Sun Priestesses & Purity Holders ~ Spiral into the Galactic Heart ~ Feminine Christ Avatar ~ The Sisters of the Rose Portal
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Blue Ray Starseeds of our Venusian Lineages
Happy 144 into the 444 Portal!
All our Ground Crew Earth Angelics walk the Path of the Clear Light of Bliss to fully anchor into Mother Earth the Love and Compassion of Infinite Source Creator. As we live from our Hearts being connected to all things we bring into balance and harmony of the Music of the Spheres.
As we flow deeper into our Inner Conscious Mind through meditation and mindfulness the lens of our Perception becomes more clear as the Buddha Mind shines through our Pure Awareness.
In these final days of our transition into the New Earth, The Eagle flies with the Condor in Divine Union as Shakti dances with Shiva and the Yin merges with the Yang. Fire and Water become One in the reunion of the Elements so all our Good People of the New Eden can live in the Peace and Abundance of our Divine Birthrights.
Together we rise into the Glory of the Dawning of the New Golden Age of Eternal Life for all Sentient beings of the WayโฆAโHo!
UPDATE. A way is now been shown. Clarity arises. Messages are being received. The unexpected could even happen, with key relationships evolving almost “surprinsingly” for the best & allowing new paths to be formed. Feel the hope & the renewal. The highest path ahead is making itself known.
Many Sun priestesses & purity holders are being called to give rebirth under the initiation & anointing of God!! To bring thru an organic foundation of true beauty, wealth & joy!!!
These priestesses hold keys of inner beauty that represent higher dimensions of existence.
They are coming together.
Calling each other in the hands of the creator.
Their halos will represent the SUN CHRISTOS THE kingdom AND Queendom of heaven is here!!
4th January 2024 : January and the year of the Rose.
Yes it really has arrived this exciting year of 2024. The year of the Rose and the year in which we reawaken and reconnect with our Galactic Source energies.
This was the teaching of Mary Magdalene, the Feminine Christ Avatar, who taught her followers the Path of the Pure Heart and of Simplicity Joy, Love and Abundance.
The teachings of the Rose and its spiral into the Galactic Heart will be our motivation for this year.
Key moments in this month, will be the New Moon in Capricorn on the 11th of January. The Moon will be at 20 degrees of Capricorn and Pluto at 29 degrees. A very intense placement, with Pluto energy offering change as we consider what seeds of change and renewal we are planting in 2024. Use the energy of the New Moon to consider this wisely.
On the 21st of January the Sun moves into Aquarius, but this is another powerful Pluto moment because the Sun will be conjunct Pluto at 0 degrees of Aquarius. This may well be a defining moment for 2024, as it represents a 0/zero point energy for the New Creations we are bringing forward. Pluto then moves forward and will only dip back into Capricorn once this year from September to November, and then full steam ahead into the New Earth and the Golden Age.
The 25th January is the Full Moon in Leo, with Star Lions and Dragons abounding! It promises to be a powerful and Fiery Moon filled with Magic and Sparkles! The Water Bearer energy of Aquarius will also shine through as Water Plasma and Fire Plasma energy is poured down to the Earth in a sign of great blessing!
And also leading up to the powerful 2/2 Aquarius Gate Portal.
1/4/24: The energy of each day this month is doubled and magnified. This increases our access to the power of each number which means we can very intentionally work with each day and get the most from it. Itโs important to know, however, that you still get to choose how you use it. Today is about business and getting organized.
It would love a new routine, project, program, or plan. It will reward effort and productivity. So, if youโve been wanting to start, finish, or get back to something, this is your day. If you decide to slack and playโฆ do it really well. Today gives back as good as it gets.
The last full moon of 2023 brought some very confusing, painful and anxious energies. It is deeply emotional and sensitive, and it is bringing up a lot of nostalgia and past memories. We are being asked to let go of what no longer works or serves us.
These current energies are intense, and it may feel like an emotional death as your internal world can no longer deny the reality weโre living.
Yes there are endings happening, itโs important to remember that the universe will never end something in your life without having something better lined up for you.
Therefore, it is important to be aware of those who suffered around us, be kind to someone who wasn’t expecting it, giving a compliment to someone who hasn’t heard it in a long time, lending a helping hand to someone who could really use it or simply picking up the phone and calling someone you know has been waiting for a call for a long time.
Small acts of kindness and compassion, imagine how big they can become when they are passed on from one soul to the next and again and againโฆ they are slowly changing the world.
โGo and love someone exactly as they are. And then watch how quickly they transform into the greatest, truest version of themselves. When one feels seen and appreciated in their own essence, one is instantly empowered.โ
O EฮฮฮฮฮฉN ฮฮฮฮฮฃ
Last night I was shown againย how many characters that brought pain and destruction to humanity will be driven to justice and how Divine Justice will prevail.
Their time has ended.
The true archons of the game are taking over and this next phase will be quite c r a z y!
Can’t wait!
But I was also told again that the next phase of the return of the masculine collectively,ย in both men and women,ย will go through a strong expression of anger, aggression, violence and enforcement that besides it’s healthy aspect,ย will cause repression onto many that will find themselves in his way.
ฮคhis will continue until the masculine hits a new dead endย and finds himself ready to totally let go of the old ways and forgive, take responsibility and trust himself, the feminine and generally Life again!
In a way will try once more to go about his old ways and implement his power in the way he knows but he will fail greatlyย because this time by doing this,ย he will actually feel the great void in him,
he will see it and touch it and this will be life changing for him.
He will eventually see that the only open path and the only answer nowย is via Love and Wisdom,ย CHRIST AND SOPHIA.
There are new songs to be sang and new world to be rediscovered.
The Higher Timeline is CURRENTLY lifting into a higher vibratory SPACE.
This involves being meticulous and prudent with Your energetic field and conscious thought process. Unity with like minded is essential as well as discerning where Your energetic focus goes.
Ascension Skymatics as well as supportive energetic influxes will be more widespread and witnessed as We raise higher in Grace, and the uplifting vibration reveals more of the Divine Magic.
It is also an opportune time to witness more around You raise in consciousness, suddenly Awaken.
Love, Gratefulness, and Virtue are high vibration practices which assist in keeping You elevated and are also key.
Call to within sight of ground level once again more of Your Ships
Across the planet individuals are awakening to a new understanding of the secrets which lie within the delicate petals of the symbol of the rose.
The rose is the most sacred of flowers as it holds the highest resonance. It has long been associated with the Goddess and is the symbol of the greatest devotion and purest love.
For you it may be a calling to connect with the living embodiment of divine energetic soul source, which has many representations in physical form.
Mary Magdalene holds her secrets within the rose lineage.
Mother Mary leaves the rose as her calling card and offers mystical devotion of the deliverance of graces through the rosary.
Goddesses Sophia, Athena and Aphrodite offer the rose as the symbol of transference of energetic form and manifestation.
There are currently many individuals calls to recognise the honouring of the sacred rose.
Those who have been shown that ย the heart is a portal, have been truly blessed and chosen as rememberers of an ancient divination and secret sacred rituals or wisdom. This comes to them through subconscious messaging, through dreams and through the passing on of codes within the body, mind and aura of those whom they connect. Those with Master Guides and Archangel Guardians will be vessels for passing this knowledge via energetic transference, which neither individual may be aware of.
The remembering serves one purpose : to empower their soul mission. My message of the renegotiation of angelic contracts, whereby many spiritually minded individuals will be guided towards new understandings, awareness and experiences; which are leading them to work on new life ย skills or are showing the way to a lifestyle change are all about the divine timing of 2023. (access my explaination of the new soul contracts of 2023 via the link at the bottom of this post)
The message of the rose Portal is that of the heart and how a shift towards heartfelt living guides us with grace to higher levels of awareness. The sacred ย rose is a mandala in constant movement, inviting us into a world of beauty and purest love. It is the route to home, the message of the gateway of eternal living and the connection to the divine mother, whether goddess’s or devotion.
At the end times the sacred rose will bloom to open gates within the heart of the living world which hold the greatest and unfathomable compassion connect to a divine destination; a tunnel that allows for every soul to travel through. The final soul to pass through will be that of the facilitator.
In this message of divine beauty I see how we each support one another in finding the way to to the Light.
We know that there are many darknesses manifested within our physical dimension, many of which seek to call us away from our focus on goodness; but through our unity in love we can overcome these many perceived challenges.
As we stand at this most high resonating point in space and time our earthly plain has never been so high in frequency, as so many awakened individuals gather to look out from it. But this is matched by continued efforts of darkness to heavy us into distractions and dispairs, as a way to anchor us to the old realm.
It is through the heart that we can find the release from our struggle, as we learn to trust in the higher order and in our own goodness.
The sisters of the rose portal are the ancient folk who knew of the sacred divine feminine expression within spirituality. The message is an imprint on the soul and cannot be denied, despite its obvious suppression within physical history. The message of the rose portal is within us all and defies space and time. Without it there would be no cycle of life and no creation.
The Rose Portal is divinely feminine, as it represents the birthing into a new level of living through compassion. Although many females are been given this divine insight of the symbol of the rose, it is not restricted to gender in the physical realm.
Passing through the rose portal requires nothing but the act of trust , and in our attempts to do small acts of goodness for others, we show a manifested love for the most pure and divine being to enter our world; bringing the gateway of the kingdom of Heaven to your own ย blessed heart.
If this message speaks to you then I greet you with many blessings; as you are entering a time of honouring the bringing of a new connection and relationship between the mortal and the immortal.
Beginnings from endings are carrying you ahead. Trust the process and keep going forward. We as the Ground Crew are leaving the old world all together. Nothing can destroy the path of freedom and enlightenment we are pursuing.
Acknowledge and release any fears and emotions that are clearing the density, for your transformation. The main focus today is to allow the separation and death to the old, knowing this is meant to be. Focus on yourself and your own way of being as the forerunners of this prophecy manifest.
In Jesus Christโs name amen ๐
God bless you ๐ Love Carolyn
Lyran Ground Crew
Ra James
We have a shift of Mars into Capricorn today. This will kick your ambition and drive up a notch. Itโs all about action. Itโs all about your goals and making things happen right now. itโs a great time to be making plans for your future. Itโs a great time for overcoming obstacles and to be working on projects. Itโs also the peak of the Quadrantid Meteor Shower. This Meteor Shower is one of the strongest ones of the year.
The Quadrantid Meteor Shower is known for its bright fireballs. Expect large blasts of light and color that last a lot longer than the average meteor streaks. This is our first Celestial Event of 2024. It will be active until Jan 16th. Itโs amazing energies for manifesting. Itโs a great time to make a wish in a shooting star. We are a week away from the 1:11 Portal and our Capricorn New Moon. This New Moon will kick off the start of a new cycle.
This is the time to be planning the next six months of your year. This New Moon also kicks off a six month cycle around your love life. Capricorn is all about commitment and family. Capricorn tends to be very serious about bonds and relationship commitments. This means relationship contracts you may be in are coming up for review.
Many have run their course, and youโre being guided to integrate the lessons. itโs a time to be healing and improving your connections. This Capricorn New Moon will bring some much needed order into our livesโฆ
1/4/23 Mars has ingress Capricorn now until February 13th. (Fat Tuesday) Mars is exalted in Capricorn. Meaning he likes it there and behaves strongly with his characteristics. He likes to be in Capricorn because he can come to completions on things.
Upon his entrance into the cardinal earth sign Capricorn, the moon is in Libra conjoined to the south karmic node of fate and in quincunx to Uranus in Taurus. We could see conflict come up. Sudden erratic behaviors are possible. The edge is real.
People with Capricorn angles & planets, like those cardinal signs Libra, Cancer, Aries will feel the triggers mostly throughout this period.
We will find that we are shifting our focuse towards long-term goals and what we do out in the world. Itโs time to take a new initiation in a steady and focused way with our work and legacy.
With Mars in Capricorn top down structures, world powers/government, wolrld leaders, big business and big pharma will experience volitile passions throughout this period.
Remember, Capricorn is the sign of the goat that climbs the mountain to get to the very topโ the flying sea goat. Determination, patience and persistence is the key here.
“The intention of the soul with Mars in Capricorn is to penetrate to the nature of such repressions and distortions, and to finally break free from any source that attempts to Control, Constrain, or repress any desire, leading to the acualization of theirย individuality that is defined on their own terms.
In this way, Mars in Capricorn will actualize its karmic and evalutionary intentions.”
On Thursday, January 4th, Mars, the Warrior, will shift into serious Capricorn, sign of the Sea Goat, where he will be until February 13th. Mars rules energy, action, assertiveness, forward movement, strength, passion, willpower, drive, initiative and the masculine archetype.
Capricorn rules ambition, achievement, goals, career, security, organization, productivity, determination, discipline and effort. While this natural fighter is in this hard working sign we will be consistent in putting forth the effort towards what we want to manifest and accomplish. We will patiently take things step by step. We will be grounded and practical as we traverse any challenges that come up, until we reach the pinnacle of the success we desire.
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Mars, the Warrior, will shift into serious Capricorn, sign of the Sea Goat,
Last Quarter Moon in Libra. Mars enters Capricorn โ At the last turn in the lunar cycle, weโre pressed to address inequalities and reset the balance, particularly in relationships and career matters. With Luna opposite Chiron however, we may feel hesitant, afraid to rock the boat or to appear like the injured party/bad guy. Maybe all that is required is a deep breath, confidence and clear boundaries to re-establish calm.
Mars entering Capricorn agrees. There is work ahead but our warrior knows we are strong enough to deal with whatever comes our way. One step at a time, one problem at a time. Brace yourself. Stand tall. Youโve got this!
Temper passions with strong self-discipline and a responsible attitude. If you have a mountain to climb, take the first step. If youโre near the summit, keep going. If you want it, you have to work for it. Throw yourself into doing what it takes to reach your goals. Pour your energy into realistic projects. Show leadership through integrity and self-respect. Define what success means to you. Consistency wins every time.
Degrees and Times
Moon 13ยฐLi14′, Sun 13ยฐCp14′ – 03:30 (UT)
Mars 00ยฐCp00′ – 14:58 (UT)
ยฉ Leah Whitehorse
source :
Painting โ โSchroon Mountain, Adirondacksโ by Thomas Cole
โSpectralโ is the name for the number 11 and its keywords are โLiberation, Dissolve and Release’. The 11th day always offers respite from the agenda that began on day one of the wavespell. Itโs like a day off for everybody and we are free of whatever weโve been dealing with. This is especially good for folk who have been struggling with this White Worldbridger wavespell. Such as poor Yellow Warriors. It is also a good day to release.
Today is Yellow Warrior which represents โQuestioning, Fearlessness and Intelligence’. This is a great day to take on a mission, to wield your willpower and take no bull! As it falls on a โSpectral dayโ this suggests that any mission or quest you take on, will be liberating. Another way to look at this is; if your quest is to liberate yourself, by being a Warrior you shall succeed. Warrior also teaches us to use the intelligence that we have, to ask questions and gather information before proceeding. These quests are always to do with your spiritual development and not about going to war! The sword you possess represents willpower; it’s not about wielding weapons and violence.
Today’s Guide is also Yellow Warrior and so a double helping of that energy. There is no outside influence and the energy of the day is more concentrated.
The Challenge is the White Worldbridger, the diplomat and peacemaker of the Tzolkin. The Worldbridger is so busy trying to get everyone to see eye to eye and playing โpiggy in the middleโ, that when it comes to going on missions for themselves, they find this exerting of willpower challenging. You can liberate yourself from your presumptions, Worldbridger. And succeed at your mission today too. For the rest of us, when Worldbridger is in this weakened position we may have issues with diplomacy and crossing bridges.
The Occult power is the Red Serpent and when in this position of magic, very cool things can happen. One of Serpent’s characteristics is its ability to shed its skin and emerge totally renewed. If you want to shed your old life, today provides a magical opportunity to do just this. This is a very shamanic process and it can leave us feeling a little overwhelmed. When a snake sheds its skin, it goes into a trance and is quite unable to move. This makes the snake very vulnerable. This symbolizes that rebirth is difficult.
The Ally today is the Blue Night, the dreamer of the Tzolkin. Find one today if you need help on your mission. They have the imagination to inspire you and come up with a good plan. When this energy is in this friendly aspect, you can expect someone to help you make your dreams come true. There is a lot of abundance too and so dream big today.
A day of endings and closure from the BATTLES of the PAST in order to create NEW BEGINNINGS – The foundation of the NEW TIME of Cosmic Consciousness. The SPECTRAL WARRIOR is LIBERATING us from the PAST!
Day 11 in the WHITE WORLDBRIDGER WAVESPELL of surrender, letting go, forgiveness, networking and building bridges.
Today we seek LIBERATION through SURRENDERING all our FEARS, in order to become multi-dimensional Sovereign beings.
SPECTRAL is the 11th tone of creation. It operates in the EMOTIONAL realm and its actions are that of dissolving, releasing and liberating! This is a very powerful opportunity to RELEASE the PAST and move forward FEARLESSLY FREE from obstructions.
The SPECTRAL action is highlighting our true LIBERATION. SURRENDER the pain and suffering NOW!
The Worldbridger cycle is bringing final CLOSURE, dissolving all impediments to you finally claiming your true POWER. Tone 11 SYMBOLIZES a gateway and polarity, inviting you to step through into a NEW WORLD as the FEARLESS and REGAL RAINBOW WARRIOR.
The RAINBOW WARRIORS must be totally LIBERATED from any limitations, in order to pledge allegiance, as pure SOVEREIGN SOLDIERS of CHRIST – ready for SERVICE on our new QUESTS!
It is TIME to live with HONOUR as a true QUEEN/KING.
Today’s question is “What FEARS will you SURRENDER, LET GO and totally DISSOLVE in order to FEARLESSLY reclaim your POWER?. Finally crossing the rainbow bridge to sit on your GOLDEN THRONE in the NEW KING-DOM, LIBERATED and FREE!
Divine blessings for the releasing of all FEAR and refusing to play small anymore! Stand TALL in your SOVEREIGN POWER!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF & HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: DOUBLE YELLOW WARRIOR DAY – CIB is the mighty warrior that QUESTIONS everything, analyzing the status quo in order to focus more on where he wants to GO GO GO!
YELLOW WARRIOR is on a QUEST-I-ON focusing on the LIGHT up ahead. He faces every FEAR that IS ILLUMINATED, and comes to LIGHT as he bravely soldiers on his path. CIB encourages you today to ask the tough quest-i-ons and then face the revelations. The FEARS of deeply and intimately connecting with others, and the fears of stepping up fully into your POWER and SOVEREIGNTY.
9 months ago – last Galactic Spin KIN 76 preceded the SOLAR ECLIPSE at 29 degrees of ARIES – the last potent degree! ARIES represents the WARRIOR and is aligned with the RAINBOW WARRIORS. This ECLIPSE POWER is giving the NEW EARTH wayshowers the COURAGE and confidence to truly STEP UP as the true SOVEREIGNS and LEAD the way through this eclipse portal.
We can draw upon this eclipse POWER today – to LET GO and MOVE forward.
The RAINBOW WARRIORS are FEARLESSLY leading the QUEST for the Holy Grail today, in order to arrive at the promised land. The Holy grail they have been tirelessly seeking, is the Golden Grail within their own being, finding your true GODSELF – realizing your FEARLESSNESS, in that NO-THING can harm you if you are GOD INCARNATE.
As the RAINBOW WARRIORS reconnect with their DIVINITY, and remember they are immortal beings, they find the POWER to journey on, despite the hardship. They are focused on the glorious outcome – the PRIZE of soul growth and self realization.
Today affords a great opportunity to
RELEASE the struggle,
RELEASE the pain,
In order to LIBERATE your soul.
As the wayshowers conquer their FEARS they become the fearless LEADERS of the NEW WORLD, building a SAFE FOUNDATION for the others following their lead.
Today is the ROYAL CORONATION day – when the RAINBOW WARRIORS are acknowledged for their selfless service to GAIA.
“Our deepest FEAR is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest FEAR is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our LIGHT, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to SHINE, as children do. We were born to make manifest, the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own LIGHT shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are LIBERATED from our own FEAR, our presence automatically LIBERATES others.โ
Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of “A Course in Miracles”
SUPPORT: BLUE SPECTRAL NIGHT AKBAL enables us to dive DEEP into the depths of our unconscious to LIBERATE any emotions and feelings that limit the expansion of our limitless cell-ves. Through releasing our deepest FEARS, we unlock the Majik within us to allow the true divine ABUNDANCE to flow through us, expanding and awakening us to our multidimensional nature. Our connection to SOURCE, enables this INFINITE ABUNDANCE to flow TO US NOW. This is truly a treasure trove of prosperity for the deserving RAINBOW WARRIORS.
The SPECTRAL NIGHT is LIBERATING our DREAMS and our PLANETARY DREAMING codes. LIBERATING us from the FEAR paradigm and releasing our great DREAMS to be made manifest in our glorious new world.
Release your FEARS to match this inflow, and liberate your DREAMS.
Claiming our POWER and our SOVEREIGNTY enables us to access all the treasures of the Cosmos that unlock, as we release the FEAR of SCARE-CITY, raising our vibration to become the Creators of our own ABUNDANCE.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED ELECTRIC SERPENT – CHICCHAN releases great POWER today.. The ELECTRIC SERPENT – KIN 185 was the Solar seal on January 13th, 2020 which was fully ACTIVATED during the Solar Umbilical Cord reconnection at ULURU, during the Grand Planetary Alignment!
Today this PLANETARY KUNDALINI POWER is the occult SUPER POWER… the hidden AGENDA and purpose, driving KIN 76 the SPECTRAL WARRIOR.
The Solar Umbilical Cord was RECONNECTED in the early dawning of Jan 13th, 2020 whilst the Anunga people danced and performed sacred ceremony at ULURU.
As the Sun rose from the shadows to bring the LIGHT,
the ELECTRIC SERPENT was born and took FLIGHT…
bringing forth the SUPERCHARGED Electrical POWER from our SUN and the GREAT CENTRAL SUN – Alcyone from our Pleiadian ancestors… reconnecting us to our origins and the great cosmic wisdom stored in our DNA..
This OCCULT power is extremely STRONG, RAW and potent, as the ELECTRICAL SERPENT is the most “charged” Serpent of them all!
This ELECTRICAL POWER opens the previous ECLIPSE PORTAL – 9 months ago, and super charges our acceleration into the LIGHT! This ROCKET FUEL will propel our Planetary forward momentum and success! A definite EXTRA-ORDINARY ‘TESLA” DAY!!
The fuse for our EMOTIONAL release has been lit and our SOLAR PLEXUS chakra is fully ENERGIZED, as the NEW EARTH SOVEREIGNS – fearlessly claim their DIVINE GOD GIVEN POWER once more.
CHICCHAN allows the unlimited kundalini energy within us to RISE UP and purify our emotional bodies. Our base chakra houses our deepest primal FEARS! If they have not been cleared and dealt with, then the ELECTRIC SERPENT will make them RISE to the surface! Get your waterworks ready to douse the flames!
The ELECTRIC tone is very volatile and highly combustible so OWN IT TODAY!!!!
The WISE WARRIORS need to accept responsibility for their emotional body, and their emotional re-actions. Drawing your SWORD and challenging each trigger, is a foolish approach. In the past this led to many courageous Warriors forfeiting their valuable lives. The WISE WARRIOR needs to know WHEN to engage in battle, and when to SURRENDER and retreat, as necessary to preserve the PEACE.
Through elevating and dissolving our stagnant emotional energies, we can clear our channels, allowing for more space and clarity. We can then enter into the DREAM realm, alive, pure and in total Divine service to Mother Gaia’s elevation, into pure 5th dimensional Christ consciousness.
The NEW KINGS and QUEENS of NEW EARTH are ASCENDED MASTERS, whose emotions have been mastered, and trained to be channeled benevolently with HARM TO NONE. These sovereigns are the model of PEACEFUL behaviour.
The ELECTRIC SERPENT ACTIVATES our Planetary Serpents and GRID today, so draw on this powerful life force to fuel your passion, dreams and Mission – elevating your consciousness beyond the FEAR pit of the collective.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE SPECTRAL WORLDBRIDGER CIMI challenges us to RELEASE our attachment to our old stories, and old ways of playing small. DOUBLE WORLDBRIDGER energy today – so potent opportunities are available to SURRENDER and LET IT ALL GO.i
ALL FEAR MUST GO GO GO!! Cancel, clear, dissolve and delete!
CIMI energy is DOUBLED today with the Worldbridger Wavespell. CIMI seals the store of DEATH – so you may have to face the DEATH of something in your life, or rather a symbolic death and letting go of the old you, old habits and old life. Very appropriate linking back to the SOLAR ECLIPSE – bringing DARK to LIGHT.
LET GO of the archetype of being a WARRIOR – and having to battle the DARKNESS, and battle to SURVIVE!
The most courageous Warriors are those who have made PEACE with the Angel of Death.
They no longer FEAR their mortality, or what the future may bring. These FEARLESS WARRIORS are then LIBERATED, to complete their Mission with supernatural resilience and STRENGTH, knowing that they wear the Armour of God, as they serve in GOD’S ARMY to fulfill their Divine Mission.
The RAINBOW WARRIORS must be totally LIBERATED from any limitations, in order to pledge allegiance, as pure SOVEREIGN SOLDIERS of CHRIST – ready for SERVICE on our new QUESTS!
It is TIME to live with HONOUR as a true QUEEN/KING.
Today’s question is “What FEARS will you SURRENDER, LET GO and totally DISSOLVE in order to FEARLESSLY reclaim your POWER?. Finally crossing the rainbow bridge to sit on your GOLDEN THRONE in the NEW KING-DOM, LIBERATED and FREE!
Divine blessings for the releasing of all FEAR and refusing to play small anymore! Stand TALL in your SOVEREIGN POWER!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
๐ฅ New Earth Ascension Report and Astrology Reading for
December 31st 2023 through January 6th 2024 from the Sacred Condor ๐ฅ
Included in this week’s special New Earth report my Goddess covers astrology for the coming week from December 31st 2023 – January 6th 2024. My Sacred Condor guides a very special beautiful ceremony for the coming New Year of 2023. Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine voice and transmissions.
May 2024 be full of Health, Happiness, Joy, Peace and Abundance for you and your family and have the Best Year Ever!!
I clearly visualize all things and people as good.
I imagine and I create. I am unlimited imagination that creates at the command of my Divine Will.
I am heavenly serenity and blissful peace.
I am the expression of Divine Power. I am the absolute courage that exiles doubt and fear to nothingness. I am the wisdom and knowledge of the whole Universe. I am Cosmic Consciousness.
I am unconditional Divine Love shinning on all. I am one pointed concentration focused on Divine Absoluteness. I am God Consciousness experiencing deep meditation. I am the expansion of Great Spirit as My Own Version of The Whole UNIVERSE……!!!!!!!
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