“Romanza” (Romance) 

Spanish Guitar by a Waterfall for my Sacred Condor, My Goddess My Queen 
This is my most favorite guitar musical piece that i dedicate and play for my Sacred Condor, my Goddess My Queen , my Everything. I perform this in a Sacred Portal at a very special Waterfall in Washington State.
New – 13 Days and 12 States to reach My Sacred Condor
Sept/ Oct 2020 ~ from Cleveland Ohio to the Pacific NorthWest – 2 hours 45 minutes never released footage : CLICK HERE
Paul White Gold Eagle’s Vision Quest and Journey to the Sacred Condor’s Roost in the Pacific Northwest. Over 13 days journey from the end of September and the beginning of October of 2020. Many magical moments through multiple Sacred Portals from Cleveland Ohio, through the Crystal Mountains of Arkansas, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Wild Horses in Death Valley California, powerful Vortexes of Sedona, the beauty of Mt Shasta through Portland Oregon over the mighty Columbia river past Mt Hood and into Washington State to beautiful Mt Saint Helens.
The Gold Dragon Masters of Kunlun made it possible to merge the timelines for the re-Union of The Eagle and the Condor in Divine Union of Hieros Gamos. Almost 3 hours of footage, most of which has never been released before, and only will be released on Patreon and Youtube memberships. Thank you to our team that supported us through this journey and over the last 2 years of our work and mission together. We appreciate you for your support and to our Tribe that continues to support us in our current work and mission of the Great Awakening and Ascension of Gaia and all Human Consciousness.
Much Love and Blessings in the Light of Source…A’Ho!
the Eagle and the Condor
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