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Quantum Healing Technologies in Medical Beds

Quantum Healing Technologies in Medical Beds



The world is about to take a giant quantum leap into a revolutionary system of “New Age” healing technologies that will become an integral part of transforming the way our traditional medical communities treat the masses with plasma energies and healing frequencies. The future of the world sees hospitals playing a very different role and being enriched with a host of unique quantum technology devices; lasers and medical beds;

Big Pharma will be eliminated; this futuristic technology will promote longevity and humanity will be freed from the masses suffering from strokes, heart disease and many other diseases that contribute to poor health. The third leading cause of death is hospital admissions and procedures, many of which are unjustified.


There is no doubt that this is certainly one of the most profound technologies and has been used in the secret space program for over 80 years. Imagine health care and maintenance so advanced that it can reverse the physical, mental and emotional scars and battles of life’s daily traumas and the aging process through frequency healing technologies and quantum devices. The exact dates have not yet been announced.

Tesla Technologies and Jarad Rand are the two main forces behind Med Beds, and they have stated that the timeline for our ability to use these advanced healing devices based on the free energy of the “Fountain of Youth” could begin with a launch as early as late 2021, depending on the company’s environment. So, these medical advancements are mind-blowing and can regenerate lost limbs and organs within hours.

Advanced medical technologies are literally rejuvenating the DNA, RNA, cells, muscles, ligaments, bones, organs, senses, and systems of the human body. Medical beds are the goal of perfect health and well-being, and civilization as we know it is now on its way. When this revolutionary re-atomization process, known as “regenerative technology,” becomes widespread, it will reduce health care costs to almost nothing by about 20 percent.

This revolutionary technology has been around for at least 80 years. Once enlisted, the hidden technology will be made available to the public through the military. It is said to have been used as part of a “secret space program.” There is speculation about how much control public investors will have, as measures need to be put in place to ensure manipulation and greed. Remember, we have all been through the crisis of weaponizing all things good and bad; there are deep state agencies in every sector.

The military-industrial complex has already controlled and administered these patents and many others that have come before them through their state-run science fiction and Hollywood movie productions. These medical marvels perform and support diagnostic procedures, surgical repairs, cellular and DNA reconstruction and regeneration through free energy systems via Tesla coils, new antigravity devices and replicators that repair the imperfections of all human bodies.

There are said to be three different types of holographic medical beds, each performing a specific healing modality as they will be used in conjunction with trained medical supervision and return our physical bodies to their optimal form without removing organs, using radiation and chemotherapy, or hacking data.

This also means that our bodies will be free from the dysfunction of disease and scars, we will not need to be rehabilitated because our organs, bones and all the systems of our body will be completely repaired. It sounds too good to be true, but this is a quantum leap into the new Aquarian Age of Healing, and soon every country in the world will be ready to receive their stock of holographic medical beds. This rare gift to the world will only be made available when NESARA/GESARA is announced, as over 6,000 patents and medicines will be introduced between them.

These quantum therapy beds will come in three different varieties and three unique functions; all operate at different vibrational and frequency levels using refractive lenses and 3D scanners, as well as surgically precise lasers to open and close wounds.

These quantum healing devices incorporate extensive monitoring technologies that allow healthcare professionals to be fully informed during diagnostic and repair sessions. Med-Beds create maximum human repair with minimal invasiveness through light and energy via Tachyon Particles and Plasma Energy. Since we live in a vibrational universe and humans are vibrational beings, healing occurs through homeopathic frequency alignment with little to no side effects.

-Beds Bed works with similar technologies; they have just been converted into three different treatments. The Med Holographic Bed is made with advanced but limited artificial intelligence that works with the human connection of the healthcare professional to ensure the full extent of recovery, reduction of germs and claustrophobia, comfortable limb supports, liquid spray anesthetics, laser scalpels, laser mirrors, diagnosis and analysis of sensory and imaging elements of vital signs and computer-controlled surgical procedures.

The computer used in the operations is similar to an MRI machine, but instead of radiation and magnetism, the Med-Beds use plasma energy at the subatomic and vibrational level. It diagnoses and treats all imperfections and diseases in a short time and with high precision; scanning every inch and system of the physical body, diagnosing and interpreting blood, skin, bones, organs, muscles, neurological findings, glands and hormonal deficiencies.

This Med-Bed will also perform painless blood and DNA tests, and will screen and correct all hereditary markers that lead to various predisposed diseases. Any surgical procedure will be completed instantly with the laser, including heart surgery, appendectomy, caesarean sections and others within this holographic medical bed. Field Regeneration Med Bed Resonance benefits those in need of organ transplants, missing or amputated limbs, skin grafts, works with cellular memory, stem cells and DNA templates; its endless applications regenerate old tissue and lost organs.

Rejuvenation and Regression 

The bed rejuvenates cells; offers age-based and memory regression therapy; and heals all the senses, especially sight, hearing and taste, which have been dulled by trauma or age; This therapeutic bed also eliminates unwanted repressed memories; which will support and heal so many victims who have suffered mental and emotional suffering.

Those suffering from PTSD and traumatic memory will benefit from using this medical bed as it heals the heart-mind connection and eliminates differences. This is also considered the basis of a youthful appearance.

It will bring back the appearance of the past, bring back muscle tone, tightened skin, work with our individual DNA templates and multiple lenses resistant to heat and the body’s internal clock; these procedures are performed painlessly.

Before the deployment of Med Beds meets the world’s arrival, it is necessary to establish trained technology and production teams to keep up with the world’s supply in creation and infrastructure, along with the environment of dispersed military forces of society to prevent future greed and control. Never in the existence of humanity have we been blessed with the news of such a miraculous medical advancement; we are currently on the horizon of a limitless and creative tomorrow; let us learn from history and protect the fateful power of those who have destroyed the edges of our past.

“If you want to find the Secrets of the Universe, think of energy, frequency and vibration.” Nikola TeslaThose suffering from PTSD and traumatic memory will benefit from using this medical bed as it heals the heart-mind connection and eliminates differences. This is also considered the basis of a youthful appearance.

It will bring back the appearance of the past, bring back muscle tone, tightened skin, work with our individual DNA templates and multiple lenses resistant to heat and the body’s internal clock; these procedures are performed painlessly.

“If you want to find the Secrets of the Universe, think of energy, frequency and vibration.” Nikola Tesla💖🌿



Quantum healing technologies
Quantum healing technologies





The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine of the National Institutes of Health has classified extraterrestrial energy therapies into a category known as CAM- (Free Alternative Medicine).

This is where Med-Bed technology will fall legally. Therefore, anyone operating a Med-Bed Center will not be prosecuted by the FDA without due process by the judiciary, which now has 100% authority over health policy and guidelines and is no longer subject to any agency or body of Congress.

A clarification in energy medicine is what we should all pay attention to.

Because this, in addition to Agenda 47 and the transition period, Donald Trump spoke about when he mentioned space-age materials that can be used in all sectors, especially in healthcare. Take note and add this BOOKMARK.

MED BED TECHNOLOGY IS VERY REAL SAVE THIS POST AND ARIEL LINE took the time to CONTEXTUALIZE AND EXPLAIN in very simple terms the history and newly empowered status of this incredibly important gift to humanity.

I understand that as we enter this golden age, we will:

Remember not to be exploited by copycats/scammers because:

-True MED BED technology will be available FREE to all men, women, children and yes, even animals, worldwide AND

– MED BEDs have already been shipped to every nation in the world

– they were prepared for use by all of us

– that suitable people have already been trained to provide the necessary support services.

E-Other MED BEDs are continually being built in anticipation of the expected increase in demand for their use.

What do you think of Elon Musk?




It’s time for the whole corrupt system to go down. To be replaced with high consciousness quantum system. No paying corrupt taxes etc. Living on earth for free n enjoy life is our birthright!


Technological end in progress.
Maximum attention!!! We are asked for maximum neutrality, maximum love and support!!!
We are here and now to be the Earth Command that executes maximum neutrality.
The territories are ready.
Gaia is getting it done.
Kin 87 Bolon Manik
Human Crystal Kin 12 .





There’s a MAJOR GLOBAL OUTAGE and $XRP is still up and running

Web 3.0 fixes that




The QFS stops the Deep State in its tracks.  The Earth Alliance had to intervene with higher dimensional technologies to deliver to us Earthlings this super technologically advanced monetary system.

It is rooted in the intelligence of the Quantum Computer that comes without any 3D creation. No 3D creation comes with a telltale “recognition system” that mimics the creation of a living entity.

It is simply Artificial Intelligence (AI) which comes with something that is capable of replacing conscious human beings.

Our planet Earth is a Living Entity with the life force in Symbiosis. The QFS is considered alive with a Quantum Benevolent Intelligence that interacts with every financial transaction anywhere in the world of finance, to ensure that it is; legal, intended by the owner and transparent.

If one understands Quantum Physics, then one can understand what effect this Quantum Intelligence is having on every financial transaction that passes through the Quantum Financial System. It cannot be compromised.

Yet, politicians who used the Swift Transfer System (STS) to transfer their ill-gotten illicit money around the world were unaware that the QFS was already running parallel and simultaneously on patrol with the STS.

Politicians did not worry about getting caught because the bankers were on their side as they also got a share of their transactions.





The Global Military Alliance was on high alert all across the planet doing mass arrests of the Satan worshipping Deep State Cabal.

The Alliance was working in cooperation with the BRICS nations and Chinese Elders to release the Global Currency Reset of 209 nations to gold/asset-backed currencies that would trade at a 1:1 with each other.

Timing of Events: The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram Fri. 19 July 2024

· There will be a message on EBS saying that sometime in the next 5 hours or so, everyone needs to be home, where a global lockdown will begin for 10 to 12 days.

· NESARA will be announced to the world, which will show that EVERYTHING NEW is beginning.

· During that lockdown documentaries will be broadcast on every station to provide full disclosure for everyone to see everything that has been happening.

· At the end of the 12 days, apparently there will be an 800 number that we will then have to call and we will be given a appointment to set up our Quantum bank account with confirmed date and time to go to.

· Apparently all around the Globe all of us already have monies in our Quantum Account. The reason why there hasn’t been much information coming from the QFS team in these last few weeks, is because some important things were happening.

· About 75 banks were said to have been seized, with all Cabal assets and accounts closed.

· These assets have then been taken and moved to the quantum financial accounts to be returned to the people.

· All trust funds were moved to the QFS account. So, that’s already moved, which is awesome!

· In fact, over time, money will no longer be a problem. Money literally just won’t be important because everyone will have enough to live an abundant life.

· So try to progress instead of being held back for so long. This is incredible news and it is what we have been waiting for.

· They also confirmed that all the Central Banks have been taken and entered into the QFS, so they are all on the ISO 20022 standard and the other thing to remember is that this is blockchain and nothing fraudulent can happen because everything is traceable.

· Any money that is sent they can see where it goes. Stops corruption in its tracks.

· There’s nothing about moving money behind doors or, you know, banks in the middle of nowhere abroad and stuff like that.

· None of that can happen anymore.

· All money is traceable and remember this is on a computer that is from Out of This World… it’s next level stuff.

· Now we are in the final steps. Then the stock market will crash because when it does, it will be the end of it.

· All personal bank accounts, everything is reflected in the quantum financial account, so we have nothing to worry about.

· The only thing that is not reflected are the investments and shares on the Stock Market. All that is gone! …so if you have an investment in the Stock Market, take it out… and then the NEW STOCK will be launched when the QFS indicates that it can operate.

· So all our bank accounts, savings accounts and retirement accounts are safe.

continue reading…


The Quantum Financial System (QFS) and the End of the Cabal’s Financial Tyranny

In a world plagued by financial manipulation and political corruption, a revolutionary force has emerged, ready to dismantle the shackles of the old order. The Quantum Financial System  (QFS)  is not just a concept; it is a reality, reshaping the global economic landscape and sending shockwaves through the corridors of power.

As politicians and bankers tremble in the face of impending collapse, the promise of  GESARA  looms on the horizon, heralding a new era of transparency, accountability and prosperity for all.

The Quantum Financial System (QFS) is advanced with no equivalent, politicians and bankers have been caught red-handed, arrested and sent to Guantanamo in Cuba to atone for their crimes in real time, so the  Deep State is disappearing and GESARA is near. Every country must be GESARA  compliant   to participate in the QFS.

The QFS ends the corrupt Cabal central banking system.  The QFS system will cover the new global network for the transfer of gold or asset-backed money, initiated by Russia and China to replace the US centrally controlled Swift system.

This new QFS runs on a quantum computer, based on an orbiting satellite, and is protected by Secret Space Programs to ensure it cannot be hacked. The purpose of the new financial system is to put an end to corruption, usury, and Cabal manipulation within the banking world. The key is to implement limitations that prevent corrupt bankers from making significant profits.

The QFS  is completely independent of the existing centralized system, making all other previous transfer systems, such as blockchain, unnecessary. At least there is no need for blockchain technology, as it has been replaced due to its shortcomings by at least two other transfer networks, putting the need for cryptos in doubt.

Furthermore, after the Revaluation, all sovereign currencies will be backed by gold or assets, ensuring sustainable value, which makes the need for unbacked cryptos obsolete as they are simply digits in computer memory banks.

Furthermore, the hype surrounding cryptocurrencies is a modern example of the sheeple mentality. On the surface, there seems to be a lack of logical thinking. When buying something of value, it is rational to exchange it for something of equal value, represented by the amount of money exchanged. Since cryptocurrencies carry no intrinsic value, there can never be an even trade.

And regarding its nominal value; there will never be stability between buyers and sellers of cryptos, as is the case with all other commodities. To give an analogy; it is very unlikely that a coin that is launched will fall on its edge, just as it is highly likely that there will always be a majority that wants to buy, or there will be a majority that wants to sell the cryptocurrencies.

With the activation of the QFS, the  Earth Galactic Alliance  will completely destroy the Central Banking System that was designed to destroy the world economy and place the world’s population in perpetual debt slavery.

The little known truth is that the QFS has been operating parallel to the  Central Banking System  for many months, if not more than a year, and has fought off many hacking attempts to steal funds by the Cabal. The result is that many bankers have been caught red-handed with illegal money transfers and consequently have been arrested.

Little is known that this new system was invented in preparation for the takeover of the  Central Bank Debt System  to end financial slavery and control over the population. The Earth Alliance gave President Trump the magic wand to take over the old banking system without changing it.

The QFS is unmatched and unmatched; it has no equivalent in advanced technology to any other system before it. It is entirely new. It reigns supreme in the technology it applies to achieve the one hundred percent financial security and transparency that all currency account holders demand.

With the QFS, the world’s monetary system can be easily changed to encompass gold-backed currencies that completely eliminate the need for transfers from the old  Cabal central banking system.  Unfortunately, to fully understand the advanced structure of the QFS, there is no equivalent technology to serve as an example.

No one ever suspected that this powerful quantum computer system could assign a digital number to every fiat dollar/euro/yen in every bank account around the world and track it in real time; knowing exactly where it went, when it was transferred, who sent it via their login information, and which account received it.

Imagine the frustration of a banker who has just stolen some money and illegally transferred it to another account, only to be arrested in real time for theft.

Does anyone believe this will happen without the Deep State controlled bankers obstructing everything to prevent it from happening? Wouldn’t they pull out all the criminal tricks, all the disgusting false flags, anything and everything to prevent it from happening? Of course, they tried and still try to prevent it to this day.

They have explored every avenue to hack and destroy this system, but to no avail! The cabal is taking its last breath, but rest assured that they are definitely on their way out. Their battle is lost and the victory of GESARA is near.


Quantum Financial System
Quantum Financial System


BOMBSHELL!! Gold-Backed Revolution: QFS is Setting the Stage for a Global Financial Reset Like No Other!

The Quantum Financial System (QFS) is not just a revolutionary innovation; it is the evolution of the gold standard, perfected and made immune to corruption. The powers that be have long manipulated our understanding of financial stability, presenting the gold standard as an outdated relic while continuing their reign of exploitation.

But the gold standard, when truly understood and correctly implemented, is the foundation of financial integrity. The QFS takes this principle and takes it to an unprecedented level, ensuring that every transaction is backed by real, verifiable gold, bringing about a financial revolution that cannot be tampered with.

The Nixon-era gold standard was an incomplete measure, a façade designed to pacify the masses while allowing those in power to continue their machinations behind the scenes.

The old gold standard was susceptible to manipulation, subject to the whims of corrupt leaders and the opaque dealings of central banks. But the Quantum Financial System redefines that concept, creating a truly gold-backed system that eliminates the pitfalls of the past.

QFS is the epitome of what the gold standard should have been. Each country under this new system maintains a segregated and secure gold vault, meticulously documented and identified by serial numbers.

These gold reserves are not just tokens; they are directly tied to digital gold certificates, representing real, tangible assets. When the QFS is activated, the value of gold at that exact moment determines the value of these certificates, ensuring a stable and transparent monetary base that cannot be manipulated.

Imagine a financial system where every transaction is not only instantaneous, but also backed by the solid weight of gold. Under the QFS, digital gold certificates are transferred directly between accounts, eliminating the need for third-party verification and the opportunities for fraud that come with it. This is a system designed for transparency and integrity, a stark contrast to the corruptible gold standard of the past.

The Global Currency Reset (GCR) that accompanies the activation of the QFS will align all of the world’s currencies to this gold-backed system. This is not a minor adjustment; it is a tectonic shift that will dismantle the manipulative power structures that have dominated global finance.

Every currency will have equal value under the QFS, creating a level playing field where no nation can exploit another. This reset is essential to eradicating the economic disparities and injustices that have plagued humanity for centuries.

The banks, the architects of the fiat currency system, are facing their day of reckoning. The debased currencies they propagated—such as the Dong and the Dinar—will be exchanged under the strict and incorruptible rules of the QFS. This system, backed by divine intelligence, will ensure that these exchanges are conducted with absolute transparency and fairness.

The redemption of Zim Bonds, for example, is reserved strictly for humanitarian purposes, ensuring that the wealth generated by the QFS benefits those who truly need it.

QFS is not just a financial system; it is a divine intervention designed to cleanse the earth of corruption. Chinese elders, not the CCP, generously provided the gold backing for this system, representing a partnership between divine forces and human allies committed to restoring balance and justice.

This alliance is a testament to humanity’s readiness to embrace a new era, free from the dark influences that have long controlled our destiny.

The quantum computer at the heart of the QFS has been quietly active for years, running alongside the corrupt central bank systems, collecting data and preparing for this moment. It knows where every dollar has been, who held it, and what it was used for.

This unprecedented level of transparency will allow law enforcement to dismantle criminal networks that have operated with impunity. Criminals who once believed themselves untouchable will find nowhere to hide as the godlike intelligence of quantum computing shines a light on the darkest corners of our financial world.

The outdated gold standard was a failed attempt at financial stability, easily manipulated and ultimately discarded by those in power. In contrast, the QFS represents the true potential of a gold-backed system, one that is immune to corruption and designed to ensure fairness and stability for all.

Gold will no longer be the basis of national currencies in the old sense, but will serve as a valuable commodity within the framework of the QFS, ensuring that every transaction is backed by real, verifiable assets.

The activation of the QFS will transform society. Abusers, the corrupt, those who have thrived on the misery of others, will face divine retribution. The QFS is more than a financial system; it is a tool to create a just and equitable world. Those who raise their hands in violence will find themselves faced with justice. The era of impunity is over; the era of accountability has begun.

As the QFS takes hold, society will be transformed. The abusers, the corrupt, those who thrive on the misery of others will face divine retribution. The QFS is more than a financial system; it is a tool to create a just and equitable world. Those who raise their hands in violence will find themselves faced with justice. The era of impunity is over; the era of accountability has begun.

Get ready for the Quantum Financial System, the tool that will redefine global finance and usher in humanity’s Golden Age. This is a complete overhaul, a divine intervention that will cleanse our world of corruption and usher us into a future of unprecedented prosperity and freedom.

The activation of the QFS is imminent. The old ways, rife with corruption and deceit, are being dismantled. The puppet masters who have long controlled the strings of the global economy are facing their final days. The QFS is the dawn of a new era, an era where impartiality, transparency and divine justice reign supreme.

The gold standard was just the beginning—a flawed and manipulable beginning. The QFS takes the principles of the gold standard and improves upon them, ensuring that every transaction is backed by real gold and immune to the corrupt influences of the past.

This is the financial revolution the world has been waiting for, a revolution that will restore balance and fairness to our global economy.

Blessings to all, and may you become a blessing to others. The time of darkness is ending; the age of light is upon us. Prepare yourselves for the Quantum Financial System, for it is the future, and it is divine.


QFS is Setting the Stage for a Global Financial Reset
QFS is Setting the Stage for a Global Financial Reset


A Message from Carpathia

First, no one has to run a project, regardless of whether you hold ZIM or coins. IF you decide to run a project, it is said that you can earn a higher cashback rate on your ZIM. There is no project requirement for coins. Tier 4B does not require projects!

You can easily exchange your currency. The reason you are all in this “internet group” is because you have been following the currency revaluations, and anyone who goes to the Redemption Centers will have a higher exchange rate than the “normal person” who is unaware of this currency exchange. That is why we receive notifications.

So we can go to a CURRENCY CENTER to get those special rates for our currency. As for ZIM, we are NOT sure what the normal exchange rate will be. There are also no projects needed for ZIM. The so-called 20%-80% split no longer applies. That was years and years ago.

But instead, what they did for ZIM: for a 100 billion note we would get about 30 to 50 million. That is a lot of money. BUT if you redeem this ZIM, the money left over from this 100 trillion note will be the portion used for humanitarian projects!!

Now, IF you decide to do a project, you can get a larger amount, for example – 60 million, out of 100 trillion ZIM, and the rest of the money out of 100 trillion ZIM will be sent to implement the humanitarian projects.

The funds for the projects do NOT come from the 30-50 million you receive. You can keep that! If you want to do a project but can’t think of one, there is a list in the redemption center for you to choose from. For Zim holders.

I hope this is clearer for everyone…

Hugs, Carpathia.


🚨#BREAKING: Cybersecurity experts say this is set to be the biggest IT outage in history. As CrowdStrike shares plunged 20% in pre-market trading in New York, but CrowdStrike’s CEO stated that the outage was not caused by a cyberattack.

People listen to me. If you do not think today is massive on a historical scale let me inform you about CrowdStrike. The servers are located in Ukraine. Can you say election interference? This is a Deep State cybersecurity company. People this is a National Security threat. What did D. Trump receive officially yesterday?

Now I want you to think about those in the Democratic Party specifically even though both sides of the political isle are compromised let’s just say we are being partisan for sh*ts & giggles.

Who help set up the biolabs in Ukraine before they even became president? Barrack Obama. Who was found to be money laundering out of Ukraine? Joe Biden. Who was found to be funneling money to Zelensky through the FTX and the trading firm Alameda Research platform and donating to the Democratic Party?
Sam Bankmen Freid. Who were the people in congress who were caught money laundering out if Ukraine?

Kevin Mccarthy

Steve Cohen

Diana Harshbarger

John Axne

Dwight Evans

Fred Upton


There are many more ofcourse that were named last year. But this is about CrowdStrike. Do you now know that the bulk data collected on this outage is going to be given directly to Donald Trump? People this reaches the highest level of government. People ask yourself why is this all coming out hours after D. Trump took his nomination at the RNC? Did he tell you on July 10th that the final battle takes place in 7 days right? Now look at all the events that has transpired since you went to sleep.

This is all connected to the NSA.

This is all connected to the CIA.

This is all connected to the FBI.

Now you can understand the magnitude of what happened with the assassination attempt much clearer. Because the Deep State knew that once D. Trump became the nominee he would no longer wait to strike as what he now is doing is officially public knowledge and can bring everything happening behind the scenes into the forefront for public discourse. Because Joe Biden took this privilege away from him 2 years ago.

Now does the phrase “Panic In DC” make more sense now? I can go on but I have to start on some yard work. More info bombs coming later.












EXACTLY 699 MONTHS FROM JULY 30, 2024 (666) 😈





























Schedule and latest information for the start of EBS!

Finally, we will present the latest information on the EBS activation schedule, which can be called the climax of Plan Q.


Possible schedule;

The timing of the imminent Internet shutdown and   10 days of darkness across the world will be determined by quantum computational analysis of the entire international situation.

The mainstream media is shut down and people are asked to stay home and watch documentaries explaining what is happening.
Meanwhile, military forces stationed around the world are arresting those who collaborated with the New World Order and the creation of viruses and vaccines.
The operation  could begin any time this week.

On Thursday, July 11, 2024,  the world’s financial capitals of Zurich, London, Toronto and Rhine moved 209 countries into a global currency reset to gold/asset-backed currencies.

On the same Thursday, July 11, 2024, the Three Gorges Dam in China collapsed.
The Three Gorges Dam was the first of 34 satanic facilities to be destroyed.
It was the headquarters of the Chinese Communist Party’s child prostitution ring and a biological weapons laboratory.



On Saturday, July 13, 2024, Reno began making GCR payments to the whales  , which was also the start date of the terror event, according to Q Codez VII on Telegram.
It ultimately turned out to be an insider assassination attempt against Trump.

On Monday, July 15, 2024, with the start of the Republican National Convention, GCR payments to senior levels began and the Terrorist Event ended.

Wednesday, July 17, 2024:  Bruce says Tier 4b could receive notification of a scheduled replacement within hours of the end of the Republican convention.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024:  Operation Kraken: The Final Battle Begins…President Trump and JFK Jr.

Thursday, July 25, 2024:  Lockdown ends. Christmas in July. …Q Codex VII of Telegram

*Explanation: The timing of the onset of EBS appears to be determined by the level of consciousness of the people using a quantum computer.

Currently, the Trump assassination incident is shocking, but it seems that there will be incidents that will cause even more awakening.



There are also likely to be suspicious moves regarding the selection of presidential candidates following Biden’s withdrawal from the United States.

In China, news of President Xi Jinping’s suspected stroke may be part of this.

It can also include internet outages, financial crises, and natural disaster crises.

All eyes will be on Operation Kraken, which will begin on July 24, to uncover fraud in the 2020 presidential election.

Isn’t there a possibility that this could lead to electoral fraud all over the world?





This secret is soon revealed. It is all fake and fictitious. Ultimately, we can call it the Matrix.

In a world whose narrative advances between political commitments with electoral programs that are more or less essential for the world order, with strategic alliances and comprehensive present or future events that occupy months or even years in which the world seems to manifest a reality like a third dimension that keeps human beings trapped in a tour de force in which the economy and life expectancy always change for the worse, it is a trap that hides an unspeakable secret.This secret is soon revealed. It is all false and fictitious. Ultimately, we can call it the Matrix. Freedoms are secretly absent, but without giving the impression of a prison, which in fact it is.

But many will wonder how it is possible to maintain such a monumental fiction. Simple, very simple indeed. Just insert humanity into a timeline carefully prepared to simulate the scenario described above.

Either way, it is a question of technology. Where those who hold the power also have the right technologies to do all this. When the world is under the spell of negative entities, the first concern for those who want to save the world from the oppressive rule is to first remove the spell.

This explains why we are in this terrible phase. But the good news is this. “I am pleased to announce the final chapter to end the current administration!”… Letter 17 (JFK Jr, VP) on Telegram Friday, July 12, 2024 So what will happen?

One possible scenario is that a Black Swan event disrupts the world as we know it, using specially crafted extraordinary events to awaken the sleepers while simultaneously removing all bad actors and DeepState clones still in circulation.

But the path could also be different. Let’s see. We will certainly have EAS/EBS. Once the rot is removed, the new world of Gesara can easily manifest itself in all its glory and power. We just have to wait for the promised beginning.

So finally, we will no longer talk about Kamalo/Kamala or who else would take Biden’s place, since there is no such position. But in the meantime he sends rivers of ink to fill people’s heads with useless nonsense and continue to feed a false world that would only be good for four slightly distracted children.

Our mind must be oriented towards the new world that is coming and ready.

The Storm Rider

This secret is soon revealed
This secret is soon revealed



EBS and Project Odin initiate total global blackout, military tribunals usher in massive global change, and GESARA/NESARA resets the global economy!

As we stare into the abyss of an impending global crisis, whispers from the shadows speak of a seismic shift poised to dismantle the very foundations of our known world.

Central to this narrative is Project Odin, a harbinger of darkness set to engulf the “Mossad media satellite” and trigger a total communications blackout.

This event is not just a technological shift; it marks the beginning of a new era orchestrated by unseen forces operating beyond the reach of our so-called “secure” global networks.

Project Odin: The Beacon of Liberation

Project Odin transcends mere technological advancements. It symbolizes our precarious position on the brink of transformation—from vulnerable current systems to a fortified Quantum System that promises safety and freedom from the Cabal’s pervasive control.

EBS and Starlink: the game changer

A key element in this unfolding saga is the military’s Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) enabled via Starlink. Far from being just another satellite network, Starlink is a militarized global communications system.

While ostensibly designed for emergency broadcasting, it may serve as a key piece in a larger plan to disseminate unfiltered information directly from military sources, bypassing traditional media gatekeepers altogether.

Insiders like Ron CodeMonkeyz reveal that this is not merely a technological innovation, but a strategic move against a deeply entrenched enemy.  With Quantum Starlink,  shadowy manipulators can no longer alter the information landscape. This digital chess game has the highest stakes: the very perception of reality.

GESARA/NESARA: The Financial Reset

Amid the anticipated chaos,  a biblical opportunity arises—not for destruction, but for rebirth.  NESARA/GESARA, long whispered about in alternative finance circles, promises a financial reset, eliminating debt and ushering in prosperity for all. This is a revolution that aims to redistribute wealth and dismantle the financial strongholds of the elite.

Q and the apocalyptic deception

Further layers of narrative emerge from Q’s messages, suggesting an apocalyptic scenario deceptively framed as World War III. The real intent, however, is the global activation of military forces, not for war, but to cleanse the Earth of “satanic media assets”—a purge of a corrupt, legacy media controlled by sinister forces.

Physical manifestations and ‘rods of God’

The revolt will have tangible manifestations, including the planned demolition of “satanic Illuminati sites” — from the Vatican to Buckingham Palace and the mysterious White Houses.

It is not just buildings, but symbols of entrenched power that are supposed to crumble under the force of the “Rods of God,” directed energy weapons designed for that purpose.

The plan extends to grounding planes, halting trains and temporarily going dark as the world switches to free Tesla power, ending our dependence on fossil fuels that have long powered the few.

Cryptocurrencies and the New Order

In this new order, cryptocurrencies will face a dramatic reckoning. An alleged hack of Bitcoin servers will lead to a permanent shutdown, with 99.5% of digital coins disappearing.

Only those that are ISO20022 compliant and backed by tangible precious metals will survive this purge. This isn’t just about regulatory compliance; it’s about redefining value in a post-collapse world.

Military Courts and Global Renaissance

Amid the meticulously orchestrated chaos, military tribunals will conduct confessions and executions, paving the way for a new world order. The military, seen not as an agent of war but as a force for global rebirth, will oversee the creation of a new society.

This society promises to rescue our children from corrupt elites and free humanity from the chains of slavery.

A New World from the Ashes

As the old world burns in the fires of its own corruption, a new world waits to rise from its ashes. The question is not if this transformation will happen, but when—and whether we are prepared to step into the light of this new dawn, or whether we will remain trapped in the shadows of a world that no longer exists.

In this grand narrative, Project Odin, the EBS, and the  Quantum System  are not just technological marvels; they are the harbingers of a new age. We stand on the precipice, witnessing the orchestrated collapse of an old order and the painstaking rise of a new one.

The choice before us is stark: embrace the dawn of a new era or be left behind in the decaying remains of the past.




Fun Facts: Zimbabwe’s Payment System Pointing to the World – Part 3

✅ To get The Elders to donate off-ledger gold on the ledger is a complicated process.

✅ The Blockchain with its Gold Stablecoin system connects a specific weight of physical Gold donated with the serial number of each registered Bond.

✅ The system then assigns a traceable “digital” number to each Gold Stablecoin, a CBDC token.

✅ A “token” is a unique sequence of “digital” numbers that refers to a 1 gram unit of 99.99 pure gold, for example, and when it was registered, where the token went, who sent it and which account received it, are all tracked in real time on the Blockchain!

✅ This is how you get the gold donated for the bonds into the ledger in the system and directly connected to you as the bond owner through the bond registration process in Redemption.

✅ The moment RV/GCR is initiated, Gold is automatically assigned to your already registered Bonds which then activates/speeds up/boosts the whole process and the reason why 1% and 9% can be transferred to you without Redemption seeing the Bonds.

Now you understand why Redemption is the final destination of all Historical Assets (Bonds), as all Bonds must enter this Blockchain system by their unique serial numbers…

Redemption Sending Officer Statement dated March 6, 2024: “The moment the RV pays out, control of all banks globally will be taken over so that the banks will have security to receive the money paid out.”

✅We are standing at the door beloved Bondholders!! Blockchain and Stablecoin, the Enforcer, is about to forge the global currency reset and bond payments, and nothing can stop it!!

RV and Military Operations: Behind the Scenes – The Signing of a Historic Treaty by 209 Countries Aims to Reset Global Currencies! Trust the Plan!


The signing of a landmark treaty by  209 countries aims to redefine global currencies,  promoting economic equality and unprecedented prosperity. Learn more about the strategic military operation ensuring a smooth transition, the release of the prosperity fund and the humanitarian projects set to transform lives around the world.


Discover the revaluation of the  Iraqi Dinar, Vietnamese Dong, and Zimbabwe ZIM,  and how the  Stellar Network  is bringing banking services to the unbanked.  This article delves into the intricacies of this revolutionary financial shift, promoting global economic stability and fairness.

A revolutionary shift in global finance

Level playing field for all.  For too long, the global financial system has been skewed in favor of a few powerful economies, leaving many countries struggling with devalued currencies and economic instability. Currency revaluation is a game changer, creating a level playing field where all nations can prosper. This movement is not just about numbers and exchange rates; it is about fairness, equality, and giving every country an equal opportunity to prosper.

The Unprecedented Prosperity Fund.  One of the most significant aspects of this treaty is the release of an unprecedented prosperity fund, aimed squarely at benefiting “We the People.” This fund is set to transform lives by funding humanitarian projects, wealth transformation initiatives, and rebuilding efforts in communities around the world. This is a huge step toward eradicating poverty and ensuring that everyone has access to basic needs and opportunities.

Humanitarian Projects and Wealth Transformation

The Prosperity Fund will support a variety of humanitarian projects designed to uplift communities and transform lives. From building schools and hospitals to providing clean water and sanitation, these projects will address some of the most pressing needs around the world. Additionally, the wealth transformation aspect of this initiative will help redistribute wealth, ensuring that  every individual on Earth can benefit from this new financial order.

Share the Wealth Redistribution Program.  At the heart of this initiative is the “Wealth Redistribution Program,” which aims to distribute wealth to every individual on Earth. This program is designed to ensure that no one is left behind and that the benefits of this new financial system are shared equally among all. This is a revolutionary step towards global economic equality and social justice.

Major currencies: Iraqi Dinar, Vietnamese Dong and Zimbabwean ZIM

The Iraqi Dinar.  The Iraqi Dinar has long been undervalued due to years of economic turmoil and instability. However, with this new treaty, the Dinar is set to be revalued, bringing newfound prosperity to Iraq and its people. This revaluation will attract foreign investment, boost the economy and improve the standard of living for millions of Iraqis.

Vietnamese Dong.  Vietnam’s economy has been growing steadily, but the value of the Dong has not reflected this progress. With the revaluation, the Dong will now be worth the same as the US dollar, symbolizing Vietnam’s growing economic power. This change will open up new opportunities for trade, investment, and economic growth in Vietnam.

The ZIM of Zimbabwe.

Zimbabwe has faced serious economic challenges in recent years, with hyperinflation devaluing the ZIM to near worthlessness. The revaluation of the ZIM is a critical step towards stabilizing Zimbabwe’s economy and providing a better future for its people. This move will restore confidence in Zimbabwe’s currency and pave the way for economic recovery and growth.

The Stellar Network: Banking for the Unbanked

Bringing banking services to the unbanked.  A key component of this global financial revolution is the Stellar Network, which aims to bring banking services to the unbanked around the world. Millions of people in developing countries lack access to basic banking services, limiting their economic opportunities. The Stellar Network is designed to provide secure, accessible, and affordable banking services to everyone, regardless of their location or economic status.

Designed to help all of humanity.  The Stellar Network is more than just a financial platform; it is a tool for social and economic inclusion. By connecting people to the global financial system, it empowers them to take control of their financial futures. This initiative is truly designed to help all of humanity by breaking down barriers and creating opportunities for all.

RV and military operations: behind the scenes

The revaluation (RV) process is a highly complex and sensitive operation that requires meticulous planning and execution. To ensure a smooth and secure transition to the new financial system, a coordinated military operation has been integrated into the process. This military involvement is not only about security, but also about leveraging the logistical and organizational capabilities of the military forces to support the revaluation efforts.

Strategic Oversight and Implementation.  The military operation provides strategic oversight and ensures that the currency revaluation is carried out in an orderly and controlled manner. This oversight includes monitoring the distribution and exchange of new currency denominations, preventing fraudulent activities, and maintaining the integrity of financial markets during the transition period.

Safeguarding economic stability.  One of the military’s key roles in this operation is to safeguard economic stability. By ensuring that the revaluation process is conducted without disruption, the military helps maintain confidence in the financial system. This is crucial to avoid market panic and ensure that the benefits of the revaluation are realized without causing unintended negative impacts.

Logistical Support.  The military also provides essential logistical support to the revaluation process. This includes the safe transportation and distribution of new currency notes, the protection of financial institutions, and the facilitation of communication between various stakeholders involved in the process. The military’s logistical capabilities are instrumental in ensuring that the revaluation is carried out efficiently and effectively in all participating countries.

Coordination with Financial Authorities.

The military operation is closely coordinated with global authorities and financial institutions. This collaboration ensures that the revaluation process is aligned with international financial regulations and standards. By working together, military and financial authorities can address any challenges that arise during the revaluation and ensure a seamless transition to the new currency values.

Training and Preparation.

In preparation for the reassessment, extensive training and simulations are conducted. Military personnel, along with financial experts, engage in rigorous training to deal with various scenarios that may occur during the reassessment process. This preparation is crucial to anticipate and mitigate any potential issues, ensuring that the operation proceeds without major disruptions.

Transparent communication.

To maintain public trust and confidence, transparent communication is an essential aspect of the military operation. Regular updates and information are provided to the public, explaining the steps involved in the reassessment process and addressing any concerns. This transparency helps to avoid misinformation and ensures that the public is well informed throughout the transition period.

Collaboration with International Partners.

The reassessment process is a global initiative, and the military operation involves collaboration with international partners. This global cooperation ensures that the reassessment is implemented uniformly across all participating countries, promoting fairness and consistency. International partnerships also enhance the safety and effectiveness of the operation by sharing best practices and resources.

Integrating a military operation into the revaluation process is a strategic decision aimed at ensuring the success of this historic financial transition. By providing oversight, logistical support, and coordination with financial authorities, the military plays a crucial role in maintaining stability and confidence in the new financial system. Through meticulous planning, transparent communication, and international collaboration, the revaluation process is poised to deliver significant economic benefits to all participating countries, ushering in a new era of global economic equality and prosperity.


The signing of this treaty marks the beginning of a brave new world. A world where currencies are valued equally, where wealth is shared fairly, and where every individual has the opportunity to prosper. This is more than just an economic shift; it is a revolution that promises to transform our world for the better.

As we approach this new era, we need to embrace change and seize the opportunities it brings. The road ahead will undoubtedly be challenging, but with determination and collaboration, we can build a prosperous, equitable and fair future for all.

Ultimately, this treaty is a testament to the power of unity and the potential for positive change. It is a bold step toward a better world, and it is up to us to make that vision a reality.

Let us rise to the challenge and create a legacy of prosperity and equality for future generations.

Public announcement of “GCR/RV related information” initiated in Iraq

Currently, we have decided that we should wait and see the movements (information) related to “GCR/RV (related to Iraqi Dinar)” and are basically ignoring them, but this week there was a noteworthy movement in Iraq. I am writing this as a memo.

Notable events that happened in Iraq this week (as of July 15, Iraq time)! ?

Notable events that happened in Iraq this week (as of July 15, Iraq time)! ?

We spent a lot of time verifying the facts, including whether they were true or false, such as whether the incident occurred in a limited area of ​​Iraq or across the entire country.

This week (starting July 15, Iraqi time), the Iraqi government sent  a warning to the Iraqi people  in the form of a TV commercial in almost every part of Iraq.  That is

“Zero reduction (introduction of low-value notes)” of the national currency (Iraqi dinar)

This is related content.

The Iraqi government is educating the Iraqi people (sharing information)! ?

The Iraqi government is educating the Iraqi people (sharing information)! ?

Regarding the policy of “zero reduction of the Iraqi dinar (introduction of low-value notes)  , the Iraqi government and the Central Bank of Iraq have repeatedly discussed the policy.

Once the zero reduction policy has been decided, why don’t we implement it as quickly as possible?

It seems that a lot of people are wondering… This time, it has become clear that the Iraqi government has started sharing information about the zero reduction of the Iraqi dinar (introducing low-value notes) in the form of a “TV commercial”.

The Iraqi government intends, first of all, to thoroughly educate the Iraqi people about the intentions, advantages and disadvantages of zero reduction (introducing low-denomination notes).

That’s what I’m thinking.

*Why do we carry out “zero reduction (introduction of low-value notes)”?

*Zero reduction is not just the introduction of new notes.

* Revaluation of the value of the Iraqi dinar behind the “zero reduction (introduction of low-value notes)”


The Iraqi government seems to think that unless the Iraqi people are fully aware of this, the effects of “zero reduction (introduction of low-denomination notes)” could be weakened and cause confusion.

To that end, I believe an awareness campaign among the Iraqi people began this week (from July 15, Iraqi time).

Commercial campaigns are also underway in several countries beyond Iraq.

Commercial campaigns are also underway in several countries beyond Iraq.

In fact, it appears that the ad is being aired not only in Iraq, but in several other countries as well.

Was the initial purpose “to notify countries other than Iraq of the revaluation of the value of the Iraqi dinar”? That’s what I thought, but as I checked the information… it seemed simple.

Notification/Campaign for Iraqi Citizens Abroad

We came to the conclusion that this is the purpose.

The key point is the Iraqi people’s understanding of the introduction of low-value notes.

The key point is the Iraqi people's understanding of the introduction of low-value notes.

Through this incident, I realized once again that there are practical issues to be addressed.

In order to carry out the RV (revaluation of the monetary value) of the Iraqi dinar and the introduction of low-value notes, it is essential to obtain the understanding of the Iraqi people.

That’s what the Iraqi government thinks.

Considering the overall flow of the Q-plan up to this point, when implementing (incorporating) the elements of the Q-plan,

Prevent panic (confusion) from arising among people

I can feel this is a top priority (common understanding).

The same goes for the Iraqi dinar RV (currency revaluation).


GCR RV related information initiated in Iraq
GCR RV related information initiated in Iraq




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American Patriot Three Gorges Dam Bank of Japan EBS Biden Disappearance 7/24/17, 18

American Patriot Three Gorges Dam Bank of Japan EBS Biden Disappearance 7/24/17, 18

American Patriot


😎🇺🇸🦅🗡️CNN. Under the direction of the CIA and cabal agencies, they are planning a new assassination attack against President Trump. This attempt aims to drag the United States into war with Iran and provoke a civil war.



  • Exclusive: Secret Service beefs up security after receiving information about Iran plotting to assassinate President Trump. It’s unclear if this is related to the shooting.Tuesday, July 16, 2024, 9:01 p.m. EDTCNN

    US officials have received intelligence from human sources in recent weeks about an Iranian plot to assassinate Donald Trump, and the Secret Service has increased security around the former president in response to the development, a press release told CNN.
    There is no indication that Thomas Matthew Crooks, the suspect in the plot to assassinate the former president on Saturday, was involved in the plot, the officials said.The existence of a threat intelligence from hostile foreign intelligence agencies and the increased security against Trump stem from security failures at Saturday’s rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, and after a 20-year-old man stormed onto a nearby rooftop, raising new questions about how the shooting that injured the former president was carried out.A US national security official said the Secret Service and Trump campaign were aware of the threat ahead of Saturday’s rally.“The Secret Service learned of this growing threat from this stream of threats,” the official told CNN. “The National Security Council has reached out directly to senior levels of the USSS to ensure they are constantly monitoring the latest reports. The USSS will share this information with unit leaders and the Trump campaign acknowledges the growing threat.” The Secret Service has increased resources and assets to protect former President Trump. TheTrump campaign acknowledged the Iranian threat. It did not say whether it had done so. “We have no comment on President Trump’s security forces. All questions should be directed to the US Secret Service,” the campaign said in a statement.Secret Service officials have repeatedly warned the Trump campaign against holding outdoor rallies that are riskier than events where the agency can better control access, a person briefed on the matter said. The warning was more general in nature, the officials said.“The Secret Service and other agencies are constantly receiving new information about potential threats and taking steps to adjust resources as needed,” agency spokesman Anthony Guglielmi said Tuesday. “We cannot comment on specific threat streams other than to say that the Secret Service takes threats seriously and is responding accordingly.”A source familiar with the matter told CNN that at some point during the campaign, the campaign stopped holding impromptu, unofficial events without the Secret Service authorizing guests in advance due to security concerns.The FBI, which is investigating Saturday’s shooting, declined to comment.NSC spokesman Adrian Watson said there are no known connections between the shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks, and anyone else at this time.“The investigation into the attempted assassination of former President Trump on Saturday is ongoing. At this time, investigators report that no connection between the shooter and any foreign or domestic accomplices or co-conspirators has been identified,” Watson said.The Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations has denied that Iran is plotting to assassinate Mr. Trump.“These allegations are baseless and malicious.” From the perspective of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mr. Trump is a criminal who must be indicted and punished in court for ordering the assassination of General Soleimani. “We must bring him to justice,” a spokesperson for the mission told CNN. This is a reference to Qasem Soleimani, the commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, who was killed in a US airstrike at Baghdad International Airport in January 2020.CNN’s Fareed Zakaria questions Ali Bagheri Kani, Iran’s acting foreign minister, about Iran’s alleged assassination plot, asking in an interview whether the plan was revenge for Soleimani’s assassination during the Trump administration.“I have made it clear that we will use legal procedures and judicial frameworks at the national and international level to bring to justice the perpetrators of the assassination of General Soleimani and the military advisers,” Kani told Zakaria. The interview will air on CNN’s “Fareed Zakaria GPS” on Sunday.When asked if he meant not using violent means, Kani said: “We will only resort to Iranian and international law and judicial process.We have done this in the past, it is our right and of course we will continue to do so, and the United States has publicly said that it assassinated a senior Iranian military commander. ” and those charged in this case must be brought to justice in a fair court,” Kani said.Trump and his Republican vice presidential nominee, Sen. J.D. Vance of Ohio, will hold their first official campaign rally on Saturday at an indoor arena in Grand Rapids, Michigan, his campaign announced Tuesday.Iran’s state media threats mount
    Iran has repeatedly vowed to retaliate against the killing of Soleimani by US forces. In addition, former Trump administration officials who worked on national security have been under heavy security since leaving the administration.In August 2022, the Justice Department announced criminal charges against members of the IRGC for allegedly conspiring to assassinate John Bolton, who served as President Trump’s national security adviser. US prosecutors said the plot against Bolton was “likely in retaliation” for Soleimani’s killing.Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was also the target of an Iranian assassination plot, according to federal law enforcement sources familiar with the investigation and sources close to Pompeo.President Trump’s former national security adviser Robert O’Brien, like Pompeo and other former Trump administration officials, has hired US government security personnel because of the Iranian threat, sources familiar with the matter said. Sources said O’Brien now employs his own security personnel. Lawmakers were not given specific reasons for the decision, which has led to frustration. O’Brien did not respond to requests for comment.

    Bolton still employs Secret Service security personnel.

    Law enforcement officials have been concerned for months about persistent threats that Iran could attempt to assassinate former Trump administration officials or the former president himself, according to sources familiar with the matter. However, recent information suggests the threat has escalated significantly, sources told CNN.

    The warnings about the planned operation come at the same time as a surge in online messages from Iranian accounts and state media mentioning Trump, raising security concerns among US officials, one of the sources told CNN.



[2024/07/17 21:46]

American patriot,
😎🇨🇳⚡️💣 Boom 💥 Three Gorges Dam三 Three Gorges Dam.



Three Gorges Dam opens floodgates as Yangtze water levels rise
Wednesday, 17 July 2024 7:00 AM GMT+9


A second wave of flooding has hit the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, with water levels at the Three Gorges Dam in Yichang, China, rising to more than 544 feet on July 14. In response, the dam opened six floodgates and released water to control flood levels.


[2024/07/17 22:39]

American Patriot,
😎🇯🇵💣 Bank of Japan intervention on Friday’.



  • According to data from the Bank of Japan, an additional $13 billion of intervention is believed to have been carried out on Friday.
    There is a possibility of continued intervention aimed at stopping the yen’s depreciation over the weekend.
    Investors are keeping a close eye on the Bank of Japan’s next move at its monetary policy meeting scheduled for July 30-31. (Photo by Mizuho Miyazaki)
    Mitsuru Obe, Nikkei Asian Economic News Chief Correspondent
    July 16, 2024 8:03 PM JST
    TOKYO — The Bank of Japan raised exchange rates for two consecutive business days last Thursday and Friday, according to data on Tuesday. The move appears to have had a ripple effect on the market, indicating that Japan’s monetary authorities are increasingly concerned about the yen’s continued decline.About 2.74 trillion yen ($17.3 billion) of liquidity is expected to drain from the financial system on Wednesday related to various transactions involving the government sector, according to the Bank of Japan’s current account balance data released Tuesday. The amount is estimated to be approximately 600 billion yen.The large difference between the forecast and the actual amount (more than 2 trillion yen) indicates that there were unexpected transactions, such as intervention in the foreign exchange market.Yosuke Takahama, chief manager of Central Tanshi, said the data suggests that there may have been about 2 trillion yen worth of yen buying intervention on Friday.The yen rose to a three-week high of about 157.30 yen per dollar on Friday from about 158.80 yen per dollar during New York trading hours, following the release of the U.S. producer price index for June.The Finance Ministry uses the Bank of Japan as its agent to intervene in the foreign exchange market.According to the data, although the Finance Ministry invested 2 trillion yen, it only managed to make the yen appreciate by about 1.50 yen against the dollar. In response, the Foreign Ministry apparently intervened on Thursday and managed to push the yen up from around 161.50 to around 157.40 against the dollar. That represents an increase of about 4 yen and the estimated cost is 3.17 trillion yen.“The second intervention appears to be less profitable when you look at the amount spent compared with the size of the yen’s appreciation,” said Yujiro Goto, chief currency strategist at Nomura Securities.“However, it appears the Finance Ministry wanted to show its determination to prevent the yen from depreciating by repeatedly entering the market,” he said. On Tuesday, the yen traded at around 158 yen to the dollar, but selling in the yen was restrained due to concerns about a new intervention.Earlier this month, the yen hit 161.94 yen, its lowest since December 1986, as investors bet that the interest rate gap between Japan and the U.S. would not narrow any time soon.The Bank of Japan is scheduled to hold a monetary policy meeting on July 30-31 to announce details of its bond-holding reduction policy, and investors are keeping a close eye on the BOJ’s next move.Market participants are divided on whether the BOJ will raise interest rates at this meeting. Some believe the stronger yen will ease pressure on the BOJ to take tighter measures.But Goto said the BOJ will feel “more pressure” to take tighter measures at its next meeting.“Market participants will conclude that the intervention has achieved nothing if the yen returns to the 160 yen level after the BOJ meeting,” he said.

[2024/07/17 23:25]

American patriot,



Plan A.

is not a training exercise. The evidence is ready and published. What are they desperately trying to hide? Who gave the order?

You will find out soon.

THIS IS NOT A DRILL. The EVIDENCE is ready and has been published. What are they desperately trying to hide? Who gave the order?

You will find out soon.



[2024/07/18 2:33]

American Patriot,


😎🇫🇷💣 France’s Macron government resigns.



  • French government resigns, begins indefinite transition period
    . Attal’s government acts as caretaker government until a new prime minister is appointed.
    July 16, 2024, 4:02 p.m. Central European Time By
    Victor Gouly-Lafont Reporter
    PARIS – Governing France is about to become increasingly difficult for President Emmanuel Macron.  The French president on Tuesday accepted the resignation of Prime Minister Gabriel Attal and his government, the Elysee Palace said in a statement, officially beginning the transition period. During this period, the outgoing government will act as caretaker government until a new government is appointed.  The statement added that President Macron called on “all forces of the Republican Party” to reach an agreement to end this transition period “as quickly as possible.”This transition period has never lasted more than nine days, but it is unprecedented in France.It is up to the president to choose who will serve as prime minister and in the cabinet, and if his party has an absolute majority in parliament, he chooses as he pleases, otherwise he chooses the leader of the party that controls the lower house.However, the French political landscape is divided and it is not clear who will be in power and who will act as the opposition party.Although the left-wing coalition New Popular Front won last week’s general election, it is far from having an absolute majority in the National Assembly and disagreements are beginning to emerge within the party over who should be appointed prime minister.Macron has not yet announced his future course of action, saying that “no one” won the election and that “to build a solid majority” we need an “honest and loyal dialogue” between the parties.Under the caretaker government, ministers will continue to deal with routine matters unless their decisions require political judgment or raise serious legal issues, ministers confirmed to POLITICO said in an internal document sent to.With the 2024 Paris Olympics starting in 10 days, some ministers, including the sports minister and the interior minister, will be required to remain focused on their duties.The transition period also brings uncertainty to next year’s budget law, the government’s most sensitive issue. The budget law is typically debated in the fall and is expected to be adopted by the end of 2024.France has been targeted by the European Commission for overspending in 2023. Brussels formally opened the so-called excessive deficit procedure against France on Tuesday. That means the government will have to reassure the European Commission in the coming months with a new spending-cutting plan.Outgoing Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire has made more than 20 billion euros ($24.5 billion) in cuts this year and has planned cuts of at least the same amount next year, targeting France’s famously generous social spending.“We will prepare options for the next government, but it is up to them to decide,” Finance Minister Le Maire told reporters on Monday.

[2024/07/18 4:15]

American Patriot,

EBS Alert!

Martial law in hundreds of US cities!

10-day  power outage and Guantanamo Redemption Center and Quantum financial card introduced!


[2024/07/18 5:57]

American Patriot,
😎🇺🇸🦅 Biden’s disappearance.
[2024/07/18 12:24]

American Patriot,


😎🇺🇸🦅🗡️ Special Prosecutor Jack Smith. Arrested July 15, 2024. Guantanamo Bay detention camp. for treason and conspiracy. court.



  • Special counsel calls for dismissal of Trump secret documents case
    , Wednesday, July 17, 2024, 5:49 p.m. EDT

    Special counsel Jack Smith said Wednesday he will appeal a judge’s decision to dismiss charges against Donald Trump over his handling of classified documents.
    The special counsel’s team filed a notice of appeal Wednesday, the first step toward starting the appeals process. It came just two days after U.S. District Judge Eileen Cannon dismissed the charges, well ahead of the 30-day deadline prosecutors faced to file an appeal.That means the shocking decision will be reviewed by judges on the Atlanta-based 11th Circuit Court of Appeals.The two-page brief filed by Smith’s team did not indicate whether prosecutors would seek to expedite the appeals process.The appeals court tends to be conservative, with half of its full-time judges appointed by President Trump himself, but some of its rulings run counter to the court’s ideological leanings.A three-judge panel ruled against Cannon on key legal issues early in the Trump documents investigation. The three Republican appointees on that hearing panel were unanimous in their decision to appoint a “special master” to review materials seized by the FBI during the Mar-a-Lago raid in the summer of 2022. It was overturned. Inanother notable decision, last year, an appeals court unanimously rejected an attempt by President Trump’s former chief of staff, Mark Meadows, to move his criminal election interference case in Georgia to federal court. The ruling was written by a conservative judge appointed by former President George W. Bush.In Monday’s ruling, Judge Cannon said Smith’s appointment as special counsel was unconstitutional and justified dismissing the case against Trump.The legality of the special counsel will be considered by another court.
    Judge Cannon’s dismissal halts, at least for now, the criminal case that has been slowly winding its way through the courts in Fort Pierce, Florida, since it was filed last summer.The former president has been charged with 32 counts of unlawful retention of national defense information and eight counts related to allegedly obstructing a federal investigation into the documents. Judge Smith also indicted two Trump officials, his personal valet Walt Nauta and Mar-a-Lago property manager Carlos de Oliveira, for aiding in the sabotage plot.The case was one of four criminal cases brought against the former president last year. Unlike other lawsuits that relied on somewhat novel legal theories targeting Mr. Trump’s conduct in the 2016 and 2020 elections, this document lawsuit is an example of the Justice Department’s mishandling of classified documents by the incumbent and was considered simpler because it resembled lawsuits routinely brought against former government officials.But prosecutors faced multiple hurdles in moving forward with Mr. Cannon’s case, leading to a shocking ruling on Monday that vacated Mr. Smith’s appointment. Their decision contradicted rulings by judges across the country that have rejected challenges to the legality of special counsel appointments.But Mr. Cannon’s legal basis—concluding that Congress has not passed a law giving Attorney General Merrick Garland the authority to appoint a special counsel like Mr. Smith—is based on the recent Supreme Court ruling by Chief Justice Clarence Thomas in the case. Justice Thomas expressed similar concerns about the constitutionality of Mr. Smith’s appointment, but other justices dissented from his concurring opinion. The same justice wrote an opinion concurring with Mr. Smith in a dispute arising from his election interference case in Washington, D.C.The U.S. Supreme Court could ultimately be forced to decide, especially if the 11th Circuit agrees with Judge Cannon’s opinion. That would create a so-called circuit split with an earlier decision in which a federal appeals court in Washington, D.C., upheld the department’s hiring of a special counsel. Without a measure to expedite the appeal of the Trump documents case, it will likely be months before the Atlanta-based appeals court hears the case.The case marks the first time the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals, which oversees federal appeals from Florida, Alabama and Georgia, will face this issue.


[2024/07/18 12:25]



American patriot,


😎🌍⚡️ Coronal mass ejection. Radius failure.



  • Extreme solar flares disrupt radio transmissions worldwide
    July 16, 2024
    As we approach solar maximum, the moment when the Sun reaches its peak activity in the current cycle, some extreme events are occurring. Last Saturday (13) the most intense X-Class solar flare occurred. Theexplosion occurred in sunspot AR3738 at around 11:34 pm (Brasília time) and was observed by NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory. The explosion was so violent that shortwave radio transmissions were interrupted in several parts of the world. The map below shows the affected areas in red, including parts of Japan, Australia and Russia. Brazil was not affected by this event.Shortwave radio outages in Southeast Asia, Australia and Japan.(Image credit: NOAA/SWPC)However, X-class solar flares are unlikely to cause major problems. Solar physicist Keith Strong said on X (formerly Twitter): “Given the high solar activity, geomagnetic activity is unlikely.”Also important for aurora enthusiasts is that this event was too short to produce a coronal mass ejection (CME). Without the plasma being emitted by the Sun, we wouldn’t be able to see the aurora on Earth.CME Watch – 2024.7.14: I waited until I received the latest data on and after the X Flare. There is no sign of a CME in last night’s M and X2 flare series. Therefore, geomagnetic activity due to increased solar activity is unlikely— Keith Strong (@drkstrong) July 14, 2024What is a solar flare?
    The sun’s active cycle is 11 years long. Astronomers now call it solar cycle 25. This number refers to a cycle that scientists closely monitor. At the peak of the solar cycle, a series of spots appear on the star’s surface, indicating a concentration of energy. When magnetic field lines become entangled with a sunspot, they can break and create gusts of wind.
    Details:Flares are classified by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) using a letter system of A, B, C, M, and X based on the intensity of the X-rays they emit. Each level is 10 times more intense than the previous level. The X class indicates the strongest flare, and the numbers provide more information about the intensity. X2 is twice as strong as X1, X3 is three times as strong, and so on. Because the sun rotates every 27 days, sunspots disappear from view for a period of time before becoming visible to Earth again.

[2024/07/18 23:27]

“Basel III Endgame” – Thu. PM Seeds of Wisdom RV/GCR Update(s) 07-18-24


Seeds of Wisdom

An Update on Vietnam’s Pursuit of Cryptocurrency Regulation

A Hudson Reporter article dated April 21, 2024 titled:    Vietnam’s Path to Cryptocurrency Regulation by 2025: A Government Necessity,   provides an update on Vietnam’s pursuit of cryptocurrency regulation.

The article states that   Vietnam plans to develop a legal framework for cryptocurrency regulation by May 2025 to address ownership risks and prevent illegal activities such as money laundering.

Key takeaways from the article:

1. Cryptocurrencies are not banned in Vietnam, but regulation is urgently needed.
2. The Ministry of Finance has been tasked with drafting a regulatory framework by May 2025.
3. Measures against misuse, such as money laundering, are also being considered.

@Newshounds News™

For more:   Hudson Reporter



“Everyone is trying to protect themselves. Information leaked recently that in the environment when the United States and the entire collective West want to steal Russian money, Saudi Arabia is thinking about how to reduce dependence on the dollar.   THE DE-DOLLARIZATION PROCESS IS UNDERWAY, IT CANNOT BE STOPPED, he said.”
Quote from Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov

@ Newshounds News™

Read more:   X


Cryptocurrency Regulations in Vietnam 2024

The post Cryptocurrency Regulations in Vietnam 2024 appeared first on Coinpedia Fintech News

Vietnam, a socialist country in Southeast Asia, has a population of 99.46 million and covers 331,000 square kilometers.   It has developed a strong market economy with socialist influences, becoming one of the fastest-growing economies in terms of GDP. This economic growth has attracted significant foreign investment.

Vietnamese government on cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrency is not banned in Vietnam,   but a   legal framework is needed to ensure its proper development and mitigate risks  , according to a representative of the Ministry of Justice. Cao Dang Vinh, deputy director of the Department of Economic and Civil Law, noted on April 12 that   there are varying understandings about virtual assets, digital currencies and cryptocurrencies, with different countries adopting different approaches to management.

Cryptocurrency not banned in  Vietnam: Ministry of Finance Cao Dang Vinh noted global variations in cryptocurrency outlook and the lack of specific regulations in Vietnam. Vietnam does not have a legal framework for cryptocurrencies, emphasizing the need for regulation.

Cryptocurrencies carry risks that can lead to misappropriation or money laundering.   Vietnam currently has no regulations to govern their development, and cryptocurrency is not considered a legal asset.   Vinh stressed the need for a legal framework to prevent such risks and illegal activities.   The Ministry of Finance will provide specific proposals, and the Ministry of Justice will offer detailed opinions accordingly.

Additionally,   Vietnamese state authorities are working on possible applications of blockchain technology in the country.

Blockchain for Vietnam’s Cashless Society

Vietnam’s Deputy Prime Minister Vuong Dinh Hue signed a policy decision in 2017, outlining the government’s plan to reduce cash transactions in the country to less than 10%.   The State Bank of Vietnam also announced the development of a $700 million cashless payment network in collaboration with South Korean payment service provider Alliex.

Another bank, Tien Phong Commercial Joint Stock Bank (TPBank), taking a step further in using blockchain technology, has joined hands with Japan’s SBI Ripple Asia to develop the Ripplenet blockchain-based global payments network to process cross-border transactions.

Launch of the first money transfer service between Japan and Vietnam that uses distributed ledger technology (DLT). TPBank is the latest financial institution backed by SBI Ripple Asia to leverage Ripple


Cryptocurrency Law

In  Vietnam, cryptocurrencies were not considered legal tender, but could be purchased, held, and traded.   The government has continued to reassess its approach to the crypto space, with the central bank maintaining that cryptocurrencies were not legal tender.

Cryptocurrencies were categorized as assets or goods by the Civil Code of 2015 and the Commercial Law of 2005.   These laws defined property broadly, including objects, money, valuable papers, property rights, and movable property, including future assets, allowing cryptocurrencies to be traded within the country.

What led to ignoring the need for regulations?

The Vietnamese government cites many official reasons for the need for regulations and bans them as a means of payment,

—  The cryptocurrency industry has no government oversight   and is therefore prone to illegal activities.

—  Cryptocurrencies lack customer protections   as they are volatile in nature, leading to price instability, security concerns, and market manipulation.

—  Cryptocurrencies are open to illegal activities   such as tax evasion, money laundering, terrorist financing, and hacking.

Cryptocurrencies may have the ability to destabilize existing financial systems, which could affect the country’s economy.

Cryptocurrency Regulatory Roadmap

Vietnam has made several efforts to regulate the country’s cryptocurrency space. On   August 21, 2017,   Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc approved a draft to complete the legal framework for managing digital assets and their activities.

On   April 11, 2018,   a directive was issued to the relevant authorities to manage cryptocurrency transactions in order to analyze the negative impact on the country’s economy. In the directive, Bitcoin and similar cryptocurrencies were banned for using them as a mode of payment for any goods or services. But users were free to invest in cryptocurrencies. Those found guilty would be penalized with a fine of up to VND 200 million (USD 9,000).


In   February 2019,   the Ministry of Justice also submitted a report that reviewed the current legislation regarding cryptocurrency-related businesses in the country. They proposed three different policies that the government could consider and start working on the policy selected by the government. They are:

1. Floating and lax regulatory approach

2. Direct approach

3. Legislation of digital asset transactions under specific conditions.

Recently, on   May 11, 2020  , the Vietnamese Ministry of Finance approved the establishment of a research group to review, analyze, and develop various regulatory policies around crypto assets. The research group would consist of nine group members from the following departments,

—General Department of Taxation

—National Institute of Finance

—General Department of Vietnam Customs

—Department of Banking and Financial Institutions of the State Bank of Vietnam

The research group would be led by the Vice Chairman of the State Securities Commission, Pham Hong Son.

Authorities in Vietnam will establish a research group on cryptocurrencies to evaluate policy. On   May 11,   the Ministry of Finance of Vietnam said that it will establish a research group responsible for examining and making policy proposals on cryptocurrencies and virtual assets

1. Taxation and Mining

2. Taxes on Cryptocurrencies

As you already know, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are not considered legal tender and are prohibited from being used as a form of payment, and tax policies have not been drafted yet. Cryptocurrency taxation in Vietnam remains uncertain due to the lack of a clear legal framework.

The tax authorities lost a case   against a local citizen who was being taxed on Bitcoin gains. Since cryptocurrencies are not considered a legal asset under Vietnamese law, the court ruled that the authorities have no right to tax it.


Cryptocurrency Mining

Cryptocurrencies remain illegal   as of now and are restricted with the use of payment methods and   therefore mining. It is also considered illegal    The government has also passed a law that   prohibits the import of bitcoin mining equipment into Vietnam.

However, the Ministry of Industry and Trade expressed dissatisfaction with the ban and also expressed concern about the decline in the mining business.   The ministry sent a proposal to the Prime Minister of Vietnam, called Document 5964/BTC–TCHQ, mentioning that the mining equipment is not listed on the prohibited import list or the unsafe list.   Therefore, the import should be allowed, which was accepted by the government.

12-04-2024: Vietnam Does Not Ban Cryptocurrency, Confirms Ministry of Justice

A representative of the Ministry of Justice clarified that although cryptocurrency is not banned in Vietnam, there is a need for a legal framework to guide its development and mitigate risks.   Cao Dang Vinh, deputy director of the Department of Economic and Civil Law, noted different global perspectives on virtual assets, digital currencies, and cryptocurrencies.

Final Note

The Vietnamese government has now taken a progressive approach towards regulating cryptocurrencies and has initiated several steps.   The various other approaches, however, are still vague and lack clarity.

More laws and reforms are needed to ensure the safe flow of cryptocurrency transactions in the country so that no scams or frauds occur that risk investor funds.   The future of cryptocurrencies is safer and more reliable in the country when these regulatory frameworks are put in place.




“Basel III is a set of financial reforms developed by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision.   It introduces stricter capital requirements to increase the resilience of banks. The main focus is to improve the quality of capital, particularly Tier 1 capital,   which is essential for absorbing losses.”

The Importance of Gold in Basel III Regulations

“The role of gold in Basel III significantly changes the way banks deal with this asset. With the new Basel III Banking Accords, gold is once again taking center stage as an important asset for financial institutions. The most significant change is that Basel III regulations treat gold held in vaults as a zero-risk asset, a status previously reserved for cash. This change elevates the importance of gold in ensuring the stability and liquidity of banks.”


Impact on Liquidity and Stable Funding

“Gold significantly impacts banks’ liquidity. Under Basel III measures, banks must maintain a specific Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) to ensure they have sufficient high-quality liquid assets to survive financial stress. Gold can be considered part of these High-Quality Liquid Assets (HQLA).”

“Basel III regulations make gold a more attractive asset for banks by allowing gold held in vaults or on an allocated basis to be treated as cash with a 0% risk weight.”

“Basel III requires financial institutions to hold a higher proportion of physical gold, rather than trading in derivatives. This change increases funding costs and requires more robust liquidity buffers. Banks are now required to hold physical assets to meet liquidity requirements, increasing the preference for tangible gold. As a result, this regulation stabilizes the gold market by reducing reliance on paper gold and emphasizing the importance of physical gold holdings. This change supports higher demand and potentially increases the price and stability of gold in the long term.”

“With Basel III, gold is now considered a High Quality Liquid Asset (HQLA)”

@ Newshounds News™

Read more:   Metals Edge



“Many parts of Basel III are already in place around the world, including in the US. However, the final changes, called the Basel III Endgame and agreed in 2017, have been delayed for years by the COVID-19 pandemic and banks asking for more time to adjust and lobby against the new regulations.”

“12 Deadlines have already passed,   with mid-2025 being the latest date for when the rules are expected to take effect in the U.S., which means announcing them months in advance to give regulators, banks and other stakeholders the time they need to prepare to meet the new standards. Banks would begin using the rules on July 1, 2025, with the goal of having them fully in effect three years later.”

What effect would Basel III have on small and medium-sized banks?

“Although Basel III primarily targets very large, internationally active banks, critics charge that its regulations would also affect small and medium-sized banks.”


When does Basel III go into effect?

​​“Since the Basel III Endgame process began, banks have been asking for more time to digest and comment on the plans, COVID-19 and changes in the post-pandemic economy have pushed back the deadlines. As   it stands now, the regulations are set to go into effect on July 1, 2025, followed by a three-year phase-in period to give banks time to transition to the new rules.   While previous deadlines have come and gone, the comment period is now over, giving U.S. federal regulators more leeway to move forward with implementation.”

@ Newshounds News™

Read more:   Investopedia 


Chainlink’s Tokenization Sandbox Reduces Testing to Days Instead of Months

The sandbox could prompt more financial institutions to adopt asset tokenization solutions.

Chainlink is debuting a new turnkey solution for institutions looking to conduct tokenization trials in the latest development for the tokenization industry.

Chainlink has launched its new Digital Assets Sandbox (DAS) for financial institutions, which aims to accelerate digital asset innovation.

DAS will enable financial institutions to quickly experiment with new revenue-generating opportunities, such as tokenization of securities, with faster time to market and greater overall efficiency.

According to Angela Walker, global head of banking and capital markets at Chainlink Labs, the new sandbox was born out of institutional demand for safe digital asset experimentation environments.

@Newshounds News™

Read more:  Coin Telegraph


BRICS to leave IMF and WTO
BRICS to leave IMF and WTO

BRICS to leave IMF and WTO

The upcoming BRICS summit in Kazan is set to address a critical issue that has been ignored by the international community for too long – the reform of international financial institutions, specifically the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Trade Organization (WTO).

The BRICS nations, which include Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, have been pushing for reforms that better reflect 21st century economic realities and make the global economic governance system more inclusive and representative of emerging economies.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stressed the importance of addressing these issues, saying that the current structures of the IMF and WTO disproportionately favor developed countries and do not adequately represent the interests of the Global South.

BRICS nations have been advocating for a review of the IMF quota system to give more weight to developing nations, which will ensure their voices are heard and their interests are represented in the decision-making process.

The IMF’s quota system determines the amount of financial resources each member country contributes to the organization and its voting power. Currently, the quota system is heavily biased in favor of developed countries, with the United States and Europe holding a dominant position.

This means that developing countries have little influence over the organization’s policies, even though they are the ones most affected by them. The BRICS nations argue that this imbalance must be corrected to ensure that the IMF’s policies are more equitable and representative of the global economy.

Another issue on the agenda is the restoration of the full functionality of the WTO dispute settlement mechanism. The WTO is responsible for regulating international trade and resolving disputes between member countries.

However, the dispute settlement mechanism has been paralyzed by the United States’ refusal to approve new appointments to the Appellate Body, the WTO’s highest court. This has resulted in a backlog of cases and an inability to resolve disputes, undermining the effectiveness of the WTO and the stability of the global trading system.

The BRICS nations argue that restoring the dispute settlement mechanism is crucial to ensuring that the WTO remains a viable and effective forum for resolving trade disputes. They are calling for a solution to this impasse in order to ensure that the WTO can continue to fulfill its mandate and promote free and fair trade.

Reform of the international financial institutions is long overdue. The current structures of the IMF and the WTO were established in a different era, when the global economy was dominated by developed countries. However, in the 21st century, the economic landscape has changed dramatically, with emerging economies playing an increasingly important role in the global economy.

The BRICS nations are pushing for a more inclusive and representative global economic governance system, one that better reflects the economic realities of the 21st century. By addressing the issues of the IMF quota system and the WTO dispute settlement mechanism, the BRICS nations hope to create a more just and equitable global economic order.

The upcoming BRICS summit in Kazan provides an opportunity for BRICS nations to take the lead in promoting these reforms.

The international community must support their efforts and work together to create a more inclusive and representative global economic governance system that serves the interests of all nations, not just a select few. Reforming international financial institutions is a crucial step toward ensuring that the global economy is more equitable and sustainable for future generations.

Watch the video below from Fastepo for more information.


7/19: July 24 – Operation Kraken begins! After that, Biden leaves office and announces Gesara

Friday Morning, July 19, 2024“Black Swan” is underway! ?We will continue to monitor the “financial markets” related to the “World Currency Reset”!Well thenFrom Judy Notes on July 18I will extract the parts that interest you!Today’s messageHappening now
…QNotice that
President Trump has sent an emergency broadcast message!
7 days until the final battle, show everyone
in Operation Kraken … 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) Telegram Wednesday, July 17, 2024Have at least one month’s worth of food, water, money, medicine, and essentials for your family and to share with others in case of emergency.

Judy Notes

Many people, including myself, were surprised when Trump announced that his running mate would be Senator J.D. Vance instead of JFK Jr.
JFK Jr., who was a central figure in the movement and was expected to run for Vice President with Trump.

Then, on Wednesday, July 17, Trump announced that “Operation Kraken” had begun and that the final battle would begin seven days later.
I looked at the calendar and saw that Wednesday, July 24, was also the day that JFK Jr. could announce that he was alive and kick everyone’s ass.

Suddenly, it all made sense.
For those in the know, JFK Jr. was already vice president of the Restoration Republic while Trump was president.

JD Vance was just a vice presidential candidate for the bankrupt U.S. Inc.

Kraken is the nickname for the computers in the 305th Battalion’s Military Intelligence Unit.
Kraken is the nickname for the computer that watermarked the official ballots for the 2020 election. In November 2020, Kraken
confirmed that Trump had won all but two states with over 80% of the vote.

Kraken’s announcement on Wednesday, July 24 was the one we’ve been waiting for.
The election is fraudulent and American companies, the Biden administration and all Congresses will be dissolved.
Meanwhile, we were heading towards an election in a “restored republic.”

Speaking of Joe Biden, on Wednesday, July 17, 2024, Biden had his own surprise. United States President
Biden announced on stage that he would not be speaking at the Las Vegas event.

In the words of the White Hat Covid Code Chart, “testing positive for Covid” means that the person arrested has confessed to the Treasury and their execution will be kept secret.

The only problem is that in December 2020, Biden was already in prison and facing a military trial.
He was found guilty of espionage, election fraud and treason, and executed at GITMO.
He has been played by actors ever since. Wouldn’t that have been a great movie? All the twists and turns.

Maybe this Covid diagnosis was the Deep State’s way of getting rid of the fake, senile, angry president.
He was never elected President of the United States.
The whole thing was a huge, elaborate show, and it was building to a grand finale.

On the other side of the fence, the White Hats seemed to agree with the Covid diagnosis. Their global alliance was trying to expose the entire Biden operation.
Kraken: The final battle was scheduled to begin in seven days.

 According to President Trump’s Telegram announcement on Wednesday, July 17, 2024, Operation Kraken will begin its final battle on Wednesday, July 24, 2024.

 Kraken is the nickname for the 305th Battalion Military Intelligence Unit based at Fort Hachuka, Arizona.
Computers at Fort Huachuca, Arizona.

 During the vote count in the November 2020 election, the military counted electoral votes with official watermarks using a Kraken.
The Kraken computer counted the electoral votes and found that Trump won all but two states with over 80% of the vote.

 Also in November 2020, Obama, Biden, and CIA Director Gina Haspel were arrested on charges of espionage and voter fraud.
Arrested for Espionage and Election Fraud: Tuesday, December 1, 2020 Obama, Biden, CIA Director Gina Haspel
Arrested for Espionage and Election Fraud Before It Became News (

“Three and a half years later, on Wednesday, July 17, 2024, we learned that: -Recounts confirmed that Biden lost the vote in 46 of the 50 states.” .Dan Scavino on Telegram on Wednesday, July 17, 2024

 Apparently, for years, some political elites in the Democratic Party and the Republican Party have been collaborating with China and other communist parties to overthrow the American government
and establish a new world order.

 Trump and his allied white hats organized the 2020 presidential election as a covert operation to capture these bad guys.
It is a sting operation to arrest the bad guys for treason using information collected by the Kraken.

 In November 2020, CIA Director Gina Haspel, Obama, and Biden were indicted in connection with mass voter turnout.
He was indicted in connection with a massive voter fraud scandal centered on Dominion servers and the 2020 presidential election, which Biden claimed to have won.

 On November 7, 2020, the Saturday after the election, CIA Director Gina Haspel was arrested and detained on voter fraud charges.
She was wounded by US special operations forces who raided the CIA in Frankfurt, Germany.
Unfortunately, five US soldiers and a CIA mercenary were killed in the shootout.

Haspel was in Frankfurt apparently to protect data from servers that incriminated deep state leaders (such as Obama and Burns). Deep state leaders such as Obama and Biden are said to have cooperated with law enforcement to obtain lighter sentences for themselves.
He is said to have cooperated with law enforcement to obtain a lighter sentence for himself. Information revealed about massive voter fraud perpetrated by Democrats in the 2020 election.

Dominion voting servers are captured in a military raid.
The servers were located in Germany, Canada, and Spain and were diverting votes from Trump to Biden.
Simultaneous raids took place in Toronto (home of Dominion Voting Systems) and Barcelona, ​​Spain (another CIA site).
Barcelona, ​​Spain (another CIA Scytl server farm used in electoral vote swapping; another CIA Scytl server farm used in coup);

 Covid 19 is a global military intelligence operation to arrest and execute those who fall under Executive Order 1381.

 Tuesday, July 16, 2024: BQQQQM Q released a massive trove of files.
A massive collection of files known as “Zero” was released, revealing the secrets of the CIA’s largest-scale espionage activities ever

 July 17, 2024 (Wednesday) It was reported that Xi Jinping suffered a stroke at the 3rd Plenary Session of the Communist Party of China.

Possible timeline

 The Internet will be shut down and the world will be plunged into darkness for 10 days.
It will be determined by an analysis of the entire international situation using a quantum computer.
The mainstream media is shut down, during which people are asked to stay home and watch documentaries explaining what is happening.

Meanwhile, military forces stationed around the world arrest the New World Order and those who collaborated in its creation.
Those who collaborated in the creation of the New World Order, viruses and vaccines will be arrested. This operation could begin any time this week.

 On Thursday, July 11, 2024, the world financial capitals in Zurich, London, Toronto and Reno activated the World Currency.
And in Reno, a reset of the global currency to gold/asset-backed currencies was triggered for 209 countries.
Reset to currency.

On the same Thursday, July 11, 2024, the Three Gorges Dam in China collapsed.
The Three Gorges Dam was the first of the 34 Devil’s Places to be destroyed. The Three Gorges Dam housed the headquarters of the Chinese Communist Party’s child sex trafficking ring and bioweapons research institute.

 On Saturday, July 13, 2024, Reno began making GCR payments to the whales.
According to the VII Telegram, this day was also the start date of the terror event.
It turned out to be an internal assassination attempt on Trump.

 On Monday, July 15, 2024, GCR payments to top executives began, coinciding with the start of the Republican National Convention.

 Wednesday, July 17, 2024: World Day of International Justice:

 Wednesday, July 24, 2024: Operation Kraken: The Final Battle Begins…President
JFK Jr. May Come Out of Hiding.

 Thursday, July 25, 2024: End of lockdown. Christmas in July. …Q Codez VII is now available on Telegram.

that’s all



The Precatório group has already started. They will be making a global announcement on Saturday. They will be releasing their “own opera” to celebrate this incredible achievement. This group started just two months ago with great momentum, has funding beyond their reach and will be in good shape. Good news from them. The Pentecostal group is paying and we will hear good news from them. They have been told not to make any more audios. So for the moment, all is quiet.

Bondholders: I have seen private contracts, I have seen the certificates, I have never seen so many zeros, one account of the Mauritius group had 36 zeros, but many more zeros in these other certificates. Obviously, most of these funds will go to humanitarian purposes, since no single person could use this amount of funds.

We are at the limit! Another bondholder has received notifications. I know you want to know about Tie4B, but this is all I get since I am just a messenger. The Tier4B group will come like a thief in the night. Just watch for it to happen in our email. No announcement has been made to these bondholders and this is what will happen to all of you. Just keep an eye on your emails.

If bondholders get paid, then Tier4B will obviously start.

I have no news from Reno or Zurich at the moment. But if they are paid, it will be under a confidentiality agreement. I get it mostly from independent sources in Brazil and also good news from Colombia. And good news from private contractors.

I know you wanted more. There’s not much noise coming from Hong Kong, Reno or Zurich, it’s quiet, but I think it’s good news and we’ll wait and see what happens later in the day (today is my Friday morning).

I hope we get some really good news that we’ve been waiting for. This opera is coming and we hope to premiere it soon. Keep the faith that it’s coming. The Precatorials and the Pentecostals are being done now and the rest will follow.

**I will be traveling soon and will hear this news any time this week!!!! When I get the call to leave, I will leave the channel to Carpathia and Shelby to handle. I am very excited about what I am seeing!! God bless you. Glutton. (Transcribed by Carpathia)

A NOTE FROM CARPATHIA: Merciful God, we pray for the full recovery of President Trump. We also pray for the families of those who were seriously injured and for the family of the Patriot who died in this senseless act of hate-filled violence. We pray that those responsible for this reprehensible act will be swiftly brought to justice. By your grace, may we bring healing to our President and our country so that all Americans may live in a spirit of peace and mutual understanding, remembering that we are one nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all.



RUMORS: 07/19/2024

Answer from my friend in Brazil. It is not NESARA/GESARA

“So, from what I could understand, basically precatórios would be someone who was waiting for some money from the government… not exactly a tax reduction or anything like that.”

I called her for further clarification. She said that if you have a claim with the government, like social security or other financial aid, and you haven’t received it, that’s what these funds are for.


UPDATE!! Global Martial Law Declared: 

Blackouts and Military Tribunals Begin – The Fall of the Khazarian Mafia and Deep State – QFS Goes Live!

Brace yourselves, because the events unfolding now and those yet to come will reshape our world. We are witnessing the systematic dismantling of Luciferian landmarks, and the orchestrators of this change are not who you imagine.


BREAKING! Leaked audio reveals Biden’s order: 

‘Time to target Trump’ – NESARA, GESARA closer than ever, EBS activation imminent!

The recent assassination attempt on President Trump at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, is not just another security breach – it is a calculated move in a grand strategy orchestrated by a powerful cabal intent on halting a global awakening. This attempt was designed to instill fear, create chaos, and divert attention from the impending financial revolution that will be unleashed by NESARA and GESARA.


Global Currency Reset (GCR) Imminent: 

Destroying the Evil Federal Reserve Financial Empire!

The Federal Reserve is not just a central bank; it is the most formidable financial syndicate in modern history, a true master manipulator in a world where monetary control equals absolute power.



Created in darkness and shrouded in secrecy, the Fed is not an institution for the people, but an engine of enslavement, created by and for the financial elite who conspire to dominate not just America, but the entire world.


BOMBSHELL! Earth Alliance Med Bed Training Program 

– Your role in spiritual awakening and becoming key players in the future of humanity!

The Earth Alliance, a secretive group with ties to undisclosed military factions, has confirmed the existence and immediate global distribution of a groundbreaking technology that will revolutionize healthcare: Med Beds.

These are not just tools for physical healing, but revolutionary devices that fuse advanced healing techniques with profound spiritual awakening.


The final Countdown: 

World Leaders and Financial Tycoons Make Mysterious Moves as NESARA and GESARA Prepare to Go Live!

In a monumental step toward global liberation, the implementation of NESARA and GESARA is on the verge, poised to dismantle a millennia-old conspiracy that has secretly dominated global financial systems and suppressed the masses. These acts, veiled in secrecy until now, represent the beginning of a profound era of economic justice and equality.


Exclusive! Global Banks Secretly Linked to Quantum Financial System (QFS)!

Banks all over the world are connected to the QFS!!??

By becoming QFS, all illegal exploitation will disappear.

More and more people are waking up!!


GESARA was approved by all countries in The Hague (International Court of Justice) 2019 and 2020. POTUS would provide numbers like border wall and other numbers stating how many countries signed.

#TransitionToGreatness = Transition to Gesara.

Now they just need to stage a fake World War III scenario to sound the sirens at all National Military Command Centers.

This is to justify to the whole planet many things that are already happening. The fact that the Military Law Gesara is in force. The Secret Military Tribunals, Confessions etc. Executions are many. And as all military people normally do, they will help to build new things.



Remember POTUS saying all hospital equipment will be obsolete by the end of the year? No more chemotherapy, radiation, etc. No more medical beds, UV light therapies, etc. Hospitals and schools will be destroyed. No need for medical research when you have 6,000 cures handed to you, which Tesla had.


NESARA/GESARA triggered: 

Global Wealth Equality Begins in July with a Military-Backed Financial Reset!

As the world teeters on the brink of monumental change, the undercurrents of a grand plan are emerging through the corridors of power. RV and GESARA are not just events; they are the cornerstones of a revolutionary project for global emancipation that the elite have desperately tried to keep secret.



An Inside Look at the Deep State DUMBs – Trump’s Alliance with White Hats Exposes the Deep State’s Plan to Trigger Mass Panic!

The heavens are about to explode with a catastrophic revelation. Hidden forces are stirring, preparing to launch an operation that will shake the very foundations of reality: Project Blue Beam. This is a meticulously crafted plan involving high-tech holograms, advanced military sound weapons, and a staged alien invasion designed to send the world into a spiral of chaos and terror.


Insider Information! Quantum Financial System (QFS) is Taking Over: Bank Collapse Imminent!

Banks have been stripped of their former power and a new era of financial transactions is upon us. The Quantum Financial System (QFS) is now operational, seamlessly integrated with the global banking network. This groundbreaking system will govern all financial transactions, large and small, across the world, effectively rendering traditional banks obsolete.


UPDATE!!! Tesla’s medical beds are destroying Big Pharma elites: 

Earth Alliance ready to spark a health revolution!



Nikola Tesla, the brilliant mind far ahead of his time, discovered a truth that remains intentionally hidden from the public: a universal life force permeates everything around us and can be harnessed to achieve unparalleled healing.



Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) ready for 8 hour broadcast!

A seismic event is coming – a reckoning of hidden truths so profound that it will destroy the foundations of everything we know. The Emergency Broadcast System (EBS), a seemingly benign communications tool, is not what it seems. It is the turning point in human history, the moment when long-hidden realities are thrust into the harsh light of day.


Bombshell! Trump’s GESARA Signature, the Fall of the Rothschilds and the Rise of the Quantum Financial System!

GESARA, signed by President Donald Trump, promises to eradicate the fraud and corruption that have long plagued the banking sector, ushering in an era of transparency and fairness.


RV Redemption Process: 

secret phases and hidden steps to unprecedented wealth and power!

The RV redemption process is the gateway to a new paradigm of wealth and control, reserved for those who are vigilant and informed.


GESARA is here: 

the great blackout begins, military on high alert, Trump’s divine plan is unleashed – the end of the old world order!

Prepare for a revelation that will shatter the very fabric of your understanding. The truth has been hidden from us by a shadowy cabal that controls every aspect of our lives, but their grip is slipping.


EXCLUSIVE! Global leaders seal deal on GESARA implementation at G20 – economic revolution stalled!

As the Comprehensive Economic Security and Reform Act (GESARA) moves away from the fringes of radical reform toward a tangible global reality, recent political events appear not only aligned but orchestrated to pave the way for its sweeping reforms.


Starlink’s Imminent EBS Alert to Initiate Global Reboot Plan 

– World War III Scenario and Global Military Law!

The veil of deception is being torn away before our eyes, revealing a world not as it appears, but as it has been meticulously designed to be by the puppeteers of power. Global elites tremble as their empire of lies begins to crumble, piece by piece, under the relentless march of the truth brigade led by none other than Elon Musk’s Starlink, an unstoppable information machine.


Global Change ALERT: 

10 Nation EBS Activation, Internet Blackout, Global Martial Law and Transition to Metal-Backed Currencies!

God Rods and Directed Energy Weapons are on the horizon, ready to strike Satanic strongholds around the world. This is not a drill; the world is on the brink of a seismic shift.


Sky Event Alert: 

The White Hats, USSF and STARLINK are preparing for the storm against the Deep State’s planned ‘alien invasion’!

In the deepest shadows of global power, a silent war rages—not with bullets, but with the most potent weapons of all: deception and truth. Event Sky, an impending spectacle orchestrated by the Deep State, is no mere geopolitical maneuver; it is the ultimate move in a game controlled by forces operating beyond the normal confines of nation-states.


Break! 50,000 medical beds deployed in the US, underground clinics and technician training centers around the world to heal soldiers and rescued children!

Forget everything you’ve been told about the height of medical technology because the game has completely changed. With the emergence of high-dimensional medical technology, specifically the Medbed, we are on the cusp of a revolution that promises to redefine healing and longevity.


NESARA trigger imminent: 

World banks will switch to precious metals, erasing all credit card debt, mortgages and loans globally!

The European Central Bank and major global banking systems are on the verge of a seismic shift that will fundamentally alter the global financial landscape. Within four months of NESARA being enacted, these institutions will declare that their currencies are now backed by precious metals such as gold, silver and platinum.



 Judy Note: 

Via his Telegram site, the 17th  Letter  , JFK Jr., Vice President of the Restored Republic,  advised us to pay attention to Trump’s acceptance speech on  Thursday night, July 18  .

“He had official security briefings  on Thursday,  so he would have put a lot of things in order. You have to understand how important today is (  Thursday, July 18  ). The gloves come off. That’s why they were fighting with Joe Biden today.”



This mix-up of Biden and Trump security briefings on  Thursday  likely had nothing to do with him being diagnosed with Covid, but more to do with the links that were emerging of Biden’s connections to the Trump assassination attempt, including the Cabal’s Blackrock giving Trump major options shortly before the assassination attempt.

Not only were security concerns compromised by Biden’s wife leading agents away that Saturday, but  forensic analysis of Trump’s assassination attempt revealed a chilling detail:  11 shots were fired from THREE separate firearms. The precise timing raises BIG questions. There were clearly three shooters, not just the one who was killed.

Either way, it looked like Biden would be gone  well before he had to face the Kraken announcement next  Wednesday, July 24,  where the 2020 election fraud likely proved he was never elected US President.

It seemed like both parties had already figured out a way to get rid of Biden.  There were rumors that the fake president was airlifted to Walter Reed Hospital  on Thursday  and would likely resign  sometime this weekend. tentative-mike-adams-3698166.html

  • “The ultimate truth is about to emerge from the shadows.  We have it all. How do we use what we know? How do you inject/make public/use it ‘legally’ as evidence? What are you witnessing unfold? Trust the Plan.” …Q
  • “The three-day event has begun:  Trump attempted assassination: the shot heard round the world. Solar storm ahead: power grid and pipelines at risk. Nine nations, including the US, insolvent: global market collapse imminent. Brace for impact. Nothing can stop what is coming. The great awakening. A week to remember.” …The 17th  letter  (JFK Jr.) on the Telegram  , Thursday, July 18, 2024
  • “The storm is coming!  Follow the crumbs. You have everything. SEC Conf will be reviewed. Dark [10]. Enjoy the show!”…Q
  • “The Deep State will fall tonight.  Believe it!” …MAGA General on Telegram  Thu. July 18, 2024
  • Thu. July 18, 2024:  Newsmax’s Mark Halperin just reported that Joe Biden has agreed to drop out of the 2024 race as early as this weekend.
  • Thu. July 18, 2024: Yesterday, President Xi of China suffered a massive stroke and is now in critical condition.  Xi has been working with the Global Military Alliance under Donald Trump to overthrow the Chinese Communist Party, as well as ensuring that China is a founding member of the BRICS Alliance. This week, BRICS was completing the Global Currency Reset (GCR) of 209 countries to gold/asset-backed currencies. The GCR was taking control of the Global Financial System away from the Deep State Cabal and returning it to the People. Xi’s stroke came just four days after a failed assassination attempt on Trump. A heart attack weapon was known to be used by the CIA (which was known to work with the Chinese Communist Party) to assassinate those they saw as a danger to the Deep State Cabal.
  • Wed. July 17, 2024:  VP Vance’s Shocking Revelations by Project Camelot’s Kerry Cassidy
  • End of the Fiat US Dollar:(1) Since 1913,   the municipal corporation doing business as UNITED STATES, INC. had annually collected all US taxpayer dollars through its privately owned IRS and Federal Reserve, only to send it all to the use of the Queens Bank of London, then to the use of the Vatican Bank, and then to the use of its Central Banks around the world.

    About a month later,  the US tax money was finally back in the US at a New York Central Bank, where this privately owned US Inc. then charged US citizens interest for using their own money to pay the federal employees of the privately owned US Inc.—a system that was the cause of the deep US national debt.

    Having, with the help of blackmailed members of Congress, spent the U.S. dollar wildly until it became fiat,  US Inc. was declared bankrupt by its owner, Pope Francis, on   September 24, 2015   —a Chapter 7 liquidation that was covered up in  2008  with the so-called “Mortgage Crisis” and finally ended on   November 5,   2020—shortly after and in line with the 2020 election that fraudulently selected Biden as president of the privately held US Inc.

  • Thu. July 18, 2024:  Bombshell Report! Judy Byington: President Trump just sent an emergency broadcast message! The final battle begins in 7 days! Operation Kraken is underway. . .

Possible schedule:

  • The timing of a pending Internet shutdown and Ten Days of Darkness   across the World will be determined by a Quantum Computer’s analysis of the entire international situation.  Mainstream Media will shut down while people will be asked to stay home to watch documentaries explaining what was happening. Meanwhile, military troops stationed across the Globe will arrest anyone who has cooperated with the New World Order and its creation of the Virus and Vaccines – an operation that could begin any  time this week.
  • On Thursday, July 11, 2024,  the world’s financial capitals of Zurich, London, Toronto, and Rhine activated a global currency reset of 209 countries to gold/asset-backed currencies.  On the same Thursday, July 11, 2024,  the Three Gorges Dam in China burst. Three Gorges was the first of 34 Satanic sites to be destroyed. It contained the headquarters of the Chinese Communist Party’s child sex trafficking ring and bioweapons labs.
  • On Saturday, July 13, 2024,  Reno began GCR payments to the whales, and according to Q Codez VII on Telegram, it was also the date for the start of a chilling event – which turned out to be an inside job for an assassination attempt on Trump.
  • On Monday, July 15, 2024,  GCR payments  to the upper tiers began  ,  as did the start of the Republican National Convention, which was the end of the Scare Event.
  • Wed. July 17, 2024:  According to Bruce, Tier4b could be notified of the exchange nominations within hours of the Republican Convention ending.
  • Wed. July 24, 2024:  Operation Kraken: The final battle underway… President Trump; possible JFK Jr. comes out of hiding.
  • Thu. 25 July 2024:  Lockdown ends. Christmas in July. …Q Codez VII on Telegram

Global Currency Reset:

Thursday, July 18, 2024 Wolverine:

  • The Precatorios group has started.  They will be making a global announcement on  Saturday, July 20, 2024.  They will be releasing their “own opera” to celebrate this incredible achievement. This group started just two months ago with great momentum, they have funding beyond scope and will be fine. Good news from them.
  • The Pentecostal group  is paying, and we will hear good news from them. They have been instructed not to make any more audios. So, everything is hushed up at the moment.
  • Bondholders:  I’ve seen private contracts, I’ve seen the certificates, I’ve never seen so many zeros, one account in Mauricio’s group had 36 zeros, but many more zeros in these other certificates. Obviously, most of these funds will go to humanitarian purposes, since no single person could use that amount of funds.
  • We’re at the limit!  Another bondholder has received notice.
  • I know you want to know about Tie4B  but that is all I am getting as I am just a messenger. The Tier4B group will come like a thief in the night. Just expect it to happen to our email. There has been no announcement made to these bondholders and this is what will happen to all of you. Just keep an eye on your emails. If the bondholders are getting paid then obviously Tier4B will start.
  • I’m not hearing anything from Reno or Zurich at the moment.    But if they get paid, they would be under an NDA.
  • I’m hearing mostly from independent sources in Brazil  and good news from Colombia as well. And good news from private contractors.
  • There is not much noise coming from Hong Kong, Reno or Zurich,  everything is quiet, but I think this is good news, and let’s wait and see what happens later (today is my Friday morning).
  • I hope we have some really good news that we have been waiting for.  This opera is coming and I hope it will be released soon. Keep the faith that it is coming. Precatorios and Pentecostal are being done now and the rest will follow.

Thu. 18 July 2024:  BOMBSHELL!! Gold-Backed Revolution: QFS is Setting the Stage for a Global Financial Reset Like No Other!

Restored Republic:

A bullet pierced Trump’s ear at 6:11 p.m.
Ephesians 6:11 says:
“Put on the complete armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.”
Trust the plan.
Trump trusts.

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