IT WORKS! The Famous Little Red Book That Makes Your Dreams Come True
You can Live the Life of Your DREAMS. With the Law of Attraction, you can manifest in your life all that you desire!
You can Live the Life of Your DREAMS. With the Law of Attraction, you can manifest in your life all that you desire!
obra and the Resistance Movement have several times asked us to refrain from speculation as to the timing of The Event.
Beloved Ones, the Equinox on March 2018 is a powerful moment in the Spiral of the Sacred Year. The Equinox Star Gate is an 8th Dimensional Solar Gateway and it is transmitting waves of Diamond Light to the Earth along with powerful magnetic waves of Light Codes and Water Codes.
On Tuesday, March 20th the Equinox occurs at 0 degrees Aries, when day and night are equal length. The Equinox Stargate exits in zero point energy – the balance point between opposing forces. It is a rare moment of galactic equilibrium, the gate is opening to unlimited creative potential.
The Event is Coming soon. Victory to the Light!!
The Event is coming soon. In this video I explain few ways to prepare for the Event and the Ascension of Gaia.
Whether mere bumps in the road or genuine crises, we live in a world of unwanted events that no willpower can prevent. In The Art of Disappearing, Ajahn Brahm helps us learn to abandon the headwind of false expectations and follow instead the Buddha’s path of understanding. Releasing our attachment to past and future, to self and other, we can directly experience the natural state of serenity underlying all our thoughts and discover the bliss of the present moment.
The Event Is Upon Us by Dawn Bailey, Guest writer, The event is upon us By research, visions and channelings. I have narrowed it down to the 3rd week in…
Saint Germain on Soul Freedom and Self-Realization for Aquarian Initiates
exual energy is connected to one of the deepest Goddess mysteries, the mystery of reintegration of female and male polarities into Ascension.