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Looking Glass Project: A New Dawn for Humanity in 2024-2025

Looking Glass Project: A New Dawn for Humanity in 2024-2025 (Part 4)


[Looking Glass Project: A New Dawn for Humanity in 2024-2025 (Part 4)]

Submission received from Alliance sources.Project Looking Glass uses a combination of quantum data collection, quantum computer modeling, artificial intelligence, and advanced visualization techniques to create a virtual model of the future. This model is constantly updated with new data, allowing us to see how different choices and events might affect the outcome.The basic idea behind Project Looking Glass is that it allows us to see into the future. It is not some kind of crystal ball or fortune-telling device, but rather a scientific tool that would use advanced technology to collect data from the present and project it into the future. This technology would allow us to gain a better understanding of the consequences of our actions and make more informed decisions about the future.Project Looking Glass is being used by the Alliance to usher humanity into an era of prosperity, rapid technological advancement, and open public contact with our ET friends. The goal is to transform our civilization into a space utopia.


The following information is one of many predicted scenarios provided by Project Looking Glass. The future is not set in stone, and therefore each scenario provided by the Looking Glass Project is merely a singular timeline among infinite timelines. Please also note that as a disclaimer, we cannot share the finite details provided by the Looking Glass Project with the public. Furthermore, the Looking Glass Project provides scenarios in visual form. Therefore, what is shared here is being described in words and has been “rewritten” to protect ourselves and the public from interfering forces.


A New Dawn for Humanity: The Vision for 2024-2025 (Part 4)

The long-awaited “True ET Disclosure” is a momentous event that signifies a shift not only in perception, but in our fundamental understanding of existence and the cosmos. Reports from every corner of our planet reveal sightings of extraterrestrial craft—some as colossal as mountains, others smaller scout craft measuring about 24 by 24 feet. This kaleidoscope of interstellar activity serves as a vivid reminder of our interconnectedness with cosmic life.

In the wake of this global revelation, we find ourselves in a transformed world. “We the People” are now engaging in harmonious coexistence with our galactic neighbors. Society has largely transcended the grip of crime and malevolence, paving the way for a new era governed by the principles of light, truth, love, justice, peace, will, and life. Earth, our beloved planet, is not only humanity’s home; it is a sanctuary where divine values ​​flourish.

As we prepare for an era of collaboration, the Agarthans—those who inhabit the inner realms of our planet—are stepping forward to introduce themselves. These ancient beings are not only here to support us, but will also actively assist in the rebuilding of our societies. Their presence is a harbinger of transformation, and across the world, landowners with spaces larger than 25 feet by 25 feet are extending open invitations to these celestial visitors. They are not just guests; they are part of our extended family.

This spirit of unity embodies the essence of true brotherhood. We are reminded that we are all children of God, bound together by the love and infinite connections that define our existence. The time has come for us to embrace this true brotherhood—an opportunity to work side by side with those in the heavens.

After Disclosure, humanity, along with the celestials in the sky and the Agarthans below the surface, will rise together to celebrate a monumental Galactic and Intergalactic event. This gathering is one of light, love and gratitude to our Creator, who orchestrated this gathering. It symbolizes our ascension as fully recognized members of the Star Nations and integration into the Galactic and Intergalactic Federations.

Welcoming these peaceful extraterrestrials is not just a curiosity about the unknown. It encourages us to foster shared experiences throughout the cosmos. For those who come from galaxies and dimensions beyond our comprehension, Earth is now a welcoming ground.

The transition into this new reality also brings messages from Ascended Masters such as St. Germain, Sananda (or Jesus) and Adama—the High Priest of Inner Earth. Their wisdom and insights will guide us through our new divine calendar, as they promise to engage with humanity more frequently. They remind us that we are not isolated, but part of a larger and intricate tapestry of interconnections.

Humanity, in collaboration with our extraterrestrial brothers and sisters, is embarking on several humanitarian projects that resonate around the globe. Skills, resources, and knowledge will flow freely, fostering abundance, health, and wealth on the surface of the Earth.

One of the most extraordinary aspects of this coming era is the newly discovered ability to traverse dimensions and galaxies. No longer bound by traditional notions of time and space, humanity will experience travel across the Galaxy (Nataru) and beyond through teleportation. This ability encapsulates the essence of our Ascension and serves as an exciting promise of what is to come.

In this new era, the structure of our daily lives has changed significantly. As members of an awakened community, we have embraced a rhythm of life that prioritizes balance and joy. With a work schedule of just four hours a day, four days a week, we have freed ourselves from the chains of overwork and stress. Community engagement remains vital, with each of us dedicating time once a month to participate in “shit jobs”—tasks that ensure the well-being of our environment and community, facilitating a collective, nurturing spirit.

With the emergence of high fifth-dimensional vibrations, our physical and spiritual desires have transformed. The once-ubiquitous craving for meat has diminished as humanity revels in the abundance of fresh, healthy fruits and vegetables. A collective consciousness has emerged that recognizes the sanctity of life. Animals, once seen as mere sources of food, are now revered as divine spirits—our equals, brothers, and cherished parts of the earthly tapestry. This deep respect for all life has led to an era in which we coexist harmoniously with nature.

Side by side, our farmers collaborate with the elemental kingdoms of nature—the Devas, the Faerie realms, and other divine spirits—as we cultivate our land. The fields not only thrive, but flourish with vibrant life, where flowers bloom in resplendent colors, and all creatures—be they insects or butterflies—dance in a perpetual celebration of existence.

Imagine a reality where the air is always scented with the scent of blooming flowers, where the day knows no end, allowing us to bask in perpetual sunlight. Water flows like a living, singing entity, the embodiment of health and vitality. We become one with our surroundings, nurturing the bond we share with all creation. Music plays continually in the background of our lives—the Music of the Spheres—harmonizing us and raising our vibrations, contributing to our collective healing.

This new paradigm is also enriched by the presence of visitors from our neighboring galaxies. The benevolent beings of Nataru and beyond connect with us, offering wisdom, sharing knowledge, and expanding our understanding of existence. We are at the heart of a unique divine heritage that captivates our cosmic neighbors, who seek to understand the wonders of being Terran.

Gaia, our beloved planet, is flourishing once more, having fulfilled her promise of ascension. In this transformative time, we stand united as one—a testament to the interconnectedness of all beings. Highly evolved and peaceful Dragons roam our skies, serving not only as guardians but as friends and companions. Our animal relatives, both domestic and wild, mirror our own transformations, embracing vegetarianism as they too gain crystal bodies, joining us in our utopian existence.

Our homes reflect the shift in consciousness—round in shape, some even open to the sky, inviting nature to thrive within, creating a seamless blend between the inner and outer worlds. Dust and grime become relics of the past, while our living spaces breathe with life, and the scent of nature delights our senses. Each home has a replicator, ensuring our needs are met effortlessly, while MedBeds provide comfort and healing in each home.

In our new society, we uphold a code of reverence for nature. Cutting down trees and plucking flowers is strictly forbidden, recognizing these beings as conscious friends. We cultivate an ethic of care, understanding that each element of nature contributes to the beautiful tapestry of life that we cherish.

To be continued… (Part 4 of 5)



Project Looking Glass
Project Looking Glass



RMN The Global Currency Reset has been released, with Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) set to be notified of exchange appointments over the next 72 hours. Meanwhile, the Federal Reserve fiat US Dollar was headed for total collapse. Don’t worry. On Sun. 25 Aug. 2024 all bank accounts Worldwide were mirrored onto the new Quantum Financial System where the monies were gold/asset backed and where NESARA/GESARA monies were placed in those accounts. The monies of the Stock Market, however, were a different story – ask the Cabal about that.



09/03: The World Currency Reset is Underway! Basic Income After Financial Collapse and Mass Unemployment


Tuesday Morning, September 3, 2024

What will happen with the “financial collapse”? ?

We will continue to check the “financial markets” related to the “world currency reset”!

Well then

From Judy Notes on September 2

I will extract the parts that interest you!

Today’s message

Believe in God’s Plan
Believe in God’s Plan

The end is here.
The greatest transfer of wealth in history is underway.Tonight’s

blackoutafter midnight on September 1, 2024. New travel restrictions will go into effectAll airlines, all flights canceled,internet shut downStock market crash,media outlets disappearingNo one is safe…17th Letter (JFK Jr.) in the Telegram Sun, Sunday, September 1, 2024.It is advisable to have at least a month’s worth of food, water, money, medicine and supplies.For yourself, your family and to share with others in case of emergency. Judy notes From the 17th Letter of the Telegram Sun (JFK Jr.). September 1, 2024:The global currency reset is underway. A quantum financial system backed by gold/global assets has been activated. Central bank debt slavery ended last Sunday. The Deep State Cabal Globalists are officially bankrupt. The largest military deception operation in history has been launched. Global military alliances are carrying out mass arrests. The fake mainstream media will be crushed. Prepare for the Omicron variant lockdown – Military Code to Save Children.In an operation to eliminate the Chinese Communist Party, pedophiles and traitors. Judy’s Note What we think we know by September 1, 2024. We have seen carefully planned films designed to capture the perpetrators of the Globalist Deep State Cabal Elite and gather evidence to induct them into the military.To be able to face military trials for crimes against humanity. There was no mandate for President Biden. In 2020, the real Joe Biden was given a military tribunal (as was Hillary Clinton).He was executed for crimes against humanity.He was executed for crimes against humanity just before the so-called inauguration ceremony, which was partially filmed in a Hollywood movie set a week before.

A week before that. Biden’s presidential inauguration was actually his funeral, played by actors.
He has been played by actors ever since.

The military currently governs the United States under Commander-in-Chief Donald Trump.
Commander-in-Chief Donald Trump. There will be a new election in a few months. The Insurrection Act has been signed and the 2018 Executive Order has been fully implemented. All will be revealed soon.

Since April 2019, millions of tortured and mutilated babies, children and teenagers have been rescued or found dead in covert operations carried out by a global military alliance.

Special operations teams led by President Trump and his Pentagon’s Lolicon Task Force have been extracting
children, bodies, gold, documents and more from the vast labyrinthine DUMBS tunnels.

It has operated clandestinely in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Australia, Europe, Asia and China. Trump
, the leader who rescued thousands of tortured children in underground tunnels Politics Before Daily Gendai DIGITAL News |

 In March 2021, more than 1,000 trafficked children and dead bodies were rescued from a container ship in the Suez Canal.
SEALs also discovered weapons of mass destruction on the six-story ship.

It was believed to be destined to start a war in the Middle East. The container was loaded onto an Evergreen ship.
The corporation’s ship blocked the canal from Tuesday, March 23, 2021, to Monday, March 29, 2021.
The ship of the Evergreen Corporation, owned by Japan and operated by Taiwan, was actually jointly owned by Walmart.

It is known as a human trafficking organization. It is said that the children were paid by pedophiles to order magazines such as Wayfair. Wayfair and child trafficking? The Rabbit Hole – Alarmed Citizens Trafficked Children,
Bodies and Weapons Found on Evergreen Ship Blocking Suez Canal Politics Before This |

Sunday, September 1, 2024 Trump announces massive rescue of children to be conducted by ABC Nashville.
CIA Operation to Cover Up Crimes Against Children: Nashville conducts CIA psychological operation. To cover up crimes against children.

50% of drugs from major pharmaceutical companies contain opium or petroleum derivatives in their pills.

Replicon vaccines, which are self-replicating vaccines, are scheduled to be introduced in Japan in October 2024.

President Trump will replace hospitals with medical beds by the end of the year.

09/01/2024 El Paso is on high alert.
It is increasing rapidly in the United States. -Fox News

– The state of Chihuahua, on the border with Mexico, is on high alert because of members of the violent Venezuelan organization Torren de Aragua.
The Mexican border state of Chihuahua is on high alert for members of a violent Venezuelan gang called Tren de Aragua (TdA).
They are reportedly traveling through the state from near El Paso, Texas, to cross into the United States.

 They are very aggressive. They are not a passive group.
They are from Venezuela. Venezuela is one of the most war-torn countries in the last decade. And they have come a long way since then.

 Given this and the fact that Aurora, Colorado has been invaded and taken over by violent Venezuelan gangs, a major terrorist attack is bound to occur. Martial law is declared.

 Preventing this may be their master plan.

 Prepare for the worst-case scenario.

 Sunday, September 1, 2024 MARTIAL LAW UNLEASHED: Inside Troop Movements
Across America, Urgent EBS Warnings, and Why Rescue Centers Are Our Only Hope – Gazetteer

 Status Update Sun. 2024.9.1: Bombshell Report! Judy Byington BQQQM A
Week to Remember. From Darkness to Light. Necessary Blackout…Q. Welcome to Disclosure,
September 1, 2024 – – American Media Group

possible time

 On Sunday, August 25, 2024, all bank accounts will be converted to gold/asset-backed currency in the quantum financial system.
The transformation occurred at 6:00 AM on Sunday, August 25, 2024, bringing an end to the “central banking system” as the QFS operates completely independently of existing “centralized” banking operations.

 By Thursday, August 29, 2024, the global financial system will be fully implemented and
all QFS banks worldwide will be aligned.

 Disclosure Day, a major reversal, will begin from midnight on Sunday, September 1, through Monday, September 2, 2024. Preparation for Stage 2: Blackout. Internet shutdown. Stock market crash. Mass media blackout.

Major global media networks were gearing up for Disclosure Day.
Preparations were underway for a worldwide simulcast explaining the principles of Gesara, the details of wealth transfer, and the new global economic system.
This broadcast will explain the principles of Gesara, the details of wealth transfer, and the new global economic system.

The broadcast, hosted by EBS, is expected to reach billions of people, providing them with the information they need to understand and embrace the change.
Provide the information needed to understand and accept the change. …The 17th Letter (JFK Jr.) on Telegram

 Global currency reset begins Tuesday, September 3, 2024. Platforms are expected to collapse as wealth transfers.

 GCR payment begins Wednesday, September 4, 2024.

 Friday, September 6, 2024: – Your nightmare will end. Everyone will be able to own a home, buy a car, and buy groceries. It all starts Friday, September 6, 2024. Telegram Friday, August 30, 2024: Bombshell: -It all starts September 6th.
GESARA and meeting with world leaders to launch the largest wealth transfer in history, the largest wealth transfer in history

 Red October = Fall of the Elite

That’s all


Basic Income
Basic Income


Ongoing information related to EBS and EAS testing intent

Ongoing information related to EBS and EAS testing



EBS is a mechanism to declassify and disclose the truth that was hidden from people around the world in Plan Q through mobile communication and television.


Many people who have already woken up are looking forward to the implementation of EBS.


Along with the RV-related exchange rate, information on the implementation of EBS continues to be released weekly.


At the same time, EAS testing has been conducted intermittently in the United States in recent years.


EAS testing is performed by delivering test screens via mobile devices and televisions.


Ongoing information related to EBS and EAS testing intent



Why the Earth Alliance intentionally


☆Are you repeatedly disclosing information about the EBS implementation period?


☆Have you continued EAS testing for many years?


The answer is clear and seems to be due to the following two purposes.


1. Diversionary operation against DS remnants


2. Allow the general public to check and understand the content calmly and without panic when receiving the EAS.


What we, the general public, should do



Most of the information regarding the timing of the EBS implementation  is a diversionary operation by Earth Alliance.


This information is not  intended for us, the general public, but for the remnants of DS.


We, the general public, are required  to understand that this is a diversionary tactic and should not be influenced by information regarding the timing of EBS implementation.


The effectiveness of EBS-related information as a diversionary tactic is remarkable.



The fact that EBS-related information is disseminated repeatedly and continuously as a diversionary operation  means that,  regardless of the number of times it is repeated, the diversionary operation is effective.


From the opposite point of view,  if the DS remnants were to undergo the declassification of the truth through the EBS, they would be in great trouble and suffer great harm  .


And  even though we know that this is a diversionary operation, the fact that the DS remnants are repeatedly influenced by EBS information  shows that EBS is not just a false element of the operation, but an element that will always be executed.


Based on the situation of diversionary operations using EBS information in recent years, it can be inferred that EBS will eventually be implemented.


Why not implement EBS sooner?



If it is certain that the DS remnants will suffer great damage, why not implement EBS sooner? Many people may have this question.


As long as the remnants of the DS still have some power to control the media, and in a situation where the level of people’s awakening is low, the EBS will not be able to flourish into a one-hit-kill GESARA society, and will remain in a chaotic state for a while  because.


This is probably because the conditions need to be met for EBS to be a one-hit kill.






UPDATE! Trump’s Military Is Secretly Replacing Hospital Equipment With Medical Beds Across The Country!

Get ready, because Trump is about to pull off the biggest coup in human history, and they don’t want you to know about it. Hospitals are being dismantled as we speak, replaced with  advanced medical beds that have the power to cure any disease,  reverse aging, and even access past life memories.

The deep state is floundering, the pharmaceutical industry is in a panic, and the medical-industrial complex is in total meltdown because its entire house of cards is about to come crashing down.

You’ve been lied to your entire life. The medical system, the drugs, the endless treatments that do nothing but line the pockets of the elite—it’s all a sham. They’ve kept Med Beds hidden for decades, locked away in secret facilities reserved for only the elite, while the rest of us suffer and die from diseases that could have been cured years ago.

But Trump? He’s revealing the operation. He’s bringing these  medical beds out of the shadows and putting them in every hospital  in the country by the end of this year.

Behind the scenes, military units are moving like clockwork. They’re not asking for permission — they’re taking control. Under the guise of “routine maintenance” and “renovations,” teams of insiders are renovating hospital rooms across the country, replacing outdated medical equipment with Med Beds.

You won’t hear about it on the evening news. Why? Because the media is bought and paid for by the same forces that want to keep this technology secret. But inside sources are leaking information, and it’s explosive:  Med Beds are already operational in several undisclosed locations  , running beta tests on patients who have been carefully selected to keep the secret.

Entire floors of hospitals are being emptied, “under construction,” while new technology is installed. Staff are being vetted, and those who cannot be trusted are being reassigned or fired. The truth is, the government has been planning this for years.

Trump had insiders working at the highest levels of the military-industrial complex  , and they mapped out every step of this operation. This is a full-scale invasion of the corrupt medical system. And the best part? It’s all legal, because Trump signed executive orders that the deep state never saw coming.

Here’s the problem: Med Beds aren’t just arriving in big cities—they’re being deployed in rural areas, hidden in plain sight. Mobile units disguised as regular delivery trucks are driving around America,  transporting Med Beds  to facilities at night.  Military bases,  underground bunkers, even abandoned warehouses—these are the staging grounds for the revolution that’s about to hit the mainstream.

The public won’t know until it’s too late for the elites to do anything about it. By the time they realize what’s happening, Med Beds will be everywhere, and the old medical guard will be powerless to stop it.

These Med Beds are not just machines—they are  weapons of mass liberation.  They use advanced technologies that the deep state has kept hidden for decades, technologies that can reprogram the human body at a cellular level. Imagine a world where all diseases can be cured in minutes. A world where aging is not just slowed, but reversed.

Big Pharma’s entire business model is built on keeping us sick, by selling us treatments that never cure, only maintain. But with Med Beds, that’s over.  Cancers — gone  .  Heart disease — eradicated  .  Dementia — reversed  . This is the future they don’t want you to have, but it’s coming anyway.

And it’s not just physical healing.  These Med Beds can unlock parts of our minds that have been shut down for centuries.  They can recover past life memories, reveal repressed traumas, and unlock the full potential of the human brain.

Think about what that means.

People everywhere are waking up to who they really are, remembering their past struggles and victories, freeing themselves from the mental shackles the elite have used to keep us in line. They’ve fed us fluoride, GMOs, and endless streams of junk entertainment to keep us dumb and docile. But once those beds go up, that’s all over. A truly awakened population is the elite’s worst nightmare, and it’s about to become their reality.

This is directly tied to Trump’s master plan: GESARA, the return to the gold standard, the collapse of the fiat system that has funded wars and poverty around the world. The deep state has used fake money, fake science, and fake news to keep us in a perpetual state of fear and control.

But Trump has been ten steps ahead all along. His push for Med Beds is the final nail in the coffin of the old world order. It is the dawn of a new era, where power is returned to the people, and the corrupt are exposed for the world to see.

We are on the brink of the greatest change in human history, and the elites are terrified. They are throwing everything they have at us: new pandemics, financial crises, media lies. But they cannot stop what is coming.  They cannot stop the Med Beds.  They cannot stop the truth. This is bigger than politics, bigger than any country. This is about humanity reclaiming its destiny.

So, brace yourself. If you think this is just a distant dream, think again.  Med Beds are already here,  quietly taking their place in hospitals, clinics, and secret facilities across the country. The deep state may try to keep us in the dark, but the light is coming.

Med Beds are not just a tool — they are the key to unlocking a future where we will no longer be slaves to the lies, drugs and poisons they have used against us.  This is the great awakening.  The revolution is real. And Trump is leading the charge.

The Med Beds are coming,  and there is nothing they can do to stop it. Prepare to witness the fall of the old guard and the rise of a new era of freedom, health, and truth. The time is now.

Are you ready to break free?


Medical Beds Across The Country
Medical Beds Across The Country




  • SEPTEMBER 3, 2024 Message from Master Kuthumi

    Master Kuthumi
    Master Kuthumi

Even if at times everything is cloudy, if at times you have no answer to the phenomena of the times that are now emerging, you can be sure: you are experiencing the last breath of a world that is doomed and whose downfall is now taking place. Come out of the shadows, enter into the light! Do not be afraid anymore, put your fears aside and defend your own affairs with courage and fearlessness! In everything you are supported by the spiritual levels of light, because whoever fulfills his divine tasks on earth receives from God everything he needs.

Time’s up!

The Creator’s love for his creation is infinite, the Creator’s love for people is infinite!

The battle between the light and dark levels of being is being fought on Earth today, for it is about the Earth providing an abundance of life that is unique to a planet of the density of 3rd dimensional being. Entities that can only exist on this grosser material level have taken over this earth and are making use of the creative and divine powers of humans. Since they themselves are incapable of feeling holistically or thinking creatively, they borrow from humans without humans being aware of it.

The earth, everything that lives on it and the people are exploited and abused as a source of food. This has been happening this way for thousands of years, this has been happening since the fall of MU, Lemuria and Atlantis. A dark age had dawned, a time when this was possible and allowed. That time is over today, time is truly over! This is why everything is now moving towards becoming conscious, towards awakening, towards ascension.

Step into the light!

In many incarnations, people have patiently endured their fate and patiently submitted to their karma and faced their destiny. Life after life you have descended and you knew that the great upheavals and your liberation would not come until today. You have been reduced to victims and have forgotten yourself.

Your divine origin, your true descent, could not be revealed to you throughout your life, because the veil of forgetfulness was too thick and the interventions of the 3D world in your lives were too massive.

Today we have reached the point of awakening, today we are in the time that changes everything and transforms all people. Today the meaning and dimension of the experiences that you have created lifetime after lifetime on this earth opens up to you. Separated from Source, you have held back the inner core to remember who you truly are today. This resurrection of humanity is underway today, for the time of the cosmic game described here is over and the time has come for the elevation of all life.

Even if at times everything is cloudy, if at times you have no answer to the phenomena of the times that are now emerging, you can be sure: you are experiencing the last breath of a world that is doomed and whose downfall is now taking place. Come out of the shadows, enter into the light! Do not be afraid anymore, put your fears aside and defend your own affairs with courage and fearlessness! In everything you are supported by the spiritual levels of light, because whoever fulfills his divine tasks on earth receives from God everything he needs.

The success of a project today depends on how faithfully it follows its plan. How well you follow your orders, how well you live your orders, that is the only parameter today that determines the success or failure of a company. No one can stop you when you are in the flow – everything becomes impossible when you deviate or live off track.

This is how people are led to their true missions.

More and more people are finding the path from work to their vocation and from what is necessary to what makes them happy. What seems impossible is faced, because what is possible is no longer decided by the world, but by YOU!

The old ways of thinking no longer work, the old concepts have had their day – the old times, you’re done!

Ordeal in everyday life

People rise up in everyday life. They become designers and give up the victim mentality. They become self-confident and give up submission. They focus on their own inner goals, exceed their own expectations, and ignore the expectations of others.

Awakening is a process in which people move from external control to self-determination and it is a process that is now being activated in more and more people.

Awakening happens in the midst of everyday life, when you prove your worth in small, everyday situations and grow beyond yourself – until you become aware of your own power and strength. This shift in human consciousness is now occurring on a grand scale.

The forces that create evil are confronted by the fact that people become braver and more determined under pressure, and that pressure energizes rather than paralyzes them.

The malevolence of measures can no longer scare or permanently block people. You yourself take the initiative and are no longer impressed by certain circumstances or distracted from your own path. The climate has changed and is changing. It is the climate of departure and of claiming one’s own power.

This is how it all ends. One world passes away and the NEW WORLD emerges – with people who are fully aware of creation as creative beings.

You are loved and honored beyond measure forever!


Source text:




QFS👉ALL BANK ACCOUNTS BECOME QFS AND NEW. It functions completely independently of the existing “centralized” banking and puts an end to the “Central Banking System”, which maintains “debt slavery” worldwide.



Between 27. i 29. august will pass very strong energy…
The world will wake up in another world…
On the night of 27. this month a very powerful frequency will appear and between these 3 days we will all face each other in a new timeline, precisely TIMELESS.
We will jump again and quickly, almost as if air is passing through our face, carrying strong wind with us.
They tell me, well, I tell you…
A portal will be open that will allow anyone to connect with the vibration that is closest to the resonance of his heart. Each of them will experience a very important change from 8/27.
Something very powerful is about to manifest.
Keep your vibration high and positive thoughts, for this next leap is the moment where focused energy will bring personal and collective changes into the new temporal self, which will be truly harmless, for each of
The time will come when, in terms of energetic vibrations, each of you will live on the frequencies of your reality. Everyone will be on a different timeline.
That’s why I’ve been told… vibrate high, expand your heart, invoke the light..
Illuminate yourself with the light of love.
Spend time with yourself in silence and nature… Leave gossip and empty stories behind.
I’ve been told so… to talk little, very little and to listen more.
Don’t talk, don’t think, leave everything in silence and in the complete presence of the Divine…
And they say to me… only their presence will save them from getting lost.
I ask what that means. They tell me…
Many have lost connection with themselves and Source in order to connect again, they need to listen, no talking, no thinking, just leave themselves and their million questions and become an intact being…
– Federica Abbot –



We are the Starseeds of Earth
We are the Starseeds of Earth




What is the purpose of the EAS (Emergency Alert System) related information and tests that are sent repeatedly

What is the purpose of the EAS (Emergency Alert System) related information and tests that are sent repeatedly?

Among the information related to Plan Q, there are elements that continue to be released every month, suggesting that it will be implemented. This time we will talk about one of these elements, “EAS (emergency alert system)”.

What is the purpose of the “EAS (Emergency Alert System) related information” that is continually released?

What is the purpose of the “EAS (Emergency Alert System) related information” that is continually released?

The topic this time is  “EAS (Emergency Alert System)”  , which is in Plan Q.

A mechanism to declassify and disclose truths that have been hidden from people around the world through mobile communication and television.


Many people (including those who think they are awake)  are looking forward to the  implementation of EAS (Emergency Alert System).

In addition to the exchange rate (foreign exchange profits) associated with the RV (foreign exchange revaluation), information (especially the timing of implementation) on the relevant factors (EAS implementation)  continues to  be released weekly  . (bitter smile)

At the same time in the USA

EAS (Emergency Alert System) Test

has been carried out intermittently in recent years.

EAS (Emergency Alert System) testing is performed by distributing test screens (text information) via mobile terminals (smartphones/tablets) and TVs.

Why are “EAS (implementation time) and testing information” being sent repeatedly?

Why are "EAS (implementation time) and testing information" being sent repeatedly?

This is a story I have been telling you for some time. Why the Earth Alliance? ? Intentionally

*Is information regarding the implementation period of the EAS (Emergency Alert System) being repeatedly disclosed?

*Have EAS (Emergency Alert System) tests been ongoing for many years?

I think the answer (reason) is clear and has the following two purposes.

1. Diversionary operations against DS remnants (arrest of DS remnants, etc.)

2. To allow the general public to check and understand the content calmly and without panic when receiving the EAS (Emergency Alert System) (get used to it)

What should we (the general public) do?

What should we (the general public) do?

Most of the information regarding  the timing of the implementation of the EAS (Emergency Alert System) is  a diversionary operation by the Earth Alliance  .

This information is not intended for us (the general public) but for the remnants of the DS. We (the general public)  are required  to understand that this is a diversionary operation and  we must not be influenced (ignored) by information regarding the EAS (Emergency Alert System) implementation schedule.

From the opposite point of view, EAS (Emergency Alert System) is highly effective and should be implemented! ?

From the opposite point of view, EAS (Emergency Alert System) is highly effective and should be implemented! ?

The fact that information related to the EAS (emergency alert system) (implementation schedule) is disseminated repeatedly and continuously as a diversionary operation means that no matter how many times it is repeated, the diversionary operation is effective.

From the opposite perspective

The cabal (remnants of DS) will be in big trouble if the declassification of the truth is carried out through the EAS (they will receive big damages)

That’s what it means.

And even though they know it is a diversionary operation, the cabal (remnants of DS) are repeatedly influenced by the information.

The EAS (Emergency Alert System) is not just a false element of the operation, but an element that must be implemented.

This shows that.

Personally, I am not concerned about the form of the “EAS” and I believe it would be good if real declassification (information disclosure) could be carried out to the people of the world. Therefore, I do not really care about the trends of the EAS (implementation time) (bitter smile)

It can be inferred from the situation of diversionary operations using EAS information over the past few years  that  “EAS” will eventually be implemented.

Supplement: Why wasn’t the EAS (Emergency Alert System) implemented sooner?

If it is certain that the Cabal (DS remnants) will suffer great damage (it would be a problem if implemented), why not implement the EAS (Emergency Alert System) as soon as possible? There may be many people who have this doubt.

This is just my personal opinion

As long as the power (mainly control of the media) of the cabal (remnants of the DS) remains, even if it is a little, and in a situation where the level of awakening of the people is low,

A new society (GESARA society) where the EAS (emergency alert system) is a one-hit-kill system does not flourish, and a chaotic state (confusion and confusion) continues for a while.

This is to be expected.

Making EAS (Emergency Alert System) a one-hit information dissemination system

I believe this is because we need to create the conditions for this.

02/09: “Disclosure” in September and “Fall of the Elite” in October

Monday Morning, September 2, 2024What will happen with the “financial meltdown”? ?We will continue to check the “financial markets” related to the “world currency reset”!Well thenFrom Judy Notes on September 1stI will extract the parts that interest you!Today’s messageBQQQM!
An unforgettable week of blackout from darkness to much needed
light …Q! Welcome to Disclosure Day where Satan’s America is dismantled. The Devil’s plan for World War III has failed. All major Cabal central banks except one bank now connected only to QFS services Hollywood Bigwig arrested and sent to GITMO for child sex trafficking with CIA connections It is a good idea to have at least a month’s worth of food, water, cash, medicine and daily necessities. For you and your family, and to share with others in case of emergency.Judy’s NoteHollywood icons Hanks, Streep, Spielberg, Lucas, Nicholson, Spacey and many others have been accused of child sex trafficking linked to CIA mind control programming and an international child sex trafficking ring.Most members of the Global Military Alliance have been arrested and sent to GITMO for military trials.
There are also sophisticated clones who play roles in Hollywood movies.Sources say thousands of children are crossing the US border.
They are being kidnapped or sold into child sex trafficking to satisfy the pedophile demands of high-ranking US officials, including members of Congress and state legislatures.The CIA admitted in a 2008 disclosure that it had an interest in child trafficking.
These powerful elites are believed to have used their money, power and connections to various mafias and secret services.They are believed to be trafficking children using connections to various secret services and mafias, including the Australian Security Intelligence Service, the CIA and British intelligence.CIA mind control techniques (including rape, torture, and forced participation in sacrificial rituals) programmed children and transported them internationally to serve VIP pedophiles.
This left only intimidated and compromised politicians, military officers, and government officials in leadership positions around the world.Hanks, Streep, Spielberg, Lucas, Nicholson, Spacey accused of child sex trafficking, while Trump is
a celebrity Before It’s News ( Mark your calendars: Disclosure Day is approaching on Sunday, September 1, 2024,
ushering in a new era of freedom and justice. The world will finally know the truth and witness the greatest comeback in history. Get ready. We are currently in the midst of the most important military operation in history.
Since March 2020, the United States has been under the control of a federalized National Guard, supported by the U.S. Navy, Coast Guard, and global military alliances.
This is not just a strategy. It is a covert military operation aimed at exposing corruption and restoring justice. The first stage has been completed. The military has succeeded in subverting the corrupt system in Washington.
And now we are moving on to the second stage. The Supreme Court has already ruled on Brunson v. Adams,
which reveals voter fraud in 2020.
Congress’s failure to investigate voter fraud threatens to bring down the Biden administration and Congress as a whole. In the next 24 to 48 hours, the Supreme Court will announce a government shutdown, according to a leak from a reliable military source.
Court announces government shutdown and alternative measures. Are you ready for a major comeback? The world’s media is preparing for Disclosure Day.The principles of GESARA, the largest transfer of wealth in human history, and the new global economic system are revealed. This synchronized broadcast will reach billions of people using the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS). Be prepared for a 10-day communications blackout. Communication will be cut off.
However, only in certain areas. Banks will be closed and ATMs and credit cards will no longer work.

You will need at least three weeks of food and water. If you are not ready, the military will support you and provide you with everything you need.
Educational messages will be broadcast continuously, teaching all people the true principles of freedom and justice. Teach the true principles of freedom and justice.

 Operation Castle Rock is bringing justice to those who committed treason.
Military tribunals are in full operation at Guantanamo, Diego Garcia and other secret locations.
The world’s elites are being tried and convicted for crimes against humanity. This operation will return our nation to the principles of 1776, overturn the corrupt laws of the past and usher in a new system of justice.

 Vaccines will soon be illegal and bedside treatments will be available to heal the damage caused by toxic injections.
The quantum financial system will see NESARA/GESARA funds released, debts cancelled and the economy restored to the prosperity of the 1950s.

As soon as possible

.  On Sunday, August 25, 2024, all bank accounts will be converted to gold/asset-backed currency in the quantum financial system. Sunday, August 25, 2024 at 6:00 PM The QFS operated completely independently of existing “centralized” banking operations and as such was a “central bank” that perpetuated the system of “debt slavery” worldwide.

 By Thursday, August 29, 2024, the global financial system will be fully implemented and implemented in all QFS banks worldwide.

 Sunday, September 1, 2024. Big Return Disclosure Day? Major media networks around the world were gearing up for Disclosure Day.

This worldwide simulcast explaining the principles of Gesara, the details of wealth transfer, and the new global economic system will utilize
EBS to provide billions of people with the information they need to understand and embrace this change.
Secret meeting between Trump and world leaders to launch MASSIVE GESARA and the largest wealth transfer in history – Gazetteer

 Tuesday, September 3, 2024 The platform will collapse with the transfer of wealth.

 Friday, September 6, 2024: – Your nightmare will end. Everyone will be able to buy a house, a car, and buy groceries. It all starts on Friday, September 6, 2024. Donald Trump Telegram Friday, August 30, 2024

 Red October = Fall of the Elite

That’s all

Humanity Has Very Little Time to Prepare for What Is Coming: The Liberation of This Planet – Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Humanity has very little time to prepare for what is comingSource: Final Wakeup Call | By Peter B. Meyer


Consciousness is your password

Consciousness is the password to enter the 5th dimensional world. You hold this key the moment your conscience tells you: do or fail! At that moment you will be alone! No one will judge you or reward you. But you will feel it when it actually happens. It is the end of an era! And the beginning of a new one.

Everything seems so normal; your neighbors are still living in their big, unaffordable houses, driving their kids to and from school in fancy new cars, and no one thinks about an impending economic catastrophe.

The truth is that most of these houses and cars are largely financed with “borrowed money,” and this collapses the moment the economy hits the wall. All the numbers are absolutely alarming and indicate that the global economy is well on its way to global financial Armageddon.

People are impatient and their memories are woefully short. Very few can take a long-term view of what is happening. Everyone has become accustomed to “living in the now” and not focusing on what is to come.

To many, it seems that nothing is changing, that corrupt parasites are still in charge and controlling events around the world, but it seems that way because not everything that is happening is visible.

But in order to defeat our oppressors, it is essential to know their organizational structure and the tactics they use. Previous FWC articles have described their structure and modus operandi. Without this knowledge, it is a losing battle and the cabal knows it. These previous articles described the cabal structures, saw the reactions, only a minority were able to understand the intricacies.

When enough awakened readers understand and apply these unique articles, the oppressors will lose. And we will free ourselves from centuries of subjugation.

Fortunately, new awakened people are joining us every day because they are tired of the New World Order telling them how to live their lives.



No One Can Leave Planet Earth

Planet Earth is now, for the time being, completely cut off from our alien brothers and sisters with their vast armada of invisible spaceships. No creature can leave the Earth sphere without permission. Those who have attempted to escape to Mars have been sent back. All bases on the Moon and Mars are in the hands of the Galactic Federation and are inaccessible to the Deep State Cabal elites.

Soon comes our liberation from debt slavery, long and thoroughly prepared behind the scenes. Trust the plan. Q keeps saying ‘we have all the information’ – our Alliance has the luxury of waiting for the perfect moment of breakthrough to deliver the death blow to the Deep State. The Deep State Cabal is multi-layered and secretly controls everything on our planet.

The people on this planet have no idea who they really are. The Cabal is a very carefully structured organization. It is a hierarchy of non-physical dark matter that feeds on negative energy. This dark energy does not need material possessions, only more negative energy and derives its power to control and divide through destruction.

Unreal, unacceptable and too bizarre for many. But it is a factual reality if one dares to face the truth. We are currently experiencing incredible turmoil and chaos on this planet, everything is out of balance, but soon there will be a gradual return to balance.

The lower levels of the Cabal’s governing structure on Earth are controlled by ‘non-humans’ and human traitors who are willing to feed the parasites and their constant need to ‘consume’ negative energy. They deliberately create despair, all types of suffering, create disease, promote anger, aggression and organize conflicts and wars. All of this produces negative energy that these energy parasites feed on.

The Cabal keeps the Earth in a constant state of destruction because they are preoccupied with continually obtaining negative energy for their predators. These anti-human monstrosities have infiltrated every major organizational and state structure on Earth. They have taken control of secret societies and have gradually infiltrated every religion, government, large corporation and other social structure that they use to control the surface population.

They are masters of black magic and deception, hiding themselves and their intentions from the eyes of real people. Including their agendas: LGBT, the C***d pandemic, the Green Deal and many others are directed against the functionality of all humanity and directly attack its essence.

They undermine naturalness and the ability to act. These inhuman and corrupt traitors to the human race are masters at creating problems and offering solutions that misinform and inspire only false hope. They speak of positive goals and efforts, but then continually delay or destroy this hope by creating negative energies. This is how they maintain power and control.

They practice this hidden evil all the time and their handwriting is on every broadcast, speech, event, crisis, announcement and report. Everything is focused on organizing the acquisition of low-frequency negative energy.

Liberation of this Planet
The Earth is now being transformed by the higher light energy and will restore the balance that was intended at the time of creation. Some call it the fifth dimension, others the Age of Aquarius. All must prepare for this event, both physically and spiritually.Awakened people must now be able to integrate the higher incoming frequencies into their human vessel of mind and body.Most people who are stuck in their old fears are blocking the entry of these higher frequencies. They are victims who unwittingly become perpetrators as well, helping to keep this parasitic system alive that is now creaking and crumbling.Behind the scenes, many awakened people are working tirelessly to liberate this planet by creating Light.The Cabal does not want us to understand these connections because they want to take as many people as possible with them when their inevitable end comes. They know full well that they will no longer be able to exist in the fifth dimensional frequencies and they also know that their long reign is over.This is why you can sense their incredible desperation. The intention of their minions is to lower our frequencies to such an extent that our self-concept, our ability to trust and our intuitive thinking will be damaged to such an extent that it will be extremely difficult for many to accept all the incredible and insane truth when it is fully revealed.Right now, we are in a psychological war, a battle for our consciousness. Humans have had to endure thousands of years of all kinds of deception, wars, a*** and destruction of our planet.The goal of the upcoming events is to establish full transparency, prosperity, justice and peace for all on Earth after many years.

It’s now or never, so you must act accordingly!



CONFIRMED! The launch of the QFS is forcing banks to redistribute wealth right now — inside the secret meetings of the banking elites!

The Quantum Financial System (QFS)  is the most powerful liberation tool ever conceived, and it is already reshaping the entire global financial landscape behind the scenes.

The implementation of the QFS  is a meticulously planned operation to dismantle the old, corrupt financial structures that have oppressed people for decades. The QFS is the future, and it is being executed with the kind of precision and secrecy that only White Hats and their allies can achieve.



And if you thought that was bold, brace yourself for what’s next: the largest wealth transfer in human history is on the horizon, and it’s all part of the  QFS’s master plan under the Global Economic Security and Reformation Act (GESARA).  It’s not just about connecting banks; it’s about confiscating the ill-gotten fortunes of the elites and redistributing them to the people.

That’s right: trillion-dollar empires built on the backs of ordinary citizens, stolen through manipulation, lies and deceit, are about to be ripped from the hands of the corrupt and returned to where they truly belong.

The QFS, in conjunction with GESARA, is not just rebalancing the scales; it is turning the entire financial system upside down. The elites have accumulated wealth and power for centuries, but now, the tables are turning, and this unprecedented transfer of wealth is poised to empower the masses and dismantle the financial dominance of the global cabal.

Let’s start with the banks. While you’re busy going about your daily routine,  banks around the world are being pulled into the QFS grid at an unprecedented rate.  This isn’t an optional upgrade — it’s a forced compliance that’s shaking the foundations of the traditional financial system. From the biggest players on Wall Street to regional banks in small countries, every institution is being audited, tested, and connected.

The QFS doesn’t care about your track record or your status; it demands absolute adherence to its protocols. Basel IV compliance? That’s just the surface. Banks are being scrutinized to the core, purged of corruption and integrated into a system that is both inflexible and absolute.

Behind closed doors, bankers are being given a need-to-know briefing. CEOs, CFOs and finance chiefs are receiving late-night calls and attending secret meetings to be informed that their institutions are now part of something much bigger than they ever imagined.  They are being told they must comply with the new quantum standards  or be left out—isolated from the new global economy that the  QFS is orchestrating  .

No more cheating the system, no more hidden transactions, no more siphoning funds into secret accounts.  The QFS is an all-seeing eye,  making sure every dollar is accounted for, every transaction is legitimate, and every actor is playing by the new rules.

And then there are the chosen individuals—those who are being quietly ushered into this new financial reality. These are people who have demonstrated loyalty, foresight, and courage to break out of the corrupt financial matrix. Patriots, whistleblowers, insiders who have worked tirelessly to expose the old system—they are being rewarded with early access to QFS accounts.


These individuals have already received their unique QFS cards, not just as a means of accessing funds, but as badges of honor in the fight against financial tyranny. They are the first wave, the pioneers who will lead the charge into this new era of financial freedom.

See, the QFS isn’t just about technology;  it’s about a grand strategy to transfer power back to the people.  The old system was built on lies, manipulation, and control — designed to keep the masses in perpetual debt and dependence.  But the QFS flips that script completely.

Each account is linked to the individual, not the institution.

Your money is yours, safe from the greedy clutches of banks, governments and anyone else who thinks they are entitled to it.  The QFS is the ultimate financial equalizer  and it is being rolled out with military precision.

As we speak, secret teams are working day and night, integrating banks in every corner of the globe. From the largest financial centers in Europe to small, remote banks in developing countries,  the QFS network is expanding at a rate that the mainstream media barely recognizes.


Because they are part of the old system and they know their time is running out. Every day, more banks are flipped,  more systems are connected  , and more people are brought into the fold.

You’ve noticed the subtle changes —  banks pushing for digital adoption, sudden “maintenance” outages,  unexplained changes to banking hours and procedures. This is QFS integration in action.

Every update, every tweak, every little inconvenience is part of the grand plan to bring all financial institutions online with the QFS. It’s all being done quietly, without fanfare, because the elites don’t want the public to know how fast the ground is shifting beneath their feet.

And this system is more than secure. We’re talking quantum-grade encryption that no hacker, no rogue state, no cybercriminal can penetrate. Your identity is tied to your QFS account in a way that’s as unique as your DNA — impossible to forge, impossible to steal.

It’s not just your name and number; it’s your entire digital footprint, your biometrics, your quantum signature. It’s a security fortress that ensures you, and only you, have access to your funds. No more unauthorized charges, no more identity theft, no more sleepless nights worrying about your financial security.  With QFS, you’re in control,  and no one can take that away from you.

The QFS is also bracing itself for the inevitable pushback. They know the old powers that be won’t give up without a fight, and they are ready. Financial institutions that refuse to comply are being systematically cut off – accounts frozen, assets seized, connections severed.

Those who cling to the old ways are being left behind, and those who are on the QFS path are being  removed from the financial map completely.  It’s a clean sweep, a total reset, and it’s all being orchestrated with a level of coordination that the old guard never saw coming.

And it’s not just the banks.  Governments around the world are being quietly informed,  shown the benefits of QFS and nudged – sometimes forcibly – into compliance. The days of uncontrolled money printing, runaway inflation and reckless financial policies are coming to an end.

With QFS, every unit of currency is tracked, verified  , and backed by real assets,  not just empty promises. Imagine a world where your money has real value, not just because someone says it does, but because it is backed by the full weight of a quantum-secured system.

This is the dawn of a new financial era, and the  QFS is the guiding light.  The old ways are dying, and a new order is emerging—one that puts power back where it belongs. The QFS is a global movement, a declaration that the era of financial slavery is over. The world is waking up, connections are being made, and soon everyone will have the chance to be part of this revolutionary change.

So if you haven’t been paying attention yet, it’s time to open your eyes.  The QFS is here  and it’s already rewriting the rules of the game.  Banks, governments and individuals are being drawn into the fold at lightning speed.

The system is unbreakable, the plan is unstoppable and the future is clear: QFS is the way forward. Embrace it, because the world as we knew it is gone, and what comes next is a financial landscape that finally serves the people, not the parasites.

The QFS is the key to that future and is already unlocking the door. Don’t miss out.







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Breaking News Alert: Dark Secrets Exposed – NSA and DARPA Programs

Breaking News Alert  : The Dark Secrets of Currency Revaluation in a World Dominated by  NSA and DARPA Surveillance  . As holders  of Dinar, Dong, Rupee, ZIM and Rial  tread dangerous ground, discover the hidden threats and power plays reshaping financial security.

A stealthy wind of change is sweeping through the world of wealth accumulation, and with it, the very essence of financial security is being redefined. As you navigate this enigmatic landscape of currency revaluation, armed with invaluable insider knowledge and potent currency names like   Dinar, Dong, Rupee, ZIM and Rial,   a lurking presence casts its long shadow –   the NSA  . But why the surveillance, and what does it mean for the brave new generation of currency holders?

The gravity of the situation.   In this intense landscape, we have a peculiar breed of financial adventurers – the currency holders. These pioneers are the keepers of the future, individuals who can sense the impending financial change and are prepared to seize the golden opportunity. The US Treasury’s prophecies are cryptic but crucial. Many of these bold souls are predicted to go bankrupt in the next four to five years.

Such a prediction is not merely a bet on probability. It stems from a rigorous understanding of the human psyche and its relationship to wealth. The mantra here is crystal clear –   “Don’t go broke in 4-5 years.”   The cure for this grim fate lies in prudent management of personal finances. Whether you are a currency holder dealing in millions or barely surviving on just enough, the solution is simple but often overlooked – discipline, budgeting and planning.

Beware of  Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs).   Another looming danger on this path to potential wealth is Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs). The U.S. Treasury harbors another alarming expectation: many currency holders will violate these NDAs and lose not only their accumulated wealth, but their entire accounts.

NDAs   are not sinister documents spun from the web of bureaucracy; they are shields. Measuring just 2 to 4 pages and with a shelf life of approximately 90 days, they are designed to outline the rules of this new game of wealth. They detail what you must not reveal to anyone, not even fellow currency traders. NDAs are meant to be read and understood, not just glanced at – they are your guide through this tricky terrain.

The Invisible Watchers: NSA.   In this age of hyperconnectivity, your every move is under the watchful eye of a constellation of intelligence agencies, led by the omnipresent NSA. Your phone calls, emails, text messages, and every flicker of activity on social media platforms like   Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google, YouTube   are monitored, scrutinized, and evaluated.

When going down this path, it’s best to hide behind anonymity. Opt out of social media. Remember, familiar tools and platforms like FB, Google, Amazon Alexa have often served as   DARPA programs   to collect data about people—a disturbing thought, isn’t it?

Decoding the Language of Discretion.

Upon your appointment in this realm, certain words and phrases must be crossed out of your lexicon. Words like   “RV”, “Revaluation”, “GCR”, “global currency reset”, “currency reset”, “Dinar, Dong, Rupee, ZIM, Rial”, “exchange”, “rates”   – these are the triggers that put the NSA on high alert. You may ask, why? These words are what intelligence agencies use to flag potential NDA violators.

After your appointment and the subsequent currency reset, a wall of silence must be erected. Even casual mentions of your “recently received funds,” “windfalls,” or “financial blessings” in any media outlet can lead to breaches. Your investment plans, use of funds in projects – none of this should be discussed, especially the   RV/GCR source   of   your new wealth.   The NDA will clarify this, be sure to read it carefully.

Digital Intrusion Prevention.   Your digital devices are potential gateways for intrusion. It is highly recommended that you encrypt all electronic devices. Install a  Virtual Private Network (VPN)  that spoofs your Internet Protocol address, thereby hiding your geographic location. It may seem like an unnecessary hassle, but it is your armor in this increasingly connected world.


At the heart of this labyrinthine landscape, one thing stands out: surveillance.

You are a potential target for scams, and your safety should never be taken for granted. You are the chosen one, tasked with making the most of this magnificent opportunity, but with great power comes greater responsibility. It is an exciting journey, filled with unexpected twists, intriguing shadows, and the exciting prospect of newfound wealth. Buckle up, stay alert, and make the most of this incredible opportunity.

As we delve deeper into this fascinating world of currency revaluation, we begin to see the complexity of the subject. It is a world where the powerful   forces of wealth – technology   and intelligence – intertwine, creating a landscape that is as exciting as it is intimidating. Armed with knowledge, discretion and vigilance, you are now ready to navigate this brave new world.

Remember  , the NSA may be watching,   but you’re the one calling the shots.

In the end, it is a great game of chess, and you, my friend, are the player, not the pawn. Play wisely, and the spoils of this financial revolution could be yours. Stay alert, stay safe, and may fortune favor the brave. Welcome to the new world of currency revaluation – a world where dreams are forged in the crucibles of discipline, planning, and prudence.

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