The Seven Galactic Directions ~ Plasma Fluid Realities ~ Maji Grail Kings and Queens Rise
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Gold Winged Nation of our 144,000 Galactic Earth Angels of the New Eden
Happy 111, 222 , 333 Gateway of Angelic Connections.
Today we begin our first of 10 Galactic Activation Portals days in a row on the Mayan Tzolkin Calendar with Kin 146 ~ White Electric Worldbridger. We are feeling the intensity dialing up to the fifth dimensional resonance as the Great merging of timelines and dimensions for our full collective Quantum Leap of Consciousness into homo-Luminous, Eternal Light beings of Infinite Life.
Synchronizing with this GAP day our local Solaris released another powerful M Class flare and is hurling multiple CMEs into space almost daily now. Solar Cycle 25 is really ramping up for this Great Shift of the Ages into the New Golden Age of Heaven upon Earth. We also had a blast of white light on the Schumann charts at an amplitude of 26 hz.
We are experiencing through the night and into the day a major shift in the timeline with some overlapping the old 3d earth with the new 5d earth and some bleed throughs occurring as we continue the purge and rejuvenation of our cellular integrity as the new codes and sequences are integrated and embodied in our Sacred Avatars of Light.
All Starseed Ground Crew of the 144 are stepping into the Divinity of their multidimensionality in the Self Realization of Pure Awareness. All things are perfectly resolved in the Unborn Mind of Buddha. There is no-thing to attain albeit the releasing and letting go of all that no longer serves the individual and collective. These many things are the false projections and deceptions of the little mind of the human that believed in the fall and separation from Source Creator. In the healing of all core wounding we step into the Power and Glory of our True Nature as Conscious Co-Creators of the New Earth.
Together we Rise in Oneness as One United Force of Divine Sovereign Holy Grail Queens and Kings as Guardians of Terra Nova Gaia, Mothership 33…A’Ho!
Right now: Moon at 16°39′ Taurus, Sun at 18°49′ Libra
Current Sabian Symbols
Current Sabian Symbol for the Moon
A symbolical battle between ‘swords’ and ‘torches’.
Sabian Symbol for 17º Taurus
The current Sabian Symbol of the Moon is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing lunar influence, the emotional background, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this moment, while the Moon’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 17º Taurus.
Current Sabian Symbol for the Sun
A gang of robbers in hiding.
Sabian Symbol for 19º Libra
The current Sabian Symbol of the Sun is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing solar influence, the vital energy and the personality, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this day, while the Sun’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 19º Libra.
“Know that the truth you seek is within you. The answers are there before the question has been fully formulated. You have manifested everything needed to have everything your heart desires right now. And there is absolutely nothing standing between you and the realization of your deepest longing to reunite in Oneness with All Creation. For, you are already there. Everything that is to happen has already happened. It Is—and continues to Be—eternally.
When your perception of the illusion of time/space you know as reality, is in harmony, energetically, with the momentum of the eternal Now, you experience what Is.
When the energies wane, you experience the illusion, once more, of the elusive state of enlightenment just out of reach. Like the rhythms of the tides, this state of awareness washes up on the shores of your consciousness, nudging you into recognition of the knowingness harbored deep within. This knowingness does not wane with the rhythms of the transformation process, but is there within the depths of your being, eternally.
When the difference in these states of being has been experienced sufficiently to notice an emerging pattern, you are ready to begin to unravel the threads of the systems of belief that reinforce the illusion and keep it rooted there.
When you have had the opportunity to taste the experience of Divine connectedness, to the extent that it is clearly identifiable and not perceived as a random occurrence, you are ready to embrace the process of peeling back the layers of limitation that reinforce the elusiveness of that experience. It is in the depths of that process that most who are knowingly in the throes of transformation find themselves.”
Plasma Fluid Realitiesa corridor has opened wide to travel beyond linear time&space for those readyphysical body can be really “weak” & has to acclimate
For me REST & SLEEP now are the KEY (feeling foggy-groggy especially in the morning for several hours, observing many distortions/old beliefs emerging while clearing old timelines)
The Sun and your chakras are portals. So many solar flashes this morning bring diamond plasma light which is activating your carbon-based DNA in diamond light of silica plasma.
You can feel sore and tired!! ️Stretch your spine, drink water with lemon and ground it
The Light coming will cause all kinds of movement as part of the elevation of frequency. Keep listening to the body to see how to support it.
Portal ships increasing, so pay attention to the sky, its message to humanity: You have the power.
We always receive support, but it is a choice of the soul to rise up in your empowerment, love and unity.
As the forerunners roles have come to completion ( original Christos mission volunteers) The second wave of Gatekeepers, Grid workers and transmuters have now been initiated to begin their roles to take over.. Original Soul contracts of the first wavers cleared from the Akashic records..( original blueprints restored)
The Maji Grail Kings and Queens rise as the Lyran Stargate and pole correction is complete. Final initiations passed, Galactic council meetings- Crowns dispersed.. New realities ready to manifest Abundance codes in the field.. Divine Union within and without. 333
Dear friends, this week following the recent intense Aries full moon and the 10:10 energy portal marks the beginning of the second Eclipse Season of the year.
The October-November 2022 eclipse season will feature a partial solar eclipse on Tuesday October 25 (mostly visible all over Europe) and a total lunar eclipse on Monday/Tuesday November 7-8 (visible almost everywhere). The middle of this eclipse portal will be November 4, 2022.
But what is an “eclipse season” exactly?… An eclipse season is the only time when the Sun (from the perspective of the Earth) is close enough to one of the Moon’s nodes to allow an eclipse to occur. During the eclipse season, whenever there is a full moon a lunar eclipse will occur and whenever there is a new moon a solar eclipse will occur.
I’ll be posting detailed energy updates as we approach this amazing energetic season, but these powerful events can be felt weeks in advance specially if you are energetically connected with the dance of the cosmos and your journey through our spacetime continuum.
The eclipse season is a time of significant acceleration of the collective and individual evolutionary pace. We are likely to experience increased pressure to transform and make radical changes in how we live our lives, our priorities, our values, and our beliefs. By the end of this month and during the two-week period between two Eclipses, we will be under the influence of a portal full of karmic shifts, unexpected twists of fate, some chaotic energy, and quantum leaps. In conclusion, fasten your seatbelts and prepare for a wonderful ride towards higher and lighter timelines!
Our Sun will also be increasing its activity during the eclipse season so we expect to be showered with more lightcodes carried by the solar winds.
Use this time between now and the first eclipse on October 25 to set clear intentions regarding the life situations you would like to heal, resolve, and leave behind. Write them down in a piece of paper and keep this with you during the eclipse window. This will help you focus your energy as we reach the eclipse season climax later in November. You may save this post as a reminder. Energy flows where intention goes.
‘The Goddesses draw nearer to you, encircling your body, announcing their entrance into your world. ‘These are times of great change,’ they whisper. ‘You are one of the chosen, the elected, the harbingers of resurrected feminine spirit. You are about to go through significant processes of inner change, and this will reflect itself in the world you see about you. People will come and bring opportunities for healing and forgiveness. Karmic balancing will assert itself in your life, so that you can release everything that no longer serves you. You will magnetise all that you need to raise yourself from the ground, bring yourself out of the cave, and be a voice for much-needed Divine Feminine truth and wisdom.
‘We will show you the way. Take our hands, one at a time, step by step, as you are guided. ‘The journey has begun.’
We just had two M-Class Solar Flares, we have Solar Winds and the Schumann Resonance spikes are showing two swords to me!
It’s an 111-222 day or 333!!
The Kryst/ Christ has risen!
The New Kryst-all-in-e Operating system and Cosmic Consciousness broadcasting system is fully online and has taken over! All reversals are being fully cleared and overwritten by the new Trinity wave current of the 12/13D Diamond, and New Ascension Earth Grids.
THE MAJI DRAGON KING’S and QUEEN’S ARE getting READY TO FULLY RISE AS ONE to pull the plug on the artificial Matrix hologram and fully dissolve the artificial overlays.
REVEALING THE TRUTH that has always been!
All through the infinite power of True Divine Love!
As we now fully re-claim our sovereignty, freedom, power, gifts and abilities and use them wisely! Taking back full Guardianship over our and the collective realities!
As we carry the codes of the Divine Template of the 144 + three as ONE! The Maji Dragon and Grail King’s and Queen’s and Original Twinflames, carry the Edenic/ Paradisian/ Ascension Earth keys and codes within their Blueprints, fully activating now within their DNA, crystalline structures, Diamond Sun and Plasma Rainbow Merkaba Lightbody’s. Returning The Real Truth and history to HUmanity and ALL!
Keep dropping into the silence as this is when God speaks to us clearly.
Through the awakening and Activations to the Earth’s Crystalline Core and Sphere of Amenti, and the Emerald Cosmic Quantum Tree of Life, the morphogenetic field and body’s of all of life everywhere is being healed back to its Original Blueprints and Templates, plus Upgrades. All artificial materials, structures, beings, architecture and systems are being purged from our and the Planetary body’s.
Allow it all to release with as much ease and grace as possible as this Divine Healing Dispensation from Source of pure Divine Love is allowing for miracle healings to unfold quickly now, as well as many choosing to transition. All negative entities are being mass evicted, removed and cleared.
ALL IS BEING RESET TO IT’S ORIGINAL DIVINE BLUEPRINTS, plus upgrades. Truly what all of this has been about!
Know that THE RESET OF THE ONE CONSCIOUSNESS has been completed at higher level and that our Ascension is in full force and vastly accelerating, as the frequencies continue to rise!
Time out of time to call forth and awake the magic and re-claim all your power from deep within you!
An immensely Potent Cosmic BLAST of LIGHT was on its way Whose Purpose is to Astoundingly UPGRADE Creation.
Pluto moving forward of Retrograde Motion will also Thrust out Major Transformative Vibrations for All Aspects of Planetary Civilization in Thought. . . Emotions. . . Words. . . and Actions which will Govern Human Experience.
Particular Neutron counts are coming from outside of our Solar System as our planet is BE-ing Activated by Sacred LIGHT Energetics which is Endeavouring to Deeply Clear-Out old planetary programming. . .
Cleanse this REALM and give Greater illumination to Collective Planetary Consciousness.
This is a Space / Time Continuum of GALACTIC Communication—NOT just Communication within and on this particular Planetary Orb.
Watch the Skies!
Those with HIGHER KNOWLEDGE will Fully innerstand this Transmission.
From Oct 11th to Oct 20th . . . We are entering 10 GALACTIC ACTIVATION PORTAL DAYS. They give us the opportunity to bring about greater clarity for the future in our personal lives and our purpose, and also our positive participation in the collective globally. On these days are catapulted into our next step into our future. It launches us from the past and into the future.
What are portal days?
If we are in a Portal day or people are born on a portal day, they all have a greater ability to bring about great change on the earth. The first run of 10 portal days helps us let go of the past, while the second run of portal days helps us create into the future. An example the Beatles never became world famous until Ringo join them. All four Beatles were born on portal days. We certainly know they changed the world for the better.
The first round of these 10 days that ended 30 days ago, I was in England being flooded in energy we simply called relentless … it stripped us down to our core energy. It was all about letting go. It also taught us how profoundly we can work together as a greater community. It is all about working together now. We are more powerful working together than taking on that sojourn we enjoyed in the past. When two or more are gathered “I AM” there. During this time, the Queen passed away marking an end of a era. This event was much more impacting than we understood at the time. The Divine feminine energy in the earths ley lines quivered deeply and also dramatically shifted. These first 10 portal days were all about letting go of the past, history and all things that do not serve the collective anymore. These shifts happened on a global scale.
These next 10 portal days will be about envisioning our future and stepping into new frequencies. The more we participate by taking action to break old patterns and ruts that are lodged in the comfort of our minds, and live more from the heart, the more benefit we will receive from the energy of these 10 days. This energy can also be just as relentless just like the past 10 portal cycle. It can knock on the door of our hearts over and over until we listen. Our future is arriving now. It is time to let go of the wishing, and the dreaming, and step into the unknown realm of our future by taking steps forward. This is always uncomfortable to step into the unknown, until we all learn to be comfortable with the uncertainty that is in front of us.
A quick look at the 10 portal days….
October 11 – 3 CIMI (north) – With focus, we will renew our faith in the great flow of the universe with all it’s new magic and mystery. We can also evolve and heal old victim mentality. It can give us deep meaning to life when we work from the heart and are centered beyond personal needs and consider community spirit.
October 12 – 4 MANIK (west) – On this day we can foster a newly upgraded balance between personal freedom, sovereignty and the need for security with relationships and the greater community. It is a great day that holds healing energy with a broad all encompassing vision that can bring about healing the whole, not just the individual.
October 13 – 5 LAMAT (south) – This day we have access to deep intellect and vision. It is linked to the solar plexus, and intuition and even future vision. But in the extreme, can get paranoid and might distorts truth. It is a good day for letting go of our need to control, to learn to express feelings, and see the extremes for what they are, out of balance.
October 14 – 6 MULUC (east) – This day is all about initiating our new creations. It can bring downloads of new frequencies and can clarify our new intentions. It does not support completion of a project, it’s about the beginning. So don’t expect to be getting things done today. It can be a very an emotional but imaginative day. We definitely can tune into honing our psychic abilities further. But on the down side we can tend to gravitate toward believing in the dream and our inner fantasies instead of honoring reality. This day can also trigger one wanting to be dominating through the projections of strong feelings so it is important to take control of the ego and take responsibility for what your choices have created.
October 15 – 7 OC (north) – This day is linked to love and heart. It’s very loyal energy to friends, family and loyalty to our projects. It can bring spirit messages to the forefront making it accessible. It’s time to foster emotional maturity and healing our old father issues. The divine masculine is going to get a tuneup on this day.
October 16 – 8 CHUEN (west) – This day offers us an ability to be very tuned into emotional and psychic worlds. With our attention it can be a very abundant day, but not necessarily in the material world. It’s a very enclitic energy that is interested in diverse subjects and definitely has a playfulness about it. So we might find we are called to look into new things to learn about or go have some fun. It is a very curious day sign. The trick is sticking with a focus long enough to master it.
October 17 – 9 EB (south) – This day offers us the ability to be more courteous and diplomatic. But we can also be more sensitive and easily hurt. It can be a very ambitious energy so be aware where you put your focus. We become quite aware that we poison ourselves by repressing our anger, feelings and emotions. We learn we need to expressed our inner feelings to foster purifying and healing in ours lives. We might become more concerned about our health on this day.
October 18 – 10 BEN (East) – This day is powerful and impossible to totally understand. It simply anchors light to the earth. It is literally the pillars of light. This is the day that activates the inner crusader that would work toward higher principles and truth and loves to take on this challenge for the greater good. But it can also be also about balancing our overly opinionated nature.
October 19 – 11 IX (north) – This day is all about opening to the inner shaman. We can see wisdom hidden in the dark, like uncovering all the skeletons in the closet, or assess deep hidden wisdom we have been reaching for. We could struggle with overwhelming emotions but can also be incredibly psychic. It’s also a day that can trigger great feelings of timelessness, so look out for time wobbles and alternate timelines. We can more easily receive information from spirit and are able to express it in a more usable form through a higher intelligence. We will be deeply interested in growing our spirituality. The challenge side is this day sign can be secretive and sensitive so learning to communicate better would be advisable. We can learn how to better manage our complex human relationships. We gather up upgraded counseling skills and release relationships that are not healthy.
October 20 – 12 MEN (west) – This day brings complex stability, balance and deep understanding. This is a day that things could simply fall into place because of the higher vision and deeper understanding it brings. We could have a light bulb moment!!! This is a good day to gather with like minds and share our highest visions and tap into global conscious and foster new and unique ideas about life. The challenge could be … It can be vey left brained day and could also be overly critical. It’s important to stay engaged in the heart. We might also fall into escapism to cope with uncomfortable situations.
Now I’ve walked you through a tiny bit of the explanation of 10 galactic activation portal days. Keep in mind that everyone will experience these days differently because everyone was born on a different day on this calendar. But the underlayment or energy of each days theme will be the same for us all. Take each day as it is, faced the challenges, except the wonderful blessings. and move through each day with grace, gratitude and respect.
I was just shown so much this weekend, and experienced the power new earth energies myself, and what is happening on all levels now, is a merging of the Sacred Earths, meaning a merging of the Crystal Pyramid Temples and Crystalline Energy Grids, not only are the New Crystal Pyramids Temples and Crystalline Grids fully activated for the 5th to 7th dimensional state: – but the OLD ones, are being incorporated!
This is bringing a huge awakening on all fronts, of ancient energies, and powerful fifth (Atlantis) and 7th (Elysium, Lion Kingdom, Avalon, Mu, Lemuria) to the fore, with the Arks and the Sun Discs!
It will start triggering your own soul memory banks at all levels now, and indeed, will activate what you agreed would be activated at this time.
We are being asked, to transcend duality. This means all low fear based energies, cannot hold form in the 5th and 7th dimensional state, as the 9th and 12th are already present as well.
All fear-based things which are thrown around now, are all attempts to hold souls rooted in the old base chakra and the fear of survival. Let go!
Everything you need for the New Earth is already present, as you transfigure and all the needs of the Old Earth, will be no more! It will be in a different form!
Notice how those who do not wish to let go of the old earth, are conjuring up fears. Do not buy into those.
We had a meeting last night, and in this meeting, the Manna was mentioned, which helped the Israelites to survive during the 40 years in the Sinai desert. So we will be given what we need for the transfiguration and transition into the New Earth. Indeed, I always ask that all that I need for my journeys ahead will be provided for me, and I trust and have faith that it is so!
It is a matter of keeping the eyes fixed on the END Destination, the anchoring on the New Earth, and to co-create with inner wisdom, inner joy, that which you truly wish to create for the highest good of all, and with great love, all which unifies, brings together, gathers together. When you set the intention, and with a pure heart and pure intent, then always add, that all will manifest in the highest and best ways, for the highest good of all concerned.
Affirm the goodness, affirm the absolute best life you can possible live, and do so in the form of affirmative prayer, in the I AM Presence, and in the PRESENT. Not in the past nor the future, for you are already co-creating the New in the here and now!
Remember that every thought you think – creates.
Every word you speak – creates.
Every deed you do – has ripple effects.
Get clear about what you truly would wish to be, to cocreate, to transfigure into, and then do the inner work, so that the Kingdom of Heaven manifest WITHIN you, and then through synchronicity, manifest OUTSIDE of you.
All of this is a matter of gaining in Soul Mastery and starting to live and walk, as a Master on Earth, and thus stepping into the Co-creative Role, with great love, faith, and infinite Wisdom.
If you cannot master yourself, how are you going to master a totally new life and new beginnings, in the newly created 5th to 7th dimensional Earth?
Relax and receive this higher levels of Wisdom entering, preparing you for rebirth. It is becoming easier than ever to make healthy choices by removing obstacles in the way of your success. No longer will you sacrifice and hold yourself back. You’ve grown and know better of what to do to get what you want.
Be bold and confident in these choices. Love yourself enough to put your needs ahead of others. This choice is leading you away from temptation, and delivering you from evil energy vampires that only know how to take. Let go of their thoughts and opinions. Embrace who you really are instead. Trust that the Universe is supporting you to evolve into this new embodiment of self. Now is the opportunity leave toxic relationships behind for good, and receive your major transformation.
In Jesus Christ’s name amen. God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
Mercury enters Libra. Sun in Libra quincunx Uranus retrograde in Taurus – Mercury, now in direct motion moves back into Libra, revisiting issues that arose at the end of August. But now we are better informed, better equipped to understand what needs to be said or done to regain harmony. Diplomatic discussions, listening to all sides of the argument and balanced thinking will help us to find ways to compromise without feeling that we have lost ground.
However, we do need to be mindful of the solar connection to Uranus which can find us feeling curiously rebellious. Inner tension comes from a need to redefine or reinvent ourselves, a desire for modernisation or sense of progress. Restlessness makes it twice as hard to maintain equilibrium. Explore where a need for stability and security has got in the way of the freedom to experiment with new paths. Focus on small adjustments rather than sweeping changes. Add a little spontaneity to keep things interesting and awaken creativity.
‘Electric’ is the name for the number three and its keywords are ‘Activate, Service and Bond’. The third day of a wavespell really accelerates the pace. It is seldom dull, Electric days are full of energy. Today is the 3rd day of the Yellow Seed wavespell, the first Portal Day of the Omega column which contains ten Portal days in a row! The number three is always activating but when it occurs on a Portal day too, that’s a recipe for kapow!
Today is White Worldbridger and it represents ‘Death, Equalize and Opportunity’. I always think of Worldbridger as the gatekeeper, like Tim from Monty Python’s Holy Grail. He asks a riddle; he tests you before you are permitted to pass. All crossings entail either paying a token or passing an exam. Opportunity requires this process. If you wish to take it to the next level – be prepared to make a sacrifice or face a test! Are you worthy? As it is an ‘Electric’ Worldbridger, this means the bridge is now activated. If you look at a Tzolkin you’ll see both Portal day columns start with the Worldbridger, this is an appropriate beginning for the 10 day Portal day rollercoaster ride.
The Guide today is the White Dog and so may your motivation for crossing a bridge come from the heart. Today’s lesson is pretty easy folks. Be guided by love and not by self-interest. Whenever the Dog leads us, we can get pulled enthusiastically along as if a hyper overexcited dog is yanking on the leash. This symbolizes the White Dog’s tenacity. This determination can be contagious.
The Challenge today is the Yellow Warrior who loves to go on the warpath but today these methods of exerting one’s will do not succeed. The Worldbridger is the equalizer, a diplomat who always sees both sides of the story. Warriors need to put down their swords and relinquish their willpower. If you are a Yellow Warrior, like everyone else today, you are being tested. You too can make use of this opportunity but you may have to try harder than everyone else. You do like a challenge, so you’ll probably just deal with it as usual.
The Occult power today is the Blue Eagle who has visions and is very creative. When in this position, Eagle sees magic and can share insights for those who are curious. Perhaps through magic vision you can find a bridge to cross that will take you somewhere special? The Eagle can fly ahead and tell you where the bridge is located and the Eagle’s visions can supply you with the answers you need to pass the test.
The Ally today is the Red Skywalker, the adventurer of the Tzolkin. If you need a friend to help you plan your bridge crossing, then Skywalkers can encourage you with their natural enthusiasm. If you don’t know one personally and you need assistance today, do what a Skywalker would do and approach things with an open mind. This is friendly advice – sometimes we can be too narrow minded for our own good.
KIN 146 = 11 = 2 – Partnership/Cooperation 11.11 DOUBLE GATE on a GAP portal day!
11 – Portal/Doorway/Polarity
Today we enter a – rocket fuelled portal, propelling you onto your DIVINE MISSION
Down the slippery slide! 10 GAP DAYS IN A ROW of IN-TENSE energies!!!! Super ACTIVATED on the tail of the ARIES FIRE FULL MOON and 10/10 PORTAL!!! We are being BLASTED out of the cannon now, in the direction of our best possible future!!!! BOOM
Today we begin the second round of 10 successive GAP/GALACTIC ACTIVATION PORTAL days, known as the OMEGA column. Very fitting on a 9 completion code!
This is the GROWTH cycle as we ASCEND up the evolutionary ladder- JACOB’s LADDER – on our journey to higher consciousness. The interdimensional doorways are flung WIDE OPEN flooding our planet with NEW ENERGIES – that are now available for us to access and become conduits for this new 5D energy..
The GAP DAY today, PLUS the ELECTRIC power tone and 3.6.9 TESLA CODE, means we have an EXPRESS ROCKET FUELLED wild ride today!
ELECTRIC is tone number 3 in the tones of creation. It is the first of the three EMOTIONAL realm tones. Thus there is a very strong E-MOTION-AL charge today which may create outbursts in those who need to find their balance. ELECTRIC energy may create a short fuse making things combustible today particularly with the ARIES FULL MOON FIRE energy.
This energy can be better harvested through the higher aspects of this tone which encompass being of SERVICE to others through the action of BONDING, that is coming together with others to cocreate and be of SERVICE.
The ELECTRIC tone beautifully combines with the WORLDBRIDGER who builds bridges between warring factions and disharmony in relationships to reach a place of equilibrium.
We are still in the energies of the 10/10 portal – so we are truly ELECTRIFIED today – ready to ACTIVATE our MISSIONS… kapow!
Today’s question is “How can I forge more HEART connections with my planetary kin, bonding in SERVICE together and building a bridge to our NEW WORLD?”
Divine blessings for the commencement of a very RAPID ASCENT up JACOB’S LADDER – keep your EYES on your DIVINE MISSION.
There is NO GOING BACK now! The only way through is FAST FORWARD! rocket propulsion
VIVA NOVA TARA GAIA here we come – on the EXPRESS TRAIN NOW!!! Woot woot!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
NOTE: KIN 146 is the Galactic Signature vibration of entrepreneur Elon Musk who is a WHITE ELECTRIC WORLDBRIDGER.
Musk has exemplified this POWER through his QUEST to conquer SPACE through grand adventuring
into new frontiers, utilizing his innovative Rocket technology…
He is on a Mission to satisfy his need to express this EXPLOSIVE combustible energy in the most grand way possible – traveling to Mars – for future colonization. He desires to build bridges to other worlds/planets through his Mission, but it seems his agenda was more due to personal gratification rather than Divine Service to Humanity.
It is also noteworthy that Elon Musk is rumoured to be the reincarnation of Thomas Edison – the inventor(?) of the Electric Light bulb which explains why his soul has chosen the ELECTRIC tone in his signature.
Musk has also popularized the ELECTRIC Car as designed by his former competitor – Nikola Tesla – ironically using Tesla as his brand name!! The TRUTH is stranger than fiction folks – and it seems that Elon Musk’s karmic contract is to make good for the Tesla inventions he previously denied HUMANITY, as Thomas Edison, – albeit reluctant to publicly admit the brilliance of his former adversary.
Love him or hate him, it is also rumoured that Musk has done a backflip and changed from the DARK AI agenda that he favoured, to now working for the forces of LIGHT... He is working with the Alliance on the not so secret Space Program and his STARLINK satellite operation, installing new Quantum Technologies and contracted for Galactic mining missions.. A totally EXPANSIVE expression of his code!
Day 3 in the YELLOW SEED WAVESPELL of AWAKENING, flowering, new beginnings, ripening, opening to more LIGHT and blossoming into your Highest potential..
Today we are JOINING together in Divine Service with our Kin to activate our Highest timeline.
We are strongly SEEDING our new missions, and pushing the limits of what we are capable of achieving! Building the bridges to new worlds.
Surrender to the DEATH of the old you – in order to GROW in a new direction.
SURRENDER to the DIVINE PLAN for your soul and HUMANITY.
This requires for you to LET GO and LET GOD, trusting that Spirit will help you find your new path and support you in your grander VISION.
Release the past and build a bridge to the new!
You cannot write the next chapter of your life story if you are still reading the last chapter, over and over again !!
Feeling and sensing where and when to make connections and uniting with our soul families. WORLDBRIDGER brings new opportunities today through connection and networking with others. Exchanging knowledge, ideas and resources to create something NEW and exciting.
Build the BRIDGE to the world you want to be in!
Point your ROCKET in the direction you want to go!!!
LOVE is the most powerful CONNECTOR in the UNIVERSE!
“TRUE LOVE does not choose ONE person,
When TRUE LOVE is there, you SHINE like a lamp
You just don’t SHINE on ONE person in the room.
That LIGHT that you emit is for EVERYONE in the room.
If you really have LOVE IN YOU, everyone will profit –
not only humans, but animals, plants and minerals.
LOVE, TRUE LOVE is that.
THICH NAHT HANH – White Spectral Worldbridger
WHITE DOG our beautiful and loyal friend, invites us to BOND with others through our OPEN HEARTS today. Trust that these souls are your allies and are aligned with your Mission, with the will to do GOOD through the expression of loving kindness.
Allow these powerful ELECTRIC energies to amp up our heart toroidal fields and forge greater, more intimate bonds with our planetary kin, to create a beautiful network through our expanded HEART consciousness.
WHITE DOGS are very loyal and devoted to SPIRIT.. The ELECTRIC DOG is the most selfless dog – desiring to totally devote his life to the DIVINE PLAN. A beautiful path for us all to follow – trusting that SPIRIT can guide us to the best and most fulfilling life possible, cradled in the arms of LOVE.
Move in the direction of your TRUE HEART’s desires, to express your destiny and your highest calling. Everything you build needs to be on a new foundation of unconditional LOVE, in Service to humanity.
LOVE is the bridge to our NEW WORLD.
SUPPORT: RED ELECTRIC SKYWALKER – BEN As one door closes through death and endings, another opens.
It is often the case, as one soul departs this Earth plane, a new soul incarnates. DEATH and BIRTH are two sides of the same coin, beginnings and endings – ALPHA and OMEGA . What seems like a DEATH and a bad thing is usually just what your soul needs for GROWTH, to lead you out of your comfort zone and to a better place.
Re-examine what presents now, from a new perspective – where are these new doors leading you? Surrender and TRUST with a sense of excitement and adventure that BEN the Skywalker revels in.
BEN our Angelic Messenger and Galactic Shaman is our guide assisting us in accessing these multidimensional doorways opening today, exploring NEW HORIZONS and new possibilities for our Service Missions..
Ben can enable us to anchor these frequencies into our physical bodies for processing and integration giving us greater POWER to fully AWAKEN to greater Divine Service, bridging Heaven and Earth!
BEN and CIMI are leading the way to your most BLISS – filled LIFE possible.
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: BLUE SPECTRAL EAGLE– MEN Reveals the BIG PICTURE today – the EXPANDED VISION, allowing us to SEE in which direction we need to GROW.
BLUE SPECTRAL EAGLE is today’s SUPERPOWER working in tandem with CIMI to reveal what it is, that we need to SURRENDER, in order to release the past, and GROW in the direction of greater opportunities.
Through RELEASE comes NEW LIBERATION. Don’t focus on where you have been, but turn around and LOOK WHERE YOU ARE GOING. Set a NEW course, in order to LIBERATE your DIVINE MISSION.
Allow the EAGLE SEER to reveal the BIGGER PLAN for you today through your Galactic destiny. .
All will be revealed as we bond with our kin, and together uncover our destined paths, focusing on the bigger picture for Hu-manitiy and our planet.. BLISS ON EARTH
CHALLENGE/GIFT: YELLOW ELECTRIC WARRIOR – CIB provides the FEARLESS courage to walk through the new doors that OPEN today.
YELLOW WARRIOR enables us to SURRENDER and release the old, walking forth with renewed determination and vigor. Fearlessly focused on the FUTURE and where we want to go! Shrugging our shoulders and walking away, leaving our past BEHIND us – where it belongs!!!.
Do not LOOK BACK – as the parable of LOT’S WIFE – in the bible warns us. Keep your EYES focused on what lies ahead and on the horizon in our Quest-I-on.. As we focus on brighter futures, the past quickly dissolves, soon to be erased from our memory banks FOREVER!.
The ELECTRIC WARRIOR fearlessly dedicates his life to implementing the DIVINE PLAN for HUMANITY. This RAINBOW WARRIOR is in GOD’S ARMY – the Soldier of Christ, who upholds righteousness and the protection of ALL as equals, united in our Mission to unequivocally deliver this new UTOPIAN WORLD.
NOW IS THE TIME to BRAVELY march forwards into new exciting and unchartered territory, as the wayshowers in the RAINBOW ARMY that you signed up to be.
So precious hearts today the EMOTIONAL body will reveal all that is needed to be SURRENDERED, in order for the NEW ENERGIES to anchor. Detach from DRAMA and any volatility that may be ignited today, shaking it off, like water off a duck’s back.
Choose to FOCUS on the NEW and put down very strong roots anchoring these GAP energies into a solid foundation for expansive GROWTH!
Today’s question is “How can I forge more HEART connections with my planetary kin, bonding in SERVICE together and building a bridge to our NEW WORLD?”
Divine blessings for the commencement of a very RAPID ASCENT up JACOB’S LADDER – keep your EYES on your DIVINE MISSION.
There is NO GOING BACK now! The only way through is FAST FORWARD! rocket propulsion
VIVA NOVA TARA GAIA here we come – on the EXPRESS TRAIN NOW!!! Woot woot!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
New! Meditation Teacher Training of the Lineage of the Eagle and the Condor
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