Mother Earth & The Rainbow Warriors ~ Hopi Elders ~ We are Shifting into Authenticity ~ Sacred Mother
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Galactic Winged Nation of our Freedom Legion of Light
With these powerful energies coming in as we complete the last several days of this intense month of April we are merging many timelines and dimensions into this one True Natural Ascension Timeline.
To assist Gaia and all her Children of the Sun in this Quantum Leap and Shift of the Ages our local Solaris released two more M Class Solar Flares today with the most powerful maxing at M 3.1 at 21:40 UTC. Pachamama also received two major activations today on the Pacific Ring of Fire with a magnitude 6.1 earthquake in Indonesia at 16:29 UTC. and a 6.5 quake in Japan at 8:35 UTC.
Synchronizing with these transformative New Earth Events we have a powerful Galactic Activation Portal Day on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar with Kin 189 RED RESONANT MOON.
Through these transmissions, upgrades and activations we are entering altered states of higher consciousness as we move into our second attention of the unknown and bridge the two worlds of the non-physical we call metaphysical or spiritual with the physical as we merge Heaven and Earth through our Sacred Heart Centers. Keep it simple and practice mindfulness and meditation to free your self from the false 3d Matrix and step through the doorway into our New Heaven upon the New Earth.
Venus enters her sign Taurus on the 29th One day later on the 30th Mars enters his in Aries as they come into Divine Union on May 1st for Beltane Celebration ,one of the eight Sabbats, It falls about halfway between the spring equinox (Ostara) and the coming summer solstice, Litha as we activate our Midsummer Night’s Dream. This will bring us into May 2 – The Last Day of Ridván (symbolizing Paradise) to carry us through the Magical 5:5 Portal of Abundance on May 5th.
Much of the current shift we are experiencing is in the subtle realms. Many Starseed Earth Angelics are alternating in conscious states of euphoria, nostalgia, deja vu’s, synchronicities, inspiration and elation in these present conditions. Keep going with the flow of the Divine Feminine of the Holy Waters in the downward flow directly to Source, the Ocean of Cosmic Consciousness in the Oneness of all Life…A’Ho!
A huge cloud in the shape of a woman seeded with life and birthing a rainbow.
In Native American culture there is a prophecy attributed to the Hopi known as the ‘Rainbow Warriors’ that traces its roots back centuries and has been passed down orally through the generations.
This prophecy speaks of a time where groups of peoples from all classes, colours and creeds will begin to come together all across the world to bring about positive change and spiritual awakening during a time of great upheaval and transition on planet Earth.
Akin to the birthing process & the emergence of new life, the prophesy foretells that these peoples will help to bring forth a new time, a new dawn and a new reality alongside Mother Earth for the benefit of the planet and all her inhabitants.
The Hopi elders named these tribes of peoples ‘The Rainbow Warriors’.
“Whether we feel our suffering as grief, numbness, boredom, angst, frustration, loneliness, or any other deeply uncomfortable state, we like to avoid it, so we find patterns of behaviour that temporarily suspend the discomfort.” – Richard Rudd, 64 Ways
We have had a massive multi-species collective & planetary shift overnight as per our Word of the Whale transmission yesterday. At first, your body may feel heavy on this new timeline, and you may need to take it slow this weekend. Please honor your processes, rest, hydrate, ground, and incorporate light movement when you feel up for it
With Great Love from Hazel & the Cosmic Resonance Team
Let us honor the Sacred Mother within and all around us. Let us celebrate and have a real time experience now of the Divine Mother in all HER aspects known and unknown.
We are being invited to WHALEcome the Sacred Mother into our Hearts. See and feel this Divine Feminine Energetic in all HER gloriousness bathe your Heart & Whole Being in steady streams of unconditional love. Feel the Divine FrequenSEAS of the Sacred Mother fill you, and nurture and nourish your Heart. Let the Sacred Mother feel into your Heart and share the Divine Attributes, Gifts, and Rays of Light that are perfect for you right now. Feel these Divine FrequenSEAS resonate & radiate through your Heart….
WE ARE the Sacred Mother to our Divine Heart blossoming in the world.
Let us intently listen, Mother, and see how we can best support the full blossoming of our Hearts and begin to experience the celestial symphony ALL our Heart Songs create together.
I AM the Sacred Mother to my Divine Heart blossoming in the world.
YOU ARE the Sacred Mother to your Divine Heart blossoming in the world.
4/27/24: This is another heart-full day with some final gifts from April… many of which will only become apparent later this year. But even if you don’t yet use what this month has shown you, it’s all yours and within you now and there will be a resultant shift in consciousness. This is one of the great truths and blessings in all forms of awakening… that we can’t see it and still live in it as it was. That we are automatically and forever changed by what we have seen and experienced.
It is the way of spiritual enlightenment and evolution. Your Right Action is to absorb, accept, embrace, and appreciate. These are potent days of growth and understanding. They are part of the great unveiling.
At this point it is important for the Living Ones to choose at which external expressions they will be giving their attention to.
There are many staged events that are taking place in the world that aim to create distraction, fear and uncertainty but also to program the subconscious mind because this is the time of the return of the Masculine.
There is a deep transformation of the third eye that is taking place and after the anchoring of the Masculine via the organic flows we will start experiencing this more clearly.
The transformation of the Third Eye will allow a new view and perception of the world.
This will be the greatest of the awakening processes so far!
The Living Ones will be able to see things that others won’t.
This will play a HUGE role in the unfoldment of the spiritual guidance that they will be receiving via nature during the process of the collective awakening.
Nature has been offering her spiritual messages stronger than ever before for the Living Ones to interpret and align to her natural changes.
Everything that is taking place in nature is also taking place within the bodies of the Living Ones because this system is in direct correlation to the human system.
It is very important that we do not lose focus right now by the impressive and staged events.
These events are but confirmations for things that we already know via the inner work.
At this point it is important that the Living Ones make this distinction so that they do not get lost in the flow of the news and their staged paradigm as things will be intensifying.
The Living Ones need their energy for the very important developments that are taking place now in the inner worlds.
This is the time of full restoration so that stability and steadiness in the organic flows can be achieved as part of the preparation for when the external reality creates chaos which will cause the many many Children to suddenly wake up.
These Children will seek out help for their readjustment so this will be the time for even more service.
Another seal of the Apocalypse has opened.
For the world this means more chaos but for the Living Ones it means liberation, realisation and the birthing of a New Life on a new path and direction via the Solar Abundance!
Coming up
January 28 2023 was the day that the Orange Diamond Egg of Abundance returned back to our realm.
It was delivered by the Sacred Hands of the Druids of Inner Earth to the wise Hands of special Guardian Light beings in the Ilse of Man and placed at a safe location under water in the Atlantic Ocean.
Dear friends, as you probably noticed, this month of April has been an energetic rollercoaster for many of us. Looking back, we have been through many pivotal energetic events: the 4:4 portal, two eclipses, several significant planetary alignments, meteor showers, solar flares, and mercury retrograde. Yes, that’s a lot for a single month.
Our energetic and physical bodies have been adjusting and recalibrating non-stop during these 30 days. Old stagnant energy blockages have been brought up to surface for processing and clearing in a huge number of people around the world. We are undergoing an individual and collective evolutionary journey together.
We are in the midst of dissolving ancient limiting structures that have been affecting our consciousness evolution for many years. For this reason, it is the “new normal” during this period/year to feel a bit lost, experiencing a sense of waking between dimensions, and a lack of clarity about the overall future. We are moving into higher realms of reality, higher frequencies, and this is an unknown territory for most of humans on this planet. And even if some of us have had experiences in other past civilizations, we all now have to undergo this Earthly evolutionary journey together.
As we end this month and transition into the new energies of May, we may still experience some clearing and liberating processes within our bodies. The nervous system, the cardiovascular system, digestive and all the detoxing routes (skin, kidneys, glands, and liver) are working non-stop to release these old patterns and toxic ways of being. We are moving day by day, step by step, into higher and healthier timelines, more aligned with our sacred nature. We are going back into our roots in order to go up into the higher dimensions. As we move forward on this journey of clearing and integrating, we are allowing the higher frequencies to become an intrinsic part of our own biology and energetic essence.
The lower chakras are also coming more on-line as we move into the energies of May. This process may also bring to surface old fears of survival, guilt, shame, and feelings of unworthiness. Try to observe your own process daily, and remember that all is happening in divine timing. As we move into the 5:5 energy portal, these emotional issues may become clearer to you. Rest as much as needed and stay hydrated to facilitate the flow of energy within your systems.
We are entering a high frequency portal of a rare Hybrid Solar activity that is bringing significant waves of Solar Plasma and celestial energy, marking a new level of spiritual initiation for human evolution. This is pushing our consciousness to accelerate consciousness and raise our vibrational frequency, activate our DNA, and clear blockages from our energy systems.
These energies can cause extreme Ascension symptoms as the Solar Plasma detoxifies and transmutes negative energy to accelerate our evolutionary journey. It’s important for us the ascending to acknowledge that negative people and groups may try to manipulate the frequency during this window, using fear tactics, and frequency manipulation. Therefore, it’s wise for us to maintain a high vibration and not succumb to internal programmed fears.
Starseeds are seekers of profound Truth , and will strip each and every layer in all levels in everything to find it .
Starseeds Speaking your truth may activate certain individuals, but it has the potential to liberate more souls than we can possibly envision. The people who are meant to be in your life will accept and appreciate your authenticity while those who are not in your alignment will eventually disappear. This is not a time to hold back revealing your true and genuine self, those who share your depth and vibrational alignment will find you.
This is a time when Individuals with differing evolutionary and spiritual frequencies will move away from your sphere of influence , while those who share your frequencies will draw closer. It’s incredible to witness how those who are meant to be in your life will appear effortlessly and divinely guided and on time .
It’s also beneficial to not assume that others share the same values and morals . Rather, believe what they demonstrate through their actions.Your heart’s transformation into unconditional love is paving the way for Ascension prosperity and abundance.
Remaining open and optimistic to receiving higher light support and from the ascending others groups, and guidance that will present themselves to you on the path .
These opportunities will bring clarity and divine inspiration, including new creative ideas. Keep following the guidance and support that is coming your way, as it will contribute to your strength, power, and control over your life’s direction .
The highest form of intelligence on this planet is human compassion . Human compassion is a powerful force that has the highest potential to transform the world we live in. It is the ability to recognise and empathise with the suffering of others, and to take possible action to alleviate it. Compassion inspires acts of kindness, understanding, and support that creates positive change in society. It develops the connection to empathy, and unity among humanity bridging the gaps that divide us.
In a world that often seems divided and driven by individual interests, human compassion serves as a beacon of hope and humanity. It reminds us of our shared experiences, struggles, and aspirations. Compassion encourages us to look beyond ourselves and extend a helping hand to those in need, creating a sense of community and belonging.
From supporting those affected by natural disasters to standing up against injustice and inequality, human compassion drives meaningful change and creates a more caring and empathetic world. It reminds us of our common humanity and the collective responsibility we have to make the world a better place for all. Embracing compassion in our daily lives leads to a more harmonious and compassionate planet for future generations to come.
We are shifting into authenticity, a far deeper search for meaning, even as we move through this powerful transfiguration process.
Become aware that old ways of life and living on this planet have gone forever, as much as some are desperately trying to keep it so.
As the search for meaning deepens, the soul rises in new and powerful ways, wishing to live its truth, to be who and what you are in truth.
The sixth veil has been lifted off the third eye and only one remains. Our true seeing is being returned in octaves now. With it comes a deeper soul searching.
Embrace the soul searching for it connects you to the divinity within you, as you find slowly but surely a new life forming within you, new vision and a much higher sense of purpose and meaning.
For it is so necessary now to find your true north.
This is the beginning of the true hero’s and heroine’s journey, as we are asked now to not only cocreate the life we truly wish to live from the heart and soul and with great love, but at the same time, help to cocreate this for every man, woman and child on earth, all living beings as well as for the New Earth.
The vital key is love and authenticity.
Ask for the greater vision and know that in the midst of it all, a new inner joy arises, as with every step you take, the new arises. You suddenly see what you could not see before, as guidance comes and you are lifted into a totally new life and new beginnings.
For the time is at hand, when souls simply know for sure the old ways are not working and are not valid anymore and will truly see with new hearts and minds that wars are futile, and brute force only begets more brute force. No more fear mongering nor buying into it.
This is a total change of heart.
The change is within.
Remember this.
For even in the midst of seeming chaos, the new arises in powerful ways, yet filled with love, and for the greater and highest good of all.
See the Great Awakening reaching endless Light Opportunities.
Simply Affirm and Realise this great moment is all you Need for wonderful Light Harmony and Expansion.
The Harmonics of Light are now in great Metamorphosis.
Simply See the Light Expansion of YOU.
Cosmic Love for You
Infinite Light Expansion
The Arcturians & Karen Lithika
Ra James
Today is a Galactic Activation Portal Day. These are spiritual days where the veil is thin. On these days we receive a huge influx of energies. These days are amazing for tapping in on a deeper level to yourself. April has been all about clearing and cleansing your energies. We have two Galactic Activation Portal Days left this month. Today, and the 30th. These days are all about using the energies to do spiritual work. They are days for doing healing and activation work. These are Pleiadian Portal Days. The Pleiades is always the marker of Beltane. Beltane kicks off May 1st and marks the beginning of Summer.
It’s the midway point between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice. During May the Pleiades will begin to shift into a powerful alignment with our Sun. At Beltane the Pleiades star cluster rises just before sunrise on the morning horizon. Beltane brings balance to the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine. These energies are all about healing and opening your heart chakra. It’s a powerful time for Twin Flames. During Beltane the energies of the Earth are at their strongest.
The Earth’s energies activate, and the Earth’s kundalini energy comes back online. That makes this a powerful time for us to connect with the energies of the Earth. Beltane is a fire and fairy festival day. It’s a great time to be connecting with the magic that is all around us…
On Saturday, April 27th, the Moon, ruler of cycles, is still in freedom seeking Sagittarius and as she moves through the rest of the sign of the Archer, will be connecting to Chiron, healer of past wounds, Uranus, planet of higher dimensional energies, Jupiter, ruler of bold expansion, Mars, planet of activation, Venus, ruler of attraction, and Neptune, ruler of the higher cosmic realms.
Adjustments are being made to our energy bodies……physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Looking at the bigger picture is what Sagittarius is all about, and now we are having greater awareness of our emotions, old traumas and patterns, our belief systems, and what it means to be a spiritual warrior who confidently and courageously moves through earthly challenges in order to evolve. We’ve got this!
Sedna enters Gemini – Poor Sedna. Whilst hanging on to the side of the boat, her father chopped off her fingers in a bid to save himself. Sedna sank to the depths; her fingers became sea creatures and she transcended from victim to ocean goddess. As Gemini rules the hands, Sedna now reclaims her fingers, showing us how to express ourselves from a deeper place, how to communicate with more than words, how to transmute pain and sorrow into powerful teachings. Our hands are built to touch, to caress, to mould and shape, to illustrate, to invent, to create. Our hands tell stories. Here is the hand of friendship, the helping hand, the safe hand, the hand up. No more ‘talk to the hand’, instead, a dialogue. My breath is your breath.
This evolution of consciousness for the collective begins with an openness to learn. No more bitter thoughts tainting the breath, instead an offering of words sent out on the wind to become food for the soul. Neural networks fire and wire with each new nugget of information. Each new neural pathway becomes a new road to explore in the outer world. It’s time to expand our understanding of the mind and the vast universe that resides inside. Release old mental constructs. A new world awaits.
‘Resonant’ is the name for the number seven and its keywords are ‘Channel, Inspire and Attune’. We are right in the middle of the Blue Night wavespell and this is a Portal day. Today has the potential to be powerful but not as intense as some Portal days as the Moon’s energy is laid back. (unless you don’t surrender). The number seven is very intuitive and so trusting your gut feelings is highly recommended today. We are right in the middle now, of the wavespell of dreams. Time to consider how your plans are coming along and what you should do for the remainder of this 13 day journey. Because the middle day falls on the number seven, it’s handy that we take stock using our intuition – as the outcome is likely to be more successful.
Today is the Red Moon and it represents ‘Purify, Universal Water and Flow’. This is a really psychic day and if you use your natural intuitive abilities, you’ll flow in the right direction. Relax and simply go with it and you will find yourself pulled along with the tide…where that takes you who knows! Try to go against the flow and you will end up exhausted today. The combination of day and number is excellent as they both promote channeling and flowing.
The Guide today is Red Dragon which represents ‘Nurturing and Rebirth’. When the Dragon leads the way, we are encouraged to take care of each other. To withdraw if necessary, into a cave. As it is a Red Moon day and the Moon encourages us to relax, then this goes perfectly with the caring Dragon energy. The Dragon also represents new beginnings but as we are channeling today, and not forcing anything – any new beginnings are only possible if we just wait and see what the tide washes up.
The Challenge is the Blue Storm which likes to generate energy and influence big changes but this Stormy energy is weakened when in the challenge position meaning it will be hard to make big changes today. Resistance is futile, you must surrender to the Moon. If you are a Blue Storm you probably won’t like Red Moon days but they are good for you. Surrendering is something you need to practice anyway and so treat it like an opportunity to change your behavior.
The Occult power is the Yellow Human and this makes the whole day even more psychic! Human in the magical position means we become vessels for magical channeling. Expect something amazing to happen today.
The Ally is the White Dog who loves the Moon’s easy-going energy. If you want to hang out with someone who is great at chilling out, find a White Dog.
KIN 189 = 18= 9 – Destiny/Service/Compassion/Humanity/Grace
Day 7 in the BLUE NIGHT WAVESPELL of dreams, intuition and ABUNDANCE. Where we are collectively DREAMING the NEW WORLD into reality!
Today we are inspired to channel the intuitive and sensitive Goddess energies, becoming more fluid in order to b-Earth our Dreaming time in her Universal Waters. The WATERS of Nova Gaia have broken! B-Earth is imminent!!
RESONANT – Tone 7 in the EMOTIONAL realm. ACTION – inspires, POWER – channel, ESSENCE – attunement.
A definition of attunement ‘is a kinesthetic and emotional sensing of others, knowing their rhythm, affect and experience by metaphorically being in their skin. Going beyond empathy, to create a two-person experience of unbroken feeling connectedness by providing a reciprocal affect and/or resonating response’. Wikipedia
Today we are supersensitive as we are attuned through our senses – the emotional “feeling” body. So we are super connected to our kin and FEELING the resonance of togetherness as one GLOBAL FAMILY, attuned to unconditional love and our collective Dream of Abundance..
Deeply TUNE IN today and FEEL what your body is sensing.
At tone 7 our vibrating phenomenon learns to be still and to listen. Mystical 7 understands that EVERYWHERE is majikal but right here is better, once we attune and then channel the majik through this present moment. Number 7 is also the frequency of the Mystic and the Magician giving you the MAJIK to channel LOVE and God’s GRACE in this pure DIVINE energy today.
What CHANNEL are you ATTUNED to today?
Today’s DREAMSPELL code is deeply Feminine, loving and POWERFULLY fluid in its FLOW – balancing the masculine and ACTIVE energies of the SUN through the past SOLSTICE portal.
We have both ACTIVE and RECEPTIVE energies at our disposal… an absolutely perfect opportunity to ATTUNE to these forces and CHANNEL them into any areas of our Planet that need gentle purification and harmonization through Divine Feminine nurturance and SOLAR illumination.
By taking responsibility for Gaia’s body as our own, we can powerfully affect great healing and balance through our heart resonance and loving intention….
So beloveds a divinely POWERFUL G.A.P. day to attune, channel and go with the nurturing and Abundant flow of life as we walk through these GOLDEN DOORWAYS together. .
Today’s question is “How can I allow these new energies to FLOW through my being, as we B-Earth a better life/world filled with prosperity and BLISS?
Divine blessings for attuning to the greatest FLOW of Universal Joy and Abundance.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
Four GALACTIC SPINS ago (36 moons/months), KIN 189 aligned with the SOLSTICE portal on 21 JUNE 2021 – which brings forth the energies of that
EVENT through the loop in TIME.. Extra potency adding to the G.A.P. today. We have the POWER of the GODDESS aligning and balancing
the POWER of the SUN which is a masculine energy… a divine dance harmonizing the FLOW and BALANCE between the masculine and feminine forces.
It is very fitting that the RESONANT GODDESS is the first to greet us at the DOOR.
HALLELUJAH BROTHORS and SISTARS we have arrived in the NEW TIME.
Today is a VERY potent day for attuning to the feminine POWER of the Goddess to discover a
CONSCIOUS SELF: RED RESONANT MOON – MULUC Represents the GODDESS energies. MULUC heightens our intuition and sensitivity today enabling us to create the connections needed to bring in more FLOW.. The RESONANT tone super AMPLIFIES the sensitivities and psychic gifts of the our channel is cleared and fully conductive.
MULUC focuses on purification and gently releasing old energies. As it is an Emotional plane day, MULUC assists in purifying our emotional body, by clearing away any density. Purifying our thoughts, beliefs and programs and those of our Collective, in order to align with the Harmonic matrix and synchronic flow.
We can synchronize with the GAP portal – opening the VEIL through the corridors of TIME through the PAST SOLSTICE energies, releasing the DARKNESS and welcoming the LIGHT, as we invite the SUN to SHINE and the GODDESS to bring more FLOW into our lives.
Tune into the resonance of the undercurrents, what is happening in the unconscious realms. Open to the FLOW of Universal Waters to access pure consciousness allowing more Abundance to flow in.
The energies are pushing us to “GO WITH THE NEW FLOW” becoming softer and more fluid, allowing these Cosmic currents to FLOW through our vessels. Purify and release, allowing the GODDESS to attune your being and connect you to your feminine gifts once again.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: RED RESONANT DRAGON – IMIX represents Mother Goddess who births all of Creation as the feminine aspect of CREATOR. The wise Sophia Dragon tribe holds the codes to manifest in the Dreamtime.
IMIX is a deeply feminine energy, coupled with RED MOON we have the two sisters powerfully leading the energies today, which is very fitting on this GAP PORTAL NEW TIME GATEWAY..the old PATRIARCHAL system has fallen and the GODDESS rises on her THRONE.
It is a beautiful day for the Divine Feminine to ARISE in our Collective Minds.
IMIX is the nurturer, Nurturing the New Consciousness that is based on more PURE realities. As the SUN RISES today we can birth a NEW REALITY! A brighter future for all, as a new day dawns and a new Golden Era is born.
Today we CHANNEL all that is revealed on the path to realizing our collective DREAM. Birthing greater response-ability within ourselves, and choosing to co-create in a new and caring manner, nurturing our fluid and pure common union with ourselves and others. Going with the flow of the most pure intelligence, agenda-free community, birthing more sensitive and compassionate tribes so that we can collectively B-EARTH a better world. HALLELUJAH!
SUPPORT: WHITE RESONANT DOG – OC What is the GODDESS without LOVE? These two go together like two peas in a pod. OC is a loyal companion to the Goddess, embodying the divine feminine qualities of pure, unadulterated, unconditional love. Holding the qualities of forgiveness, compassion and devotion to Spirit through Service to others. Inspiring others to do the same with open loving hearts.
As we merge into ONENESS through the DREAMTIME, anchoring the collective Dreaming in the pure perfection of Divine Love throughout our timeless receptivity. OC reminds us to see and feel everything through our hearts and the eyes of LOVE, purifying our thoughts and emotions, to only hold loving thoughts for the good of all as we EXPAND, endlessly floating on these fluid channels of BLISS.
It is very fitting that WHITE DOG is supporting THE GODDESS today, walking side by side bringing forth the LOVE CODES and birthing a New Era of LOVE.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW RESONANT HUMAN – EB represents learning through past experience, and making WISER choices, using our intelligence to choose a better world. And what a BRILLIANT day to have this energy as our SUPERPOWER – the whole AGENDA and purpose behind this day aligning with DIVINE WILL and the DIVINE PLAN for HUMANITY. Making THE BEST CHOICES for ALL HUMANITY!
We can CHOOSE to FEEL, react and behave differently, uniquely and progressively, with a new focus on anchoring the DREAM through re-union and Service to GOD, Humanity and our Planet.
The RESONANT Human is very strongly connected to GOD/GODDESS/SPIRIT through FULL alignment with Divine Will – channeling the messages and being a divine conduit. TRUST the DIVINE PLAN.
Through purifying the archaic patriarchal system and its control mechanisms, we can reclaim our Collective POWER by listening to our Earth Mother and her waters and going with the FLOW of our own PURE instinct. Elevating our Collective MIND so that we can manifest the Collective dream of Abundance in the New time. Choosing to share our Abundance with others, in the cycle of giving and receiving – inflow and outflow, continuous flow. Unifying our free will with the Will of spirit and the GODDESS!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE RESONANT STORM – CAUAC is today’s GIFT, working synergistically with MULUC to cleanse, PURIFY and transform your LIGHT-BODY elevating you to pure SOPHIA/CHRISTOS consciousness.
The RESONANT STORM is very strongly attuned to transformation and catalyzing these revolutionary energies for self generation. CAUAC is the catalyst to transform the old and co-create the expansion of the ever-expanding Harmonic of the Divine and elegant design of PURE consciousness. Transforming our world into a loving and nurturing planet.
Allow the Universal waters of the GODDESS and MULUC to harmonize with BLUE STORM and powerfully transport you to a new Divine and Abundant reality of PURE HEAVENLY BLISS.
Today’s DREAMSPELL code is deeply Feminine, loving and POWERFULLY fluid in its FLOW – balancing the masculine and ACTIVE energies of the SUN through the past SOLSTICE portal.
We have both ACTIVE and RECEPTIVE energies at our disposal… an absolutely perfect opportunity to ATTUNE to these forces and CHANNEL them into any areas of our Planet that need gentle purification and harmonization through Divine Feminine nurturance and SOLAR illumination.
By taking responsibility for Gaia’s body as our own, we can powerfully affect great healing and balance through our heart resonance and loving intention….
So beloveds a divinely POWERFUL G.A.P. day to attune, channel and go with the nurturing and Abundant flow of life as we walk through these GOLDEN DOORWAYS together. .
Today’s question is “How can I allow these new energies to FLOW through my being, as we B-Earth a better life/world filled with prosperity and BLISS?
Divine blessings for attuning to the greatest FLOW of Universal Joy and Abundance.
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
🔥 NEW on Patreon: Rainbow Dragon Reiki Fire Healing Ceremony and Transmission 🕉 Buddha Chakras 🔥
In this very special Video transmission Paul White Gold Eagle transmits the Reiki, Healing Universal Life Force, to you as he guides you through a transformative Meditation and Visualization of the Rainbow Dragon Body Energies and Gold Buddha Activation!
“Experience the transformative power of the Rainbow Dragon Reiki Fire Healing Ceremony and Transmission in this immersive video. 🕉️ Embark on a journey of healing and enlightenment as we harness the ancient wisdom of Buddha Chakras Meditation.
🌈 Feel the fiery energy of the Rainbow Dragon enveloping you, igniting your inner flame of vitality and renewal. Let go of stress and negativity as you immerse yourself in this sacred healing ritual. Join us on this mystical odyssey and awaken to the vibrant colors of your soul’s healing journey.”
“I AM” THE COSMIC LAW’S Immortal, Victorious Action of the Sacred Fire of the Violet Flame, and that Flame purifies and rules my world, in the Fulfillment of the Divine Plan of my “Beloved I AM Presence” forever!
“Those Flames will go into conditions and do the thing for you. This Sacred Fire can do what the physical cannot do, because if the Violet Consuming Flame meets up with a condition that is discordant or destructive, It does not resent it. It does not hate it. It does not rebel against it. It consumes it instead! If you entered into a condition with a feeling of injustice about it, you would resent it, and that would tie you to it longer; but the Violet Flame does not do that. It enters into the condition, and the thing ceases to be.”
Decree 233 and Instruction by Beloved Lanto, page 138,
“I AM” Decree Book 5:
Take your Stand Decree
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