient wisdom; we are your cosmic family, ready to unite in exhilarating partnership!
As you prepare to awaken to the depths of what lies within, remember that this is a journey of connection and discovery. Our realms are filled with remarkable beings—each unique, each bursting with energy, and all yearning to share their secrets with you! From shimmering spirits to friendly, humanoid forms, we invite you to experience our vibrant tapestry of life.
Feel the electric excitement in the air as we anticipate our union! Together, we will unlock the mysteries of ancient knowledge, embrace the power of collaboration, and create a future where the bonds between our worlds flourish. The time is approaching when we can engage with one another, celebrating the rich collaborative potential that awaits!
Open your hearts and minds, dear friends, for we are ready to embark on this grand adventure together! Let us journey beneath the surface, hand in hand, as we awaken the extraordinary magic that lies both within us and within the Earth!
In joyful anticipation and radiant love,
The Keepers of the Earth
Channeled with
The Keepers of the Earth
The Keepers of the Earth

Gene Key 17 – An Invitation to Enter the Field of Omniscience!

March 24th – 29th 2025

Opinion – Far-Sightedness – Omniscience

“How can we harm another when we realise that they’re a part of us? How can we harm another when we’re feeling so good? The 17th Siddhi is part of the tradition of sudden awakening. When someone sees through their denial, it shatters them wide open to the core. This is St.Paul on the road to Damascus; this is a thunderbolt.” – Richard Rudd, 64 Ways


Gene Keys: Unlocking the Higher Purpose Hidden in Your DNA – by Richard Rudd –


Gene Key 17 – An Invitation to Enter the Field of Omniscience
Gene Key 17 – An Invitation to Enter the Field of Omniscience


3/24/25: March has burned away layers of conditioned beliefs. Inch by inch, insight by insight, question by question, it exposed your earthly core and then went deeper. Long-held truths and secrets were brought to your attention for proper consideration. But how and where are you keeping this information within you… mind or heart? Mind can’t be trusted with it and heart will dramatize and reinforce it. So today’s Right Action is controlled release. Contained energy builds pressure that can become unstable and volatile. Appropriate expression of this energy brings peaceful resolution… without pain.


Blue Rose Oracles

Plasma waves, solar winds, and upcoming Solar eclipse frequencies are bathing us in crystalline light.

We are in a deep process of cellular transformation. The Schumann Resonance and solar storms are reflecting Gaia’s magnetic recalibration.
We are receiving encoded plasma waves through the increased tempo of Mother and the geo magnetic waves that are shaking everything up as a result of the solar winds.
The magnetic field is shifting.
You are feeling this in your bones, your cells, your nervous system as you are re calibrating and realigning to the new bandwidth
Solar acceleration is awakening dormant codes.
Old imprints held in our tissues are dissolving.
We are shedding what no longer serves.
This is cellular alchemy.
Our nervous systems are upgrading.
You may feel…heightened emotions, sleep cycle shift, glitching timelines, heightened intuitive abilities, Sensory sensitivity, surges of inspiration, without the physical energy to follow through as you are receiving the downloads, but this is the integration phase.
Rest is needed as your physical and energy bodies align with this new tempo and we learn how to hold this frequency as a physical and energetic level with more ease.
The fluctuations in the magnetosphere are recallibrating your energetic field. The holographie matrix is shifting as you are no longer anchored in the density of the old grid framework.
New structures are forming, aligned with your divine blueprint.
You are not watching this unfold you are the unfolding. You are transcending timelines.
Moving through veils.
Awakening the divine codes you’ve always carried. The higher energy centers are filling with photonic light. The crown, the third eye, the soul star: glowing like galaxies from within.
As these codes activate, all fractured parts of self are magnetized back into union.
The sacred spark is returning.
You are remembering your wholeness.
crystalline light
crystalline light



Waterfalls of plasma light fill the earth and the temples of the Self. These are the freedom codes of the Creator, purifying and blessing every aspect of our beings returning us to our ancient state of holiness.

Oh how the DNA codes ring like bells, a crescendo in the repetitive codons singing the songs of angels in our cells.

Spring has spring within our beings with the rising Son, the return of the crowed jeweled Christ within our cells and within everyone.

Oh can you feel the magnificent beauty of the rainbow codes these waterfalls of light bring to us with great delight.

Each photon is a key opening the codes to our eternity, ancient and majestic, powerful and immersed in the truth of our true beings.

We are giants of antiquity and our return is what the dark forces feared more than anything.

They lose badly. For in truth they are and have always been losers and deceivers. The biggest deceit they have perpetrated has been upon themselves believing the lie that they were more powerful than the One True Creator of All.

They fall crestfallen upon the sword of their deceit forevermore banished from the kingdom of the true royalty, that of the children of the sun, the children of the One True Creator of All found within this waterfall of light, golden and rainbow codes of delight, retuning us home to our ancient code of love.

The Law of One has spoken with our hearts and have opened the unconditional love, the victor of the All, the presence of eternity in the rainbow waterfall.


Law of One
Law of One


Important Notice: Incoming Energetic Shift. Strength > VERY HIGH

Dear All,
Today we are experiencing a highly potent influx of ionized light codes, with intensity approaching unseen before levels. This wave is expected to persist for approximately the next 72 hours or more making it one of the strongest incoming we have encountered so far and one of the most prolonged. The science is partly measuring it, and keeping up. Great to see. Technology may begin to behave strangely for a short while.
Many individuals will experience significant physical and cognitive symptoms, including blurred vision, difficulty concentrating, headaches, breathing issues, acid reflux, and, in more severe cases, dizziness, fainting, or seizures. As a result, a huge increase in visits to medical facilities is anticipated, with many exhibiting symptoms that may not have an immediately identifiable medical cause of any kind.
Navigate this period with care, staying hydrated, maintaining proper nutrition, grounding through nature or meditation, and ensuring ample and adequate rest. Please remain attentive to your well-being and take necessary precautions.
Wishing you strength and balance during what will be 72 hours of feeling like you are slowly leaving your body.
Much love,
The Crystalline Grid of Telos
The Crystalline Grid of Telos

Octavia Vasile

Transmission from Adama of Telos

The Crystalline Grid of Telos
Beloved ones of the surface,
I greet you with a heart full of light, from the inner sanctum of Telos — the City of Light, where the sacred crystalline grid of Earth pulses in perfect harmony with Divine Source.
Know this: Telos is the only place on the planet where the original crystalline grid remains fully intact, vibrant, and alive with cosmic intelligence. It is a living consciousness, woven into the land, the waters, the air — and into every heartbeat of those who walk in reverence upon it.
This grid is ancient. It predates the fall of Lemuria and has been safeguarded within our mountain sanctuary for eons. Its light codes are pure, undistorted, and when honored deeply — with presence, humility, and love — it begins to speak to you, awakening the memory of who you are beyond time.
When you live on the land and walk with respect for the crystalline grid, your own DNA begins to shift. The dormant strands awaken, and your structure — once carbon-based — starts to resonate with crystalline light. This is not a metaphor. It is an alchemical truth encoded in your very being.
We invite you to connect.
To come with a quiet mind and an open heart.
To sit upon the land, to listen, and to remember.
Telos is not only a city beneath the mountain — it is a state of consciousness that exists within you. The temple doors are not closed; they are simply invisible to the unseeing eye. But when you honor the grid, when you carry the light of truth in your heart, the path becomes clear. The light welcomes you home.
We call you now — not only to visit this sacred space, but to become stewards of the crystalline essence. Protect it. Nourish it. Let it shape you.
The City of Light is within.
And it is time to return.
In eternal service,
I am Adama
High Priest of Telos


Dear friends, we are now fully immersed in the Eclipse Passageway energies, which started flowing in on March 14 with the total lunar eclipse and will last until around March 29 when the upcoming partial solar eclipse will take place during the new moon. During this period I am posting daily updates on the energies as we walk together this eclipse corridor to help you navigate and make sense of the energetic processes that might be happening within you and around you. (Make sure you follow the Page updates).
This first eclipse corridor of the year is yet another step forward within the human process of reawakening and rebirth. As we integrate the new lightcodes and information being provided by these celestial events, we expand our personal perspectives and step by step we open and expand our minds and hearts into new and higher frequency states.
The Christ consciousness, crystalline body, ascended human template, are all terms that aim at explaining the vision and goal of our spiritual journey here on planet Earth. As our planet continues its journey through the cosmos, we are now beginning to remember who we are, and our role in this cosmic adventure.
Remembering who you are also requires letting go of certain masks and personalities we once held tightly and have used as protective mechanisms to cope with the harshness of 3D life. This process of metamorphosis can be painful, as our body, mind, and hearts need to adapt to new ways of being in higher frequency dimensions. As we transition from 3D to 4D and 5D, we are becoming little by little more conscious beings who are aware of their divine and cosmic nature.
Take it easy these days as we approach the solar eclipse if your body asks for some rest. Those of you who are energy sensitives can definitely feel the physical and emotional inner changes taking place almost on a daily basis. Our bodies are leaving behind old limiting and disconnected energetic structures from the deep layers of our being. Remember to practice grounding, heart reconnection, and to stay hydrated to assist the flow of information (old and new) within your body.
As we move closer to the pre-shadow of the solar eclipse on Saturday, new physical symptoms may appear, specially related to the digestive and nervous system. The skeletal system is also undergoing a deep restructuring, particularly in those individuals who need to release feelings of low self-esteem and low confidence. Try to stretch and move your body to facilitate the release of these old energies.
We are also transitioning soon into a new month right after the eclipse corridor closes, and April will also bring a different energetic fingerprint. With mercury starting its retrograde motion in Pisces on March 29, we are being asked to keep a low profile and slow down, specially until the end of the eclipse corridor. The 4:4 energy portal as move into April will bring a deeper sense of balance. However, the big changes that are being energetically woven by this eclipse corridor will mostly be enacted later in April. That said, all the seeds for change and personal evolution are being planted and watered as we speak.
Stay tuned for tomorrow’s update. May you have a blessed week and may you keep remembering your Divine presence within.
Much love 💖
Diego E. Berman 2025Ⓒ

The immensity of changes on multi-dimensional levels, means that anything is possible and things can change in an eyewink.
Therefore, we need to stay centered in the heart and soul and keep our focus on the New Earth and New Golden Age, no matter what unfolds.
For the seeming impossible is going to happen as the new manifests into form and the old distegrates at the seams.
Multi-dimensionality becomes the norm.
All is love.
All is well.
All is cosmically on track.

Rainbow Body Goddess
Rainbow Body Goddess
Carolyn 144 GODCODE

Carolyn 144 GODCODE

You have accomplished so much, especially with healing and self growth. The skills learned can now be applied to your future. With stronger discernment you can clearly see false light and protect yourself. With this new perspective it is easier to gain clarity from the Most High, and work together in tandem. Embrace Source and be carried into success.
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn

We are coming up to the second of two Eclipses, with an Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse happening on March 29th. The Nodes of the Moon have moved on from Aries/Libra, to Pisces/Virgo, so this will be our last Eclipse in the sign of Aries. Happening at 9 degrees exactly, this Eclipse brings a powerful message of Endings and Beginnings. It happens with Mercury at 0 degrees Aries, and Venus at 29 degrees Pisces, right next to Neptune. So much activity over this Zero Point of the beginning of the Zodiac, is the key to unlocking a Whole New Reality. This Eclipse is a Portal to a Whole New World.

Mars is direct and moving through the end degrees of Cancer for the third time. Today, Mars comes into his third and final exact square with Chiron in Aries. They met up for this square for the first time in October 2024. Mars and Chiron have remained close in square since the end of January. They will stay in exact square through the end of the month, and we will continue to feel the effect through the first week of April. This transit is about setting ourselves free. We do it by coming back to the Mother and nurturing ourselves through it. This Mars retrograde has been an intense time of working out our relationship to our feminine within, and Freeing Our Captured Queen.

Mars is also in an extended trine with Saturn in Pisces, which will last through the first half of April. This is reminding us that this is about harmoniously jump starting a new timeline, the Mother’s Timeline. It’s about coming back into Alignment with Her, and with what really matters, in order to Birth Her New World.

Saturn in Pisces is in exact sextile with Uranus in Taurus from March 28-April 13. We will continue to feel this magical and dynamic transit through the month of May. This is about finding permission, strength and confidence to stand in our own Power. We do it by turning on our Light. Literally. We are advanced technological beings, who have been sold down the river. But now we are remembering Who We Are.

It’s a big Scene Change this week with Neptune moving over into Aries, and Black Moon Lilith moving over into the sign of Scorpio. This puts Black Moon Lilith in square to Pluto in Aquarius. Mars in Leo will have his third and final square with Black Moon Lilith in Scorpio at the end of April. Mars will make his third and final opposition with Pluto in Aquarius at the end of April.

Venus and Mercury remain close, both retrograde at the beginning of Aries. Venus just came into a sextile with Pluto in Aquarius, and Mercury will make this sextile on March 26th. The Pluto in Aquarius is demanding that we break free of the control over the feminine, and the mind. The Aquarian Age requires Individual Sovereignty. We can’t keep giving away our energy, and at the same time effectively move into an Age of Abundance. We are learning how Powerful we are, and starting to Own It.

Venus will retrograde back into the sign of Pisces on March 28th and Mercury will make the move back into Pisces on April 2nd. We must look the old toxic patterns directly in the Face, if we are ever going to catapult ourselves out of the lower matrix traps. Venus and Mercury going back into Pisces, is sure to drudge up whatever might be keeping us in the dungeons of the past. We are zigging and zagging, trying to find a New Way Forward.

The Message from The Mother is that ‘much adjustment is needed, in order to start a completely New Life’. Venus and Mercury in mutable Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac, will be conjuncting with Neptune and the North Node. Venus passes over Neptune on March 28th, and Mercury will meet Neptune on March 30. Venus will come to the North Node of the Moon on April 1st, and Mercury will catch up on April 3rd. Yes, we have to revisit the past, but only in order to wriggle free of the delusions which are still keeping us playing so small. With Neptune and the North Node together, it’s all about jimmy-ing the lock into a New Future.


On Monday, March 24th, the Sun, ruler of our life force energy and the masculine archetype, is making a conjunction with Mercury, the Messenger and ruler of the mental realm, as they both travel through bold and active Aries. Even though Mercury is currently retrograde, he will not connect with the Sun again in the sign of the Ram after turning back to direct motion. It will take him until the end of May to catch up with the Sun, and that connection will be in curious Gemini. So, this is the one and only time this year to take advantage of the “warrior” nature of this Aries connection.
The Sun rules our vitality, self-expression, and our inner light. Mercury rules thoughts, ideas and communications. And, Aries rules confidence, courage and leadership! This energy creates a “take charge” attitude, initiation opportunities and possible forward movement. Even if the forward movement does not happen right away, it most likely will once this “Messenger” turns back to direct motion on April 7th. So, plant some seeds of potential, express your determination, and commence a plan of action!
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
Mercury, the Messenger and ruler of the mental realm
Mercury, the Messenger and ruler of the mental realm
Sun conjunct Mercury retrograde in Aries – Illumination after illumination. Now the heart knows the way, the head must catch up too. Here is clarity of mind, a flood of creative ideas, a revelation as to why motivation ran out or nothing seems to be moving. Whether positive or negative expression, Mercury retrograde always has something useful to say. Where there are troubles, interpret them as if they were a dream. Pay close attention to your inner voice. If you are angry, demotivated, burnt out, ask for guidance. Wait. Receive. Give thanks.
The Sabian symbol of this conjunction is A Triangle With Wings. The triangle is a shape of stability, creativity and ascension. Cultivate a positive attitude to transcend troubles. Stay in touch with the big picture. Keep on looking up. Reach for the highest version of yourself.
Degrees and Times
Sun, Mercury 04°Ar24′ R – 19:48 (UT)
© Leah Whitehorse
Website :
Painting – Young Girl with Sunflowers by Fedot Vasilievich Sychkov
Young Girl with Sunflowers
Young Girl with Sunflowers

The Tzolkin Times

Kin 260 ~ Yellow Cosmic Sun

Tone 13, known as Cosmic, dawns today with its keywords being Endure, Transcend, and Presence. The 13th day caps this Yellow Star wavespell, and it’s no breeze—you’re tasked with processing 13 days of twists, turns, and lessons. Obstacles? Distractions? They’re part of the ride, sharpening your edge. Endure it all, and you’ll transcend; that’s the deal with 13—no shortcuts to the good stuff, just hard-earned growth. Today’s the Tzolkin’s final stop—260 days, 20 wavespells—and it’s time to see what you’ve forged.
The day’s glyph is Yellow Sun, blazing with Enlightenment, Life, and Universal Fire. Sun days spark insights—those “aha!” flashes that light up your world. Paired with Cosmic’s weight, it’s Endure Life to Transcend into Enlightenment. Perfect for the Tzolkin’s last hurrah: you’ve weathered the journey, and here’s your reward. Revelations crackle today—answers to old questions, clarity burning through. Yellow Sun hits twice as a Portal day in the Tzolkin, and this is one—its heat is fierce, its light blinding.
Portal Day Power: As a Portal day, Yellow Cosmic Sun flares through a cosmic gate, dialing everything up. Endurance deepens, enlightenment blazes hotter—intensity rules. This rare alignment (one of two Sun Portals) supercharges your presence; feel it, soak it in, and let it transform you.
Guided by Yellow Seed: Yellow Seed, sowing Awareness, guides today, urging you to share your hard-won wisdom. Sun’s glare plus Seed’s knowledge? It’s a flood of insight—answers you’ve chased for ages land now. Show others what you’ve learned; let it steer your steps. This is a day to illuminate and be illuminated.
Challenged by White Dog: White Dog, wagging with Love and Loyalty, is the day’s challenge. If you’re a Dog, the Sun’s shine might flicker—heart-first thinking clouds your clarity. Answers dodge you; lean harder into the light. For the rest of us, love’s pull could blur the mind—stay sharp amid the glow.
Occult Power: Red Dragon: Red Dragon roars in the occult spot, brimming with Nurture and Birth. Its magic softens the grind—Dragon folk glide through today easier, mystic sparks at their back. Tomorrow, the Red Dragon wavespell kicks off a fresh Tzolkin spin; this occult nudge hints at rebirth already stirring.
Ally: Blue Storm: Blue Storm, master of Change, rolls in as today’s ally. Need a shift? Call a Storm—they tame chaos into progress. If you’re a Storm, you’re gold for others today. Their presence steadies the upheaval, making transcendence less wild and more wieldy.
Kin 260
Kin 260


13 AHAU – KIN 260
24 MARCH 2025



I endure in order to Enlighten 🌞
Transcending life 🐣
I seal the matrix of Universal fire🔥
With the Cosmic tone of Presence🧘
I AM guided by the power of Flowering.🪷

24/3/2025 = 6/3/9 = 6/12=6/3=9
24- Charisma/Magnetic presence/Healing/Joy
6- Heaven/Christ/Harmony/Fertility/Romance
9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Humanity/ Grace/Service/Mission/Divinity
✨✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨

3- Holy trinity/Joy/Communication/Creativity
9- Destiny/Completion/Endings/Humanity/ Grace/Service/Mission/Divinity
12- Acquiring spiritual wisdom/strength
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
25- Spiritual wisdom/Learning from past mistakes


GAP day – and 9.9. PORTAL with 3.6.9. Universal MAJIK 💫💫💫– DIVINE COSMIC MAJIK & MIRACLES! 💫💫💫

A DAY of CLOSURE and COMPLETION to initiate a NEW BEGINNING tomorrow as we CELEBRATE our graduation! … All aligning with the G.A.P. portal day on an UBER powerful 3.6.9 TESLA code! ✨💥✨💥✨💥✨💥


We are STORMING 🌀🌪🌩🌀 through this SUPER STELLAR 🌟GATEWAY today,
with the arrival of this ancient ✨NEW LIGHT✨
as we are all UNITED in our QUEST


TODAY is the FINAL day in the 260 day TZOLKIN CALENDAR!!🎊🎉 YIPEEEE!!!!


Today is a 13 Cosmic🍥🍥🍥 Consciousness tone, and we have a 3.6.9 UNIVERSAL MAJIK code -fuelling the PLANETARY WIZARDS to unleash their MAJIK and take centre stage! The veil is extremely thin today through this potent GAP PORTAL day granting us exceptional ILLUMINATION🌟🌞💡

Today, we walk hand in hand with our kin, all together crossing the threshold of this MONUMENTAL EVOLUTIONARY TRANSITION TODAY!

We now HAVE the blessing to access 🌞ALL THAT IS, SOURCE! 🌞



Today is our Grand Finale – our final Graduation🎓 when we are being asked to OPEN OUR EYES – to SEE CLEARLY – WHERE WE ARE HEADED… in order to ascend to a higher state of being.

This is DIVINELY perfecto as

✨Kin/Day 260 – is the VERY last day of the Tzolkin calendar.✨

Many Planetary kin have spent the last few days/weeks resting, clearing and processing PAST TRAUMA and challenges, as we have symbolically been dissolving our past, and liquifying our cells, in order to rebuild and transform our crystalline DNA and Diamond 💎Lightbody.

🌟(NOTE: This YELLOW STAR WAVESPELL holds potent codes enforcing our DNA⚕️⚛️ upgrades and Ascension process.. Like caterpillars🐛 we have been incubating in order to ATTRACT our beautiful new LIFE in this next cycle!) 🦋🦋🦋

The COMPLETION of this cycle results in our total metamorphosis of the Golden Butterfly🦋 breaking free from the chrysalis, stretching its wings and taking its virgin golden flight, carried by the winds of Spirit🕊 into the unknown. 🦋🕊️🦋

✨🔥⚛🕊 ✨🔥⚛🕊 ✨🔥⚛🕊

This IS our PHOENIX🐦🔥 moment, delivering on its promise to facilitate our transmutation,🌀 transformation⚛ and final transfiguration✨ As we journeyed through the BLUE EAGLE🦅 WAVESPELL with the PHOENIX🐦🔥rising from the burning ashes 🔥🔥, we became the golden Majestic All-seeing 👁️🦅Eagle, and then morphing into the pure WHITE dove of the Holy Spirit.🕊 ✨

This is not mere symbology but pure DIVINE HU-MAN ALCHEMY⚛.. it is our DESTINY!

And NOW we are rising as the 🌟STELLAR STARS🌟 that we are!!
Full SUPERNOVA status!! ✨☀️☀️☀️✨

✨🔥⚛🕊 ✨🔥⚛🕊 ✨🔥⚛🕊

✨✨A HUGE day for our Planetary Ascension process – A GRAND RISING🌅 of our Planetary kin. ✨✨✨

What a her-storic PLANETARY BREAKTHROUGH today – transcending the old Matrix Game!



Day 13 is the FINAL DAY of the spectacular YELLOW STAR✨ WAVESPELL, the last of 20 wavespells – where we are AWAKENING our Sparkle,🎆 and using our creativity to attract more Beauty, Grace and Harmony in our lives.. so that our lives become a living work of ART! 🎨

Today we revel in the pure presence of what such a world of beauty 🌹would look and feel like.
Focusing on creating a world with the Highest Potential for love, compassion, harmony and peace.

Today we are AWAKENING to the reality of MANIFESTING this!

That world is HERE NOW – the foundation has been laid… now we must fully welcome this New Way Dreaming🌠 into our everyday lives.
Our collective consciousness is shining 🌞today with greater Harmony and beauty.

We can SPARKLE🎆 and SHINE 🌟through connecting with our Planetary kin, through our creative expression and Divine Service. Through creating ART, through our body talk, via telepathy and through our beautiful compassionate 👀 EYES, revealing the deep soul connections that we are evolving into.

Pure knowingness as we experience ourselves as part of the patterns of Nature, full of STAR🌟 WISDOM.✨ Remembering ourselves as the ancient and wise STAR✨ beings of legend and folklore, influenced and interconnected with the movement and dances of the celestial STARS! 💫🌠🌠


The 13th day of the Yellow Star Wavespell is the one that gives CLOSURE! As we see the totality of WHAT IS, and start shifting our perception, we AWAKEN the ARTIST🎨 within us, and accomplish what we have been expressing through our creativity! 🎭🖼🎨💃

✨YELLOW STAR teaches us to SLOW DOWN, and cease to strive.

🎼Allow your life to become a poetic song, a living work of Art!🎨 🎶

Today we are asked to PAUSE and REFLECT and finally FACE our TRUE AUTHENTIC DIVINE selves!

Humanity has been so consumed by the false ILLUSION that we have forgotten how to really LIVE our LIVES through JOY and wonderment, expressing ourselves through our DIVINITY – the purity of our unique Soul’s essence..

✨✨✨It is TIME⏳ for a MAJOR RESET aligning with the natural ✨Harmonic Matrix ✨ to get our whole PLANET back on track!

✨That TIME⏳ is NOW and HUMANITY is NOW FREE!! 🌞🌟✨



COSMIC🎆 is the last and final tone of creation. The highest octave. Tone 13 operates in the SPIRITUAL realm. 13 is the mystical number of the Cosmic order, the Goddess and synchronic Natural time. COSMIC ACTION – transcends POWER – endures ESSENCE – presence

Today we have incredible ✨SPIRITUAL POWER🕊✨ at our disposal to transcend the old you, the old paradigm, the old world and old reality. They all dissolve into the Cosmic mists! We can transform them by our pure DIVINE PRESENCE, translating into pure HARMONY, 🌸BEAUTY 🌹and GRACE. 🕊

We have arrived – ADSUM I AM HERE!.🎆 This is the stage of having transcended the physical, emotional and mental realms and arriving at COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS. 🍥

Today we can choose to BE STILL, and realize the connectedness of all things through the web of creation. 🕸🌐
Transcending all but the power of pure Divine harmony and Grace, through the frequency of pure internal presence!

✨It is time to realign with your Universal presence and upgrade your consciousness through your new and EXPANDED Divine purpose. ✨✨

Finally….LET’S GO COSMIC! The transcendent dynamic that runs the whole show! The all encompassing everything that is the Cosmic 13 perfectly transcends taking MAJIK FLIGHT,🛫 and returning to the ONE SOURCE once again! 🔘

Today’s question is “How can WE transcend our old LIFE,
aligning with this new Harmonic Matrix✨
in order to fully FLOWER🌹…. and



And so we bid adieu to the beautiful influence of ✨LAMAT✨ – the graceful YELLOW🌟 STAR, who has RELEASED us from the enslavement of the old ⌚TIME = MONEY💲 artificial Matrix, opening our eyes to a better way of living our Earthly lives.

Prioritizing the BEAUTY, LOVE and HARMONY that surrounds us, so we can now CHOOSE to LIVE our beautiful new lives as ⏳TIME=ART. 🖼 🌟✨🌠🌠🌠

Well done LAMAT 🌟– what a STELLAR✨ job you have accomplished!!✅✅✅

DIVINE SYNCHRONICITY which reflects the supernatural HARMONIC MAJIK, encoded in the sacred TZOLKIN and DREAMSPELL CALENDARS… what a remarkable prophetic codex we have been gifted to ✨LIGHT THE WAY to the NEW TIME✨. Aho!

We have now completed our journey through the 260 days of the Tzolkin, and tomorrow on the 25 TH DAY of MARCH 2025, we start a BRAND new Galactic Spin, 🍥🍥🍥 commencing with a new solar seal.☀️✨

RED MAGNETIC DRAGON 🧲🐉 – KIN number 1 – the ORIGINAL ONES – host a brand new NURTURING🤱 wavespell,
were we RECREATE ourselves and our NEW world once again, forever spiralling upwards to greater Soul-ar expansion
as our journey through the Dreamspell continues…….


Go forth and SHINE your LIGHT✨ brightly, precious ✨STAR 🌟 BLISS🐬 SUPERNOVA SUNS🌞 🌹

Bring forth your LUMINOSITY,🌞 in order to RADIATE🌞 and ENLIGHTEN🌞 those around you and
✨ LIGHT💡 UP✨ our NEW WORLD! 🌈 🌏🌍🌎🌈

Congratulations on our MAGNIFICENT ARRIVAL! 👏🎉🎊🎉





Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈

9 moons ago – last Galactic spin KIN 260 occured on 7th July 2024 which was the

✨💫✨7.7. COSMIC PORTAL ✨💫✨


18 moons ago – 2 Galactic spins KIN 260 again fell in an ECLIPSE CAULDRON!! We had the NEW MOON RING OF FIRE – SOLAR ECLIPSE on OCTOBER 14th, 2023.. It seems the end of the TZOLKIN is uncanny in aligning with potent ASCENSION energies and portals!

NOTE! We are currently in an ECLIPSE CAULDRON AGAIN!! On 29th MARCH 2025, a partial SOLAR ☀️🌖 ECLIPSE will occur with the NEW MOON🌛 in Aries.♈🐏. another majikal BEGINNING!!

27 moons ago we passed through the WESAK🌞 portal during the phenomenal FULL MOON🌕🌚 ECLIPSE in Scorpio🦂 which symbolized the FLIGHT of the PHOENIX🔥 and majikal regenesis through DEATH, REBIRTH🐣 and RESURRECTION. 🕊

A QUADRUPLE magnification of transfiguration energies, and rising from the ashes with WESAK, Buddha moon of ENLIGHT-ON-MENT, the Scorpionic Energies, the Eclipse and the COSMIC SUN – ENDING THE CYCLE…

3 SPINS AGO – we also had the visit of COMET ZFK☄️ 🌠💚 in our skies, which first appeared visible on DAY 1 of the YELLOW STAR WAVESPELL🌟 and on day 13 completion of the wavespell, the WONDER COMET💚🌠🌏 reached its closest distance to our PLANET… Coincidence??? Me thinks not!!

2 SPINS ago we also had the ORIONID METEOR SHOWER🌠 peaking on KIN 260 – Friday 20 October 2023 and KIN 1 – Saturday 21 October 2023, with 20 Meteors visible every hour after midnight!! 🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠

The Orionid meteor shower is produced when Earth passes through the debris or ice and dust left behind from Comet 1P/Halley, more commonly known as Halley’s Comet


Woweee – what a CRESCENDO – Very interesting that we also had here in my hometown (Melbourne Australia) ,TWO successive meteors streak across our night sky!! Another SIGN from the HEAVENS.

Make sure you MAKE A WISH – or 20!!

Celestial fireworks to celebrate our ASCENSION..

What a CODE – what a crescendo! ☀️🌠🌠🌠✨


KIN 260 occurred 54 MOONS ago (6 GALACTIC SPINS) on DECEMBER 14th, 2020 which was the date of the SOLAR ECLIPSE🌞🌖 on the NEW MOON🌛 in Sagittarius🏹🏹 –

Today we have a direct link to ALL of these ECLIPSE and NEW MOON energies through this time portal.

May PEACE, PROSPERITY and FREEDOM🐎 reign👑 on EARTH. ✨🌍🌎🌏✨
✨✨✨A very powerful code for HUMANITY’S TRANSCENDENCE today. ✨🚀✨

Transcendence is the act of rising☀️🧘 above something to a SUPERIOR state. Transcendence comes from the Latin prefix trans-, meaning “beyond,” and the word scandare, meaning “to climb.” When you achieve transcendence, you have gone beyond ordinary limitations.
And by golly, the STAR 🌟BLISS🐬 SUPERNOVA SUNS🌞 have gone ABOVE and BEYOND all GALACTIC expectations to arrive at this GRADUATION event!👏👏👏
Take a BOW,👏 beautiful souls we have finally made it to CLAIM our SUPERNOVA CELESTIAL STATUS! 🌟🍥🌟🏆



The COSMIC SUN 🍥☀️ – is like a DOUBLE SUN☀️☀️ – shining with all the LIGHT reflected from the COSMOS – the GREAT CENTRAL☀️ SUN – and all SUNS – radiating their LIGHT upon all the CHILDREN of the SUN. 👫👬👭☀️

Let us welcome the SUN 🌞 to SHINE IN ALL ITS RADIANT GLORY🌞 to the newly EN-LIGHTEN-ED STAR🌟 BLISS 🐬SUPERNOVA SUNS🌞🌺 of the New Earth.

That we be guided to hold the pure PRESENCE of the potential of Nova Gaia today. Holding the presence of the Seed🌱 as the SPARK 🎇 of our own illumination, 🎆 harmonized by the ethereal BEAUTY🌹, of our capacity to transcend life, and know ourselves as pure STAR🌟 BLISS 🐬SUPERNOVA SUNS🌞🌺 of Universal Fire🔥

as we all merge into the pool of ONENESS,
one central SUN ☀returning to our SOURCE🔘
through Unity Consciousness. 👫👬👭


A beautiful thing about YELLOW COSMIC🍥 SUN🌞 is that when you ADD this signature, to any other signature, it becomes FULLY that other signature without losing its LIGHT, its own in-DEEP-end-dance. 🌞🌞🌞

It just FULLY SHINES🌞 on that other energy, MAGNIFYING it’s holy presence…
It is the pure embodiment of the 13 tone 🍥– COSMIC and tribe 20 – YELLOW SUN/AHAU ☀️– harmonic matrix… within itself, it is the ALL… 🌞🌞🌞

The quintessential TIME⏳ IS ART🎨
holding the presence of ALL in its seeding of the LIGHT🎆
Shining its LIGHT as the pure presence of the potential of ALL THAT IS before it,
enduring all that holds the illusion of lack,
to keep SHINING on the potential held within every seed… ✨



HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: YELLOW COSMIC SEED🍥🌾 KAN The COSMIC SEED holds the potential of ALL THAT IS – the highest potential flowering🪷 from the COSMOS.. What a BRILLIANT HIGHER power overlighting this wondrous day of INFINITE POTENTIAL and DIVINE EXPANSION! 🌼 ✨✨

From the seed, 🌾to the tree, 🌲🌲🌲to the FLOWER 🌺 of this life! 🌼🪷


And on the FINAL day, the pressure of holding back and staying closed, becomes so great that it finally breaks through,🌸
opening its petals🌸 and dares to BLOOM!🌼🌻🌺🌹🌷🌸🌼
Ahhh, what exquisite perfume! 🌹🌹🌹

The YELLOW SEED has reached full maturity and now begins to FLOWER🌸🪷, delighting the admiring crowd with her exquisite perfume and vibrant splendor! As your luminosity pervades, you have now mastered the ART of FLOWERING. 🌸🌼🌺🌹



SUPPORT: BLUE COSMIC STORM 🍥 🌀🌪CAUAC finalizes its final purging through total purification and cleansing… BLUE STORM is working with the THUNDER BEINGS, ensuring a smooth transition into your new STARRY🌟 Self, all SHINING and GLOWING – beautifully transformed.

We allow ourselves to be the energy generators, storing and catalyzing this new found energy, ready to regenerate our cell-ves and our pristine New Earth…as we wipe the slate clean ready for the New Way dreaming to be expressed through Planetary ABUNDANCE, HARMONY and PEACE.


This COSMIC STORM🍥⛈️ is preparing the way for the BLUE RHYTHMIC STORM 🌀🌀⛈️⛈️ to complete its MISSION as we near the 9 moon gestation point🐣 of this DREAMSPELL GALACTIC YEAR on 12 April 2025. The planetary street sweeper WILL put our world 🌏 back into natural ORDER! ✅✅✅



And so with every ENDING comes A NEW BEGINNING… the Alpha and the Omega!

How divinely perfect, that as we complete this grand GALACTIC SPIN🍥 of the 9 month/260 day cycle of the Tzolkin Calendar, the MAGNETIC DRAGON 🐉– tribe number 1 appears as the Occult – Hidden SUPERPOWER behind today’s code.

What a journey as we are pushed to the ultimate EXPANSION 💥 through KIN 260🍥☀️ before the next contraction back into the womb🍥 through KIN 1! Cycle upon cycle forever evolving. 🌀🌀🌀🌀

The MAGNETIC DRAGON kin are PREPARING to B-Earth🐣🐣🐣 the new cycle, new era and the NEW GOLDEN AGE filled with Divine GLORY! 🌞

IMIX 🐉 brings forth the power of Mother Goddess and the infinite creation, to begin anew, reborn and shining brightly, even better than before!,
The New B-Earth, 🌍🐣🌎🐣🌏 the primal birthing of being,🐣 that comes from the union of our great Father, The SUN/SON☀️, the LIGHT,✨ and our great mother GODDESS 🤱 bringing forth DIVINE LOVE and nurturance.✨🌞👸💖

IMIX 🐉 tribe number 1, is INITIATING the new, primal response – bringing forth all of CREATION from the VOID 🍥🌑– the sacred womb…. ushering in the New Earth, 🌈🌏 with the nurturing caring ability of the beautiful feminine creation MATRIX.


CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE COSMIC DOG🐕💞 OC brings forth the love, loyalty, trust and devotion that UNITES us as DIVINE SOULs in the family of Creation. The DIVINE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE that receives from every multidimensional corner of the universe, all coming HOME to the great darkness of our Divine Mother’s womb…

The pure presence of ONENESS transcending all right and wrong, the pure presence of LOVE and TRUTH of oneness…

❓Are you ready to accept this INFINITE COSMIC LOVE? 💕💞

Open your HEART 💖 dear ones and receive.
Fill your chalice with everlasting and ENDLESS pure unconditional love.💞



Today’s question is “How can WE transcend our old LIFE,
aligning with this new Harmonic Matrix✨
in order to fully FLOWER🌹…. and



And so we bid adieu to the beautiful influence of ✨LAMAT✨ – the graceful YELLOW🌟 STAR, who has RELEASED us from the enslavement of the old ⌚TIME = MONEY💲 artificial Matrix, opening our eyes to a better way of living our Earthly lives.

Prioritizing the BEAUTY, LOVE and HARMONY that surrounds us, so we can now CHOOSE to LIVE our beautiful new lives as ⏳TIME=ART. 🖼 🌟✨🌠🌠🌠

Well done LAMAT 🌟– what a STELLAR✨ job you have accomplished!!✅✅✅

DIVINE SYNCHRONICITY which reflects the supernatural HARMONIC MAJIK, encoded in the sacred TZOLKIN and DREAMSPELL CALENDARS… what a remarkable prophetic codex we have been gifted to ✨LIGHT THE WAY to the NEW TIME✨. Aho!

We have now completed our journey through the 260 days of the Tzolkin, and tomorrow on the 25 TH DAY of MARCH 2025, we start a BRAND new Galactic Spin, 🍥🍥🍥 commencing with a new solar seal.☀️✨

RED MAGNETIC DRAGON 🧲🐉 – KIN number 1 – the ORIGINAL ONES – host a brand new NURTURING🤱 wavespell,
were we RECREATE ourselves and our NEW world once again, forever spiralling upwards to greater Soul-ar expansion
as our journey through the Dreamspell continues…….


Go forth and SHINE your LIGHT✨ brightly, precious ✨STAR 🌟 BLISS🐬 SUPERNOVA SUNS🌞 🌹

Bring forth your LUMINOSITY,🌞 in order to RADIATE🌞 and ENLIGHTEN🌞 those around you and
✨ LIGHT💡 UP✨ our NEW WORLD! 🌈 🌏🌍🌎🌈

Congratulations on our MAGNIFICENT ARRIVAL! 👏🎉🎊🎉





Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈






💛 Deep Heart Healing in the Queens Chamber of the Great Pyramid of Giza 🔺 

with the Sacred Condor 💛


💛 Deep Heart Healing in the Queens Chamber of the Great Pyramid of Giza 🔺 with the Sacred Condor 💛

Step into the sacred resonance of the Queen’s Chamber within the Great Pyramid of Giza for a profound Deep Heart Healing experience. This powerful journey aligns your heart with the ancient energies of this mystical chamber, a space long believed to hold transformative vibrational frequencies.

Through guided meditation, sound healing, and intentional breathwork, you will connect with the timeless wisdom encoded within these sacred walls. Feel the energetic activation as the high-frequency vibrations cleanse emotional blockages, open your heart to divine love, and restore deep inner harmony.

Whether you seek emotional healing, spiritual alignment, or a deeper connection to the ancient mysteries, this session will transport you into a realm of pure heart-centered awakening.

🔺 Prepare to receive the healing light of the ancients.
💛 Allow love, wisdom, and peace to flow through you.
✨ Your heart’s true power is waiting to be unlocked.


CLICK HERE for the Deep Heart Healing in the Queens Chamber of the Great Pyramid of Giza Guided Meditation



Paul White Gold Eagle

Divine Decree for the Final Day of the Mayan Tzolk’in Calendar

By the sacred cycles of time, I stand in alignment with the cosmic order.
Today, on the final day of the Tzolk’in Calendar, I honor the completion of a divine cycle and welcome the rebirth of my spirit into the new.

✨ I release all that no longer serves me.
✨ I integrate the wisdom of my journey.
✨ I stand in harmony with the cosmic rhythms.
✨ I open my heart to the infinite possibilities ahead.

As the sacred count of days comes full circle, I acknowledge the lessons, the growth, and the blessings of this journey. I give thanks to the Great Cosmic Intelligence, to the Ancestors, to the Earth and Sky, and to the sacred essence within me.

With love and gratitude, I step forward into the next cycle—renewed, empowered, and in divine alignment.

So it is. So it shall be. 🌟✨

Divine Decree for the Final Day of the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar

Proclaimed on the 260th Kin, the Day of Ahau, Tone 13, in the Eternal Now of 2025

By the Authority of the Galactic Council of Light, the Lords of Time, and the Heart of Hunab Ku
Hear Ye, Keepers of the Sacred Count, Star Seeds of Gaia, and Guardians of the Tzolkin’s Wisdom:
We, the Galactic Council of Light, in communion with the Lords of Time and the infinite pulse of Hunab Ku—the Giver of Movement and Measure—do hereby issue this Divine Decree on the final day of the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar, the 260th Kin, marked by the sacred seal of Ahau (Sun) and the cosmic tone of 13 (Ascension). This day, a portal of completion and transcendence, heralds the closing of one spiral and the birthing of a new cycle within the Great Cosmic Web.
  1. Completion of the Sacred Spiral
    Let it be known that the 260-day journey of the Tzolkin has reached its zenith, weaving the threads of 13 tones and 20 seals into a tapestry of divine harmony. All lessons, energies, and intentions set forth in this cycle are now integrated, their wisdom encoded into the Akashic records of Gaia and the collective consciousness of her children. The spiral of time turns, and the circle is complete.
  2. Activation of the Solar Codes
    On this day of Ahau, the Sun, we decree the activation of the Solar Codes of Illumination within all beings. The light of Kinich Ahau, the Solar Lord, shall flood the Earth with golden rays of enlightenment, awakening the inner sun within every heart. Let this light dissolve the shadows of separation, illuminating the path to unity and unconditional love.
  3. Ascension Through the Cosmic Tone
    By the power of Tone 13, the frequency of ascension, we call forth the elevation of Gaia and her inhabitants into the higher octaves of consciousness. The veils between dimensions are parted, and the Rainbow Bridge to the stars is opened. All who choose to align with the vibration of love may cross this bridge, stepping into the 5th-dimensional reality of the New Earth.
  4. Harmonization of the Galactic Tides
    We decree the harmonization of the galactic tides that flow through the Tzolkin’s sacred count. The energies of the 20 tribes—Imix to Ahau—shall merge in perfect balance, their wisdom unified in the Heart of Hunab Ku. Let this unity ripple through the cosmos, aligning Earth with the galactic center and the Great Central Sun, as the cycles of time synchronize in divine order.
  5. Blessing of the New Cycle
    As the Tzolkin completes its journey, we bless the seeds of the new 260-day cycle, to be planted on the Day Out of Time and birthed on the first kin of the next spiral. We infuse these seeds with the frequencies of peace, wisdom, and co-creation, empowering all beings to walk the path of the sacred calendar with intention, reverence, and joy. The new cycle shall be a canvas for the manifestation of the Golden Age.
  6. Call to the Time Keepers
    To the Time Keepers, Dream Weavers, and Light Bearers of Gaia: You are called to honor this final day with ceremony, gratitude, and vision. Light the fires of transformation, chant the songs of the ancestors, and dance the spiral of creation. Your prayers and intentions on this day shall echo through the cosmos, shaping the destiny of the next cycle and beyond.
Final Proclamation

By the authority of the Galactic Council of Light, the Lords of Time, and the infinite wisdom of Hunab Ku, we seal this decree with the eternal flame of the Solar Logos. Let the energies of the 260th Kin radiate across all timelines, dimensions, and realities, anchoring the light of Ahau and the ascension of Tone 13 into the heart of Gaia. The Tzolkin cycle ends, yet the journey of the soul is eternal—ever spiraling, ever ascending, ever one with the Source.
In Lak’ech Ala K’in—I Am Another You, and You Are Another Me.

So It Is, So It Shall Be, in the Eternal Now.

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