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Return of the Pleiadians Meditation

Return of the Pleiadians Meditation








Return of the Pleiadians Meditation on May 25th

According to Cobra, in the last few weeks, a huge amount of subquantum anomaly has been removed from the Solar System.

As a result of this, one part of the Pleiadian fleet is about to return to this Solar System and they will resume liberation operations.
There will be extremely powerful astrological configurations are supporting this move.
The main aspect is Sedna conjuncting Alcyone on May 25th. This aspect happens once every 20,000 years, and its astrological meaning is the return of Pleiadians to Earth at the completion of the cosmic cycle. This aspect will start exhibiting its full power one week before May 25th, and will remain in full force until one week after.
Within that time frame, other conjunctions with Alcyone will support this process:
Sun conjunct Alcyone on May 20th at 10 pm UTC
Venus conjunct Alcyone on May 24th at 2:30 am UTC
Jupiter conjunct Alcyone on May 27th at noon UTC
Below are the instructions of the meditation. We have made a few amendments to make the English more natural. The suggested duration of this meditation is 20 minutes.
1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.
2. State your intent to use this meditation to celebrate the return of the Pleiadians to Earth.
3. Invoke the Violet Flame from its primary source to place a circle of protection around you during and after the meditation. Ask it to transmute anything that does not serve the Light.
4. Visualize a pillar of sky-blue light emanating from the Cosmic Central Sun, then being distributed to the Central Suns of all galaxies in this universe. Then visualize this light entering through the Galactic Central Sun, then going through our galaxy, then going through Alcyone in the Pleiades, and the Pleiadians; Now visualize this light going through the Sedna then through all beings on the surface and below the surface, and also through your body to the center of the Earth.
5. Visualize the loving Pleiadians, and connect your heart with the hearts of the Pleiadians, with a green pillar of light. Now visualize merging with the Pleiadians and becoming One.
6. Visualize the return of the Pleiadians to Earth, and the Earth finally being liberated. Visualize First Contact between the Pleiadians and humankind being realized. Visualize the ascension of the Earth and humanity under the guidance of the Pleiadians.
Visualize a new, grand cosmic cycle of the Age of Aquarius beginning, bringing pure Light, Love and Happiness to all beings on Earth.
Victory of the Light!





🔥 Calling On and Connecting with our Star Nations 🔥


Connecting with our Star Nations

This Sacred Art was taught to our People from the Andromedan Council of Light. This is a Special Practice to call down our Star Nations, Star families, Galactics. Any Star Race that resonates with you will come from this Call if put into practice. Being consistent and not giving up is the key to success with any Divine Spiritual Art


click here to learn this Galactic Art




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