Pluto Enters Aquarius ~ The LIGHT of the Plumed Serpent of Time * The 9th Wave Begins ~ New Harmonic Era
Paul White Gold Eagle (Kin 47 ~ Blue Galactic Hand) Universal Alliance of Light
Greetings Sovereign Conscious Co-Creators of our 5D New Earth
Welcome to the 5d New Golden Age of Peace and Prosperity for all as Pluto, planet of death, rebirth, transformation and resurrection, makes her Great Shift of the decade into Aquarius, the Water Bearer.
As Pluto transitions into Aqaurius to make her home for the next 19 years until 2044 we make our Great Shift of the Ages into the Satya Yuga of Freedom and Abundance for all our Good People of the New Earth.
This celestial alignment will be our catalyst for our Quantum Leap of Consciousness into homo-luminous and the New Eden that we have prepared for over many years, timelines and lifetimes.
In the end all we have endured will be worth it for once fully Awakened we will never need to fall asleep again into the nightmare of samsara and in the Mind of Buddha with the Wheel of Dharma all shall be set free to Thrive and Expand into our New Heaven upon the New Earth.
In these final moments of the false 3 matrix of suffering, conflict and struggle all is being released, resolved and purified for the Great Transformation and Ascension to commence. Through this Quickening we step into our Authenticity and Truth of our Almighty I Am Presence and become the Leaders, Guides and Wayshowers of Gods Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.
It is time to Rise and Shine Spiritual Warriors of Terra Nova Gaia Galactica…A’Ho!
That which has long been dormant shall now awaken! New energy circuits—within the human body and across the surface of Gaia—are coming online. New gifts are being unlocked, with keys and codes being activated in divine timing
TODAY’S ORACLE. A big shift has happened, helping you to completely reconnect with a part of your power, that was restrained, or dormant. You are Rising. You have shed old layers for good. It’s like another awakening has happened—taking you to a higher level of consciousness. Feel it. Let it implement. Feel the receiving, give thanks and rest. So much has changed. It finally happened on its own. You don’t need to push, to force anything. Take a step back. Your upgrade is about to be complete.
Today synchronistically a new 36 day cycle on the 9th Wave begins, this energy brings new downloads to help our path transcend limits and be free, the 9th Wave is a frequency that is flawless and pure like a diamond, it is gradually opening the door to allow us to heal and be one with the natural order of the Universe…. The frequency is a sine-wave movement of 18 days of LIGHT and 18 days of the LIGHT in the shadows(Night) … and it is the most condensed frequency and thus aligns to Earth’s rising vibration to restore balance.
PLUTO INTO AQUARIUS & the Plumed Serpent
Dreaming the New Day, 18 November, 12-Dog…into 19 November, 13-Monkey… and the new 18 day LIGHT cycle of the 9th Wave timing frequency… Pluto goes into Aquarius on 19 November 2024 until 2044
The LIGHT of the Plumed Serpent – which to the Maya is the Creator of Time and the Tree of Life – seeded our Light on Earth, and thus the Plumed Serpent seeded all life, including the Celestial Bodies and the Stars, all life was firstly spirit and then physical, hence the Plumed Serpent represents the sacred bridge between the heavens and Earth.
As we shift into the New Day of the 9th Wave on 19 Nov 2024, synchronistically it is also a shift point astrologically speaking with Pluto moving into Aquarius
you can see it is a sine-wave movement, seen to represent the movement of the Plumed Serpent, and to the Maya the Plumed Serpent represented the consciousness of the evolution of Time, not physical time but spiritual time….. with the 18 days of Night taking consciousness through a valley and the 18 days of Day through a peek, the Nights are a time of rest, healing and allowing for the design changes Creation is bringing, and the Days are about new growth and advancing our understanding of time and life.
So, in a certain way with what can be forcast through astrology this correlates to the forcast of the larger expanses of time understood in the 9 Level Mayan calendar, synchronistically we are seeing a collapsing of old structures to make room for new growth and a great acceleration of the digital age and AI….at the same time a collective healing of the emotional trauma of past misunderstanding will need to happen, we will need to forget about having fun untill we heal our inner child, and it is the inner world that creates the outer world, so this is where the problems are, with for the most part the inner world being controlled to its detriment by external forces that have hidden agendas.
But time will bring the Design Change of the Divine Universe, and as we arrive at the shift into the new 18 day cycle on 19 Nov it is a time to hold centre and be still, allow Creation to emanate through us and shine…. And ride on the back of the Plumed Serpent with Pluto moving into Aquarius.
….it can be understood that the Mayan calendar works with spiritual astrology and the study of the movements of the planets works with physical astrology…. So the Plumed Serpent is the inner worlds consciousness and the outer world is a physical projection of the Plumed Serpent of time.
Peace and harmony
Sean Caulfield
PLUTO INTO AQUARIUS & the Plumed Serpent
Divine energy works
Tiny, but extremely powerful Pluto, the Planet of Death and Rebirth, and the Master of TRUTH and Radical Transformation, is shifting into Aquarius on November 19th. Pluto has been in Capricorn—a sign that rules structure—since 2008, challenging old misaligned structures and distorted templates. Pluto’s once-in-a-lifetime transition into the innovative, revolutionary sign of Aquarius, which represents the Collective Consciousness, started on March 23rd, 2023, opening the New Era. This transition will continue to reveal the truth and bring a powerful collective rebirth, alchemizing the collective shadows that need to come to light.
Prior to this, the last time Pluto was in Aquarius was from 1778 to 1798, a period of massive change all over the world. This energy will continue to unfold in the next 20 years, revealing truth and catalyzing powerful shifts to raise the collective consciousness and anchor the New Earth timeline.
Bringing: social change and empowerment, breakthrough changes in science and technology, truth revelation, breakdown of the misaligned systems and structures, and inevitable radical transformation on personal and collective levels, collapse of the old timeline, and anchoring of the New Earth timeline.
As Pluto’s Shift into Aquarius on Nov 19th aligns with the Pleiadian Portal, this is the energy of breaking free from outdated structures, expanding into Quantum Possibilities, and aligning with our Highest Timeline.
Today is the day that the body of Mother Earth is switching on its orgasmic mode.
This is the continuation of the return of the Ruby Diamond which carried within it the lost frequencies and the switching on of the main motherboard that took place on March 23 2023.
This new ‘switching on’ will have a great impact on all the Living Ones and depending where each stands in his/her evolution, each in their own timing, will begin feeling a greater push towards his/her own inner self realisation and unification.
The Twin Flames, after the phase of syn-chronisation, are now entering the phase of inner connectivity so that the new flow can be received in harmony!
“The Great Mother has already taken her place in the centre of this creation.
When you hear the thunders you will know that Her Heart is open again.
The opening of Her Heart is bringing great blessings of restoration and upliftment in the systems/layers/realms of Earth and all true Spirits of Good will be able to be here again.
This has a great meaning for each human incarnation that each will experience and realise on their own, this is part of the True Self Revelation!
If you do not see the Presence of the Divine Mother/Feminine in the political and economical councils which take the great decision for humanity, this means that all of these councils/groups/parties are still an echo of the distorted patriarchy/matriarchy and everyone believing and supporting them, are in for a deep disillusionment like no other which will take place further down the road.
Creating suffering, suppression and division for people only to bring the next self proclaimed saviours, is an old recipe for control and implementation of the same hidden agenda via different faces and words.
For the unaware masses, as we move forward, the deception will have a more and more sweet and caring face, one that will be seemingly providing for all BUT this will only be the troyan horse of the next phase of control and entrapment.
The true new solutions of Justice, Abundance, Health, Free Energy and Freedom for all will NOT come from where the mass is expecting.
They will come from independent groups and bright individual ideas that will be provided directly from the God/Goddess Consciousness.
These groups have not fully formed yet but they will consist of AWAKENED and SOVEREIGN Humans Beings which are embracing the natural ways and the true values that they know that are in alignment to their Living Essence and Godly Heritage.
These new solutions and ways will be according to natural law, free from manipulation, suppression and codependency to big the centres of control.
This is the Power returning to the People and People will begin coming together like never before.
The Twin Flames will be the actual Living examples of mutual respect, love and co-creation in Love and Sophia for a Living Abundance.
There is a lot that needs to take place in the world and a lot of fermenting in the political and economical arena until more people realise that they need to focus on their own inner growth and count on their own abilities and direct connection to Source, without needing the rulers that divide and conquer and without adopting behaviours of fanatism and revenge.
Inner growth is a prerequisite for the new world.”
I am very happy that we are getting together on this truly life changing moment of Pluto entering Aquarius in order to perform the switching on of the Orgasmic mode!
This is the true physical transformation and upgrade of the human Kundalini!
The Living Kundalini is the True Living Abundance!
Blessings of a fulfilling incarnation!
Amalthea Athor
Haar Zeronia
Huna Ma Anata Kumara
Yellow Galactic Warrior
Fb: Crystal and indigo guide to the galaxy
I’m on Instagram as @crystal_indigo144000
Follow me there
Are you noticing the incredible transformation happening on planet Earth right now?
Are you super awake and aware?
Timelines are shifting so rapidly now that many starseeds are finding themselves in entirely different realities from one day to the next.
Time itself is distorted—hours and even entire days no longer align. Things that never existed in the old world are suddenly present, while many old things have simply vanished.
While these strange experiences can be unsettling, they are leading to something profoundly positive.
An event beyond imagination—so powerful, positive, and liberating for humankind—is now taking place. It is the most extraordinary time in history.
It is the beginning of THE EVENT we have long awaited.
After eons of existing in darkness, Earth has now entered a part of the cosmos bathed in high-vibrational light. This radiant energy is igniting humanity’s awakening, restoring hope, and transforming our collective consciousness.
The precession of the equinoxes, a 26,000-year cosmic cycle, is a key backdrop to this momentous shift. As we transition from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius, this alignment brings higher vibrational energies to Earth. It reflects a profound cosmic movement out of darkness into enlightenment, resonating with the collective awakening of humanity.
Sri Yukteswar, a revered yogi and spiritual teacher, revealed groundbreaking insights into the Yuga cycles, aligning humanity’s spiritual evolution with cosmic rhythms. His recalibrated timeline derived from the ancient Saptarshi Calenda points to the year 2024 as a significant marker in the transition to the Golden Age. According to his teachings, humanity has already exited the descending Kali Yuga (the darkest age of ignorance) and entered the ascending Dvapara Yuga, a phase of rediscovery, energy awareness, and awakening.
The ancient Atlantean civilization also followed the Saptarshi Cycle, a highly advanced calendar system, preserved through the Indus Valley civilizations. This system aligns with the 26,000-year precession of the equinoxes, dividing time into precise phases of enlightenment and renewal. According to this wisdom, the last Golden Age coincided with the height of Atlantis around 26,000 years ago, during a similar cosmic alignment.
Atlantis, a great civilization, flourished upon the Earth during a previous Golden Age. It thrived as an enlightened society, embodying harmony, advanced knowledge, and spiritual elevation. This alignment marks the return of that Golden Age, as the cycle of the ages comes full circle, bringing humanity back into a time of light, unity, and boundless potential.
Isn’t it fascinating that recent whistleblowers suggest so-called aliens might actually be emerging from our oceans—potentially the ancient Atlanteans themselves? What we know for certain is that you were part of that past Golden Age, and now, here you are once more, completing the Ascension you began so long ago.
Synchronizing with these shifts, ancient wisdom and global calendars also emphasize 2024 as the pivotal year marking humanity’s return to light and higher consciousness. The widely discussed 2012 Mayan calendar transition marked the beginning of a new baktun—a phase of transformative energy now culminating in this galactic event. Similarly, the Chinese calendar aligns 2024 as a Wood Dragon year, symbolizing renewal, vision, and revolution.
Technologies like artificial intelligence , free energy , quantum advancements, and a global spiritual awakening are manifestations of this cosmic shift. These breakthroughs, alongside decentralized currencies like cryptocurrency, are set to dominate the global economy, creating a more balanced and abundant world. Environmental awareness and sustainability are also taking center stage, reflecting humanity’s reconnection with nature and its role as stewards of a harmonious planet.
This extraordinary shift brings a surge of freedom and abundance , propelling humankind into a new chapter of harmony and possibility. Political systems are evolving toward inclusivity, compassion, and visionary leadership , while economies adapt to prioritize fairness, abundance, and equality. Division is giving way to collaboration , creating a world driven by unity, innovation, and progress.
What if we told you that it all starts today, November 19th, 2024?
This day is more than just a moment in time—it’s a cosmic turning point, a defining moment in humanity’s grand transformation. Today ushers in THE EVENT, the long-awaited shift that will reshape our world forever.
This 1,000-year grand event is marked by an extraordinary celestial alignment. On this day, Pluto, the planet of rebirth and profound transformation , moves into Aquarius, unleashing powerful energies of progress, renewal, and collective empowerment. This cosmic shift signifies the dismantling of outdated systems and the emergence of revolutionary ideas that will redefine the future of humanity. The old ways have completely dissolved, clearing the path for an era of boundless possibility and new beginnings.
What are the odds that you, dear one, would be here on Earth today, reading this message on this exact day? Today, November 19th, 2024, marks the beginning of the greatest transformation humanity has ever known. This isn’t coincidence—it’s destiny. You are here for a reason, aligned with the grand cosmic plan, as everything changes forever from this moment onward.
November 19th signals the dawn of a New Earth , where humankind co-creates a brighter, freer, and more harmonious future. This is the beginning of the Golden Age—a time when high-vibrational light illuminates our path forward, guiding us toward higher consciousness, limitless possibilities, and boundless hope.
The signs that this new age of enlightenment has indeed arrived are everywhere, as if the entire universe is proclaiming it loudly for all to hear!
The great time of humanity has come, and you shall inherit a magnificent New Earth and a New Heaven!
Over the coming weeks and months, you will witness extraordinary announcements, groundbreaking breakthroughs, and awe-inspiring disclosures.
Everything that has held you back has been swept away, and the old things are gone forever, making way for you to fully step into your wildest dreams and highest potential.
Welcome to the New Earth, the radiant Fifth Dimension, where infinite possibilities await.
Well done! Enter in, Great One! This is your moment to shine.
As we step into a New harmonic Era, marked by Pluto finally moving into Aquarius, many of you will feel the big shift in your bodies and how they now perceive and adjust to the new earth’s energies. Many of us have been working for many years so we can align now to these new frequencies, and above all, to the new earth’s fifth-dimensional crystalline portals available, for all who are choosing to exit the 3D old timelines.
Portals that our Aurora family and the White Elohims, Guardians of our Galaxy, sustain, protect, and create to support those who are now choosing to pass into the last physical ascension stage.
Many of you are now feeling the physical sensations of literally being upgraded into a more illumined frequency. This is what my Guides named as energetic and physical soul reconnection signs. It begins when our chakra system starts being transfigured into higher illumined chakras, with colors that are not part of our human color spectrum.
We start vibrating at a higher frequency, and our bodies start the long-term process of energetic crystallization, as it will take eons until we can see our new harmonic bodies losing their density.
When we do our inner work, there are some common signs, and sensations, that we are heading into this process. Signs that clearly confirm that we are embodying a higher level of consciousness, moving into a new state of being, and leaving aside more of our old 3D one.
Many of these sensations start happening in our ear portals when we feel as if we are a bit deaf, hearing how sound vibrates in our ear, while all the other sounds fall silent, as if we are only listening to a new sound we have never heard before, a new frequency that echoes in our ears and numb the other senses.
Our ear portals are readjusting to the new and denser frequency that we are now able to pick up. All the other noises feel uncomfortable until we begin to adapt again to the loud noise of our dimension. All feels more intense, but more precious and unique than ever before.
These sounds have nothing to do with the so famous ringing in the ears which is a totally different issue, and it will also depend on your individual situation.
The bone structure, especially the legs, ankles, and fingers, will also experience many sensations as they start losing density, even though we are still in the initial phases. Legs may creak, as may too other bones. Pain can become a constant when we pass through periods of profound density loss, which again has nothing to do with losing bone mass.
For others, this process can be more emotional, as they release an old self, balance their ego, and let go of an old life, starting the creation of a new lifestyle that is now aligned with their soul’s will.
Some people suffer from anxiety as our dense bodies are not accustomed to dwelling in the Love that we are now able to embody.
All must be first checked physically, making sure we do not have any physical condition.
Others may not have any sensations. We are not always meant to be experiencing symptoms and challenges. Ascension after all is about simplicity, as we embrace higher levels of love and go with a pure heart to serve where required.
This is an introductory passage to the new frequency that will reign for the next years. A passage that will be key for us to create the foundations of the New Earth we wish to leave for future generations.
What values are we fomenting with our daily thoughts and actions? What do we continually feed with our energy? what are we energetically and spiritually consenting? Sometimes to consent we just have to do nothing, which foments and supports what is lower in frequency.
Self-observance is the most important to be able to heal and remove fixed patterns that limit us, as the more we work on ourselves the more we will be changing the world, as it is all about creating within the frequency we desire to feel, see, and manifest outside ourselves.
Many are the signs of our personal and planetary reconnection to the soul dimensions. We just have to know where to look, and that is always inside to feel the love, wisdom, and power that we, as a collective, are gradually reclaiming, supporting the shift in consciousness that is taking place on the planet.
You, with your kind heart and benevolent assistance, contribute, immensely, to the current transition.
Thanks to the effort of many as One, we are seeing physical evidence of what we have been working with for many years.
This is just the beginning, do not let the mistakes of a few mislead you from the Truth.
Continue being brave, remaining in your Higher Heart, within divine love and compassion to All, for this is the only way back Home.
For The Light Now Is Providing Celestial Upgrades For All Beings To Explore.
A Wonderful Light Expression Initiated From The Great Depths Of The Universe In Alliance With Mother Gaia.
A Quantum Expressive Light, Infused With Activated Emotional Expression And Resonance To Enable The Great Synthesis Of Light Fusion Deep Within The Depths Of Your Soul.
The Is An All Empowering Fusion Of Light Activation
The Grand Rising Of Light For All Species
Attuned To The Great Rising Of Now
As All Souls Are Part Of This Journey, The Activated Souls Are Awakened To This Presence Of Light, As Others Now Follow. For Our Light Role Is To Lead, Initiate And Expand The Light Synthesis Of Now.
Simply Affirm
I Feel Into The Presence Of This Grand Light
I Uprise In The Universeal Light Plan For Gaia
I Feel My Light Body Awakening And Activating In This Light.
You’ve done so much for others. Now it’s your turn be helped and experience love, abundance, and peace. The door is open for you to step into the light and experience this new way. Take daily steps away from the past and into this beginning. Utilize your creative expression as motivation to keep going.
God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
Ra James
Pluto shifts from Capricorn into Aquarius today.
It will remain here until 2043. Pluto is the Planet of death. It’s all about what you need to let go of in your life. This planetary transit may feel intense, but it’s all about transformation and uncovering what’s beneath the surface. This is helping us to further clear the past so that we can move into new energies. This is the Planet of rebirth. Pluto in Aquarius is here to help heal and awaken the collective.
The future we create will be together. Ascension is something that we will do as a group. It’s something happening on a collective level. Pluto in Aquarius will help you to heal old wounds by tapping in on a deeper level. You’re being guided to prioritize self-care and to find balance. Over the next twenty years, you will continue to redefine who you are, peeling back layers to reveal a more empowered, authentic self. This is a time for self-discovery. Pluto in Aquarius can bring profound changes to your relationships. It can bring about intense connections. You may attract people with whom you have a soul connection. It can help you to clear imbalances and triggers. This alignment will push you to confront and heal deeply ingrained patterns and beliefs about relationships. Anything holding you back must go.
It will help you to work together in your relationships. Today Mercury In Sagittarius Aligns With Chiron In Aries. Chiron is still Retrograde too. Expect old wounds to be popping up. Chiron is the area in our life where we have experienced our deepest woundings, it’s our shadow side. Sagittarius Season starts on Nov 21st. This will help kick off the Holiday Season. It’s meant to bring a fun energy…
Pluto works on a deep level
From today onwards Pluto moves into Aquarius – where he will stay, for the next 20 years.
Libra, Aries, Cancer & Capricorn – all take a sigh of relief. Especially Capricorns.
We’ve all been in a massive growth portal thats been provoked through pressure. The four signs above – you’ve graduated.
Pluto (the most intense planet of the zodiac that brings with it intensity, transformation, death and rebirth)
Has left the earth sign of Capricorn after spending the last 15 years here demolishing Capricorn themes of top down structures, the patriarchal systems of the world, and earth based material/money/tangible values.
Aquarius, where he sits now for the next 20 years, is such a different archetype.
It’s intellectual values. The power shifts from top down structures and corportate… to ideas, the collective, and to be honest… technology.
Ai is going to sky rocket over the next 2 decades and as this ingenuitive & inventive air sign is ruled by Uranus (the planet of shocks, surges & surprises) we honestly don’t even know what things will look like in 20 years. But Ai will grow and change our realities in ways that we can’t even comprehend yet.
How does this play out for you as an individual…?
Well. It depends.
Values want to shift from outdated stuck and stubborn traditions/beliefs, into more open minded and expansive, new age principles.
Healing will be less controlled by huge corporate companies and more around energy (sound, vibration, light.) And- whilst Capricorn can represent the old way, tradition, and patriarchal systems.. this breaks through all that. Some key words of Aquarius, are futuristic & inventive.
SO – from today onwards you get to reinvent yourself.
This planet is slow moving so we need to give this a few weeks to really settle in to its new, aquarian terrain.
Freedom, liberation, new open minded values, new discoveries, a whole new life.. is available to you right now. Cut the ties with the old stubborn value systems you inherited from generations stuck in trauma and pride. And elevate your beautiful little consciousness into expansive and never ending possibilities. What a time to be alive – permission to re-invent it all.
Today is an astrological big deal. At 3:29 pm EST, Pluto enters Aquarius. Pluto – Lord of the Underworld, God of Death – has spent the last 16 years in Capricorn and has been transiting the cusp of Aquarius since March 2023.
Pluto is expressed through death, birth, and transformation. The areas governed by the sign Pluto is transiting will go through a process of ruthless transformation. Since 2008 Pluto has been transiting Capricorn. The structures of our society – established norms in government and law – have undergone a death process.
Aquarius describes the collective that emerges from Capricorn structures. Over the next 20 years as Pluto transits through Aquarius, new versions of the collective will be created as existing ones crumble.
Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, the Great Awakener, and is the sign of revolutionary change. Many wonderful creations emerge from the Aquarian vision. The shadow side of Aquarius is authoritarianism. Aquarius is part of the Leo/Aquarius polarity – the individual vs the collective. Pluto in Aquarius suggests that the drive to destroy existing forms of the collective is strong; the danger is that in the resulting chaos a path will open for an autocratic leader to seize power over the collective.
In Shamanic Egyptian Astrology, Pluto is allied with Osiris, who is killed by his brother Set. Out of his death a son is born – Horus – who ascends to the throne of his father after a centuries-long battle with Set. Aquarius is allied with Ptah. Ptah created Heaven and Earth through the words that he spoke; his tongue is connected to his heart. Everything we create must be inspired by love. If it is not, it will eventually fail.
Pluto will complete its transit of Aquarius in January 2044.
November 19, 2024, by Ruby Falconer. Available for chart readings.
“Shamanic Egyptian Astrology; Your Planetary Relationship to the Gods” by Ruby Falconer & Linda Star Wolf.
November 18-25, 2024 – PRECIPICE – SuperNova Astrology Update
The Sun just opposed Uranus on the heels of the Taurus Full Moon. We are getting activated into who we really are. There is no denying the Awakening, although many still seem to be sleeping through it. We sit at the precipice of a Whole New World, with Pluto about ready to move into the sign of Aquarius on November 19th.
We have been inching our way into a New Paradigm, but at some point the ball must really get rolling. Saturn just turned direct on November 16th, moving us forward in a New Way.
The Sun in Scorpio will come into a harmonious trine with Neptune on November 19th, just as Pluto makes the Move into Aquarius, moving us over into the Golden Age. We must face and recover hidden truths and treasures, in order to move forward and receive our abundance. Uncovering the deeper truths of the Piscean Age, is the only way for humanity to come out from under the programmed shame which has kept us playing small and stuck in low self worth. The truth is that we are Electric, Powerful Beings. Our Light is our Inheritance and it’s about to get Turned On.
We are entering into a long drawn out retrograde season which seems to be designed to help us reorient from scarcity and trauma, into security and abundance. It’s all centered around Mars’ retrograde which happens December through February, in the signs of Cancer and Leo. It’s the Mother’s World Again, so we better get going on cleaning it up.
Mars is moving into his first of three trines with the North Node of the Moon, and sextiles to the South Node of the Moon which will happen during this retrograde. Mars in Leo will be in trine to the North Node in Aries from November 23-26. The Sun will move over into the sign of Sagittarius on November 22nd, and come into trine with the North Node of the Moon in Aries on November 26th, and Mars on November 27th.
This Grand Fire Trine with the Sun, Mars and the North Node of the Moon, says the New Way forward must be based on a new understanding of who we really are. We take back our energy by Shining our Light. Mars will also make three oppositions with Pluto, and three squares with Black Moon Lilith in Libra. Freeing ourselves from the chains of relationships with lower control forces. We are stepping fully into our own Autonomy.
Mercury will turn retrograde at 22 degrees Sagittarius on November 26th. Mars will turn retrograde on December 7th. Mercury will take another retrograde at the end of the Mars retrograde in March of 2025, along with Venus. It’s a 5 month time of holding steady, yet getting ready to pounce, and step up and Own your New Life. With all of our personal planets in retrograde, it’s a time of great re-adjustment, a preparation for the returning of our Abundance, which is to come.
Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius will make three squares with Saturn in Pisces, and three oppositions with Jupiter in Gemini. Mercury opposes Jupiter in Gemini November 18th. Jupiter in Gemini is forcing us to face what has been blocking our expression, Mercury is trying to understand, according to the back drop of the Sagittarius wider horizon view. The SuperNova Voice needs to be heard. It’s the same as the Great Mother’s. It’s only about learning to listen to Her again, through our own body, intuition, and emotions.
Mercury is about gaining understanding, and this Mercury retrograde with three time squaring Saturn and opposing Jupiter is triggering, like a foreshadowing, the energy of the Jupiter Square Saturn which happens on December 24th and 25th. Something’s gotta give.
Venus in Capricorn is coming into square with Black Moon Lilith on November 26th at 16 degrees, and will square up with Chiron on the 28th at 19 degrees. The hidden secrets of the feminine are also the universal truths of frequency and vibration. This knowledge of our own Free Energy will set us Free.
It’s all about understanding the role of the feminine in our New Age. We can’t get back on the timeline until we Save Mary from the dungeon, and Sing the Song and Teach the Teachings of the Divine Feminine once again. When are we going to begin to listen again to the feminine authority of love, compassion, and intuition? It’s what we have all been waiting for. Heaven on Earth is when The Mother takes her rightful place in our Hearts.
On Tuesday, November 19th, Pluto, ruler of transformation and regeneration, is finally shifting back into Aquarius, sign of the Water Bearer, at 3:29pm EST. He will stay in this sign of freedom, independence, liberation and innovation until 2043-2044. This is about a big paradigm shift on the planet. Pluto rules death and rebirth, radical change and renewal, evolution and empowerment. Aquarius rules free thinking and inventiveness, objectivity and equality, progression and focus on the future. It will take time to create the world we wish to live in, but we should feel a change in the energy with his movement into this sign.
Aquarius is not a water sign, but an air sign which rules the mental realm of thoughts, ideas, perceptions, perspectives, information and communication. The Water Bearer is about the life giving “water” or knowledge to humanity, associated with humanitarian and the sharing of wisdom. These are auspicious and hopeful times for the collective of humanity. Remember, they always say, “It is darkest before the dawn.” Now is the time to come together with people of like mind, all over the planet, to bring about the changes that we wish to see….to use our higher intellect to come up with solutions that will solve the challenges that we face in these times….to care for, and bring healing to, Earth Mother Gaia so she continues to support our existence……..
to love our sisters and brothers of humanity and treat everyone with mutual respect, regard and consideration….to be in, and express, from our Higher Soul Selves….to envision the world that we wish to live in. Now is the time to step into your authentic self, to speak your truth with love and compassion, and to take the actions that are needed to manifest a better experience for everyone!
Blessings of Love and Light to All!
Pluto, ruler of transformation and regeneration, is finally shifting back into Aquarius, sign of the Water Bearer
Sun in Scorpio trine Neptune retrograde in Pisces. Mercury in Sagittarius trine Chiron in Aries. Pluto enters Aquarius – This is it! On this astrologically historic day, we enter a new era, one which will see a change in humanity and how we think of ourselves as humans. Pluto asks each of us, what do you need to lose to be free? What needs to change for you to take control? What radical mindset shift would seat you on your throne of power? Think of your communities, friends, networks. We are going to need our connections going forwards. So begins a collective awakening. Power to the people.
And on the smaller scale, in that quiet moment between waking and sleeping or gazing into nothingness whilst you grab a moment’s peace at work, there are other questions that gently steer towards self-compassion, kindness, forgiveness. Your light is unlimited, your soul immortal. All things change and sometimes as they are changing, they appear broken beyond repair. But sometimes we have to take everything apart to put it back together again to make it work better than before. Think healing thoughts. Maintain peace in your heart. Let the transformation begin.
‘Overtone’ is the name for the number five and its keywords are ‘Empower, Radiance and Command’. The fifth day of any wavespell is quite powerful but the 5th day of the Monkey wavespell is much more intense. A great deal can be achieved today if you have the gumption. You can be empowered or overpowered is the message here. Remember the theme set out on day one, by the magical Monkey – and that is to go on a magical 13 day journey. Today is an important part of that journey, we are being empowered and we now can radiate!
Today is Blue Eagle and it represents ‘Creativity, Mind and Vision’. The Eagle helps us see the bigger picture which is very helpful currently due to Monkey messing with our heads. Fly high today above all the mayhem and you’ll be empowered by what you see. Creativity too will be empowering today and so indulge in whatever gets your creative juices flowing. The Eagle has visions but mind is another keyword associated with it and this really helps us today because the monkey mind is overthrown by the Eagle’s mind. The Eagle’s mind is sharp just like its talons and beak. It can shred through any nonsense and this enables us to see things more clearly.
The Guide today is Blue Night which represents ‘Dreams and Abundance’. And naturally when in this position the Blue Night is saying – follow your dreams! With the Eagle’s visions and helped by the powerful number five, the dreamers will find abundance today. It’s a perfect day for focusing on our dreams because the Eagle offers a great perspective and the number five is empowering. Also, the Eagle comes up with great ideas as he is so creative and inspired by the visions he experiences.
The Challenge is Red Serpent who doesn’t see everything from that higher perspective preferring to see things up close. The Serpent is very sensitive and today that sensitivity may prove painful. If you are one, you may dread Eagle days as he is a predator and would eat up a snake given the chance which can make one feel vulnerable. If you know a Serpent, reassure them and help them survive the day. If you are not one, be aware that when Serpent is in this challenging position, we may have issues with using our instincts and seeing things up close. When Eagle flies this high, what’s going on below can be overlooked.
The Occult power is White Worldbridger and when in this magical position, the Worldbridger is inviting us all to cross a bridge to a magical place. This is a great opportunity and so don’t miss out when it comes your way.
The Ally is the Yellow Seed which represents ‘Sowing Awareness’ and these folk are very handy to have around today. Always willing to share wisdom, Yellow Seeds make great Allies. If you need help today, locate one and if you are a Yellow Seed expect other people to be very receptive to any knowledge you have to share.
Another DIVINELY encoded spiritual day imbued with CLARITY, RADIANCE and success codes.
Day 5 in the BLUE MONKEY WAVESPELL of MAJIK, Joy, Bliss, Play, Merriment, Spontaneity and a return to Innocence. Today we are using Monkey Majikto EMPOWER our greatest DREAMS of personal and collective ABUNDANCE.
OVERTONE Tone 5 in the SPIRITUAL realm. ACTION – commands, POWER – empowers, ESSENCE – radiance Number 5 represents the Center, core purpose, foundation and central intent. It is the CENTER of the wheel from which all the spokes emanate. This is the phase where the energy of Creation returns to the center and then RADIATES outwards.
Overtones command the unbounded. They order it to BE and so it becomes! Their POWER radiates from their soul essence through a pure connection to SOURCE, this is the true source of unlimited power.
DAY 5 is the COMMAND day, where we COMMAND our DREAMS into being
RADIATING them out to the Universe so that they can manifest on Day 10 PLANETARY TONE day. If you have not written your BUCKET LIST or completed your VISION BOARD, HOP TO IT and COMMAND to Spirit EXACTLY what it is you want to MANIFEST!
CONSCIOUS SELF: BLUE OVERTONE EAGLE – MEN provides us with a beautiful gift today. The gift of FUTURE VISION!
We usually fly HIGH examining the panoramic landscape with BLUE EAGLE, but today with the guidance of AKBAL we are diving deep into the abyss, the realm of the subconscious and the collective unconscious. AKBAL and BLUE EAGLE gives us the power of “NIGHT VISION” – the superpower to SEE in the darkness!
Our lens is focused within, as we are seeking to EMPOWER our Divine child. We have the capacity to SEE underneath the surface of what is our daily experience, and now we have the power to uncover what FEAR, scarcity and lack have been lurking in the deep, dark shadows of our MINDS!
The Eagle’s mighty beak and talons can uproot anything that has been blocking the MAJIK from unleashing your full ABUNDANCE!
Today’s HEAVENLY 10.10 MANIFESTATION CODE gives you the SUPERPOWER to draw new resources from SOURCE to fuel your Mission, and your Legacy, ENDING all the scare-city, poverty and lack… FOR GOOD… THE END! GOOD RIDDANCE
Transform ANY FEAR of the UNKNOWN and step into NEW TERRITORY, through your FUTURE VISION – COMMANDING the GIFTS be brought forth into your REALITY NOW!!!.
HIGHER SELF/GUIDE: BLUE OVERTONE NIGHT– AKBAL gives you access to greater intuitive capacity today, to enter the deep abyss and discover the keys to joy, happiness, bliss, Abundance and financial freedom.
AKBAL provides the keys to access the Dreamtime and the collective unconscious. We can tune into the great cosmic ocean of Planetary Abundance that has been so far denied to us.
Using BLUE EAGLE’s EYES and our intuition as our navigational compass, we can uncover our deepest dreaming. Our soul’s longings and desires which have not yet been met or materialized into form, waiting for the right moment to be seeded. Uncovering and freeing our greatest dreams, the dreams that empower our creative minds to envision the greatest majik!
We are COMMANDING the DIVINE PLAN into existence – the DREAM for all HUMANITY to prosper.
We are also COMMANDING all the resources be brought forth NOW to support our purpose.
NOTE: OVERTONE AKBAL is opening the GATE to COSMIC ABUNDANCE that is ARRIVING on 27 NOVEMBER 2024 – which is the culmination of this Monkey MAJIKAL Wavespell... opening the FLOODGATES for infinite ABUNDANCE, SUCCESS, HAPPINESS and JOY.
NOTE: MEN – Blue Eagle holds the Planetary Mind and when coupled with AKBAL as the Higher Self this strongly accesses the Collective Unconscious.
Blue Monkey represents your INNER CHILD
and so any issues to do with our Divine Child being seperated from our SOURCE – through trauma, abuse, control and exploitation will be revealed.
BLUE EAGLE is the LENS for the masses to witness these TRUTHS uncovering each day. This deep abyss is the darkness through which humanity has been enslaved. JOY and soul ecstasy has been denied and stolen from Earth’s children, as the majority of souls harbor deep wounding.
IT IS TIME for this wounding to be brought to the SURFACE and finally HEALED through the love and light of our CREATOR – Mother/Father God/Goddess.
As all souls are FREED now and returned to SOURCE, greater LIGHT is flooding our Planet, enabling us to COMMAND back our POWER and fuel our PASSION and JOY.
This is the road back to reclaiming our Diamond core aspects of our Divinity, during the BLUE MONKEY Wavespell RETURNING TO GENESIS!
May GOD/GODDESS heal and bless all our precious EARTH souls!
A world where our precious children and every soul is cherished, LOVED and respected.
A beautiful peace filled world, where we are FREE to PLAY, laugh and sing.
A world where children can be FREE to be children, and be allowed to CREATE their grandest DREAMS.
SUPPORT: YELLOW OVERTONE SEED – KAN forms a team with CIMI the Worldbridger. CIMI symbolizes THE END, and then passes the baton to KAN who denotes a new beginning. We also have a 19 – 1-9 ALPHA to OMEGA code operative today – DOUBLING the closure of the old chapter/story and opening the gates to wondrous NEW BEGINNINGS.
KAN empowers through the capacity to SHINE through the darkness –
RISE up and FLOWER.Turn on your LIGHT!
Choose to co-create a collective highest potential that empowers ALL souls.
How can you plant these VISIONS into the ground now, in order for them to bear fruit and nourish all?
What is it that you wish to COMMAND into creation?
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: WHITE SOLAR WORLDBRIDGER – CIMI asks you to SURRENDER to your dreams, trusting that the darkness has passed. IT’S OVER!!!
The SOLAR WORLDBRIDGER as the SUPERPOWER today, enables you to PULSE your DREAMS and your greatest VISION into reality.. You have the SUPERPOWER to create DIVINE majik today. SURRENDER your VISION and deepest desires to SPIRIT – LET GO, and LET GOD!
Now is the era of greater LIGHT when dreams really do come true, when we UNITE together as ONE through our networks and planetary grids, finally releasing the collective dreaming VISION of natural abundance for us all.
IT’S HAPPENING folks! Step up and CLAIM it!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: RED OVERTONE SERPENT – CHICCAN carries the power of life force, kundalini, instinct, survival, wisdom and awakening. It can also hold the store of FEAR. RED SERPENT challenges you today to release your old fears.
All those old blocks, patterns and programs that are rooted in survival and defense mechanisms must go!! The deepest FEARs relating to abuse, trauma, survival, scare-city, abandonment and poverty. The FEAR of failure, and FEAR of success, the FEAR of DEATH and the FEAR of separation.
Use the OVERTONE EAGLE’s VISION to FLY UP AHEAD and uncover what precious gifts and jewels are in your path – waiting to be discovered and CLAIMED.. When you hold the claircognizance of your FUTURE SUCCESS you can draw it into being.
Once the FEAR is released we can become EMPOWERED and truly RADIATE as Sovereign beings, confident in the TRUST that Spirit provides for all our needs.
The OVERTONE SERPENT provides the PASSION, FIRE and LIFEFORCE that is IGNITED once we set our EYES on our future course – fuelling the drive that COMMANDS our success.
Most of your core wounding relates to your base chakra issues, so draw on your kundalini power to raise and release these energies funneling it into majikal creation power! This energy allows the power and radiance of full vital energy to be expressed, as we answer to our responsibilities with no resistance. Full power, vital force, expressed through manifesting our greatest MAJIK!
Today’s question is “What dreams can I EMPOWER, in order to unleash and co create, the collective DREAM of PLANETARY ABUNDANCE?”
Divine blessings for COMMANDING our great DREAMS into reality.
Included in this weeks special New Earth Ascension report and Astrology reading for the week, my Sacred Condor covers the Astrology for the Week of November 17th through 23rd 2024. She also reads three blessed transmissions from our Sacred New Earth Scribes and a powerful Guided Meditation for Pluto in Aquarius and the New Golden Age of New Earth Activation.
Enjoy her calming soothing Divine Feminine Goddess voice and transmissions.
Prayer for the Transition of Pluto into Aquarius and the New Golden Age
Divine Source of Light and Transformation,
As Pluto moves into Aquarius, we honor this sacred transition,
A gateway to a new era of awakening, unity, and innovation.
We call upon the highest energies of love, wisdom, and courage
To guide us through this time of profound change.
Help us to release the old structures and patterns that no longer serve us,
Making way for a brighter, freer, and more harmonious future.
Aquarian energies of progress and humanity,
Fill our hearts with vision and hope.
May we embrace individuality while honoring our collective interconnectedness,
Stepping into our roles as co-creators of the New Golden Age.
Pluto, planet of transformation,
Help us to face the shadows with grace and rise into the light.
May we harness your power to rebuild, innovate, and align
With a world of equality, peace, and higher consciousness.
Gaia, beloved Earth,
Anchor us in your wisdom and stability as we grow and evolve.
Help us to live in harmony with you and all living beings,
Planting seeds of sustainability and love for generations to come.
We welcome this new chapter with open hearts,
Committed to embodying the truth of our divine potential.
May we walk this path with integrity, purpose, and faith,
Knowing we are supported by the infinite light of the Universe.
And so it is. Amen.
This prayer can be used as part of personal reflection, rituals, or meditative practices to align with the transformative energies of Pluto in Aquarius and the vision of the New Golden Age.
Prayer for the Transition of Pluto into Aquarius and the New Golden Age
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