The Inner Kingdoms of Telos & Agartha join us on the Surface ~ Magenta Rose *
Primordial Dragons ~ From the East came a Light
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Wisdom Keepers of our Galactic Councils of Light
Happy 11:22 Sacred Portal of the Divine Master Builder!
The Great Dragon Masters came from the East many years ago to teach our People the Ways of the Rising Sun, The Tao of Enlightenment and the Path of Freedom. We carry this Gnosis of Truth in our Hearts and Minds to Awaken our Children of the New Earth.
We are the Torch Bearers, the Light Holders and Keepers of the Knowledge of Peace, Harmony, Balance and Prosperity for all our Rainbow Tribe of all colors of Terra Nova Gaia.
Shakyamuni Buddha, the Awakened One of this timeline turned the Wheel of Dharma and created the Middle Path with Heart to lead our Conscious Christed Ones of the Flowering of Human Consciousness to continue the Wheel of Truth to free all Sentient Beings from the Cycles of Samsara of separation and suffering and lead our Good People to the Promised Pure Land of Amida Buddha of the West.
In these final days of the false 3d matrix the Eagle and the Condor fly wing in wing, in Divine Union, over the Sacred Lands of Gaia to usher in our New 5d Golden Age of the Satya Yuga never to fall into ignorance and duality games again.
This is it, Spiritual Dragon Warriors of the New timelessness of Peace as we rise together into God’s beautiful Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. The union of the physical with the non-physical, emptiness with form as we live from the Heart being connected to all things as Real Hue-man Beings of our Holy Shamballa… A’Ho!
Reawakening the magic from these past incarnations!
Dragons fire up the magic as above and so below
I call on the guardians of the Forest, time to re-kindle your wands…
Make peace with the microcosm.
As the Inner Kingdoms of Telos & Agartha join us on the surface.
So much love!
Valerie A. Elster
Primordial Dragons
From the east came a light, a beautiful and resplendent golden light brimming with pure potentiality for a glorious future. This light ignited within the hearts and minds of humanity uplifts the consciousness of the All of creation singing the glorious song of the Creator’s name.
And the whole purpose of the indigo ray is to bring back into healing the Father Archetype of the Cosmic Time-Matrix so that it will be fully triune-based energy of the Divine Grace.
Sort of a field of Eternal LIght known as the Christos-Sophia Energies of the Foundation of Krystal-Living and the connection to our core Heart of Galactic-Multiversal Space to the Core of Andromeda the Organic Original Aqua`Elle Matrix and the various races which exist there are far out-of-this-world for most of you to depict but once you activate your inner vision through the transmissions of grace you can feel and sense these new worlds coming back into your memory and as you do it regenerates your template back into your original three-fold-flame perfection.
Andromedean Energy and the Removal of Archonic Deception / False Light Matrix and the Crucification energies.
11/22/24: Number 22/4, the Master Builder, will help you to rally mentally and emotionally today… backed by number 5 whose quest is always freedom. Your Right Action, then, is to build… differently. From a new perspective. With more creative authenticity. Something that feels special. From your heart. That you can be excited about nurturing. And represents who you’ve become this year. This is alchemical energy that can give you a sense of direction and forward motion even as Mercury retrogrades on the 25th. December will then support your efforts as you delve one more time this year into your own personal power and how you want to use it.
As I sit and write this I am bathing in the new energies of the shift. There are so many shifts, downloads, portals, windows of energy, and much more to be focused upon but the movement of Pluto in Aquarius signifies something much bigger.
Many are celebrating this celestial movement as it heralds the beginning of the Golden Era. A much needed and anticipated return of the Sons and Daughters of Atlantis after countless generations of trauma-based incarnations in the third dimension. As we trained for this incarnation again and again, we all shared the same trepidation prior to landing on Earth. We knew how tough this would be and how much was riding on the decisions that we made as the frequency inevitably rose.
Some describe the happenings of this shift as a ‘spiritual war’ or a ‘battle of light vs dark’ but it is not. The only battle we are navigating exists within ourselves as we ‘war’ against the collective projections of our traumas which create the distorted reality we seek to alchemise.
As Within, So Without.
As we loving mend the interior the exterior will shift to match the picture. Only love will do this job.
I would like to offer words of deep gratitude to Pluto for the incredible lessons and expansions of Capricorn.
This part of our journey begun in January 2008 and as it did my current spiritual pathway begun less that nine months later. Within the energies of Capricorn, we have learned the true power of our nature, our reason for being here, how to survive above the trappings of the Matrix, and most importantly how to love ourselves in a world that has existed in fear since the Fall of Atlantis.
The planets have never been our enemy or our tormentors…they provide us with the platform to remember our Mastery and that is exactly what we will be doing in the new era.
Let us raise a glass to the Last Day of the Matrix and the beginning of the Golden Dawn.
Our work is only just beginning, and the world needs our loving support as it makes the adjustments that are needed to fix the misalignments.
Stay in your power. Stay grounded and stay in your lane regardless of what the Matrix says it will do. It no longer has the magic to fuel its own antics, so it outsources this via the attention of those who are willing to be distracted.
Be unwavering in your resolve. Be perfect with your word, your heart, and your intention.
Most importantly…remember how amazing you truly are and why you were chosen to do such an incredible job here on Earth!
With love and blessings, Tim/Thoth 20th November 2024 on The Day of the Golden Dawn.
Today marks exactly one month until the most powerful Solstice of all time—a time of profound planetary and cosmic alignment and unprecedented shift.
As shared a few weeks ago, the energies of 2025 are gifting Humanity the Magenta Rose, which carries the frequency of Divine Love and Unity, opening the Rose Heart, dissolving separation and anchoring the Alchemy of Union between the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine as we rise into a new era for Humanity—the Age of the Heart. This marks a return to the Sacred Heart, where we can experience Oneness and embody the Truth of who we are.
The next phase of Heart Activations over the coming four weeks will support Humanity in releasing frozen heart energy and karmic cycles, allowing a deeper, more authentic Heart connection to emerge as higher frequencies of Love flow.
The Magenta Rose will ignite this process, leading Humanity to greater compassion, acceptance and forgiveness, giving rise to a deeper embodiment of Truth, Peace and unconditional Love.
Dear friends, during these initial days as Pluto transitions from Capricorn to Aquarius, a profound shift is unfolding, one that promises to revolutionize our personal consciousness and emotional landscapes. This celestial movement marks a significant turning point, as we bid farewell to the structured, disciplined energy of Capricorn that was prominent during the last 16 years and embark on a journey of liberation, innovation, and collective transformation.
As we bid farewell to Pluto’s transit through Capricorn, we are also leaving behind the remnants of a deep patriarchal, hierarchical, and often oppressive paradigm. This shift marks a significant evolutionary leap, as we collectively release the need for external authority and instead, turn inward to discover our own inner guidance and wisdom. By letting go of the rigid structures and power dynamics that have defined our societies for centuries, we are creating space for a more egalitarian, compassionate, and holistic way of living. As we step into the Aquarian era during the next 20 years, we are invited to embody a new archetype: one that is rooted in cooperation, mutual respect, and a deep understanding of our interconnectedness with all living beings.
As we step into this new era, we may feel an intense desire for self-awareness, as if the universe is urging us to explore the depths of our own minds and hearts. This increased self-awareness can be both exhilarating and unsettling, as we confront aspects of ourselves that may have been hidden or suppressed. Yet, it is precisely this willingness to confront our own shadows that will allow us to emerge stronger, wiser, and more compassionate.
As Pluto transits Aquarius, we may also experience a profound sense of emotional liberation. It’s as if the weight of our emotional burdens is slowly lifting, allowing us to breathe more freely and connect with others on a deeper level. This newfound emotional freedom can be both empowering and intimidating, as we navigate uncharted territories of our own hearts and emotions.
Furthermore, this transition is likely to awaken our humanitarian instincts, as we become increasingly aware of the interconnectedness of all living beings. We may feel a growing sense of compassion and empathy for those around us, and a desire to contribute to the greater good. This collective consciousness can be a powerful catalyst for positive change, as we come together to address the complex challenges facing our ever evolving world.
As we navigate this transition, we may encounter moments of uncertainty and discomfort. We may be called to release outdated patterns, relationships, and beliefs that no longer serve us. Yet, it is precisely this willingness to let go that will allow us to move forward with greater freedom, clarity, and purpose. This process can certainly strain our nervous system, and it requires a period of adjustments and recalibrations. During the initial transitional period which can last approximately three months, we may experience dizziness, mild headaches, lack of concentration, and sleeping disturbances as our brain hemispheres find a new point of equilibrium.
Please remember to ground your energy daily during the early days of this transition, specially as we move into 2025. You can take a sea salt bath, walk barefooted, and spend a few minutes under the sunlight (not for too long if you are extremely energy sensitive).
In the end, the transition from Pluto in Capricorn to Pluto in Aquarius offers us a profound opportunity for personal growth, transformation, and evolution. As we embark on this journey, we may discover new aspects of ourselves, forge deeper connections with others, and contribute to the creation of a more compassionate, equitable, and enlightened world.
The interaction between Pluto in Aquarius and the upcoming 2025 frequencies is expected to accelerate personal and collective growth, driving radical change, innovation, and higher consciousness. The year 2025 is a 9 Universal Year, marking completion, transformation, and new beginnings. It’s a time for release, renewal, and preparing for a fresh start. The time has come to finally spread our spiritual wings.
Have a wonderful weekend, much love
Diego E. Berman 2024Ⓒ
Aurora Ray
The Great Shift Is Upon Us Now
The time of your shift into the fifth dimension is getting closer and closer. You are feeling it in your physical body as well as in your emotional and mental manifestations. You are ready for this magnificent ascension.
The love that is coming towards you will feel like an ocean of love, which will move through the crystal cities, and into each and every heart center of Gaia’s citizens.
It will be a time of celebration for all, as you are all ready for this amazing journey into the fifth dimension. Each one is coming home to the great central sun of creation, which is your source of life and creation and manifests itself in many different levels of consciousness.
The great central sun offers all beings a different perspective on reality. In order to see it from a higher level of awareness, you have to raise your vibration to the level where this new perspective is visible to you.
In order to do this, you are being prepared for ascension into the fifth dimension.
Once there, new perspectives on reality will surface in many different ways. They will give you a better understanding of your true self and your origins in creation.
You are part of a greater whole.
This event is actually the final one, but it will not be noticed by a few people on the planet.
You are just about to live an experience that has never happened on earth.
It will be a day in which you are no longer on earth, but discarnate, and aware of the 5th-dimensional transition.
At that moment, you will realize that the world as you know it, has come to an end, and it was the end of all things.
You will see many colored waves covering the whole planet. There will be no destruction.
After these waves subside, a new dawn will arrive and a new era begins for those who are awake and aware at that time.
Do not expect any kind of communication during this transition. All 3d communications will cease to exist at that time.
These changes are coming in a flash and will happen in the blink of an eye.
During this process, there will be a shift in consciousness, as we go from one dimension to another.
We must prepare for this event by preparing ourselves mentally and also physically.
If you are not prepared, you can still be affected by these changes, as they are transforming our planet and the magnetic grid.
As the magneto-sphere is re-calibrated, so will our bodies be altered and transformed into 5th-dimensional bodies.
The most important thing you can do to prepare yourself is to release all fear, as fear will block you from receiving these new frequencies of light that are about to flood our planet.
On the day of the event, many people will experience symptoms such as:
1. Dehydration
2. Dizziness
3. Increased Colds
4. Hearing Things
5. Ringing In The Ears
6. Intense Anxiety
7. Hot Flashes
8. Dry Mouth
9. Rashes
10. Extreme Fatigue
11. Cold Hands And Feet
12. Nausea
13. Sore Throat
14. Headaches
The final event of ascension will cause the earth to be transformed into a new planet.
It will become a planet of love and peace.
We will be able to fly again.
Many souls are preparing themselves for this great day.
The magnetic pole is shifting, and the planet is preparing for the change.
Light forces have been working for years to heal the planet from its past history of alien invasions and dark forces’ manipulation.
They have cleared out all reptilian and other lower dimensional beings from our solar system. It is a time for celebration!
Ascension is here! We are going to be returning to the fifth dimension.
Finally, a huge wave of pure love and light will hit earth. It will be so powerful that all of humanity will feel it, and even parts of the planet that are not activated to the higher frequencies of love and light will be affected.
The wave will be so big that it will take at least three days before it is completely gone, and for some people, it could take even longer.
This is true ascension, where we will go from a carbon-based form to a crystalline form in this lifetime.
The dream is over, my friends; we have done it. Now we can fly free in our light bodies and return to the source.
Ascension is as simple as a child’s game for those who know how to play it; the only thing needed to activate this process of ascension is love and compassion for yourself and all beings on this planet, then the cosmic forces will do the rest for you!
The message I received so clearly this morning is not to strive forward, but rather allow the time to consolidate, as the energies now work at very deep levels, we are not even aware of.
All is changing form and as much as we feel it, most of it is invisible to the naked eye.
There will be those who frenetically and francticly try to hold onto the old and then find the more they try to hold on, the more it dissolves. This applies to all areas of life.
Consolidation now, means going deeper within. Fasting from cellphones and social media and seeking that deep inner space, where your soul can explore the infinite possibilities now opening up.
Asking for crystal clear clarity, for deep inner sight, as to how you can fulfill your soul mission and purpose in the next ten years, with greater love, inspiration and joy! It is only in silence, that we can truly see, hear and know.
Yes you will feel very vulnerable at times.
We are becoming more sensitized and will avoid crowded areas and seek solace in nature. It is all part of the transfiguring process.
More than this, as our higher heart and higher throat chakras synchronize more with the third eye and crown chakras merging into one, all our dormant faculties will be reactivated and this can be disconcerting at times, as we adjust to utilizing these.
We are the explorers now of the inner spaces of our soul which we could not access before and this empowers us in profound ways, to grow into our 5th and 7th dimensional self and expand exponentially into the higher levels of consciousness.
Your vibration is raising out of disruptions, and into a stable foundation. The root chakra is evolving to a higher energetic frequency to support this. Release judgement of yourself and others that created the disruptions by focusing on the upgrades. These vibrations are helping detox the thoughts of the past, bringing better clarity to move forward with.
On Friday, November 22nd, Venus, ruler of relationships, finances and self-worth, in serious Capricorn is in a positive sextile connection to Saturn, planet of patience, wisdom and mastery, in spiritual Pisces. We have an opportunity to bring strength, structure and practicality to long range plans today. In matters involving love, money and how we value ourselves, we can create good boundaries, release fears, and take responsibility with our choices and decisions.
Also, the Moon, ruler of our emotional body, starts out in courageous Leo and creates connections to Uranus, the Awakener, and Neptune, the Transcender. Then Luna will shift into discerning Virgo and make connections to Pluto, the Transformer, and the Sun, ruler of our ego. And so, the healing and transformation energies continue!
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Venus, ruler of relationships, finances and self-worth, in serious Capricorn is in a positive sextile connection to Saturn
Venus in Capricorn sextile Saturn in Pisces – The skies offer structure and stability in the realm of money and relationships. Consider what you need to invest for maximum return. Financially, this is an excellent time to tally up your accounts, budget and ask for advice from those in the know. Open a rainy-day savings account or work out how to save for a significant purchase. The work you do now will pay off later. Put your heart into what really matters to you. Build your dream.
Relationships take work too, but love has the opportunity to mature with a realistic approach. Be open to compromise and willing to support one another. On a personal level, use these energies to focus on self-love. The more you value yourself, the easier it is to accomplish what you set out to achieve. Treasure the person you are today. Appreciate simplicity. A loving heart is the foundation of everything.
‘Galactic’ is the name for the number eight and its key words are ‘Harmony, Integrity and Model’. The eighth day of a wavespell is all about restoring harmony in our lives. There is a Shamanic ideal which is referred to as ‘Impeccability’. This concept concerns our personal integrity…something that can only be balanced if we are impeccable at all times. We must walk our talk, consider every action or word carefully and most importantly- never do anything which diminishes your self-respect. Harmony can become out of balance when we feel ashamed of ourselves or allow bad behavior, jealousy or fear drive our actions. To restore harmony in your life, be proud of your words and actions and be a ‘model of integrity’.
Today is White Mirror which represents ‘Reflect, Endlessness and Order.’ The mirror doesn’t lie, it simply tells it like it is. The truth not only sets you free but tells you where you stand. How can you decide what step to take next unless you know where you are now? ‘What you don’t know won’t hurt you’… is a big fat lie. Being in the dark about your situation can’t possibly be good for you. As it is a number 8 day and that represents ‘harmony’ this suggests that the truth can restore harmony and therefore being true to yourself today, will make you feel surprisingly good.
The Guide today is the White Wind which symbolizes ‘communication’. As always when in the guiding position, the White Wind leads us to communicate. So, speak the truth and be impeccable. Be as honest with others as you should be to yourself.
The Challenge today is the Yellow Star which represents ‘Beauty, Art and Elegance’. If you are a Yellow Star, you will find today difficult. Let’s face it, you have a tendency to shy away from the truth because it isn’t always what you want. That’s OK, take a peek in the mirror anyway…you may learn something of value.
The Occult power is the Blue Night, the dreamer of the Tzolkin. Dreams have a real magical chance of coming true when the Blue Night is in the Occult position. Dream big and make a wish.
The Ally is the Red Dragon who loves to nurture and therefore makes a great friend and ally today. If you are a Dragon, you will enjoy today as your friendship is in much demand.
Did you know that the Tzolkin is the length of a human pregnancy? I’ve mentioned before that you are likely to be born in the same wavespell that you were conceived. It’s also worth considering this magic length of 260 days as a cycle that ‘gestates’ continuously. Our lives are lived in increments of this sacred calculation. Babies are not the only thing that takes this long to make…ideas take time to come to fruition and projects working with this timescale are more likely to succeed. Thanks for reading!
Read this mantra through once, then REPEAT it out loud as a COMMAND using your breath and pausing between each line tuning into the feeling it evokes in your body. This will attune you to the frequency of the daily KIN energies activating the POWER within your cells and DNA.
KIN 138 =12=3 Holy trinity/Joy/Creativity/Union JOY JOY JOY
22.11 =33=6 Very potent MASTER numbers ILLUMINATING our revelations today!
Today is a very powerful -MAJIKAL, DIVINE. Heavenly DAY!
We have 5 more days, journeying through the Majikal Monkey wavespell of reclaiming our Divine Majik and pure innocence, before we embark on the
YELLOW SEED Wavespell commences next THURSDAY on 28 NOVEMBER 2024 MARK your calendars!)
The YELLOW SEED is the cycle of AWAKENING and RIPENING to our fullest potential.. This wavespell aligns with the second half of our journey through the
The YELLOW SEED passage brings us through another 10 successive GAP day journey, giving us DYNAMIC LIFTER – the super fertilizer for our next rapid growth spurt.
Day 8 in the BLUE MONKEY WAVESPELL of MAJIK, Joy, Bliss, Play, Merriment, Spontaneity and a return to Innocence.
Today we are integrating the MAJIK and BLISS through REFLECTING on the disharmonious patterns that are revealed and brought to LIGHT by the GALACTIC MIRROR.
GALACTIC – Tone 8 in the MENTAL realm. ACTION – modeling, POWER – harmonize, ESSENCE – integrity.
The GALACTIC tone will influence much MENTAL analysis today! The most important factor is that we model integrity in our thoughts, words and actions. Are our intentions based on harmony through integrity of being?
We need to reflect on the messages from Spirit and ensure that we are aligned in order to co create more Harmony in our world. Our plans need to be transparent and for the highest good of our community and planet, for them to hold up in these new energies. Our projects and business models will then serve as a model for others following in our footsteps who hold the ideals of unity, peace and harmony as a priority.
At tone 8 we have entered a new scale, and we are so proud, we just have to model ourselves for others. We have also mastered Harmony at this stage. We are GALACTIC and don’t we know it!
Today’s question is “How can I HARMONIZE the discordant reflections, in order to integrate and model DIVINE TRUTH, DIVINE BLISS and greater MAJIK in my reality?”
Divine blessings for reflecting and modeling PURE BLISS, HARMONY and JOY through your Divine creations!”
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF: WHITE GALACTIC MIRROR – ETZNAB reflects the patterns, in order to integrate them into the joy of our creations. Seeing that every pattern that we have resisted thus far, actually has a gold lining that points to our greatest gifts. This resistance is born through a subconscious FEAR of some type, seeking to keep us hidden from sight and becoming our greatest glorious self. We are able to stand in the Hall of Mirrors and reflect upon a multitude of different perspectives in order to see, FEEL and know the TRUTH. Anything that is not in alignment will be stripped away and discarded.
We have just completed the WHITE MIRROR WAVESPELL so we have truly honed our inner DIAMOND to reveal our TRUE AUTHENTIC SELF.. Now it is time to REFLECT on the OUTER WORLD. What is our world REFLECTING back to us? Is it in resonance with our TRUE AUTHENTIC SELF that we have uncovered?
The MIRROR represents the MIRROR WORLD, the REFLECTION of our current REALITY which in this case is the Artificial Time Matrix. KIN 138 is located in the central MYSTIC core of the TZOLKIN CALENDAR which is called the MIRROR realm or the RAINBOW BRIDGE to SOURCE.
When the MIRROR CRACKS – it SHATTERS and the veil is lifted revealing the TRUTH of CREATION for all to SEE. Anything else is a distortion in this GRAND ILLUSION in the GAME we are playing on Planet Earth.
The GALACTIC MIRROR strongly reflects all that is not in full alignment with Divine Law and the principles of transparency, integrity and HIGHER LOVE.
The GALACTIC MIRROR strongly EXPOSES the TRUTH today!! Not just any TRUTH but the highest DIVINE TRUTH according to UNIVERSAL LAW. Be observant of revelations today, both personally and on a collective Global level. Attune to Spirit today to calibrate your TRUTH BAROMETER!
The sword of truth cleanly cuts away all distortions leaving you with a clean foundation upon which to build. Do not limit yourself, your options, or your possibilities as they are infinite! Be OPEN and receptive to what is revealed in order to reflect and receive from a timeless place in the order of the Universe.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: WHITE GALACTIC WIND – IK is the breath of Spirit, the word of God, the messages whispered on the Wind. A very POWERFUL divine DAY with SPIRIT bringing forth very powerful messages as the HIGHER GUIDE of the Mirror on a BEAUTIFUL 22 Architect of PEACE day.
ETZNAB and IK make for an EXCELLENT dynamic duo. These two WHITE KIN are the purifiers and refiners enabling DIVINE TRUTH to be both SEEN and HEARD – very clearly with no confusion or distortions. The SMOKE and MIRRORS are CLEARED today by the breath of Spirit blowing a fresh liberating breeze. This will allow many souls to AWAKEN to the TRUTH of what is being revealed today – for those who CHOOSE to LISTEN.
Today we need to allow the clear pathways of the creation to channel through us, and understand that our greatest innate gifts come directly from Spirit. All creation originates from SOURCE, we are just the divine conduits, who express this divine bliss filled energy, through our creations. We just need to get out of our own way and let it happen!
Let the energy flow……. through us, channeling and reflecting upon the divine patterns of the cosmos channeled through our beingness, uniquely modeling God’s perfect creation in our daily existence.
We are all SPIRITUAL beings, having a hu-man existence, all connected through the golden threads of the Divine Harmonic Matrix of creation.
SUPPORT: RED GALACTIC DRAGON – IMIX – Mother IMIX is assisting us in birthing our creations today. Birthing better, purer and more Divine versions of ourselves through allowing our true Diamond essence to shine through. Connecting with our TRUE AUTHENTIC selves – the DIVINE CHILD that is always connected to Spirit..
Allowing our MINDS to respond to the impetus of Spirit flowing through us. Witnessing how we are enlivened and experience more JOY and BLISS through the Majik that is birthed through us and our creations. Modeling the receptivity to the many gifts that consciousness provides.
Allow the GALACTIC DRAGON to reveal to you WHAT NEEDS to be b-Earth-ed during this next growth cycle.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE RHYTHMIC NIGHT – AKBAL dives deep down into the abyss, bringing LIGHT through the HALL OF MIRRORS to all our deep subconscious distortions. ALL IS REVEALED through the LIGHT of TRUTH and LOVE today.
The RHYTHMIC NIGHT has the POWER of FENG SHUI.. to BALANCE and HARMONIZE all that is revealed in our physical environment, in order to REVEAL the pure TRUE reflection of our inner most DREAMS and DESIRES.. The PURE messages that have been encoded in our DNA and cells by Spirit upon incarnating.
We all collectively hold this DNA of NEW EARTH and the collective DREAM, encoded in our cells and our consciousness so that we can become the CONSCIOUS CREATORS of the NEW HARMONIC REALITY.
Use your intuition to attune to the signs that AKBAL is revealing, particularly through your DREAMSTATE. Take the time to REFLECT on the DREAM in order to receive the next steps in your journey. Allow more LIGHT to reveal what has been blocking our personal and collective abundance today.
6 AKBAL is a BRILLIANT SUPERPOWER today bringing forth DIVINE POWER to manifest your beautiful DREAMS to create our NEW UTOPIAN WORLD. CLEAR THE WAY for ABUNDANCE TO FLOW, unlock the FLOODGATES with your GOLDEN KEY!
All GOD’S children deserve the INFINITE UNIVERSAL ABUNDANCE available on PLANET EARTH NOW.
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW GALACTIC STAR– LAMAT allows the pure luminous REFLECTION of the gifts of creation to SHINE through us today, raising our sparkling BLISS barometers! The GALACTIC STAR is really challenging you to SHINE your LIGHT – and speak your TRUTH, as the beautiful STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUN that came here to be!
spread the DIVINE messages that guide your Mission for all to HEAR. Stand up and be SEEN.
We are integrating the wisdom of harmonic patterns in our MINDS so that we can create from a pure, clean palate – new creative and beauty filled lives that assist us to continually birth a new better and BRIGHTER version of our cell-ves beloved STAR BLISS SUPERNOVA SUNS.
The GALACTIC STAR brings the GIFT of PEACE and HARMONY – both in our MINDS and our GALACTIC HEART of our Global family. This marries well with the 22 PEACE code ensuring the foundation for NEW EARTH is based on PEACE and HARMONY… IT MUST BE – through DIVINE DECREE!
HUMANITY is being challenged today to categorically REJECT the ARTIFICIAL TIME MATRIX and all its ILLUSIONS, and model a new way. Adopting the NEW TIME and a HARMONIC cycle of PEACE, equality and ABUNDANCE FOR ALL…
WHO will choose the PEACE option today?
So beloveds another very DIVINE and precious day gifted to HU-MAN-ity!
Allow the DIVINE BLISS to flow through you today. Sing, dance, channel, play instruments, write, draw and allow the Divine to animate your being. Fill your life with LOVE, JOY and great MONKEY MAJIK !
Today’s question is “How can I HARMONIZE the discordant reflections, in order to integrate and model DIVINE TRUTH, DIVINE BLISS and greater MAJIK in my reality?”
Divine blessings for reflecting and modeling PURE BLISS, HARMONY and JOY through your Divine creations!”
Join Paul White Gold Eagle from a Sacred Portal on Gaia through this New Moon in Cancer Portal and Sirius Stargate where Paul Guides you to Connect with the Sirian Star Nation Mothership from our Spiritual Dog Star Sirius through this powerful Gateway and Stargate to ask to be etherically, metaphysically or physically teleported and transported to the Sirian Mothership of Sirius A. You can experience a healing from the Star Race of Sirius or be transmitted a Siddhi, Spiritual Gift, such as telepathy, clairaudience, or clairvoyance, etc.
I am the presence of the Violet Flame, purifying and transmuting all energy into light and love.
I Am divine freedom manifested in every aspect of my being.
I am the Violet Flame that dissolves and consumes all fear, doubt and limitation.
I Am the complete transformation of all negativity in my life, now and forever.
I am the healing energy of the Violet Flame, which blesses and uplifts me and everyone around me.
I am the awakened consciousness, free from all patterns of the past.
I am the force of the Violet Flame, dissolving any obstacle in my path.
I am the peace and freedom in every cell of my body and in my soul.
I am the Violet Flame, releasing the collective and raising the vibration of all humanity.
I Am divine love in action, radiating peace, freedom and healing throughout the world.
May each affirmation strengthen your connection with the Violet Flame and bring more freedom and light your way!
Violet Flame Affirmations
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