FISA Memo To Be Released And MSM, Dems Prepared To Scorch The Earth To Mitigate Fallout

Since news broke of the classified FISA abuse memo prepared by the House Intelligence Committee, one that Democrats on the committee unsuccessfully attempted to block the full 435 members of the House from seeing, which led to to a massive #ReleaseThememo campaign, with Rep. Mark Meadows even publishing a petition for Americans to sign demanding the release of the four page memo

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New Light Codes Will be Activated at the Lunar Eclipse in Leo

Coming up for a very powerful week. First we have the Full Moon/Blue Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse in Leo on the 31st. Lots of powerful Divine Feminine energy flowing and urging us to dive deep and discover the sources of our own personal power. As with any depth process, this may not be easy, and you may find yourself having to confront things that trigger you or make you uncomfortable in some way. Don't despair, keep going deeper until you hit that bedrock of raw creative power that is in each one of us.

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