INITIAL ENERGY WAVES ARRIVING ~ Blue Ray is of the First Order of Emanation ~ Universal Spheres of Consciousness ~ Return of the Dove
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Sacred Star Family of our Universal Alliance of Light
Today, astrologically, we have Goddess Venus moving into fiery Aries as the Divine Feminine within is being lit up with the Passion of Shekhina as the Holy Spirit is activated within every living heart of our Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144.
Through this weekend and into the Total Solar Eclipse Portal on Monday the 8th, also in Aries the Ram, we have massive energetics flowing in from the most high and emanating out from the Crystalline Core of Mother Earth.
Pachamama received a massive activation today in the Pacific Ocean with a magnitude 6.8 earthquake in the N. Mariana Island at 11:03 UTC. As Gaia rises we rise with her as the New Lemuria is raised, like a Great Phoenix, from the ashes of the old and into our Pure Sacred Land of Terra Nova Gaia.
This is it, Ground Crew Team of New Eden, we are at the precipice of our Quantum Leap of Total Faith into the Unknown waters as we cross over to the other shore of Enlightenment and into our Pristine New Heaven upon the New Earth…A’Ho!
Magnificent waves of light flow unobstructed w/in for u see the return to our divine origins occurs as we recalibrate in frequency,We rise in consciousness easily able to overthrow any attempts to hold us down. The dark 1s have failed miserably crushed by the light of our spirits.
Angelic pulses flow throughout our beings awakening the Higher Selves of our origin. We have risen splendidly, the golden harmonics of the One sing a Love song on DNA fibers as they transmit the codes of eternity in cells. Oh how all the answers lie within the Creator’s messages of Love.
Statue of Liberty Lightning
photo by Dan Martland
Soul deep replenishment now! Allow light to be received to your atoms now. You came to bring this light to humanity, the planet and multiverse. It’s activating within your dormant DNA now giving incredible healing and expansion.
This month, June and September will be the strongest for activations and takedowns. There’s a lot of activity happening out there over the next week with humanitarian causes. The matrix is glitching and the magnetic fields are glitching electricity and sites. Woohoo, victory of the light! Ground and anchor your pillar so you stabilize and equalize the harmonics of light now. Center in the now and allow your heart to soar with love and harmony! Allow your mind to be at peace and trust ✨
Sun is popping! So bright just like you which is why there has been a spiritual battle amongst the creation of humanity. Thankfully humanity is awakening and remembering. The eclipse will bring momentum to humanitarian causes so make sure you keep yourself from shadow energy as it’s a trick to keep people from ascending. Take the wheel, which your chakras are wheels to empower you beyond any obstacle, letting go of others words or actions as that frees your energy.
Nourish yourself in those areas filling in light of the opposite thought or emotion. Keep yourself out of fear, in trust, oneness of self, center in stillness and allow to create harmony across all planes of existence. Renewal is here for the eclipse so let nothing distort your light as it’s paving the way for freedom for humanity. You were chosen to assist this mission 💎🪽☀️
Venus, ruler of love and personal resources, in generous Leo is inconjunct Neptune
…you are a Star Seed who holds inner memory that has been dormant but is now at a time of being awoken, especially in 2024 as time collapses the duality of the old flawed systems…. by this process you are hatching your inner Light to be true to the Creators Prime Source Code…. yet the problem our world faces is that most are unaware and unconscious to this truth and thus allowing the manipulation of a distorted system to hatch it immature to the Prime Source Code, and hence because of this the system controls the masses to its detriment…
possessing the soul of the collective… but a good thing to see is that the codes of Divine Time show that this time of the soul being possessed is dissolving away, it is exciting to understand what this means… we are about to reach a point where something has got to change, because we will not be allowed to continue on this heartless trajectory we are living on collectively…. so a great shift is imminent, and all indications are that this is what 2024 will bring… but what will the new trajectory be? …it will be from the heart…. and this Solar Eclipse is supporting the shift…
4/5/24: Today offers abundance galore… teeming, radiant, limitless, and free. But don’t expect it to be packaged in the familiar, typical, or mundane. It’s not there. Don’t expect it to come through normal channels or methods. It won’t. It won’t show up according to plan, prayer, or premeditation because that’s not where or how it lives.
It’s flowing on a frequency that requires imagination, intuition, creative thought, confidence, and gratitude. This is not wishing, hoping or dreaming. This is you intentionally maneuvering yourself into a mindset of prosperity, wealth, health, and happiness. Because until you do, you won’t know it when you see it.
Eclipses forward Transmutation – Transformation… TRUST that this experience IS for your Soul Evolution
Terra planetary grid network is a living consciousness matrix that is encoded with the blueprint or original instruction set for the divine plan of humanities spiritual evolution. Much of your mission as Starseeds was to extract the alien machinery and fallen entities which obstruct siphon or damage the energies in the planetary grid system. Deeply hidden in the organic matrix of your planet is the mirror image of the cosmic projection of your Galaxy of Stars, which is the multidimensional hologram of the Cosmos.
Blue Ray is of the First Order of Emanation. The Highest Order of the Blue Ray Family emanate from the 13th Circuitry Gate of the Mother of God aspect, which is the first layer of Consciousness projected from the Universal God Core.
Blueray Guardians were created as a Guardian Species. They were created as planetary Guardians and to stand as equals with the highest among the ET races. In fact, they were created as a vessel through which digressing ET races could merge their consciousness and take on a new form that would give them the codes that would allow them to go through full transmutation out of time and matter. Guardians were created to be the genetic bearer within most of the ancient stellar races.
Present times are not for the faint of heart!
Remember that you chose to be on Earth at this time and were fully aware before incarnating of what it would entail. The increasing presence of high frequency Light energy and the fact that people are spiritually waking up is causing many traditions, societal rules and laws to crumble because beliefs in them are crumbling.
You can look at the negativity and challenges faced as life lessons designed to expand your consciousness, you may approach problems in life with a completely different attitude. When you realize that conditions, events and people that surface in your world came to test out what you learned about your unique Soul-selves. You are given the opportunity to adjust your thinking, to know this experience as the truth and see it as a blessing, shifting your reactions to many of life’s experiences.
What is the solution to avoid physical emotional mental spiritual chaos and confusion?
TO KNOW deep within your Heart and to Trust that KNOWING is more than to believe, or having faith, hope, and wishes..
ASK that your Higher Self to BE Sovereign and fully embodied. Stay in your HEART and you will realized that during the Recovery phase there will be opportunities for you to USE any insecurity to Empower the NEW SELF…
As we approach this eclipse there will be more and more revelations and realizations on what the deepest wound has been and which were the actual thoughts, emotions, distortions, limitations and convictions that it was hiding.
By allowing this process One can reach the true and permanent gems of healing, liberation and restoration of his/her true nature.
Self-knowing is deepening.
Everything One has ever been searching for or wanted in this incarnation, can now be found and realised within the Self.
It can be felt and verbalized like never before, opening way for practical and manifested solutions which will bring a deep inner recentering and satisfaction!
This is becoming, this is embodiment!
The spheres are correcting very fast!
This is everything!
Clarity is being achieved!
Life has never been more promising and full of amazing and Living potential than now!
April is opening the space and giving the chance of the most blessed opportunity which is to get to know the Self, the True Being that was incarnated here, in this life time and all of his/her true qualities.
This Being came here to receive the gift of Life.
The most precious and beautiful gift that can only be offered from the Self to the Self!
Dear friends, we are now entering the final days of this Eclipse Passageway which opened on March 25 with the lunar eclipse and will last until around April 8-9 when the total solar eclipse will take place during the new moon.
I will be describing different energetic facets of this total solar eclipse in the next few days and upcoming updates.
Eclipses occur when the sun, moon, and Earth line up. A total solar eclipse takes place when the moon, a new moon in this case, is perfectly aligned between our planet and the Sun. The path of totality for this eclipse, where viewers on the ground can see a true total solar eclipse, will travel from Main to Texas in the USA but will also be observed in some areas of Canada and Mexico. However, the lightcodes from this eclipse will be distributed all around the globe and will be affecting each and every one of us on the planet.
Eclipses hold a special place in our human evolution and history, as they are believed to be moments when we step into our fate and destiny. Astrologically speaking, these celestial events align with the North and South Lunar Nodes, pushing us to move toward our life path and break out of our comfort zones. During the brief eclipse time the moon blocks out the Sun’s light, and temporarily disconnects us from our sense of reality.
Eclipses are harbingers of change — they usher in evolution. Eclipses bring matters to light and urge us to take action towards dealing with them. During the upcoming solar eclipse on Monday April 8 and the surrounding days, please be aware of any changes in your emotions or feelings. Those of you who are energy sensitives may feel already some energetic pressure building in the air. During the next few days you may notice your energy fluctuating between highs and lows. At times we may feel more energetically expansive, but also there may be periods in which we may feel like drawing in and slowing down.
This particular solar eclipse takes place in the fearless and groundbreaking sign of Aries. This eclipse can set you on a new path/timeline that you hadn’t previously imagined for yourself. These eclipse lightcodes will be bringing to surface your warrior and leadership skills, much needed attributes to enact all the changes that this eclipse corridor has been nurturing within your energy and emotional fields. Keep in mind this solar eclipse takes place on April 8 2024: 4/8/8, all numbers that resonate with the attributes of stability, abundance, and empowerment. We are also healing and clearing lots of past issues that have been preventing us from this forward movement in life. And here’s where the energetic influence of the comet “Chiron” comes into play during this solar eclipse, a topic I’ll be describing in tomorrow’s update.
The physical manifestations associated with the deep energetic clearing and timeline recalibration triggered by the eclipse could take place all over the body, but specially in the digestive, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, and nervous systems. Areas and organs related to the solar plexus and sacral/pelvic region may also show some flare ups.
Overall, Monday’s solar eclipse is about reconnecting with the divine power that resides within yourself, and using it as a trampoline to lift you up into higher and more soul-aligned timelines during the rest of 2024. The days before and after the eclipse may feel emotionally intense as we dissolve the painful barriers that have been preventing us from recognizing this lack of inner power and sense of victimhood. Please allow yourself to express your emotions by journaling, meditating, talking to a friend, or simply by having a heart to heart conversation with the Divine. But above all, remember to love yourself unconditionally.
At a planetary level, the harmonic energies from this 4/4 passage, are key to planetary stabilization and Earth’s fabrics reconstruction. The energies from the Libra eclipse and this 4/4 passage, are a source of great balance for those who are working on the restoration of the Divine Masculine pillar, on the Iraq/Iran gate area, as its reconstruction still continues, under the assistance of the Gold Ones, or Seraphim descendants, and Ruby lineages. It is also an important phase for the advancements made since 2022, in the fabrics of time and space, which are four as well, and in the removal of false timeliness.
Four is a stabilizer number, bringing us the message to harmonize ourselves, realigning with our God Self, through the restoration of our hara and heart complex, so we can take the next step as planetary workers, which is to assist in the planetary reconstruction that is taking place, in our unique way.
As planetary workers know, four are also the main planetary grids that connect with the Four Royal Stars – Aldebaran, Regulus, Antares, and Fomalhaut – where the original Earth’s connections continue being restored. This is a planetary reconnective task that during May, with Taurus, many will be working with.
April is a month in which as I previously shared many of you will be sensing the acceleration of time, as we continue stepping into a more harmonic timeline, where we experience time as simultaneous. The progress made in that area since last year has been outstanding, as many of you who work with the fabrics know.
Stabilizers, New Earth’s Anchors, and many others doing a magnificent task on our planet are now retrieving to their inner spaces, where they can remotely work with the fabrics and grids and start positioning in their assigned locations for the eclipse, to help change, transmute or heal the structures that are part of their mission to assist with.
There is an important advancement as well in the 7D grids. Many of you are still involved in clearing the reversals and false structures that impeded us from fully embodying the seventh-dimensional ray spectrum or violet flame, in our bodies, which is how we reconstruct our seventh-dimensional shoulder portal. This is now being restored and we are finally able to fully embody the seventh-ray.
These structures were also part of the deep manipulation in the back of our heart complex, in the middle of our spine, where it also interferes with our neurological system, and hence brain complex, impeding the light, activations, wisdom, and guidance to freely flow through us. Taking responsibility and doing our inner work to heal and clear ourselves is key, as we do have the power to shift our present state of being and any other condition we may have inherited or implanted.
Guides invite us to work together, today and always, for the betterment of the planet, in the unique way you work with it. Guides offer us an infinity symbol, of a silver-platinum color to start stabilizing and reconnecting spaces, locations, or fabrics, depending on your personal/planetary mission, with the current planetary energies that we are now aligning with.
As many of you know, the infinity symbol also helps in the correction of the reversal of energetic currents, retrieving the original movement, flow, and direction of the energetic portals, by shifting their distorted geometrical structures.
The 4/4 portal is a continuation of the conscious planetary work that we have been achieving for many years, especially since 2022, when the fabrics started to shift. It is a reminder of the love that we are and we are here to seed for All, not just for a few, for Love is like the sun that shines for All, equally.
A passage for us to be united, within Divine Love, compassion, and harmony for our planet, and for all living forms, as Guides emphasize, that need our assistance, for we not only are here to serve our planet and others but all living forms who have been damaged by our passage on this earth.
Thank you for all that you do for All, Beloved Ones.
You are being kept safe and separated from the stresses of the old earth timeline. Focus on creating the new life you love, even if the past is facing you head on. It’s not your burden to carry any longer.
With the Aries New Moon Eclipse you are over the threshold,and moving on into the New Earth timeline. Everything that was in the Way of this is collapsing and zeroing out. That role of interferences is ending, and they know it, and won’t even try any longer. All you need to do now is stay forward focused, purifying and healing, to keep moving ahead.
In Jesus Christ’s name amen 🙏
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
Eagle Lion and Dove
Ra James
Venus has shifted into Aries until April 29th.
Expect a lot of desire, passion and action in your relationships. These will be intense energies for your love life. Expect a lot of energy. Venus is the Planet of money and romance. Venus in Aries is about finding someone who is both a mind and heart connection. Your love life may be a little hard to navigate right now with Venus entering Aries mid-Eclipse Season and while in Mercury Retrograde. Expect setbacks in love. These energies are all about healing the past.
It’s an aligned time to focus more on your needs. April 8th is our Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse. This Eclipse will bring major changes to our life especially in relationships and our finances. It’s bringing major new beginning vibes. This Eclipse occurs within a few degrees of our North Node. Eclipses on the North Node can have a purging effect. This Eclipse also forms a tight conjunction with Chiron.
We will have five celestial bodies and the North Node all in Aries. Expect things to move fast. Old wounds are coming up for healing and our destiny is being activated In a big way. This Eclipse also aligns with Saturn in Pisces. Expect a lot of karmic energy to be clearing. This Eclipse is great for shifting back on track if you have felt lost lately. It will also be huge for bringing any destined lovers together…
4/5 Venus has entered Aries! The Devine feminine fire is lit!
The waning moon in Pisces set to conjoin Mars tonight, Saturn Saturday morning and finally Neptune early morning hours Sunday before she enters Aries to conjoin Venus.
Don’t buy into to the fear porn around this eclipse. The highest of healing light is coming with this eclipse so of course you know the matrix is going to crank out the shadow. We’re on a mission here to flip the frequency of a planet and light up the grid. I was given a vision of this sticky, wet layer that has been placed over the Earth in attempts to bring forth fear. Don’t fall for it. Stay in your light. Stay in peace and joy. Expand the heart. This is when we’re entering the dark moon in Pisces, the last house of the zodiac where Neptune is at it it’s farthest point (in the Saturn decan) ever in our lifetime— so it is going to get weird.
Walk in the light (with no fear frequency) & spread the sparkle
On Friday, April 5th, the Moon, ruler of our emotional cycles, is now in etheric, water sign Pisces. Today Luna is approaching a connection to Mars, planet of impatience and restlessness, and Saturn, ruler of tests and karmic experiences, as they both travel through this sign of the Fish. Pisces is about trust and surrender, and as we near the New Moon Solar Eclipse, this is what we must do. As the last sign of the zodiac, Pisces is a sign of completion.
We are releasing and letting go, learning to go with the flow, and having a greater understanding of the lessons our soul came in to experience. Have faith……the Universe is assisting us with a realignment over the next few weeks. We will end up where we need to be.
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
the Moon, ruler of our emotional cycles, is now in etheric, water sign Pisces
Venus enters Aries – The way we approach our relationships, money and values shifts. Aries is fast and furious and we’re apt to get caught up in the heat of the chase. Take a moment to check in with whether the object of your desire truly speaks to your heart or whether thrill-seeking has taken over as driver. Still, this transit encourages adventure and adds a little spice and sass. Sometimes you’ve got to be direct about what want.
Self-esteem is boosted when you’re brave. Cheer yourself on at every opportunity. Give yourself permission to go after what you want. It isn’t selfish to put yourself first for a change. State clearly what you like so that you and the Universe are sure of your direction. Practice fierce self-love to propel your life forwards. You can attract what you need by being assertive and confident but don’t allow competitiveness to spoil your enthusiasm. There is no comparison to another’s journey. Live your life true to you. You don’t have to wait to be happy.
‘Spectral’ is the name for the number eleven and its keywords are ‘Dissolve, Release and Liberate’. We are on the 11th day of the Red Earth wavespell which is the challenge of Blue Hand. In a sense we are Liberated from that agenda and so we get a break from this 13-day journey. Today is a great day to release anything that is holding you back. You will feel lighter if you do. The number 11 comes as a welcome relief to those who may not enjoy the wavespell agenda that we’ve been adhering to.
Today is Blue Hand which represents ‘Healing, Inner Knowing and Accomplishment’. Blue Hand days are great for putting your hands to good use, for accomplishing things with your hands and for making agreements (shaking hands). As it is a Spectral day, we can be ‘liberated by healing’. So, if you need a helping hand don’t be afraid to ask. The Blue Hand also symbolizes accomplishment and this can make us feel quite ambitious. You can tap into this energy and accomplish a great deal today and that feeling is very liberating. Reach out and grab what you want today, the energy is very handy!
The Guide today is also Blue Hand and so a double dose healing energy is available to us today. The 11th day of a wavespell (and the first and sixth day) are always guided by themselves. This means the message of the day is simplified because there is a double dose of the energy and no outside influence.
The Challenge is the Red Earth which is the wavespell we are in. This means the agenda for the wavespell, which in this case is Evolution, doesn’t make any progress today as the Earth is in a weakened, challenged position. If you are a Red Earth, you may find the Blue Hand gives you a slap in the face. No worries just hold up your hands in surrender and you’ll be fine. For the rest of us, forget about what you set out to do on day one of this wavespell. Take a day off.
The Occult power is the White Wizard which represents ‘Enchantment’. The Wizard naturally suits this magical position because magic and spells is what the Wizard is concerned with. The White Wizard is very strengthened in this position and therefore his spells work well. You may find yourself under a spell today and feeling a little surreal. Tap into this energy and you too can be charming. The Wizard can lead us down the rabbit hole when he has so much power and he does like to mess with our reality a bit. If by the end of the day, you find yourself feeling a little confused, blame the Wizard.
The Ally is the Yellow Human and so if you are one – expect to be called upon for help and support. The Human is the channeller and if you don’t know one, but could do with some help today, be like the Human and use your natural psychic abilities. Decisions are much easier to make when we trust our gut instincts.
An EXTRAORDINARY CODE for Manifesting great healing through total Spiritual transformation and LIBERATION!!!
Day 11 in the RED EARTH WAVESPELL of evolution, through navigating our way through the signs, synchronicity and Earth Majik. Flowing and aligning with the rhythms and cycles of Nova Gaia.
Today is a day of RELEASE!!! Releasing all energies built up over the last 10 days and manifested yesterday. Today we are seeking to release HEALING in order to ACCOMPLISH LIBERATION from what was blocking and limiting us from moving forward.
SPECTRAL is the 11th tone of creation. It operates in the EMOTIONAL realm and its actions are that of dissolving, releasing and liberating! Today is all about emotional release – allow that energy in motion -E-Motion – to be ex-pressed and dissolved. Allow the tears, the laughter, the joy to be expressed, no holding back, connect with your higher wisdom giving you the intelligence to carve a new path of LIBERATION.
This is a very powerful opportunity to RELEASE CORE WOUNDING of old ancient ancestral patterns and cycles. Choosing to RELEASE and LIBERATE all that no longer serves our wellbeing. KIN 167 serves a great purpose here, so use this energy to fuel your r-evolution-ary LIBERATION.
KIN 167 falling in an ECLIPSE CAULDRON is a phenomenal GIFT – as it accelerates the release of the anchors that caused DIS-EASE. Allow SPECTRAL MANIK to be your DIVINE HEALER = accomplishing wholeness through regenerative healing.
These are very powerful energies at work today to create final CLOSURE, dissolving all impediments to you finally claiming your true Sovereignty. Tone 11 SYMBOLIZES a gateway and polarity, inviting you to step through into a NEW more DIVINE, REALITY in your perfected GOLDEN CHRISTED body.
Spectral tone 11 – gives us a DOORWAY today to LIBERATE ourselves and walk into our NEW LIFE – HEALED and WHOLE.
Today’s question is “What dis-ease and outmoded patterns, can I FULLY dissolve today through the power of LOVE, to finally accomplish greater Healing for my whole being (body, mind and Spirit) and Pachamama? “
Divine blessings for accomplishing tremendous RESULTS in your return to LOVE and wholeness today. The PAST is forever GONE
Viva – la LOVE r-Evolution!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
18 months ago – 2t Galactic spins KIN 167 occured on 1st NOVEMBER 2022 – which was ALL SAINTS’ DAY . A very HEAVENLY DIVINE DAY amplifying today’s 8.8. INFINITE SOURCE FLOW CODE...
After yesterday’s intense 4.4. PORtal and the link to HALLOWEEN, today promises to be a MUCH LIGHTER DAY!!
36 MONTHS AGO – KIN 167 aligned with VALENTINE’S DAY on 14 FEBRUARY 2022 – so we are reconnecting with that portal date today.-
LET THE LOVE FLOW FORTH NOW as we head towards the unconditional LOVE/WHITE DOG wavespell on 8th APRIL 2024.
CONSCIOUS & HIGHER SELF:BLUE SPECTRAL HAND MANIK – Today we have DOUBLE BLUE HAND energy! MANIK brings forth miraculous healing power with WHITE WIZARD’s superpowers in ending your pain, suffering and dis-ease on the road to WELLNESS.
Today we attract this new HEALING frequency, accompanied by a sense of accomplishment. Resources and solutions will appear as you gain satisfaction in knowing you are finally making significant progress in your healing journey – whatever form that may take, be it physical, mental, emotional or mental. You can finally uncover the SOLUTIONS and CURES needed to dissolve the dis-ease and release all suffering, LIBERATING you to live a joyous life again.
MANIK ensures you accomplish your DREAMS and desires.Today is a wonderful time TO GET THINGS DONE, to volunteer, to assist others and offer a helping hand. Get out your TO DO list, or your BUCKET LIST and start prioritizing your tasks to ensure you fully maximize the incredible gifts that MANIK bestows upon you today..
On a Planetary level KIN 167 is a tremendous code for Planetary healing – like a Tsunami of REI-KI energy encircling the globe to afford HEALING wherever and by whomever it is needed. Particularly potent with a 5.5. and 8.8 code giving us HEAVEN’S BLESSING to LIBERATE DIVINE HEALING.
Make sure you ASK and direct this DIVINE energy where it is needed through your INTENTION. We are all on this journey together to WHOLENESS – the more we accomplish HEALING – the more we LIBERATE our souls to create and ACCOMPLISH GREAT THINGS!
And what force can accomplish the most HEALING? The strongest force in the UNIVERSE – that of unconditional LOVE..
Connect through the portals to the VALENTINE’S DAY energy and remember that this day is not solely for the celebration of romantic love. We are reminded of the healing power of LOVE – through self-love, love for our family, friends and pets, love for our country and love for our planet.
Expand your concept of the giving and receiving of LOVE to encompass all forms of the expression of LOVE.. LET your LOVE FLOW – send waves of LOVE to ONE and ALL, especially PACHAMAMA.
SUPPORT: YELLOW SPECTRAL HUMAN EB supports us in CHOOSING to do the healing work that will set us FREE, reclaiming our FREE WILL to navigate our future path. We have the power today to elevate ourselves beyond the limitations of our physical HU-MAN vessel and raise our cellular frequency to that of the Divine HU-MAN. Our ANGELIC GOLDEN CHRISTED lightbodies can be accessed through the healing codes prevalent today.
We can LIBERATE HIGHER LOVE – through aligning with our HIGHER Selves today, to liberate more COMPASSION, empathy, acceptance and understanding of our fellow man. Connecting to DIVINE LOVE not only HEALS our self, but also others in our presence. This dissolves our EGO and liberates more of our pure authentic Divine self so that we are in alignment with DIVINE WILL.
Today we can honour all the DIVINE HU-MANS and Ascended Masters, who have walked upon this Earth plane, and dedicated their lives to the betterment of others. It is a BRILLIANT DAY to connect and INVOKE them to impart much wisdom and grace to you.
ASK for their guidance in how you can attain these qualities and ASCEND to a DIVINE HU-MAN as they did before you.
EB provides the power of INFLUENCE, so we will be influenced by others, or alternatively we will influence others to take the healing journey to wellness and accomplishment. Ultimately the Spectral human is serving to LIBERATE the divine wisdom of our HU-MAN and DIVINE CREATOR.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE ELECTRIC WIZARD IX – KAPOW The ELECTRIC WIZARD as today’s SUPERPOWER is an incredible POWER to bestow… The White Majik of our Wizard is supercharged and amplified to effect a more spontaneous and lasting result.
The ELECTRIC WIZARD activates the flow of HEALING LOVE energy from our HEARTS to our HANDS.. Whatever we touch we can HEAL..
The connection between our HEART and HANDS is DIVINE ..
Anything HANDMADE – reflects this divine LOVE flowing from our creative soul.. Use your loving HANDS to reach out and HEAL yourself and others today. Hold the hands of another, give them a hug or simply offer a helping HAND. All these gestures will OPEN the HEART of the recipient.
The ELECTRIC tone operates in the EMOTIONAL realm and magnetizes our ability to BOND with others. We are HIGHLY charged through our HEART CHAKRA as we attract others of our vibration.
The ELECTRIC WIZARD has the power to ENCHANT others through the power of a PURE and passionate HEART aligned with SOURCE. The magnetic effect of LOVE is the highest form of WHITE MAJIK in the UNIVERSE, and this is available to all who wish to draw upon this power today.. Tune in and let your TRUE HEART do the talking!
IX flamboyantly materializes before you in a vortex of violet and electric blue energy. He presents with his magnificent sceptre to provide the tools to really benefit from this potent HEALING energy available today. Regaining VICTORY over your health challenges and your LIFE. Pure alchemy is available to you today, as the aethers will shapeshift to create your projected thought forms into matter!
What are you desiring to be HEALED? Does your HEART need HEALING???
TUNE in through your receptive heart portal and LISTEN for the solutions needed. You have the superpower of enchantment at your disposal today. Use it WISELY with harm to NONE!
Are you OPEN to experiencing all the MAJIK that the Universe has to offer you? Knowing and believing that MIRACLES and spontaneous healing can occur?
Step into your true Creator form today, and experience the miracle of being a Divine HEALING Alchemist.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED SPECTRAL EARTH CABAN. DOUBLE EARTH today with the wavespell energies, makes today another DATE WITH DESTINY – powerful synchronicity to accelerate the RIGHT TIMING for your progression on the RIGHT PATH.
CABAN activates our TIMELINES – past, present and future and particularly our ANCESTRAL lineage – so we can send forth ripples of HEALING throughout TIME today, in all directions – healing karma, ancestral patterns and programs that have been inherited from generation to generation. NOW is the TIME to HEAL these wounds. Connect with your ANCESTOR’S for more potent healing, guidance and wisdom.
CABAN enables us to Evolve through synchronicity, navigating our path via the SIGNS. RED EARTH is reminding us to LISTEN to our emotional intelligence today.
LISTEN to our bodies and LISTEN to our HEART.
The HEART will reveal when the timing is right. CABAN helps us to synchronize with the RIGHT PERSON, at the RIGHT TIME and RIGHT PLACE..
LISTEN and follow the CUES, as GAIA and DIVINE SPIRIT reveal the path to follow, to liberate your BLISS. If you get an impulse to go somewhere or contact someone – follow the lead, and see where it takes you.. Wondrous connections and new adventures await.
If you are desiring emotional and physical healing of your vessel, ask Spirit to work through your body revealing the signs that lead to HEALING – remedies, cures and solutions.
Above all remember that Mother Nature is our most potent healing force on this planet, so remember to incorporate your daily dose of sunshine, trees, bird’s singing, waves tumbling, river’s flowing, and the beautiful scent of flowers blossoming. Celebrate our connectedness to this Natural wonder that surrounds us. Remember to walk barefoot on the EARTH, grounding for a minimum of 20 minutes a day to fully utilize the MAGNETIC healing force of GAIA.
Perhaps you may prefer to research and choose wonderful vibrational medicines and frequencies, technologies such as SOLFEGGIO and TERAHERTZ frequencies, Scalar energy, RIFE machines and PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) Therapy for cellular rejuvenation. Homeopathy, flower essences, herbs, crystals, essential oils and potions provide INFINITE resources and solutions for your HEALING journey.
NOW is the RIGHT TIME!! You have been waiting long enough for TOTAL healing and transformation to occur. Step up and take ACTION in order to accomplish this healing today.
The GIFT of RED SPECTRAL EARTH in the RED EARTH wavespell is to LIBERATE the much needed HEALING for our Planet.
Releasing the knowledge needed to provide the solutions to our Global problems – both environmental and social – affecting humanity. What ails humanity also ails our Pachamumma – so as we HEAL so too does GAIA.
SPECTRAL EARTH is also known as SHAKING or QUAKING EARTH – so be mindful of Earthquakes, tremors, volcanic eruptions and other forms of EARTH release in order to liberate and clear GAIA’S meridians and planetary chakras – especially as we are in an ECLIPSE window!.
NOTE: If you have the BLUE HAND star glyph in your Dreamspell signature then your HEALING abilities (and your ability to heal yourself) are supercharged exponentially today. . YELLOW HUMAN tribe will find themselves helping/healing others more, whilst RED EARTH kin may be challenged and tested. If they are more evolved EARTH kin, then they will be like a traffic officer, pointing the direction for others to navigate their course.
Let us INTEND to select the BEST COURSE today for GLOBAL HEALING
The PATH of pure, DIVINE UNCONDITIONAL and endless LOVE.
MAY LOVE, AND LIGHT AND POWER -restore our Planet Earth.
Today’s question is “What dis-ease and outmoded patterns, can I FULLY dissolve today through the power of LOVE, to finally accomplish greater Healing for my whole being (body, mind and Spirit) and Pachamama? “
Divine blessings for accomplishing tremendous RESULTS in your return to LOVE and wholeness today. The PAST is forever GONE
Viva – la LOVE r-Evolution!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
🔥 New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading for the week of
March 31st through April 6th 2024 with my Sacred Condor 🔥
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the astrology for the coming week from March 31st through April 6th 2024 which includes this weeks powerful transition through the Eclipse Corridor and Mercury turning retrograde. She also reads four powerful transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and Leads a Healing Ceremony and Guided Meditation for the Eclipse Corridor into the Total Solar Eclipse in Aries.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
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