Love Is The Pathway To Ascension ~ DIVINE UNIONS COMPLETE ~ Path of the Cathar Rose ~ MERCURY STATIONS DIRECT
Paul White Gold Eagle
Greetings Galactic Star Beings of our Universal Legions of Light
Mercury turns direct today at 8°08 Capricorn , 8:8 Portal of the LionsGate Frequency of our Lion Nation from Lyra. The Acceleration and Quickening of consciousness is amping up preparing for our Quantum Leap into the full Awakening Timeline.
Our local Soalris continues to release constant Solar Flares and Flashes with multiple C Class flares and 2 more powerful M Class flares today.
We also witnessed today, on the Scumann charts, multiple rainbow diamond columns of light with a 10:10 portal activation at 10hz. Pachamama received another massive activation today with a magnitude 7.0 earthquake in Indonesia, on the Ring of Fire at 6:06 UTC, encoded with the 66 code of Christ Consciousness. Great Spirit speaks to us in many Ways.
An unusual phenomena today as happening as the tail ofComet ZTF (C/2022 E3) is being disconnected from the body. She is releasing and sending the Divine Feminine energetics for the dismantling of all old false systems and sending in the Guardians of Gaia for the final phases of our Great Ascension.
The Master Codes are flowing in today directly from Mother/ Father God from the Great Central Sun through our Solaris and deep into the Heart Centers of all Sentient beings of the Way and deep into the Crystalline Core of Gaia. With these codes are the upgrades and keys to our Quantum Leap sequences into the New Human of homo luminous.
All our good people of Mother Earth are uplifted, released and redeemed in the True Light of Source. In the Mind of Buddha we realize our True Nature of Stillness and from the Power of Silence we rise in the Glory of the Golden Age of Heaven on Earth.
Our Rainbow Tribe of the New Earth is every color and every creed of every Nation. We honor and support all cultures in Unity Consciousness. The concept of the meek inheriting the earth is in being kind and compassionate to all our people of this realm. This is the powerful Path with heart. What the Great Sages and Seers call the Middle Path. All are equal in the Eyes of Spirit.
We walk the simple, direct and quick path to the Divine on our journey within, to the Kingdom of God at hand. Be in the Love of our Holy Spirit and shine out your Bright Virtue of your Eternal Bliss Consciousness….Aho!
Right now: Moon at 17°05′ Sagittarius, Sun at 28°34′ Capricorn
Current Sabian Symbols
Current Sabian Symbol for the Sun
A woman reading tea leaves.
Sabian Symbol for 29º Capricorn
The current Sabian Symbol of the Sun is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing solar influence, the vital energy and the personality, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this day, while the Sun’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 29º Capricorn.
Current Sabian Symbol for the Moon
Tiny children in sunbonnets.
Sabian Symbol for 18º Sagittarius
The current Sabian Symbol of the Moon is the symbol that characterizes the ongoing lunar influence, the emotional background, or it’s just a symbol which characterizes this moment, while the Moon’s position (rounded to the next degree) is 18º Sagittarius.
Pay attention!! ️ Solar activity is about to increase. This is Activating our Vibrational Frequency. The Sun as such is a Stellar Portal to our Ascension.
Things are certainly changing and energies are moving as we align with the new flow of energy. The Sun moves into Aquarius on Friday already! And a week later we have the Aquarius Gate 2/2 brining a powerful new focus on the flows of Plasma Light and Water to our Planet.
The new is emerging at incredible speed, and some people are having difficulty finding their way in this whirl of energies. Be kind…it is not easy for any of us.
I like to follow the path of the Cathar Rose…. to live with Grace, Gratitude and Rhythm. It is a powerful combination.
Grace is a deep and profound trust that all will be well. It comes from a deep inner connection with your Soul and your Higher Self. You just know you are supported and that miracles will occur on a daily basis if you need them.
Gratitude is a constant voicing of your gratitude to Spirit for the flow of Love and Miracles that manifest in your life. It means being aware of all that is given at all times!
And Rhythm…this is creating waves and patterns of Grace and Gratitude that lift you into Higher Frequencies even when you have to spend time in the chaos of the lower energies.
I like to create a “wave pattern” in my daily life. I start when I wake up with Gratitude and Prayers. Breakfast becomes a ceremony of gratitude and joy. Tea time is also a moment to do a “tea ceremony” and connect with the flow of abundance…….. and so I set up moments in the day that create a pattern of Higher Consciousness connection on a daily basis. This creates a Rhythmic Wave of Higher Consciousness that weaves through your day and creates Beauty and Balance, no matter what is going on elsewhere.
Peace and Joy are always possible on the Path of the Cathar Rose!
ALL remaining black magic, spells, curses, hexes, karmic connections, and all interference patterns that have been trying to prevent Divine Unions from completing, have been fully cleared and dissolved!! Allowing Divine Unions to complete in the physical now, as our Cosmic Re-Union unfolds & Divine Justice is being served!
Divine Union, balance, harmony and alignment have been achieved between the Cosmic Divine Masculine and Feminine energies and principles, and peace ensues!
As two become three, to be as ONE.
Filling, opening and igniting the Hearts and Minds of men and women with the infinite healing power of pure True Divine Love!
Restoring the Divine Plan & returning The Law of One to Earth and the Cosmos.
& become truly unstoppable!!
Everything is possible now!
With The Supernova of The Heart Event in full force and about to complete, we are rapidly Quantum shifting back to our New Eden and Heaven on Earth!
Ready to fully awaken from the dream within the dream …
As ALL IS ABOUT TO CHANGE FOREVER, in the blink of an eye!
Through the cosmic womb gates within and without. Here on the surface of our Earth the alchemising of both celestial and Inner Earth physiology is sustained in us.
Despite numerous attempts at meddling, the genetic template of this attainment is brought about by impeccable molecular bonding.
This is the Sidhe, High Fae, elemental and devic realms role on dimensional Earth.
Those who continuously interface consciously within the dimensional overlays of our galaxy and the elemental structure of our Earth, are carrying out great tasks on behalf of humanity and the beings within and on the surface of our planetary fields.
Between Solstice and Equinox cycles, much that has been locked in the dark recesses of our psyche is brought to the light to be freed up and integrated, unified and restored.
Our seasonal cycles are syncing up with greater cosmic cycles and their subsequent frequencies.
Time is officially up on all things artificial!
Although it is important to recognise ancestral DNA and integrate what lies within our planetary and off planetary lineages, it is not only about us integrating for integration sake, but more so a deep and lasting reclamation of self unto SELF.
The Divinity held in Nature continues to support us in this unfoldment.
For many, the A.I. overrides, shanghai’s and inverts, covets this truly sublime connection with the natural world.
This integral transfusion, of which we all hold vibrational reference points for, must under-go conscious restoration to anchor in and fully ‘Arrive’ on the Earth.
This is and of itself sublimely reanimating in us all during this current ascension cycle.
As we free ourselves through correct use of geomancy and alchemy, the elementals are in turn freed from that which has been severed through artificial and institutional misuse, enslavement and the raping of our precious resources, brought about by that which is trapped in an illusory fallen system.
We have been systematically programmed to fear the Inner Earth, however herein lies the source of our empowerment, vitality and sovereignty.
Don’t panic, remain organic!
As we harmonise with 2D telluric currents, we enter into pure resonance with Gaia. This deep exchange of symbiosis revitalises our innate relationship with the 2D telluric realms.
Much of the loving and careful preparation has already taken place for what continues to unfold at this juncture. To ensure our ultimate success, we must as individuals and a collective Free Will choose to heed the call and accept the divinely orchestrated gifts laid before us.
We are not only re~mem~ber~ing the importance of our symbiotic relationship with the kingdom collectives, but our own Metamorphic nature.
The following time line account serves in neutralising many probable convergences:
The Cathars saw Jesus as a realised person, directly accessible, therefore negating the power and purpose of the Church of Rome.
When the mass slaughtering of the Cathars by the Roman and Draconian invasion took place during the siege of Montsegur in France, they weren’t ready for what came next.
This was meant to bring about a massive fear fuelled timeline trigger event, which in part did.
However the divine codes held in the Cathars actualised blood was successfully transfused, as it saturated the soil. Instead this had a positive polarising effect as their Self realised nature, enlivened the elementals and the telluric currents at a 2D-4D level.
The Cathars are protectors of the Mother Arc as part of the Arc of the Covenant, And are sanctioned with the ability to open the planetary star gates and reinstate creational codes stolen and replicated by NAA.
Th Cathar codes continue to activate the land and us as we release the fragmentation of phantom matrices and recapture through the innerstanding of what we hold in our own precious pure blood codes and keys.
The purity of this alchemising creates a deep connection within the telluric currents pulsating in us all.
The original Eucharistic elements are said to authentically be a Siriun ritual – the body and blood / bread and wine through the Heart of the Christos – not the inversion coveted agenda version.
This transubstantiation is an ingenious enactment brought about by symbiotic plants in Heavenly and Earthly elemental organic exchange.
Not all is as it seems.
And although we are by no means completely out of the woods as yet with the 3D trapping mechanisms playing out on the programme screens of mental essence, nevertheless we can readily attune with this Divine Life affirming sacrament.
As we fully receive from the ocean of divine mercy, we restore the timelines and organic creatrix fields of Earth’s sacred body. This supports us in catatalising our personal and planetary prospects.
Babble on, Babylon … blah blah blah …
And as the distorted narrative continues to collapse under the weight of its own absurdity, keep staying in your own lane, choosing your optimal timeline and reality.
Love is a pathway through which we can become aware of ourselves and our true nature.
If you want to live your life the way you want, you need to love. If you want to grow spiritually, if you want to be in love with life and all that it has to offer, then you have to learn how to love yourself.
The first step is always the hardest, but once you get over that hump, it gets easier every day.
Love is a vibration that moves through time and space and connects us to our origins. It can be felt as vibration or color.
Love is also an energy that connects us to each other and all life forms in this universe. It has no beginning or end but exists everywhere at once, always moving through time and space. It’s a frequency that exists within all living things, from trees and animals to humans.
Meditation is the possibility of stillness, which can bring you to a climax of awareness. You will be able to see the other dimensions, to travel not only in space but also in time, and, furthermore, to communicate with higher beings with all their wisdom and experience.
Love and awareness are two sides of a coin that have been minted from your own consciousness. Both can be used as tools for spiritual growth. They are both needed for your awakening and transformation in all ways possible.
The first step in spiritual growth is to learn how to let go of what doesn’t serve you anymore so that you can open up to receiving more from what does serve you instead.
Ascension is the process of moving from one state of being to another. It is a journey that takes us away from our current state of being and brings us closer to where we came from—our source.
If you do not have love in your heart, you are not on the path to ascension. You may be on the path, but it will take you further away from your potential for ascension.
When we are in love, we are closer to our source than at any other time in our lives because love is at the heart of everything that happens in life.
Love is what keeps us alive and moving forward on this planet. Love is what allows us to grow as beings and transform ourselves into fully realized beings who can live in harmony with each other and with all of creation.
Our purpose as human beings is to grow into the full realization of what we truly are as spiritual beings inhabiting physical bodies on this planet before we move onto higher planes of existence.
Our purpose as human beings is to learn how to live in harmony with each other so that we can share this planet as brothers and sisters who share life’s joys and sorrows together without fighting over them or taking them personally.
When you are in love, you are fully present and aware of your own existence. Love is an awareness that is so complete. When you are in this state of being, there is no need to worry about anything else; there is no fear, there is no anxiety, and there is no suffering at all.
In this state, you can do whatever you want because your mind has been transformed into a loving mind. You will literally love everything around you because love creates peace in the heart and mind.
This is not to say that there is no wrong in the world. There is. But who are you to interfere with any structure? All structures have been given by nature; you cannot be the one who will change them. You can only love, but you cannot interfere with the way things are being done around you. “Love and allow.” This is the only teaching of all religions and of all sages. Allow things to be.
Without love in this journey toward God-realization, there is no possibility of being fulfilled. Love creates energy, makes you strong, and helps you ascend to higher and higher levels.
And as you proceed in your quest for glory, always remember that love flows from God, so do not try to force it outside. Find the source within yourself, and love will be there. But when you claim to love someone from outside, then it becomes a fake game. So the inner journey has to be continued, and the outer journey may follow as part of nature’s law.
Even the smallest effort put into the idea of love will make a world of difference in your life and the lives of those around you.
It’s true that there can be challenging times when working towards love, particularly when we are faced with difficult circumstances, but it is most important to hold on to the belief that something greater than ourselves is at work here.
We have been loveless for so long that this has become something like a forgotten art. And without love, without a massive wave of love in life, the alternative is bleak.
Love and awareness are your two wings. Love prepares you for awareness, and awareness liberates you from all conditioning. There is no limit—you are free. You cannot be trapped by anything!
We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
We are the Galactic Federation.
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Trust that the Most High is designing your desired life of peace and happiness with you. Communicate with Him what you do want, and set boundaries with what you don’t want. Dreams may be helping you see things that were hidden as well, so be sure to trust what is being revealed. God is listening and is bringing structure to your life through detoxing and purifying what needs to go. Then your vibration will raise, opening you up to being a match to receive the life you are manifesting.
In Jesus Christ’s name amen. God bless you 🕊 Love Carolyn
Transformation always comes in the gaps. This is the teaching of the Gift of Realism; we plan for luck. We set up our easel, start a business, whatever the form may be, and go through the motions. We don’t know when or how or what, but sooner or later a breakthrough will occur. We just have to begin, and it has to come from our heart. Sooner or later, because we’re doing what we believe in and build a structure, fortune will find us.
The 64 Ways
“This 60th Gene Key is one of the deepest transmissions of the Gene Keys. Itʼs not easy to penetrate and understand. It will take some time as we contemplate it. The Shadow here is Limitation. We hear that word and perhaps think, oh no, I donʼt want to be limited. But we are and always will be until we’re dead! Even then, who knows! Limitation is not the enemy.” – Richard Rudd, 64 Ways
Mercury stations DIRECT today, which means it is at a complete standstill right now.
The change of directions occurs on a powerful degree 8° 8’ in Capricorn and makes it particularly powerful.
8 is the leadership number – power, dedication, vision, abundance.
Capricorn is the leadership sign – career, responsibility, endurance.
This means you will step up on all levels moving forward, especially in regards to your career.
When Mercury stations direct we have more focus – and in Capricorn the focus will be on your goals and intentions.
What direction do you want to go in?
It’s an excellent time to devote your energy to staying on that track.
This Mercury retrograde ends on a Wednesday, which is the day dedicated to Mercury…so the impact is even more powerful.
On the next day the Moon enters Capricorn from January 19 – 21, making the Mercury direct in Capricorn experience even more dynamic as we deeply tap into the energy for a few days.
Even more magnification is added by the 8° 8’ code of infinite resources, abundance and leadership.
You are tapping into what it means to OWN each one of your decisions, actions, every moment.
This is how it feels to take your power back – your thoughts, your actions, your chosen direction at any given time.
On January 18, 2023, Mercury’s 3-week retrograde journey (since December 29, 2022) ends. Astrologically, this takes place at 8°08’ Capricorn and only 4 degrees from the asteroid Hygeia. In the sky, this shows the apparent movement of Mercury from “backward” to “forward” again. Mercury has now fully passed Earth in its orbit.
Any station point for a planet is a “still point”, meaning a point where there isn’t any perceptible movement. With “As Above, So Below”, it’s a still point for what Mercury symbolizes within us, the mind, communication, thinking processes and perceptions. This is a point of the mind at rest and perhaps even a strong desire to move the energy in getting clarity but the timing is not yet here.
Mercury is 20° from the Sun (current elongation) at this station point in Capricorn and in the early morning sky (visible with a clear horizon before sunrise). It is also in the constellation of the Archer and above the ecliptic (path of the Sun across the sky). This is above a part of the sky where the Archer is drawing back the arrow, readying it to let loose.
About Capricorn
What is the “mind” of Capricorn? As an earth sign, Capricorn’s physical senses are primary and this archetype tends to think through and perceive by what is practical, long-term and will it achieve tangible results and support for a given family, organization or community. Reality is “locked in” with Capricorn, with tendencies toward conservative decisions before taking any action. Spontaneity and instinct are not in the language of Capricorn.
Capricorn desires to build, to manage and direct. Capricorn perceives when things need to be done and is concerned with doing whatever is needed to see something built in the right way. It’s also an archetype that seeds the long-term as knowledge and wisdom carrier, stemming from the ancient “circle of grandmothers” imagery.
In modern society and especially capitalism, Capricorn has had its shadow exercised for short-term gain/profit or simply padding the bottom-line of corporations without concern for the impact outside of that focus. With Mercury stationing direct here, this could be a way to have greater introspection and meditation about what can serve humanity in the long-term and placing profit on a lower level of priority.
Into Direct Motion
Mercury retrogrades at least three times per year, with 2022 and 2023 having four synodic cycles, which include the whole retrograde loop of the planet. 2023 kicks off a theme of the ancient element of earth at each of the synodic cycles. Capricorn is the first one, followed by Taurus in April/May and Virgo in August/September.
For some, the station point of Mercury is a sigh of relief to all of life’s ills. But as I shared in a previous article about Mercury retrograde, this “messenger” planet gets blamed for a lot of the foibles of our lives and humanity. There are MANY other planets aspecting and shifting direction, among other things, but Mercury is a popular scapegoat. And certainly in this time of being in the sign of Capricorn, one of the shadow-sides of the sign is indeed a “scapegoat”.
On the flip side, Mercury direct is not all “everything is A-Ok” each and every time. For example, if Mercury stationed direct near or in conjunction with Pluto or Saturn on a person’s natal Moon, this could be a powerful trigger for rough-patch with family, their old identity and any attachments to it. It could bring up obligations where the opportunity to let them go is there, but it would at the same time be stressful and potentially intense.
Mercury direct is the primary apparent motion (as for all planets). But unlike all other planets (except Venus), Mercury never gets more than about 27° from the Sun (Venus can reach about 47° from the Sun as viewed from Earth and all others can get to 180°). This is due to our geocentric perspective (meaning an Earth-bound view) since Mercury orbits between the Earth and Sun and inside of Venus’ orbit as well. During this period of direct motion beginning in Capricorn, Mercury will get 25° from the Sun on the 30th of January and will be a little bit better to see.
Hygeia, the asteroid, will also be featured in this station point for Mercury. While it is not officially part of the Shamanic Astrology Paradigm, I do work with it in charts and feel it contributes something of value into the interpretation of the charts. Hygeia connects us to our own wellness and self-care. We can add it to help us de-stress from the burdens and obligations we take on from work, family and much more. Hygeia guides us to treat ourselves with healthy medicine in our physical and mental/emotional health.
Final Thoughts on Mercury Stationing Direct
One thing to note about Mercury and other planets where an astrologer talks about its retrograde cycle, is its so-called “shadow”. For Mercury, these are the degrees of when it goes direct, then to the point of when it went originally retrograde at 24°21’ Capricorn. For this time period, it is from January 18th until February 6th that Mercury is in its own “shadow”, meaning the area of the sky and degrees it had already gone through twice.
In my own practice, I typically don’t talk about this since it is a bit more subtle for most people and something only when we dig deep into the transits themselves. So, in my view it is nothing to fear or worry much about. However, if Mercury is going back and forth over a personal point in a person’s natal chart, especially in conjunction, then it is worth noting and paying attention to.
For example, my Ascendant (Rising Sign) is 14°23’ Capricorn, so it is something I’ve been acutely interested in for my life, and its impact so far has been some challenges I’ve encountered as an astrology teacher and contributor. I’ve had more moments of deeper thought and looking at myself. It has spurred on more motivation to educating myself as a student and learning more about my chosen craft from other perspectives. But also in seeking out help when needed.
Mercury is a guide and teacher for us all in the qualities it resonates with, specifically to do with the mind, thought processes, communication and even our nervous system. If we step into the frame with a perspective of Mercury as a helper and guide, then we may overcome our anxieties around the nature of this planet and its symbolism. Instead of grasping onto something so strongly that its air-tight, we can open to other ways of doing things or seeing ourselves in beyond the tension we may create.
In the language of Shamanic Egyptian Astrology, Mercury is allied with Thoth, the Sacred Scribe. Capricorn is allied with Khnum. Thoth and Khnum are ancient archetypes – their stories emerge from the mists of pre-history – and both play a role in the Egyptian creation story. Khnum created the living beings of Earth on a potter’s wheel. Thoth is the creator of language, writing, and time. These three – language, writing, time – are central to our perception of reality.
Our thoughts determine what we believe reality to be. Our words reinforce that perception and communicate it to others. Language is crucial to building a collective vision; a collective vision is key to our survival. This collective vision becomes our reality construct.
Our reality construct isn’t static; it is a perception that changes over time. Whenever we go through a process of transformation and change, Khnum invites us back on his potter’s wheel and gives us a spin. He remakes our energetic body so that our container can better hold the transformations we are experiencing. Collectively, we are experiencing a shift in our reality construct. We need a new structure – a new container – to better hold this change.
Our present time is rife with conflict generated by the dissolution of our old reality construct and uncertainty of what our new reality will be. There’s not a whole lot we as individuals can do about this; we’re pretty much just along for the ride. But we can examine our own containers and create structures that better address our changing reality. As we exit this Mercury in Capricorn retrograde period, commit to making changes in your own life structures that will support internal and external change.
Mercury turns direct on January 18 at Capricorn 8°08’.
Mercury stations direct in Capricorn on the Sabian symbol An Angel Carrying A Harp. Sun conjunct Pluto in Capricorn – After three weeks of reviewing and restructuring around matters concerning career, responsibilities, commitments and accomplishments, the impetus is to begin building again. Realisation follows realisation but still the atmosphere is intense. Despite the angelic lilt from Mercury’s Sabian, life is not always love and light.
The solar conjunction to Pluto reminds us that sometimes life is downright terrifying. Sometimes we scare ourselves. The challenge today is to allow the fears to move through you. Some fear is necessary for survival – don’t touch the flames! Other fears are born of our conditioning – the fear of change, the fear of failure, the fear of never being truly seen. See your fear for what it is. See yourself as you are. You are glory made flesh, powerful beyond measure. All endings are followed by rebirth. Release what doesn’t resonate with your true nature. Sing your soul song. Regenerate your light.
XIR210346 The Harpist, 1859 (oil on canvas) by Herbert or Hebert, Antoine Auguste Ernest (1817-1908) oil on canvas 50×32 Musee Hebert, Paris, France Lauros / Giraudon French, out of copyright
‘Spectral’ is the name for the number eleven and its key words are ‘Liberate, Dissolve and Release.’ The 11th day of any wavespell is about being liberated, ironically because of the mathematics involved in the Tzolkin…the 11th day is always the challenge of the first day of the wavespell. The Blue Eagle has no hold on us today, we can take a break from its influence. We can enjoy a day off from flying like an Eagle.
Today is Red Serpent which represents ‘Life Force, Survival and Instinct.’ It is said a coiled serpent lies in the base chakra (kundalini) and when it uncoils and reaches the crown chakra, enlightenment is reached. This symbolizes the need to balance our earthly grounded nature (base chakra) with our spiritual nature (crown chakra). When you combine the meaning of the number and the day the result is ‘liberate to survive’ or ‘release life force’. To summarize; today is about letting go and releasing, a liberating experience which has the potential to be very healing. Shed your old self and emerge renewed as serpent medicine is very powerful. If the serpent lingers in the base chakra too long, it can lead to sex addiction. If you are feeling frisky today, it’s that serpent energy building up…let it go and you will feel more balanced. The Spectral Serpent offers liberation through rebalancing these energies and so a potentially very healing day.
Today is Guided by Red Serpent and so it is a double helping.
The Challenge of the day is Blue Eagle so if you are one, you may find today it’s hard to see things from a higher perspective which is usually what you are good at. Stay grounded today and you’ll get by alright. Whether you are an Eagle or not, today having your head in the clouds won’t help you. Plant your feet firmly on the ground and connect yourself with the earth just like the serpent. We’ve all been in our heads too much anyway throughout this wavespell and so a day off is quite refreshing.
Today’s Occult or magic power is the Yellow Warrior who loves to go on missions. When tackling problems, the Warrior can help tremendously. Remember to express your willpower today as if you have a sword by your side. Take no bull and spring into action with the confidence of a Warrior. You may find you feel compelled to go on a magical quest!
Today’s Ally is White Wizard, if you need support Wizards are there to help. Their charm and knowledge of spells can be quite useful. If you don’t know one, be like a Wizard and that’ll help you navigate the day.
23- Royal Star of the LION /Strength/Protection/Support
KIN 245 (2+4+5=11!) = 2 Partnership/Co-op
11 – Portal/Gate/Polarity
A Powerfully LIBERATING day releasing the chains of FEAR to reclaim our FREEDOM!!
BE AWARE – Today’s code is highly combustible – we have a DOUBLE serpent code – bringing up FEAR and SURVIVAL issues, which needs to be RELEASED, in order to LIBERATE more of our LIFE-FORCE. The 9 COMPLETION code and KIN code will ensure we can WALK through the DOOR to claim our FREEDOM as the old paradigm collapses behind us, crumbling to ASHES.
Through this TEST we have a HUGE opportunity to BREAK FREE from the FEAR MATRIX!!
Visualize the energies of CALMNESS and JOY – flowing FREELY and humanity being FULLY LIBERATED from the Matrix game!
Day 11 (ALREADY!!! – didn’t we just start our VISION quest??) in the BLUE EAGLE Wavespell – where we are being asked to FLY HIGH – and focus on the BIG PICTURE so that we can CREATE IT!… Envisioning the Highest timeline for ourselves and our Planet.. as our VISION-ARY POWERS and 3rd EYE are AWAKENED and ACTIVATED!
Today the EAGLE’s POWER is very STRONGLY – LIBERATING our CLEAR VISION – challenging us to RISE ABOVE the FEAR and SURVIVAL issues, leaving the past behind us, in order to RELEASE more LIFE FORCE needed to energize our future creations.
SPECTRAL – tone 11 in the EMOTIONAL plane! The Spectral power is that of DISSOLUTION, LIBERATION and RELEASE. The eleventh day of the BLUE EAGLE Wavespell is the one that LIBERATES our BIGGEST VISION.
As it is an EMOTIONAL realm day – there may be a greater tendency for people to “lose it”. The old FEAR based SURVIVAL issues rise to the fore, in order to be dissolved and RELEASED, to make way for your BIGGER VISION – based on FAITH and TRUST in the Divine Plan..
TRUST, TRUST, TRUST – is the message I kept getting today from SPIRIT.
Make no mistake beloveds, today’s code is a very powerful thrust for our evolutionary journey. We are on our way back home!
Divine blessings for your MAJIK FLIGHT!
Today’s questions are ” How can I dissolve and release any FEAR based survival instincts, LIBERATING more vitality and LIFE-FORCE, reclaiming my FREEDOM, in order to soar as the GOLDEN EAGLE!!
“Are we ready to dissolve the illusion of F.E.A.R. in the False Matrix to finally celebrate our PLANETARY LIBERATION?”
Divine blessings for your MAJIKAL FLIGHT and re-GENESIS, as we ALL RISE from the ASHES!
In Lak’ech a la kin
Christina White Magnetic Worldbridger – KIN 66
CONSCIOUS SELF & HIGHER SELF: RED SPECTRAL SERPENT – CHICCHAN Today’s CODE is the DOUBLE SERPENT – which highlights FEAR, SURVIVAL and health/healing issues X 2 which are today’s concerns.
The SERPENT holds incredible wisdom, life-force and vitality. It’s toxic bite – can end your LIFE – so RED SERPENT, and the whole SNAKE reptilian species, evoke very primal FEAR responses in humans – particularly the FEAR of DEATH – and our mortality. These are HUGE limiting thoughts and collective patterns, held in our psyche and reptilian brains, which were programmed to PROTECT us from DANGER – through our FIGHT or FLIGHT response mechanism!
The bizarre behaviour of hoarding toilet paper in response to the CV, is a perfect example of how quickly, rational people can degenerate, due to primal FEAR and SURVIVAL issues. The last 2 years we have witnessed a GLOBAL WAVE of irrational FEAR take hold, as the masses have descended into this INSTINCTUAL response, due to the constant F.E.A.R. triggers being broadcast daily through the media. It is NOW TIME – to FLICK this SWITCH!!
F.E.A.R.= FALSE EVIDENCE APPEARING REAL – In order to RISE above the FEAR – we have to tell ourselves that NONE OF THIS IS REAL!!! It is all an ILLUSION that our reptilian brains have processed as REAL! The “new normal” is NOT the REALITY we are choosing. It CLEARLY does not ALIGN with the HIGHEST VISION for humanity and thus must be categorically REJECTED by the wayshowers and cocreators of our new paradigm.
The VISIONARY STAR BLISS SUNS have a duty, to RISE ABOVE this global FEAR and HOLD THE VISION no matter what appears to challenge this!
The SPECTRAL SERPENT is our ally today, guiding us to LIBERATE ourselves (and humanity) from these instinctual SURVIVAL responses – transcending the old primitive reptilian brain, being guided by the BLUE EAGLE to operate from our HIGHER God mind and divine intuitive responses. Today’s SAGITTARIUS moon will provide the courage to FREE ourselves from all constraints and detach from the FEAR..
RED Serpent is providing incredible life force energy, to raise our kundalini in order to fuel our rise from the ashes.
We are all too familiar with the story of how a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly, building a cocoon in which to incubate before undergoing a miraculous metamorphosis. Then finally BREAKING OUT of its self imposed prison, the chrysalis, in order to fly FREE as a beautiful butterfly.
In order to transform, the courageous caterpillar must literally DISSOLVE its old body, as it liquefies its cells inside the cocoon. To grow and transform you must SURRENDER and DISSOLVE the old YOU! That is why they call it “growing pains”. This analogy is a very powerful metaphor for our soul’s journey.
Change and transformation takes great courage and strength and incredible fortitude, it is not for the weak minded! That is why so many people REFUSE to change and grow, preferring to stay “SAFE” – which is what our Egoic thoughts tell us to do!
The courage to PUSH through all the barriers, restrictions and challenges, creates the FRICTION needed to instigate great change. The journey is long and arduous and not for the weak, or faint hearted. However like all great Heroes returning from their journey, the rewards are priceless and immeasurable. You return changed and a better person, wiser, stronger, never to return to that previous smaller version of yourself. That is the GOLD you have reaped – the Holy Grail, through true ALCHEMY OF THE SOUL.
In order to take your MAJIK FLIGHT OF REGENESIS you need to have journeyed through the abyss, and faced the shadow of Death, and risen AGAIN and AGAIN, fresh and victorious ready to CELEBRATE your miraculous achievement.
If you feel that your Ascension journey has been painful, arduous and filled with endless suffering then take HEART dear precious STAR BLISS SUN, as we are now crossing the FEAR barrier and being LIBERATED into the Golden Age!
The PHOENIX is RISING and our planet is too, at this momentous evolutionary point in Earth’s her-story!
The RED SPECTRAL SERPENT symbolizes the RISING of the PHOENIX, and the SNAKE is synonymous with the zodiac sign of SCORPIO... Scorpio’s know all about rising from the underworld, above all their addictions and personal trials, in order to become the GOLDEN EAGLE and HOLY WHITE DOVE/SPIRIT. The ultimate Spiritual METAMORPHOSIS..
We are currently transitioning from the SCORPIO MOON cycle the last 2 days so – the pot is boiling as we feel the HEAT to change, release and LET GO..flowing into the LIBERATING and jovial SAGITTARIUS energy.
Today’s SPECTRAL SERPENTS are opening the DOOR for this process to happen – ensuring we are truly FREE of the TRAUMA and NIGHTMARE of the PAST – that has kept us imprisoned and hounded by the past, despite our earnest desires to walk away FREE….
This SATURDAY 21ST JANUARY we commence a beautiful NEW cycle, marked by the brilliant YELLOW STAR – which closes this TZOLKIN spin, and heralds the NEW TIME.. This day is also celebrated as LUNAR NEW YEAR with the YEAR of the YIN WATER RABBIT arriving on SUNDAY 22 ND JANUARY… All beautiful energies preceding the NEW BIRTH with KIN 1 – MAGNETIC DRAGON on 3rd FEBRUARY 2023…
Lots of FRESH and vibrant, uplifting energies are on their way, after the intensity of this unusual RETRO challenge phase opening the GREGORIAN YEAR of 2023..
And so today we have entered the DOOR to PLANETARY LIBERATION engendered by the SPECTRAL PHASE – We have a 13 day SPECTRAL CYCLE from the SPECTRAL SERPENT until we reach the DOUBLE SPECTRAL MIRROR – on JANUARY 31ST, 2023
KIN 258 – the DOUBLE SPECTRAL MIRROR will OBLITERATE the old Artificial Matrix/MIRROR world… After it CRUMBLES and FALLS there is absolutely no possibility of being held back. HALLELUJAH HALLELUJAH HALLELUJAH
This INITIATION through this ASCENSION GATE – is building up our COURAGE and resilience. To CLAIM our SOVEREIGNTY and POWER in order to RISE UP and take the LEAD. As we hold the REINS we can collectively decide which way to STEER our PLANET out of the FEAR and into the NEW LIGHT.
This is the phase where the PHOENIX rises, reborn again as the GOLDEN EAGLE and takes FLIGHT as the SEER and PROPHET – seeing with absolute clarity from a DIVINE perspective. Thus DIVINE JUSTICE is served as we transcend the FEAR, SURVIVAL and lower planes and continue to ASCEND until we merge with the Holy Spirit becoming the pure Holy white dove – our metamorphosis completed through this Ascension stage.
Today’s DOUBLE SERPENT code is reactivating our planetary Serpents – the feminine Rainbow Serpentand her consort Quetzacoatl – the Masculine Feathered/Plumed Serpent – Our SERPENTS are AWAKENED and ENERGIZED – ready to RELEASE their store of PLANETARY LIFE FORCE energies – fuelling the DIVINE PLAN for EARTH through her LIBERATION
As GAIA ASCENDS we ALL ASCEND – we are all on this crazy magnificent roller coaster ride together… HOLD ON TIGHT!
Globally we may witness Volcanic eruptions Earth QUAKING and activity/movement in our planetary grids. Powerful UPRISING and revelations may be stirred, which will LIBERATE HU-MAN-ity on a grand scale…
Huge COSMIC forces are now being injected into GAIA’s energy body to fuel the next stage of her Ascension journey!!
SUPPORT: WHITE SPECTRAL WIZARD – IX is providing the POWER of ENCHANTMENT through WHITE MAJIK, to BREAK the dark hypnotic MATRIX SPELL !! IX has the ability to channel DIVINE POWER to unshackle us from the chains. A great Magician uses his tremendous POWER to LIBERATE others, not control, manipulate or enslave!
Through being STILL and introspective we can calm our reptilian instinctual responses – just as the dangerous cobras are charmed and pacified, through the tunes of the mystical Snake “charmers” Indeed calming and charming, is a brilliant soothing panacea for the PANIC response engendered through the Serpentine energies. Be STILL and just BREATHE!
IX connects us to Spirit through our PURE HEARTS today and brings forth great wisdom through many realms. The LIBERATION of Divine White Majik through SPIRIT, is providing the miraculous power for our alchemical transformation, in preparation for our PLANETARY MAJIK FLIGHT OF REGENESIS!
OCCULT/HIDDEN POWER: YELLOW ELECTRIC WARRIOR CIB is the courageous and brave, fearless warrior who supports you in your QUEST today. CIB can SMASH through any FEAR barrier as he fearlessly continues his journey, led by his HIGHEST DIVINE MISSION… Of course he must face his human fears as he is tested along his path…but as his EYES are continually on the BIG PRIZE he draws on the strength and power needed to catapult past any dangerous hurdles.
The ELECTRIC WARRIOR superpower is focused on bonding with our kin, UNITED in our conviction to break through the barriers of the false matrix, to enact the true Divine Plan on our unified quest. VIVA la revolution!
Call on your inner Rainbow Warrior today to help you rise above any irrational FEAR responses… Allow CIB to bring you the courage and fortitude, for your journey through the flames of transmutation and transfiguration, for your majestic REBIRTH!
CHALLENGE/GIFT: BLUE SPECTRAL EAGLE MEN brings forth DOUBLE the wondrous GIFTS today as both the Wavespell and today’s GIFT. BLUE EAGLE is the challenge that strengthens your resolve, to overcome the darkness and FEAR based living… To RISE ABOVE and CHOOSE to LIVE and VIEW life, from the higher realms and dimensions, where souls are truly FREE to soar!
BLUE EAGLE beckons you to raise your VISION, and keep your finely tuned FOCUS always on the BIGGER PICTURE, that is, the final outcome. Rather than choosing to wither and die from SCAR-CITY and lack, choose to regenerate and GROW stronger each day.
CHOOSE LIFE. The EAGLE’S blessing is a truly Divine gift today. Tap into the Eagle’s power to create Miraculous growth and transformation.
Eagles soar in the skies, and Serpents dwell in the Earth. Ironically EAGLES feed on SNAKES, proving that GREAT VISION and IN-SIGHT conquers FEAR… Stand up TALL and view LIFE from a higher plane. YOU are the KING of your domain!
The SPECTRAL SERPENT allows us to continue shedding anything obstructing our FLIGHT! This is the airport gateway that we walk through, leaving behind our baggage, ready to board that MAJIK FLIGHT! Onwards and upwards!
Make no mistake beloveds, today’s code is a very powerful thrust for our evolutionary journey. We are on our way back home!
Divine blessings for your MAJIK FLIGHT!
Today’s questions are ” How can I dissolve and release any FEAR based survival instincts, LIBERATING more vitality and LIFE-FORCE, reclaiming my FREEDOM, in order to soar as the GOLDEN EAGLE!!
“Are we ready to dissolve the illusion of F.E.A.R. in the False Matrix to finally celebrate our PLANETARY LIBERATION?”
Divine blessings for your MAJIKAL FLIGHT and re-GENESIS, as we ALL RISE from the ASHES!
Beloved I AM Presence, Beloved Angels of the Healing Flame, Beloved Mother Mary and Archangel Raphael, beloved Hilarion and all Beings of Light serving on the Ray of Healing.
I come now before Thy flame to request healing in God’s name.
I stand with my God Presence to be liberated and healed from all physical burdens through Thy Healing Light and Love.
I also ask to be healed from all etheric scars, mental and emotional traumas from this life and from the past.
Flame of Healing of purest green, bless my form and make me whole!
Pour comfort into my soul and enlightenment for my mind.
I AM God’s Perfection manifest in body, mind and soul. I AM God’s Healing Light flowing to make me whole.
I AM the Master Presence charging all my bodies with Love.
Beloved God Presence, as I transform my consciousness,
Let heaven’s perfection manifest in my daily life,
Send thy Ray of Healing upon my soul!
I AM Christ Presence charging me with Thy Radiant Healing Light until I become the full manifestation of that Light.
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