“Guardian Host Planetary Protection”
by Lisa Renee
“There are realms where groups exist that are called the Defender Forces of the Cosmic Sovereign Law. These defender forces are a part of those higher level light beings that are willing to lose their status of existing in a purely blissful or heavenly realm in order to come into a body and potentially lose their access into the free worlds, because they want to defend God’s Sovereign Law of One in the lower creation realms or throughout various worlds undergoing evolutionary transition. They are a section of light beings that work as sentinels and gatekeepers to support those of us that are incarnated here and working with the Cosmic Sovereign Law. They ensure that the beings that are here on earth during Ascension cycle that are working with Christic principles will not be enslaved in the higher realms or get trapped in the phantom realms because there’s a lot of those dark shenanigans that are still being played out.”
~Lisa Renee
The planetary field is now held in a protected Guardian hosted buffer zone where nuclear weapons are immediately neutralized, although the Controllers continually broadcast the Armageddon Software in the mass media so people believe that an entire species extinction is inevitable and unavoidable. Since the Electric Wars, we have had a phantom black earth that existed as a negative form of itself in the lower timelines. This negative form earth is manipulated by the NAA, mostly through their artificial software programs that spin out false timelines. This is the area of the lower density fields on the earth plane that has bifurcated from the higher timelines, and is comprised of the AI time loops, which is the area the NAA are currently fighting over. [1]
AI Assimilation Earth Timeline
This is the timeline the NAA are aggressively fighting for, as they want to maintain control over their preferred bloodlines, to mainstream Satanism and continue to harvest the lost souls and fragments that they have been using as an energetic source to fuel a variety of virtual reality systems and time loops. These groups try to lure human soul groups into these phantom realities that are propped up as virtual realities that glamourize an assortment of trendy and elitist lifestyles, with high adrenaline or addictive sensual or erotic experiences, all with machines. This destroys loving human connections that are transmitted through human contact, by replacing basic human needs with a machined consciousness. This lowest section of the earth field that has reversals and AI is bifurcating from the rest of the earth field, and the organic living consciousness and higher frequencies are moving into the higher zones hosted by the Guardian Founder Races. [2]
Defender Forces
There are realms where groups exist that are called the Defender Forces of the Cosmic Sovereign Law. These defender forces are a part of those higher level light beings that are willing to lose their status of existing in a purely blissful or heavenly realm in order to come into a body and potentially lose their access into the free worlds, because they want to defend God’s Sovereign Law of One in the lower creation realms or throughout various worlds undergoing evolutionary transition.
The first time that I became aware of the Defender Forces, because I had never heard of them before, was in April of 2008, when I was asked to open a Stargate in the Himalayan area. Sometimes as a part of my job down here, I am called upon in the middle of the night in sort of crisis setting when they need a point person to be able to open or create a Handshake Hub or an open portal field in a certain location. This was one of these cases. So in April of 2008, I woke up into remote viewing a part of my Consciousness body, and I was in a valley in between the Himalayan mountains, and my team from upstairs said to open the gate from this location now, right now! It felt as if there was an urgency in the timing, and to get in and out quickly. And as we opened the gate, a bunch of Defender Forces and Guardian beings came dropping in from above me. It would seem like they were dropping in parachutes from the sky, but they weren’t. My team said these are the Defender Forces and from then on I knew the Defender Forces were here on the earth and they were part of defending the Cosmic Sovereign Law for earth and humanity.
So in my experience, the Defender Forces are very much a part of the Guardian host families. They are a section of light beings that work as sentinels and gatekeepers to support those of us that are incarnated here and working with the Cosmic Sovereign Law. They ensure that the beings that are here on earth during Ascension cycle that are working with Christic principles will not be enslaved in the higher realms or get trapped in the phantom realms because there’s a lot of those dark shenanigans that are still being played out. In what I call the smash and grab phenomena, where you have dark entities or beings that are still confused about what’s going on during the Bifurcation, and frantically attack or are desperately grabbing pieces that they can grab on their way out. And that’s really what we are dealing with now with the intense forces of chaos, a type of thuggery similar to smash and grab.
source: https://ascensionavatar.wordpress.com/2019/08/23/lisa-renee-guardian-host-planetary-protection
Galactic Destiny Readings
KINS 40-52
Galactic Destiny Readings
These are the themes of the YELLOW SUN – The WISE and evolved one known as AHAU. We now journey forth from the Blue Hand healing wavespell in our journey towards the SUN in this 13 day cycle to achieve a Buddha mind, filled with compassion, acceptance and unconditional love of all as ONE. .
I AM the Enlightened One
Coded by the Yellow Sun
My number is twenty
The Universe totality
In meditation I was conceived
From meditation I am born
And for long aeons have I dwelt deep within this meditation
I am the higher truth and renewer of life
I turn the cosmic wheel of the law
Giving pure mind teachings among the stars
I am the harmonic keeper of the blazing field of infinite light
Many names am I called
But they only name my outer form
My fiery cloak that you call the Sun
The enlightenment of one is the enlightenment of all
I am the fulfillment of the prophecy of Hunab Ku
Awakening all beings simultaneously is my task
In many places have I awakened
And every place I go I know by the name Tollan
Tollan for the awakened ones
To know me is to know the light of truth
That illumines all things.
Divine blessings in your Soular journey in this enlightening era of evolving consciousness. 🌏🌈🌍🌈🌎
Namaste’ 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66 🌏🌈
PICTURE CREDITS: DIVINE GRATITUDE to Jose’ Arguelles The Foundation for the Law of Time 🙏❤🙏❤🙏
Elizabeth Peru
TIP-OFF Global Energy Forecast Community, SIGN-IN NOW and listen to Friday’s energy forecasts. Especially, where I mention how to approach this important power day. Prepare & learn all about what’s coming up with my all-NEW Tip-Off for the next 7-days. New subscribers welcome
Dreamspell Journey by Valum Votan & Bolon Ik

Today’s Kin 42 (Electric Wind / 3 Wind) marks the beginning of the Second Moon (28-day month) of the Dreamspell/13 Moons Solar Year. Therefore, today’s Kin 42 is the Kin bearer of this moon.
* The Lunar Scorpion brings the Second Moon of Challenge.
* From 23 August until 19 September
* Key Movement: What is my challenge?
Discover more with the “Turtle of the 13 Moons” (Tortuga)
By José and Lloydine Argüelles (Valum Votan & Bolon Ik)
On the other hand, the Kin 28 is also the Kin bearer of this Second Moon, according to the “260 Moons Count” introduced by
Jose and Lloydine on the “20 Tablets” (PAN 1997).
This new fractal count established 1 Kin = 1 Moon. Within this context, the Magnetic Wizard Year corresponds to the planetary service Wavespell of the Hand. Therefore, the First Moon was coded by Kin 27 and this Second Moon is coded by Kin 28.
See attached image of the Kin bearers according to the 260 Moons Count.
Harmonically, both Kin bearers of the Second Moon are related to the Power of Seven (7). The Kin 42 = 6×7, and the Kin 28 = 4×7.
The Kin 42 contains 21+21, therefore it relates to the Power of 21 (7+7+7) and the 441 Synchronotron work of Valum Votan (2007).
On the other side, the Kin 28 codes the female fertility cycle, which is represented in the 28 lunar mansions of the Telektonon board and the Unit 28 of Telektonon, which is the Tower of Bolon Ik (Tower of The Solar Wind).
23 August 2019 ~ NS
Wavespell Blog: https://wp.me/p83Oy1-3yg
KIN 42: White Electric Wind
I activate in order to communicate
Bonding breath
I seal the input of spirit
With the electric tone of service
I am guided by the power of death
Harmonic 11: Overtone Input
Inform Flowering of Radiance
* Journey:
– Tzolkin: Day 42. Column 3 of the Lunar Dragon.
– Wavespell of the Yellow Sun: Day 3.
– Electric Chamber (Tone 3): Identify the Service.
– Red Eastern Castle of Turning: Court of Birth
– Galactic Season of the Dog: White Truth
* Kin Synthesis: 3 Wind
Solar Seal 2 = Wind
– Action: Communicate
– Essence: Breath
– Power: Spirit
Galactic Tone 3 = Electric
– Function: Service
– Creative Power: Activate
– Action: Bond
* Oracle:
– Guide: 3 WorldBridger (Kin 146)
– Analog: 3 Earth (Kin 237)
– Antipode: 3 Human (Kin 172)
– Occult: 11 Storm (Kin 219)
* Root Race:
– White Family of the White Root Race.
– The Refiners. Keynote: Spirit.
– White Members: Wind, WorldBridger, Dog, Wizard, Mirror
* Earth Family:
– Core Family: Mine the Tunnels.
– Members: Red Earth, White Wind, Blue Hand, Yellow Human.
* Chromatic Clan:
– Yellow Fire Clan.
– Position: Heart. Action: Transduce.
Galactic Maya “Dreamspell Tzolkin Count”
Powered by Tortuga 13:20 – Planet Art
Based on the visionary publication:
“Dreamspell: The Journey of Timeship Earth 2013” (1990-1991).
By José and Lloydine Argüelles (Valum Votan & Bolon Ik).
* Ancient Maya Tzolkin Count
Original Sacred Count of the Maya.
The Blueprint of the inter-dimensional 13:20 Tzolkin Matrix.
– 9 Kib’ = 9 Warrior, Kin 256
– Kib’ = Wax, Bee. Owl or Bird of Prey. Sin and Forgiveness.
– Trecena of Lamat (Venus) = Star Wavespell
* Discover more:
– Calendric Calculator:
Dreamspell Journey by Valum Votan & Bolon Ik
– In Loving Memory of José and Lloydine (Valum Votan & Bolon Ik), Ascended Masters of the New Time, Archetypal Mother and Father of the Planetary Kin.
– The Authors in Eternity of Dreamspell, the Telektonon Prophecy, the 13 Moon Calendar, The Discovery of the Law of Time is Art, The Galactic Culture Master Plan, The 20 Tablets, The 28 Meditations, amongst others.
– The Founders of the Planet Art Network (PAN), Harmonic Convergence, Day Out of Time, Rainbow Bridge Project, The World Thirteen Moon Calendar Change Peace Movement, the FLT, the Rinri Project, and the Earth Wizards seminaries.
In Lak’ech

#Dreamspell #DreamspellJourney #DreamspellGenesis #DreamspellTzolkin#DreamspellOracle #Maya #Tzolkin #Oracle #MayanTzolkin #MayanDreamspell#MayanOracle #GalacticMaya #Synchronicity #DreamTime #RealTime #Matrix1320#Frequency1320 #NaturalTime #TimeIsArt #Telektonon #13Moon #PlanetArtNetwork#ValumVotan #BolonIk #Kin42 #ElectricWind #3Wind #9Kib #Moon2
Dreamspell Journey by Valum Votan & Bolon Ik

Today’s Kin 43 (Self-Existing Night / 4 Night) is a Galactic Activation Portal (GAP Day) which was the kin of Nikola Tesla.
Kin 43 has the Occult Power of Kin 218 (Discovery of Pakal’s Tomb), therefore it has prophetic relevance.
– Kin 43 is coded by the Tzolkin’s Vector 3.3 (Column 3, Seal 3) which is a fractal hologram of 33 (11+22 = 33, the combined power of Valum (VV) and Bolon Ik (BI)
– Kin 43 is also coded 4.4 (Wavespell 4, Tone 4) which is a fractal hologram of 44 = 22+22 = 11.11 (VV) & 11+11 (BI) =Twin Archetypes.
– Kin 43 is also coded 3.4 (Seal 4, Tone 4) which is a fractal hologram of 34 (the number of Kin 34, the beginning of the Wizard Count or Dreamspell Count).
Number 43 (21+22) also relates to the 2018 transmissions of the Maya Archetype of Queen Tz’akbu Ajaw (Temple XIII, Lakamha’ / Palenque), the wife and queen consort of King Pakal (Pakal Votan Archetype).

– The first exhibit of Tz’akbu’s funerary art in New York City inscribed the Number 43 by opening on Kin 21, followed by Kin 22 (21+22 = 43) on dates 28 February and 1 March 2018.
– The same exhibition in Mexico City lasted exact 43 days (from 27 July until 7 September 2018).
– The final exhibition of the year 2018 took place in the Museum of Chiapas (México), opening on 21 September, followed by 22 September (21+22 = 43).
– Precisely, the date 21 September always marks the anniversary of the “White Wedding” of Valum Votan and Bolon Ik (21 September 1983), and it also marks the International Day of Peace.
The great purpose of the Maya Queen exhibits in 2018 (Kin 218) was to confirm her identity as Tz’akbu Ajaw, the wife of King Pakal. This completely discredited the theory of Jose Argüelles (Valum Votan) who thought that the identity of the queen of Temple XIII was the Lady Kabal Xoc from Yaxchilan (See page 11 of the “Galactic Meditation” booklet by Valum Votan). However, the Lady Kabal Xoc is buried under the Structure 23 of Yaxchilan, while the real Queen of Lakamha’ Palenque was buried in the Temple XIII (13) next to Pakal.
Therefore, we should refer to the Archetype of Tz’akbu Ajaw by her real name because the nickname “Red Queen” was just a temporary nickname before her identity was deciphered. In fact, the Queen Tz’akbu was a “White Queen” because she was a lineage holder of the White Solar Wind of Bolon Ik, as it is shown in the inscriptions, for example the attached image from the Tablet of Temple XIV (Temple 14)
* Learn more:
–Universal Wisdom from the Tz’akbu Ajaw Archetype
–Tz’akbu Ajaw: The Resurrection of the Maya Queen of Lakamha’
–The Galactic Feminine Cycles of Bolon Ik and the Queen Tz’akbu
24 August 2019 ~ NS
Wavespell Blog: https://wp.me/p83Oy1-3yg
KIN 43: Blue Self-Existing Night
Galactic Activation Portal
I define in order to dream
Measuring intuition
I seal the input of abundance
With the self-existing tone of form
I am guided by the power of self-generation
I am a galactic activation portal, enter me
Harmonic 11: Overtone Input
Inform Flowering of Radiance
* Journey:
– Tzolkin: Day 43. Column 3 of the Lunar Dragon.
– Wavespell of the Yellow Sun: Day 4.
– Self-Existing Chamber (Tone 4): Identify the Form.
– Red Eastern Castle of Turning: Court of Birth
– Galactic Season of the Dog: White Truth
* Kin Synthesis: 4 Night
Solar Seal 3 = Night
– Action: Dream
– Essence: Intuition
– Power: Abundance
Galactic Tone 4 = Self-existing
– Function: Form
– Creative Power: Define
– Action: Measure
* Oracle:
– Guide: 4 Storm (Kin 199)
– Analog: 4 Warrior (Kin 56)
– Antipode: 4 Skywalker (Kin 173)
– Occult: 10 Mirror (Kin 218)
* Root Race:
– Blue Family of the Blue Root Race.
– The Transformers. Key note: Abundance.
– Blue Members: Night, Hand, Monkey, Eagle, Storm
* Earth Family:
– Signal Family: Unravel the Mystery.
– Members: Red Skywalker, White Mirror, Blue Night, Yellow Star.
* Chromatic Clan:
– Yellow Fire Clan.
– Position: Solar Plexus. Action: Receive.
Galactic Maya “Dreamspell Tzolkin Count”
Powered by Tortuga 13:20 – Planet Art
Based on the visionary publication:
“Dreamspell: The Journey of Timeship Earth 2013” (1990-1991).
By José and Lloydine Argüelles (Valum Votan & Bolon Ik).
* Ancient Maya Tzolkin Count
Original Sacred Count of the Maya.
The Blueprint of the inter-dimensional 13:20 Tzolkin Matrix.
– 10 Kab’an = 10 Earth, Kin 257
– Kab’an = Earth, Thought, Knowledge.
– Trecena of Lamat (Venus) = Star Wavespell
* Discover more:
– Calendric Calculator:
Dreamspell Journey by Valum Votan & Bolon Ik
– In Loving Memory of José and Lloydine (Valum Votan & Bolon Ik), Ascended Masters of the New Time, Archetypal Mother and Father of the Planetary Kin.
– The Authors in Eternity of Dreamspell, the Telektonon Prophecy, the 13 Moon Calendar, The Discovery of the Law of Time is Art, The Galactic Culture Master Plan, The 20 Tablets, The 28 Meditations, amongst others.
– The Founders of the Planet Art Network (PAN), Harmonic Convergence, Day Out of Time, Rainbow Bridge Project, The World Thirteen Moon Calendar Change Peace Movement, the FLT, the Rinri Project, and the Earth Wizards seminaries.
In Lak’ech

#Dreamspell #DreamspellJourney #DreamspellGenesis #DreamspellTzolkin#DreamspellOracle #Maya #Tzolkin #Oracle #MayanTzolkin #MayanD
reamspell#MayanOracle #GalacticMaya #Synchronicity #DreamTime #RealTime #Matrix1320#Frequency1320 #NaturalTime #TimeIsArt #Tele
ktonon #13Moon #PlanetArtNetwork#ValumVotan #BolonIk #BookOfKin #Kin43 #SelfExistingNight #4Night #10Kaban#Tzakbu
Thankyou, Thankyou. The word ‘Shenanigans’ keeps pooping up for me a lot lately – made me laugh. I thought I was having problems today with not being able to get my ex out of head but realised that it’s him thinking about me and up to his Dark Shenanigans so I just set intention in my Rainbow Oracle Andara to block him whenever he thinks about me and it’s worked really well. He’s completely blocked out now. No more shenanigans in my head from him 😀
Typo – popping up, not pooping up. My God!!!! 😀 ha ha ha
I just had a totally awesome idea. I’ve set the intention in my Rainbow Oracle Andara to completely and totally block out everyone else’s Thoughts, Feelings and Energies so I don’t pick up on, am not aware of and don’t feel in anyway anyone else’s Thoughts, Feelings or Energies so I am only aware of Mine and my Higher Selves Thoughts, Feelings and Energies. I’ll do it for ‘Intentions’ too. I just cannot describe how intensely sensitive I am sometimes. The very worst thing for me, even worse than a crowded mall at Xmas time is Facebook. I tried Facebook 2 or 3 times and I usually pick up on so much from others – its so extremely uncomfortable what I pick up on sometimes and the amount I pick up on – I cannot describe in words ❤
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