Great Change is Here! In the Eternal Palace of the Queen of Roses * This Shift is Huge! Recalibration is Underway
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Christos Ascending 5D Avatars of Shambala
As we merge timelines, shift and expand in consciousness we call in our Highest Trajectory for our True Ascension Path to our New Heaven upon the New Earth.
We are now on the fourth day in a row of higher resonance in the heartbeat of Gaia appearing on the Schumann charts at amplitudes of 27 and 35 hz. Fifth dimensional energetics fully anchored and holding steady for our Great shift of the Ages.
Our local Soularis continues to send the support teams through lightcode reinforcements releasing 4 more C Class Soular Flares today and another M class Flare maxing at M 1.45 at 23:12 UTC
Pachamama also received a powerful activation today in the Sacred Portal of the Indian Ocean with a magnitude 6.3 earthquake in Mauritius and Reunion Islands at 19:19 UTC bringing in the 10:10 Codes of Conscious Manifestation through our Pure Imagination.
We have a massive hurricane making landfall in Florida this evening and moving up the east coast of the United States called Helene, meaning bright light or torch during this Blue Storm Wavespell on the Mayan Calendar. This storm is assisting Mother Earth in the clearing, purging and cleansing of these sacred lands for this Grand Shift and Transformation in the blazing Light of the Great Spirit. Our prayers and blessings go out to all our good people in the path of this powerful hurricane. Goddess Speed.
All Starseed Earth Angelics of the 144 continue holding the keys and codes of our Crystalline Rainbow Diamond Lightbodies of the Universal One Infinite Source Creator.
For the next several days through the weekend and the final days of september we shall integrate, rest, rejuvenate and transform in preparation for the final Soular Eclipse on Wednesday October second as we make our Quantum Leap of Consciousness into the Christed Avatars of the Awakened Ones of Terra Nova Gaia… A’Ho!
Very strong incoming energies and major activations started at 13:33 Paris Time and have intensified since. Breathe into your heart space, ground yourself, stay hydrated and honor your body. Rose blessings to all!
Great Change is Here
Great Change is Here
Massive shifts are happening in our systems. Recalibration is underway. How are you feeling? Do you experience pressure in your body, headaches, crazy nights with weird dreams, active higher mind during the night, ear ringing, itchy skin, sudden hunger, but otherwise not able to eat a lot, etc.
We are still in the eclipse season, and the energy is incredibly powerful and might be triggering for many right now.
During sleep, we are doing a lot of energy work. Our higher selves are very active at this time. Allow it to guide you, release control, and open up to the new.
“In this 18th Gene Key we’re really talking about mental Judgments. We can think about what our life would be like without our mind making these Judgments, when we’re just sunk into the inherent Perfection of it all. Perfection isn’t a Judgment – it’s a cellular knowing.” – Richard Rudd, 64 Ways
In the eternal palace of the queen of roses, Where beauty and grace intertwine, A mystical realm where love composes, A symphony of colors divine.
Each petal a delicate masterpiece, A fragrant bloom of pure delight, In this enchanted garden, never to cease, A wondrous and magical sight.
The queen herself, a vision of splendor, With a crown of blooms in her hair, Her presence fills the air with wonder, A regal presence beyond compare.
In her palace, time stands still, And worries fade away, In this tranquil haven, all is tranquil, As the roses bloom and sway.
So come, step into this realm of dreams, Where love and beauty reign supreme, In the eternal palace of the queen of roses, A place of wonder and serene.
9/26/24: You should be resting in your power by now. It’s been offered to you in many forms throughout 2024. You’ve been gathering strength with each obstacle, wisdom with each adventure, competence with each challenge, and expansion with each limitation. You should know yourself better, feel stronger, be more confident, and trust yourself more. If you do not, you’ve missed something and it’s time to go back and get it. Who you are now is who you believe yourself to be…
which is why 2024 has taken such a hard look at your beliefs and behaviors. The time of accountability and balancing has come, when we stand in our power in the light of truth… and it shines fair and square for all. Are you ready?
These are deeply sacred and transformational days.
Hidden energies are at work and this is happening via great wisdom and for specific reasons.
The liberation and alignment to the course is now focused upon the hidden energies, beings, players and factors that had been affecting each and every soul from the unseen fields and programs of this reality.
In my view, this is a process that can be mostly accessed, at least for now, by those who are truly initiated, aware and healed to a satisfying degree because it requires a very high level of knowing of the system and the self and also an established inner balance.
Later on this will become consciously available for more people.
This is a very difficult initiation that only the Waters can bring.
So for many it might seem that things get harder until all walls of self deception and mind illusion come down and the Waters of Life can enter.
What is taking place now is basically about the ability to recognise your energies and recalibrate your relationships from a higher level and begin governing your own system and flows according to who you truly are.
Old dreams and desires are meant to be seen for what they were and if not aligned to the true being, be dropped.
This is the age of disillusionment.
Also collectively speaking, we have entered the 2nd round of exorcism from the mind demons.
Plot twist, those (both men and women) who are still mostly swimming in the waters of imbalanced masculine energy, having demonic beings possessing parts of their space and have been navigating life via closed mind programs and rigid views in order to control their lives and others and be successful, are to witness how fragile, incomplete, stupid and inaccurate these strategies are.
Life is not just a mind or a mindset, this is a fearful approach.
Being afraid to grow and let go of control, is a recipie for destruction.
It takes nothing for the Waters of Posidonia to come in and flatten all these kinds of mindsets.
The masculine energy is undergoing a great purification because the need for a true recalibration inside one’s system, is here.
All inner aspects are to be respected, included and accepted before this begins.
Waking up from the mind’s fearful dictatorship and misguidance, will be an eye opener.
The Waters will mirror any fear of the self that has been avoided because the Waters are bringing in Christ Consciousness and the greatest liberation and this includes the whole Being, Body Mind and Soul!
Leave any of this out and your boat will sink like a paper one.
You cannot tell Life what to do before you know yourself as a whole!
As much as the shift accelerators are pushing us to the next levels, let us remember that one single step forwards, into the New Earth, is worth nine.
We need to learn to take more time to envision, to dream, to meditate, to listen, to go for long walks in nature and to just allow our innate creative centers to be fully activated now.
I am finding that listening to bird songs lately brings a great stirring in my soul. Their songs have risen in frequency and they are angelic in nature. The same applies to songs of the waters and seas. The whisper of the wind, the beautiful of synchronized natural sound and colours will lift you in a much high state.
So will listening to high frequency music in the different Solfeggio frequencies, singing bowls, gongs, while certain human voices carry high frequency over and undertones now, which activate our tuning forks within our spines.
Start to close your eyes when in nature. Learn to listen, listen, listen. Your own soul songs will rise, as will have sudden inspiration, messages, insight, visions.
I do this, touching the rocks, tuning into them as they are event recorders and store energy records of all life and life forms. Here in Africa you find rock gongs which chime and they are all tuned in and communicate with each other.
Trees are wisdom keepers and are constantly in communication with each other. When elephants or other animals eat too much leaves and break off too many branches, the tree will signal to other tree, and their leaves will get so bitter that the elephants will move on.
Life and the life forces are present everywhere, visible and invisible.
Add to this the elementals: As a child I was playing and communicating with them and the angels and I always invite them to tend to my plants and thank them and bless them as well as Mother Earth and all the elements as well.
When you tune in, your intuitive and psychic centers are fully activated and you can then see, hear, sense and feel what you could not before.
We are being tuned in on so many levels now, so that we become as one again with All That Is, from the heart and soul.
We’re moving away from abandonment and core wounding into love and unity. There is nothing left to learn from the underworld. The path is open and clear to ascend. You are ready for this new reality of pleasure, love, and security. Stabilize and integrate where you’ve been, and where you are now, in preparation for the new that’s entering with the New Moon Eclipse.
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
The path
Ra James
Today Mercury in Cancer is trine Saturn in Pisces. This can really help you to put plans in place for love success. This trine gives you a more realistic outlook on how to execute your plans. Venus will also be in Scorpio and square Pluto, while the North Node will be opposite Mercury. Venus rules your love life. Venus is in Scorpio over the next few weeks. Scorpio is a fixed water sign that is associated with intensity, depth, and transformation.
When Venus is in Scorpio, it can create a powerful and complex energy that is intense, passionate, and deeply emotional. Venus in Scorpio can make you more sensitive to the invisible connections between things. The North Node is your path in life. It’s the energy you need to fulfill your soul’s mission. It’s your souls purpose. Our North Node is still in Aries through January 28, 2025. The North Node is the Node of Destiny, or the Node of Fate. With the North Node in Aries the theme has been becoming more self reliant. It’s been all about finding a balance in your relationships. This means we have a huge focus on yourself right now and who you’re becoming. It’s all about working on you.
The nodes are also how we know what will happen to us during the Eclipses. I look at the astrology happening over the rest of this month as preparing us for the next Eclipse. This is the first of a couple of North Node alignments that will help us wrap up this month. These North Node alignments are activating your love life and any destined connections. Some may be clearing karmic connections and noticing they are falling apart. Others may be noticing they are inching closer to their Twin Flame.
The next Eclipse on October 2nd is in Libra. That means it’s making a South Node connection and a huge clearer of any karmic baggage you may be still carrying or trying to hold on too. These energies may be bringing a huge wake up call, or reality check for some. Solar Eclipses mark a season of fated change and typically coincide with new beginnings in our lives…
Sept. 25-30, 2024 – LOVING LIFE – SuperNova Astrology Update
Happy Equinox! The Sun has moved into the sign of Libra, having just opposed Neptune at the end of Pisces. Beautiful sextiles to Neptune, with Pluto and Uranus, make this opposition into a kite shape. It is time to lift up, into a new reality. Things feel different. It’s like we made a leap into a new level of consciousness, that just feels calmer, and better. This is our opportunity to take advantage of this dynamic Astrology. It’s time to rise up and step into the Dream.
Now it’s Mercury’s turn to make this opposition with Neptune, and kite shape. The body of this kite is a Grand Earth Trine between Uranus in Taurus, Mercury in Virgo, and Pluto in Capricorn. We are raising the vibration of the Earth and shifting into a new configuration of relationship to physical form. Pluto at the end of Capricorn says it’s time to dissolve the old structures of False Authority. As we claim our Higher Faculties, we are claiming our Sovereignty. We have no choice but to say Yes, as we continue to rapidly spiritually evolve. We are finding permission and worthiness to take back our Spiritual Wealth. Uranus in Taurus is asking us to know we deserve our higher intuitive power. This is the advanced technologies which can be found right in our very own bodies.
The sweet sextiles between Neptune, and Pluto and Neptune and Uranus, are about reminding us of the magic that is available in these times. We are claiming back our spiritual inheritance, which means we are claiming back the Blessings. By claiming our Autonomy and feeling worthy of our Power, we open back up to the miracles within. In this, we also become the Blessing.
We were feeling some tension with Mars in square to the Nodes of the Moon last week. Now Mars is in square to Black Moon Lilith in Libra. We are finding the compassion we need to face and heal the darkness. SuperNova Souls are recognizing the wealth of all the spiritual work they have done. This wealth is the health that becomes a compassionate response to the other. We have gone through so much, SuperNovas. Now we reap the rewards of being able to have a non-judgmental understanding and perspective, as those around you rapidly wake up to difficult truths. When we hold space with love and acceptance, healing happens all on it’s own. This Mars square Black Moon Lilith continues the theme of planetary purge.
Venus just finished up in her home sign of Libra. She is learning to love again. Venus just made a tension square with Pluto in Capricorn, speaking to the feminine claiming back it’s authority and right to express itself in the world. Venus is just moving over into the sign of Scorpio. It will be sweet when Venus catches up into trine with Mars in Cancer, at 18 degrees, on October 8th. We are learning to feel and express our love again in the world. We are learning to let go, trust, and allow, as we come into deeper connection with our Divine Goddess Great Mother Earth. We are figuring out how to come out of resistance and go with Her flow. We are falling back in Love with Life itself.
On Thursday, September 26th, Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, shifts into Libra the Scales until October 13th. During this time the focus of our thoughts and perceptions are on the various relationships and interactions in our lives. Communication with others is also highlighted, with a need for balance, harmony, peace, equality, compromise and cooperation.
Be careful to not fall into co-dependent or peace-making patterns. We can be nice and kind and still be truthful and honest. Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Mercury, ruler of the mental realm, shifts into Libra the Scales
Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto retrograde in Capricorn. Mercury enters Libra. Saturn retrograde in Pisces semi-square Pluto – There are sharp edges to navigate, hard truths, potent changes. Sometimes we just have to step into our power, carry our responsibilities with grace, trust that with wisdom and maturity we can make it through difficult times. There are lessons to be learned here as structures slowly shift. Like a coastline eroded by the ocean, the landscape of our lives is changing. Let it.
Let it change. Let it go. Let it be as it is. Mercury’s movements show that it’s all about how we think about it. Whilst there’s acute awareness of toxic systems and corrupt authorities, we must remember words are powerful. And when voices unite with purpose, then change is the natural result. Find allies to discuss your plans with, partners who see your point of view, friends who will hold space for you. The right words at the right time can move mountains.
‘Electric’ is the name for the number three and its key words are ‘Activate, Service and Bond’. The third day of a wavespell activates the energy and really gives things a boost. These days are great for getting things done but are seldom relaxing, use this electric energy to your advantage or beware of getting a shock!
Today is Red Dragon and its keywords are ‘Nurture, Being and Birth’. Some combinations of day and number are special and today provides a great match of energies. The Red Dragon is about birth (Dragons live in caves and caves are the womb of Mother Earth) and so to ‘Activate Birth’ means that today is perfect for giving birth to something new and as we are now in the Blue Storm wavespell, and that brings big changes – this adds up to spectacular opportunities! Whether you wish to launch a new business/project or start a new life or actually give birth to a baby (or make a baby), do it now, the timing is right!
The Guide for today is the Red Serpent which also represents renewal. The Serpent can shed its old skin and emerge totally revitalized, a special magical gift it has. Allow Serpent to guide you today and you too, can shed your old self and become something different and fresh! Another key characteristic of the Serpent is ‘Survival’. The idea that surviving poison makes you stronger really means that if you spit out any darkness or pain within you, you’ll emerge renewed. When the Serpent guides, remember you may feel very sensitive. This is because these creatures are very instinctual.
The Challenge today is the Blue Monkey who likes to have fun but can be bad at nurturing themselves. Often, they suffer from a monkey mind which can result in too much thinking. On Dragon days they can struggle and so if you are a monkey, try harder to look after yourself. If you know one, give them some support.
The Occult power today is the Yellow Sun, shining light on all things magical! This sunshine boosts the electrical power of the day providing plenty of energy! The best thing about Dragon days is the warmth the sun gives us when in this Occult position. The Yellow Sun offers enlightenment, no matter what position he is in but when the Yellow Sun arises here you can bet the magical knowledge you glean will be a great help to you today. Do you see the light?
The Ally today is the White Mirror and so if you need assistance, consult one. If you are a White Mirror, be prepared to befriend those in need today. Otherwise, take a good long hard look at your reflection and try to see yourself as your friend or ally would. Seeing your true potential is a friendly way to look at yourself. Take a reality check and don’t worry… the truth isn’t always hard to take.
KIN 81 = 9 Destiny/Service/Humanity/Compassion/Closure
Out of the VOID comes NEW CREATION
A beautiful transformative day, ENDING old cycles and emphasizing SERVICE through NURTURING others, and BIRTHING our NEW CREATIONS.
Day 3 in the BLUE STORM WAVESPELL of purification, cleansing, transformation and evolution. Today we are ACTIVATING transformation, through the power of Nurturance, in Divine Service to humanity. We catalyze tremendous LIFE FORCE to channel into the birth of our NEW CREATIONS.
Spiritual Alchemy at its peak!
ELECTRIC is tone number 3 in the tone of creation. It is the first of the three EMOTIONAL realm tones. Its focus is on being of SERVICE to others through the action of BONDING, that is coming together with others to cocreate and be of SERVICE.
ELECTRIC energy provides the ignition or SPARK for your manifestation, it is a current that needs to keep moving and flowing, transmitting energy.. It also adds POWER to anything you are creating today. An extra electrical boost to draw upon. The power of 3 is derived from 2 units merging and creating the third, more powerful entity. This action duplicates the essence of bonding in service that the Electric tone provides.
Today beckons you to become emotionally mature. EXPAND your focus from bonding with ONE to the joy of bonding with ALL. Together with your divine counterpart offer your united energies to be of DIVINE SERVICE to HU-MAN-ITY..
The ELECTRIC tone of SERVICE to HUMANITY is a very potent energy to catapult your DIVINE MISSION.
Today you should contemplate HOW you can activate your STORM electrical power, to send waves of pure charged energy to birth the NEW, uplifting and energizing others through your CREATIONS!.
A very POTENT day for ACTIVATING the new cycle of ABUNDANCE! The OLD CHAPTER is CLOSED now!
A new door OPENS, a NEW chapter , and new beginnings, initiating CHANGE through this BLUE STORM ECLIPSE cycle!
We have a DOUBLE WHAMMY DUO, with the ELECTRIC DRAGON and ELECTRIC SERPENT joining forces to give our Planetary Grid system a huge ELECTRICAL JUMP START… extra rocket power to boost our energy, vitality, PASSION and DIVINE MISSION!
Today’s questions are “How can I express greater nurturance and care for my community, through bonding with others in Divine Service to humanity?
“What is it that wants to BIRTH through me today?”
In Lak’ech a la kin – the MAYAN saying which translates to “I am another of YOU!”
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: RED ELECTRIC DRAGON IMIX represents the MOTHER, the WOMB OF CREATION and the SOURCE of “ALL THAT IS” birthed through the Feminine principle.
Today we have a SUPREMELY MAJIKAL, CREATION code to create SPIRITUAL ALCHEMY... bending and shaping your mind’s imaginings through electrical impulses. Highly CHARGED energy to ACTIVATE the LIFE FORCE within your progeny.
The ELECTRIC DRAGON is very emotional and strongly seeks to BOND with others, through caring and nurturing them, in total SERVICE to her family.
RED MOTHER DRAGONS seek to protect, suckle and nurture their younglings until they are strong enough to fend for themselves. .
IMIX combined with the STORM energies seeks to catalyze transformation in others, through compassion and love. We seek out others who are feeling isolated, depressed or lonely, and BOND in SERVICE, by opening our hearts and allowing them to feel loved, nurtured and valued.
Through this empathy and compassion we seek to change the culture of greed and exploitation, into care, protection and support for our fellow planetary kin the higher ideals of our Aquarian Age.
IMIX encourages us to reach out to all planetary kin as though they are our family.
The Lakota people use the phrase “Mitakuye Oyasin”. Meaning that we are all relations, reflecting the world view of interconnectedness and Unity consciousness. This forms the foundation for tribal/community living.
In a tribe everyone is family and everyone is responsible for the care and welfare of the tribe.. The problem of ONE becomes the problem of all, in order to find solutions returning the tribe back to equilibrium. All tribe members have a sense of belonging, and feel safe and protected in the shelter of their loving community.
IMIX also provides the spark to initiate new projects, and birth new creations. A new idea or new career path is favoured by these energies..
Some new groundbreaking ideas that can relieve the suffering of others.
New solutions for Gaia’s environmental problems to bring back harmony through respect and care for our Earth Mother.
RED MUMMA DRAGONS are very STRONG, fearless and protective – so call on the DRAGON clan today to support you in your path of Divine Service to your community.
If you have any obstacles, resistance or interference with you instigating your NEW IDEAS and PROJECTS, assign a guardian DRAGON for protection for EACH project, to birth it effortlessly.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: RED ELECTRIC SERPENT CHICCHAN the Electric Serpent is primed and ready for ACTION today. The strong electrical current is stimulating both your personal kundalini and that of Mother Gaia’s.
ULURU’S POWER was reconnected through the Solar Umbilical Cord on January 13, 2020 on an Electrical Serpent day, so this is very potent CREATION energy combined with IMIX’s power releasing a SURGE of creative LIFE FORCE!
Your battery is FULLY CHARGED and primed for ACTION! You have the POWER to CREATE from the VOID!
CHICCHAN represents the medical caduceus, and together with the Electric Dragon, forms the double serpent healing power.
The ELECTRICAL SERPENT also represents QUETZALCOATL – the masculine feathered Serpent that inhabits GAIA’S ley/dragon lines.
You can harness the healing power of CHICCHAN today by honouring PACHAMAMA and calling forth the SKY DRAGONS, WATER DRAGONS and EARTH DRAGONS to bless you with their regenerative forces and enhance your LIFE FORCE.
CHICCHAN helps us activate CHANGE, through our personal and PLANETARY transformation. GAIA’S GRIDS are fully PUMPING today!
RED SERPENT responds directly from an instinctual reflex. Our natural instinct is to serve others, and through this greater purpose we evolve and grow. The service to self program has caused the separateness in our society, creating FEAR and the need to compete for survival.
As we connect with our Divine instinct and SHARE our resources, skills and knowledge, we discover the true knowingness that….
ALL IS BETTER when we come together to cocreate.
SHARING is caring!
NOTE: If you have IMIX or CHICCAN in your Galactic Signature – or the ELECTRIC tone – you may feel this powerful surge of ELECTRICAL POWER today.
If you cannot channel it into creative pursuits, you may need to GROUND the excess into Mother Gaia, donating it to her for Planetary transformation and healing.
SUPPORT: WHITE ELECTRIC MIRROR – ETZNAB the ELECTRIC MIRROR will powerfully REFLECT the TRUTH today, and the news may be SHOCKING!!!
Relationships will be illuminated and MAGNIFIED through the ELECTRIC tone. Take extra notice of who and what is being revealed. We will need to stay BALANCED and CALM in order to decipher what the MIRROR is projecting. If we are emotionally vulnerable we may indeed have a dramatic outburst or be witness to one.
We have CLEAR VISION to SEE in the MIRROR today. Use discernment in order to SEE the TRUTH with clarity.. Instead of getting caught up in the ILLUSION of drama, chaos and confusion that the STORM uncovers, focus instead on being of SERVICE.
Denounce the Old Matrix and align yourself with the New Earth, walking through the new doors opening.
ETZNAB reveals how to SERVE our DIVINE MISSION, through fearlessly communicating the TRUTH, as we see it reflected. We need to realign our emotional bodies, activating the energy needed, to move beyond our primal fears, in order to EXPAND into greater realms and dimensions.
The TIME for greater SERVICE has begun, as the NEW EARTH SOVEREIGNS claim their THRONE through espousing DIVINE TRUTH.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW SPECTRAL SUN AHAU is today’s SUPERPOWER, working synergistically with the BLUE STORM to purify, cleanse and release any density, that has been holding us back from claiming our Divinity, and stepping up into greater Divine Service.
The SPECTRAL SUN will ILLUMINATE what needs to be SEEN in the MIRROR.
AHAU enables us to LIBERATE the unconditional love within us, by being our true SOVEREIGN selves. We need to SHINE OUR LIGHT, independently of what appears in the external reality or whatever our beloveds are experiencing.
Do not lower your vibration to assist others, instead RADIATE your LIGHT so that they can RISE up to meet you. Always UPLIFT and INSPIRE others to SHINE brightly with you.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE ELECTRIC MONKEY – CHUEN the ELECTRIC MONKEY – is releasing a surge of MAJIKAL POWER today to energize our creations.
An UBER GIFT to ENERGIZE the 8.8 DIVINE ABUNDANCE code. Spiritual MAJIK is ELECTRICALLY ACTIVATED TODAY!!!! Oooooooh…. be careful in your laboratory beloved CREATORS.
This is POTENT Tom Foolery energy, so crank up the dial on your time machine and ACTIVATE your highest destiny. Take me to the TOP!!
This MAJIK is also the GLUE that attracts your kin to BOND with you. This electrical charge can create much mayhem in the mischievous monkey – so again make sure YOU are in control and take CHARGE!
Your challenge today is to CONTROL your POWER (and your E-motions) and claim your Spiritual Majik to manifest a greater Destiny. Do not waste your Majik on inconsequential things, but build it up to CREATE SPECTACULAR CHANGE! SHIFT HAPPENS
CHUEN the majikal Divine child, is also reminding us to BOND and be of SERVICE, through the Art of PLAY! LIGHTEN UP, play, laugh and seek merriment in all that you do.
The gift of LAUGHTER is one of the most spontaneous joys that can bring great healing, and instantly raise your frequency to that of SOURCE. As you laugh and play with your kin you establish a deeper and more authentic connectedness. This is the reason we were all put on this Earth – to discover our God self through our reflection.
This DIVINE INNOCENCE is also the SOURCE of your CREATION MAJIK – manifesting through the power of JOY. Your HIGH VIBE accelerates your CREATION.
Reconnect with the POWER of your DIVINE MAJIK today to create spontaneous MIRACLES!
Today’s questions are “How can I express greater nurturance and care for my community, through bonding with others in Divine Service to humanity?
“What is it that wants to BIRTH through me today?”
In Lak’ech a la kin – the MAYAN saying which translates to “I am another of YOU!”
🌊✨ Embark on a journey of profound healing with our “Blue Ray of Healing Guided Meditation.” Let the calming energy of the blue ray wash over you, soothing your mind, healing your heart, and restoring balance to your entire being. This meditation is designed to provide deep relaxation, stress relief, and a rejuvenating experience that you can enjoy anytime, anywhere.
What You’ll Experience:
Guided Visualization: Immerse yourself in a serene landscape where the blue ray, symbolizing purity, protection, and healing, envelops you in its comforting light.
During this meditation, you will connect with the blue healing light, allowing it to envelop your entire being, bringing clarity to the mind, peace to the heart, and rejuvenation to the body. This guided experience will help you release emotional blockages, soothe physical discomforts, and realign your chakras with higher vibrations.
Relaxing Atmosphere: Accompanied by gentle ambient music or the soothing sounds of nature, making your meditation experience deeply immersive.
Why Choose This Meditation?
Perfect for beginners and seasoned meditators alike.
Ideal for those seeking relief from anxiety, stress, or looking to enhance their healing journey.
Can be used as part of your daily wellness routine or as a special treat for self-care.
Join us in this tranquil voyage towards inner peace and healing. Hit play, take a deep breath, and let the blue ray transform your day.
I call my Masculine back into resonance with my pure core vibration
I call my Masculine back from all pathways of sacrifice and abandonment
I command that all action from now on, is done in honour of the intention of my pure core vibration
I command that all of my energy fuels my pure heart’s intentions
I disallow any interference that would distract
the Devotion of my Action and Energy
away from my Heart’s Voice
Divine Masculine
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