You are currently viewing DEEP Water Primordial Templates ~ UNDER WATER BASES – SIRIANS * The “DOOR” of the Liquid LOVE has been OPENED!  The Light of  REDEMPTION
New Earth is already here

DEEP Water Primordial Templates ~ UNDER WATER BASES – SIRIANS * The “DOOR” of the Liquid LOVE has been OPENED!  The Light of  REDEMPTION

DEEP Water Primordial Templates ~ UNDER WATER BASES – SIRIANS * The “DOOR” of the Liquid LOVE has been OPENED!  The Light of  REDEMPTION



Paul White Gold Eagle

Greetings Galactic Earth Angelics of the New Jerusalem

We have a Trinity of intense Activations flowing in through today’s powerful portal.

We have massive waves of energy pumping into this realm from the Great central Sun and through our local Soularis as he sends Gaia and all Her Children of the Sun Gamma Mother Plasma Liquid Light with over 25 C Class Solar Flares in the past 24 hours. All this extraordinary energy pouring in is preparing us for this Auspicious week ahead with the Solstice Gateway this Thursday the 22nd and Fridays Full Strawberry Moon in Capricorn.

We also had some major spiking in the heartbeat of Mother Earth with Higher Resonance appearing on the Schumann charts today at amplitudes of 17 hz, 24 hz, 38 hz and a big blast of white light at 55 hz. Fifth dimensional and beyond energetics fully anchored in and rising.

Pachamama also received another major activation and release today on her Pacific Ring of Fire with a magnitude 6.0 earthquake in Peru, South America at 14:47 UTC, encoded with our Starseed Earth Angelic Code of the 144. The Kundalini Energies of Gaia move through the Andes Mountains home of our Sacred Condors of Wisdom and Compassion.

To synchronize with these deep activations and transformations we have a powerful Galactic Activation Portal Day on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar with Kin 239 ~ Blue Overtone Storm as the Blue Ray of Healing floods this realm to reach a Higher Octave of Light for our Divine Dispensations of Abundance and Prosperity for all our Good People of the New Earth.

Our Cosmic Storm of the Great Shift is brewing!

Continue to allow these Cosmic Rays of Infinite Source Creator to flow through you and deep into the Crystalline Core of Gaia for as she rises we rise with her. We are truly on the precipice of full Planetary Liberation and our Victory of the Light…A’Ho!










Unlocked some DEEP water Primordial templates in my Ti’amat container yesterday.
Ancient Oceanic Plates to Re:organize the Data.
Water hodls the MEMORY of the TRUE stories here on GAIA.
Eternal KNOWING in our Cellular Structures.
No words needed.
Cetacean Consciousness + Templates part of this Unlocking.
So much Gratitude!
❤ Valerie
DEEP water Primordial templates
DEEP water Primordial templates
When Remembering The Horizontal Channel,
Seek The Counsel Of Soil
When Remembering The Vertical Channel,
Seek The Counsel Of Trees
When Remembering How These 2 Interplay…
Watch The Sacred Breath Between Soil And Tree
When Remembering What Creation Feels Like..
Smell A Rose, Be A Rose
Sacred Unfolding In Truth🌹
Be A Rose
Be A Rose
TODAY’S ORACLE. This is a space of integration. Of recent big shifts. You are being asked to go with the flow and be super adaptable. It’s safe to embrace new ways, new paths. So much changes within & without that you have to find new responses to the energy. You will have everything you need every layer of the way to birth this new version of you. All is organised, even these moments, even these changes. Keep it up. You were meant for this.
massive multi-species collective & planetary shift
massive multi-species collective & planetary shift
A message which came through so powerfully this morning, is that no matter what seems to be going on in the Old Earth now and in the next months and years, the outcome has already been determined.
As much as past, present and future is one and the same, at this present moment Oneness, unity and harmony and the New Earth is already here. Now!
It is up to you to keep the bigger picture in mind, and to live it in the here and now, with great love.
You are already cocreating the New Earth within your own soul.
Photo: Shambala Light Visionary Art
New Earth is already here
New Earth is already here

Pars Kutay


The “DOOR” of the Liquid LOVE has been OPENED!

Indeed. . . the ENERGIES are Ramping Up!
NEW PHASE is Coming Upon us where WE will Find our SELVES Awakening Even More NOW!
Even More NOW. . .
and Remembering Who WE Are More and More!
The Veil is BE-ing LIFTED and WE Are Entering into ONENESS with All-That-Is. . .
as part of the Infinite SOURCE LOVE Intelligence that WE Are within our Sacred Heart!!!
Within DIVINE LOVE of ONE Pars Kutay 


Full Moon in Capricorn
Full Moon in Capricorn


6/16/24: The Light of revelation, redemption, and healing flows from the deep today. What it reveals to you has been purged from layers of repressed memories, uncomfortable experiences, forgotten impressions, and unfiltered conditioning. It is the sediment that settles and accumulates when life events and relationships go unexplored and unaddressed.
But today is a window to that dark realm and your Right Action is to stand strong, welcome what you‘re given, and trust that you’re ready to see it and be released. Like sludge in a bucket, unresolved pain adds unnecessary weight… and June wants you free. All you have to do is look. That’s enough… powerfully enough.
Light of revelation
Light of revelation

June 16th : June Solstice and Full Moon in Capricorn

We are coming up to another vortex of energies this week.
The most powerful is the Solstice portal on the 20th June. This is the summer solstice in the North and the Winter Solstice in the South. This is the moment when earth changes course in its elliptical journey around the sun, and it also marks the change of seasons. It is above all, a powerful moment when Light Codes from the Sun and beyond pour down onto the Earth to allow for the evolution of consciousness to higher levels. We can expect Solar Radiance to be high and there is the possibility of an X Class Solar Flare in the days before the Solstice.
The next day, the 21st June, the Sun moves into Cancer, a water sign and the energy of the Divine Feminine as Leader/Priestess. This is quite a shift in Solar energy and we need to shift into a softer and more flowing mode of being. Acceptance and Flow are key aspects on the Cancer energy, as is nurturing and self care.
Then on the 22nd of June the Full Moon falls in Capricorn. Although an Earth Moon, this is a powerful placement. Pluto has been in Capricorn for many years doing its work of dissolving old structures, and now it is in Aquarius. But, it is retrograding towards Capricorn for a final go around from September to November. We are not quite finished with the Capricorn/Pluto synergy and we may find the Full Moon brings up emotional issues around home and family that still need some adjusting or letting go.
So expect a powerful and intense week, and take measures to care for yourself.
We are also in the run up to the Lions Gate which will be powerful this year. We are taking a giant quantum leap of consciousness and as Archangel Michael teaches, we need to access the Joy Principle to carry us through the challenges of the days ahead. Focus on what gives joy and brings joy and let your life be an expression of quiet joy from deep within your soul!
Have a wonderful Solstice week everyone!
June Solstice and Full Moon in Capricorn
June Solstice and Full Moon in Capricorn


Dear friends, there is a solar wind front moving around the planet at this time bringing with it a strong shower of solar particles and new high frequency light codes. Those of you who are energy sensitive may be experiencing some physical symptoms such as ear ringing, mild headache, dizziness, lack of focus and concentration, jaw and neck tension, and fatigue. Please stay well hydrated and rest as much as needed.

This current wave of solar wind may be feeling a bit more intense than usual for this type of moderate intensity. These codes are mostly working on our head area and central nervous system, sending new information deep into our primitive brain areas, or what’s also known as the “reptilian brain”. These brain areas control our motives and instinctive behavior (e.g., sex, aggression, power), even in deep sleep. As we approach the Solstice, these incoming solar codes are releasing ancient memories related to these very basic survival emotions. You may experience bouts of irritability, a change in sleeping patterns, or moments of anger at random situations or people.

Please stay centered in your heart as much as possible at this time. Take deep breaths and let go these old emotional patterns that are coming up to surface for transmutation.

This process of emotional clearing of the primitive brain is also taking place at the collective level, so please be kind to those around you who may be going through this process as well. But most importantly be kind to yourself as you go through this clearing process. Our energetic fields are shifting in quite profound ways, and this alchemical process needs time, patience, and love. You can do this! Much love 💖


Diego E. Berman, PhD 2024Ⓒ


Marilynn Raffaele

The Arcturian Group: Physical Changes

Almost everyone is experiencing a sense of weariness and some physical issues at this time because the high resonating energies now flowing to earth as the ascension process proceeds are not just clearing old energies but at the same time are integrating it into the cells of physical bodies. The human mind often interprets this process as something being “wrong” because it is unfamiliar with what is taking place.

​As with everything that exists, earth is the manifestation of an idea in Divine Mind, a perfect expression of God’s creativity, beauty, harmony, and wholeness–plants, animals, and individuals all expressing the qualities of Divine consciousness. Over time, as states of consciousness slipped increasingly deeper into ignorance, the world’s collective consciousness began to reflect separation rather than love and connection.

​Separation consciousness views the earth and her life forms as being material, expendable, and available to be dominated by humans who consider themselves to be superior. Earth is still considered by many to be nothing more dirt, a dumping ground to be used and abused for profit. Because there is only ONE, this state of consciousness (one of disrespect and superiority) is often reflected in the lives of those of this consciousness because consciousness is creative.

​The ascension process is dissolving energies of density that have overlain earth for a very long time. This will eventually allow Earth to once again manifest more of her real self, the long hidden earth that as of yet is unknown to the majority.

Throughout the centuries there have been groups and individuals of higher awareness who attempted to explain and demonstrate man’s oneness with earth through healing and teaching, but they were usually severely punished or put to death for thinking “outside of the accepted box”.

Most of those labeled as “witches” in earlier times were put to death simply because they were able to align with earth energies and use them in physical, emotional, and mental healing practices foreign to the majority living from three dimensional consciousness.

Many had been healers in the ancient healing temples of the past. Fear causes people to rise up and resist anything that contradicts their personal belief system regardless how false because a person’s belief system constitutes their sense of security and is the foundation from which they build their lives.

Fear in one form or another dominates the thinking and underlies the actions of the third dimensional state of consciousness. Those locked tightly into some particular belief system will often lash out at anyone who believes differently. You are witnessing increasingly more of this now because the ascension energies are bringing about change which in turn is threatening the belief systems of increasingly more leaders (church, government, legal, experts etc.) as well as ordinary citizens.

​Fear pushes them to proselytize, use legal means, and promote tactics of fear and guilt to force others to accept their personal beliefs about everything because they ignorantly believe that their way is the only “right” way. This is particularly true with religious beliefs. Truth is truth and can never be affected in any shape or form by those threatened by it.

Fear, the natural expression of believing self to be separate from God, people, and other life forms automatically equates in the human mind as separation from one’s good. This in turn often expresses as the belief that a person can and must do whatever they believe is necessary to attain what they think they must have. Separation consciousness has birthed every war, all violence, poverty, disease, and every form of lack and limitation.

Fear and its expressions are ancient and will continue until the energies that maintain and sustain them (beliefs of duality, separation, and two powers) are evolved beyond by the majority which will then allow fear to dissolve of its own nothingness.

Ideas of separation are and can only be illusory because God is omnipresent. Everything is in and of God/Divine Consciousness because nothing else exists. How could an omnipresent God create anything from outside of ITself?

Why or even how would IT create something foreign, dangerous, lacking, impermanent from the contents of ITs own harmonious, self sustained, and self maintained SELF? Lack, limitation, disease, etc, do not exist in Divine Consciousness and therefore cannot and never have been created by God.

God is self-sustained, self-maintained, harmonious, and complete. God is the only cause and therefore the only effect. Knowing and accepting this reveals why over time spiritual masters have called the world an illusion even as good and bad appearances seem so real.

The earth is real, how it has been and still is perceived constitutes the illusion.

No one person is better or holier than another, some are just more spiritually awake. God manifests ITself in infinite form and variety–individuality from the same substance. God qualities are the qualities of every person because God does not limit ITself by flowing more of ITself to one and less of ITself to another.

God is forever expressing ITs fullness to every person but how much is received and experienced depends upon the receptivity of the individual. Free will allows every person to keep the door of their consciousness open or shut.

​Right now you are seeing a great deal of conflict in the world as old energies that have lain dormant for eons begin to surface. Energies of duality, separation, and two powers have no Divine Law to support or maintain them but will continue to manifest as long as the world’s collective consciousness empowers and feeds them with energy. This is why you who are awake are on earth at this time, to seed and open a sleeping collective simply through the presence of your Light.

​Allow the process without giving power to appearances. Do not believe that you are doing something wrong if life becomes chaotic, discordant, or that which is comfortable and familiar disappears.

Know that you are doing something right–clearing that which is false, obsolete, and no longer relevant to spiritual evolution through your conscious realization of God as being the only power and not the many things being presented to you at this time as being power.

​Acknowledge and claim your Divinity in the realization that your oneness with Source automatically constitutes your oneness with all life and every Divine Idea.
We are the Arcturian Group

Arcturian Group
Arcturian Group

To The Ascending LightWorker Collective

The Ascending will be Discovering deeper aspects of the inner self during the next full Moon in Capricorn that will occur on June 21, 2024 .This particular lunar phase is uncovering your deepest desires and understanding of what you truly wish to bring into existence.
Awakening to your deeper and hidden desires , utilising this insight to influence manifestation processes. Challenging self with thought-provoking inquiries regarding future aspirations and striving to trust self’s intuition rather than feeling oppressed by excessive contemplation.
Capricorn is an earth sign that helps us stay focused on our new earth manifestations this lunar energy is helping the ascending with new opportunities , this energy encourages us to declutter more of the mind space and to clear and cleanse existing surroundings.
The strong Capricorn full moon has concentrated energy during this time. This Full Moon is also called the strawberry full moon, as it appears in full during the harvesting season, which holds energetic significance.
The strawberry full moon embodies symbolic meaning related to the base chakra, ( red ) the energy center associated with our sense of security and safety in life. A balanced base chakra promotes confidence and stability, while imbalances may lead to fear, hesitation, and self-doubt.
Harvesting strawberries reflects the act of clearing mental and emotional clutter, it encourages the ascending to create energetic space for new growth to occur . Just as ripe fruit is gathered and decaying parts of the plant are removed, we too must discard old patterns and thoughts to nurture personal growth and navigate new earths transitions effectively.
During this next Full Moon, envisioning changes in careers , work , relationships, friendships , connections and overall life trajectory for the present year and beyond. There will also be a deepening in partnerships, and connections with loved ones . By working with the energy of this Full Moon pathways towards prosperity activate.
Capricorn is ruled by Saturn, the planet associated with responsibility, structure, and long-term objectives, the Capricorn influence urges the ascending to take life aspirations seriously. To asses this phase as an opportunity to design in accordance with conscious alignment .
This new planetary energy is offering unique creations from the universe. Embracing this time as a blank canvas to design the desired future . June’s full moon brings in new found encouragement and dedication.
The Capricorn full moon is known for its Strong association with diligence, ambition, and commitment. This full moon encourages attention to personal goals. The Ascending can expect a surge of higher responsibility and a stronger drive towards fulfilling new version of self aspirations Capricorn brings in practicality energy to assist in maintaining focus and taking decisive actions towards reaching objectives.
The upcoming Full moon presents an opportunity for meaningful conversations, closure, forgiveness, embracing new ideas and starting new chapters. Remaining hopeful, trusting in divine timing, and expanding into change as energy levels in consciousness shift.
Ascension is a personal journey, focusing on positivity in-self is what rewires the brain and manifests a new paradigm into reality. During this time some people may exit your life this is to provide Further clarity and insight.
The soul’s guidance is urging the self to prepare for new beginnings in new earth , aligned with higher purpose. Self’s progress on this journey is highly valuable, regardless of external validation.
The energy of the Full Moon will help in navigating through rapid changes and conscious acceleration taking place , profound revelations are coming in at the speed of light , this may effect behaviours as adjustments within self takes place , this new earth energy is preparing the ascension transition into the next major contact providing heightened awareness of insincerities and instabilities that others have possibly tried to conceal.
This increased energy on our ascending planet is serving as a significant catalyst for revealing truths and providing opportunities for healing and growth. Remaining open, receptive, and compassionate, navigating Earths new changes with conscious understanding , grace and a clearer overall perspective .
In loving and devoted Ascension service
Source Inspiration by Ascension LightWorkers ©️
soul's guidance
soul’s guidance


For The Path Of Disclosure Is Calling US to Embrace Our Cosmic Family.
For Underwater Civilisations are living Deep Within Our Reality.
To Stand Strong In Our Collective Starseed Mission, Activated In The Present Moment 🙏💫
My Role Is To Start Sharing These Interactions, The Details Of Our Planetary Light Worlds Immersed In Our Physical Human Reality.
For We Live In A Complex World, With Ancient Planetary Agendas, Ancient Missions Of Light.
As We Are The Land Dwelling Civilisation, Enduring The Physical Elements of Upcoming Planetary Changes.
Disclosure Is All Around US 🙏
Sending Waves Of Cosmic Love
Cosmic Light Alliance
Karen Lithika
source: 🙏💫

Ra James

Venus has shifted into Cancer today. Expect a much more intentional and even emotional approach to love and money. Expect a huge love boost with this alignment. You’ll find it easier to express your feelings and connect on a deeper emotional level. Expect dreamy vibes all about your love life. This period is bringing energies for emotional healing and renewal. Love is in the air. Summer is here and we shift into Cancer Season and do the Summer Solstice on the same day, the 20th. Expect a lot of healing for your emotional body, and clearing of old emotions. This is major inner child healing vibes. It’s all about shifting into connections that meet your emotional needs.
Venus stays in Cancer until July 11th. That makes the next 3 weeks all about our relationships. This is good news for your love life. Expect a lot of healing in that area. Cancer is a family oriented sign. Cancer is the only sign that is ruled by the Moon. It’s all about connecting with your own intuition and guidance over the next few weeks. Expect major upgrades as we move through the energies of the Solstice. This is a time where we connect with Sirius, our Spiritual Sun and receive some major upgrades. It’s a great time to be setting your intentions around love and money for the rest of the year to manifest your desires…
Venus has shifted into Cancer today
Venus has shifted into Cancer today
Heading into Monday, Venus and Mercury are ‘holding hands’ in the final degree of Gemini as both planets form a square to Neptune at 29° Pisces before these planets enter Cancer and then form a conjunction with each other at 0° Cancer as a prelude to Thursday’s solstice.
The bridge between our minds and our hearts is being crossed now as we move from a perception of endless possibilities and potential self-deceptions and into a more concentrated focus on what is TRUE in our hearts.
We can only ‘juggle’ options and/or distract our hearts for so long before we are consumed by the ‘flood’ of the reality of the intensity that we feel about certain circumstances in our lives…
As we head toward Thursday’s solstice and Friday’s Full Moon in Capricorn, we are going to be faced with taking responsibility for the reality of the way that we actually FEEL and for making the appropriate adjustments to accommodate what can’t be ignored or ‘lightened’ up anymore!
But, for now, we are starting the week with an experience of the undeniable inner ‘awareness’ of what will require some shifting…and this intensity will serve as our inspiration to do so.
Change the spirit and reality will shift
Change the spirit and reality will shift
On Sunday, June 16th, lovely Venus, ruler of partnerships and resources, will spend her last few hours in intellectual, air sign Gemini and move into subjective, water sign Cancer at 11:20pm Pacific Time/2:20am Eastern Time Monday. Venus is all about the relationships in her life, the finances in her pocket, and the values she places on her possessions, situations, connections and herself. She will be in emotional Cancer until July 11th and while here the focus will be more on home, family, memories, caretaking, and security.
The shadow side of her energy could be insecurity, clinginess, defensiveness, hoarding and being overly emotional. However, she will also be empathic, sentimental, sympathetic, protective and intuitive. Next week two more planets will transition into this sign of the Crab. And, we will leave behind the high strung mental realm, for the more sensitive emotional realm.
Blessings of Love and Light to All! ❤
lovely Venus, ruler of partnerships and resources, will spend her last few hours in intellectual, air sign Gemini
lovely Venus, ruler of partnerships and resources, will spend her last few hours in intellectual, air sign Gemini
Sun in Gemini sextile Eris in Aries and square Black Moon Lilith retrograde in Virgo. Hygeia conjunct Eris in Aries. Moon in Libra opposite Chiron in Aries – Yesterday’s story continues. Healing, disruption, harmony, discord, scars, soothing. The mood switches from congenial to irritated and back again in the blink of an eye. One moment we’re convinced that we’ve found the solution, closed the hole, repaired the gap, fixed the problem – the next it seems we’re wide open and vulnerable, furious to find ourselves back at square one.
But life is not a circle, it’s a spiral – an ever-increasing curve of experience. It all depends on how we see things. These are not scars but holy tattoos, a gift from the Great Artist, complex, beautiful: little lines with tales to tell, like those on a face. Laughter, tears, the hint of a frown all coalescing into a unique character. We can’t always prevent disruption, but we can choose how we respond, shift perspective, use a different lens. Give yourself permission to say no to what doesn’t align with your spirit. Let your voice be heard to keep your balance.
Degrees and Times
Sun 25°Ge23′, Eris 25°Ar23′ – 01:49 (BST)
Sun 25°Ge34′, Black Moon Lilith (true position) 25°Vi34′ R – 06:27 (BST)
Moon 22°Li51′, Chiron 22°Ar51′ – 17:24 (BST)
Hygeia, Eris 25°Ar23′ – 20:22 (BST)
© Leah Whitehorse
source :
Painting – Painted composition design to medicine by Gustav Klimt
Painted composition design to medicine
Painted composition design to medicine

Kin 239 ~ Blue Overtone Storm

‘Overtone’ is the name for the number five and its keywords are ‘Empower, Radiance and Command’. The fifth day of any wavespell is always intense but in a good way. There’s a lot of energy involved and it can wear you out by the end of the day. If you want to make the most of it, raise your aim and don’t underestimate your own power. The number 5 is important because of the way the wavespell flows. The first day, 5th, 9th and last day are always the same color and energetically speaking, are connected to one another. I always say they are like gear changes and day five we go faster!
Today is Blue Storm and storms are full of energy, so be careful how you use that energy and make changes that are good for you and avoid disruptive behavior. The storm is the catalyst and nothing stands in its way. When you combine the meaning of the number and the day the result is ‘Empower and Self-Generate.’ Wow! Today packs a punch for sure, there’s fantastic potential for change that can empower you. Plus, it is a Portal Day! Not often do we get this combo. The number 5 on a Portal day, only happens 4 times in the Tzolkin and the Blue Storm only falls on a Portal day twice.
Today’s Guide is Blue Hand which represents ‘Healing and Accomplishment’. Guiding the storm is very healing energy which will help calm the intensity of the storm, so don’t panic folks.
Whenever the Blue Hand guides us, we can feel quite ambitious. Be inspired by this motivating energy and reach out to grab what you need.
The Challenge of the day is the Red Moon which symbolizes ‘going with the flow’. If you are a Red Moon, there is no use hiding or staying at home either, there’s no escaping the storm in your cozy bunker! Luckily it will all blow over by tomorrow, so just hang on.
The Occult power is the White Wind, the communicator. When in this magical position the White Wind delivers messages with magical meanings. Your best bet to get through this storm is to keep the lines of communication open. This is my favorite part of any Stormy day…expect life changing news today!
The Ally is the Yellow Sun who loves a good storm and is unafraid of its disruptive power. If you need assistance today and you are lucky enough to know a Yellow Sun, they can be a tremendous help in this situation. They can always offer some enlightenment on the situation.
Kin 239
Kin 239


5 CAUAC – KIN 239
16 JUNE 2024
I EMPOWER in order to catalyze
Commanding energy
I seal the matrix of self generation
With the Overtone tone of RADIANCE
I AM guided by the power of ACCOMPLISHMENT.
I AM a Galactic Activation Portal (G.A.P.)
16/6/2024 = 7/6/8=7/14=7/5=12=3
16- The TOWER struck by lightning/Sudden unexpected events
7- Majik/Mystic/Spiritual/Solitude/Initiation
12-Acquiring spiritual strength/wisdom
3- Holy trinity/Joy/Creativity/Communication
✨MONTH/YEAR codes✨
6- Heaven/Christ/Harmony/Fertility/Romance
8- Infinite Abundant Source Flow
5- Freedom/Liberation/Change/Transformation/Movement
20- The AWAKENING/Clear vision
24- Charisma/Happiness/Healing/Joy
The PORTAL GATES are OPEN for us to pass through and claim our SOVEREIGNTY👑 as the NEW EARTH LEADERS.👸👑🌍
Another HUGE STELLAR✨ LINE-UP of codes today Star Biss Supernova Suns!! A G.A.P 💥 portal day when the veils are thin – on a 16 TOWER code. A BRILLIANT 🌟STAR-GATE🌟 opening for our transition to PLANETARY LIBERATION through COMMANDING back our POWER.💥💥💥
Just another INTENSE💥 day on Planet Earth with this continuous stream of SOLAR FLARES bombarding us!! 🌏🌎🌍 Huh – the codes just keep building upon each other like LEGO 📦 bricks constructing our new foundation for Terra Nova!!
Today is a HUGELY powerful day for transformation and HEALING. The GAP/GALACTIC ACTIVATION PORTAL DAY 💥 adds EXTRA potency and intensity to the STORM! A definite day to PURGE all that has been holding you back!
Day 5 in the BLUE EAGLE Wavespell 👁👁 where we are being asked to FLY HIGH – and focus on the BIG PICTURE 🏔🖼– the DIVINE PLAN for humanity – so that we can CREATE IT!…. Envisioning the Highest timeline for ourselves and our Planet.. as our VISION-ARY POWERS and 3rd EYE are AWAKENED and ACTIVATED! IT IS TIME for another MASS AWAKENING of HUMANITY!!💥💥🌻🌻🌻
Today we are COMMANDING back our POWER💪 in order to RADIATE🌟 as the best possible version of our cell-ves that we can be! We are claiming our personal SOVEREIGNTY👑 and that of our PLANET. Viva la revolution!! 💥💥🎆🌼🦁
OVERTONE ☀– Tone 5 in the SPIRITUAL realm. ACTION – commands, POWER – empowers, ESSENCE – radiance
5 represents the Centre, core purpose, foundation and central intent. It is the CENTER of the wheel 🎡from which all the spokes emanate. This is the phase where the energy of Creation returns to the center and then RADIATES🎆 outwards.
Overtones COMMAND the unbounded. They order it to BE and so it becomes! Their power radiates from their soul essence through a pure connection to SOURCE, this is the true source of unlimited power.
The 5th day of the BLUE EAGLE Wavespell is the one that EMPOWERS. When we give ourselves permission to “unhook from the drama” and FLY HIGHER to expand our VISION, we transform and begin to RADIATE! ☀
❓❓Which aspects of your life or outlook would you like to TRANSFORM in order to feel more EM-POWER-ED?
It is TIME to claim your THRONE👑👑👑 dear ones! 👑
The LIGHTER✨ you become the more you can RADIATE🌞 and SHINE your FULL BRILLIANT LIGHT! ☀✨☀
Allow the GODDESS to bless you with the answers you seek, in order to catalyze these wondrous energies for further growth and soul expansion! The purer you become – the HIGHER you SOAR!
Hitch a ride on the WINGS of the EAGLE today far above the powerful STORM, releasing any baggage so that you can soar HIGHER!
Remember after the STORM🌪🌩🌧🌧comes the rainbow🌈, revealing the POT of GOLD!💰🌈
Today’s question is ” How can I catalyze these self-transformational energies, to become more empowered and fully COMMAND my soul RADIANCE, rising above the STORMS in life?👑🌞
🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤
ESPAVO beloved planetary kin – thankyou for taking back your POWER! 🙏🌟🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
CONSCIOUS SELF: BLUE OVERTONE STORM 🌀🌪CAUAC – contains the POWER of SELF GENERATION, achieved through purification, change, transformation, breakdown and break-through💥, Freedom and LIBERATION are today’s POWER – filled catalyzing energies.
Today we have DOUBLE the OVERTONE empowerment energy through the OVERTONE WIZARD YEAR – giving us an incredible BOOST to step up confidently and claim our POWER!!
BLUE STORM combined with BLUE EAGLE forces you to “pull your head out of the sand” and really LOOK👀 at what it is that needs HEALING and trans-forming, in your life and our Planet! Either your own self healing, or you can be a catalyst for the healing of another. It is TIME to HEAL already in order to SELF-generate!!!.
BLUE EAGLE and Ascended Master White Eagle (who you can call for this wavespell) have been very determined to get their messages of EMPOWERMENT across, during this wavespell They urge you to FLY HIGHER with a clean slate – having purified and let go of the past!
Be extra vigilant today because now BLUE EAGLE is being jet propelled🚀 by the catalyzing forces of the STORM! 🌩🌪The STORM leaves nothing in its wake! Anything old, flimsy and outmoded must GO!
BLUE STORM 🌧🌀🌪provides the water that purifies and quenches your spiritual thirst. In this state of consciousness, you stand willing to SURRENDER everything. You give up what you seem to be, in order to become fully what you are. You step into the fires of the unknown, and you are changed forever. Allow BLUE STORM and the THUNDER BEINGS to purify and cleanse your body, mind and soul for the next phase of your wonderful life!.
NOTE: The probability of a physical STORM is greater on BLUE STORM days as the STORM seeks to wash, purify and refresh – what better way than an ACTUAL ionizing STORM! Aaaaah I can smell FREEDOM and transformation in the AIR!
🌍🌎🌏🌐 On a GLOBAL level we have witnessed many NATIONS reclaim their SOVEREIGNTY and independence from the Draconian oppressive regime – and now that the PEOPLE have reclaimed their POWER – we are witnessing the END of this old paradigm.
We must remember that WE the PEOPLE get to decide what we will accept and reject in our lives as we move forward.
The OVERTONE STORM 🌩🌪☀ will ensure more VICTORY🏆 is attained by the PEOPLE in the coming days as we near the completion of this GALACTIC SPIN on JULY 7TH 2024. BIG CHANGES are brewing for our PLANET.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: BLUE OVERTONE HAND🙌 MANIK brings forth the power of great Healing and accomplishment today. MANIK works hand in hand with CAUAC🌪🌩🌨 as they FLUSH out the dross, with the purifying and healing waters of spiritual initiation, in order to progress to a Higher level of Mastery through this EVOLUTIONARY PASSAGE!
BLUE HAND brings forth great HEALING wisdom today, so once the STORM uncovers the imbalance or dis-ease, then Manik REVEALS 👁 the knowledge needed to transcend the discordance.
❓❓Have you been struggling with an issue – Health, Relationship, Abundance etc.. that needs HEALING.. causing you to be STUCK in the details???
This distraction has blocked you from SEEING and ACCOMPLISHING the bigger picture for your life. It is time to detach from the dis-ease and view it from a HIGHER PERSPECTIVE 🏔– a different angle so that a SOLUTION is forthcoming.
Call on BLUE EAGLE to bless you with the SEER’s 👁SOLUTION🔮 needed to advance in your life.
MANIK holds the POWER of ACCOMPLISHMENT🔧🔨👏 – giving you the FINAL SEAL to achieve your self generation as you COMMAND back your RADIANCE and POWER becoming whole once again… The powerful influx of GAP portal energies streaming forth Christ codes, is HEAVEN sent – so empty your container to capture, integrate and em-body these new higher frequencies into your RADIANT light-body! What another beautiful GIFT🎁 from SPIRIT today! 🎆
KIN 239 on a GAP💥 portal day offers a tremendous opportunity for PLANETARY HEALING today.
👁Visualize the STORM🌪🌩🌧 washing away🚿 any residual DROSS💩 on our Planetary body – draining the SWAMP – mud, dirty putrid water and all!!
👁Visualize all GAIA’S water being purified and cleansed to her pristine original blueprint💧 – providing life enhancing properties for all her children.
👁Visualize her landmass clear and cleansed of debris and density on any level..
👁Visualize her lands PURE and ABUNDANT, SOAKED with the RAINBOW LIGHT🌈 of healing and opportunity, bringing forth the much needed prosperity, joy and fertility of the new Golden Age!
SUPPORT: YELLOW OVERTONE SUN 🌞AHAU – What a beautiful RADIANT code today – the OVERTONE SUN – is like a DOUBLE DOSE of RADIANT SUNSHINE! 🌞🎆 The promise of the RAINBOW 🌈after the STORM☔🌂 – bringing HOPE and HAPPINESS!
Absolutely DIVINELY PERFECT codes from AHAU🌞 today, supercharging our CELLS with SOUL-AR powered ENLIGHTENING frequencies.🌞🌞.
Get ready for another WAVE of powerful M and X class flares!!🌞🌊🌞🌊🌞🌊
After the STORM has cleansed and purified you, AHAU then radiates its warming healing LIGHT, to HEAL, transform and warm your entire HU- man vessel. You can transform and begin the process of regenesis in your journey back home to SOURCE, provided by AHAU.
These codes RADIATE from our SUN, the CENTRAL SUN, and the CENTER of our SOUL-AR System providing powerful solar healing codes regenerating and upgrading our bodies to BECOME the LIGHT!🎆 COMMAND it into being! 👑AND SO IT IS!🎆
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE SOLAR WIND☀ 🌬🍃 IK carries the VOICE of Spirit through the power of the whispering wind and the elements of nature. The SOLAR☀ WIND🍃 is a potent messenger as it is the SUPERpower today, continually PULSing the messages of SPIRIT, transmitting through the air waves and solar storms until they are received!
The SOLAR WIND☀🌬 – may be literal today – bringing forth actual Solar Winds☀🌬 from CME’s☀🔥 and Solar Flares 🔥🔥– encoded with Ascension frequencies to assist us in RISING up to claim our POWER as CHILDREN of the SUN☀
During the BLUE EAGLE wavespell, the Winged Ones – the Messengers of Spirit, are even more prevalent in their duties to deliver divine SIGNS and synchronicities to propel our evolution..
👀Keep a LOOK OUT 👁 for the Eagles, Owls, Doves,🕊 Hummingbirds, Cardinals, Ravens/Crows, Pigeons and all other feathered species – perhaps they will gift you with a majik feather, a tool that holds their medicine and wisdom… be OPEN and AWARE, to what it is that SPIRIT wants you to SEE.
✨Be STILL and receptive, willing to embrace this wisdom in order to truly FLY FREE – COMMANDING your LIBERATION. 💥☀✨
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED OVERTONE MOON 🌛👸 MULUC brings forth the energies of Purification, detoxification, cleansing and communication through the power of her Universal waters DOUBLING the purification power today. This means we have a FLOOD of purifying 🚿🌨🌧watery💧💧💧 elements operating today! Expect your intuition 👁and psychic 🔮abilities to be heightened!
Today’s challenge is to SEE, feel and tune in to what is TOXIC in your life.
❓❓What is polluting your soul?
Is it food, stimulants, toxins, negative thoughts/emotions, beliefs, programs, habits, people????
The first step is IDENTIFICATION, then ACCEPTANCE, and finally instigating RIGHT ACTION which is the gift of today’s energies.
❓❓How can you embody more LIGHT?✨☀✨
The LIGHTER✨ you become the more you can RADIATE🌞 and SHINE your FULL BRILLIANT LIGHT! ☀✨☀
Allow the GODDESS to bless you with the answers you seek, in order to catalyze these wondrous energies for further growth and soul expansion! The purer you become – the HIGHER you SOAR!
Hitch a ride on the WINGS of the EAGLE today far above the powerful STORM, releasing any baggage so that you can soar HIGHER!
Remember after the STORM🌪🌩🌧🌧comes the rainbow🌈, revealing the POT of GOLD!💰🌈
Today’s question is ” How can I catalyze these self-transformational energies, to become more empowered and fully COMMAND my soul RADIANCE, rising above the STORMS in life?👑🌞
🐬🌈 ❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤🐬🌈❤
ESPAVO beloved planetary kin – thankyou for taking back your POWER! 🙏🌟🙏
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈






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Paul White Gold Eagle

New Earth Prayer of Divine Alchemy of the Blue Ray

Introduction: This prayer is intended to invoke the transformative and healing energies of the Blue Ray, a spiritual frequency associated with divine will, protection, and truth. It aims to align our intentions with the creation of a New Earth—a world of harmony, peace, and enlightened consciousness.


Beloved Divine Presence, Source of all creation, We gather in sacred union, To invoke the Divine Alchemy of the Blue Ray.

Great Archangel Michael, Guardian of the Blue Flame, Wrap us in your protective light, Shield us from all harm and negativity.

Divine Mother Mary, Queen of Heaven, Bless us with your nurturing love, Comfort our hearts and souls.

Master El Morya, Chohan of the Blue Ray, Guide us with your wisdom, Illuminate our path with divine truth.

We call upon the Blue Ray, The frequency of divine will and power, To cleanse and purify our beings, To transform all lower vibrations into light.

With the strength of the Blue Ray, We dissolve all illusions and fears, We embrace the truth of our divine essence, And awaken to our highest potential.

May the Blue Ray anchor within our hearts, Igniting the flame of divine purpose, Inspiring us to create a New Earth, Grounded in love, peace, and unity.

We envision a world where all beings are free, Living in harmony with one another and the planet, Where truth and integrity prevail, And the divine will guides every action.

As we stand united in this sacred prayer, We pledge to be beacons of the Blue Ray, Radiating its light and power, To uplift and heal the world.

With gratitude and reverence, We thank the Divine, the Angels, and the Masters, For their constant guidance and support, In manifesting this vision of the New Earth.

And so it is.


Take a moment to feel the energy of the Blue Ray infusing your entire being. Visualize it spreading from your heart, radiating outwards to encompass the whole planet. Know that you are a channel for this divine frequency, contributing to the transformation and healing of the Earth and all its inhabitants.




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