RAINBOW Prophecy Has LANDED! Atlantean Portal ~ We are in such a time of Miracles! The Adventure Begins Tomorrow…
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Awakening Rainbow Warriors of our Krystal Emerald Covenant
The Sun Shines down upon all the Living without hindrance or judgment as a projector of Life upon the Quantum Field of Infinite Potential. As the frequency of the wave is raised we feel the upleveling within our Solar Diamond Light Bodies of multidimensionality. The totality of Self is coming online to prepare all Starseed Earth Angelics for our Quantum Leap of Consciousness into the new hue-man of homo-Luminous.
The Ascension flame is lighting up within the Living Hearts of our Ground Crew of the 144. In Unity Consciousness we Gather for the Greatest Shift in the history of the multiverse.
In the Buddha Mind of Pure Awareness we resolve all things perfectly and bring all into the Balance and Harmony of the Tao of Nature. In the Natural Way we walk in Peace with every step as we Honor all Life with an Open Heart and Mind and call in the New Golden Age of Enlightenment for all Sentient Beings of the New Earth.
All Prophecy of the New Era of Peace has been fulfilled and initiated as the Eternal Spring of Infinite Life comes to fruition. In the subtle realms it is Done as we bridge the two worlds of the physical with the non-physical, the Spiritual with the Mundane to consciously co-create the New Eden as a Paradise of the Pure Land of Freedom, Peace and Prosperity for all…A’Ho!
Feeling another Round of Energetic Up Leveling RE: Integrity FIELD surrounding Relationships esp. Divine Unions+Sacred Unions.
Integrity FIELD surrounding Relationships
Melissa Lyran
Huge codes coming in. You may need to rest. We are integrating unknown childhood layers from many dimensions. The recovery of all memories is here. Feel into this one with your whole heart. Linear rationalization isn’t working at this level of alchemy/transformation. Sync all experience with galactic lineage. Blue-green timeline. Suggest theta brain waves.
Beautiful family of light. Can you feel the frequencies lifting?
You can Tune In your waves and lift it higher, connect to Galactic Motherships of Light. Right now they sending beautiful frequencies and we are grounding it.
Historic changes.💚💜🛸💙✨🌍
Gaia Love
Archangel Haniel and the lily of peace and purity coming in strong! Give yourself the energy of purity as your angelic lineage is rising within you and onto this planet. Shifting from carbon density to krystalline silica needs light. Hanging in your woes is a victimhood program of dracos. This energy is clearing so empowerment can rise from your root chakra to your higher heart. Give yourself grace!
See beyond all illusions of this physical plane to the light of your soul! We are the bringers of light to this planet, humanity and the multiverse. As justice rises, so do archon lowering tactics like chemtrails. Harmonize and magnetize to music, dancing, art or anything that makes your joy rise.
It’s getting electric out there and this is felt on the nervous system! Keep your vibes up and rest if you need. Don’t simmer in low vibes, rise up!
11/21/23: On this final day of Scorpio, you can truly appreciate that it’s better to see than to be seen. You’ve been learning this all year. Appearance can be misleading, shallow, and temporary and often has nothing to do with what actually lies beneath. It’s what you’ve been unveiling and expressing about yourself that really matters, because that’s what will sustain you when appearances change or mislead you.
Today’s double 3 energy is about how you appear to yourself and others. It’s your chance to choose to be unapologetically you in your realness, your rawness, and your presence in the world. This is a busy day and it will be hard to pretend that you’re someone you’re not. So don’t.
The mechanics of our system is the same as the mechanics of the overall system we live in.
After we brought our two Stars in alignment and merging, we became the SuperNovas!!!
The new Born Stars on Earth who are undressing!!!
And we will soon be fully naked!
As SuperNovas we have been undergoing the most wondrous transformation and upgrade of our Aura/Merkabah Field, bringing our chakras into a new state and alignment so that we can first restore the inner Divine Kundalini flows and then CONSCIOUSLY and PHYSICALLY Ascend out of the old state and start Creating at Conscious Will within the new state!
Our old self and story is falling away the more we allow the new flows!
The change is smooth.
So many inner realisations and understandings are taking place as our True Identity is being felt, revealed and recognised by us.
“Remember that the state of the nervous system is essential for this. There are certain words of Truth that the Self must find and speak. Those are unlocking the inner gates and restore the flows of the nervous system and also creating new pathway/synapses.
You cannot enter the new upon the old synapses/pathways!
Drop the old pathaways, they are useless to you and where you are going.
Witness your everyday thoughts and wording.
Are they allowing new synapses to be illuminated?
Can the Thunder of Father enter your thoughts or not?
The new synapsis created are your map to Heaven on Earth!”
Guess who is recovering after the Divine Masculine!
Soon to be revealed!
This physical recovery of the Self is the most amazing and joyous process and tomorrow we start the most fun ride to the completion line/cycle which is also the beginning line/cycle!
Their are moving fields, one bridge, one platform for now, this will change in the future!
From tomorrow to the 22nd of December at Equinox we will be surfing the overlapping of two worlds/selves (old/new) and experiencing Ascension like never before!
In each realm/level there was another power for us to retrieve.
What’s in the water for us to take back???
What is in the water will eventually lead us to the Architectress!
The time of the Architectress is very close!!!
I cannot wait for this!
Soon we will have the chance to complete our work, fully remove the garment and come out of the Shell and take out first big step into the Omniverse!
It is happening, full completion!
We will perform tomorrow’s work via the Atlantean Portal of the temple of POSEIDON at Cape Sounio, in Greece!
Mother Āethra will initiate us to the powerful beauty of the Diamond Pearl and the Rainbow Etheric DNA.
The Children are finally Ascending out of the 3D graves and embracing their reconnection to their Divine Parents and Ancestors who have been supporting them all along!
Our Divine lineage will be with us tomorrow, they are holding us and supporting us!
We are their precious Children!
Yes, we have finally reached this stage after many years of working with the Essence of the Pearl!
It was the Mother Pearl that initiated all this!
And there is more, our next amazing work for December will take place via the Ancient Olympia, in Greece.
I will share more on these two portals as we proceed!
Right now your physical bodies are undergoing profound upgrades to align with the higher dimensions of Earth’s crystalline consciousness. This process may take a toll on your body, it is wise to engage in deep self-care. You may experience significant purging in the coming days and weeks as your spirit cleans house.
The merging bridge of energies and the 29th 11-11 portal have created intense and heavy energies, requiring integration. The collapse of the old Earth timeline and anchoring of new timelines may bring challenging situations on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. This is part of the process to anchor incoming 5D frequencies and release fear-based energies and limiting beliefs.
There is currently a deep collective solar plexus purge occurring , which relates to self-love, self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-discipline. These energies assist in overcoming deep-seated fears, making conscious choices, being present, taking inspired action, and staying true to ourselves.
You are also purging generational and ancestral trauma, both individually and at the collective level. This trauma is stored in your DNA and cellular structure, and as your DNA activates and expands, it affects your energy levels. The release of toxic residue from cellular memories supports this clearing process.
On your ascension path, you may feel lonely
The truth is you are never alone. You are divinely loved, supported, and protected more than you can imagine. The attention is Now focused on the increase of synchronicities coming into your new earth realities they hold symbolic and meaningful messages for you.
Ascending souls who resonate : If you are feeling lonely or going through a period of introspection, remain patient as answers to your questions will come in the next 3 days to 3 weeks. Trust and patience are important attributes to embody and Strengthen during this time. If you are feeling unwell or fatigued, take this as an opportunity for rest and recuperation. Your physical body is always communicating to you .
New encounters and old acquaintances may appear on the horizon. The collective energy of November, with its master number 11 vibration brings in lessons for higher learning and development. On your ascension journey all things are possible, as you transition you Naturally and gradually trust the changes ahead. Avoiding internal fears , trusting that things are now turning around .
Ascending souls ,If you feel tested during this transition, know that this difficult phase will pass soon. During the next new moon, you will experience bursts of new energy and increased self worth and inner confidence .
As you make your ascension into higher conscious realms you will always know which decisions to make and what needs to be released. This is a time of passage and transition between phases of your life. It may feel difficult and uncomfortable at times .
You are seeking more truth, integrity, and authenticity as you Ascend , you are avoiding the materialism , shallowness and meaningless in life , no longer holding onto things or people for the attachment and fear reasons, because of this everything will Naturally and vibrationally align you to what is meant for you .This follows the natural universal law of certainty.
Drawing your energies inward and letting go of superficial and unnecessary things. Focusing on the inner work, staying mindful of the present moment. Avoiding the dwelling on past experiences or projecting too far into the future. Ascension light Team regrouping , centring , cognising , integrating , aligning , focused intention.
The Ascending souls on Earth right now understand the presence of two overlapping realities and timelines. Rather than dwelling in Fear they are choosing to Trust irrespective of the outcomes.
Ascending individuals are aware of their divine protection and recognise their purpose , to gradually merge the two realities into a higher planetary consciousness. Ascending souls on this Planet transmit truth, light, and embody Creator’s love, with the knowledge that nothing can hinder what is divinely destined for them .
Channeled In loving and devoted ascension service : By Ascension LightWorkers
The greatest miracles quietly occur, and never come with great noise nor fanfares.
The greatest loving service is simply rendered from the heart and soul, without it ever making the headlines.
We are in such a time of miracles.
Every living, breathing moment brings transfiguration and a total changing of the old physicality and denseness into the new Solar Lightbody form, even as our consciousness rises and we can access ever higher degrees of love, of light encoded knowledge, and multi-dimensionality.
Through this all the innate love we all in truth are shines through as we radiate forth.
The lighter and more loving we become, the more we see, feel and experience miracles. Joy and gratitude rises and overflows.
I experienced such miracles since Wednesday last week and since yesterday all is amplified, and indeed not of this earth, but what is already present showing itself as love.
For miracles happen when one least expect them and always amplifies the experience and knowing of deep love, joy, and more this, unity with All That Is.
Our Collective intentions are manifesting Beloved Family. Have faith that God is answering our prayers and we are receiving all that we need to attain enlightenment through the Crown Chakra. All is completing now.
Receive this opportunity being offered this week – say YES! God has commanded we return back to ourselves in our natural Divine Union template as Master Creators of pure Source God Love. Receive with gratitude this down-pouring of love from our Father, and let Him take care of the rest.
In Jesus Christ’s name amen 🙏
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
source: 144godcode.com
White Dragon Girl
The adventure begins tomorrow. From the depths in Scorpio Season, we come out of the shadows holding the knowledge we have acquired in the quiet. From here we begin to expand and grow, exposing all that was found in the dark. Sagittarius Season is the ascent, the rising Sun in the face of the coldest days of Winter.
Sagittarius is the truth-seeker, the experiential wisdom we are granted as we journey along in this life. Through trial and error — they learn, grow, and adapt but above all, share. They weave together different stories while holding the red thread — the truth. It is here that potential is found. Potential runs through the veins of this sign. It carries the flame in its hands, and bends the fire to create a torch that lights the way on their next adventure. They seek opportunity and know how to live life to the fullest, as they leap into the unknown guided by that fire — their own innate intuition. There is nothing they can’t complete when the passion is burning. They are the story-tellers, the teachers, and the creators. They reach beyond the horizon and touch the space where the sky meets the earth — kissing the stars in the twilight. They tell tales of lives lived, lessons learned, and moments that have yet to come. They guide others, as well as themselves, into the next phase and help them integrate the wisdom they have unearthed.
Sagittarius is open, expansive, and lives without bounds. Growth is the way. Focus is pertinent, for without it, they scatter their knowledge into a million pieces and lose the power that has propelled them. A Sagittarius without a goal is like an archer without a mark. The arrow moves endlessly through the sky with no target in sight. Stepping back to see the bigger picture helps them regain their sense of purpose in the wild unknown.
Freedom gives them the space to explore as they need to, helping quench their thirst for life. A wildfire can’t be contained. They blaze trails and illuminate the way. Their mode is to set fire to anything that holds them back, breaking the chains that keep them from having full autonomy. For them, life is not a fairytale but an adventure. An eternal quest in the pursuit of truth.
On Tuesday, November 21st, Mars, planet of initiative and action, in penetrating Scorpio is in a positive sextile connection to Pluto, ruler of change and evolution, in ambitious Capricorn. Mars is the ancient ruler of Scorpio and Pluto is the modern overseer of this transformative sign of the zodiac, so this brings the potential for some powerful energies.
The sextile is an aspect of “opportunity” so this combination gives us the opportunity to move through the doorway of metaphoric death and rebirth……elimination and regeneration……release and renewal. The thing to take note of with the sextile is that you must take advantage of the opportunity in order to make something happen. So, if you are ready, it is time to walk through this portal and see what awaits you on the other side. Blessings of Love and Light to All!
source: https://www.sacredsoulempowerment.com
Mars, planet of initiative and action, in penetrating Scorpio is in a positive sextile connection to Pluto
Saturn in Pisces trine Pallas in Scorpio. Mercury in Sagittarius trine Chiron retrograde in Aries –Despite stickier aspects in the background, there are at least a couple of areas of life where the planets grease the wheels and remove the blocks. Mercury’s vibrant connection to Chiron helps us to fill the gaps in our understanding of the world and ourselves. What seemed out of place now fits the narrative, or we make a mental leap that supercharges confidence. Where once there was a story that was hard to swallow, now there are lessons that expand our consciousness. Here’s a swift shift of perception that rekindles curiosity and boosts motivation to learn more, know more, do more.
Meanwhile Saturn and Pallas conjure memories of the work of Masaru Emoto who suggested that water molecules change shape dependant on the thoughts directed towards them. Invisible patterns emerge as we become more aware of our emotional undercurrents. The more we take responsibility for our emotional state, the greater our capacity to enact change and resolve deeply ingrained fears. If life’s architecture seems wobbly, consult these wise inner teachers for guidance. Ask those with experience to help you master your plan. Marvel at the intricacies of the human body, it’s capacity to feel and heal. Bless the water you drink. Trust your instincts.
The number 6 is called ‘Rhythmic’ and its keywords are ‘Organize, Equality and Balance’. Get into a rhythm today and organize yourself. Sometimes you have to take care of business. We need to address balance in our lives to make sure we are grounded and not always in our busy minds so much. If you want to think straight, sort out your personal space and your workspace and you’ll find energy will flow better in those environments. It’s easier to balance our minds when our lives are organized. The number 6 also represents Equality and when we rebalance ourselves every13 days, this process equalizes our energy. Imagine your brain has knobs, levers and buttons. We need to recalibrate ourselves regularly to keep ourselves in check.
Today is Yellow Human which represents ‘Wisdom, Influence and Free Will’. Obviously today is about organizing the Human! These days are always full of intuitive flashes, when insights seem to pop into your head out of nowhere. Humans are ‘channels’ – vessels designed to receive communication from spirit – and this wisdom is given freely to us but we can use our ‘free will’ to decide what to do with the insights we receive. Since organization is the rhythm for the day, this suggests that any information you channel may be in regards to practical matters you have on your mind. If you need answers, strive to calm your mind so you may hear that inner voice. Sometimes we are too distracted to hear the messages. If we are to recalibrate ourselves today certainly this must mean we need to check our intuition. Channeling is great and gives us answers but too much downloading and our cup runneth over – which is very draining and confusing. Alternatively, ignoring our gut instincts always leads to making bad choices. Strive today to listen to your inner voice but don’t over do.
The Guide for today is Yellow Human as well, a double helping of psychic activity.
The Challenge of the day is White Wind which represents ‘Communication and Spirit’. If you are a White Wind, try to sharpen your intuitive skills as it is good practice for you. Don’t get frustrated by today, see it as a timely reminder to do something that is good for you.
The Occult power is Red Moon, the laid back ‘go with the flow’ energy, is in a supportive and magical position today which suggests that if you relax and chill out…magic can facilitate psychic activity. Purify yourself with a nice bath, light some incense and see that when you are in a relaxed state, answers are more likely to come to you. It’s so simple and we all know this but most of us forget the importance of stillness.
The Ally is the Blue Hand, the healer of the Tzolkin. If you know one, consult them today as they can offer friendship, support and hugs. If you are a Blue Hand, lend a hand to others on this practical day, your kindness will be very appreciated. Of course we are in the Blue Hand wavespell and so this means the wavespell energy is friendly and helpful to us all today.
23- Royal Star of the LION /Strength/Protection/Support
KIN 32 =5 Freedom/Liberation/Change
A beautiful HEAVENLY day to align your free will to that of DIVINE WILL, to bring forth healing, balance and LIBERATION in your life.
RHYTHMIC – Tone 6 in the PHYSICAL realm. ACTION – balances, POWER – organizes, ESSENCE – equality. The Rhythmic phase is the one where this all adventuring and radiating miracle that is you, learns to WALK! But consciously! Precisely! With fine organisational instincts. And what superb balance we see! Very soon you have mastered walking, and are up and running! Go forth and explore your territory!
Day 6 in the BLUE HAND WAVESPELL of accomplishing HEALING on all levels, through accessing greater knowledge and skills. The 6th day is filled with organizing our physical reality, to bring forth EQUALITY and BALANCE. The codes are emphasizing BALANCE and becoming whole again especially relating to our physical bodies.
RHYTHMIC is also the FENG SHUI tone – which encourages you to CLEAR your SPACE, in order to effect greater HEALING in your personal SANCTUARY. Bring in more PLANTS, aromas – candles, essential oils, incense and beautiful objects and pictures. Use more Motivational pictures and affirmations, natural materials, vibrant COLOURS, flowers, and the elements and sounds of NATURE, to bring more CALM and HARMONY to your MIND, BODY and SOUL for complete REJUVENATION.
The BLUE HAND seals the store of ACCOMPLISHMENT bringing forth completion! We can seek guidance today that will resolve any lingering issues that have burdened us, in relation to our HEALING and coming back to wholeness through our DIVINE SELF.
Allow the breath of Spirit to FLOW through your hollow vessel and re-energize your body, mind and spirit. Whatever that may be, TUNE IN today, and let the WHITE WIND carry you home to wholeness.
It is said that the Solar Seal in the CHALLENGE position provides the RESISTANCE or friction needed to STRENGTHEN you. In so doing it then becomes your GIFT or BLESSING, which in turn becomes the MEDICINE you can offer to others.
Step up and volunteer to become a DIVINE MESSENGER and PARTNER with Spirit today.
GOD’S ARMY is ALWAYS in need of more HU-MAN ANGELS to do his work on EARTH.
Today’s question is “What WISER choices can you make, through Divine guidance, to bring about greater HEALING to your body (and others), to restore BALANCE in your life and our world? “
Divine blessings for miraculous DIVINE healing accomplishments today !
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF & HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: YELLOW RHYTHMIC HUMAN EB’s traits include Wisdom, intelligence, choices, free will, questioning, rewiring in order to receive higher frequencies, abundance, holy grail, and aligning to Divine Will.
The YELLOW HUMAN energies are DOUBLED today as EB is both the CONSCIOUS SELF, and the Higher Self. This means the channel connecting to DIVINE WILL, is super strengthened today allowing for greater WISDOM to flow through your MIND and body’s intelligence.
Today is THE day to take control of your human vessel. Our free will allows CHOICE, and today we can use our intelligence, to research suitable healing methods, to discover remedies to what ails us?
Upgrading from old 3D habits, patterns and beliefs about your body, commanding your mind to shift to a higher frequency, tuned in to higher dimensions. Thus allowing and bringing forth new information and new technologies and healing methods, as well as forgotten or overlooked powerful and sacred ancient remedies. Our planet provides a cornucopia of solutions for every problem that exists or ails us.
Gaia is very adept at naturally bringing BALANCE to our planet through her natural cycles. The rhythm of life always flows and returns to a harmonic balance over time.
Explore Mother Gaia’s natural apothecary of herbs, spices, oils, sounds, aromas, frequencies, abundant sunlight, natural elements and open your mind to possibilities for miraculous healing.. By making wiser choices you can then step into a more influential position and share your new found healing wisdom, as a role-model for others to follow, allowing them to become whole again too.
How can you use your knowledge today to HEAL yourself and make wiser choices?
It is high time you traded in your little human to that of a better and more spectacular high tech Divine HU-MAN. We have the power today to elevate ourselves beyond the limitations of our physical HU-MAN vessel, and raise our cellular frequency to that of the Divine HU-MAN.
The more hu-mans that ELEVATE their thinking and frequency through greater ILLUMINATION, the quicker we HEAL our PLANETARY BODY.
As greater numbers of souls AWAKEN and accept responsibility for their LIGHT and VIBRATION each day, the sooner we reach critical mass for our Planetary Ascension.. GAIA has raised her frequency and requires a planetary body of EN-LIGHT-ON-ed HU-MAN beings – GOD-MAN – to cocreate BEAUTY and HARMONY with her in this next chapter.
SUPPORT: BLUE RHYTHMIC HAND – MANIK’s key words are Healing, Accomplishment, Completion, assistance, service to others, portal, spiritual tools and gifts, healer.
We have a DOUBLE layer of BLUE HAND HEALING energies today as MANIK is both the supporting energy and the Wavespell energy on Day 6. There is a very strong emphasis on accomplishing HEALING and returning to BALANCE and WHOLENESS through the WISDOM gained today, both on a personal and collective level.
Very strong SUPPORT today, for volunteering to help others and influencing them, through your acquired wisdom. Even just holding someone’s HAND or giving them a sincere HUG is very potent and needed today. The HEALING power of TOUCH is indeed one of the greatest gifts we can give another being.
Aligning with the GOD FORCE/Spirit/SOURCE through our DOUBLE DIVINE HUMAN enables us to easily access the knowledge, wisdom, skills and clues needed to effect this change. Sit still, put your HAND on your HEART and allow the answers to flow through you..
You have great DIVINE assistance to accomplish HEALING MIRACLES today..
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: RED GALACTIC MOON – MULUC’s themes are Universal waters, feminine flow, communication, emotions, softness, intuition, receptivity, purification and self remembrance.
The GODDESS energies in the occult position are a great BALANCE to that of the masculine EB energies aligned to GOD/DIVINE WILL..
TODAY we have a 3.3. day code bringing forth Heavenly codes and much DIVINE support.. This is highlighting issues to do with HARMONY within families, relations and others especially as we complete
this sensitive, family focused Year of the Water Rabbit. .
In the new Harmonic Matrix we can all EXIST in HARMONY with each other.. There is no need for competition, conflict or friction.. Instead we need to VALUE the contributions, qualities, skills and gifts of ALL beings as unique individuals – all honoured, respected and treated as EQUALS..
This Goddess is a GALACTIC RED MOON so authenticity, integrity, honour and reputation are very important to her wellbeing. Her SUPERPOWER communication qualities, and purification powers through her Universal Waters, provide very valuable HEALING tools to cleanse and purify any discordance. The path to true healing lies in becoming our authentic self.
As we align with true soul authenticity, transparency and sovereignty we can create a better world, with more HARMONY and PEACE, leaving behind the battles of the PAST! The GODDESS qualities of LOVE, nurturance and compassion are the new current-sea of New Earth.
Here is a mantra from ISIS our Mother Goddess and Alchemist
to bring forth HEALING MIRACLES today;
Put your HAND on your HEART and say this aloud 3x.
Life flows through me unobscured
From past hurts I am now cured.
I meet my life, blossoming anew
My inner LIGHT shines bright and true
Through your Grace, I have RESURRECTION
SOURCE: Alana Fairchild – ISIS Oracle Cards.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: WHITE RHYTHMIC WIND IK key words include: Breathe of life, voice of Spirit, communication, channeling, attunement, wind, change, inspiration, truth, going with the flow, listening to advice, becoming a pure vessel.
WHITE WIND relates to the breath or voice of Spirit. So it is VERY APPROPRIATE that this is today/s GIFT and challenge. For without this challenge today you may reside in the depths of your egoic desires and small human FREE WILL.
IK reminds us that you need to be switched on and tuned in to Higher Guidance and not your lower egoic desires, habits and toxic addictions. or purely repeating what you have always done.
As Einstein says “Insanity is repeating the SAME behaviour and expecting a different result”
In order to effect a different (and better) outcome you must DO things differently..
From what LEVEL (or SOURCE) are you making your choices?
Are those choices based on higher wisdom, innovation and unique solutions? Or are they coming from a place of fear, complacency and hopelessness?
Be OPEN to MIRACLES and new possibilities. New choices and new solutions.
A greater connection to SPIRIT protects us from our lower destructive selves. Spirit can guide you towards wholeness and balance resulting in complete healing of your physical vessel.
Are you listening to the wisdom of your body?. Give your body the rest, herbs, nutrients and sustenance it needs in order to restore balance.
Follow your hunches, if you have visions of trees then head to the forest for some tree hugging. If you hear the roar of the waves, take a trip to the beach. Perhaps your feet require some squelching mud to remineralize your cells. You may also feel inclined to SING, CHANT, play an instrument, do some toning, listen to frequencies or speak the LANGUAGE of LIGHT.
Allow the breath of Spirit to FLOW through your hollow vessel and re-energize your body, mind and spirit. Whatever that may be, TUNE IN today, and let the WHITE WIND carry you home to wholeness.
It is said that the Solar Seal in the CHALLENGE position provides the RESISTANCE or friction needed to STRENGTHEN you. In so doing it then becomes your GIFT or BLESSING, which in turn becomes the MEDICINE you can offer to others.
With WHITE WIND in this position it is CHALLENGING us to accept the GIFT of DIVINE WILL.. Through partnering with SPIRIT you can then activate the DIVINE LAW of GRACE to create MIRACLES in your LIFE..
Step up and volunteer to become a DIVINE MESSENGER and PARTNER with Spirit today.
GOD’S ARMY is ALWAYS in need of more HU-MAN ANGELS to do his work on EARTH.
Today’s question is “What WISER choices can you make, through Divine guidance, to bring about greater HEALING to your body (and others), to restore BALANCE in your life and our world? “
Divine blessings for miraculous DIVINE healing accomplishments today !
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
🔥 MEDITATION: Unlocking Your Inner Power ~ Embracing and Nurturing Your Inner Child 🔥
Join Paul White Gold Eagle on this special Meditation of Healing and Transformation. White Gold Eagle guides you through the Journey within, at a very special and Sacred Portal by a river and waterfall. Paul also plays a Native American Flute during your meditation. Much Love and Blessings in the Light. Namaste 🙏🕊🦅
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